The richest people for the year. The richest people in the world

In March 2019, the famous Forbes magazine published its next annual ranking of the 200 richest people in Russia. For our readers, we have presented a list of the 10 wealthiest Russian oligarchs of our time.

10. Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich | $12.4 billion

Russian entrepreneur Roman Arkadievich Abramovich opens the top ten largest oligarchs in the country for this year. His personal fortune is estimated at $12.4 billion, up $1.6 billion from last year. In the Forbes world list, Abramovich took 128th position in the ranking. He is one of the leading businessmen and statesman.

9. Alisher Burkhanovich Usmanov | $12.6 billion

In ninth place among financial tycoons at the end of 2019. The entrepreneur’s fortune at the beginning of 2019 was $12.6 billion. The Russian took 118th place in the world rankings. The billionaire's main assets are concentrated in the metallurgy and Internet industries. He owns the Metalloinvest holding and the Group holding, which includes, social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir and other services. Usmanov also owns a number of television channels and radio stations, the Kommersant publishing house, and so on. Such extensive assets allow one of the leading rich men to remain in leading positions among the oligarchs for several years in a row. Alisher Burkhanovich actively takes part in the country's charitable activities and is the winner of many awards.

8. Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko | $13.8 billion

In seventh place among the richest people in the country in 2019 is Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko. His fortune today is estimated at $13.8 billion. In the world ranking according to Forbes Russian entrepreneur, industrialist and philanthropist ranks 111. Its main activity is the production of fertilizers at EuroChem and coal and energy SUEK - the largest world-class companies.

7. Mikhail Maratovich Fridman | $15 billion

A major entrepreneur has been ranked seventh on the list of the richest people in Russia for the fourth year in a row. His capital is estimated at $15 billion. The billionaire managed to take 98th place in the world rankings. He is a co-owner and also the chairman of the Alfa Group consortium, which includes Alfa Bank, Alfa Capital, AlfaStrakhovanie, Alfa-Eco, etc. In addition, Friedman is a member of the supervisory board of VimpelCom Ltd, the founder of the bureau of the presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress and a member of the Public Chamber of the 2006 convocation.

6. Vladimir Olegovich Potanin | $18.1 billion

The Russian oligarch and politician with a capital of $18.1 billion ranked sixth among the most influential people in Russia in 2019. Among all the rich people in the world, the Russian took 88th place. Compared to last year, the billionaire's fortune decreased by 3.3 billion. He is the owner and president of one of largest company Interros, a shareholder of the Rambler group, and is also the general director of MMC Norilsk Nickel.

Vladimir Olegovich actively takes part in the country’s social and charitable activities. This is one of the first entrepreneurs in Russia who joined the philanthropic campaign “Oath of Giving” and expressed a desire to donate half of his fortune to charity. Potanin has received many awards for services to the Fatherland.

5. Gennady Nikolaevich Timchenko | $20.1 billion

The Russian entrepreneur took fifth place this year among the richest people in the country. As of 2019, the tycoon's capital amounted to $20.1 billion. In 5 years he managed to increase his capital 5 times. Timchenko ranks 85th in the world rankings. He is the founder and main shareholder of the investment group Volga Group, which unites companies from the fields of energy, transport and infrastructure construction. Through the Volga Group, Gennady Nikolaevich owns a 23% stake in the gas production company Novatek.

4. Alexey Alexandrovich Mordashov | $20.5 billion

He is ranked fourth among the richest people in Russia and 71st in the world ranking compiled by Forbes in 2019. Its capital is estimated at 20.5 billion dollars. He is the owner of the metallurgical company Severstal, general director of Severgroup CJSC and chairman of the Board of Directors of Power Machines OJSC. The billionaire owns a 23% stake in the travel company TUI Group. In 2014, the Russian was recognized as the best speaker in the global steel industry. Alexey Alexandrovich received many awards for services to the state.

3. Vagit Yusufovich Alikperov | $20.7 billion

In third place among the richest people in Russia in 2019 is. The oligarch’s personal capital today is $20.7 billion, which allows him to occupy 65th place in the world ranking. Back in 2015, with a fortune of 12.2 billion, the entrepreneur held his position in sixth place among the wealthiest Russians. He is the president and co-owner of one of the leading Russian oil companies, Lukoil. He has received many honorary awards for services to the country.

2. Vladimir Sergeevich Lisin | $21.3 billion

He took second place in the ranking of Russian financial magnates. The entrepreneur has a capital of 21.3 billion dollars and ranks 63rd in the world ranking compiled by Forbes. Among his main assets are shares of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and the transport and logistics holding Universal Cargo Logistics Holding.

1. Leonid Viktorovich Mikhelson | $24 billion


Rating team

Editors: Louise Kroll, Kerry A. Dolan.

Deputy editors: Keren Blankfeld and Dan Alexander.

Country editors: Graham Button, Russell Flannery, Naazeen Karmali, John Koppich, Tatiana Serafin, Nathan Vardy.

Research group: Elena Berezovskaya, Maggie Chen, Max Jedu-Palmgren, Andrea Murphy, Race Peterson-Whithorne, Katya Savchuk, Chloe Sorvino, Kate Winton, Jennifer Wang, Susan Radlauer, Dmitry Slavinsky, Ken Barney.

Research team: Forbes Indonesia, Forbes Korea, Forbes Mexico, Forbes Middle East, Forbes Russia, Forbes Turkey, Forbes Africa, Forbes Czech Republic, Forbes Japan, Forbes Poland, Forbes Romania, Isabel Albino, Latisha Beacham, Abram Brown, Denise Kam, Caroline Chen, Grace Chang, Muhammad Cohen, Anthony Gara, Ricardo Geromel, Christopher Helman, Neerja Paua Jetley, Aruba Khan, Lee Humin, Zina Moukaiba, Micah Park, Anuradha Raghunathan, Saritha Rai, Leonard Schoenberger, Barty Scott, Jessica Tan, Michela Tindera, Susan Adams, Yuri Aksenov, Kurt Badenhausen, Kim Bode, Erin Carlisle, Nilgun Cavdar, Kathleen Czajkowski, Shu-Ching Jen Chen, Chris Erb, Daniel Fisher, Sin Kilachand, Alex Conrad, Ernesto Linares Mascaro, Nicole Lindsay, Ryan Mack, Gian McCallum , Joan Muller, Susan Nam, Lan An Ngyen, Carl O'Connor, Robert Olsen, Parmy Olsen, Natalie Robehmed, Mat Shifrin, Lucinda Schmidt, James Sims, Brian Solomon, Natalie Sportelli, Deborpah Steinborn, Yulong Sun, Glenda Thoma, Tim Tritgold, Ozer Turan.

Jupiter shock

For the first time in several years, the number of people on the list of the world's richest people, their total wealth and average net worth have declined.

Volatile stock markets, falling oil prices and a stronger dollar have led to a redistribution of wealth around the world and a decline in 10-figure net worth for the first time since 2009. For the 30th annual benefit to the world's rich, we found 1810 billionaires, which is less than last year's amount for 16 participants. Their total equity decreased by $570 billion and compiled $6.48 trillion. For the first time since 2010, the average capital of the list participants decreased - now it is $3.6 billion, which is $300 million less than last year.

Behind these figures lies a story of colossal upheaval, during which 221 participants left the list when they entered it 198 newcomers. 29 billionaires left this world, but 29 of those who in the previous year left the ranks of the richest again took this height. Among the participants in the rating this year and previous years 829 became poorer , A 501 increased his capital.

Permutations start from the very top of the list. Only two of the top 20 managed to maintain their positions. Bill Gates with own capital $75 billion is still the richest man on Earth, even though a year ago he was by $4.2 billion richer. For three years in a row he has been No. 1 in the rating, and for a total of 22 years 17 times ranked at the very top (in the 30 years that Forbes has been tracking the world's wealth, only five people have held the title of world's richest; three of them are still in the top 5, including Warren Buffett and Carlos Slim). Buffett firmly holds third position. Owner Zara Armancio Ortega for the first time rose to second place, displacing Slim to fourth. The latter’s condition over the past year was $50 billion, contracting n and $27.1 billion amid falling shares of his América Móvil.

Of all the billionaires, the most successful year was for Mark Zuckerberg. He added to his capital $11.2 billion and rose from 16th to 6th level of the ranking. Zuckerberg and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos appeared in the top ten of the annual ranking for the first time richest people world according to Forbes. Another newcomer is a billionaire from mainland China Wang Jianlin, whose company owns AMC Theatres, took a place immediately in the top 20.

Some of the most notable newcomers include the first theatrical producer on the list; Adam Newman and Miguel McKelvey from WeWork, Ben Silberman and Evan Sharp from Pintrest. Newman, Silberman and Sharp - three of 66 billionaires under 40 years old. The youngest is 19-year-old heiress from Norway Alexandra Andresen, owner 42% share in the family business, and her sister Katarina is only 20. Another first-time participant worth mentioning separately is Zhou Cun Fei, whose $5.9 billion The fortune made on smartphone screens was enough to make her the richest self-made woman in the world. She's one of the 190 women, included in the list, while last year the fair half belonged to 197 positions.

Among the famous people who left the rating are the fashion designer head of Samuel Adams and the head of Dick’s Sporting Goods Edward Stack. The lead in the number of billionaires belongs to the United States - 540 people. They are followed by mainland China with 251 billionaire (69 rich people from Hong Kong go separately) and Germany - 120. Billionaire fortune holders from Russia 77 people (11 less, than last year), and in Brazil - 23 (versus 31). The Forbes Billionaires Ranking is a snapshot of global wealth.

The richest people in the world


Compared to last year, there have been changes in the list of the 20 richest people on the planet, during which only Bill Gates (No. 1) and Warren Buffett (No. 3) retained their positions. The owner of the fashion brand Zara, Spaniard Armancio Ortega, moved from fourth to second place, swapping places with Carlos Slim Helu, the Mexican tycoon who lost more than anyone else last year - $27.1 billion

Jeff Bezos Amazon and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, both successful in amassing wealth in the past year, entered the top 10 richest for the first time, while Warren Buffett's Brazilian partner Jorge Paulo Lehmann and investor from China Wang Jianlin- the owner of AMC Entertainment Holdings, which is planning to acquire the film company Legendary Entertainment - entered the top 20 for the first time.
The first 20 participants in the rating account for $827 billion, What $73 billion (8%) less, than the total capital of last year's top 20.


Falling commodities, stock market chaos and a fragile global economy have weakened the financial health of many of the world's richest people. Over the past year 221 billionaires dropped out of the ranking; not since 2009 - when the credit crisis contributed to the expulsion 355 participants from the club of owners of nine-digit fortunes - so many people did not leave the rating at once.

China suffered the most losses - 42 ex-members, followed by the USA, where 25 billionaires switched to former status. In Brazil it became for 23 billionaires less in Russia - at 19, in India - at 15, so the term “BRICS economy” has a new meaning.

Photo: Moacyr Lopes Junior/FolhaPress

Capital in 2015: $1 billion
Current: $800 million
Sales of luxury fashion goods are declining following a decline in demand in markets in China, Russia and the rest of the world. This also damaged the fortunes of Birch, the founder of the fashion label of the same name.

Capital in 2015: $1.3 billion
Current: $840 million
And here comes the hangover. As beer's share of the alcohol market declined, the father of American brewing (his company, Boston Beer, produces the Samuel Adams brand) watched his fortunes diminish—by 39% in total.

Photo: Hemant Mishra/Mint via Getty Images

Capital in 2015: $1.4 billion
Current capital: $750 million
The first ethanol billionaire, originally from Brazil, runs the publicly traded Cosan, a conglomerate based in Sao Paulo. The abundance of oil has played against both alternative fuels and fuel additives; Cosan shares are down 62% year-over-year.

Capital in 2015: $1 billion
Current: $930 million
Previously, India's only self-made female billionaire founded Biocon Ltd., the country's largest publicly traded biopharmaceutical company. Its shares have fallen nearly 20% since January, which occurs during times of market turbulence, despite strong third-quarter earnings.

Mark, Oliver and Alexander Samwer
Capital in 2015: $1.7 billion each
Current: $870 million each
The German brothers (Oliver pictured) behind Rocket Internet, notorious for cloning the ideas of prominent tech firms (Zappos, Blue Apron, etc.), have seen their company's share price nearly halve since its IPO in October 2014.

Capital in 2015: $1 billion
Current: $480 million
Federal investigations, earnings revisions and negative publicity over drug price hikes have eroded pharmaceutical Valeant's capital. The company's CEO, Pearson, also in poor health, recently returned from a long sick leave.

Who stayed, who came, who left

The membership lists of the global billionaires' club are in a constant state of flux, as the history of the last decade shows, with uninvited guests enjoying their newfound status while those unlucky (by billionaire standards, of course) peer through the door.

You can view the infographic in high resolution .

Coming out to bow

Notable Newcomer

The debut of Les Misérables in 1985 in London's West End marked the end of one act and the beginning of another in Mackintosh's life. "Only after that,- he says. - People saw that they could make money from musicals more money than in movies."

Mackintosh produced a slew of musical blockbusters, including The Phantom of the Opera and Miss Saigon. He has a stake in Phantom and Cats, as well as full rights to Les Misérables and Miss Saigon, meaning he receives royalties every time the professionals produce any of those musicals. In addition, he owns eight theaters in the West End and 75% at Music Theater International, the largest licensor of Broadway shows. All this together makes him the owner of a fortune of $1.2 billion

“You never know when the money will come and when it will go,” says McIntosh, 69, who started his career as a stagehand on a weekly salary $30. - I'm more surprised than anyone." His next big venture is likely to be a success: in 2017, he's bringing the Broadway sensation Hamilton to the West End.

Dollar days

In numbers

A rising dollar has wiped billions out of the pockets of the world's richest people, and countries with heavily energy-linked economies such as Russia, Mexico and Brazil have suffered double-digit declines in the past year. China's slowing economy and Europe's slow recovery have made Japanese yen the only major currency to strengthen against the US dollar.

Young guns

The richest under 40

36 - A record number of billionaires under 40 who made their fortunes are self-made. Their combined net worth is $125.5 billion Half of them come from technology startups called "unicorns" - privately held firms with an estimated value of $1 billion or more.

Adam Newman ($1.5 billion)

Where did the interest come from? Newman to shared office spaces? Possibly from the agricultural commune (kibbutz) in Israel where he grew up. WeWork, which Newman, 36, founded in New York in 2010 with Miguel McKelvey can now be rightfully proud 40 thousand users collective offices in 16 cities; The company's value is estimated at $10 billion

Name | Age
Capital, Company

Evan Spiegel | 25
$2.1 billion, Snapchat

Bobby Murphy | 27
$1.8 billion, Snapchat

Dustin Moskowitz | 31
$8.9 billion, Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg | 31
$44.6 billion, Facebook

Nathan Blecharczyk | 32
$3.3 billion, Airbnb

Ryan Graves | 32
$1.5 billion, Uber

Elizabeth Holmes | 32
$3.6 billion, Theranos

Drew Houston | 32
$1 billion, Dropbox

Wang Yue | 32
$1.1 billion, online games

Binny Bansal | 33
$1.2 billion, Flipkart

Eduardo Saverin | 33
$6.2 billion, Facebook

Kirill Shamalov | 33
$1.2 billion, oil industry

Evan Sharp | 33
$1 billion, Pintrest

Ben Silberman | 33
$1.6 billion, Pintrest

Cheng Wei | 33
$1 billion, taxi calling app

Sachin Bansal | 34
$1.2 billion, Flipkart

Brian Chesky | 34
$3.3 billion, Airbnb

Joe Gebbia | 34
$3.3 billion, Airbnb

Frank Wang | 35
$3.6 billion, DJI

Mike Cannon-Brookes | 36

Scott Farquhar | 36
$1.4 billion, software for business

Orion Hindawi | 36
$1 billion, software

$1.5 billion, WeWork

Sean Parker | 36
$2.4 billion, Facebook

Markus Persson | 36
$1.3 billion, Minecraft

Cai Xiaozhu | 36
$1.2 billion, parts for electronic equipment

Zhang Banxin | 36
$1.3 billion, after-school education

Garrett Kamp | 37
$6.2 billion, Uber

Robert Pera | 37
$2 billion, equipment for wireless networks

Naruatsu Baba | 38
$1.2 billion, games for smartphones

Jack Dorsey | 39
$1 billion, Twitter

Travis Kalanick | 39
$6.2 billion, Uber

Li Weiwei | 39
$1.3 billion, online games

Wu Gan | 39
$1.3 billion, cash management

Zhou Yahui | 39
$2.3 billion, online games

Frank Wang ($3.6 billion)

Wang, 35, is the world's first billionaire to make his fortune from drones, having founded SZ Dajiang Innovation Technology, also known as DJI, in a university dorm room in Hong Kong; now the company is standing $8 billion and takes 75% share of a rapidly developing market.

Evan Spiegel ($2.1 billion)

The 25-year-old Snapchat co-founder is the youngest self-made billionaire. The messaging app he created, whose fast-disappearing feature prompted Hillary Clinton's tongue-in-cheek endorsement, raised funding last May based on its value. at $16 billion.(The net worth of the other co-founder, 27-year-old Bobby Murphy estimated at $1.8 billion).

Jack Dorsey ($1 billion)

Stand face to face with open market can be a daunting task - and doubly so when you're running two companies. Both companies owned Dorsey- Twitter and Square, which deals with electronic payments, have recently seen their share prices fall. Twitter's user growth has stalled, and Square has yet to convince the market that it is still worth what private investors once valued it at.

Orion Hindawi ($1 billion)

Tanium, a company information security, founded by Hindawi in 2007 with his billionaire father, provides real-time threat detection to clients such as Amazon and Visa. Orion, who is now 36, holds the position general director, while Tanium is mulling an IPO.

Donald Trump White House

Real estate

Undoubtedly a new hotel Trump in DC it's going to be huge.

Whether Trump wins the 2016 election or not, he's guaranteed prime real estate in Washington, D.C. next year—on Pennsylvania Avenue of all places. In September (two years ahead of schedule), the people's billionaire will open the Trump International Hotel, located in the historic old post office building, just a few blocks from the White House.

It will not only have a presidential celebration hall with an area of 13.2 thousand sq. feet(it will become the largest luxury hall in the capital). Among 263 rooms there is room for three presidential suites, the largest of which will occupy 6.3 thousand sq. feet- approximately 8 times more than the Oval Office of the real White House.


Forbes released its first ranking of the world's billionaires along with a special 50-page report: “A billion dollars seems like a good number to draw the line between wealth and great wealth. How someone managed to make or keep a billion dollars can likely tell a story about how the world works.” The issue featured both well-known names (Kerry Packer) and lesser known (queen of mail orders from Germany Greta Schickedanz) however, representatives of royal families were excluded (King of Saudi Arabia Fahd) and dictators (Kim Il Sung).

Total 24 countries were the birthplace of billionaires - today they are 67. There was not a single billionaire in China and Russia, and only one in India. One thing has remained constant: America has always had the largest number of nine-figure wealth owners. In 1987 in the USA there was 49 billionaires; Japan followed from 24; behind them is Germany (13), United Kingdom (7), Hong Kong and Canada (6 each).

“State borders still satisfy politicians, but they no longer limit business people.”

Internal reshuffles in Kazakhstan

$1.5 billion- the total fortune of five Kazakhstanis from the Forbes list of billionaires decreased by so much: from $10.8 billion in 2015 up to $9.3 billion in 2016. Everyone became poorer to varying degrees - by the amount from $100 million to $700 million.

For the third year in a row, he closes the list of Kazakhstani participants in the Forbes rating with a fortune $1.5 billion However, now he is in fourth or fifth place, having lost more than the rest of our billionaires in a year. The second and third positions are also divided among themselves Kulibayev couple with $4 billion total family wealth, decreased by $200 million The richest businessman in Kazakhstan has remained for three years now - $2.3 billion, missing for the year $300 million

Illustration: Murat Dilmanov

1/771 Status (last year): $2.3 billion ($2.6 billion) Age: 58 years old MMC, banks, telecom, hotel business

In May 2015, the VimpelCom group of companies and Bulat Utemuratov entered into a new agreement. As a result, the latter’s share in the subsidiaries of the Group of Companies in Kazakhstan (KaR-Tel LLP) changed - from 28.5 to 25% and Kyrgyzstan (Sky Mobile LLC) - from 28.5 to 49.9%. According to the agreement, changes also affected the ownership structure - now both companies are managed by a holding company from Switzerland, and not from Cyprus. The put option that Utemuratov had and the buy option that belonged to VimpelCom were also cancelled.

In July-August 2015 affiliated companies groups - VimpelCom Kazakhstan Holding AG and VimpelCom Kyrgyzstan Holding AG - paid dividends to Utemuratov in the amount $104.28 million and $22.8 million, respectively.

His Management Company Verny Capital, which owns the Ritz-Carlton hotels in Vienna and Moscow, is building the first “green” complex Talan Towers in Astana, costing $350 million, where the future Ritz-Carlton Astana will be located. It will also house the headquarters of the investment company itself, the regional office of Glencore Xstrata and residential apartments.

For the first time, Bulat Utemuratov was included in the Forbes list after the sale of ATFBank to the Italian banking holding UniCredit in 2007 for $2.1 billion. In 2013, he sold Kazzinc to the transnational trader Glencore Xstrata and the Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund.

Utemuratov heads the Kazakhstan Tennis Federation and is on the board of directors of the international tennis association ITF.

Place in the ranking (Kazakhstan/world): 2-3/906 Status (last year): $2 billion ($2.1 billion) Age: 49 years old Diversified business

In September 2015 implemented for $300 million in cash put option 7.45% shares Polymetal (partially owned by Russian billionaire Alexander Nesis), received a year earlier for the Kyzyl project deal.

Son-in-law of the President of Kazakhstan on a parity basis with his wife Dinara Kulibaeva controls People's Bank through JSC Holding Group ALMEX. The list of his major assets also includes Almaty International Airport, KazStroyService and oil producing companies controlled from the offshore zone of Singapore through Steppe Capital Pte Ltd.

Kulibayev is a member of the board of directors of OJSC Gazprom, heads the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the association of companies in the energy and mining sector KazEnergy, the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Boxing Federation.

Place in the ranking (Kazakhstan/world): 2-3/906 Status (last year): $2 billion ($2.1 billion) Age: 48 years old Diversified business

The daughter of the President of Kazakhstan, together with her husband Timur Kulibayev, owns a bank, oil production, oil trading, aviation and other assets. Head of the National Education Foundation Nursultan Nazarbayev, is a member of the board of directors of JSC “KazUMOiMYA” (Almaty Foreign Languages), as well as the chairman of the board of directors of JSC “Kazakhstan-British Technical University”.

Place in the ranking (Kazakhstan/world): 4-5/1198 Status (last year): $1.5 billion ($2.2 billion) Age: 62 years old Metals

In June 2015, Alijan Ibragimov received 40% in the Jerooy project - the second largest gold deposit in Kyrgyzstan - from the Russian Platinum group Musa Bazhaev to settle a lawsuit with Visor Holding
A subsidiary of Russian Platinum, the Vostok-geoldobycha company, won a license to develop the field at a starting price $100 million Resolution of the legal dispute was an obligation under the terms of the competition.
The amount of Visor Holding's claim against the government of Kyrgyzstan was $548 million- for revocation of the license to develop the field. In August 2015, a trilateral agreement was signed settlement agreement between the government, Vostok-geoldobycha and Visor Holding. The details of the deal were not disclosed, but it is obvious that Karibzhanov received some kind of compensation.
In August, Chinese Geo-Jade Petroleum for $340.5 million bought from International Mineral Resources II B.V. (IMR), where Ibragimov owns 33%, Oil JSC "Kozhan" Now this company is 100%"daughter" JSC "Maten Petroleum".
In the first half of 2015, the sale of the Serov Ferroalloy Plant (SZF) and the Saranovsk Rudnaya mine to the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant (CHEMK) was completed. The Eurasian group, according to one of the owners of CHEMK Yuriy Antipov, received for two assets $220 million
The same ENRC group, of which Ibragimov is a co-owner, is suing Indian billionaire Pramod Agarwal on charges of non-payment by the latter $220 million for a share in the Brazilian project “Zamin”.

Place in the ranking (Kazakhstan/world): 4-5/1198 Status (last year): $1.5 billion ($1.8 billion) Age: 55 years Metals

Vladimir Kim remains the majority shareholder in both entities of the reorganized Kazakhmys - 33,4% in Kaz Minerals Plc, listed on the London Stock Exchange, and 70% at Kazakhmys Corporation LLP. In December 2015, two Kaz Minerals Plc deposits - Aktogay and Bozshakol - were launched and produced their first copper.

Without money in our modern world not survive. Almost our entire life is spent in a constant pursuit of pieces of paper, without which all the delights of life fade into the background. Are you hungry? You need to earn money for food first. Do you want to live beautifully and healthy? Live well, but first you have to pay for it all. Some people bend over backwards at work for a minimum wage, which is barely enough to survive, while others take their lives into their hands, start their own business and become a billionaire. In this article we publish the Top 10 richest people in the world 2016 years - from the Forbes list who became successful businessmen and made all their dreams come true.

10. David Koch. $39.6 billion

David is the heir to his father's oil business, one of three brothers who run Koch Industries. After the death of the founder of the Koch oil refining company, the brothers divided his legacy into three and actively began to fight each other for the right to a larger piece of the business. This led their family business to almost complete collapse. But the company's fortunes suddenly took off when Charles, David's older brother, took his side. Together they bought out the entire stake, spending more than $1.3 billion on it. Although such an investment seemed like a waste, the brothers made the right decision and set out on the path of success, and continue to move forward to this day.

9. Charles Koch. $39.6 billion

The same big brother who supported David Koch and helped Koch Industries rise to new heights. The brothers divide the business in half, but Charles' fortune is slightly larger, thanks to which he ranks ninth on the 2016 Forbes list. In addition to the oil refining business, the brothers are also actively involved in political companies and invest billions of dollars in them, which is why they often receive insulting accusations, as Charles says, of trying to buy US power.

8. Michael Bloomberg $40 billion

Former mayor of New York. Resigned as mayor in 2013. But despite his statements about finally leaving the political arena, in 2015 there were rumors that Michael Bloomberg might run for president.

In the United States, the billionaire is known as the founder of the financial information agency Bloomberg LP, as well as one of the most generous philanthropists. He regularly provides assistance to various charitable foundations. In total, they spent more than $3.5 billion for these purposes.

7. Larry Ellison $43.6 billion

Ellison is far from the best businessman, but this did not stop him from being among the ten richest people in the world in 2016. His impulsive character does not allow him to sit still; with enviable regularity he commits rash acts and spends huge sums of money on useless things. For example, Ellison recently called himself a fan of high speeds and purchased an expensive Italian-made fighter jet for himself. How do you like this toy? In addition to her, the billionaire does not hesitate to buy yachts, mansions, and other luxury items that are unlikely to shine for 99% of the population of our planet.

6. Mark Zuckerberg $44.6 billion

The reason for the rapid financial growth Mark Zuckerberg became the social network Facebook he once created, which is extremely popular among Internet users to this day. In 2015, the company brought its owner more than $11 billion in profit. But Mark isn't betting solely on Facebook. He also owns the company Oculus VR, which produces virtual reality headsets and the Internet messenger WhatsApp, acquired in 2014 for a whopping $19 billion. It is worth mentioning that last year, in addition to capital growth, Mark had another reason for joy - he became a father.

5. Jeff Bezos $45.2 billion

This businessman has three companies at his disposal, one of which is the well-known online trading platform Amazon, which last year made record revenue of $107 billion. Jeff also owns the aerospace corporation Blue Origin. In 2015, this company fulfilled a government order to develop a reusable manned rocket. The tests of the new rocket were successful.

4. Carlos Slim Elu $50 billion

Another representative of a fast-growing business that generates billions of dollars in income year-round. The main source of profit is the holding company Grupo Carso, which in turn holds about a dozen largest enterprises Latin America. In addition to the main source of profit, Carlos also owns a stake (about 33% of the total) in Mexico's largest mobile operator. More than once, this multi-billionaire has supplanted the leader of the rating, however, unfavorable factors in the form of tough measures in the field of telecommunications by the Mexican government and the crisis situation in the Brazilian economy have negatively affected financial situation billionaire. However, he is still the richest man in Mexico.

3. Warren Buffett $60.8 billion

In just 30 years, Warren Buffett's holdings grew by 1,156 percent. This, according to preliminary calculations, is about 56 million dollars for every 10 thousand invested. Back in 1967, one share of Berkshire Hathaway cost no more than $27, and by 1997 it could not be purchased anywhere for less than $80,000. Also, Warren Buffett is actively involved in investing in various industries - oil companies, fast food chains and coffee shops, and most importantly, very successfully. For example, in 2015, his company acquired Precision Castparts (metallurgy) for 37 billion. This was the largest transaction in the entire history of the investment empire Berkshire Hathaway that he created.

2. Amancio Ortega $67 billion

Amancio is an example that not only Americans can become successful billionaires. The secret of this Spanish businessman's financial success lies in the company he created in 1975, Zara, which produces clothing and manages the retail company Inditex Group. Amancio Ortega's most significant increase in wealth occurred between 2009 and 2014. During this period of time, his capital increased by $45 billion. By 2016, Ortega's fortune had grown by $2.5 billion, indicating the continued economic recovery of the Inditex Group and its enormous prospects. This makes Amancio Ortega the richest man in Europe and the richest retailer in the world.

1. Bill Gates $75 billion

Almost all personal computer users know who this Man with a capital M is. Bill is the creator of the Windows operating system. The one that most people prefer due to its convenience and ease of use.

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American Forbes on Tuesday, March 1, published its annual, anniversary - 30th - ranking of the world's billionaires. The list included 77 representatives of Russia, 11 less than a year earlier: big business continues to suffer losses due to the economic crisis, the collapse of oil prices and the sanctions war with the West. The Russian part of the rating was headed - for the first time in history - by the co-owner of Novatek and Sibur, Leonid Mikhelson. Read more about the ten richest Russians and four newcomers from Russia on the list in our gallery.

1. Leonid Mikhelson

Net worth: $14.4 billion

Change for the year: + $2.7 billion

Place in the world ranking: 60 Leonid Mikhelson is the main shareholder of the largest independent gas producer in Russia Novatek and the petrochemical holding Sibur. He also owns a minority stake in Promsvyazbank. Mikhelson's partner at Novatek and Sibur is Gennady Timchenko. Another co-owner of the petrochemical holding is Kirill Shamalov, whom the media call the alleged husband of Katerina Tikhonova, the alleged daughter of Vladimir Putin. Shamalov acquired a stake in Sibur from Timchenko after American sanctions were imposed against a longtime acquaintance of the Russian president. At the end of 2015, the Chinese Sinopec acquired 10% of Sibur for $1.3 billion. Mikhelson enthusiastically collects art and sponsors exhibitions in Russia and the USA. His father was the director of the Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy construction trust, the largest in the system of the Ministry of Construction of the Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR.

2. Mikhail Fridman

Net worth: $13.3 billion

Change for the year: - $1.3 billion

Place in the world ranking: 63 Together with his long-time business partners from his student days, German Khan and Alexey Kuzmichev, he controls Alfa Group, Russia's largest financial and industrial investment group. In 2013, the state-owned Rosneft for $28 billion bought from Mikhail Fridman, Viktor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik 50% of the oil company TNK-BP, which the billionaires owned on a parity basis with the British BP. Friedman earned $5.1 billion from the deal. In 2013, this money was partially used to launch a new structure of Alpha - the holding LetterOne Holdings S.A. (L1), on the balance sheet of which were the foreign assets of the investment group and which was entrusted with control over M&A transactions abroad. In particular, L1 acquired the German oil and gas company Dea RWE for $5.7 billion in 2015. Among Alpha’s largest projects are the second largest Russian retailer X5, shares in the telecommunications holdings VimpelCom and Turkcell. A native of Ukraine, Friedman moved to Moscow in his youth to attend university. In 1989, together with Khan and Kuzmichev, he founded the Alfa-Eco company, which marked the beginning of the construction of one of the main business empires in Russia. Two years later, the partners created Alfa Bank, now the largest private bank in the country.

3. Alisher Usmanov

Net worth: $12.5 billion

Change for the year: - $1.9 billion

Place in the world ranking: 73 Alisher Usmanov, who has headed the Russian Forbes list for several years in a row, manages one of the most extensive business empires in the country. Among its assets is the metallurgical holding Metalloinvest, the second largest mobile operator Russia "Megafon" and the publishing house "Kommersant". In 2014, the billionaire sold 12% of the USM Holdings management holding to his long-time junior business partners and key top managers. Usmanov is a member of a number of important lobbying organizations, including the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. In 2013, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. One of the early investors in Facebook, three years ago the businessman sold off all shares of the social network and focused on Chinese assets - he has a stake in the online retailer Alibaba, Usmanov invested $500 million in the smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi. The billionaire is also a co-owner of the London football club Arsenal. In 2015, Usmanov made more headlines for his social initiatives: he borrowed 1 billion rubles from the Russian Football Union to help the organization pay off Italian coach Fabio Capello.

4. Vladimir Potanin

Net worth: $12.1 billion

Change for the year: - $3.3 billion

Place in the world ranking: 78 Last year’s leader of the Russian Forbes list, Vladimir Potanin, former employee Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR, in 1991 he met his future partner Mikhail Prokhorov, at that time the head of the department of the Soviet International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC). In 1993, the partners created Oneximbank, which lured IBES clients to serve them. Oneximbank became a platform for the construction of the Interros holding. At the loans-for-shares auctions, the tandem of billionaires gained control over the metallurgical giant MMC Norilsk Nickel and the oil company Sidanco. In 2007, Potanin and Prokhorov decided to divide the business. Potanin, a former deputy prime minister in the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin and a partner of George Soros in investing in Svyazinvest, concentrated his assets in Interros. With the support of the state, the billionaire became the largest private investor in the Winter Olympics in Sochi - he built the Rosa Khutor ski resort. In May 2014, Potanin divorced his wife Natalia and married a subordinate named Ekaterina for the second time; the couple already had a child. Natalia filed a lawsuit against ex-husband- she demands 50% of the billionaire's assets. In the fall of 2015, the Moscow City Court rejected the claim; Natalia challenged this decision on appeal. The litigation continues.

5. Gennady Timchenko

Net worth: $11.4 billion

Change for the year: + $0.7 billion

Place in the world ranking: 85 Co-founder of Gunvor Group, one of the world's largest commodity traders, Gennady Timchenko sold 43% of the company's shares to another of its founders, Torbjorn Tornqvist, in March 2014, the day before he was included in the American sanctions list - according to the authorities USA, the billionaire is part of Vladimir Putin’s inner circle. Timchenko, in response to Washington’s actions, only stated that “you have to pay for everything in this life, including friendship with the president.” In 2015, he continued the sale of assets, including shares in construction companies SK Most and ARKS and the Sogaz insurance holding. Timchenko's assets today are shares in the petrochemical holding Sibur, the railway operator Transoil and the construction group Stroytransgaz. The businessman also chairs the board of directors of the Kontinental Hockey League and serves as president of the St. Petersburg hockey club SKA, winner of the 2015 Gagarin Cup.

6. Alexey Mordashov

Net worth: $10.9 billion

Change for the year: - $2.1 billion

Place in the world ranking: 93 Alexey Mordashov, the main owner of the metallurgical giant Severstal, left the post of general director of the company in 2015 after nineteen years at the helm. He also guaranteed Russian President Vladimir Putin that he would abandon short-sighted investments (amid the sale of Severstal's North American assets). In addition to the steel industry, Mordashov’s business empire extends to tourism (operator TUI), gold mining (Nordgold), and heavy engineering (Power Machines). A hereditary metallurgist, he literally grew up at the enterprise, quickly built a career and became financial director, and then bought shares and himself became the main owner of Severstal. Mordashov is on the boards of trustees of the Bolshoi Theater, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Valaam Monastery and the National Chess Federation. He speaks fluent German and is interested in poetry, art and winter sports.

7. Viktor Vekselberg

Net worth: $10.5 billion

Change for the year: - $3.7 billion

Place in the world ranking: 98 The Russian authorities entrusted Viktor Vekselberg with one of the most ambitious projects - the Skolkovo innovation city: the billionaire heads the fund of the same name, which oversees the development of the national analogue of Silicon Valley. Since 2010, the fund has issued grants, including to Vekselberg's structures, including $13 million for the innovative energy company Hevel. In 2013, the businessman, together with his billionaire partners Mikhail Fridman and Leonard Blavatnik, sold a 50% stake in TNK-BP to the state-owned Rosneft for $28 billion and received $7 billion from the deal. He spent part of the funds on purchasing a 25% stake in the Swiss metallurgical company Schmolz+ Bickenbach. In 2014, the entrepreneur also acquired Octo Telematics, an Italian manufacturer of software for insurers. Vekselberg has a 6.2 percent stake in Bank of Cyprus. Its industrial conglomerate Renova is a strategic investor in the Swiss market. Among the main assets are shares in the industrial groups Oerlikon and Sulzer. In 2015, Vekselberg spent almost $1 billion to double his stake in Sulzer, to 63%. A native of Ukraine, the future billionaire made his first money selling scrap metal. In the 1990s, he founded the holding company SUAL. In 2007, SUAL merged assets with the Rusal group and mining company Glencore - this is how the world's largest aluminum producer UC Rusal was born, where the billionaire retains a minority stake. In addition, Vekselberg has stakes in petrochemical, consumer goods and telecommunications businesses. He owns a large art collection, including nine Faberge Easter eggs, which the billionaire bought from the Forbes family for $100 million. In November 2013, Vekselberg opened a private museum in St. Petersburg, where he exhibited his treasures. In February 2014, the businessman donated a three-room apartment in the Azimut hotel in Sochi to Olympic figure skating champions Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov. Athletes will need their own housing in the capital of the 2014 Games to realize their dream of creating a children's school, the philanthropist reasoned. In 2015, Renova transferred Azimut to the All-Russian Children's Center.

8. Vladimir Lisin

Net worth: $9.3 billion

Change for the year: - $2.3 billion

Place in the world ranking: 116 Vladimir Lisin made a fortune in steel and cargo transportation. He began his career as an electrical mechanic at the Yuzhkuzbassugol association. After graduating from the institute, he worked at metallurgical enterprises, rising from an assistant steelmaker to deputy general director of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. In 1991, together with his leader, who became the Minister of Metallurgy, the future billionaire moved to Moscow. He soon became a partner in the Trans-World Group, which within a few years had grown into a leading Russian exporter of aluminum and steel. By that time, Lisin had accumulated a wealth of experience in managing metallurgical production, so that during the division of assets in 2000, he naturally took ownership of the industry giant - the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. The billionaire also controls the logistics holding UCL, which owns the First Freight Company. His most famous hobby outside of business is shooting: Lisin built the largest shooting complex in Europe, “Fox Hole,” in the Moscow region. In January 2016, the billionaire criticized the Russian defense complex for its lack of competence in the production of sporting firearms.

9. Vagit Alekperov

Net worth: $8.9 billion

Change for the year: - $3.3 billion

World ranking: 124 Vagit Alekperov heads Lukoil, the largest independent oil producer in Russia, which is exploring the West Qurna-2 field in Iraq, one of the most promising in the world. In 2016, the company plans to invest $1.5 billion in the development of its projects Alekperov is not considered a close associate of Vladimir Putin, but this did not save Lukoil from American sanctions - restrictions against the company were introduced in September 2014. The main owner of the company plans to inherit the share to his son Yusuf - on the condition that he does not sell the asset and the family remains the largest co-owner of the oil giant. Having gone through all the career stages in the oil industry, at the end of the USSR the future billionaire even managed to work as an industry minister. In 1991, he privatized three large fields and founded Lukoil. Alekperov is the author of the book “Russian Oil: Past, Present and Future” and founder of the regional social programs“Our Future”, which actively supports social entrepreneurship.

10. German Khan Net worth: $8.7 billion

Change for the year: + $0.8 billion

Place in the world ranking: 128 German Khan, together with Mikhail Fridman and Alexey Kuzmichev, owns Alfa Group, the largest private financial and industrial group in Russia. He worked for a long time as executive director oil company TNK-BP, which he left in March 2013 - after the 50% share of Alfa and its partners was bought by the state-owned Rosneft for $28 billion. Khan earned $3.3 billion from the deal. In 2013, together with other Alfa members, he used part of the funds to create the company LetterOne Holdings S.A. (L1), specializing in investments in foreign assets (for example, the German oil and gas company DEA). Khan joined the board of directors of L1. The company's head office is located in London, where the billionaire bought a mansion worth $91 million in 2010. A native of Kyiv, he moved to Moscow to attend university. Together with Friedman and Kuzmichev, Khan founded the Alfa-Eco trader in 1989. Two years later, the partners created Alfa Bank, now the largest private bank in Russia. In the late 1990s, Alpha gained control of TNK and created a joint venture with British BP. Other assets of the group include mobile operator VimpelCom and retailer X5 Retail Group.

Net worth: $1.2 billion

Leonid Boguslavsky has been involved in business in the IT field since the mid-1980s. In the early 1990s, he managed to be a partner of Boris Berezovsky in the LogoVAZ company and a Russian representative of the Oracle software corporation. In 1993, the businessman exchanged his stake in LogoVAZ for a subsidiary of the company, system integrator LVZ. Four years later, Boguslavsky sold LVZ to the auditor PriceWaterhouseCoopers for $10 million. The entrepreneur made the bulk of his fortune through successful venture investments, the most successful of which - in the Russian search giant Yandex - was made in the early 2000s. Boguslavsky invests through the Ru-Net and RTP Ventures funds. Among his latest investments are the German Delivery Hero, the American DataDog and FreeCharge, and the Indian SnapDeal.

Newcomer: Kirill Shamalov

Net worth: $1.2 billion

Kirill Shamalov is the youngest son of Nikolai Shamalov, a longtime acquaintance of Vladimir Putin, co-owner of Rossiya Bank. According to media reports, he is allegedly the husband of Katerina Tikhonova, the alleged daughter of the Russian President. Shamalov Jr. is a graduate of St. Petersburg State University. At the age of 26, he became vice president of the Sibur petrochemical holding. In 2014, the entrepreneur acquired 17% of Sibur from another longtime acquaintance of Putin, billionaire Gennady Timchenko. In total, today Kirill Shamalov owns 21.3% of the holding - he is the second co-owner of Sibur after Leonid Mikhelson. In December 2015, the Chinese state-owned company Sinopec acquired 10% of Sibur for $1.339 billion


  • State:$39.6 billion
  • Change over the year:-$3.3 billion
  • Status source: Koch Industries
  • Age: 75
  • A country: USA

David Koch, on a parity basis with his older brother Charles, owns the diversified holding Koch Industries - the second largest private US company after Cargill, worth about $100 billion. David Koch has spent about $900 million to support education, the activities of the Republican Party and individual projects during the current presidential race in US like criminal justice reform.


  • State:$39.6 billion
  • Change over the year:-$3.3 billion
  • Status source: Koch Industries
  • Age: 80
  • A country: USA

American billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist; co-owner, chairman and CEO of Koch Industries. His brother David Koch is his co-owner and executive vice president of the company. The brothers inherited the business from their father, Fred Koch, the creator of a new method of producing gasoline, and expanded it 2,600 times its original size. Initially dealing exclusively with chemical and oil industry, modern Koch Industries is engaged in a very wide range of activities: from polymer production to environmental programs and cattle breeding.


  • State:$40 billion
  • Change over the year:+$4.5 billion
  • Status source: Bloomberg L.P.
  • Age: 74
  • A country: USA

Businessman and 108th mayor of New York. He is among the richest people in the world according to Forbes; as of 2016, he ranks 8th with a fortune of $40 billion. He is the founder and owner of the Bloomberg news agency.


American programmer and entrepreneur in the field of Internet technologies, dollar billionaire, one of the developers and founders of the social network Facebook. Head of Facebook Inc.


  • State:$45.2 billion
  • Change over the year:+$10.4 billion
  • Status source:
  • Age: 52
  • A country: USA

American entrepreneur. The head and founder of the Internet company, the founder and owner of the aerospace company Blue Origin and the owner of the publishing house The Washington Post.


  • State:$50 billion
  • Change over the year:-$27.1 billion
  • Status source: telecommunications
  • Age: 76
  • A country: Mexico

Mexican businessman of Arab origin, the son of Maronite emigrants from Lebanon. Billionaire, one of the richest people on the planet. According to Forbes, in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 he was the richest person in the world. In the 2016 ranking of billionaires (according to Forbes), Carlos Slim Helu is in fourth place, his financial condition is estimated at 50 billion US dollars, despite the fact that he lost 27 billion in a year. Financial condition based on the communications industry, Teléfonos de México, Altria Group, Telcel and América Móvil. The entrepreneur's main asset is the holding company Grupo Carso, which controls a number of large Mexican companies.


  • State:$60.8 billion
  • Change over the year:-$11.9 billion
  • Status source: Berkshire Hathaway
  • Age: 85
  • A country: USA

American entrepreneur, the world's largest and one of the most famous investors. Warren Buffett is one of the richest people in the world and the second-richest person in the United States. Known by the nicknames "The Seer", "The Wizard of Omaha", "The Oracle of Omaha". The largest philanthropist in the history of mankind.


  • State:$67 billion
  • Change over the year:+$2.5 billion
  • Status source: Zara
  • Age: 79
  • A country: Spain

Entrepreneur, founder (with ex-wife Rosalia Mera) and ex-president of Inditex; the company owns 5,000 stores in 77 countries. In addition, Ortega invested in real estate in Florida, Madrid, London and Lisbon, the gas industry, tourism and banks. Owns a share in a football league and a show jumping field. At the end of 2009, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation awarded Amancio Ortega the Order of Civil Merit.


  • State:$75 billion
  • Change over the year:-$4.2 billion
  • Status source: Microsoft
  • Age: 60
  • A country: USA

American entrepreneur and social activist, philanthropist, co-founder (with Paul Allen) and former largest shareholder of Microsoft. Until June 2008, he was the head of the company; after leaving his post, he remained as its non-executive chairman of the board of directors. He is also co-chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a member of the board of directors of Berkshire Hathaway, and Gen. Director of Cascade investment. Bill Gates is one of the record holders for the amount of money donated to charity: between 1994 and 2010, he contributed more than $28 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In February 2010, Gates made a proposal to all billionaires to donate half of their wealth for charitable activities.