Who writes from number 900. New SMS fraud scheme from Sberbank

The Mobile Banking service provides customers with the opportunity to use messaging to fulfill requests and banking operations. SMS commands are sent to Sberbank to number 900 - this way you can find out about completed transactions, the balance of your card account (even if you have several plastic cards), simply transfer money to another card and make payments.

The SMS service provides quick access to banking transactions directly from your phone

If you want to use the number 900, then the first thing you need to do is find out whether you have the Mobile Banking service connected and for which cards it works. This is very easy to do - the phrase HELP is sent to 900:

Sending HELP to check connection to the service

If the service is not connected, then there are two options to quickly fix it: you can contact any branch or you can do it yourself through an ATM.

Connecting the service

About what the tariff is mobile banking We describe in detail how to choose in our article on this topic.

Now let's move on to the description of the main short commands on 900.

Simple requests to Sberbank to number 900

To get information about your account, transactions, or available services, you need to use certain phrases, for which there are several options.

Balance request

Most often, each client requests balance information. This allows you to control your expenses and promptly notice the actions of fraudsters. The request is executed in the following words: BALANCE, REMAINDER, OSTATOK, BALANS, BALANCE or code 01. After the word, put a space and enter 4 characters from the digital combination of the card (the last ones). The response message contains information about the balance of this account.

This is what it looks like:

This is what a balance request looks like

The bank's response will be something like this:

Answer transcript:

Receiving information on your cards

Using short phrases, you can find out which client cards are connected to the service in order to understand the possibility of using this method of account management with them. The format in this case looks like this: HELP, INFO, INFO, SPRAVKA, INFORMATION, 06. The client will receive a message indicating all the user’s cards with active Mobile Banking (the bank’s response is described in more detail in the previous section of this article).

Message type Help (is the Sberbank card connected to 900 number services)

Checking out, blocking and unblocking

The following requests are also available to the client:

  • Receive a list of transactions carried out recently on the client’s account: HISTORY or STATEMENT and plastic numbers. You can also use similar wording, typed in Latin letters or the numbers 02. (More details in the article about).

This is what the HISTORY message looks like (mini-extract)

Decryption of a message with transaction history
  • Block (suspend) Mobile bank: BLOCKING SERVICES, analogue in Latin letters or 05. You should also clarify which plastic to perform the suspension on, and therefore its last 4 digits should be indicated separated by a space.
  • Activate the service back: UNLOCKING SERVICES.
  • Block the card if it is lost or other difficulties arise. The message contains the word BLOCKING in Russian or Latin letters or short versions: BLOCK, 03. After the space, the numbers from the card and a control digit-code are indicated, which explains the reason why the client wants to perform the operation.

This way you can block lost card

Confirmation that the payment instrument is blocked

Blocking instructions

It should be clarified that the unlocking procedure is only available in the department. This option is not available remotely. But the speed with which you can block, if necessary, is very convenient.

If you forgot the last 4 digits of your plastic card, you can first send the phrase HELP - you will see the last four digits of each of your Sberbank cards (to which the service package is connected), and then block the required plastic card.

But in order to make sure that you did everything correctly, or in case of problems with the procedure, you can always contact the bank by phone -555-55-50.

Independent execution of transfers and payments

Mobile Bank commands to Sberbank via SMS to 900 also allow you to perform banking procedures without contacting the institution’s employees and specialists. In particular, you can send money, pay for services, repay loan obligations, etc.

Command to pay for your phone

Most often, Mobile Banking is used to top up your cell phone account. It is enough to indicate in the message only the amount written in numbers. This amount will be debited from the card account and sent to the phone connected to the service.

How to repay communication services

If you have an alert service activated on several cards and you want to pay the operator’s bill with a specific plastic card, you can indicate its last four digits separated by a space after the amount.

Paying for your phone using plastic

You can pay per day in the amount of ₽

How to pay for someone else's phone

Using a similar principle, you can top up the telephone balance of your relative or friend. In this case, you will need to indicate the word TEL, enter directly the digital combination of plastic and indicate the size in ₽.

TEL formulation in its simplest form

And just like when paying for your phone, you can use the additional indication of a specific plastic card to transfer money.

Additionally, a card for debiting funds is indicated

You can create and save templates for making payments for services to companies or transferring funds to individual accounts. Then it will be easier to perform actions according to the literal values ​​of the template.

Various shipping options for replenishing your balance

Fraud Protection

If you leave your smartphone unattended, it will be easy for an attacker to deprive you of the maximum daily amount for replenishing cellular services - 3,000 rubles. Sometimes, for a while, you want to protect yourself from this kind of fraudulent attacks and disable the so-called “Fast payments”.

To disable the ability to transfer or withdraw money, you need to send one of the words: ZERO, NULL.

Transfer to card by phone number

In Sberbank, SMS commands to number 900 mean a transfer to an individual, company from the list of bank partners or legal entities. persons according to details. Messages are generated according to the following principles:

  • You can transfer money to a client if you know his phone number (not his account) in this form: TRANSLATION (TRANSLATE or analogues in Latin letters), phone number, amount. The transfer limit is limited to 8 thousand rubles per day.

Transfer by recipient's phone

Transfer from your chosen plastic card to the recipient's plastic card

A confirmation message will protect you from a possible error
  • Payments for services of various companies. You should look at the list of codes banking institution letter abbreviations assigned to companies. This is what you need to indicate when sending. After the space, the personal account, contract number or other parameter for identifying the client in this organization, the amount to be paid and the digital combination of the card are noted. The limit is 10 thousand rubles.

Transfers and payment for services

Rules for making transfers to an organization's account Letter codes of organizations can be viewed in this tab on the official website
  • Billing payments are made according to the following template: recipient code, payer code, month for which the payment is made and card number. This procedure requires confirmation. This happens as standard according to the code in the response message.

Message type for billing payments

Instructions for billing payments
  • Repayment of credit obligations: CREDIT, borrower's account, amount and card.

This is what loan repayment looks like

Instructions for loan repayment

It is worth clarifying that the limits for a number of the listed operations will be higher if you use self-service devices or online banking. When paying or transferring an amount through a branch cash desk, there are usually no restrictions. Such rules are determined by safety precautions, which make it possible to increase the level of protection of money in the client’s account.

If you want to participate in charity, you can donate any amount to the Give Life foundation. It is enough to enter the following values ​​in the message: GIFTLIFE or GRANTLIFE, donation amount and latest plastic figures. The validity is limited to 10 thousand rubles.

Sberbank mobile banking commands via SMS to number 900 will help speed up any transactions and are available almost anywhere (where there is a cellular signal) and at any time.


Today it is difficult to imagine your life without a mobile phone: it is not only used as a means of communication between people, but is gradually turning into a tool for conducting various banking operations. To carry them out, a whole system of short messages is provided, the convenience of which anyone can appreciate.

Thanks to the popular Mobile Banking service, you can use messages to carry out banking transactions and requests. SMS to number 900 - Sberbank commands, in other words, open access to information about the movement of finances and the status of bank card accounts (even if there are several of them). You can also make calculations and transfer cash to other cards.

In order to be able to use SMS commands, you must first connect to Mobile Banking. When activating, you should clarify which cards it is connected to. It is enough to send a simple command to number 900 - HELP, INFO, SPRAVKA, INFORMATION, INFO or code 06. As a result, you will receive a message with the numbers of the cards on which this service is activated.

Bank response:

If Mobile Banking is not activated, there are several ways to connect it. One of them is a personal visit to the nearest bank branch. You can activate the service yourself using an ATM. The main menu has a special section.

Connecting Mobile Banking is not difficult, following the system prompts.

At the moment of its activation, you should decide on tariff plan— Economy (free) or Full (paid). Now let’s take a closer look at the available Sberbank SMS commands to number 900.

Popular SMS commands to number 900 in Sberbank

In order to carry out monetary transactions and obtain information about the status of your own account, you must use certain commands. To perform any action, there are several of them.

Request card balance

The most frequently used request is to obtain information about the card balance status. As a result of this, you can control your own spending and quickly identify interference by outsiders. Such a request must be made up of words such as: OSTATOK, BALANCE, BALANCE, REST, BALANS or 01. After any of these words, you must put a space and dial the last 4 digits of the card number. As a result, you will receive a response with the amount of the balance on the specific bank card account.

Correct formatting of an SMS command to number 900:

Obtaining information about the status of your card account using Mobile Banking.

Response received from the bank:

Explanation of the bank response:

Statement of payments, blocking and unblocking

To view monetary transactions for the specified period for this account - STATEMENT or HISTORY (code 02), as well as 4 digits of the card number. You can type such commands in Latin.

The bank will respond to the HISTORY command:

Information in SMS with a list of actions on the card account:

  • You can block (temporarily suspend the Mobile Bank service) using the SERVICE BLOCK command (or the same word typed in Latin). You can also use code 05. To indicate which card to block, put a space after the command and enter the last 4 digits of the card number;
  • activate a blocked Mobile Bank: UNLOCKING SERVICES;
  • command to block the card in case of its loss or other problems: BLOCK or BLOCK or code 03. Then a space, the last 4 digits of the card number.

Using an SMS command to number 900, you can block a lost card:

The response sent will indicate the code that needs to be sent back:

One of the options for sending the sent code:

Bank information about blocking:

Detailed description of the special command LOCK:

The procedure for unlocking a card can only be carried out at the Sberbank branch itself. This action cannot be performed remotely. A lost card is blocked very quickly.

If the last 4 digits of the card are unknown, you must send the word HELP to 900. The response will contain partial information on valid cards. If you have doubts about the correctness of all actions, you can always use the free hotline 8800-555-55-50.

Phone payment via SMS 900

SMS 900 - Sberbank commands allow you to carry out various monetary transactions without leaving your home. Among the most popular actions: payments for services, transfers, loan repayments, etc.

Pay for your phone from a card via SMS

To top up your phone balance, you need to dial a command and a sum of money. If you have several cards in use, then you need to clarify which card to write off money from. To do this, after the amount you should put a space and indicate the last 4 digits of the card.

Topping up a phone number from a specific Sberbank plastic card.

Top up another phone via SMS from the specified card

In order to transfer money to the phone account of unauthorized persons, a similar scheme is used. The TEL command is typed, a space is inserted and the number, space and replenishment amount are indicated.

You always need to clarify which card you want to write off funds from.

Features of entering information about the card from which money will be debited.

For convenience, it is possible to save special templates. With their help, you can perform operations even faster. The main thing is to name the templates correctly.

Transfer to card by phone number via SMS

Using Sberbank SMS commands to number 900, it becomes possible to transfer funds to individuals, as well as legal entities according to details or organizations from the Sberbank list. The principle of composing such a message is quite simple.

Features of SMS content:

  • Transfer of money to a Sberbank client. To do this, you will need not his account, but a telephone number: TRANSLATE or TRANSLATE (you can use other similar words typed in Latin), telephone number, and the required amount of money. The limit for performing this operation is 8 thousand rubles. per day.

The principle of transferring from a specific card to the recipient’s card.

Thanks to SMS confirmation to number 900, you can avoid errors.

  • Payments for services of organizations. It is necessary to clarify in the list of Sberbank codes special abbreviations that correspond to certain companies. They should be typed in the message, after a space enter the number of the personal account, agreement or other client data in this company, and then enter the amount required for payment and the card number. Transfer limits are up to 10 thousand rubles.

Features of compiling SMS transfers to the company’s account:

Making billing payments using Mobile Banking occurs according to a certain scheme: addressee and payer code, month in numbers for which the payment is made, as well as the card number. To perform this operation, confirmation via SMS is required.

Message scheme for billing payments:

Payment by credit debt performed using the command: CREDIT, client account, amount and card number.

Credit debt repayment team:

There are certain restrictions on some transactions when using Internet banking or self-service machines. There are no limits when paying at a bank branch. This is done to ensure the protection of your finances.

You can take part in such charitable events as “Gift of Life” by dialing the command: GRANTLIFE or GIFT OF LIFE, the transfer amount and 4 digits of the card number. Limit - 10 thousand rubles.

All SMS commands to number 900

Full list of requests via SMS to 900 -

Fraud protection

If unauthorized persons suddenly gain access to the phone, they will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to transfer money to their own number to pay for communications - the limit is 3,000 rubles. per day. To protect their own finances, some users disable this service for a short period of time.

Disable transfers: NULL or ZERO to number 900.

Number 900 – what kind of contact? The question arises quite often, and it would be useful for clients, as well as users of other banking structures, to know the answer to it, so as not to fall for the tricks of scammers.

So, 900: whose phone is this - who is calling from it? First of all, you need to know that the short number 900 is the service phone number remote servicing of Sberbank clients. Therefore, there is no need to worry or suspect any fraud. Another thing is that all requests that come to your mobile should be checked for legality - you need to make sure that only the actions you have performed are confirmed.

Why is this contact needed? The thing is that if you are a Sberbank client, you almost certainly use SMS notifications (in other words, mobile banking). This service sends messages.

Within the “Full” or “Economy” tariffs, SMS messages can be received for the following reasons:

  • crediting funds to the account balance;
  • cash withdrawal;
  • making a payment by card;
  • one-time code to confirm any transactions;
  • account seizure;
  • notification of the availability of personal offers from the bank.

In fact, this is a necessity dictated by the desire to protect client money. You don’t have to connect mobile banking, but this is very reckless - especially in the context of making transactions remotely.

Important! Alerts and confirmation systems are now the norm for all financial institutions.

Note 1. SMS always have the same format. The title is at the beginning of the message payment system plastic used and the last four digits of the card number. This is followed by informational text.

Standard notification type: VISA ****1111 …– instead of units there will be the last digits of your card number, and in place of the ellipsis there will be a message (about debiting money, crediting it, requesting confirmation, etc.).

Call 900

This phone has the function of not only sending messages to the bank, but also connecting the client with the call center operator.

You can call either 900 , and on +7 495 500 5550 . The first contact is for free communication in the territory Russian Federation. The second is for calls from abroad (at the price set by the tariff of the mobile service provider).

Other purpose

900 is used for two more types of actions:

  • sending SMS commands;
  • USSD requests.

These are similar possibilities. SMS is used to request:

  • account balance;
  • number of bonuses;
  • last ten card transactions;
  • credit card information;
  • transfer by telephone or card numbers;
  • payment for mobile communications, etc.

The full list can be viewed on the official website of Sberbank.

USSD are performed to:

  • find out the balance;
  • pay for your or someone else’s phone;
  • transfer funds, etc.

Information about the service can be viewed.


Let's consider a situation where an SMS message from Sberbank arrived on your mobile phone. Sometimes an advertising mailing from this organization is confused with an attempt at fraud. Indeed, from time to time Sber can send from number 900, for example, personal offers for its clients - open a deposit, take out a loan, etc.

If you receive a notification about an operation that you definitely did not perform, contact the operator hotline. It usually turns out that this is a system error, a failure.

The main thing is not to rush to confirm any actions in response to an SMS from mobile banking. Check carefully what is being said.

Important! If someone called you and introduced themselves as an employee of Sberbank, pay attention to the incoming call number. Everything that is not 900 and +7 495 500 5550 is not related to this organization.

You can view Sberbank contacts on this page of the official website.

Messages and calls on behalf of Sberbank employees and security services for the purpose of extorting money.

Sberbank cardholders often receive SMS from number 900, in which they are asked to make a transfer to the card, pay a debt, or provide personal information. Fraudsters carry out such mailings with one goal - to gain access to bank account gullible citizens. In this article we will look at the main scams from 900 numbers.

Money will be debited from the card

The first fraud scheme is as follows: you receive an SMS message from number 900 on your phone. The text of the message states that a certain amount will be transferred from your bank card. To cancel this action, you need to send an SMS with the number “1” or another code to this number. If the refusal message is not sent, the bank will automatically transfer the money after 600 seconds.

At this moment, the owner of the bank card begins to panic, because he did not make any money transfer. Fraudsters also know this, so the next step in the “scam” is a call from a “security officer” of Sberbank. The attacker reports that suspicious transactions were detected on the bank card. To avoid becoming a victim of fraud and losing your money, you need to provide the code from SMS.

When the victim says the code, the imaginary bank employee will ask you to stay on the line and wait for the technical service operator to respond. Time passes, but the technical support operator does not call back. At this time, scammers are already trying to steal money.

The money has already been written off

The second fraud scheme: you receive an SMS from number 900 on your phone, which says that money has been debited from your bank card. The message indicates the card number, the exact amount of funds debited and the purpose of the transfer: debt for public utilities, fine, bill for additional services, etc.

At the end of the SMS message there is a link to a Sberbank clone website (sber.me, sberban.ru and other variations), where you can see detailed information about arrests and penalties. After the trusting user clicks on the link, he will be asked to enter his card number and PIN code to find out about his debts.

Winning the lottery

The third fraud scheme: an SMS message is sent to the phone from number 900, which says that the card owner has won the United Russian Lottery. To receive the prize, you need to make a small transfer to the Sberbank card specified in the message. If you do not perform this action, your winnings will be reset to zero after a certain amount of time.

The card will be blocked

The fourth fraud scheme: attackers send an SMS from number 900, where it is written that the bank card will soon be blocked. To avoid blocking, you must type the “TRANSFER” command and indicate the card number from the message. Typically, such a command means transferring funds, in our case, to scammers.

How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers posing as Sberbank?

Number 900 is the service number of Sberbank PJSC, which is used to inform clients and make money transfers. No messages confirming the transfer of money are received from this number unless the client himself has sent a corresponding request to the bank.

These SMS messages from number 900 from Sberbank are compiled according to the following scheme:

  • addressing the bank card holder by name and patronymic;
  • the message indicates only the last 4 digits of the card or bank account;
  • the SMS text never contains links to third-party sites, since they are sent only by email.

The first tip that will help you avoid becoming a victim of scammers is to get a separate phone number and link it to it bank card. Do not use this number: do not call friends, relatives and acquaintances, do not send SMS, do not register on Internet sites. This will reduce the likelihood that attackers .

Second tip: never respond to SMS messages that come from the number 900 or 9OO (the letter “O” is used instead of zeros). NEVER give personal information to “bank employees” or “security services”. Real representatives of Sberbank know this information.

If you have become a victim of fraud, immediately contact Sberbank support service. Your account will be blocked so that attackers cannot use the money stored on your bank card.