How much money was found from god kuzi. The swindler took the money of "god Kuzi" from the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow put on the wanted list a 59-year-old native of Omsk, Yuri Tsukerman, who is suspected of embezzling a large amount of money from the police, which was material evidence in the case of the leader of a religious sect, Andrei Popov, known as "God Kuzya."

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that Mr. Zuckerman is accused in absentia of committing a crime under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on an especially large scale). According to investigators, in 2016, a follower of the “God Kuzi” sect, Zuckerman, forged documents stating that he had given Zhanna Frolushkina, one of Andrey Popov’s assistants, who is with him in a criminal case, 215 million rubles for safekeeping. The corresponding amount was seized by the police, investigating a criminal case on the machinations of Kuzi.

According to paragraph 2.1.8 of the storage agreement, Mrs. Frolushkina undertook to return to Mr. Zuckerman the funds that were transferred to her, or an identical amount in the same currency. However, despite repeated appeals to the defendant after the expiration of the storage period established by the agreement, the money was not returned to him. And after the initiation of a criminal case, they were transferred as material evidence to the financial support center (CFD) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow.

The Khimki City Court, to which Mr. Zuckerman applied, established that the money confiscated from the accused Frolushkina belonged to him. The Moscow Regional Court upheld this decision. Then the bailiff initiated enforcement proceedings, in which 215 million rubles. were transferred from the account of the Central Federal District to the deposit of the division for the execution of especially important enforcement proceedings of the bailiff service. From there, at the request of Mr. Zuckerman, the money was transferred to his Sberbank account.

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in turn, applied to the court to review the decision of the Khimki City Court in connection with newly discovered circumstances. In particular, the police found out that earlier Mr. Zuckerman applied with similar demands to Zhanna Frolushkina to the Shcherbinsky District Court of Moscow, which refused him. In addition, the police informed the Moscow Regional Court that the money that Mr. Zuckerman received was seized precisely as part of a criminal case on fraud, to which they were later attached as material evidence.

According to the decision of the judge of the Khimki City Court, about 80 million rubles were arrested on the accounts of Mr. Zuckerman. In addition, an apartment, as well as Mercedes-Benz and Gelandewagen cars, fell under interim measures. Moreover, he managed to re-register one of the cars to a third party.

Having considered the complaint of the police, the court, at the meeting of which Mr. Zuckerman did not appear, ruled to recover from him all the funds transferred by the Central Federal District. At the same time, the recovery was also directed to the already arrested money and property. The wanted Zuckerman is now believed to be in Israel. In turn, the "god Kuzya" and his closest supporters will soon be brought to justice. According to investigators, actively using methods of physical and mental influence, they sought to ensure that people gave them their last means.

Metropolitan police are looking for a man who stole 215 million rubles, which was kept as material evidence in a criminal case against the previously arrested sect leader Andrei Popov, also known as "God Kuzya."

"The Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow has initiated and is investigating a criminal case under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "fraud on an especially large scale" against a 59-year-old native of Omsk," Rossiyskaya Gazeta was told on Wednesday by the press service of the Moscow Police Headquarters .

According to the investigation, the man produced forged documents, on the basis of which in 2016 the court ruled to recover in his favor over 215 million rubles, which were at that time stored in the authorized body as material evidence in a previously initiated criminal case.

The police clarified that the man had already been charged in absentia, he was put on the wanted list. "On the bank accounts of the accused, a part of the stolen money in the amount of more than 85 million rubles was found and blocked. The property bought by the suspect with the stolen money was established and seized," the police said.

According to "RG", we are talking about several SUVs purchased by the person under investigation.

The stolen money was kept as material evidence in a criminal case against the "god Kuzi". The man was the ex-husband of the assistant of the "god Kuzi", who was on the case with him. He forged IOUs from his ex-wife, indicating that he allegedly lent her 215 million rubles. While the investigation was clarifying the origin of the money confiscated from the sectarians, the swindler appeared in the Khimki court, where he presented his fake receipts. However, the court believed him and satisfied his demands.

Recall that initially the investigators opened a case against the sectarians under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "fraud". But during the investigation, new details of the illegal activities of the defendants were revealed. On their basis, a case was opened under Part 1 of Article 239 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "the creation of a religious or public association, whose activities are associated with violence against citizens or other harm to their health, as well as the leadership of such an association." Both cases were later merged into one proceeding.

There are three accomplices in the case. In addition to 38-year-old Andrei Popov ("God Kuzya"), this is his 49-year-old cohabitant Galina Markevich, who was also the shadow accountant of the sect, and another accomplice Nadezhda Rozanova. All of them were arrested and taken into custody.

The main income of the sect was the participation of its members in "exhibitions". Posing as representatives of some little-known temple or monastery, its "adepts" offered people all kinds of prayers.

MOSCOW, 16 Jul- RIA Novosti, Viktor Zvantsev. Today, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow sentenced the odious sectarian Andrei Popov, who calls himself God Kuzey, to five years in prison. He and three accomplices were accused of fraud on an especially large scale and the creation of a community that practices violence. At the same time, the real leader of the pseudo-religious organization, according to investigators, was a completely different person, who remained in the shadows for a long time. About how sectarians tortured adherents, as well as about the theft of 215 million rubles from the account of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs - in the material of RIA Novosti.

Suitcases of money and rare reptiles

Early in the morning of September 10, 2015, criminal investigation operatives, with the help of special forces, broke into an apartment in one of the houses in the center of Moscow. Ordinary interior: old TV, bed, a few chairs. And boxes - as it turned out, stuffed with money.

“During the search, the police found about 43 million rubles and over 100 thousand dollars, as well as specific literature and exotic animals (mainly reptiles and fish) kept in improper conditions,” the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow said. personal computers and notebooks with so-called accounting records were confiscated, testifying to the illegal activities of members of the sect in taking possession of citizens' funds.

In addition to the boxes, there were two women and a man in the apartment - Andrei Popov, who proclaimed himself God Kuzey. He flatly refused to answer the questions of operatives, citing poor health. Communication with him continued already at Petrovka. On the same day, investigators opened a criminal case under the article "Fraud on an especially large scale", and the main suspect was taken into custody.

False Values

Soon the FSB officers got involved, and two months later another article was added to the criminal case - "Creation of a religious or public association whose activities are associated with violence against citizens or other harm to their health, as well as the leadership of such an association."

According to investigators, Popov, a 30-year-old resident of Moscow, founded a pseudo-religious sect back in 2007. At the first court session, Popov said that his grandmother instilled in him a craving for religion. As a child, Andrei was very gifted: at the age of 12, he knew all the works of Shakespeare by heart and played chess perfectly. After graduating from school with a gold medal, he entered the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, but then something went wrong. At first, Andrei declared himself Bishop Roman, and then the living god Kuzey.

For eight years he gathered adherents to whom he preached pseudo-Orthodox teaching. As a rule, quite self-sufficient people from a financial point of view came to the meetings, striving to solve personal problems. Popov imposed an asocial lifestyle on them, urging them to leave their families, to break off relations with relatives, to refuse work, higher education or military service.

At first, the meetings were held in the classrooms of two Moscow institutes, then they migrated to the apartments of associates. The sect had a rigid internal hierarchy, and the slightest disobedience was severely punished. According to the investigation, Popov inflicted from 100 to 1.2 thousand blows to the adepts with a whip, rubber slipper, leather belt or hands.

For some misdemeanors fined up to 15 thousand rubles. However, this was not the only source of income for God Kuzi. In 2007, he took advantage of the trust of the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church and received the right to participate in religious exhibitions and other events. Under the pretext of donations for the construction of the temple, the adherents of the sect collected money from believers, which then settled in Popov's pockets.

By 2015, there were about 50 members in the community. Only a few of them, mostly women, subsequently applied for a spiritual guru. Now they are all victims of the case.

A dark horse

For the first time, God Kuzya came to the attention of law enforcement agencies in 2014. Then, during a search in the apartment of his accomplice Zhanna Frolushina, operatives seized 215 million rubles. The money was recognized as physical evidence and placed on the bank account of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow.

In early 2016, Frolushina's ex-husband Yuri Tsukerman submitted fake documents to the Khimki city court, indicating that the millions seized in his ex-wife's apartment belong to him. The judge sided with the applicant, and 215 million from the Ministry of the Interior flowed into Zuckerman's account.

"God Kuzya" and his accountant refused to testify against themselvesThe alleged leader of the sect, Andrey Popov, known as the "god Kuzya", is charged with the article "fraud", the sanction of which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

He was immediately put on the federal wanted list, but was detained only a year and a half later, in January 2018, in the Moscow region. “A part of the stolen funds in the amount of more than 85 million rubles was found and blocked on the bank accounts belonging to the person involved,” Irina Volk, the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, commented on the result of the special operation. “In addition, the operatives seized property purchased with the stolen money.”

According to the investigation, the real leader of the sect of God Kuzi was 59-year-old Yury Tsukerman, a native of Omsk previously convicted of fraud. The criminal investigation against him is ongoing. The accused, who is now in custody, faces up to ten years in prison.

As for Popov, he, along with Zhanna Frolushina, Galina Markevich and Nadezhda Rozanova, was accused of embezzling 7.3 million rubles, as well as creating a sect. The prosecutor requested seven years in a penal colony for God Kuzi, although the defendant himself did not admit guilt in any of the episodes. The Presnensky District Court of Moscow sentenced him to five years in prison.

Who is accused of fraud. In total, 215 million rubles were stolen from the creator of the totalitarian sect, Andrei Popov, and all this money was kept as material evidence.

Who stood behind God Kuzey? This question haunted investigators, victims and journalists for three years, from the very moment when 40-year-old Andrei Popov, aka Hieromonk Roman, who proclaimed himself the living deity Kuzey in honor of a dead parrot, was detained and convicted of fraud.

An unexpected turn in this matter may finally lift the veil of secrecy over the appearance of this strangest of sects. The treasury of the sectarians was stolen directly from the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"The case was initiated against a 59-year-old native of the city of Omsk. As established by the investigation, the defendant prepared forged documents, on the basis of which in 2016 the court ruled to recover more than 215 million rubles, which are stored in the authorized body as material evidence for a previously initiated criminal case," said Yuri Titov, acting Head of the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow.

The money was seized during a search in one of the apartments, where the adherents of God Kuzi staged sadistic orgies.

219 million rubles and 150 thousand dollars were in cardboard boxes. The sectarians collected a huge amount of money by fraud, allegedly for prayers and for the repair of churches.

“I know that this is money that was collected by adherents at Orthodox exhibitions and kept by Popov, in the apartment where he lived,” said Olga Frantseva, a former adherent of the sect.

However, already six months later, the ex-husband of the sectarian Frolushkina, in whose apartment the seizure was made, presented the right to millions. Someone Yuri Tsukerman, aka Dmitry Ananchenko, said that he simply gave the money for safekeeping and presented a fake receipt. In May 2016, federal judge of the Khimki court Dmitry Dubravin ruled in favor of Tsukerman-Ananchenko.

“In October 2016, a representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow applied to the Khimki City Court with a statement to review the decision due to newly discovered circumstances,” said Natalya Osipova, press secretary of the Moscow Regional Court.

Got it late. By this time, the bailiff service had already transferred 215 million rubles from the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Zuckerman's account. Judge Dubrovin resigned with honors. And when operatives raided Zuckerman's house, the swindler was gone.

“A part of the stolen funds in the amount of 85 million rubles was found and blocked on the bank accounts belonging to the defendant. In addition, the property acquired by the attacker with the stolen money was found and seized,” Yuri Titov reported.

Including, elite foreign cars worth several million rubles, a house and an apartment. Now Yuri Tsukerman, aka Dmiriy Ananchenko, is hiding in Israel. It is unlikely that he could pull off a dizzying operation to seize the treasury of the sect of God Kuzi from the accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs alone. And the sectarians sitting in prison, along with their leader, seem to be just puppets in someone's big game.

The Metropolitan Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued an official statement on the search for a suspect in the theft of 215 million rubles, which were kept as material evidence in the case of the sect of the “God Kuzi”. This money was confiscated at the apartment where the adherents of the sect gathered. Law enforcement officials claim that they managed to block and save 85 million. However, according to sources, the entire amount has disappeared, and the suspect is a certain Yuri Tsukerman, the ex-husband of the current wife of the "god Kuzi" Zhanna Frolushkina. dealt with the scandalous story.


On Wednesday, October 11, it became known that the police launched a criminal investigation against a 59-year-old native of Omsk under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud on an especially large scale”). He was put on the wanted list. According to the investigation, this citizen produced forged documents, on the basis of which in 2016 a decision was made to recover in his favor over 215 million rubles, which were stored in the authorized body as material evidence in a previously initiated criminal case.

Part of the stolen money in the amount of more than 85 million rubles was found and blocked on the bank accounts of the suspect, the police said. The property purchased by the suspect with the stolen money was also established and seized. On what criminal case the stolen money was kept in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is not reported, but a source of in law enforcement agencies said that 215 million rubles were found in an apartment where adherents of the sect headed by Andrei Popov, also known as "god Kuzya" gathered .

According to the source, Yuri Tsukerman, the ex-husband of Zhanna Frolushkina, was involved in the theft. Now she is Popov's wife and, like her husband, is in a pre-trial detention center in the case of a sect. The criminal case against Zuckerman was initiated on December 1, 2016. And the loss of money was revealed in the early autumn of that year, the source says.

The apartment where the money is

But where did these millions come from? On September 10, 2015, the police reported on the detention of both the “god Kuzi” and his associates. The cash register of the sectarians - 219 million rubles and 150 thousand dollars - was confiscated by law enforcement agencies back in May 2014.

It all started with the fact that in 2014 the police received a statement from a sectarian named Frantseva: she claimed that she had been beaten at one of the meetings of the followers of the “god Kuzi”. It is worth noting that until the summer of 2016, when a number of changes were made to the legislation, the police usually did not initiate battery cases, sending the victims to the Magistrate's Court. However, the statement of Frantseva's law enforcement officers was of interest: they opened a case under Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Beatings”) and on May 8, 2014, under the cover of OMON fighters, raided two apartments of sectarians with searches - on Krasnoproletarskaya Street and in Bolshoi Kondratievsky Lane. It was there that the very funds that were seized were found.

Frame: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Almost a year later, on April 1, 2015, the Moscow City Court recognized these investigative actions as illegal, since they did not have the sanction of supervisory authorities. It also follows from the court ruling that both apartments belong to Zhanna Frolushkina, the common-law wife of “God Kuzi”. According to the lawyer Klinov, who defends Andrei Popov, since the searches were declared illegal, the seized money should be returned to the owner.

“But to whom to return? Several citizens immediately declared that it was their money. And only Zuckerman was able to confirm his income, ”says the defender. According to Klinov, the "god Kuzya" himself never laid claim to this money. “He is very poor. For two years he has been wearing the same holey T-shirt in which he was detained. No one gives him packages to the pre-trial detention center, no one helps,” the lawyer explains.

Treasure hunter

Frolushkina's ex-husband is from Ukraine. According to a law enforcement source, he had problems with the law in the past, which forced him to change his first and last name. So Dmitry Ananchenko became Yuri Tsukerman.

“He hunted for this money for a long time. Looking for ways to get hold of them. He sent requests to the Federation Council, the State Duma. Submitted false documents to the courts. He stated that he gave 200 million for storage to his ex-wife. With this money, Zuckerman was allegedly going to buy a hotel, ”a law enforcement source told

Frame: NTV video

On December 23, 2014, the Shcherbinsky Court ruled on the lawsuit filed by Yuri Tsukerman against Zhanna Frolushkina for the recovery of funds under a storage agreement. In court, Zuckerman stated that he and the defendant were married. Under the terms of the contract, Frolushkina had to keep the money in her apartment. She did not object to a refund. In court, her representative recognized the claims in full and asked the court to satisfy them.

The judge stopped the proceedings on the claim due to the fact that "there is no dispute about the law between the plaintiff and the defendant."

In September 2015, a similar claim was submitted to the Khimki City Court, which redirected it for consideration to the Presnensky Court of Moscow. There, the plaintiff was not Zuckerman, but Ananchenko. However, the Moscow Regional Court again returned the case to Khimki, and in May 2016 they suddenly ruled in favor of the plaintiff. The judge ordered the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow to return Ananchenko 215 million rubles.

“In the summer, the bailiffs were handed a writ of execution, and they wrote off these funds from the accounts where they were kept and transferred them to the account of the FSSP. From there they went to the accounts indicated by Zuckerman. He took everything,” says the source.

Photo: Alexei Filippov / RIA Novosti

In the fall, the investigators came to their senses - but there was no money. Law enforcement agencies appealed the decision of the Khimki court to recover millions. The Moscow Regional Court overturned the decision of the lower court as illegal.

“But it didn’t matter, the money had disappeared by that time,” says the interlocutor of According to him, the investigator, who squandered millions, received a strict penalty, and the judge resigned. The security forces, trying to find the money, raided Zuckerman with a search, but he managed to escape during the investigation.

Now 43 million rubles and 100 thousand dollars are kept in the case of “God Kuzi”. “But they already have applicants trying to prove that the money belongs to them,” says the source.

Story to be continued managed to find out that through the courts Ananchenko achieved recognition of his right not only to a substantial amount of money, but also to one of the two apartments of his ex-wife Frolushkina. His lawsuit stated that he bought an apartment from her in Bolshoy Kondratievsky Lane, where the followers of her current husband “God Kuzi” gathered and where millions were seized. According to Ananchenko, after the conclusion of the sale and purchase agreement, Frolushkina did not appear at the Rosreestr to register the transaction (which is understandable - by that time it had been delayed).

On November 30, 2015, the Presnensky Court of Moscow satisfied Ananchenko's claim for state registration of the transfer of ownership of the apartment. A copy of the materials of this case was requested by investigators from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. Ananchenko-Zukerman also tried to get his ex-wife's second apartment - on Krasnoproletarskaya Street, but the Tverskoy Court of Moscow left this claim without consideration.

Frolushkina still has a dacha in the Moscow region, where a temple of the followers of the “God Kuzi” was built, and non-residential premises on Krasnoproletarskaya Street. “Interested persons have already withdrawn the assets left after Popov’s arrest through the courts,” says a source in law enforcement agencies. According to him, in the spring of 2016, the investigator allowed Tsukerman (at that time - a witness in the case of "God Kuzi") a meeting with Frolushkina, who was in custody. Apparently they agreed on everything.

Andrei Popov and his lawyers have completed their familiarization with the case materials (77 volumes). In November, the indictment will be sent to the prosecutor's office, and if approved, the "god Kuzya" will appear in court along with Frolushkina's wife, the sect's accountant Galina Markevich, and a follower of the "god Kuzya" Nadezhda Rozanova.

Andrei Popov founded a pseudo-Orthodox sect in the 90s. Meetings of its adherents were held, among other things, in Bolshoy Kondratievsky Lane, hence the other name of the association - “kondrats”. Popov was also known for his love of exotic animals and for building a harem of female assistants.

Popov divides his followers into six categories-circles. The first is occupied by wives, the second and third include assistants, a harem and close followers. In the fourth - simple followers. Women from this circle were considered by him as candidates for the harem. In the fifth category - those who do not yet know about the divinity of Kuzi. Popov sent those who rejected him to the sixth circle.