Start earning investments in rubles without investments. This type of investing on the Internet has its own characteristics.

Money, as we know, depreciates. Even the inflation rate of 8-9%, which is considered moderate, means that every 1,000 of yours will lose 80-90 rubles per year. Any person with free funds strives to ensure that his savings not only do not decrease, but also generate so-called passive income.

Why you need to invest money on the Internet

There are many options for making a profit with a certain amount at your disposal:

  • Opening a bank deposit.
  • Investing in startups.
  • Buying currency, precious metals or shares.
  • Buying a property.
  • Investing money on the Internet, including investments in PAMM accounts.

Taking the money to the bank is the simplest solution. The advantage of a deposit is a fixed passive income, which is prescribed in the contract and is an obligation credit organization. You know what profit you can expect and after what time.

At the same time, bank deposits also have a number of significant disadvantages:

  • Low level of profitability.
  • “Freezing” funds for a long period.
  • Risks associated with the possible closure of a credit institution.

Note: last year, 97 banks lost their licenses, and the total losses of their depositors exceeded 50 billion rubles. In eight months of 2017, 32 financial institutions have already ceased their activities.

Supporting innovative projects is the most risky of the options, which, however, if successful, can bring significant dividends. At the same time, you have no guarantee that the invested funds will not simply burn out. Unlike the banking sector, where the law ensures the return of 1,400,000 rubles.

Storing money in foreign currency or precious metals, as well as purchasing shares of promising companies, should be classified as ways to preserve, rather than increase, money.

Earning income from dollars or feet, gold, silver and securities requires active work related to tracking quotes, predicting future changes, selling and buying. In this case, the profit received can no longer be called passive.

Purchase of real estate and land plots– one of the oldest types of investment, which will ensure stable growth of your wealth. Its disadvantage is low liquidity.

All of the options listed above require significant start-up capital. Banks limit the minimum deposit size or significantly reduce the interest rate for small investments of money on the Internet. Startup projects, as a rule, are ready to accept any Money transfers– however, if your contribution is less than a few thousand dollars, you will simply receive the funds back with a bonus in the form of a discount on products, and will be mentioned on the company’s website in the “Thanks” section. Securities, precious metals and real estate will also require significant amounts.

The situation is different with PAMM accounts and investing on the Internet. The first involves transferring money to a trader playing on Forex market or any other platform. Part of the profit from currency speculation is distributed among investors in proportion to the size of the contribution. Minimum amounts for participation in such programs usually start at $10.

The advantages of the method will be:

  • High profitability. On average, it will be from 6 to 10% per month.
  • Possibility of reinvestment. You can leave your income in the account and next time receive a percentage of the increased base.
  • Exclusion of non-trading transactions. The trader cannot cash out money from the account, move it to another account, or use it other than for targeted purchases on the exchange.
  • Mandatory participation of the trader's funds. The possibility of losing his own finances does not allow the player to experiment and take rash actions.

Among the disadvantages of PAMM accounts:

  • Trading risks. Even a professional with extensive experience will not predict sudden drops in quotes.
  • No guarantee of return of invested funds. You trust the trader and his mistakes, including complete failure, will mean that the money you allocated will be burned.

Investing money on the Internet is the most affordable way receiving passive income.

In addition to the cash desk for trading on commodity and currency exchanges, you can:

  • Get a share in web projects.
  • Invest in binary options.
  • Participate in indirect lending.
  • Invest in funds.

Each direction has its own pros and cons. Participation in the development of websites and portals is in many ways similar to financial support for start-ups or established businesses.

The direction of binary options is unpredictable and is compared by many experts to gambling.

The difference between lending money through online exchanges and regular lending will be to reduce the risk of non-repayment and simplify the search for clients. You will need to prepare an offer indicating the amount you can borrow, the acceptable term and expected level of monthly payments, and the total percentage of the overpayment.

The electronic exchange will help you find a person who wants to receive funds and help you draw up a loan agreement. As with traditional loans, you run the risk of the borrower being unable to repay the funds. Having an agreement will allow you to go to court and win it, but this will require a significant investment of time. In addition, the refund itself may take more than one month.

The funds do not use finances to play on the stock exchanges, but invest them in development promising direction. Most often, such organizations choose one area and work exclusively in it. Narrow specialization allows the investment fund to analyze the market in detail, assess risks and opportunities, and make sure that the invested money brings you the highest possible passive income.

What to watch out for when investing online

The main dangers for a novice investor will be:

  • Fraudsters.
  • Financial pyramids.

The first scheme involves outright deception: a certain organization promises huge income within just a few days, but after receiving funds into its account, it stops responding to requests. Such projects do not last long - their main task is to promote themselves as quickly as possible, collect a large amount of money and disappear.

The fight against fraudulent schemes is complicated by the fact that money is transferred abroad, companies are registered through dummies, and the fact of transfer of funds is not documented and is not significant evidence for the court.

The main trick of scammers is the promise of high interest on deposits in a very short time. Experts recommend cutting off offers that guarantee more than 30% per month.

In addition, you must understand exactly how the company is going to make money on the Internet from investments. If the method of generating income is classified as some kind of “trade secret” or is unrealistic, then this, with a high degree of probability, indicates that the company is unreliable.

Fraudsters cannot boast of a tangible client base, long experience in the market, or completed projects.

“Pyramids” on the global network work in the same way as “mutual aid funds” with real offices. You are invited to deposit money and receive income from the money of new investors. The first few investors may make a small profit, while the rest will experience a complete loss of their investment.

Distinctive features of the “pyramids” are:

  • Request more than $400-500 as minimum deposit.
  • Big bonuses for attracted clients.
  • Aggressive policy.
  • Lack of a clear explanation of the earning mechanism.
  • Huge promised profits.
  • Information about the company's management, license availability, accounts, etc. is hidden.

If you have the slightest suspicion that the project you have chosen is fraudulent, you should immediately refuse to participate in it. Moreover, there are a large number of legal companies on the market.

How to make money by investing on the Internet

To be guaranteed to receive passive income, you need to choose a fund to which you will entrust work with finances.

First of all, find out:

  • How many years has the company been on the market?
  • Is there confirmation of the legality of the activity?
  • How does the fund earn money, and what risks does it involve?
  • How can you track the movement of money, profits, etc.
  • Are there any cases?
  • What are the requirements for investors?

It is best to start investing on the Internet with low risks (from 100 rubles to the equivalent of 200-300 dollars). In case of failure, the losses will not be critical, but you will be able to understand:

  • The principles on which investment earnings on the Internet are based.
  • Estimated level of profitability.
  • Payment intervals.
  • Possible force majeure and other dangers.
  • The fund's operating style, quality of feedback, etc.

Real profitable investments on the Internet are not a myth. Free money can bring up to 15% passive income monthly, which significantly exceeds both inflation rates and bank rates.

Attention block: A year ago, Vitaly K. decided to check how betting works and invested the minimum amount of 10,000 rubles. The young man set strict rules for himself: not to attract additional money and not to repeat the experiment in case of failure. As a result, in 30 days Vitaly’s income amounted to 1,480 rubles, which remained in the fund’s account. The next month brought slightly less profit in percentage terms (14.5%), but in absolute terms it exceeded the previous one - 1,664 rubles. This amount was also not withdrawn. In six months, Vitaly K. was able to increase the starting capital by more than 2 times - up to 22,005 rubles. This achievement prompted the investor to reconsider his original principles and increase the deposit amount to 50,000 rubles. After another 6 months, the amount increased to 91,479 rubles. Thus, Vitaly K.’s income for six months amounted to 41,479 rubles or almost 83%.

In order for investments on the Internet to meet your expectations, you need to carefully choose a direction, get acquainted with the work of a particular fund, and evaluate its prospects and reliability.

It should be remembered that none of the companies guarantees you a complete absence of risks. At the same time, you can significantly reduce the impact of unfavorable factors on your profit by diversifying risks, that is, investing in several directions at once. This can be either cooperation with several companies or the choice of different investment programs from one.

In this post we will consider only working tools for investing on the Internet. As you already know and spin, Internet investing is designed to help in this matter. Invest your hard earned money cash maybe not in everything. The global network is a place great opportunities, after all profitable investments on the Internet can increase your capital.

Today, the World Wide Web is simply teeming with dubious personalities, “black” brokers and other evil spirits. They are all dreaming of how to fool investors and steal their money for themselves. Therefore, it will be useful for investors to find out where they can invest money via the Internet in order to later make a profit and not be left broke. Here is a list of tools that can really increase your wealth.

Private lending via WebMoney

One of the forms of increasing your capital is private online lending. It can be carried out through a credit exchange or directly between the borrower and the moneylender. When searching for an application on the credit exchange, you may encounter difficulties, because professionals quickly sort out all the good borrowers.

Remember that an application is considered interesting if there are at least 200 BL borrowers. In addition, all of them must have a positive credit history, as well as a personal certificate. If you comply with all these conditions, you can significantly reduce the chances of not getting your money back.

All other applications can be created by scammers, so it is very important to have a good understanding of such things so as not to become their victim, and everything goes without deception. For yourself, be sure to highlight clear customer verification schemes and define the methods that you will take if the loan is not repaid. It will also be useful to create blacklists to send potential ill-wishers to them.

Here is a useful video on issuing loans via WebMoney:

Direct lending is the same as exchange lending. You will have to look for borrowers on thematic communities or forums. However, even if it seems that you have a good and reliable borrower with a high reputation and a positive credit history, there is still a risk.

More experienced lenders find a way out of this situation. They additionally attract several more borrowers in order to optimize possible losses. You calculate the return percentage according to the following scheme - let the loss be 1 in 9, then issue a loan to other borrowers taking into account the amount of the loss.

Anyone who wants to engage in lending at an amateur level simply will not be able to cope with the huge volumes of applications, and if you give your capital to a small number of clients, you risk incurring losses.

In general, as an investment, this method makes it possible to greatly increase your capital, but for this you need to engage in lending professionally and work with a large number of borrowers. The main disadvantages of this method of online investing are:

  • The need for a large amount to start;
  • High risks.

High Yield Programs (HYIP)

Highly profitable investment programs, which in Russia are called “HYIPs,” provide an opportunity to quickly increase your capital thanks to the high interest that the investor receives via the Internet. These projects usually work with electronic currencies. How do HYIPs make money? To organize such high incomes, the organizers and managers of HYIPs take part in the following projects:

  • Forex currency market;
  • International stock exchange;
  • Commercial betting;
  • All kinds of business projects;

Absolutely all HYIPs are financial pyramids, the principle of which is to pay for subsequent income from previous ones. Investors take a lot of risk when participating in such projects, because at any moment the project can go bankrupt and disappear, then the investor remains at a disadvantage. Although, despite this, there are proven, highly profitable investment programs that, without deception, make it possible to multiply your investments. But still, behind big profits there are big risks.

Here's a worthwhile video on the topic:

HYIPs are divided into three groups:

  • Low income;
  • With an average income;
  • With a high income.

The duration of the project is usually several months, but there are also those that last from six months to 12 months. It all depends on the administrators complying with the requirements necessary to keep the project afloat. Before participating in HYIPs, be sure to check them so as not to fall into the clutches of scammers. There is certain information that will help you minimize the risk of losing your invested capital.

  1. Invest at the moment when the project is just starting.
  2. Invest your free cash.
  3. Don’t put everything in one basket, rather invest in different HYIPs.
  4. It is better to invest for a short period at a low interest rate than to chase a large one.
  5. Withdraw your profits immediately.
  6. Analyze the hype before participating.
  7. When the deposit comes to an end, do not rush to re-invest, it is better to think about it carefully.

We can summarize that hype gives you the opportunity to increase your savings, but at the same time there is a high risk of running into scammers.

PAMM investing

By doing this you can get high profits, the main thing in this matter is to find a good broker who is interested in increasing your capital. The minimum percentage of income in this investment method is 20%, which is significantly higher than deposits of banking structures. In addition, investors can cooperate to create a large common capital, which will allow the trader to bring an even greater percentage of profit.

PAMM investing is risky because there are a lot of scammers who have entered the market to deceive and rob investors. The fact is that experienced brokers set a high commission for their services, about 50% of the total profit, so investors may not agree to such conditions and go in search of cheaper traders. In this situation, two scenarios arise:

  • There is a normal young broker who demands a lower percentage for his services;
  • Investors fall for the tricks of scammers, and their investments disappear without a trace.

If you seek services from trusted employees, you can minimize the risks associated with fraud. And if the broker’s work suits investors, they will turn to him for services again and again. PAMM investing is a fairly young industry for increasing capital, but despite this, it has already proven itself on the positive side, as evidenced by tens of thousands of satisfied investors.

Related articles:

Investing in websites

Recently, investing money in the creation of websites and their promotion has become widespread. The ratio of profitable investments to failed investments is approximately 50:50. More and more investors are making contributions to the development of online stores in order to increase the chances of the project being realized. It is very important that the portal has its own large target audience, because its absence jeopardizes all investments made via the Internet.

In order for the site to be constantly afloat, it needs to be optimized and promoted. Therefore, if you decide to invest in its development, take this into account. It is enough to devote a little time to the portal for it to exist for a long time and bring you dividends.

Investment in stock trading

A profitable way of investment if you understand the development trend of a particular enterprise. Trading shares is quite interesting, but due to crises there are considerable risks of making a bad purchase. A few years ago, investing in stocks brought excellent dividends to investors.

Here's a little video on the topic:

The process itself represents a long-term investment of funds, and profit should be expected up to 12 months. If the stock forecast was made correctly, the sale will be successful. Thus, the investor is able to organize a good annual income.

In general, investing promises a lot of benefits in the form of high income. Where there are no shortcomings, they are the lack of stability in the market, problems that may arise when withholding income taxes and withdrawing electronic currencies.

Here are articles on the topic:

Investments in startups

Internet users can invest in new projects that are just beginning to develop. Most investors are skeptical about such investments because they believe that it is a waste of money. However, statistics say the opposite - two out of ten projects “take off” and bring excellent dividends, the same number completely fail, and six hover on the brink of break-even.

Most investors give preference to more successful and already realized projects or sites. At an early stage of development, the risks associated with failure increase significantly, but the investor has the opportunity for more favorable conditions if his find is truly unique.

The amount of money that can be invested in projects ranges from several thousand rubles to millions of dollars. The main thing is to evaluate the team and the invested project itself in order to understand whether it can break through the competition of existing similar enterprises or not. To do this, you must have certain knowledge in a particular area.

Without this knowledge, the chances of investing in a project that will not generate income increase significantly. At the same time, you should discuss what exactly you are going to invest, as well as what you want to get in return.

Investing in startups is a complex, costly and time-consuming process, but if you manage to spot a project like Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte in the early stages, you are guaranteed to be able to recoup your investment a thousandfold. The advantage of this method is the ability to raise good dividends if the project takes off, but the main disadvantage is the risk and high investments.

Investments in gold

Cash deposits in gold can be very successful, since for many years now there has been a tendency for its price to rise. Statistics show that the price level for the precious metal in 2001 per troy ounce was $260. Throughout this time, the price of gold reached $1,050. This investment method should be considered by those who are willing to save money for a very long period of time from 5 to 25 years.

The current price of gold is extremely high, and over the past years there has been a constant increase, therefore, a decline will soon occur. In addition, the Russian Federation is going to sell 25 tons of precious metal from stock reserves, which will inevitably lead to lower prices.

You can trade gold using WebMoney via the Internet, exchanging funds in wmg (1 gram of gold). The guarantor of this transaction is the Emirates company WM Metals FZE. It is best to buy wmg, and not gold, otherwise you will have to fly to the UAE in order to pick up gold bars. In addition, the metal itself is taxed, causing its value to increase by 18%.

Thus, online investing of savings in gold has always been, is and will be an excellent means of increasing your dividends, but the investor should monitor the rising trends in prices for the precious metal. Remember that this is a long-term type of investment, which means you should not expect quick income, so not everyone is ready for such investments.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Mogish Ivan is in touch and today I have the honor to tell you about, which today are the best from the best.

That is, if you are involved in investments and you are interested in finding out where others are investing now, you have come to the right place. Especially for you, I have selected our TOP 3 Internet projects that work stably and are guaranteed to withdraw accumulated funds (I will attach screenshots). So I can guarantee that with our rating of projects you will be able to increase your financial capital significantly.

So let's get started...

The best investment projects on the Internet 2018

Name Description Deposit bonus


A very well prepared project with interesting features. There is a strong administration with extensive experience at the helm.

Optimal plan:

  • Yield: 7% per day.
  • Deposit period: 20 BUSINESS DAYS
  • Minimum deposit amount: $10.
  • Payment type: manual (48 hours).
  • Net profit: 40%.

You will find more informationHere.

7% order
A new fast project with a line of plans for 20 days and a yield of 7% per day.

Optimal plan:

  • Name: Classic plan.
  • Yield: 7% daily.
  • Deposit period: 20 days.
  • Minimum deposit amount: $20.
  • Minimum withdrawal amount: $1.
  • Payment type: instant (instant).
  • Net profit: 40%.

You will find more informationHere.

5% order

Refund Me

A new dynamic project with plans for 20-39 days and a yield of 1.6-4% per day.

Optimal plan:

  • Profitability: 156%.
  • Deposit period: 39 days.
  • Accruals: 4% daily.
  • Minimum deposit amount: $20
  • Type of payments: manual (48 hours time limit).
  • Deposit body: included in payments.
  • Net profit: for example, if you invest $100, then net profit will be 56$

You will find more informationHere.

10% order


A high-quality, medium-income HYIP project that works on Telegram-bot and brings a profit of 3% per day for a period of 90 days.

Optimal plan:

  • Yield: 3% per day;
  • Deposit period: 90 days;
  • Payments: instant (instant upon request);
  • Minimum deposit amount/maximum: 10$/…$;
  • Net profit: for example, if you invest $100, the net profit will be $170

You will find more informationHere.

9% order

Don’t know how to quickly monitor the situation on investment projects? Then we recommend paying attention to the blog, which analyzes hype projects without bias and as objectively as possible. The blog has long gained a positive reputation and authority among investors on the Runet. The administration also pays refbacks and TOP insures the deposits of its partners.

Let's summarize

What would you like to say in the end? Yes, a lot of things. But I'll be brief. Higher listed projects are the best today in our opinion. They have proven themselves only from the best side. We have never had problems with payments or performance here. Everything works like clockwork. Ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it. Therefore, you can completely trust them with your funds. Income will definitely not bypass you here. And I draw your attention to the deposit bonus! Don't forget to order it! Remember, with it you will quickly break even and at the end of the deposit period, your profit will increase significantly.

In addition… I draw your attention to such investments as PAMM accounts. It’s a very good option to make money on Forex without going deep into its training. If you don't understand what we're talking about, go to . There I sorted everything out. The information will definitely be useful to you.

I’ll just say that we invested $500 here and we already have our first income.

Well, that's all friends. I hope that I answered all your questions and now you know about the three best investment projects, .

Thank you all for your attention. See you soon on the pages of the blog site

Best regards, Mogish Ivan

Official inflation at the end of 2017 in Russia amounted to 2.5%. In 2016, consumer goods rose in price more significantly - by 5.4%. And in 2015, inflation in Russia completely exceeded the level of 10%, stopping at 12.9%.

This means that in 2015–2017 the ruble depreciated by 20%. Since 1991, there has not been a year in Russia without inflation. Money was constantly depreciating, which means it was not profitable to simply store it.

Therefore, today we will talk about 18 opportunities where it is better to invest money so that they make a profit.

You will learn about:

  • 9 Traditional Ways to Invest Money
  • 8 Best Methods for Investing on the Internet

7 rules of investing

These rules will help beginners better understand where to invest money and how to handle it.

#1. Invest only your money

Invest only your money. If the investment is unsuccessful, we will only lose equity. This is better than being left without money and at the same time looking for funds to return it.

#2. Leave an airbag

Don't invest all your savings. If something goes wrong, there should be at least enough food left over.

#3. Create an investment plan

Plan and write down where you will invest your money. Do this before you start investing. This will help you see better perspectives.

#4. Increase your investment

Invest part of the money you earn and thereby constantly increase your turnover.

On the wave of success, you may want to buy yourself luxury goods or start going to expensive restaurants - this can be done, but not to the detriment of business. Without additional investments, the business will not develop.

#5. Don't get emotional

Strong emotions are an investor's worst enemy. Both depression and euphoria are destructive.

  • depression can prevent you from completing a plan
  • in euphoria, a person can make a risky deal for a large amount

Therefore, you need to invest in cold blood. If you are overwhelmed by emotions, we recommend taking a time out. In 2-3 days, emotions will subside, and the situation will lend itself to sober analysis.

#6. Assess risks regularly

Before investing, calculate potential gains and potential losses. The main thing is that the profit significantly exceeds the contribution.

Example: spending 5,000 rubles to earn 200 rubles is not justified if the risks are high.

#7. Diversify risks

Invest in several projects at once. If one turns out to be unsuccessful, then the profit from the rest will help cover the loss.

8 ways to invest money on the Internet

Let's look at the most profitable ways to invest money on the Internet today.

#1. Forex

The essence of trading on Forex is making money on changes in exchange rates. We buy cheaper - we sell more expensive. The greater the difference, the higher the income.

For example, we will buy 100 dollars at 65 rubles for 1 $, and a month later we will sell them at 70 rubles. This will bring an income of 5×100=500 rubles.


  • low entry threshold - from 1-2 thousand rubles
  • ease of investment - you only need a laptop or smartphone
  • training from scratch - most exchanges have video courses


  • high risks - Forex trading for a beginner turns into a “guessing game”
  • constant activity - you need to check quotes every day and find the most profitable currency pairs.

#2. PAMM accounts

PAMM accounts offer the opportunity to team up with other people who have capital and transfer the money to an experienced manager. He will invest them in projects that generate income and share part of the profits with investors.

PAMM account managers mainly trade Forex. Therefore, the profitability is lower than independent trading. But the risk is also lower: a qualified manager is experienced and will not allow an unprofitable deal.


  • There is less risk - money is managed by a professional
  • low starting capital - it is enough to invest from 1-2 thousand rubles
  • passive income - no need to trade yourself


  • restrictions for the investor - you cannot return the money before the due date
  • there is no guarantee of a refund - government insurance programs do not apply to PAMM accounts

Summary: PAMM accounts are suitable for those who want to make money on the Forex market, but do not have the necessary knowledge and time. You can invest in accounts of experienced traders on the Alpari website. This is a reliable broker operating since 1998.

#3. Binary options

#8. Hype

Translated into Russian, “hype” is an investment program through which traders can earn 200-300% per annum or more. HYIPs are always very risky fraudulent projects.

An example of hype in Russia is the MMM financial pyramid. Despite the fact that MMM collapsed in 1994, when the concept of “hype” did not yet exist, it has all the signs of a HYIP. The first participants who invested in MMM at the very beginning of its existence managed to earn good money. The rest were deceived and lost money. A modern example is the Cashbury company.


  • high income - in HYIP it’s possible to earn 200-300% per annum
  • no special knowledge required - you just need to invest and wait
  • there are many projects - there are always fresh hypes on the Internet that ask people for their money.


  • very big risks - no one knows when the hype will “wind down” and stop making a profit
  • fraud - HYIP creators often disguise themselves as real companies

Summary: HYIPs certainly cannot be called reliable investments - we do not recommend them. To avoid falling for scammers masquerading as real projects, check the projects on the forum.

9 ways to invest money

In this section we will begin to answer the question of where to invest your money.

Let's consider only offline investment methods. We'll talk about where to invest money on the Internet in the next section.

#1. Bank deposits

A bank deposit is the most popular in Russia. In September 2018, residents of our country held 27.4 trillion rubles in bank deposits.

For an investor, investing is the easiest way to make money. You need to visit the bank, transfer money and conclude a deposit agreement. Then the investor receives interest on his account until the deposit is completed.

  • minimal risk - if you open a deposit of up to 1.4 million rubles, then even if the bank goes bankrupt, the state will compensate for the losses
  • convenience - you can open a deposit in an online bank in 5-10 minutes, you don’t have to go to the bank.


  • minimum income - reliable bank who participates in the DIA (Deposit Insurance Agency) system will pay no more than 7−8% per annum
  • little control over money - contracts cash deposits they impose restrictions on withdrawals and deposits, which causes the investor to lose part of the profit.

Summary: A deposit in a bank carries minimal risks for the investor. But the income from the deposit is also low: in fact, it is equal to 3-4% per annum. After all, the money that is on deposit depreciates due to inflation.

We wrote more about bank deposits in the article: “How to make Bank deposit under high percent+ TOP 3 banks with the best conditions.”

#2. Mutual funds

Mutual Fund - mutual fund investment fund. This tool is associated with stock market. A mutual fund is created by several investors. They make their contributions and receive shares in the fund - “shares”.

Example: 10 friends decided to create a mutual fund and invested 100 thousand rubles each in it. They formed a fund with a capital of 1 million rubles, and each friend’s share was 10%. The mutual fund is then transferred to an experienced manager. It invests the money invested by participants in the mutual fund into income-generating assets. The better the manager, the greater the profit of the mutual fund participants.

By investing in mutual funds, we trust money for an experienced investor. He will see profit where a beginner cannot see it. Also, the manager will not invest in something that is popular only because of advertising and has no real value.

The services of an experienced manager are paid. Mutual fund participants pay for them from the fund’s profits. It is enough to pay the manager and distribute income among the mutual fund participants.

  • low risk - the state controls how large mutual funds operate, and managers have certificates and qualifications
  • low requirements for starting capital - you can become a mutual fund investor with only 1000 rubles
  • completely passive income - to receive monthly income, it is enough to invest in a mutual fund once, and then just make a profit
  • a wide selection of mutual funds on the market - you can choose a mutual fund that invests in risky assets and brings large profits, or you can choose a reliable fund with a yield of 10-15% per annum.


  • there is no guarantee of safety of funds - if the fund goes bankrupt, the investor may lose money
  • there is no opportunity to manage capital - agreements on participation in mutual funds contain conditions under which the investor cannot withdraw money before a certain date, as well as other restrictions.

#9. Self-development

Investing in yourself is an investment in knowledge that can be used to earn money.

Example: by spending money on programming courses, you can find a high-paying job.


  • there is always a benefit - even if the investment did not provide direct benefit (money), we become more developed


  • you can end up with inexperienced “teachers” who will be of no use

Summary: Even if investing in yourself does not bring direct profit, it will make us more developed.

Where not to invest money so as not to burn out?

In this section, we will give some tips on how to understand what to invest in and where not to invest.

#1. Collect all information

If you heard about “a new promising technology that brings 500-700% per month,” then collect all the information about this development. Perhaps someone has already tried to invest in it and lost money. Ask your friends who are knowledgeable in the area in which the development was created. They will determine its advantages and disadvantages and tell you whether its market prospects are good.

#2. Don't get emotional

If a friend or acquaintance has already made an investment and says that he has begun to make a profit, this does not mean that you need to repeat after him. Perhaps everything he said was fiction, and the person needs to attract new people to the project and get paid for it.

Take a break for 2-3 days. During this time, emotions will subside and you will be able to think about the situation more soberly. Then ask the person who promoted the new startup for proof of their income.

#3. Do not hurry

If you want to increase your money without risk, then do not count on instant and large profits. Accept that your income will be 10-20% per annum, or even less.

Reviews on popular blogs and sites can be purchased, so always check the reviews on the forum: To check a company or project, write the name of the company and the name of the forum into Google. For example: “cashbury mmgp”.

Where can you invest 5, 10, 20, 50,100, 500 thousand rubles or 1,000,000 rubles?

In the last section of the article we will talk about how to make money on investments if you have 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 thousand rubles or 1 million rubles.

#1. 5,000 rubles

If the investor’s starting capital is 5 thousand rubles, then we recommend using the following investment methods:

  • PAMM accounts
  • binary options
  • Mutual funds.

By investing in PAMM, binary options or mutual funds, the investor will receive 20-30% per annum, or 1000-1500 rubles per year. The probability of losing money is greater than if it were deposited in a bank, but still remains small.

If you invest 5 thousand rubles in a bank deposit, then in a year you will be able to earn only 300-400 rubles.

#2. 10,000 rubles

Starting capital of 10 thousand rubles allows you to create:

  • small online store
  • small website with content.

But these methods are suitable if the investor has not only money, but also an understanding of how to promote a website on the Internet. Otherwise, we recommend using mutual funds, PAMM accounts or binary options.

Bank deposit for 10 thousand rubles will bring 700-800 rubles in 12 months. This is 10-20 times less than what a content site or online store could bring in over the same period.

#3. 20,000 rubles

Investors whose starting capital is 20 thousand rubles may be interested in shares large companies. Their profitability is higher than that of bank deposits, and the guarantee of safety of funds is close to 100%.

A website or online store for investors who have 20 thousand rubles is also attractive. But with this amount it is worth approaching investments more carefully. After all, possible losses, compared to a situation where there are only 10 thousand rubles, increase by 2 times.

For those who want high profitability, but do not know how to promote websites on the Internet, we recommend mutual funds, PAMM accounts or binary options.

#4. 50,000 rubles

Having 50 thousand rubles or more, it is advisable to diversify investments. For example:

  • Place 50% of the amount in a bank deposit
  • Use 30% of the amount to open an online store or promote a website
  • Invest 20% of the amount in a mutual fund, PAMM account or binary options.

The proportions can be changed if riskier investments (PAMM, mutual fund, Internet site) seem more promising. But investing 50 thousand rubles in one industry means exposing yourself to serious risk.

#5.100,000 - 500,000 rubles

From this amount, diversification becomes mandatory. The investor must choose at least three sources from which to earn money. Investing all your money in one or two places means losing all your savings.

  • put money on deposit in a bank (30−50% of total capital)
  • invest in creating a website or online store (20−30% of the total amount)
  • buy precious metals through compulsory medical insurance (5−10% of total capital)
  • invest in a PAMM account or mutual fund (5−10% of the total amount).

This distribution of funds will reduce risks to a minimum. Even if all investments turn out to be unsuccessful, the investor will return 30-50% of the capital back - the funds in the bank are insured by the DIA.

The profitability of all investments will be 20−30% per annum, which will be a good result at this level of risk.

#6. 1,000,000 rubles or more

There are too many options and examples, and we will not be able to consider them all in one article. Instead, we will give some tips that will help you manage the amount of 1 million rubles correctly.

No. 1. Take advantage of trust management

An experienced manager will invest funds for 10-20% of the income so that they give maximum profit. You can follow their results - best companies Those involved in trust management of funds publish statistics in the public domain.

#2: Consider investing in real estate

For 1 million rubles an investor can buy a room in a city with a population of over a million. If you consider a smaller city, you can buy a one-room apartment.

Owning an apartment will give an investor not only stable income at 8−10% per annum. If you urgently need a large sum of money, you can quickly sell the property and get funds. This distinguishes investments in real estate from bank deposits: if you invest money in a bank, you need to wait until the deposit ends.

You can also live in the purchased property. This will come in handy if something happens in an investor’s life.

No. 3. Invest in business

You can open a business with 1 million rubles. It is not necessary to own an idea: capital is enough. It is enough to find a person or team that has promising developments, give them money and receive passive income.

The advantage of investing in a business is profitability. They give from 20% to 200% per annum or more. And an investor, by investing in a business, makes promising contacts and meets interesting people.

No. 4. Buy shares of foreign companies

With 1 million rubles, you can buy securities of foreign companies through reliable brokers.

For example, shares of Check Point Software Technologies Ltd (CHKP) for the period from November 1, 2017 to September 23, 2018 brought investors a return of 15% per annum. And the startup Jacobs Engineering Group, whose shares rose in price from $52 to $77 from September 2017 to September 2018, provided holders of its shares with a return of 40% per annum.

Moreover, the examples of investments that we gave in this paragraph are much more reliable than investments in mutual funds, PAMM accounts or binary options. And with an amount of 1 million rubles, saving money is often even more important than increasing it. Therefore, we recommend studying foreign stock markets and buying the most promising securities in order to combine reliability and profitability.


We talked about 18 options for where to invest money to make money. Both conventional investments and online ways to invest money were affected.

We are sure: everyone who wants to earn money has found something interesting for themselves in this article. After all, we have selected a variety of ways to invest. They are designed for investors of different ages, with different capital, with different strategies.

We think that after reading this article, our readers are sure: investing and earning money is easier than it seems. The main thing in this matter is to have a desire. And you can read about that on our website.

If you did everything you could, you would literally surprise yourself.

Almost anyone can become rich. To do this, it is not necessary to have relatives with open accounts in foreign banks. Saving a little can help you become financially independent. How to make money on investments? It's worth starting with small amounts, constantly increasing them. Money should not gather dust in a safe! Some must work!

Basic principles of investing

At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to become richer when your income only allows you to cope with your existing needs. In fact, almost anyone can make money from investments. Reviews of rich people who were born in simple families confirm this. The first thing those who want to become richer need to start doing is learning how to budget. It is worth recording absolutely all income and expenses in a special notebook. Modern technologies allow you to conduct home accounting also in automatic mode. There are convenient programs for smartphones.

What will this technique do? By taking into account expenses and income, it will be possible to determine which costs are excessive. You can give up many things without compromising your lifestyle. A simple example: a plastic bag purchased at a supermarket. If you don’t buy it every time, but buy a special grocery bag, you can save up to 5% of your budget per month. The proceeds can already be left to increase income. Where to invest money is another question. It all depends on how much money you managed to save.

The presence of free funds does not mean that it is time to earn money on investments. Reviews from experts show that without special knowledge it will not be possible to get a good income. Therefore, those who have decided to start increasing their existing funds need to start reading books on investing and blogs of famous businessmen.

How to make money on investments without risks? Diversification will come to the rescue. This means that you need to invest money in several directions at once. In addition, it is necessary to create a “financial cushion”. This is the amount of money on which a family can live for at least six months without changing existing habits. If, thanks to savings and proper distribution of expenses, you managed to accumulate the required amount, you can start making money on the Internet by investing in rubles or foreign currency.

Those who have certain knowledge can attract co-investors. After all, there are people who do not know whether it is possible to make money on investments. At the same time, they have certain savings that they would like to invest profitably. Gaining enormous popularity today trust management assets. Both parties can earn money this way. These are not only people with knowledge, but also those who have money to invest.

Learning to correctly assess risks

Many people know how to make money from investments. At the same time, people who have high-quality knowledge in this direction can lose everything if they cannot cope with the excitement. Investing is like a casino. Even if a certain area provides huge income, you cannot put all your money into it. It is worth assessing the expected risks.

Many new investors make the same mistake. When they receive their first income, they no longer try to soberly assess the situation, but “throw themselves into the pool headlong.” Meanwhile, if one area brings good income for several months in a row, this does not mean that a loss will occur soon.

What amounts to invest?

Before you make money on investments, you should understand how much money you don’t mind losing. Under no circumstances should you take out finance for business development on credit. Moreover, you cannot mortgage property without which you will not be able to exist normally. In fact, you can start investing with any amount. Even 100 rubles will help you bring in money if you manage these finances correctly.

It is worth returning to the issue of the “financial cushion”. You can start investing when the conditions for a comfortable lifestyle have been created. If the bank has outstanding loan or debts for public utilities, you won’t be able to invest even a minimum amount profitably.

Bank deposit

This method of generating passive income is considered the simplest. Any adult citizen of the Russian Federation can complete a transaction with a bank. Majority financial institutions offers to place a deposit for a minimum amount of 1000 rubles. It is possible to conclude an agreement in foreign currency. How much can you earn from investments of this type? You won't be able to get a high income. A bank deposit is an opportunity to protect money from inflation. This method of investing also has its advantages. First of all, it is high liquidity. Almost at any time you can terminate the contract early and return the invested funds in full.

Cooperation with banks ensures high reliability of investment. Most financial institutions cooperate with the deposit guarantee fund. This means that the money will be returned even if the bank goes bankrupt.

Earnings on the stock market

This investment instrument is no longer suitable for people without special knowledge. To start making money on securities, you need to contact a trusted broker who has been working in the market for several years. How to make money on and securities? All you need to do is buy them and sell them after they rise in price. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated. In fact, this method has a huge number of risks. Securities and shares after purchase may not rise, but may fall significantly in price. As a result, the investor receives a loss. Without knowledge of the market features, it will not be possible to survive in this business. An excellent solution is trust management.

Investing money in allows those who know nothing about investing to make good money. There are organizations that know how to manage shares and assets. They take the money in trust and pay interest to their co-investors. You can start investing in mutual funds from 1000 rubles. The income can be obtained significantly higher than in a bank. But the risks here are much higher. If the company goes bankrupt, no one will be able to compensate for the loss.

Investors with certain knowledge can independently create a portfolio of assets. In this way, the likelihood of loss will be minimized.

Currency market

Forex is a global currency exchange market where you can make good money. People who have economic knowledge and are smart can make a fortune here. However, those who do not know where to invest money should not be completely immersed in Forex. There is a risk of losing all your savings. In order to start making money here, you need to have certain knowledge, which you will not be able to obtain in a few days. To become a truly successful trader, you need to read more than one specialized book.

It turns out that a person who knows nothing about currencies cannot invest in them? In fact, those who are taking their first steps in business also have the opportunity to make money on Forex. You can make good money on PAMM accounts. Traders who have certain knowledge invite co-investors. How to make money by investing on the Internet? All you need to do is invest money in the PAMM account of a successful trader who has been showing good trading results for several months. The advantage is that you can start investing from 1000 rubles. Some traders work with foreign currency and accept contributions starting at $10. You can make good money if you invest in several PAMM accounts at once. It is worth understanding that even a successful trader can suffer a loss. Nobody will return the money spent.

When choosing a Forex broker, you need to be careful. Experts note that many new companies do not bring transactions to the real foreign exchange market, but only create the appearance of real work. The work is carried out according to the principle of a financial pyramid. The broker will work successfully for several months, paying out money to create a good reputation. Then it will simply disappear.

Real estate

If you have a fairly large amount that you would like to increase further, you should pay attention to real estate. Where to begin? How to make money investing in real estate? The easiest way to generate income is to buy an apartment in a building that is still under construction, and then put it up for sale when the property is ready for use. If you also make renovations in the apartment, you will be able to earn up to 50% of the invested funds.

You can also earn a good income by renting out the purchased apartment. Within a few years, the property will pay off. Then the object will begin to generate passive income. The investor will only have to monitor the condition of the apartment and periodically make repairs to maintain its presentation.

Houses and apartments are always in price. Such an investment helps to reliably protect money from inflation. In addition, the asset can be used for your own purposes - to settle in the purchased house or open your office there.

Investing in real estate also has its disadvantages. First of all, this is a fairly high entry threshold. To start earning money this way, you will have to invest a considerable amount. Low liquidity also deters many investors. It can take years to sell a house or apartment. In addition, housing cannot be protected from force majeure circumstances - a domestic gas explosion or natural disasters.


Today anyone can earn money without leaving their home computer. How to make money by investing in cryptocurrency? All you need is some spare savings and internet access. Bitcoins (cryptocurrency) are virtual money that do not have a physical embodiment. The easiest way to earn money is to buy cryptocurrency on an exchange and then resell it with a higher profitability.

To invest in Bitcoin, you need to have some knowledge. Trust management will also be an excellent solution in this area.

Investments in gold

For those who do not seek to earn income here and now, you can consider investing in gold. This is quite profitable, but long-term financial instrument. The value of gold is constantly growing not only because of its unique properties. Metal mining is becoming more difficult every year. Gold is a highly liquid asset. It can be exchanged in a short period of time. Another plus is that the metal does not require special storage conditions; it does not deteriorate over time.

Investing in precious metals also has its downsides. Before making money on an investment, it is worth understanding how quickly you would like to receive income. Gold prices are rising very slowly. The purchased bullion can be sold profitably after tens of years, but not earlier. Investing in gold is more of a way to securely preserve your savings.

Own business

A person who is thinking about investing probably has an entrepreneurial spirit. This means that the most profitable investment will be if you start your own business. Where to begin? First of all, you need to decide in which direction you would like to work. The most popular business option today is one involving the purchase of goods in bulk and subsequent resale at retail value.

Before you start trading, you should figure out whether this niche will be interesting to people. It is necessary to study the target audience in advance. So, for example, in a residential area a store offering workwear or accessories for hunting and fishing will not be popular. But household products (dishes, curtains, bed linen) will sell out quite quickly.

It is necessary to think through trading tactics in advance and draw up a business plan. Investments in land will be profitable. Is it possible to make money by selling goods in rented premises? With a properly drawn up business plan, there will be income in any case. However, you can earn more in your own store. In addition, if the sale does not go well, the premises can be rented out or sold.

When thinking through trading tactics, it is worth choosing what the markup will be. You can double the amount of goods. In this case, sales will be minimal. With minimal markup, people will come to the store more often, which means the income will be higher.

Business with China has become extremely popular lately. Many people know that most goods are produced in this country. If you find a good supplier, you will be able to sell really high-quality products with markups of up to 200%. Many entrepreneurs are already successfully working in this direction.

With the development of information technology, business opportunities have become much more numerous. Today you can sell goods not only in a real store, but also via the Internet. Thus, income will be significantly increased. After all, sales will come not only from buyers in one city, but also from residents of other settlements countries.

Before you make money by investing in your own business, it is worth assessing all the advantages and disadvantages of this method. The advantage is that the investor manages his business himself and optimizes all processes. The owner of his own company or store is his own boss. You will only have to answer to the state regarding issues of timely payment of taxes. In addition, for a good business project it will be easy to find co-investors. You can get a loan from a bank for development.

The downside is that you won’t be able to run your business competently without possessing basic economic knowledge and skills. Running your own business is hard work. You need to be prepared for the fact that at first there will be no time for quality sleep and proper rest.

Where is it better to invest money? There really are a lot of tools. It is worth correctly assessing your capabilities so as not to lose everything.