Is it possible to get a loan if there is current debt on other loans? Is it possible to take out a new loan if there are already outstanding loans or mortgages? Will they give me a loan?

Will they give a loan if there are outstanding loans? This question is relevant if, with existing debts, urgent expenses and expenses have arisen that will not be covered by real income. You can get a detailed answer by reading the article.

Is it realistic to take out a loan if there are outstanding loans? It is quite possible, but not always and not everyone manages to take the required amount and choose the optimal conditions. And in a large bank you can get a refusal.

When considering an application, the organization analyzes the credit history, which consists of several indicators: a scoring score characterizing the solvency, the number of active and closed loan agreements, the presence of overdue payments, features of the fulfillment of debt obligations, and the form of lending. But CI is not the only component of a client’s characteristics.

The lender takes into account the following points:

  1. Income level. If earnings cover both existing current and future payments, then the bank’s decision will be positive.
  2. The presence of a guarantor increases the chances of approval, and if his role is played by a wealthy entrepreneur or legal entity, then he will become a guarantee for the bank to repay the debt.
  3. Collateral (an expensive car, real estate) will ensure the fulfillment of debt obligations in the absence of a constant income.
  4. Type of current loan and conditions for its provision: size of the amount, terms given for repayment, interest rate, form of lending (mortgage, business, consumer).
  5. Number of open contracts. The more there are, the less likely it is to receive approval.
  6. Type of loan requested and desired terms. If you apply for a mortgage with a significant outstanding loan, you will be denied. But it is quite possible to get a small amount.

Helpful information! Each bank has its own algorithm for considering requests, so if you receive a refusal from one financial institution, you can hope for approval from another.

If you want to find out whether a loan will be given if there is an outstanding loan, evaluate the CI: it characterizes solvency and for many financial institutions is the main factor influencing the decision when considering an application. In general, any literate citizen should be aware of their financial situation and soberly assess their prospects.

To find out your chances of approval of the submitted application, use the “” service. It is a partner of the National Credit History Bureau and provides the opportunity to quickly and easily find out your CI. The procedure is convenient and simple, since you do not need to register or confirm your identity, as when contacting the BKI. The service is paid, but the costs are small and justified.

Go to the site, find the “ ” button on the main page, hover over the cursor and click on the link. A request form will open: enter the exact last name, middle name and first name, number, passport series and date of receipt, contact email address and date of birth. Make a payment (several methods are provided, among them you can choose a suitable and convenient one) and after 15 minutes open your e-mail to read the report.

The report from “” has five sheets, and they contain everything that may be useful to a borrower who wants to be aware of changes in the CI:

  • detailed history analysis;
  • scoring score with interpretation;
  • assessment of regular payments made, taking into account all overpayments (fines, interest rates, commissions);
  • checking documents against fraudulent lists;
  • reasons for bank refusals;
  • advice on how to change the current situation.

Other ways to receive funds

If the bank refuses, this is not a reason to despair. Problems can be solved in other ways: modern financial organizations provide offers to potential clients with any CI, including not very good ones. If unexpected expenses arise, get a credit card or contact a microfinance organization for a loan.

Find out more about the credit cards offered by banks that have the most favorable conditions:

100 days without interest

“100 days without %” from “” is a grace period of one hundred days when withdrawing cash and making purchases, a card limit of up to three hundred thousand in Russian currency, free issuance and replenishment, a minimum interest rate of 23.99% (determined individually ). You can order a credit card online on the website.

Halva: buy now, pay later

With the "Halva" credit card provided by "", you can purchase goods in installments. Conditions: twelve months installment plan, free service and registration, base interest rate – 10%, possibility of delivery to the office or home.

All at once

"" offers a credit card "ALL THE TIME." The limit is up to six hundred thousand, cash-back is provided on all purchases of 5%, registration is free, the minimum rate is 29% for preferential transactions, the commission for depositing funds is 100 rubles.

It is important to know! Conditions may vary, so please check them thoroughly and accurately before applying for your card.

Do you know if they will give you a loan if you have a debt from the bailiffs, or have you already received a refusal from the bank? Contact an MFO: in such organizations, the requirements for borrowers are not so strict and more loyal, so everyone has a chance to borrow the required amount.

MFO offers with the lowest rates:

" ". Possible amounts are 5-20 thousand rubles, terms - from five to thirty days. You can withdraw money at any time in fifteen minutes by submitting an application on the website. It is possible to extend the loan and transfer it to a card or through the Contact system. Rate – minimum 1.01% daily.

" ". The bet size is minimum 0.93 per week. Terms - five to thirty days, amount - from three thousand Russian rubles to ten. Funds are credited to the card instantly; it takes five minutes to process the request.

"" suggests taking 1000-30000 for seven to thirty days. The request is processed automatically, the borrower can have any CI, there are different ways to receive funds. The minimum interest rate is 0.63% per week.

Now you know whether they will give you a loan if there are outstanding loans. Assess your chances of approval and receive the required amount using one of the suggested methods.

Today, banks approach the borrower’s desire to take out another loan quite loyally. This is partly due to the fact that the already intense struggle for each client has intensified in the banking sector.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

Many banks declare that a person who crosses the threshold of their office must necessarily buy some service. And loans are no exception.

Therefore, the fact that you are already servicing a loan is usually not a stop factor for taking out another loan.

What does a second loan entail?

On the one hand, nothing particularly serious, on the other - an additional burden, which, if your salary is spent irrationally, can become unbearable. To avoid unnecessary overpayments, when re-lending, you need to carefully study the product lines of at least several banks, and evaluate all the benefits and consequences of the planned step.

Today, borrowers are offered hundreds of “tasty” loans, so you can find a suitable loan program. When deciding where to get a second loan, do not forget to make sure that the bank you choose is stable.

If he suddenly loses his license, a situation is possible when the new bankruptcy trustee will demand full repayment of the debt. This can get tricky.

Types of possible subsequent loans

It is not necessary to take out the same loan for the second time as was issued previously. If you are completely satisfied with the first loan, you can, of course, repeat the experience of cooperation with the bank you like and apply for exactly the same loan a second time.

However, most often loan offers are seasonal. It is likely that you took out a loan on the terms of some short-term promotion, which is not currently offered by the bank. Then you will have to think about which product to choose this time.

The positive point here is that most banks are constantly reducing rates or making the conditions for obtaining loans more favorable. It is likely that the offers currently in effect will be more profitable.

Loan from a private person

You can turn to not only banks for financial assistance. Today we have access to a new service that allows you to borrow money directly from individuals. Such loans are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

To get a loan from a private person, it is enough to draw up a receipt, which will stipulate all the essential parameters for providing funds:

  • deadlines;
  • sum;
  • interest rate;
  • interest payment procedure; p
  • the procedure for repaying the principal debt;
  • penalties for delays, or lack thereof;
  • full details of the lender and borrower.

The receipt does not need to be certified by a notary. In principle, it is enough if you read and sign it in the presence of 2 independent witnesses (for example, one person from each side).

Do not think that you can borrow money from a private person and not return it within the prescribed time frame.

The correct receipt has legal force, therefore, in case of delays, you will face a summons to court and forced seizure of property to pay debts.


The product received this name due to the small loan amount and minimal time investment. This is the fastest and most expensive loan. However, it becomes an excellent solution for those who are in a difficult situation and need money immediately.

To receive money in the amount of 5 before 500 thousand rubles, often it is enough to present a single document - a passport.

The most cautious MFOs, in addition to this, also require SNILS, but there are few such organizations. With such modest requirements, almost any citizen can easily take out several microloans.

Today, some banks have begun to provide microloans. True, the amounts here already start from 50 thousand rubles. Servicing smaller loans is simply not profitable for credit institutions. Interest rates in banks are lower than in MFOs, but the requirements are much more stringent.

Credit card

The most popular product among Russians and the most frequently advertised by banks. This is a really practical and useful loan. The main advantage of cards, according to borrowers, is the ease of use of this tool.

First of all, you don’t need to go to the bank to get money. Most often, the card is given to the borrower through a courier. Even if you have to visit a credit institution, you don’t have to stand in line at the cash desk: the money will be transferred directly to your card.

A positive point is that many cards have a so-called grace period. The mechanism for its calculation is quite complicated.

Therefore, a borrower who wants to apply for such a card must carefully study the rules for using it, as well as other aspects of the loan agreement. Otherwise, you can reduce to zero all the benefits that owning such a card provides.

The advantage of credit cards is also the ability to pay with them in online stores and regular shopping centers. Today, the volume of cash payments is gradually decreasing, and electronic payments are becoming even more attractive.

Therefore, the majority of Russians who have issued one credit card almost instantly evaluate its advantages and apply for a second card to another bank. Some of our fellow citizens simultaneously own 5 or more credit cards.

Two loans from Sberbank

You may already have one loan from Sberbank. Now you decide to try to borrow more money from this lending institution. Will they give you a second loan or not?

The answer to this question will depend on several factors, including:

  • the amount of the loan that still needs to be repaid on the first loan;
  • presence of delays under the current contract;
  • the level of income you have after making all loan payments.

First of all, Sberbank specialists will assess your solvency, using their own methodology to calculate whether you can “handle” the additional credit load. If the answer is yes, the loan officer will definitely ask why you need a second loan.

If you have a mortgage and now want to take out a car loan, the bank may well approve your application.

However, if you choose the same loan product, Sberbank is unlikely to allow you to have two identical loans at once.

Servicing several small loans is not interesting for a bank, since this reduces the profitability of the business. Therefore, experts may suggest that you restructure your existing debt.

Banks ready to provide another loan

Fortunately, there are credit institutions that are ready to provide citizens with several loans. If you have a mortgage, almost any bank will issue you a credit card or consider taking out a car loan.

The majority of regional banks, as well as almost all large retail banks (for example, Home Credit, Sovcombank, Renaissance Credit, MTS Bank), are ready to provide clients with the opportunity to obtain a second loan.

The only condition is that these loans be of different classes (for example, you cannot take out 2 cash loans at the same time).

Two loans from different banks

You can get a second loan from almost any commercial bank. His credit inspectors will tell you in detail how to get it faster. The main thing is that your income fits within the framework that banking specialists consider sufficient to increase your credit load.

However, you cannot expect that the money will be given to you immediately if you receive a second loan.

When considering your loan application, most banks will focus on an indicator that determines how much money you will have left when you pay the required payment.

Such calculations take time. If calculations show that you will spend more than half of your income on mandatory payments, then you are unlikely to be approved for a loan.

Two loans from one bank

This is the simplest situation. The bank will be happy to provide another loan of your choice, as long as the total credit load allows you to pay off both loans at the same time.

Required documents

To apply for a loan, a certain package of documents is required. It is not the same for different loans; in general, the rule applies: “The larger the loan amount, the more documents you will have to collect to obtain it.”

Of course, you must always present a Russian passport. Without it, you will not be given any loan.

In addition, you will have to stock up on the following documents:

  • certificate in form 2-NDFL;
  • driver's license - for car loans;
  • pension certificate – for consumer loans intended for pensioners;
  • SNILS (insurance certificate) - for some microloans or consumer loans;
  • a package of documents for real estate - for a mortgage.

Bank requirements may differ slightly; for example, you may be asked to provide a salary certificate, which must be drawn up in the form of a credit institution.

Advantages of online registration

There are many positive aspects of applying for a loan online:

  • You can complete the application at any time.
  • The interface of most sites is simple and contains a lot of tips on how to correctly fill out applications.
  • The loan is considered and approved in an extremely short time frame.
  • To receive money, only one visit to the bank is required.

Here you can find out through legal methods. Only proven methods and expert advice.

How is a co-borrower withdrawn from a mortgage? If you are interested in this question, then be sure to take a look.

When applying for a housing loan, the mortgage appraisal of the apartment is of great importance. you can find out everything about the assessment procedure and its cost.

Try to build relationships with the bank on terms of honesty and openness. For example, to receive any type of loan, you must fill out a loan application form. It may contain various questions, including unexpected and unpleasant ones. If you are not sure what information the bank expects from you, it is better to check with the loan officer about possible options for answering a tricky question.

Video: Is it possible to take out a second loan?

Banks give new loans even if there are several outstanding ones. The issuance depends on the quality of servicing of existing loans, the presence of obligations to other persons and the income of the borrower.

Where to apply for a loan if you already have open ones

It is best to contact several different banks to find favorable lending conditions for yourself. . Look for reduced rates, promotions and special offers. It should be taken into account that consumer loans are issued for personal needs, and not for repayment of debts on existing loans - for this there is refinancing. If you define your goal of receiving money as covering an existing debt, you will be 100% denied.

All other things being equal, it is easier to get a new loan from banks that offer express loans with a minimum package of documents. They evaluate the client based on personal data and BKI information. Such loans do not require collateral or guarantee.

Examples of banks providing express loans are given in the table.

Before visiting third-party banks, contact a bank that already has an open loan, deposit, or salary account. Repeated application to the bank has its own characteristics - if the loan was provided for the maximum amount, then a new one will not be issued under this program. You can apply for another type of loan, for example, if the first loan is in cash without collateral, then for the second you can apply with collateral (with collateral or a guarantor), or for a credit card.

Is my income sufficient to get another loan?

When calculating the amount allocated to repay loans, the cost of living for oneself and for minor children is taken into account. If, after deducting payments on existing loans and the cost of living from income, there remains an amount sufficient to repay a new loan, you can count on approval of the application.

Before submitting your application, consider the possibility of its approval. The borrower's income must provide a living wage after monthly payments on existing loans and a new loan.

Will they give me a loan if I already have other debts?

There will be no difficulties in obtaining a new loan if there are no delays on any obligations. When they exist, the possibility of obtaining depends on the type of debt and the size of the obligations:

  1. If you have a debt with the bailiff service, your loan application will be denied. It does not matter the size of the debt or the reason for its occurrence. The presence of enforcement proceedings in the FSSP is a negative factor indicating insolvency.
  2. Rent arrears are unlikely to influence a loan decision, but the possibility exists.
  3. If there are current arrears on existing loans, then a new loan will not be given. Banks allow isolated cases, but up to 5 days, no more. The overdue debt must be closed at the time of applying for a new loan.

If you have these debts, difficulties will arise in obtaining any loan: from goods in a store to a car loan or a card from a bank. Even when processing small loans, lenders use scoring systems that analyze information from credit bureaus and a database of enforcement proceedings.

If a loan is denied, then you can reapply no earlier than the period determined by banking rules - for different lenders this is from 1 month to 3. It is believed that such a period is necessary for the borrower to correct the reason for which it was refused.

The most attractive option for obtaining an additional loan is to apply for refinancing. This product repays all previously issued loans with a new loan at a reduced interest rate. When refinancing, an amount may be issued that exceeds existing debts, which will be used for additional expenses. You can read more about refinancing.

Many people want to take out a loan because it makes it possible to receive some of the money necessary to achieve various goals. However, not every citizen has the opportunity to obtain approval from any credit institution. The point is that it must meet certain requirements. Any of us who wants to receive the coveted amount can quite rightly ask the question: how to find out if they will give me a loan.

The optimal solution in such a situation is to fill out an application for. You can submit it directly at a bank branch or on its official website. To increase the likelihood of approval, it is recommended to visit several similar credit institutions at once, since each bank has its own requirements for the borrower.

If a decision has already been made in advance regarding which bank the loan will be issued and what lending program will be used for this, then it is important to find out the list of requirements that this organization imposes on each potential borrower. Based on the information received, you can accurately understand whether a particular person has a chance of approval.

To answer the question of how to find out whether a bank will give you a loan, you need to remember that every credit institution sees the main purpose of its existence as making a profit, therefore an indispensable condition for cooperation with it is the mandatory repayment of borrowed funds. Therefore, numerous requirements are imposed on each borrower.

Availability of official income

Every bank is obliged to check this fact. If a person is unemployed or carries out activities without official employment, as a result of which he receives wages “in an envelope,” then you should not count on it.

An important condition for any borrower is the presence of a stable income, confirmed by official documents. Therefore, when a loan for a large amount is issued, the bank requires the client to provide a 2-NDFL certificate, which can be obtained at the place of work. It is also quite often necessary to bring a copy of the work book, which indicates not only the place of work, but also the length of service of the applicant for the loan amount.

If a person working informally needs to get a loan, then the only solution for obtaining borrowed funds is to contact special microfinance organizations that do not require their clients to be officially employed.

Solvency ratio

Whether a loan will be issued or not can be determined by how much income the potential borrower has. A person must make payments on the loan monthly in the amount agreed upon by the two parties during the process of drawing up and signing the loan agreement. Therefore, it is important to have enough income so that you can easily cope with monthly payments.

In accordance with the requirements of numerous banks, loan payments should not be more than a third of the borrower's salary. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to provide himself with an optimal standard of living. Before contacting the bank, you can use online loan calculators located on the Internet to determine what the monthly payments will be if you apply for a specific amount for the required amount of time.

A bank can give a loan for a large amount only upon receipt of the following documents from the borrower:

  • certificate 2-NDFL, which indicates the amount of the citizen’s official salary;
  • the income received by a person who owns preferred shares or other securities for which he periodically receives funds is taken into account;
  • if a citizen is engaged in personal farming, which is a source of fairly high profit, then when drawing up special documents he can submit them to the bank as confirmation of a good income;
  • other documentation indicating the borrower’s additional income.

Availability of other loans

You can determine the possibility of obtaining a loan based on data regarding existing loans already issued. Every person should know that data on all issued loans is available in the BKI, so it is simply impossible to hide the presence of any loan. Any bank, when studying an application for borrowed funds, certainly submits a request to the BKI, which makes it possible to determine whether the citizen has any credit burden.

If you plan to take out a large amount of borrowed funds, then if you have already issued loans, you should not count on the bank’s approval. This is especially true if the monthly payments on existing loans are large, so they take up at least 40% of the borrower’s income.

Some people who regularly use credit cards believe that loans on them are not considered by banks, but in fact such lending is also considered important. Therefore, if there are debts on the card, the bank has the right to refuse to issue a new loan. It is recommended that you check this information yourself before submitting your application.

A situation often occurs when a person with a good credit history, high income and other positive characteristics receives a refusal from the bank without explaining the reason. This is most likely due to the presence of a loan on the card. If it is repaid, then if you re-apply, there is a high probability of receiving approval.

“Scoring” - assessment of the borrower by banks

You can find out information about whether you will be given a loan or not by using special programs that provide special tests. This process is called “scoring” and is used to assign a specific rating to a specific borrower. Based on the points earned, a preliminary decision is made regarding the issuance of a loan to the citizen. It is the passing of scoring that is considered the first stage of the bank’s assessment of a potential borrower. Even if he has a good income and credit history, but the automatic program gives a low score, the loan will not be issued.

Each banking company uses its own programs, which have unique conditions, tests and parameters. To find out whether a bank will give you a loan, you need to find a large number of scoring calculators on the Internet. By entering basic data into them, you can understand approximately how many points a potential borrower can receive.

The scoring coefficient, calculated by an automatic program, allows the bank to understand how likely it is that a particular citizen will be able to repay the borrowed money on time and with interest. The process of passing the test is considered very simple, since you only need to fill out a special form in which reliable information is entered. If false information is provided, the bank will know this, so this fact will never go unnoticed.

What are the conditions for a high probability of loan approval?

If there is a need to urgently obtain borrowed funds, it is initially recommended to fill out an application for a loan from several banking organizations at once.

Each bank has its own conditions and requirements, so if one institution receives a categorical refusal, then approval can be expected in another.

In order to be sure to receive a positive decision on your application, you should take into account compliance with the following most important conditions, namely:

  • The borrower's age must be more than 21 years and less than 65;
  • work experience in the last place - at least six months, and the total length of service should preferably be more than two years;
  • earnings should only be official, and the higher it is, the greater the likelihood of receiving approval from the bank, but it is important that monthly payments on the planned loan should not exceed 30% of income;
  • the credit history must be ideal, and there must be no other outstanding loans, since the likelihood that under such conditions a new loan will be issued on favorable terms is minimal;
  • It is recommended to make sure that the potential borrower has no other debts to pay taxes, utility bills or other debts that can be verified by the bank, and if this fact is discovered, the organization’s decision will be negative.

Thus, it is almost impossible to know for sure whether approval for a loan will be received. However, to do this, you can first check the compliance of the citizen’s capabilities with the bank’s numerous conditions, as well as pass a special test (scoring), on the basis of which a certain number of points will be assigned. The more there are, the higher the likelihood of getting a loan.

Can I take out a loan if I have a loan? - You can take it quite easily! Firstly, you have already formed your credit history, secondly, banks will be able to assess your credit rating based on payments on the first loan, thirdly, we will tell you how to get a second loan, take a second one without problems and refusals!

What will you learn from the article?

  • How to find out which bank will give a second loan;
  • Which bank to apply for a loan;
  • How to get the required amount without resorting to a second loan;

Which bank will give the second loan?

Do you want to know which bank will approve your second loan? Where can I get the second one? - We recommend using our service! The service will analyze the information you enter and select banks with the highest probability of approving a second loan!

9 banks where you can get a loan if you have a loan

If you decide to choose a bank for yourself in order to take out a second loan, we recommend that you first take a closer look at this list. Each of the banks on the list issues second loans without problems! So, you can take them to:

How to get money without taking out a second loan?

You don't need a loan, you need to take money, right? Therefore, we recommend two strategies:
  • Refinance your current loan with any other bank and request an additional amount. The opportunity to receive an additional amount is available at all banks that provide a refinancing program. This will allow you to continue paying off just one loan, not take out a second one, and at the same time receive additional funds.
  • Restructure your current loan with your bank and request an additional amount. The same as the previous point, but it is issued in the same bank where you repay the loan.

Additional ways to get a second loan

Credit cards

Getting a credit card is easier than getting a second loan from a bank, and credit cards have a grace period, which allows you to save on interest. If the purpose of applying for a second loan is to purchase any goods, then we recommend choosing and taking a credit card.

Card from Rosbank bank


  • Amount: from 15,000 to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Grace period: up to 62 days;
  • Interest rate: from 26.9% per annum;
  • Age: from 21 to 68 years.

Permanent registration in the region of presence of one of the bank's divisions is required. Advantage: when choosing a credit limit for an amount of up to 100,000 rubles, Rosbank will only require your passport

Card from Otkritie Bank


  • Amount: up to 500,000 rubles;
  • Grace period: up to 55 days;
  • Interest rate: from 19.9% ​​per annum;
  • Documents: Russian passport, proof of income;
  • Age: from 23 to 65 years.

The advantages of the Otkritie Bank credit card are increased cashback on purchases, no issuance fees and free credit card servicing.

Kviku virtual card


  • Amount: up to 200,000 rubles;
  • Grace period: up to 50 days;
  • Interest rate: from 29% per annum;
  • Documents: Russian passport, proof of income;
  • Age: from 18 to 65 years.

The Kviku virtual credit card is an instantly issued card (in 30 seconds) with no bank visits or courier deliveries. The questionnaire consists of only 6 fields!

Find out more about the Alfa-Bank card→

It is possible to take out a second loan. There are many ways to get a second loan, the main thing is to show the bank that you are able to repay the second loan.