Why do banks buy businesses? Why do banks need venture investments? How banks sell such assets

Aluminum cans appeared on the shelves about fifty years ago.

Since then they have become one of the the most popular tare for storage:

  • lemonades;
  • sodas;
  • low alcohol drinks.

There is not a single grocery store that would not offer its customers a can of cold drink on a hot summer day.

The popularity of aluminum in modern marketing is quite clear. This metal has good stability to organic acids contained in carbonated drinks and fermentation products. Add to this the light weight, and you have the perfect metal for making cans for soft drinks.

When aluminum cans came into use, a serious problem arose street clogging and even whole cities. After all, many people do not think about the surrounding cleanliness at all and throw the cans right on the ground. However, to date, this issue has been completely resolved. Banks can be handed over to collection points and, what is most remarkable, receive for that money.

Read about it below:

  • how to choose the right banks for sending for processing;
  • how much are aluminum cans accepted;
  • how to earn more.

Aluminum cans compare favorably with other types of containers in the following ways: benefits:

  • save the initial qualities of the drink are better than plastic containers;
  • fully protect the contents from the influence of the environment, and the metal itself does not have a negative effect on it;
  • aluminum cans are beneficial to manufacturers due to easy transportation(they are light enough and do not fight);
  • banks are especially good for buyers because cool quickly and are able to "hold" the cold for a long time;
  • it is a reusable product and it may be subject to further recycling.

Such enterprises are resellers and offer quite favorable prices when selling non-ferrous metal scrap at retail, that is, by kilograms. The cost per kilogram in some points may increase due to the number of cans handed over. Before delivery, inquire about the availability of the reception point for the implementation of this activity.

Many of the organizations offer not only the removal of scrap, but also the following services:

  • cleaning;
  • sorting;
  • metal pressing.

True, the price of this varies.

If it is possible to sell banks in bulk from several thousand kg, it is better to cooperate directly with metal base or processing plant.

They can also organize self-delivery of the product, and the price will please.

The only difference will be that the banks will have to on one's own:

  • cleanse;
  • sort.

Recently, in Russia, the third option for the "realization" of aluminum cans has become more and more famous.

This special apparatus for the reception of aluminum cans ( vending machine), which carries out the reception by the piece. In big cities, such miracle machines are usually found in shopping centers. The average cost of receiving one aluminum can in such a machine is about ten kopecks apiece, and any enthusiast of any age can return it.

Though this system just starting to develop in our country, it is safe to say that it is the future of scrap metal collection.

Admission conditions

A huge plus for the delivery of aluminum cans is that the seller receives the money immediately after the delivery of the container. However, it is worth noting that in each type of enterprises and private companies conditions recycling may vary.

Not all collection points accept aluminum cans by the piece.

The minimum weight is usually one kilogram, and in large enterprises and processing plants - one ton.

If you want to hand over banks piece by piece, then it is better to contact resellers.

They can find through:

  • janitors;
  • sellers in the store.

But their prices are right too. You can’t hope to rent a bank for a lot.

It is more profitable to hand over one aluminum can to a special machine for receiving them, but keep in mind that they are still only in large cities.

They only accept banks that meet the following criteria:

  • clean;
  • whole;
  • with intact barcode.

It is easier and more profitable to donate kilograms.

Private reception points take banks of any:

  • type;
  • forms;
  • quality;
  • destination.

Even crumpled dirty beer cans stained with earth.

Such companies carry out:

  • cleaning;
  • sorting;
  • remelting

If you would like to receive more money per kilogram, it is better to hand over banks:

  • clean;
  • sorted.

Each organization determines the sorting conditions itself.

Most often, they ask distribute container according to:

  • volume;
  • appointment.

Less often - by chemical composition.

Also, if possible, they are asked to place cans in pressed bales for optimal loading into vehicles ( upon order pickup).

As for processing plants, they usually buy already pressed an aluminum can from several hundred kilograms.

Reception is carried out according to regulatory documents regional scale, and the seller must have an identity document with him upon delivery.

Scrap is accepted only:

  • in pure;
  • sorted by varieties and groups.

To the composition of non-ferrous metal scrap on large enterprises there are certain important requirements:

  • the metallurgical yield must be at least 90%;
  • paper, iron and dirt are not allowed;
  • it is required that the mass of the metal be 95% aluminum, other metals are allowed, but they must be the smallest fraction;
  • radiation pollution is unacceptable.

Prices for aluminum cans at collection points

To form average prices, consider the cost of receiving aluminum cans at three types of enterprises:

  • those that accept banks with a total weight of several tens and hundreds of kilograms;
  • enterprises buying scrap from a kilogram;
  • places where you can rent cans by the piece.

From 10-100 kg

At this point, we took four large enterprises that either themselves are engaged in the processing of scrap metal, or directly cooperate with such plants.


This enterprise is engaged in the reception of raw materials of various types. One of them is aluminum cans. The company's website states that they accept weight not less than 0.5 tons. The minimum price is 45 rub./kg.

The price increase depends on three parameters:

  • weight characteristics(the more you rent, the more the cost of raw materials per kg becomes);
  • raw material purity(lack of dirt and impurities);
  • opportunity self delivery goods.

The company also notes that the reception of cans is possible only compressed.


One of the largest enterprises of the cultural capital of Russia offers the purchase of aluminum cans from 50 kg by price from 65 to 75 rubles per kg when using your own transport.

The price varies depending on the purity of the offered raw materials.

Its cost will be lowered by 5% if the scrap contains:

  • dirt;
  • impurities.

If the seller cannot deliver the goods on one's own, the price of aluminum cans will vary from 40 to 68 rubles per kilogram.

MDM VtorMetal

Moscow enterprise accepting aluminum cans at a price 64 rubles/kg.

For this price, you can only sell scrap metal that meets the following criteria:

  • clean;
  • compressed;
  • free of foreign metals and dirt.

Also company offers a surcharge 10% when accepting payment by bank transfer.


Here, for a kilogram of scrap aluminum cans, you can get from 20 rubles. The company emphasizes that the price will rise depending on the amount of scrap delivered. However, the company's website does not provide accurate information about the price increase.

From kilogram

Here are the five most popular private reception points of the three largest cities in Russia.


The Moscow company offers the purchase of aluminum cans at a price 68 rubles/kg. Terms of price increase or decrease not specified, but proposed calculation cost goods according to the photo.


Moscow-based Metal+ lists two prices per kilogram for aluminum cans. 45 rubles per kilogram will be received by those who rent cans at retail, that is from 1 to 99 kg. And those who decide to sell over 0.1 tons receive at a time 50 rubles for one kilogram. At the same time, in the cost export is included raw materials enterprise.


Here the price is 64 rubles/kg, but does not include pickup. Also, the company's website notifies that the price of large quantities of goods may increase markedly.

OOO Resurs

This company has a price from 40 rubles per kg of aluminum cans. The cost can rise to 42 rubles for cashless payments and up to 45 rubles for the delivery of scrap from one ton.

Riten Metal

The Novosibirsk enterprise "Riten Metal" is ready to buy scrap aluminum cans for 59 rub/kg. Here, accepting payment by card is also beneficial: the cost will increase to 60 rubles per kg.

The company only accepts the following banks:

  • clean;
  • sorted.

The price may increase depending on the weight of the item.

By the piece

Neither large enterprises, nor small collection points will not accept aluminum cans weighing up to one kilogram.

Piece by piece, banks can only be handed over to resellers or found in your city vending machine- machine for receiving aluminum cans.

At piece by piece acceptance of aluminum cans, the price per piece varies, but on average they are from 30 to 50 kopecks.

The average price of aluminum can scrap is presented in the table:

How to get a higher price?

To get as much profit as possible from the delivery of aluminum cans, you need to prepare a favorable ecological environment on our planet.

In addition, for the delivery of this type of scrap, you do not need any financial expenses. You do not need to buy additionally to search and various metal. After all, there are banks in almost every yard and they will even be grateful to you if you want to collect them.

How aluminum cans are accepted by a special machine in Sweden, see this video:

In contact with

For Russian banks, the small business segment is traditionally an outsider - both in terms of lending, and in terms of non-credit services and cash and settlement services. The profitability of banks in the segment is not worth the effort required for entrepreneurs. And the problems that they can bring to credit institutions: a lot of time to work with documents, constant monitoring of cash receipts, high risks of attracting the attention of the regulator.

The problem received public outcry when, at the Eastern Economic Forum, a businessman complained to the head of Sberbank, German Gref, that banks were blocking accounts for entrepreneurs, a “black list” of such entrepreneurs was being formed, and it was difficult for those who got into it to open a bank account. That is, in fact, you can put an end to business. Recently it became known that the business ombudsman Boris Titov turned to the Central Bank with a proposal to create a service to protect the interests of business, in particular, from such actions and hold bankers liable for blocking without proper reason.

The number of complaints about illegal blocking of accounts and transactions is dozens of times higher than the number of other complaints recently

According to " Business Russia”, Since the beginning of 2017, banks have blocked the accounts of about 500 thousand entrepreneurs. Moreover, the number of complaints about illegal blocking of accounts and transactions is dozens of times higher than the number of other complaints recently. The basis for blocking is the law 115-FZ (“On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”, aimed at combating money laundering and the “black” sector of the economy. The law has been in force for more than 16 years, but recently Since then, the Central Bank has tightened regulation in terms of servicing entrepreneurs.For example, a requirement for documentary confirmation of beneficial owners has been added.But that's not all.Situations such as non-core receipts to the entrepreneur's current account, inappropriate spending of funds, insufficient amount of turnover taxes .

Entrepreneurs complain that they have to explain and provide documents for almost every small operation. Without this, banks have the right not to conduct transactions, referring to the suspiciousness of the movement of funds.

In July 2017, the Central Bank issued guidelines No. 18-MR and No. 19-MR, which indicate signs of such suspicious transactions. In these documents, the regulator pointed to an increase in the volume of operations to withdraw money from debit cards legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, which may indicate the illegal use of this money (in other words, cashing out). And he recommended that banks comply with the requirements of 115-FZ not formally, but more strictly: to transfer information about such clients.

The signs are rather controversial, it is difficult to reliably tell from them whether this is a conscientious entrepreneur or he works “in the black”

Signs of suspicious businesses include, for example, a short period of operation of the company (less than 2 years), a large amount of cash in circulation (more than 30% of the weekly turnover), minimal the tax burden. As you can see, the signs are rather controversial, it is difficult to reliably tell from them whether this is a conscientious entrepreneur or he works “in the black”. For example, a courier company, a pizza delivery company or an online store of things will receive more than 30% of cash from turnover per day. Two years of work is a sign that applies to all startups and young businesses.

For example, in our practice there was a case when a bank closed a company's account simply because of a sharp increase in income. It seemed suspicious to the compliance service of the credit institution that the company had not received money for several months - for some reason this means for the regulator that the company was not functioning - and then millions came to the account in a month. But this is completely natural for a new enterprise! First, organizational issues are resolved, negotiations are held with partners and customers, and only then the receipt of funds begins. But it is much safer for a bank to close an account than to deal with the situation, because the Central Bank can revoke a license for non-compliance with 115-FZ.

The bank should raise questions if the entrepreneur has several corporate cards through which cash is withdrawn

There are more understandable suspicious moments. For example, a bank should raise questions if an entrepreneur has several corporate cards through which cash is withdrawn, and there are almost no other operations. Moreover, money is withdrawn regularly, at the end of one business day and again at the beginning of the next, and the amount is less than 600 thousand rubles or close to the maximum withdrawal limit. The bank should also start checking the business if money is credited to the account from counterparties whose bank accounts are used for operations with signs of transit, or from a counterparty that simultaneously transfers funds to the accounts of other clients. Also, the entrepreneur needs to carefully transfer money to his personal account - if they are quickly withdrawn, the bank may assess this as a suspicious transaction.

The requirements of the regulator can affect almost all areas of small business, especially the service sector, trade, tourism and others. According to Delovaya Rossiya, in June there were 200,000 SME clients on the Central Bank's black list, and at the moment there are 500,000 of them. At this rate, the number of suspicious entrepreneurs will grow to 1 million by the end of the year. At the same time, according to estimates Ministry of Economic Development, number SMEs in Russia at the end of 2016 was 5.5 million (2.9 million individual entrepreneurs and 2.6 million small companies).

All blacklisted CBs will definitely face difficulties opening bank accounts, although this shortlist is a recommendation, not a directive. It is unlikely that in the conditions of a market cleansing, credit institutions will want to work with clients who will attract the attention of the Central Bank to them.

Violation of 115-FZ is one of the key reasons for license revocation

There is a paradoxical situation when, on the one hand, the state is interested in the development of small business, and, on the other hand, any suspicious movement on accounts leads to an immediate blocking of funds. As a result, it turns out that, on the one hand, banks are encouraged to work with small businesses - to finance, to offer non-credit products. On the other hand, it is this segment that is both quite labor-intensive and not very marginal, and even the most problematic in terms of regulatory risks. Violation of 115-FZ is one of the key reasons for the revocation of licenses. According to our estimates, in 2016, the Central Bank withdrew about a third of all licenses on this basis.

However, public outcry can lead to a solution to this problem. In particular, business ombudsman Boris Titov asked the Central Bank to issue recommendations on the application of anti-money laundering regulations. We can also talk about creating a mechanism for the rehabilitation of companies that are on the "black" lists, but in fact are leading a healthy and conscientious business.

The trend towards a decrease in the number of operating banks in all federal districts, which has been observed for several years, is unlikely to disappear this year. In 2010 alone, almost two dozen credit organizations reorganized through acquisitions and mergers.

Behind last year number of players banking market decreased by 46 units. As follows from the report of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the development of the banking sector and banking supervision, over the indicated period, 28 credit institutions had their licenses revoked, 19 banks were excluded from the book state registration in connection with the reorganization in the form of affiliation or in other words due to mergers and acquisitions, but only 1 new lending institution. And this year the situation is unlikely to change for the better, the number of banks may continue to decline due to the need to double the minimum authorized capital. But for this reason, the Expert RA rating agency does not predict a large-scale wave of mergers and acquisitions.

“On the one hand, this can be prevented by the high (for a small bank) cost of high-quality Due diligence, on the other hand, by the fundamental importance of clients’ access to the bank’s management, losing which clients will think about changing a credit institution,”- says Marina Musiets, a leading expert in the ratings department of credit institutions of the Expert RA rating agency.

According to her, bank mergers and acquisitions usually have two goals: to increase the stability of the business by diversifying assets and liabilities, and to increase profitability by reducing costs and strengthening competitive positions.

“Cost reduction is achieved through centralization of the back office, risk management and unification of front office technologies. The strengthening of the competitive position and, as a result, the market share of the merged bank increases the possibilities of lobbying its interests in government agencies. In addition, the larger and more reliable financial institution, the cheaper the cost of resources becomes for him, which directly leads to an increase in profitability”,- Marina Musiets is sure.

As practice shows, the largest purchases are made by state-owned banks. “Given that the state plays a significant role in the banking sector, many purchases/sales are politically motivated. Moreover, a number of mergers and acquisitions (including the purchase by VTB of shares in the Bank of Moscow) are directly sanctioned by the state,”- says the expert.

It should be noted that domestic banks are showing interest not only in buying Russian subsidiaries of foreign banks, but also in their foreign subsidiaries. Yes, it acquires 100% Volksbank is the Eastern European division of the Austrian banking group OVAG. And according to the Vedomosti newspaper, in the future Sberbank plans to acquire other banks with the help of Volksbank.

In conclusion, we can only add that for end users of banking services, the process of consolidation of credit institutions carries both minuses and pluses. On the one hand, this is a decrease in competition, and, consequently, the possibility of choice. On the other hand, according to Marina Musiets, the merged bank has the opportunity to receive liabilities cheaper, which means that other market participants who do not want to sacrifice their positions will have to work with a lower interest margin. And this implies, among other things, a reduction in rates for.

Why buy a business

There are many reasons to buy a business. They all, however, come down to two main ones. Those who have no business experience may consider buying a business that works, rather than starting from the beginning. Individuals who already own a business may wish to acquire another business in order to accelerate financial growth to inspire confidence from outside sources of capital, to add to a product line, to increase its capabilities, or to enter a new market.

When you first decide to enter a business, there are many factors to consider when buying a running business.

Of course, things will go faster if you acquire a business that has been operating successfully for a long time. In this case

There is already a particular product or service

The staff of hired employees is ready,

Market with real consumers,

supplier network,

Distribution channels established and

There is a very definite income.

You don't have to learn to identify the above characteristics, which is very different from building a completely new business. Instead, you will channel your energy into supporting and improving your existing business. The most attractive thing about this is that you do not have to invent or choose the new kind product or service: everything has already been done by the predecessor.

In addition, in the case of buying a business, it is much easier to find financing. In general, bankers and investors are reluctant to invest in anything completely new and untested. On the other hand, they will often readily provide funds for a business running for a long time. The fact that there are real incomes and a certain wealth may look quite convincing to those from whose side you are trying to get financial support.

However, before proceeding with the purchase, it must be remembered that the above advantages can also be serious disadvantages. The fact that everything is already pre-set may also mean that this business is harder to change.

Employees may react negatively to the new owner.

Existing production, equipment, or processes may be outdated.

The market for a given commodity may be in a state of decline.

The location of the business may become inconvenient, which means the need to move it to another location.

Existing suppliers or distributors may not operate efficiently or optimally.

In addition, there may be hidden defects - old obligations or new rules regarding a particular business, bad reputation or damaged relationships - it is almost impossible to know about this in advance.

In the event that major changes are required, you may find that trying to reform the status quo can be more difficult than starting a new business from scratch. In fact, if an established business isn't doing too well, you may end up buying someone else's headache. And if you are not careful, you may pay too much for the dubious honor of eliminating the consequences of someone else's irresponsibility.

So, don't rush. Research the market and explore all the possibilities. Research them carefully. Ask questions, ask for detailed financial statements, ask for references and referrals. Talk not only to the people whose names are given to you, but also to everyone else who can say something about this business.

If at any time you feel pressure from the seller or a demand for a quick decision, or if you feel resistance or unwillingness to provide you with all the information you need, or if there is any doubt about anything, try to forget about this offer as soon as possible. Don't waste your time and jeopardize your future with a bad investment. Do not forget that the market for offers is vast.

Expansion of activities.

If you already own a business, acquiring a new business can be a strategic move forward. For example, your goal is rapid growth. Acquiring a new business can be a way to grow faster than expanding an existing business. In essence, your purchase can be a way to generate income that you can immediately invest in an existing business.

This step can also be decisive if you are looking for additional funding. Your existing business may be too small to be of interest to owners investment funds, which require a certain amount of work before they can receive a tangible return on investment. They may also require significantly faster growth than your company has previously shown. Acquiring a new business can be a solution to these problems.

An acquisition can provide you with new resources and new opportunities. If you make a wise purchase:

You will be able to train your employees with a whole range of new skills.

Perhaps you provide yourself with new technology, useful possessions, or cutting-edge technology.

You can also purchase the rights to the product, which will give you a stronger position in the market.

You may be able to fill gaps in your existing product line.

Perhaps you will acquire the ability to create new and more salable products.

Perhaps a new acquisition will provide an opportunity to overtake competitors, or even buy their business.

Buying an additional business is a classic way to enter a new sector of the market. It is in this way that many companies expand their activities and influence to other parts of the country, or enter international market. Instead of exploring the features of the external market, the buyer will be able to acquire a new business that has been operating for a long time taking into account these features. All things considered, market research and information gathering is just as important for a buyer of a new business as it is for a newbie building a business from scratch.

It has become much more difficult to create new production due to devaluation

It has become much more difficult to create a new production facility due to devaluation: there is no domestic equipment, and imported equipment has risen in price significantly. Short loans only help replenish working capital. Where to get long money?

Recently, government officials have voiced the idea of ​​creating an industry bank for light industry, a possible candidate is Rosselkhozbank. And although the declared amount of resources is not enough to restart the industry, the idea of ​​creating a development institution is very timely.

Industry creation vs point injections

In fact, there is no light industry in Russia. There are separate enterprises that produce some sort of assortment items. However, there is no need to talk about the full cycle of production of various clothes and shoes. Light industry must actually be created from scratch. Achieving this goal requires a massive investment program. It should include, among other things, the creation of enterprises for the production of raw materials and components for clothing and shoe factories.

Loans for 10-12 years are required to create shoe and clothing factories. An even longer investment cycle is in projects for organizing the production of equipment and tooling for the industry. Now the average loan term in the light industry is no more than two or three years.

Private banks cannot give such long loans, as many financial institutions right now they don't feel very comfortable. Foreign funding markets are closed to them, partly due to sanctions, but mostly due to devaluation. In the current situation, only a bank or investment company financed by the state. And what kind of structure, what kind of state bank will deal with this, by and large, is not so important.

Of course, if we are talking about one-time investments in individual enterprises, as was the case until recently, about targeted support, then a bank is not needed. However, if the question is posed more globally and it is about creating an industry, then one cannot do without a development institution.

The flip side of the devaluation

Russia is a huge market for light industry goods. We are more than 140 million people, everyone needs shirts, socks, boots, jackets, etc. All this can be produced in the country, and not bought for foreign currency, so the industry has enormous potential.

But light industry is still affected by many negative factors. Oddly enough, devaluation also applies to them. Yes, it gave a serious price advantage, new opportunities, but only those companies that already have existing production, the necessary equipment, all processes are established and have access to local raw materials. The benefits for these companies are substantial. But it has become much more difficult to create a new production from scratch due to devaluation: there is no domestic equipment, and imported equipment has risen in price at times.

So, due to the continuous growth of the dollar, we recalculate our production investment project every month. Under such conditions, when the currency is unstable, it is not so easy to start building a new factory. This is also the reason why we are already an operating enterprise, which is fully equipped with equipment, where all processes and technologies have already been debugged.

And yet we do not refuse plans to launch a new production from scratch. That is why we are closely following the government's initiatives to support the industry. Since last year, the state has been providing subsidies to buyers of raw materials and machine tools for light industry. Some factories have already received such assistance. It is possible that we will apply for such support this year as well.

Long cycle and strong seasonality

Frankly, we, like other major players in the shoe market, find it somewhat easier to get bank financing than, for example, medium-sized businesses and regional enterprises. Banks are more willing to lend to existing businesses that have a large scale, stable sales volume, own working capital and assets. True, these are mainly short loans to replenish working capital. It is clear that such volumes and efforts of even a dozen large companies are not enough to revive the industry. We need hundreds of new investors, building factories from scratch.

Restarting the industry is impossible without a special development institute that understands the peculiarities of light industry. What is the specificity? First of all, this is a long payback cycle of projects - from seven to ten years. Another important point is the rigid seasonality, which also affects the nature of the work of shoe production. In addition, the assortment of shoe factories is formed according to the collection principle: each season is 100% new collection. If we are talking about launching new production from scratch in the light industry, then projects in this area do not fit into the financing standards that banks currently follow. The emergence of an industry bank that will take into account the specifics of the light industry will help overcome these obstacles.

A drop in the sea

Establishing a bank is a logical decision. However, with the current volume of financing for light industry, it loses its meaning. Thus, in 2015, subsidies were allocated to the light industry in the amount of more than 1.8 billion rubles, the estimated amount of financial support for 2016 (a subsidy to compensate for part of the cost of loans for working capital) — 800 million rubles. Such a volume of resources for the development of the industry is a drop in the ocean. Thus, the creation of one shoe factory with an output of 500 thousand pairs of shoes per year requires at least 500 million rubles, and this is only capital investment, excluding the purchase of materials, components, etc. And in order to increase production by 100 million pairs and completely “cover” the mid-price segment, in which domestic footwear can be competitive, Russia needs at least 200 such factories. If we are not talking about helping individual companies, but about restarting the entire industry, then we need an order of magnitude more.