The vodka king Rustam Tariko made money. Rustam Tariko owner of Russian Standard Bank Who is Rustam Tariko

Finance, 07 Mar 2018, 13:57

Owners of Russian Standard default bonds presented an ultimatum to Tariko ...% of the issue of default bonds of Russian Standard, demanded payments from Rustam’s company Tariko. Otherwise, in three weeks they will launch the procedure for collecting... the collateral, says a message issued after a telephone conference of Rustam’s company Tariko with investors, in which the initiative group refused to participate. - Start of the procedure...

Finance, 06 Mar 2018, 23:49

Tariko company discussed bond default with investors ... - still intend to demand early payment of the debt. Russian Standard Ltd Rustam Tariko held a meeting with the holders of the issue of defaulted Eurobonds with a total volume of $451 ... the company of the main beneficiary of Russian Standard Rustam met with the bondholders Tariko planned to discuss with investors two options for the redemption of Eurobonds, the newspaper reported...

Finance, 21 Feb 2018, 13:42

Owners of 27% of Russian Standard bonds refused negotiations with Tariko Holders of 27.5% of Russian Standard bonds named the proposal of Rustam’s company Tariko about ransom unacceptable. Investors decided to seek forced collection of securities... "Russian Standard". Details of the offer Company of the main beneficiary of Russian Standard Rustam Tariko offered two options for the redemption of Eurobonds, for which it was announced in the fall...

Business, 21 Feb 2018, 08:51

The media learned about two options for repurchasing defaulted Eurobonds of the Tariko company Russian Standard Ltd Rustam Tariko offered holders of its Eurobonds two options for their redemption. In both... much below par, Vedomosti writes. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the company Tariko offered two options for the redemption of Eurobonds, for which last fall there was... did not specify. As Aton representative Yakov Yakovlev told Vedomosti, the proposed Tariko the conditions are unattractive, and therefore investors are likely to accept them... The media learned about Rustam Tariko’s company’s plans to buy back its defaulted bonds ... investors may be offered 25–30% of the nominal value. Controlled by Rustam Tariko Russian Standard Ltd is discussing with investors a possible buyout from them... this from an employee of Russian Standard Bank. At the end of October the company Tariko defaulted on Eurobonds worth $451 million without paying the coupon... Rustam Tariko's structure defaulted on Eurobonds Rustam structure Tariko Russian Standard Ltd defaulted on Eurobonds worth $451 million... Standard Ltd were issued in 2015. Then Rustam's bank Tariko Russian Standard offered investors a choice - restructuring of the bank's bonds with redemption... Tariko Rustam Tariko's holding increased alcohol sales in Russia by 31% Rustam's alcohol holding Tariko Over the nine months of 2017, Roust increased alcohol sales in... Tariko Tariko Tariko Russian non-standard: how a bond default threatens Rustam Tariko’s business ...what options does Rustam’s group have for resolving the problem with investors? Tariko. A default on the payment of a bond coupon, committed by a specialized company Russian ... October, may cost the Russian Standard holding and its beneficiary Rustam Tariko 49% of the shares of Russian Standard Bank pledged as security for this... Limited (RHL), which, according to UBS, belongs directly to Rustam Tariko. The bank’s reporting also indicates that the bank group does not consolidate...

Business, 26 Sep 2017, 19:20

Rustam's alcohol holding Tariko Rust

Business, 26 Sep 2017, 19:20

Roust announced the appointment of a new CEO in Russia Rustam's alcohol holding Tariko Roust announced the appointment of a new CEO of the company in Russia. They... brands, control production, finance and marketing. Previously holding the position of General Director Rust Russia" Ilya Blinov has been transferred to the position of Managing Director of the Russian... Tariko Rustam Tariko Tariko The media learned about the change of head of the Roust alcohol holding Rustam Tariko ... Grant Winterton. This was reported by Kommersant with reference to a letter Tariko, a copy of which was in the possession of the newspaper. From a letter, in particular... (Green Mark vodka, Parliament), which in the same year purchased Rustam Tariko. The newspaper claims that sales of Roust in Russia in 2016 are... 34.8% higher than the previous year. Rustam's Roust Company Tariko in 2016 did not show positive dynamics and remained at... Tariko Tariko The court approved the deal to restructure the debt of Rustam Tariko's company ... Trading Ltd. Thus, the approved transaction scheme will for the first time deprive Rustam Tariko 100% control of his alcohol assets. Restructuring should lead... . Roust Corporation itself appeared in 2013 as a result of a proposed Tariko restructuring of the Central European Distribution Corporation (CEDC). The company's portfolio included... Tariko Tariko Tariko Rustam Tariko will share alcohol assets with creditors ... without describing the potential terms of the agreement with creditors Rustam's alcohol holding Tariko reported in early November. The restructuring should lead to a reduction in debt... to the status of shareholders of the company. The approved transaction scheme will for the first time deprive Rustam Tariko 100% control of his alcohol assets. The deal is actually divided..., which was used, among other things, for expansion in Russia. Structures Tariko managed to pay off only with some paper holders - part of their debt... Rustam Tariko Tariko Rustam Tariko's company will be additionally capitalized by $500 million ... and alcohol distributor Central European Distribution Corporation (CEDC), which offered Rustam Tariko. All of the company's bonds due in 2016 were exchanged... the terms of the restructuring may include the consolidation of the alcohol assets of the Russian Standard group Tariko, which are not included in Roust. As the newspaper notes, the only alcoholic... Tariko Rustam Tariko Rustam Tariko's company agreed to prolong Eurobonds for $25 million ... capital,” the document said. The bonds in question went to Tariko inherited from the Polish alcohol holding Central European Distribution Corporation ... operating indicators in the future, - RBC reported through the press service Rustam Tariko. - We are pleased with the continued growth in sales volumes on the global market, stable... Tariko Tariko Rustam Tariko Rustam Tariko's company defaulted ... capital,” the document says. The bonds in question went to Tariko inherited from the Polish alcohol holding Central European Distribution Corporation ... to the Russian Standard Bank, nor to the companies of Rustam’s alcohol group Tariko, says a representative of the holding. CEDC was founded by American entrepreneur William Carey... issuing $310 million in credit notes in March 2013. Rustam Tariko, which in November 2011 acquired 9.9% of CEDC... Tariko Tariko Rustam Tariko Bank reduced its loss by almost six times In the first quarter of 2016, Rustam Bank Tariko Russian Standard received a loss under IFRS of 2.3 billion rubles, ... in its review. As of March 31, 2016, the capital of Rustam Bank Tariko amounted to 15.8 billion rubles. At the same time, the standard of sufficiency of own... Tariko Tariko Tariko Rustam Tariko Rustam Tariko found a buyer for NPF Russian Standard ...belongs to the owner of the vodka holding of the same name, Rustam Tariko. As RBC previously wrote, at the end of 2015 Tariko lost operational control over his NPF... the operations of the Interfin Capital company, which managed the assets of the Russian Standard NPF. Tariko I had to urgently look for money to pay off the debt to Russian Credit, - Vedomosti’s source came to the rescue. In exchange, the businessman had to mortgage the NPF Russian Standard. Rustam Tariko put up for sale its financial structures - NPF "Russian Standard" and... Tariko Tariko Bushmills and Whyte&Mackay will stop selling whiskey through the Tariko holding ... Jose Cuervo tequila will stop selling in Russia through Rustam's holding company Tariko Roust, Kommersant reports. Also looking for a replacement for Roust in Russia... the tequila brand Jose Cuervo refused the services of Rustam's Roust holding Tariko for the sale of its products, Kommersant reports. About what Jose...

Business, March 30, 2016, 08:09

Tariko Tariko Tariko

Business, March 30, 2016, 08:09

The media named a possible buyer of the Russian Standard pension fund Negotiations on the purchase of the non-state pension fund (NPF) "Russian Standard" of Rustam Tariko led by the O1 group of Boris Mints, Vedomosti writes with reference to... . On similar terms, O1 previously purchased NPF Uralsib. Representatives Tariko, O1 and BIN groups declined to comment. A representative of the Central Bank said... it is pledged to the BIN group, since, according to Vedomosti, Tariko“I had to urgently look for money to pay off the debt to Russian Credit.” Facilities...

Tariko received from Soyuzplodoimport the rights to produce and sell in Russia... one of four Russian distilleries of Rustam's Roust company Tariko, located in Balashikha near Moscow, Soyuzplodoimport told the publication. In Roust...

Tariko Rustam Tariko Rustam Tariko Tariko Rustam Tariko restructured two issues... Tariko's pension business was pledged to Shishkhanov ... BIN groups for the loan issued to Rustam Tariko. A source close to the BIN Group told RBC that Rustam Tariko lost operational control over NPF "Russian... . Mikail Shishkhanov did not answer RBC's question. Autumn 2015 Rustam Tariko put up for sale its financial assets - a management company and a pension... financial assets were needed Tariko, since he needed money to pay bondholders. In October 2015 Rustam Tariko Tariko Tariko Roust bondholders were given a reason to demand $700 million from Rustam Tariko ... issued as part of the debt restructuring of the Polish vodka producer CEDC, which Tariko purchased two years ago. In 2013, the Polish company found itself... bankrupt, admitting that it was unable to pay money to bondholders, Tariko invited investors to exchange them for a new issue - the Roust company - with... Soplica, Zubrowka, Absolwent, Hungarian Royal. Renat Malin reminds that Tariko There have already been problems with bondholders of the Russian bank owned by him...

One of the most pretentious and extravagant representatives of Russian business, without a doubt, Rustam Tariko is the founder of Russian Standard Bank.

But he began his long path to success from afar - with the tourism business. And later he became the famous “vodka king”, popular far beyond the borders of Russia. But the biography of this man testifies: in his life there were not only ups, but also repeated downs. Including in times of financial prosperity and widespread fame. So where did it all begin?

According to Wikipedia, Rustam Vasilyevich was born in Menzelinsk, in the Republic of Tatarstan. According to the recollections of his peers and teachers, the future billionaire was always an independent child and took an active part in the life of the school. With his friends, he organized a musical ensemble, in which he was both a soloist and a guitarist. Tariko loved to sing; he spent almost the entire graduation party of his class at the microphone.

The second time he tried, he managed to enter the prestigious Institute of Transport Engineers in Moscow (MIIT). And almost immediately he began looking for ways to earn extra money. When Rustam’s mother sent him money, according to the recollections of his friends, he always sent it back and asked him never to do that again. At the age of 18, the future businessman began working at the Business Tour travel agency.

It was there that he managed to earn his first money, and considerable money at that. The travel agency belonged to the Italian Emanuella Carboncini and was engaged in settling her fellow businessmen into Moscow hotels. But in those years it was necessary to act through Intourist, which took a lot of time and money. And then Emanuella invited Tariko to carry out an important “task” - to provide her agency with free access to the numbers.

The man, who naturally had an entrepreneurial spirit, coped with this task without difficulty. He secured a meeting with the director of the Rossiya Hotel, offering to accommodate foreigners there without the participation of Intourist. The deal went through, and he received a fabulous fee for those times - 5 thousand dollars.

  • the beginning of supplies of Italian products to the Russian market in the early 1990s (Ferrero SpA, Kinder Surprise);
  • registration of Roust Inc. in 1992 and obtaining exclusive rights to supply Martini and Johnny Walker products;
  • the beginning of exclusive supplies of Bailey’s, Smirnoff, Metaxa alcohol in 1998;
  • supplies of Chinzano alcoholic products in 2002;
  • opening of our own vodka distillery in St. Petersburg in 2006.

The dizzying success inspired the entrepreneur, and he realized that it was time to develop a new line of business. Moreover, he already had his own bank, because in 1999 he acquired the small institution “Agrooptbank”. Later it was renamed, receiving the well-known name “Russian Standard”. And Tariko began to engage in something hitherto unprecedented for the country - distributing retail loans.

A new standard in the lending market

In the early 2000s, an unusual product appeared on the Russian bank loan market - express loans without collateral or guarantors. The only drawback of “easy money” was excessively high interest rates (over 40% per annum). Mr. Tariko invested considerable funds in the development of a new line of business:

  • 100 thousand dollars - to purchase a license and bring the balance sheet to zero;
  • $1 million – to develop a strategy and business plan;
  • $20 million – to issue the first loans to clients.

The business plan developed by the international consulting company McKinsey assumed that the credit institution would reach the break-even point in 2003, but this happened 2 years earlier. Every year the business of the credit and financial organization doubled. Already in 2004, the company created by Rustam Vasilyevich took 2nd place in terms of consumer lending in the country. In the same year, the businessman valued his brainchild at an amount equal to $1 billion.

However, not everything was so rosy. Already 5 years after the start of the bank’s activities, a scandal broke out: the 23% per annum specified in the agreement for the use of borrowed funds was a fraud. Clients were forced to pay multiple fees and constantly accrued interest. As it turned out later, the agreement contained footnotes in small print, which spoke of the issuance of a bank card on which interest would “drip”. And a specific interest rate, expressed in at least some numerical value, did not appear in the text of the document. But the case of hidden commissions and inflated interest rates did not come to court, because each client had a voluntarily signed agreement in his hands, which means there could be no claims against the bank.

By 2007, the amount of hidden interest began to be of interest not only to clients, but also to the Central Bank, Rospotrebnadzor and the FAS. According to information released by representatives of the credit institution, the interest rate on loans for individuals was 79.2%, and on consumer loans - over 44%. The shocking figures had a simple explanation: the percentage of non-performing loans was too high.

But the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation was not satisfied with this explanation, and the founder of the organization was invited for a serious conversation. After this event, it was decided to abandon hidden commissions, as well as to reduce rates. As a result of this “noble” and decisive step, the credit institution suffered losses reaching $200 million. After the global financial crisis, the bank's losses became even greater - 4.5 billion rubles. But an optimistic businessman turned the situation in the right direction, and after just a year, his organization increased profits by 2 billion, and then became the 16th bank in the country in terms of profit (according to the Kommersant-Dengi publication).

Speaking about the failures that overtook the risky businessman every now and then, it is worth mentioning the failed attempt of “Standard” to capture the luxury audience. In 2005, a bank with a dubious reputation, which issued loans primarily to low-income people, suddenly received exclusive rights to issue American Express cards.

The franchise cost about 40 thousand dollars. But soon, inspired by success, Tariko met a lot of protests from most banks that worked with AmEx cards, who refused to transfer data about their VIP clients to such an institution. Then Standard destroyed its relationship with the Russian system operator, USC.

Later, Rustam Vasilyevich decided to use the proven scheme - to distribute American Express cards in shopping centers to almost everyone. And then the unheard of happened: the banking institution began distributing electronic messages with offers to receive “plastic”, which is positioned all over the world as a luxury credit product. There was no limit to the indignation of clients - owners of elite cards - and instead of an increase in the number of holders, their number sharply decreased and amounted to less than 1% of the Russian market.

Rustam Tariko and his women

He was not officially married; he has three children from two common-law wives. The businessman’s first wife, Tatyana Osipova, gave birth to twins Anya and Eva in 2003. And soon after the birth, the relationship between the spouses went wrong.

He met his current wife at the Miss Russia beauty contest, after winning the regional Miss Mordovia 2004 contest. She failed to win the honorary title, which cannot be said about the heart of a businessman. Tariko and Alena Gavrilova still live together, and in 2007 they had a son.

A rare species of orchid is named in honor of the millionaire’s beloved, but the point here is not the unearthly beauty of the girl, but the generosity of her husband. At Natalia Vodianova’s charity auction “Ball of Love”, he donated 320 thousand euros for this lot - the name of a flower discovered by scientists at the University of London.

The banker is known for his expensive purchases:

  • the Polish company CEDC is the largest manufacturer of vodka in our country;
  • Sardinian villa Minerva, purchased from the wife of Silvio Berlusconi for 15 million euros;
  • villa in Miami Beach, purchased for $25.5 million.

Photos of his resort residences amaze with their scope and luxury. But luxury real estate purchases were made back in the 2010s, but the news for 2015 does not seem so encouraging.

Russian businessman, dollar billionaire and owner of the Russian Standard group of companies.

Today, the Russian Standard holding is engaged in the production and distribution of alcohol, and also provides banking and insurance services.


Life of a businessman before Russian Standard

Rustam Tariko was born in the small town of Menzelinsk on the territory of Tatarstan. He became independent early and began earning his first money while still in school, playing with a musical ensemble at city events.

After graduating from school at the age of 17, he went to go to university in Moscow - he entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers to become an economist. While studying, I worked part-time to support myself and rent an apartment. I didn’t want to take money from my mother.

Since his senior year, he began to show his entrepreneurial talent in different companies. He established contacts with Moscow hotels for the travel agency Business Tour, for which he received his first truly large fee - 5 thousand dollars. He suggested that the Ferrero chocolate company sell Kinder Surprise eggs in regular stores, which turned out to be a great idea. Thanks to this, I got into the Ferrero staff and went to study in Luxembourg.


Rustam Tariko's vodka business dipped less than others in the first half of the year

Of the large vodka companies, only Rustam Tariko's Russian Standard managed to avoid a sharp reduction in production in the first half of the year - mainly due to export contracts. Competitors lost from 14 to 35% of production volumes.

How “vodka tycoon” Alexander Sabadash was let down by his “animal sense”

The Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested former senator Alexander Sabadash in the case of attempting to illegally refund VAT. The businessman, as entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov wrote about him, “ten years ago controlled the alcohol market in the north-west” and had an “animal instinct.” Sabadash became famous for numerous conflicts - both with market colleagues Rustam Tariko and Sergei Zivenko, and with officials.
link: 13/05/2014/923313.shtml#xtor= AL-—--

Russian Standard intends to acquire Scottish whiskey producer Whyte&Mackay

RBC 04/25/2014, Moscow 04:21:21 The owner of Russian Standard, Rustam Tariko, was among the contenders for the purchase of the Scottish whiskey producer Whyte & Mackay, writes Kommersant.
link: shtml

Control over CEDC made Rustam Tariko the second vodka producer in the world

Tariko will dilute vodka with whiskey

Having become the world's second largest vodka producer after acquiring CEDC, Russian Standard owner Rustam Tariko can dilute his assets with three whiskey factories in Scotland. Experts have no doubt that the Russian businessman will enter into a fight with competitors for production assets put up for sale by the leader of the global spirits market, Diageo. The Johnnie Walker manufacturer was forced to sell its distilleries after British competition authorities refused to approve Diageo's acquisition of Scottish company Whyte & Mackay, as by acquiring this asset Diageo would exceed the permissible threshold of its share of the UK market.
link: 562949989771909

RBC daily: The owner of Russian Standard can buy Scottish whiskey distilleries.

RBC 11/29/2013, Moscow 10:35:06 Having become the world's second largest vodka producer after acquiring CEDC, the owner of Russian Standard, Rustam Tariko, can dilute his assets with three whiskey factories in Scotland. The RBC daily newspaper writes about this today.
link; 20131129103506.shtml

Tariko vodka will flow from every iron

The owner of Russian Standard, Rustam Tariko, who just recently spent about $420 million during the takeover of the vodka giant CEDC, is again ready to take out his wallet. The company will launch the largest advertising campaign in its history in key foreign markets in the coming days. Experts estimate possible costs up to $100 million and note that Mr. Tariko managed to create the most famous and recognizable product from Russia on the global market.
link: 562949989571134

Rustam Tariko will pour vodka into the minds of Europeans and Americans

The owner of Russian Standard, Rustam Tariko, who just recently spent about $420 million during the takeover of the vodka giant CEDC, is ready to open his wallet again. The company will launch the largest advertising campaign in its history in key foreign markets in the coming days. Experts estimate possible costs up to $100 million and note that Mr. Tariko managed to create the most famous and recognizable product from Russia on the global market.
link; 562949989566300

CEDC came under the control of Rustam Tariko

“Russian alcohol” has returned to Russia again
link; companies/news/12882401/kak_ rustam_tariko_stal_vtorym

Rustam Tariko received the “Cranes” and the “Green Stamp”

Russian Standard closed the deal to purchase CEDC
link: companies/news/12845181/ rustam_tariko_poluchil_ zhuravli_i_zelenuyu_marku

Russian Standard becomes the world's second largest vodka producer thanks to the acquisition of CEDC.

Russian Standard Holding completed the acquisition of Central European Distribution Corporation (CEDC), one of the largest vodka producers in the world, as a result of which Russian Standard added more than ten world-famous alcohol brands to its portfolio and took second place in the world in terms of vodka production volumes . This is stated in the message of Russian Standard.
Read in full: 2013/06/06/33961294.html

The bankruptcy court crowned Rustam Tariko

The bankruptcy court of the American state of Delaware has removed the last obstacle to Rustam Tariko's path to world vodka domination. The American judges did not express any complaints about the business restructuring plan of the Polish vodka company CEDC, 100% of which will now go to the owner of Russian Standard.
link: 562949986936007

Anfisa Voronina: How to become a vodka king

Financial talent helped Rustam Tariko
link: trading_ltd

The Polish alcohol holding will go bankrupt and come under the control of R. Tariko

Polish spirits manufacturer Central European Distribution Corporation (CEDC) filed a statement in an American court for its own insolvency and protection from creditors under the pre-packaged bankruptcy procedure in accordance with Article 11 of the US Code.
link: 08/04/2013/852895.shtml

Vodka Tsar Rustam I

The largest producer of vodka in Europe, the Polish company CEDC, will be absorbed by Rustam Tariko's Russian Standard. The day before, a consortium of investors, which included the A1 company (the investment division of Alfa Group), Yuri Shefler's SPI Group and the owner of 4.98% of CEDC Mark Kaufman, announced their withdrawal from the struggle for control over the Green Mark manufacturer.
link: 562949986387042

Tariko has no competitors left in the fight for CEDC

The consortium of Mark Kaufman, A1 and SPI withdrew its proposal to restructure the debts of Russia's largest vodka producer
link: companies/news/10560731/u_ tariko_ne_ostalos_konkurentov_ v_borbe_za_cedc

Oleg Tinkov: “Rustam, of course, is ours, but I’m betting on Maratich”

The approaching outcome of the dramatic battle for control of the largest vodka producer in Europe, the Polish CEDC (brands “Green Mark”, “Parliament”, etc.) is attracting the close attention of Russian business leaders. Even those whose activities are not directly related to the alcohol market. The other day, the struggle between Rustam Tariko and Mikhail Fridman’s Alfa Group became a topic of discussion on Twitter between co-owner of the Magnit network Sergey Galitsky (@sergeygalitskiy) and co-owner of Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank Oleg Tinkov (@olegtinkov).
link: 562949986194275

CEDC preferred rescue plan from Tariko

The subsidiary of Russian Standard will invest $172 million to pay bondholders and will receive in exchange 85% of CEDC capital
link: predpochla_plan_tariko

CEDC chooses rescue plan

The first was proposed by the company itself, the second by Rustam Tariko, the third by a consortium of investors, which includes the Alfa Group division and Mark Kaufman

Mark Kaufman and A1 proposed terms for restructuring CEDC debts

A new consortium of investors undertakes to solve the debt problems of the largest vodka company in Eastern Europe - CEDC. This is stated in the plan for restructuring the debt load of the Polish alcohol company CEDC, published on the website of the American Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
link: companies/news/9798091/mark_ kaufman_i_a1_predlozhili_ usloviya_restrukturizaci

RBC daily: Investors will be attracted to landscaping work in the capital.

RBC 02/06/2013, Moscow 11:03:40 Moscow authorities have now decided to create new recreation areas mainly at the expense of investors, spending in 2012. over 20 billion rubles. from the city budget for the improvement of old parks. This year, with the money of businessmen, at least three “people’s parks” should appear in each district.
link: 20130206110340.shtml

Russian Standard plans to place Eurobonds in yuan

Mikhail Fridman will compete with Rustam Tariko for the title of vodka king

Mikhail Fridman may return to the alcohol market, which he left in 2008, by selling the Smirnov vodka brand. The private equity fund Pamplona Capital Menegement (PCM), acting in the interests of the main shareholders of Alfa Group, is close to purchasing one of the world's largest vodka producers - the Polish-British Stock Spirits Group. According to Sky News, the deal could cost €700 million.
link: 562949985620833

How bank owners bring them into compliance with the new requirements of the Central Bank

"RBC daily": 2012 became the best for the Russian alcohol market.

RBC 01/25/2013, Moscow 10:05:30 Russian alcohol market in 2012 almost won back the three-year decline, reaching pre-crisis production volumes, RBC Daily writes today. As follows from Rosstat data, the production of strong alcohol last year increased by 14% - to 113 million decaliters.
link; 20130125100530.shtml

Rustam Tariko put an end to expats in “Russian Alcohol”

The largest shareholder of the vodka giant CEDC, Rustam Tariko, began the year by appointing his man to the position of general director of the Russian Alcohol company, the Russian division of the Polish manufacturer. The company, known for the Green Mark and Parliament brands, was headed by Vladimir Filiptsev, who previously managed the distribution of Russian Standard by Mr. Tariko.

CEDC received a deferment and remains on the exchange

Delisting of securities of an alcohol producer and distributor may take place no earlier than March 21
link; companies/news/7933801/cedc_ esche_potorguetsya

Rustam Tariko invites CEDC share and bond owners to a meeting

Kaufman called on the CEDC board of directors to transfer the powers of CEO to Tariko

The owner of a 9.5% stake in the vodka company CEDC, Mark Kaufman, supported the proposal of Rustam Tariko (19.5% of shares) to transfer the powers of chief executive officer to the latter. Previously, the board of directors came out categorically against it, and the Russian businessman threatened in response to withdraw from the deal to merge the businesses of CEDC and Russian Standard. Mark Kaufman accused the independent directors of the Polish company of losing confidence from investors and recalled that CEDC faces default if the rescue deal with Mr. Tariko falls through.
Read in full:

The Polish alcohol giant refused to go under the management of R. Tariko

Board of Directors of the Polish alcohol producer Central European Distribution Corp. (CEDC) voted against transferring full management control over the operations and finances of CEDC to the head of the Russian Standard Corporation, Rustam Tariko.
Read in full: 11/19/2012/825687.shtml

Tariko's new breakthrough

CEDC agreed to an alliance with Russian Standard

Tariko takes Europe

Owners of CJSC Russian Standard Bank

As of February 16, 2009, almost 100% of the bank’s shares are controlled by CJSC Russian Standard Company (97.172089%) and CJSC Rust Inc. (2.826654%), which, in turn, is owned by Bermuda-based Roust Trading Limited (beneficiary - Rustam Tariko)

CEDC agreed to an alliance with Russian Standard by Rustam Tariko

Russian Standard Bank filed an application with Rospatent for the “travel pass” trademark

Russian Standard has come up with an approach to CEDC

Rustam Tariko bought 70% of the Italian wine house Gancia

Elizaveta Nikitina: “Russian Standard” in the merger market

Rustam Tariko bought the Italian wine house Gancia

Russian Standard Bank received 3.95 billion rubles for the nine months of 2011. net profit

Russian Standard Bank will work with investors

Russian Standard increased profits in the first half of the year under IFRS by 35%

Glus: Rustam Tariko offered $350 million for Nemiroff

Tatspirtprom will close four of 11 plants

“In one night, Rustam Tariko spends from 100,000 pounds sterling and eats the best beluga, pancakes and borscht”

"Excuse me. This is the Prime Minister." Rustam Tariko picks up the phone in his Moscow office and launches a tirade against the illegal policies of protectionism in the Russian republics. After a few minutes of conversation, he grins and hangs up. “It’s decided. They wanted to ban me from selling my vodka in Tatarstan. Now I can". What's the price? “I agreed to build some schools.” “Vodka for desks” is an interesting deal with the Prime Minister! Tariko doesn't do his business by the book. And that's exactly how he likes it. He spent years making the risky, disorderly system of the Russian economy work for him. The results are revolutionary. The 44-year-old son of a Communist Party ideologist who grew up proudly wearing the uniform of a pioneer has become Russia's most successful billionaire businessman. It has a dominant position in the luxury drinks market and created the first Russian consumer brands known throughout the world. Its Russian Standard and Empire vodkas have a 67% share of the domestic premium vodka market and sell for £20 a bottle in Europe and America.
link: 27279.htm

Rustam Tariko will not take away the house from David Beckham

For seven years in a row, Hollywood star George Clooney went on vacation to his favorite villa Oleandra, located on the shores of Italian Lake Como. Having bought the mansion in 2002, George invested a lot of effort and money into it. But now he intends to part with the house dear to his heart, which has long ceased to be an oasis of calm for the actor. Clooney is pretty fed up with the paparazzi and tourists who stand around the villa day and night. In addition, his current girlfriend, Italian Elizabeta Canalis, prefers to relax not on the lake, but on the sea. Recently, George put up luxury real estate for sale. According to some information, there are now two main buyers vying for the house - Clooney's close friend David Beckham and... the Russian vodka king Rustam Tariko.
link: 17593/

Rustam Tariko ends the vodka war

The Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia (SAC RF) satisfied the supervisory complaint of Russian Standard Vodka LLC by Rustam Tariko against the decision of the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in the claim against JSC LIVIZ by Alexander Sabadash. The case has been sent back for retrial. In this lawsuit, Russian Standard demanded that the purchase of 10% of its shares from the offshore Astromex Ltd. by the St. Petersburg distillery for 83 million rubles be declared invalid. The balance of power in the bankruptcy case of LIVIZ CJSC, which has been going through arbitration since March 2008, depends on the cancellation or recognition of this transaction. According to experts, if Astromex leaves the game, which is now very likely, control over the bankruptcy procedure may go to Rustam Tariko .
link: Rustam_Tariko_zakanchivaet

The head of the Russian Standard holding, Rustam Tariko, visited the Kazan IT park

The General Director of the Russian Standard holding, Rustam Tariko, visited the Kazan high-tech technology park "IT Park" today. At the IT park he was met by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan Nikolai Nikiforov, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan Dinar Nasyrov and Director of the IT Park Svetlana Palatova. Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov took part in the meeting.


Mom, Rosa Nazipovna, was a member of the district party committee. When he was one year old, his parents divorced, and his mother raised her son on her own. Now she lives in Italy and is the standard of “warmth and care” for her son.

Rustam began to make a living by singing - being a soloist in an ensemble, he received money for performing at holidays.


He studied at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, where he entered upon arrival in the capital and graduated in 1989. In addition to his native Tatar, he speaks Russian, English and Italian.

Labor activity and own business

He began building his career in 1988 at the travel agency Business Tour. In almost 3 years, he rose from an ordinary travel agency to the position of consultant in the Italian companies Ferrero and Martini & Rossi, while studying at the university.

He started his own business in 1992 with the founding of the company ROUST Inc., which was engaged in the sale of alcoholic products of the Martini, Smirnoff and Johnie Walker brands.

In 1998, he founded the Russian Standard company, which has become a large corporation and today includes a number of companies: Russian Standard Vodka, Russian Standard Bank (in 1999 he bought Agrooptbank, renamed it " Russian Standard”, the first in Russia to engage in consumer lending) and “Russian Standard Insurance”. In 2000, he graduated from a business school in France as chairman of the board of directors of Russian Standard Bank, which by 2001 had become break-even, and by the end of 2004 it was firmly in second place in consumer lending after Sberbank.


He is considered one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Russia and is a laureate of the Business Style Award, which is awarded to an entrepreneur who has successfully developed and practiced his own effective business style.


He became the first in Russia to buy a personal Boeing. He manages it exclusively independently. Moreover, he owns the fastest boat in the world, “Terrible,” whose speed reaches 90 miles per hour or 144 kilometers per hour. “Affordable luxury for everyone” is the businessman’s favorite phrase on his profile on one of the social networks.

He also enjoys skiing, tennis, and loves traveling and yachts. One of his favorite places is the island of Sardinia, where Rustam has his own mansion.

Family status

The banker is not officially married, but he often appears in public with his companions. At the same time, the entrepreneur has three children: daughters, twins Eva and Anna, were born in 2003, and son Rustam was born in 2007.

At the Miss Universe contest party in Moscow

For me to like a woman, she must combine beauty, intelligence, and energy. But it is enough for a man to have one quality - intelligence.

The owner of the Russian Standard holding, Rustam Tariko, and his common-law wife, from whom undeclared jewelry was seized for examination at customs at Sheremetyevo Airport, are unlikely to become defendants in a criminal case and may get away with a fine, newspapers reported on Friday, citing customs officials and experts.

In 1999, Tariko bought Agrooptbank, renamed it “Russian Standard”, and engaged in consumer lending.

In 2000 he graduated from the French business school INSEAD Executive School.

In 2002, Bacardi-Martini, with which Tariko's business began, terminated the contract with Rust, and the company lost 50% of its turnover. After this, Tariko entered into an agreement with Gruppo Campari for the distribution of Cinzano, and in 2005 he signed a distribution agreement with Remy Cointreau.

In March 2005, Diageo terminated the agreement with Tariko and created a joint venture with the A1 company (a subsidiary of Alfa Group), which received exclusive rights to the brands Johnnie Walker, Bailey's, J&B, Captain Morgan. Thus, Tariko's alcohol business lost 70% of its turnover. At the same time, the St. Petersburg distillery Liviz, where Russian Standard until recently bottled its vodka, appealed to Rospatent with a demand to cancel the Russian Standard trademark. According to Tariko, this was associated with his company's intention to transfer the production of its vodka from Liviz to its own plant in St. Petersburg.

In December 2006, Tariko bought the Internet domains and for the international promotion of vodka and the Russian Standard brand. The first was purchased from the American company Nett Corp. (through the mediation of broker, part of the German group United Internet AG) for $3 million, the second from Artemy Lebedev for $50 thousand.