Alyakin will drag Sovcombank to the bottom. Alyakin will drag “Sovcombank” to the bottom Alyakin Aleksey Alexandrovich

The sponsor of Aidar, arrested by the SBU, was a co-owner of a bank from the Top 20

Alexey Alyakin

The Russian Prosecutor General's Office sent a request to Ukraine to extradite the ex-owner of the Pushkino Bank, Alexey Alyakin, who was on the international wanted list and was detained in the Odessa region. In our opinion, this news is extremely sad for the owners of Sovcombank, which is one of the TOP 20 banks in Russia. Alyakin not only at one time was a co-owner of this credit institution, but also carried out a number of dubious projects with the owners of Sovcombank, in particular, to “squeeze out” the assets of Sergei Polonsky. The main trouble is that Alyakin has already admitted that he used part of the money he and his partners received to support Ukrainian militants fighting in the Donbass.

Pavel Fuks

The fact that Alexey Alyakin was hiding from Russian investigators in Ukraine was no secret. In Nezalezhnaya he was warmed up by his long-time business partner and friend Pavel Fuks, who was also a very large co-owner of Sovcombank. Moreover, sources in banking circles expressed the opinion that Fuchs and Alyakin, after fleeing the Russian Federation, did not lose ties with Sovcombank and its co-owner; common interests remained, including those related to the assets “squeezed” from Polonsky. However, in Ukraine, the “raider” and “casher” Alyakin managed to cross the road for many. As a result, they decided to “drain” it. First, Alyakin was deprived of Ukrainian citizenship. And then the banker was detained by the SBU at the 79th kilometer of the Kyiv-Odessa highway. After the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs sent confirmation of his search to Ukraine, by court decision he was placed under pre-extradition arrest.

His defense insisted on house arrest, arguing that Alyakin supports Ukraine in the armed conflict in Donbass. In particular, according to lawyers, the businessman served in the Arata and Aidar volunteer units, and also provided the Ukrainian military with work and housing. Money was spent to support the militants, including money he earned as a shareholder of Sovcombank.

Judging by the mood of the Ukrainian side, Alyakin will be extradited to Russia, where, under the threat of a long sentence, he may begin to speak. Including starting to open up about your close relationships and projects with the co-owners of Sovcombank.

Back in 2010, Alyakin’s long-time partners Pavel Fuks and his brother Roman entered the capital of Sovcombank. In 2012, Sovco Capital Partners B.V., registered in the Netherlands. consolidated 85% of Sovcombank shares. Pavel Fuks, through three offshore companies, owned 37.16% of Sovco Capital Partners B.V. According to our data, at the same time, shares in Sovco Capital Partners B.V. Alexey Alyakin also owned it. Thus, he was also among the co-owners of Sovcombank. In 2015, the Fuchs and Alyakin officially left Sovcombank. Alyakin is accused of stealing more than 600 million rubles from the Pushkino Bank. Moreover, this happened between December 2011 and August 2012. At this time, both Alyakin and the Fuchs were also co-owners of Sovcombank. During this period, Pushkino Bank and Sovcombank were extremely close, if not related, structures. Thus, the former top manager of Sovcombank Sergei Bespalov was vice president of Pushkino Bank from 2011 to 2013. Pushkino Bank made many of its very strange payments in 2011-2012 through Sovcombank, etc.

As already, a major co-owner of Sovcombank, Vasily Klyukin (later transferred his stake in the bank to his brother Mikhail), together with other co-owners of Sovcombank, carried out a joint project with Fuchs and Alyakin to seize the assets of Sergei Polonsky.

When Polonsky agreed to sell his construction empire with banker Alexei Alyakin and his friend Pavel Fuks, Alyakin became the head of Potok and began to actively steal the company’s assets. Alyakin took out loans under the pretext that they were needed for the daily needs of the company, but in fact he used the proceeds to pay Polonsky. Moreover, loans were taken out against Potok properties in banks controlled by Alyakin and Fuchs, including Sovcombank. Polonsky understood all this and broke off relations with Alyakin and Fuchs. However, by this time Alyakin, Fuchs and their partners from Sovcombank had managed to withdraw a number of objects from Potok. In particular, a 200-hectare property in Khimki was mortgaged to the Pushkino Bank. And the Literaturnaya Gazeta property was mortgaged to Sovcombank in November 2012 under a line of credit of $25 million. The pretext: money was needed to pay salaries to employees of Potok and other companies from Polonsky’s empire. Stream, under the leadership of Alyakin, allegedly spent $19 million from this line. According to sources, in reality this amount was several times less. The rest of the credit money existed only on paper, but as a result, Sovcombank ended up with a huge construction project, Literaturnaya Gazeta. With the participation of Sovcombank and Vasily Klyukin, part of the Federation tower also “left” Polonsky.

The investigation will obviously have more work to do after Alyakin’s extradition to Moscow. There is more than enough information to work with, including about the joint affairs of the sponsor Aidar with the co-owners of Sovcombank. We will study it and share the results with our readers.

Nikolay Sergeev, Oleg Rubnikovich, Yanina Sokolovskaya

The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia informed Kommersant that a request for extradition has been sent to Ukraine. Alexey Alyakin- the owner of the notorious Bank "Pushkino", - internationally wanted for fraud and detained in the Odessa region [Kyiv region. - Approx.]. Representatives of Mr. Alyakin claim that he sponsored the security forces who fought in the southeast of Ukraine, however, the country's authorities decided that the fugitive banker received Ukrainian citizenship illegally.

Alexey Alyakin was detained by SBU officers as a person on the international wanted list through Interpol, and after the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs sent confirmation of his search to Ukraine, he was placed under pre-extradition arrest by court decision. The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia told Kommersant that a request for the extradition of Mr. Alyakin has been sent to Ukraine, but the supervisory agency does not yet know about the results of its consideration.

[, 09.27.2018, “A well-known Russian banker was detained and arrested in Ukraine”: In Ukraine, he is the owner of the construction company “Progres Bud” (Boryspil, Kiev region). In 2013, the businessman received Ukrainian citizenship, but on July 30 of this year, the State Migration Service annulled this decision.
On August 9, Alyakin was detained by employees of the Security Service of Ukraine at the 79th kilometer of the Kyiv-Odessa highway. “The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine received a request from the competent authorities of the Russian Federation to extradite a person to face criminal liability for committing the crimes charged against him. According to the request, the wanted person is a citizen of the Russian Federation,” the court materials say. In this regard, the prosecutor's office asked the court to arrest the defendant.
The businessman’s defense asked to be released under house arrest, appealing to the fact that Alyakin needs inpatient treatment, he has strong social ties, is in a civil marriage and is the sole breadwinner, and also supports Ukraine in the armed conflict in the Donbass. In particular, the defense claims that the businessman served in the Arata and Aidar volunteer units and provided ATO participants with work and housing. Due to these circumstances, if handed over to Russian security forces, the ex-banker may be subject to prosecution for political reasons. Alyakin also stated that he considers himself a citizen of Ukraine.
Nevertheless, the court applied a preventive measure against the defendant in the form of detention (extraditional arrest) until the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine made a decision on his extradition and actual transfer to the Russian Federation, but no more than 12 months, that is, no later than September 15, 2019.
Alyakin was born on October 17, 1972 in Tashkent. His mother was deputy chairman of the main department of the Central Bank of Russia in Moscow in 1997-2005, and his brother was deputy chairman of the board of Rosselkhozbank. - Insert]

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine told Kommersant that over the past three years, 30 requested criminals have been extradited to Russia. At the same time, Ukraine received 70 offenders from the Russian Federation. At the same time, Kommersant’s interlocutor noted, not a single one of the ATO participants was extradited to the Russian Federation.

The defense of Mr. Alyakin, who is a co-owner of a small construction company in Ukraine, is currently seeking his release from custody, at least under house arrest. According to lawyers, Mr. Alyakin, who was born in Uzbekistan, considers himself Ukrainian. As a patriot of his new homeland, he took part in the events in the southeast of the country, providing financial assistance to armed formations opposing the DPR and LPR militias. In this regard, representatives of Mr. Alyakin believe that if he is extradited to Russia, he may be persecuted for political reasons. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian authorities did not recognize the fugitive banker as “one of their own”, depriving him of the citizenship of this country, considering that it was obtained illegally.

Mr. Alyakin is accused in absentia of particularly large-scale fraud committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code). Initially, the criminal case in which he became a defendant was initiated by the 4th department of the investigative unit of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region in June 2015 against unidentified persons who committed fraud in the field of lending (Part 4 of Article 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). On June 18, 2015, in relation to Mr. Alyakin, the police issued a decision to impose a preventive measure on him in the form of a written undertaking not to leave the place and proper behavior. And on September 24 of the same year, he was accused in absentia of committing two crimes under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. On September 24, 2015, Mr. Alyakin was announced federal, and on November 20 - on the international wanted list.

By a resolution of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow dated March 10, 2016, Mr. Alyakin’s preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave and proper behavior was changed to detention for a period of two months from the date of his actual detention on the territory of the Russian Federation or extradition (deportation) to Russia. The defense appealed this decision, arguing that Mr. Alyakin was not involved in the fraud, and his alleged accomplices slandered him in order to ease their own fate. The Moscow City Court rejected the complaint.

The criminal prosecution of Mr. Alyakin was initiated by the DIA.

Looking through the documents of Pushkino Bank, which was deprived of its license on September 30, 2013, agency employees discovered that money from this credit institution was stolen under the guise of issuing loans to various legal entities - there were more than 80 of them in total.

In particular, as follows from the case materials, 600 million rubles. were stolen from Pushkino between December 2011 and August 2012. For this purpose, the owner of the bank, Alexey Alyakin, entered into a criminal conspiracy with his classmate, deputy head of the Tver administration. Denis Gontarev, who previously headed the tax crimes department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Tver Region. It was then that Colonel Gontarev met a local entrepreneur who was engaged in housing construction in the Tver region and the Moscow region, Anatoly Semenov. Bank Pushkino, controlled by the latter, CJSC Stroyinvest and LLC Stroystream, issued a loan in the amount of 600 million rubles. It was assumed that this money would be used for the construction of 11 apartment buildings on Vishnevaya Street in Ruza, near Moscow. Instead, part of the money was spent on the construction of other facilities and the personal needs of the accused.

The accused did not admit their guilt in the incriminated thefts either during the investigation or in the Pushkinsky City Court of the Moscow Region, claiming that they had not committed any crime. For example, from the testimony of Mr. Semenov it followed that the loan was taken out to complete the construction of a facility frozen after the bankruptcy of the Tver DSK. True, neither the investigation nor the court received a clear answer as to where the money went. As a result, both defendants were found guilty of fraud. Denis Gontarev received four years in prison, and his accomplice Anatoly Semenov - three.

This is the second verdict in the case of theft from Pushkino Bank. In April 2016, the same Pushkin City Court sentenced film producer and head of several construction companies Vladimir Murov to four years probation. This case was also initiated at the request of the DIA, but it was investigated by the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region under Part 4 of Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud in the field of lending). In total, in 2011–2012, Pushkino Bank issued unsecured loans worth 469 million rubles to fictitious companies “Poiskovik”, “Karelcement” and the Capital Investment Company. Subsequently, this money ended up in the accounts of companies controlled by Mr. Murov. Initially, it was his investigation who considered him the organizer of the fraud. However, he claimed that he did not see any crime in obtaining loans. However, he soon entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement with the Moscow Regional Prosecutor’s Office, and his role in this case changed. As a result, he spoke not only about the schemes that were used to withdraw money from the bank, but also reported that not 469 million rubles, but more than 800 million rubles were withdrawn from Pushkino through companies controlled by him. According to him, the real organizer of the thefts was allegedly the then owner of the bank, Alexey Alyakin.

Alyakin’s defense puts pressure on the greatest feelings of Ukrainians – patriotism. Information is spreading from all corners that Alyakin is an oppositionist who fled from Russia, who fought in a volunteer battalion and helped a lot financially. Despite the fact that not a single volunteer has confirmed Alyakin’s participation in the Russian-Ukrainian war, there are those who believe in such a fake.

At the same time, for some reason Alyakin’s friends forget to talk about the details of Alyakin’s biography and connections. And in these details you can find very interesting facts. Let's skip the well-known facts of Alyakin's biography. Although the fact that he is a graduate of the Higher Military School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, at the age of 22, begins to buy his first banks, and this in the difficult nineties, leads to interesting, suspicious thoughts. Confirms these suspicions and his business partner– Oleg Syshchenko, also a graduate of the KGB school.

Alyakin’s encirclement of the FSB does not end there. But more on that a little later. Let's return to the very image of a person “oppositional” to Russian politics. Alexey Alyakin allegedly flees the Russian Federation in 2013. Having falsified data, he obtained Ukrainian citizenship in August 2013. Of course, excuse me, but a Russian oppositionist hiding in Ukraine under the rule of Yanukovych does not sound convincing, if not downright funny.

It is also not convincing that Alyakin in 2013 hid here from Russian justice. Especially considering that in 2014 he flew the Kyiv-Sheremetyevo-Kyiv flight ten times with short visits to Moscow. Interestingly, for such flights he used the Ukrainian passport he received. But for flights to the EU, even if he has a Ukrainian passport, Alyakin uses a Russian passport.

So, for example, Alyakin celebrated the New Year 2014 in Milan, departing from Kiev on flight No. 311 on December 27, 2013 and returning on flight No. 312 on January 3, 2014, and on January 16, 2014 on flight No. 145 flying to Brussels. Returns on January 18, 2014 from Riga.

And already on January 24, 2014 he flies back to Riga. Despite the fact that these dates are quite interesting for Ukraine, his flights do not prove anything. Although no, they prove that at the time when the Russian Federation in Ukraine everything was going according to plan, Alyakin had a passport of a Russian citizen was not canceled and he still remained a citizen of the Russian Federation, while already being a citizen of Ukraine. Now let’s return to Alyakin’s entourage from the ranks of the FSB. To be more precise, to his “roof” with the FSB.

Alyakin carried out his scam of stealing a billion conventional units through the bankruptcy of banks according to the standard scheme: he raised deposit rates to 13.1 percent per annum, which greatly exceeded the average rates for other banks, collected 24 billion rubles from Russian balloon lovers, and successfully, for month they were “leaked” to offshore companies.

At the same time, neither the Central Bank of the Russian Federation nor law enforcement services notice the speculation of the Pushkino Bank. And if in the Russian Federation they believe that the “blind eyes” of the Central Bank for Pushkino were ensured by the Alyakin dynasty, which occupied leadership positions there for a very long time, then it is not customary to talk about the blindness of law enforcement officers.

And I'll explain why. But now we get to the most interesting thing: Alexey Alyakin has a brother, Andrey Alyakin. For two decades he worked at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In 2010, after leaving the ranks of the Central Bank, he moved to the state bank Rosselkhozbank, taking the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Russian Agricultural Bank Dmitry Patrushev, the son of the former director of the FSB and now Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev. It was Nikolai Patrushev, in the narrow circles of the Russian Federation, considered a patron Alyakin family.

Which, in turn, explains Alyakin’s business partnership with the FSB, and the magical opportunity to acquire banks at the age of 22, and the blindness of Russian law enforcement officers when carrying out their scam.

Nikolai Patrushev needs no introduction here. Putin’s longtime partner, one of the main perpetrators of aggression against Ukraine, is under US sanctions. Now it becomes quite clear that Alyakin just a performer withdrawal of money from the Russian Federation to offshore companies.

The main beneficiaries of this jackpot are at the top of the Russian Federation. It is difficult to imagine how much information about the accounts of the Russian “mafia” is in Alyakin’s head. And, I assure you, our Security Service of Ukraine understands this very well. It is definitely clear that Alyakin’s head is of interest to at least four major players: Nikolai Patrushev (let’s call him the GRU), Patrushev’s rival for power (let’s call him the FSB), the intelligence services of the USA and Britain, as well as our Security Service.

Moreover, if the third and fourth are only interested in information from Alyakin, then the first and second are interested in him personally, as a pawn in the struggle for power in the Russian Federation, because his testimony in court could decide the fate of a big man in Russia. Now about: In fact, our law enforcement officers needed a formal reason to detain Alyakin and “aggravate his situation” for a more loose language. Patrushev’s Russian competitors gave us such a reason - by contacting Interpol.

Moreover, in the race for power, which is very acute in the Russian Federation today, they passed on some information about the “scam”, which will make it possible to better document “interesting moments” from Patrushev’s biography. At Alyakin's the choice is small- on testimony, ask for asylum in the USA or Ukraine, or return to the Russian Federation and probably be eliminated.

And I have good reason to believe that he has already chosen the first option. Patrushev’s actions in this situation are quite logical - to escalate the situation in Ukraine, try to drag his accomplice to freedom and ensure his escape to an inaccessible place, or simply eliminate him. And to do this, he will use all possible forces available in our country.

Graduate of the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School and the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture.

In the early 90s, he taught economics at one of the Moscow schools and worked at the National Development Institute.



Related to the theft of 1 billion rubles. ex-banker detained in Ukraine

Former banker Alexey Alyakin was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine at the request of Russia. He is a defendant in two criminal cases of theft of 469 million and 600 million rubles. from Pushkino Bank

It happened in Pushkino

The Pushkin City Court of the Moscow Region has sentenced the accomplices of the former owner of the Pushkino Bank, Alexei Alyakin. For the theft of 600 million rubles. from this credit institution, the former deputy head of the Tver administration Denis Gontarev received four years in prison, and businessman Anatoly Semenov was sentenced to three years in prison. None of them admitted their guilt.

Border guard ruined four banks

Yesterday it became known that as part of a criminal investigation into multibillion-dollar thefts from the bankrupt Pushkino Bank, the former chairman of the board of this credit institution, a border guard officer by first education, Oleg Slyshchenko, was arrested. Together with the ex-owner of Pushkino, Alexei Alyakin, who is hiding abroad, he is suspected of withdrawing almost 1 billion rubles from the bank. In total, the bankrupt financial structure currently owes its clients 25.8 billion rubles

Oleg Slyshchenko was attracted to Alexey Alyakin

Yesterday it became known that as part of a criminal investigation into multibillion-dollar thefts from the bankrupt Pushkino Bank, the former chairman of the board of this credit institution, a border guard officer by first education, Oleg Slyshchenko, was arrested. Together with the ex-owner of Pushkino, Alexei Alyakin, who is hiding abroad, he is suspected of withdrawing almost 1 billion rubles from the bank. In total, the bankrupt financial structure currently owes its clients 25.8 billion rubles.

The former head of Pushkino Bank was arrested for withdrawing assets.

The former chairman of the board of Pushkino Bank, 51-year-old Oleg Slyshchenko, was arrested by the Tverskoy Court of Moscow on November 7 at the request of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region. The investigation suspects the ex-banker of particularly large-scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to a Kommersant source, we are talking about complicity in the theft of almost 1 billion rubles from Pushkino. The investigation considers the organizer of the scam to be the ex-owner of the credit institution, Alexey Alyakin, who is now hiding abroad.

Rosenergobank did not wait for Bondarchuk’s help

In terms of assets, Rosenergobank ranked 92nd in the Russian banking system as of March 1, 2017. In February, a number of media reported that famous film director Fyodor Bondarchuk was going to buy a 25% stake in Rosenergobank. This was indirectly confirmed by the fact that Ilya Morozovsky, an old acquaintance of Bondarchuk from the AB Finance bank, in which the director was a minority shareholder, came to the bank as chairman of the board of directors. In 2011, AB Finance was merged with Alexey Alyakin’s Pushkino Bank, which lost its license in September 2013. The fall of Pushkino became the largest insurance event in the history of the DIA at that time - payments to depositors amounted to 20.2 billion rubles.

Alyakin remained supported by investors

The Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal refused to overturn the decision of the previous instance and to seize the accounts and property of the former owners of Pushkino Bank; the Deposit Insurance Agency demanded interim measures for 14.8 billion rubles. However, the judge considered that the DIA did not provide sufficient grounds to seize the assets of the ex-shareholders of Pushkino, despite the fact that the owners of the bank left behind a “hole” in the budget of the financial organization in the amount of more than 20 billion rubles, and one of them was Alexey Alyakin was put on the international wanted list.

What is it, Pushkino Bank?

The bankruptcy of Pushkino turned out to be “classic”. The bank issued technical loans to certain companies, which, naturally, did not give the money back. The funds were successfully withdrawn. Those individuals whose deposits were covered by insurance (at that time 700 thousand rubles) were not harmed. The rest lost their money. The owner of Pushkino, a man who is blamed for all the troubles (or all the frauds), of course, did not wait for the punishing sword of justice and left his homeland. His name is Alexey Alyakin. He, of course, deserves a separate biography. But let’s limit ourselves to a well-known quote from banker Alexander Lebedev, who once briefly and succinctly described the scheme by which Alexey Alyakin earned his living:

“You buy a small bank, then withdraw money from it, buy more, withdraw money again. When it gets to the biggest one, you attract more money and take it all abroad. Then you say: sorry, market collapse.” As they say: “Curtain!”

Alyakin got rid of his last banking asset

Alyakin-Dobrovinsky Bank went bankrupt quietly “under the supervision of the Central Bank”

The collapse is obvious, but there are nuances. If you look closely, you can assume that the agony of Pushkino began long before its license was revoked, back in 2011-2012, when the main owner of the bank was considered to be the former official of the Ministry of Property, businessman and developer Alexey Alyakin (the leapfrog with the owners began this year , see inset). And lands and shares appeared at the bank to patch up the holes when the Central Bank was checking it with might and main. The lands are used as collateral for old loans, and the shares are simply a patch on the balance sheet.
link; 34064.htm

The ex-owner of Pushkino Bank filed for bankruptcy

Potok accused Alexey Alyakin of theft of 2 billion rubles.

During the management of the Potok company (former Mirax Group), Alexey Alyakin illegally withdrew funds and real estate of the company totaling more than 2 billion rubles, the press service of the Potok company reported on Tuesday. As noted in the Potok message, 75% of which belongs to businessman Sergei Polonsky , who is now in a Cambodian prison, as a result of Alyakin’s activities, “the company completely lost land plots with a total area of ​​about 95 hectares in the Khimki district of the Moscow region,” in addition, “the Literary Newspaper project with a total area of ​​5000 sq. m in Kostyansky Lane in center of Moscow."
link: 33166.htm

Potok claims that Alyakin withdrew more than 2 billion rubles from the company.

BPolonsky's former partner leaves the banking business

Alexey Alyakin sold shares in Pushkino and Kedr banks
link: http://www.vedomosti. ru/finance/news/9863681/ aleksej_alyakin_prodal_doli_v_ bankah_pushkino_i_kedr

The new management of the Potok group suspects Alexey Alyakin of withdrawing assets

The failed buyer of the company claims that he did not have the appropriate authority

Interview - Alexey Alyakin, Chairman of the Board of Potok

“Polonsky’s offer to join the project was unexpected”
link: library/news/8782271/ kompaniya_stala_zhit_po_ sredstvam_aleksej_alyakin

Polonsky got bored

On Friday, the new top management of the development company Potok managed to break into its own office, where it discovered that some of the accounting documents were missing. Sergei Polonsky's lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky explained the need for an urgent forceful seizure of the premises by the fact that his client suspects the former general director of the company, Alexei Alyakin, of attempting to withdraw assets and intending to hide documents indicating this. Sergei Polonsky decided to remove Alexey Alyakin’s team due to suspicions that the previous management began to withdraw the company’s assets. However, confirmation of the latter has not yet been found, Mr. Dobrovinsky noted.
link: 33075.htm

Polonsky fired Alyakin from all posts at Potok

Creditors came to Polonsky's successor

Before he had time to register the rights to the Potok company, banker Alexey Alyakin received the first “letter of happiness” from Sergei Polonsky’s former partners. One of the co-investors in the construction of the Federation Tower approached the developer with a demand to return almost $50 million or transfer real estate in this skyscraper with an area of ​​5.8 thousand square meters. m.
link; 562949985698439

Fyodor Bondarchuk left the capital of Pushkino Bank

Why does “not a banker” Alyakin need Potok, a “not a businessman” Polonsky, to be mired in debt?

The former Mirax Group of Sergei Polonsky (now called Potok) is being bought by banker Alexey Alyakin. In narrow circles, this man is known as a bankruptcy specialist, and given Polonsky’s debts, rich opportunities open up for the use of his talents. After a week of deliberation, Alexey Alyakin refused an interview with Dengi. Nevertheless, we managed to obtain some information about him from various sources.

“In-line” methods of “not a banker” Alexey Alyakin

Alexei Alyakin's banking empire is bursting at the seams. Currently, there are about 900 banks operating in Russia, or one bank for every 155,000 residents, including infants and pensioners. At the same time, the share of the 30 largest credit institutions in terms of household deposits accounts for about 80% of the market. In this situation, a logical question arises: what is everyone else doing?
link: 32798.htm

Developers Pavel Fuks and Alexey Alyakin left the capital of Pushkino Bank

Polonsky is leaving the business - his share in the Potok developer is being bought by banker Alyakin

The former Mirax Group will be sold to A. Alyakin

Businessman Alexey Alyakin entered into preliminary agreements with the current shareholders of the development company Potok (formerly Mirax Group) to purchase shares of the company, Potok said in a statement.
Read in full: 10/17/2012/674747.shtml

Fyodor Bondarchuk and his partners closed their banking business

link: iz_pushkino

Break the bank

The famous entrepreneur Alexander Lebedev recently spoke about the unhealthy situation in the banking sector in an interview with Profile magazine. According to him, financial institutions become victims of high-ranking raiders and are subsequently used to “bleed” money from the country through offshore companies. “Money is withdrawn from the country only with the help of banks. Often through deliberate bankruptcy, when they collect money from clients and then “spit” it offshore.

Pugachev used 200 companies for this, and Borodin – 100. We have hundreds of “laundering” companies using a scheme similar to the one used by Urin (a banker who is today accused of embezzling more than 15 billion rubles. - Ed.),” says Lebedev. At the same time, Lebedev mentions the business of the brothers Andrei and Alexander Alyakin. According to the entrepreneur, they bought a number of small banks through shell companies and directly, in particular Mast Bank, Oksky, Pushkino, Intercapital Bank.
link: 2012/mar/26/sorvat_bank

"Giant" from Pushkino

Bondarchuk and his partner in the Kinoshiti network of cinema clubs, Eduard Pichugin, told Vedomosti that they had left the banking business: they sold their shares in Pushkino to its main owner Alexei Alyakin. “The deal took place, I acquired Bondarchuk and Pichugin’s 14% stake,” confirmed Alyakin, whose share is now 33.8%.

The management of Pushkino Bank bought 100% of the shares of Kedr Bank

The main owner of Pushkino Bank, Alexey Alyakin, bought a stake in Kedr Bank. He acquired 12.1%. A little more, 7.8%, was received by a member of the board of directors of Pushkin Bank, and more recently, deputy chairman of the board of Cedar, Kirill Sitro. 15% of the bank was bought by the deputy chairman of the board of Pushino, Alexey Rashchupkin. The first deputy chairman of the bank, Nadezhda Kolofidina (12.1%) and Galina Fedorova (15%), sold their shares.

EBRD and East Capital left Kedr Bank

RBC daily's source in banking circles did not rule out that the shares of the EBRD and East Capital were sold in the interests of banker Alexei Alyakin, while, according to him, the shares of Western funds were not sold directly to Mr. Alyakin. In July 2010, Mr. Alyakin bought 19.36% in the Pushkino Bank near Moscow and 19.95% in AB Finance Bank, which was merged with Pushkino Bank in December last year. And in August last year, the minority shareholder of Kedr Bank, Mikhail Baranov, sold his 6.74% stake to Pushkino Bank. It cannot be ruled out that the emergence of minority shareholders of Kedr Bank alerted Western investors who decided to leave Kedr in order to avoid reputational risks.
link: inv_54.htm

The Pushkinites were exiled to Siberia

Let me start with the fact that at the end of July 2010, there was a change of shareholders in Pushkino Bank and the maximum stake in the shares began to belong to Mr. Alyakin.
link: pushkincev_soslali_v_sibir/ 2012-05-30-291

Kedr Bank opens an operational office in Novosibirsk

As of April 4, 2012, 19.9999% of the bank’s shares belong to Alexey Alyakin, a member of its board of directors, 12.8829% - to Kirill Sitro, a member of the board of directors, chairman of the bank’s board of directors, 18.75% - to Valentina Kozub, a member of the board of directors, and the remaining shares - for individuals. As of May 2, 2012, Alyakin also owns 3% of the shares of Pushkino Bank.

Pavel Fuks sells his stake in Sovcombank to investment holding Kardan

The other 50% is owned by SovCo Capital Partners B.V. The main beneficiary of the latter is the owner of the development company Mossitigroup Pavel Fuks, who has 25%. The remaining shares are distributed between the founders of Sovcombank Sergey and Dmitry Khotimsky, Mikhail Klyukin and Mikhail Kuchment. A minor stake in SovCo Capital Partners is owned by banker Alexey Alyakin, co-owner of AB Finance Bank OJSC, Reinvest Group of Companies, as well as a former shareholder and participant in such banks as Pushkino, Intercapital-Bank, MAST-Bank and Oksky " Sovcombank is a regional bank included in the TOP 100 in terms of assets (the largest in the Kostroma region, where it is registered). Focused on retail business, as well as lending and servicing small and medium-sized enterprises.

The owners of Kino City acquired 30.08% in AB Finance

Bondarchuk and Pichugin, together with producer Sergei Selyanov (STV), are developing a large-scale project “Cinema City”, which provides for the creation of leisure cultural centers in more than 200 cities of the country. The first 50 centers, built through private investment and loans, could start operating as early as next year. Bondarchuk confirmed the purchase of a stake in AB Finance Bank, describing this credit institution as “small but stable.” He explained that the bank would be used “as a tool” in the construction of Kino City and said that he bought his stake for 150 million rubles.

In addition to the new shareholders, shares in the bank are owned by the board members Ilya Morozovsky (19.95%), Chairman of the Board of Directors Alexey Alyakin (19.95%), Alexey Rashchupkin (19.95%) and Oleg Golikov (9.48%). Alyakin also owns shares in Moscow Mast Bank, Oksky Bank, Interkapitalbank, where he has a controlling stake of 55.2%. The first two banks participate in the deposit insurance system. At the end of July, Alyakin sold his stake in another bank, Pushkino.
link: 14254-vladelcy-kino-siti-priobreli-3008-v-ab-finans. html

The new owners of Inna Tour invited Inna Beltyukova to the management

The new head of Inna Tour, Alexey Alyakin, promises that the new owner of the operator, the Reinvest holding, will invest $10 million in its development and bring it to the TOP-10 Russian travel companies

The Reinvest group, which bought Inna Tour, will try to merge the banking and travel businesses

The Reinvest group of companies wants to try to merge the banking and tourism businesses. As Vedomosti writes, she bought the tour operator Inna Tour. The deal was closed last week, said Reinvest co-owner Alexey Alyakin (he became the general director of the travel company on Monday).

Bankers will take on tourists

The activation of the tour operator and its subsequent sale is explained by an attempt to combine the banking and tourism businesses. Co-owner of Reinvest and new CEO of Inna Tour Alexey Alyakin owns 19.95% of the shares of AB Finance Bank (217th place in the Russian Federation in terms of assets).

The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) has completed the formation of a register of depositors of Pushkino Bank and on October 14 begins returning money to them. If the deposit was up to 700 thousand rubles, every penny will be returned (albeit without the promised interest).

The DIA will spend more than 20 billion rubles on payments to private investors. This is the largest insurance event in the modern history of Russia. And this is the first case of revocation of a license and the first bankruptcy procedure initiated by the Central Bank after the Central Bank was headed by Elvira Nabiullina.

The collapse of Pushkino was expected a long time ago. Back in December last year, Andrei Nechaev, president of the Russian Financial Corporation bank (Russian Minister of Finance in 1992-1993), analyzed the “explosive” growth in the number of deposits (from 5.6 billion rubles on October 1, 2011 to 20 billion rubles on October 1, 2011). .2012) at 13.1% per annum, which greatly exceeds average market rates, gave extremely laconic advice to depositors: “You have to tick from such a bank.”

And in April of this year, the owner of the NRB, Alexander Lebedev, sent letters to the Central Bank and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in which he warned about the withdrawal of depositors’ funds from Pushkino Bank for the purpose of deliberate bankruptcy.

After the license was revoked from Pushkino, lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky - who, according to him, bought a 19.1% stake in Pushkino for $300 and headed the bank's board of directors - confirmed that back in April there was a "hole" in the bank "of 24 billion rubles, that is, accounts not backed by real money.

“I met with representatives of the Central Bank twice,” says Dobrovinsky, “and they said that I had shouldered an unbearable burden.” But 24 billion rubles disappeared during the time when the bank was managed by Alexei Alyakin.

Family history

Since 2007, banker Aleksey Alyakin, well-known in financial circles, has acquired stakes in a whole bunch of small credit institutions: MAST-Bank, Unicorbank, Intercapital-Bank, banks Oksky, AB-Finance, Pushkino, Kedr. At the same time, assets were almost always purchased at a decent discount, on the cheap.

Participants in the banking market have long paid attention to Alyakin’s work schemes. He did not merge the banks under his control to increase capitalization, which is required by the logic of developing any independent business. Instead, processes took place in Alyakin banks that are easily explainable, if we assume that the banks were initially acquired for the forced accumulation of depositors’ funds, the withdrawal of capital and subsequent bankruptcy.

It is clear that working according to such schemes is possible only with a serious “roof”, which Alyakin apparently had. Former head of the Central Bank of Russia Viktor Gerashchenko told me last year that he remembers the Alyakin family well. We can say that these are hereditary financiers. Mom worked in senior positions in the banking sector back in Soviet times.

Both sons followed in their mother's footsteps. The eldest, Andrey, made a good career in the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of Russia in Moscow, and in December 2010 he moved to Rosselkhozbank, taking the position of deputy chairman of the bank, which was soon headed by Dmitry Patrushev, the son of the ex-director of the FSB. Andrey Alyakin has friendly relations with the former head of the banking supervision department of the Central Bank, and now the head of the Moscow Main Territorial Directorate of the Bank of Russia, Alexey Plyakin. The younger Alyakin, Alexey, a graduate of the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School, also did not bypass the banking sector.

It would seem that Polonsky has something to do with it

The foundation of today's problems at Pushkino was laid precisely when the bank came under the control of Alexey Alyakin. Since the summer of 2010, formally remaining in the shadows and not holding positions related to control and administrative functions, it was Alyakin who made all strategic decisions at Pushkino. This is evidenced by all subsequent events.

We are talking, for example, about the story of the pledge of land in the area of ​​the Khimki Forest Park, not far from the Sheremetyevo airport, owned by Khimki Land LLC. This land (according to documents - a total of 250 hectares) can be used for cottage construction and is estimated at approximately 4 billion rubles.

At the beginning of August, Khimki Land filed six lawsuits at once with the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region in order to withdraw these same lands from the collateral of the Pushkino Bank. “Khimki Land”, as a plaintiff, asks “to recognize as invalid (void) transactions on the transfer of land plots as collateral (mortgage) and to oblige the Rosreestr office for the Moscow Region to cancel registration records on mortgages in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate (USRP).

In one of the claims, on September 19, arbitration already refused to satisfy the demands of Khimki Land LLC. Another five will be reviewed during October and are likely to be subject to the same decisions.

We carefully studied the already rendered court decision and made unexpected “discoveries.”

From the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region in case No. A41-39377/13:

“08/02/2012 between LLC Khimki Land (mortgagor) and OJSC Joint Stock Bank Pushkino (mortgagee) a pledge (mortgage) agreement No. 001/10L/ZN was concluded.<...>... the specified agreement was concluded in order to secure the rights of claim under the credit line agreement No. 001/10L dated January 18, 2010 (vol. 1, pp. 137-140), concluded between OJSC Commercial Bank MAST-Bank - the lender and KvintMet LLC - the borrower, acquired by the mortgagee under agreement No. 15/10 dated December 7, 2010 on the assignment of rights of claim.”

In other words, this quote means that Khimki Land acted as a guarantor for a loan to which it had nothing to do. A certain QuintMet LLC received a loan, and not from Pushkino Bank, but from MAST Bank. Pushkino bought the right to demand the repayment of this loan from MAST Bank.

Approximately the same plot is contained in the claims of Khimki Land LLC that have not yet been considered. Everywhere there are companies that actually received loans, and there is a guarantor - Khimki Land.

Now comes the fun part. MAST-Bank is a bank controlled by Alexey Alyakin at that time. Last summer, Khimki Land LLC also came under Alyakin’s control. The only founder of this company is Khimki-Property LLC. But Khimki-Property was founded by a company with a strange name for Russian ears, HEROTEN HOLDINGS LIMITED, registered in Cyprus and controlled by Sergei Polonsky.

It is now known that negotiations on Alyakin’s purchase of Polonsky’s entire business began last summer. Alyakin, apparently without waiting for the deal to be completed, received power of attorney from Polonsky to manage his assets. And the first thing he did was to make a deal with the lands owned by Khimki Land LLC, “driving” them as collateral to the Pushkino Bank. “Pushkino”, in turn, transferred, presumably, about five billion rubles to the Alyakin MAST-Bank, using these lands as collateral.

"The New Seven Bankers"

At the beginning of July this year, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a message about the exposure of an organized criminal group that had transferred more than one billion dollars out of the country. Five banks participated in the scheme, including the already familiar MAST Bank, as well as the Oksky and Intercapital banks associated with Alexey Alyakin.

Was it not through these “schemes” that the money of the Pushkino Bank evaporated? The investigation is currently looking for the answer to this question. According to preliminary information, more than 100 companies and over 400 people were involved in the withdrawal of money, including seven key banking officials. Alyakin is not among the “new seven-bankers”, because he did not formally hold a leadership position anywhere (as in the Pushkino Bank).

By the way, the Pushkinskoye District Department of Internal Affairs, where Lebedev’s statements were sent, did not find any corpus delicti in the actions of the management of the Pushkino Bank. But I am sure that a real check would undoubtedly lead to a criminal investigation.

Take, for example, the same story with the land in the Khimki forest park area. By the time the pledge agreement was concluded between Khimki Land and Pushkino, this land was actually already pledged. Back in July 2010, the company HEROTEN HOLDINGS LIMITED, controlled by Sergei Polonsky, received a loan from Promsvyazbank (PSB). The loan was secured by a number of assets, which included shares of Khimki-Property. Let me remind you that this company is the only founder of Khimki Land LLC, for which Polonsky registered land near Moscow. De facto, Khimki Land did not have the right to enter into a collateral agreement with Pushkino Bank. But it concluded. And this is Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud). Although, again, Khimki Land LLC has a general director who will be responsible for the dubious transaction if law enforcement agencies become interested in it. Alyakin will be out of business again.