The reorganization of Tatfondbank was possible - Ramil Nasyrov. Former top manager of Tatfondbank Nasyrov was detained for fraud with bank funds Ramil Nasyrov biography

01/30/2018 \ Financial sector news

There is one less defendant in the TFB criminal case. According to Realnoe Vremya's sources in law enforcement agencies, the Investigative Committee for the Republic of Tatarstan no longer has any claims against Ramil Nasyrov - he was made a witness from the accused and was released from house arrest.

Nasyrov’s defense does not comment on the “amnesty”

The 35-year-old top manager of the collapsed bank spent more than nine months under house arrest. Since March 17, 2017, investigators have been unable to secure his actual imprisonment. The last time the Privolzhsky District Court extended the preventive measure for Ramil Nasyrov was on December 15 - for a period until February 16, 2018. However, according to Realnoe Vremya’s sources, there will be no new petition for extension!

The case of Nasyrov, who was accused of fraud and abuse of power - Articles 159 and 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - in the episode with a bad loan from the Bank of Russia, was first reclassified under Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing property damage by deception or abuse of trust in the absence of signs of theft), and then terminated for active repentance, after which the house arrest was lifted,” two sources in the ranks of the security forces told Realnoe Vremya.

The editorial office has not yet received an official comment on this case from the press service of the Investigative Committee for the Republic of Tatarstan. The lawyer of the former first deputy chairman of the TFB, Zauri Chitaya, who had previously demonstrated the openness of the defense’s position, this time referred to a business trip and did not answer Realnoe Vremya’s questions before returning. Let us recall that at one time in Kazan they tried to silence the termination of the criminal prosecution of billionaire Alexei Semin - completely legal, but very unpopular.

Meanwhile, earlier, Ramil Nasyrov’s lawyers emphasized that he had nothing to admit: he worked in the bank’s credit committee for only 10 months, did not sign documents on the same loan deal with the Bank of Russia and the transfer of collateral for this loan, and did not steal money.

If I am the happy owner of 3 billion rubles, then firstly, there was no point in returning from vacation. With 3 billion rubles, it’s probably not bad to live abroad. However, I returned,” Ramil Nasyrov admitted in a “camera interview” for journalists in March 2017.

Valuable Witness

Later, a reference to Nasyrov’s testimony was repeatedly indicated by the investigation as one of the very valuable pieces of evidence against Robert Musin - in petitions to extend the arrest of the former head of Tatfondbank. Let us remind you that the position of the investigative body in relation to this defendant changed after he admitted guilt on four counts of abuse of power with damage of 24.6 billion rubles. Last week, the Investigative Committee filed a petition to release Musin under house arrest, the Privolzhsky District Court of Kazan granted it, and on the same evening, January 26, Musin was released from the pre-trial detention center.

The Tatarstan prosecutor's office has already challenged the mitigation of the banker's arrest. So the final decision - whether Musina should sit - rests with the Supreme Court of Tatarstan. But time will tell what assessment the supervisory agency will receive if the termination of Nasyrov’s case on non-rehabilitating grounds is received. By the way, dismissal of the case on such grounds deprives the former defendant of the right to demand compensation for criminal prosecution.

Sources of Realnoe Vremya claim that top managers of New Petrokhimiya, Suvar Development and Royal Time Group remain under suspicion of fraud regarding the same loan from the Bank of Russia for 3.1 billion rubles.

Let us remind you that in total there are more than 20 episodes in the TFB case, the investigation can last for 1.5-2 years. Including due to examinations, during which investigators, in particular, hope to obtain an assessment of the value of securities at different stages of transactions. True, they say that experts in this field are not so easy to find.

The investigation into the TFB Finance criminal case is still far from finished. One of the defense lawyers told Realnoe Vremya that after the materials were transferred from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan to the Investigative Committee, repeated interrogations of witnesses and victims began. But we are talking about more than a thousand depositors... Three defendants in the TFB Finance case were previously released from custody, two more, former deputy chairman of the bank Sergei Meshchanov and Vadim Merzlyakov, were released under house arrest. Their arrest period expires on February 2. The court has not yet received any requests for an extension.

Interview from behind bars: First Deputy Robert Musin about why he does not admit guilt, and the question “Where is the money?” “difficult to comment”

The Soviet district court showed unexpected leniency towards Robert Musin's right-hand man, Ramil Nasyrov, and released him under house arrest, despite the fact that investigators considered the man involved in the episode of Tatfondbank's theft of 3 billion rubles from the Central Bank. Not yet knowing his fate, the deputy chairman of the board of the TFB outlined to journalists his view of the true size of the hole in the bank’s balance sheet and assured that the Central Bank, the FSB and the Investigative Committee had seized documents and were convinced that the loan to Nizhnekamskneftekhim was issued completely lawfully.


Detention of the first deputy chairman of the board of PJSC Tatfondbank (TFB) Ramilya Nasyrova became a matter of time after the director of TFB Finance was arrested on February 8 at the request of the court. Timur Valshin, which opened a series of imprisonments of the top management of Tatfondbank and companies close to it. After the arrest of the chairman of the board of the TFB Roberta Musina there was even slight bewilderment why the investigators did not show interest in his first deputy, in relation to whom other detainees had long ago testified to the effect that “he participated in key decisions” and “approved investment products.”

In court today it turned out that Nasyrov was detained in connection with the theft of 3.1 billion rubles, but charges have not yet been brought against him. Let us recall that, according to the investigation, in August 2016, employees of PJSC Tatfondbank, in order to obtain a loan and subsequent theft of funds, provided fictitious information to the Central Bank about the presence of a highly liquid asset secured by loan agreements with other joint-stock companies. Subsequently, the received loan funds in the amount of more than 3 billion rubles were transferred to the settlement accounts of affiliated organizations of PJSC Tatfondbank. However, in the outlined scheme of thefts and in the very circumstances of the fall of the bank, too many questions still remain, in search of answers to which journalists and an activist approached Nasyrov during a break in the court hearing.

In the process of preparing the material, the court's decision became known - to choose a preventive measure for Nasyrov in the form of house arrest until April 16. Read the details from the meeting tomorrow morning in the BUSINESS Online report.

Ramil Nasyrov


- Ramil Ilgizovich, please tell us who on the bank’s board was responsible for “trust management”?

I can explain that I have never supervised the activities of subsidiaries and dependent companies.

According to the Central Bank, the hole in Tatfondbank’s balance sheet is 96.7 billion rubles. In the criminal case of the Investigative Committee there are two episodes of theft of funds: 3.1 billion rubles and 1.7 billion. This is 4.8 billion rubles, but where is the rest of the money?

It is important to understand, and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan said in his press conference, that there are different methods of counting. When they tell you about a 96 billion ruble hole, this is an instant liquidation balance. When all the property is sold at some discount, quickly. This assessment, of course, is not applicable for normal bank activities.

- What is the size of the hole in the bank’s balance sheet from your point of view?

I would rely on the Central Bank inspection data, but I have no right to disclose them.

- That is, the Central Bank data announced onpress conferencesand, andresultsworkDIAdiffer considerably?

It would be incorrect for me to compare them.

- Assess what the reality of the bank’s reorganization was at the time you left on vacation(According to media reports, after the arrest of Robert Musin, Nasyrov went on vacation to a foreign resort- approx. ed.)?

It was, and, according to my information, the DIA was inclined to do so. But I can't speak for another institution. Economic recovery could take place. I cannot comment on any other reasons for the decision taken by the Central Bank. As I already told the judge, my task was to develop a model of financial recovery together with the bank team, and the President of the Republic said this, and the Prime Minister spoke at his press conferences, we sent this model to the Central Bank. It is difficult for me to comment on why it was not accepted.

- Do you regret that at one time you accepted the invitation to move to work from AK BARS Bank to Tatfondbank?

Of course, a bit of humor is appropriate behind bars, but you probably wouldn’t want to earn 10 years in 10 months.

- EIf the license is returned, the bank will be able to operate(question from Dmitry Berdnikov- approx. ed.)?

Procedurally, I don’t quite understand what “return the license” means. In the practice of the supervisory authority, decisions to revoke were challenged, but, unfortunately, this practice ended with the subsequent revocation [of the license]. Russian practice, unfortunately, does not know any precedents when a decision was challenged and the bank’s activities then continued for any length of time. I'm not a lawyer, but my license has been revoked. As soon as the company begins liquidation, we can talk about creating a new bank, issuing a new license, but, as you understand, the interests of the depositor in this situation are in no way...

- When did you find out that the loan issued by the Central Bank of the TFB is not a loan as collateral?Nizhnekamskneftekhim", and the obligations were transferred to New Petrochemistry and Suvar Development(The Central Bank loan was issued on September 17, and the loan itself, as a guarantee of fulfillment of obligations to the regulator, by that time existed only on paper: as early as July 16, the obligations under the agreement between TSE and Nizhnekamskneftekhim were "" to Musin's LLC "Novaya Neftekhimiya" and his friendly LLC "Suvar Development"- approx. ed.)?

The materials were presented to the bank team on December 12. Moreover, the chairman’s order to transfer the debt also came on December 12. It is important to note that I have read the materials of these agreements. The suspensive conditions provided for in these agreements never came into force in accordance with official reporting data.

- Why?

The bank did not violate Bank of Russia regulations in December. At least, the standards did not fall below the level that could entail the entry into force of these additional agreements.

- For some reason, the investigation version says October, not December...

It’s difficult for me to talk about this; I had only one communication with an investigator of the Investigative Committee, and it ended in detention. I was never invited, the Central Bank and the Investigative Committee made an investigation, the FSB did. All services made sure that the loan to Nizhnekamskneftekhim was issued completely legally, it is a risk-free loan to one of the leading enterprises of the republic. The credit committee never considered any additional agreements or debt transfer agreements. Interaction with the Central Bank on attracting resources is based on an agreement [between the TSE and the Central Bank] dated 2008. It is difficult for me to understand the questions that the investigation poses to me, what is my guilt and intent. At least, you heard, if, according to the investigation, I am the happy owner of 3 billion rubles, colleagues, then there was no point in returning, I was on vacation, and with 3 billion rubles it’s not bad to live somewhere abroad. Nevertheless, I returned. And then, why not, an apartment, a car and a piece of land don’t cost 3 billion. And any account data is verified internationally. Let's fight, colleagues!

All critical obligations that the bank had and prevented it from operating arose long before 2014. Therefore, commenting on the question “Where is the money?” I find it difficult.


- Central Bank employees must be held accountable along with you for what happened to the bank(question from Dmitry Berdnikov - approx. ed. )?

In Western countries, the regulator is primarily responsible. To say that everything happened unexpectedly and the bank team is to blame for everything... We do not live in isolation, the bank is an extremely regulated structure, we have a DIA, a Central Bank, and an authorized bank of Russia. And imagine, for such a giant bank, the commissioner knows about all transactions over 50 million rubles. What is 50 million for a Top 50 bank? This is a flood of information. He is heading not only here, but also to Moscow. But it’s difficult for me to say whether the Central Bank will respond.

- You will testify against the Central Bank (question from Dmitry Berdnikov- approx. ed. )?

If the investigation has any questions, I will definitely answer.

- Do you consider Robert Musin to be involved in what you are now accused of?

It’s hard for me to say, I saw the documents signed by Mr. Musin, let the investigation draw conclusions about his involvement.

- Will the search for money begin to satisfy the demands of creditors?

This is the competence of law enforcement agencies.

What opportunities do you see in the future to help people get their money back? You know that your fate depends on getting your money back ( question from Dmitry Berdnikov- approx. ed. )?

I don't think my personal fate depends on getting my money back. If the new bank needs any help from me personally, I will be happy to help.

The day before, employees of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for Tatarstan detained three more people, possibly involved in thefts from Tatfondbank. Among them are the former first deputy chairman of the board of the TFB, 34-year-old Ramil Nasyrov, director of New Petrochemistry LLC, 52-year-old Ramil Safin, director of Royal Time Group LLC, 40-year-old Elena Leushina . « Kazan reporter"I found out what all three have to do with the events that unfolded around the TFB.

The investigation into fraud at Tatfondbank appears to be in an active phase. The day before, the head of the Economic Security and Commissariat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ildar Safiullin, said that another episode had appeared in the case. Investigators are on the trail of the withdrawal of 1.7 billion from the bank.

“This is a separate episode, completely unrelated to TFB-Finance,” Safiullin said. – The materials have been collected, we just need to get a couple of documents. […] I can tell you the amount, so far the damage there is 1.7 billion.

Law enforcement agencies are still silent about who took this property and where. Safiullin emphasized that the procedural decision to include this episode in the TFB case has not yet been made. In addition, it became known that in the Vysokogorsk region, in the period from December 12 to March 10, unknown persons from the TSE office received about 9 million rubles. However, this amount is unlikely to have any impact on the fate of the bank, given that the volume of “ financial hole" Central Bank a hundred billion.

Arrests are even more active. First, the management of the investment company TFB Finance and its general director were taken into custody Timur Valshin. Employees of Tatfondbank itself followed. Behind Robert Musin the second one was arrested representative of the TSE senior management Sergey Meshchanov.

The day before, operatives detained three more suspects. Investigators are not releasing details of the case. It is only known that the former first deputy chairman of the board of the TFB, member of the board of directors of Timer Bank Ramil Nasyrov, head of New Petrochemistry LLC, 52 years old Ramil Safin, director of Royal Time Group LLC, 40 years old Elena Leushina are suspects under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed on an especially large scale). It is not known what exactly the detainees are suspected of, but judging by the report of the Investigative Committee, the threads lead to the chairman of the board of the bank, Robert Musin. The official press release provides almost verbatim the same information that the investigator in the Musin case said.

« According to the preliminary version, in August 2016, employees of PJSC Tatfondbank, in order to obtain a loan and subsequent theft of funds, provided fictitious information to the Central Bank of Russia about the presence of a highly liquid asset secured by loan agreements with other joint-stock companies. Subsequently, the received loan funds in the amount of more than three billion rubles were transferred to the settlement accounts of affiliated organizations of Tatfondbank,” – reported in the Tatarstan department of the Investigative Committee.

It is clear how Ramil Nasyrov is connected with TFB and Musin directly. But what about Safin and Leushina?

LLC "New Petrochemistry" registered in Kazan at the address: Bauman, 9a. Among the founders of the company, according to SPARK-Interfax: , Kazan company "Travers Company" (17.07%), subsidiary of Tatfondbank LLC "Gazovik" (about 10%), owned by Musin LLC "AIDA-R" (about 0.1%).

The main share in " New Petrochemistry" belongs to the Cypriot company Panmere Services Limited, which, according to the Central Bank, is controlled directly by Musin.

Klimov, who conducted his own investigation into this matter, claims that the story with shares in “ New Petrochemistry" is an absolute fiction and suspects that in fact the company was used to transfer money abroad. According to him, LLC New Neftekhimiya has a stake in Tatfondbank of 20.24%, while infusing part of the capital into Timer Bank.

And as we see, in addition to the leader " New petrochemicals" Ramil Safin, arrested and Member of the Board of Directors of Timer Bank Ramil Nasyrov. That is, some connection becomes obvious.

Things are completely different with Elena Leushina. Her representative told the Kazan Reporter that the company "Royal Time Group", which is headed by a woman, previously received loans from Tatfondbank on an ongoing basis.

The Royal Time Group company attracted loans from PJSC Tatfondbank . During this entire period, the company did not make a single delay. . The funds were fully invested in the development of gambling zones. In the Azov City gambling zone, the company has built three lines of the ORACUL casino, which also includes a tourist facility - a 90-room hotel of the same name. Since 2014, the company has used loan money to finance a project in the Yantarnaya gambling zone by concluding an investment agreement, - Leushina's representative said.

Also, according to his information, in April 2016 the company Royal Time Group withdrew from the ORACUL project due to problems with financing. The company's shares were sold and the concluded contract with the gambling zone in the Kaliningrad region was terminated. The company continued to repay the debt to Tatfondbank, but in December last year its loan portfolio was transferred to Timer Bank.

This was even before the problems with Tatfondbank. Apparently, they knew how it would end and quickly transferred the loan to Royal Time Group to another bank. I don’t know how they agreed: maybe “ Timer Bank" bought the debt, maybe they just paid it off, - said a representative of Elena Leushina.

Sources " Kazan reporter", those familiar with the situation report that the loan debt transferred to Timer Bank was repaid in full on December 7 . This money was transferred through TSE, but the operation was not completed. The payment got stuck in the bank’s correspondent account, and then – the license, and so on. "Teemer Bank" also actively demanded from Royal Time Group return of stuck money. In March, the company decided to prove through court that it had made the payment in full. The case will be heard on April 4. Apparently the outcome of the case will depend on the interpretation of what a loan repayment is - the moment money is written off from the current account of the problem bank or the moment it is credited.

Until May 2015, Royal Time Group managed Rashid Taimasov, also known as co-owner of the Suvar group of companies. According to sources familiar with the situation, Taimasov left his post due to disagreements with senior management, and Elena Leushina was first appointed to the position of director of finance through the management company Royal Time Management LLC, and at the end of last year she became a full-fledged leader. After his dismissal, Rashid Taimasov focused on structuring a deal to sell a project for the development of a gambling zone in the Kaliningrad region. This is the same project with which the Royal Time Group had to terminate its contract due to lack of funding.

It can be assumed that Leushina is suspected of facilitating the withdrawal of money abroad, - stated a Kazan Reporter source familiar with the circumstances of the case.

One can speculate endlessly, given the silence of the investigation about the extent of the suspects’ involvement. Perhaps tomorrow circumstances will change. Sources " Kazan reporter" Investigative authorities report that Tomorrow, March 17, the Sovetsky District Court of Kazan will determine the preventive measure for all suspects.

Regina Gimalova.

Moscow. March 16. website - Former first deputy head of the board of Tatfondbank Ramil Nasyrov was detained on suspicion of fraud with the funds of this credit institution for 3 billion rubles, the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) reported.

“On March 15, the former first deputy chairman of the board of Tatfondbank, 34-year-old Ramil Nasyrov, director of New Petrochemistry LLC, 52-year-old Ramil Safin, director of Royal Time Group LLC, 40-year-old Elena Leushina, were detained on suspicion of involvement in committing a crime,” - says on the TFR website.

The report notes that the defendants are suspected of fraud on an especially large scale as part of a criminal case previously initiated against the head of the bank, Robert Musin.

According to the preliminary version of the investigation, in August 2016, employees of PJSC Tatfondbank, in order to obtain a loan and subsequent theft of money, provided fictitious information to the Central Bank of Russia about the presence of a highly liquid asset secured by loan agreements with other joint-stock companies.

“Subsequently, the received loan funds in the amount of more than 3 billion rubles were transferred to the settlement accounts of affiliated organizations of PJSC Tatfondbank,” the press release says.

It notes that investigators are deciding whether to select a preventive measure against the suspects. The Investigative Committee recalled that the court had previously arrested Musin.

Other persons involved

It was also reported that in the framework of another criminal case - about fraud with the money of Tatfondbank depositors, investigated by the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Tatarstan, ex-deputy chairman of the bank's board Sergei Meshchanov (now vice-president of Promsvyazbank) and deputy chairman of the board of Tatfondbank Vadim Merzlyakov were arrested.

Three employees of the investment company TFB Finance (a subsidiary of Tatfondbank) were also taken into custody, two of whom also held positions at Tatfondbank. These are the director of "TFB Finance" Timur Valshin, the head of the department of active operations of "TFB Finance", the head of the department of active operations in the securities market of Tatfondbank Ilnar Abdulmanov and the head of the client service department of "TFB Finance", the head of the department of client operations in the securities market of Tatfondbank Rustam Timerbaev .

The Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Tatarstan opened a criminal case in connection with the activities of Investment Company TFB Finance LLC under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale) after checking statements from citizens. In total, the internal affairs bodies of Tatarstan received more than 100 such statements According to investigators, more than 90 million rubles of investors were stolen by transferring funds to the trust management of TFB Finance.

Problem bank

Tatfondbank, one of the top 50 Russian banks in terms of assets, announced problems in December 2016, introduced restrictions on cash withdrawals from ATMs and issuing deposits to the public, closed some branches and suspended cash settlement services for clients. After this, the Central Bank introduced a moratorium on satisfying the claims of Tatfondbank’s creditors for a period of three months. A week later, a moratorium was introduced at Intechbank. A number of other regional players also faced a crisis of confidence.

According to the Central Bank, the “hole” in Tatfondbank’s capital is estimated at 97 billion rubles.

Tatfondbank's problems are associated with the bank's captive business model, focused on lending to ultimate owners. The Central Bank stated that about 65% of the bank's loan portfolio consisted of loans related to the owner's business, while the majority of borrowers are in bankruptcy.

According to the results of three quarters of 2016, Tatfondbank took 43rd place, Intechbank - 124th place in terms of assets in the Interfax-100 ranking prepared by Interfax-CEA. The largest shareholder of Tatfondbank is Tatarstan (directly and indirectly controls 45%). The second largest stake belongs to the ex-Minister of Finance of Tatarstan Musin.

Deprived of all gadgets, the former deputy of Robert Mussin remains under house arrest with a bracelet on his wrist.

At least until April 16, Ramil Nasyrov, the former first deputy chairman of the board of Tatfondbank, remained in his home apartment on Vishnevsky Street. Today, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan upheld the decision of the first instance regarding the suppression of the right hand of Robert Musin. About why the prosecutor's office decided to appeal the decision, what the operatives were looking for in Nasyrov's apartment and how the pool of his lawyers expanded, in the BUSINESS Online report.


The meeting of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan on the complaint of the prosecutor's office of the republic against the “too lenient” preventive measure against the former first deputy chairman of the board of Tatfondbank ended today with an expected and predictable endingRamilya Nasyrova. Let us remind you that late in the evening of March 17, Nasyrov was sent under house arrest until April 16 by the decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Kazan. This caused a violent and dissatisfied reaction from one of the leaders of the “fire victims” movement,Dmitry Berdnikov. He then played Captain Obvious, promising both the defense and Nasyrov himself that the court’s decision would be challenged. And so it happened. The complaint from the republican prosecutor's office was received by the Supreme Court on March 20.

Nasyrov arrived at Femida’s house at half past eight in the morning. Typically, appeal hearings begin at 9 and are held via videoconference - the camera is installed in the pre-trial detention center, where the suspects most often while away their investigative days. But since the first (before the introduction of the temporary administration) deputy chairman of the TFB board is at home, he was brought in half an hour earlier.

Together with Nasyrov, the operative who accompanied him throughout the entire journey and the meeting entered the building. It was not possible for Nasyrov to remain without an escort. Even after the meeting, he only managed to exchange a few phrases with the lawyers, look sadly in the direction of numerous relatives and journalists (he is prohibited from communicating with third parties by a court decision), and then - still with the same employee - proceeded to the exit, where a red Renault without all sorts of identifying marks in order to deliver to your own apartment on Vishnevsky.

The representative of the supervisory authority, the prosecutor of the criminal justice department of the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chulpan Khammatova, did not present any surprises: she called house arrest mildPhoto: Albina Polishchuk


The 15-minute hearing began with the announcement of the prosecutor's complaint. Representative of the supervisory authority, prosecutor of the criminal justice department of the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Tatarstan Chulpan Khammatova did not present any surprises: she called house arrest mild.

“The election of a preventive measure against Nasyrov that is not related to deprivation of liberty does not meet the interests of criminal proceedings. There is every reason to believe that choosing a more lenient preventive measure is impossible, since only a preventive measure in the form of detention will ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the parties to the criminal process,” the prosecutor said.

By the way, Khammatova added to the case the materials of the last interrogation of the now suspect (last week Nasyrov was officially charged). The details of the interrogation, to the disappointment of many, were not made public: the court simply included them in the case. It is only known that the interrogation was conducted by investigators on March 22.

“Of course, we do not agree with this submission for the reason that at the moment the prosecutor’s office has not provided sufficient grounds for choosing such a strict preventive measure,” said one of Nasyrov’s defenders in response.Aida Gazieva. - The appeal submission does not indicate the reasons for the validity of the investigator’s request. But they could not be indicated! They have not been presented to the court. What is the need for other participants in the process of keeping Nasyrov in custody? There is no specification. It remains a mystery to me."

An interesting detail: during the court hearing, it turned out that a regiment of Nasyrov’s defenders had arrived. To Gazieva and Alexander Klyukin, brother Alexey Klyukin what protects Roberta Musina, joined Alexander Pavlov. During the meeting, Pavlov was the least verbose, essentially repeating the points of his colleagues. Gazieva, meanwhile, clarified that the prosecutor’s office’s petition contains a number of errors and inaccuracies. For example, when considering the decision of the Sovetsky District Court, it is worth taking into account the status of her client at that very moment: on March 17, he was only a suspect, charges were brought later.

“We believe that it is illegal now to ask to take into account the interrogations that the prosecutor’s office presented today. The interrogations of March 22 were even after the prosecutor's appeal. When the Sovetsky District Court made its decision, these documents were not available and the court could not take them into account. This means breaking the uniformity of judicial practice,” Nasyrov’s defense believes.

During the court hearing, it turned out that the regiment of Nasyrov’s defenders arrivedPhoto: Artem Kuznetsov

In addition, another argument of the supervisory authority was criticized. Allegedly, the imprisonment of Nasyrov is facilitated by the public resonance of the TFB case.

“The basis for choosing this preventive measure is public outcry! Besides the fact that it is illiterate to use this argument, it is actually inappropriate here for the reason that Nasyrov’s position is known, he is under close attention of the media. What is the essence of the grounds? It’s not clear,” Gazieva is sure.

The lawyer emphasized several times that Nasyrov was willingly cooperating with the investigation.

The presence of a permanent place of residence of the disgraced banking functionary and his positive “materials” (probably, we are talking about several diplomas of higher education, a number of certificates and letters of gratitude, as well as completely positive characteristics - “an excellent student since school”) - theses that guided The Sovetsky District Court, making its decision, was again announced by Nasyrov’s defense.

“All the equipment was confiscated from his house so that there would be no provocations in terms of violating the detention regime. He has a bracelet that prevents him from leaving the apartment. For our part, we fully help to comply with this strict preventive measure in the form of house arrest,” Gazieva said quite emotionally.

“The state prosecution presented additional materials, but there is no information about involvement or other data that Nasyrov was involved in committing crimes,” her colleague Klyukin supported Gazieva’s speech. - He did not violate the preventive measures. After the preventive measure was chosen, an additional search was carried out at Nasyrov’s place.”

Details of the search are also not disclosed. True, Klyukin noted that nothing was seized during the search, that is, no questions arise for Nasyrov in this regard.

The court's decision turned out to be expected. Nasyrov was not taken to the pre-trial detention center; the decision of the first instance remained in force Photo: Albina Polishchuk


The defendant himself was quite cheerful. By the way, at the first meeting at which the preventive measure was chosen, Nasyrov also did not lose heart. Then, during a long break, he managed to give an impromptu press conference for numerous journalists. Sometimes he joked in his answers, encouraging not himself, but his many saddened relatives.

“I want to clarify: I did not commit the crime of which I am accused. The short period of time in which I managed to work at Tatfondbank before the introduction of the temporary administration was no more than 10 months... I applied all my efforts, knowledge and skills in order to develop a plan for restoring the financial stability of the credit institution, to complete the task which the shareholders put before me. The preliminary investigation concerns specific issues of banking activities. House arrest significantly simplifies interaction with investigative authorities. I am ready to apply all my knowledge and skills in order to participate in clarifying and clarifying the circumstances of the case. Essentially, I have everything...” Nasyrov noted today.

The only question that remains open is how Nasyrov himself is helping the investigation and why he was charged in this case.

“In addition, I can say that I have not only the opportunity, but also the desire to have any negative influence on the investigative process...” added the former first deputy chairman of the board of Tatfondbank at the end of the meeting. He didn't have any more lines.

The court's decision turned out to be expected. A couple of minutes later it became known that Nasyrov would not be taken to the pre-trial detention center; the decision of the first instance remains in force. Thus, the former first deputy chairman of PJSC Tatfondbank retained the dubious right to be considered the first person involved in the TFB case, who managed to avoid detention.

Let us remind you that the case was opened on February 16 by the FSB department for Tatarstan; on March 3, the materials were received by the Tatarstan investigative department. On the same day, investigators detained the chairman of the TFB Roberta Musina. He was interrogated and charged under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud committed on an especially large scale”), and in the evening of that day he was sent to a pre-trial detention center. It is interesting that at the meeting to select a preventive measure against Musin, it was announced that the testimony of the interrogation of Nasyrov himself could serve as the basis for sending him to a pre-trial detention center. The investigation detained the latter only on March 16. On the same day, by the way, the general director and financial director of Suvar Development were detained in this criminal case with damages of 3.1 billion rubles.Andrey Mochalov And Denis Semenov. They have also been placed under house arrest.