Globalization. Process and consequences

”, which began to be used not only by scientists, but also by everyone - from politicians to the media. This word literally contains a paradigm, including an understanding of the processes and epochal changes taking place in the world. The concept of globalization is a short term for the totality complex processes, the essence of which is that they seem to “compress” the world in time and space and make all existing territorial boundaries conditional and permeable.

Globalization - This is the historical process of transforming the world into a single system with common characteristics and characteristics. Historically, such a system is generated by the action of globalization factors:

  • electronic means of communication capable of compressing the time and space separating people to a minimum;
  • technological changes that make it possible to distribute manufactured products throughout the world;
  • the formation of global ideologies, such as the environmental or human rights movement.

Characteristics and trends of globalization

At the end of the 90s. last century, the term “globalization” entered scientific circulation. Under globalization understand the process of uniting the economies of the world. creation of a unified legal, economic and information space.

The characteristic features of globalization are:

Strengthening the role of TNCs

Transnational companies(TNK) - business enterprises operating in two or more countries, and whose operations contain a certain foreign component. As a rule, they are national in capital and international in location. Currently, there are more than 7 thousand TNCs in the world, whose activities include about 700 thousand subsidiaries. The main countries of origin of almost all the largest TNCs are the USA, Great Britain, and Japan.

Currently 80% latest technologies TNCs are created, the income of which in some cases exceeds the gross national income of some fairly large countries. Suffice it to say that in the list of the 100 largest economies in the world, TNCs occupy 51st position. It should be noted that the scope of activity of most of them is related to the development of hypertechnologies (or meta-technologies), which include innovative technologies, network computers, the latest computer programs, technologies for forming public opinion and mass consciousness, etc. Today, it is the developers and owners of such technologies that control financial markets determine the shape of the global economy.

Creation of a computer network Internet

Internet - worldwide computer network, created in the United States as a Department of Defense resource in 1969 and declassified for worldwide access in the early 1990s. Give a chance:

  • instantly come into contact with any user anywhere in the world, conduct Internet conferences, meetings in real time in multimedia mode;
  • gain access to an unlimited amount of information;
  • communicate with any reference groups and representatives of various elites, thereby eliminating the factor of status differences;
  • use as a means of leisure and entertainment;
  • act as a teaching tool;
  • conduct business;
  • advertise goods and services;
  • provide mobile communications and comfortable living;
  • significantly increase the efficiency of interaction between citizens and government;
  • organize media in real time.

The presence and development of the Internet is an indicator of the inclusion of countries in the global space.

Growth of megacities

Megacities— large cities with developed infrastructure. numbering several million inhabitants. They can be considered new forms of urbanization.

The metropolitan areas for countries are:

  • mediators of entry into the global space;
  • centers of economic, technological, political, cultural development.

A metropolis very often becomes like a “state within a state” and even determines the fate of the country. Unfortunately, the growth of megacities leads to negative consequences - overpopulation; a sharp stratification of society (“Brazilification” - the emergence of the very rich and the very poor); loss of national identity; increasing crime rates; decrease in social control.

Currently largest cities are: Mexico City - Shigi: New York; Greater Tokyo - Yokohama (merging into one city); Greater London (with suburbs). Each of them has a population of more than or about 20 million people.

Standardization and unification

Important features of globalization are:

  • standardization industrial products;
  • unification maintaining reports, documentation, international legislation, etc.

Standardization- a set of rules designed to ensure cooperation and unambiguous interpretation of production conditions, commercial activities, controls and safety requirements. Standardization makes it possible to:

  • coordinate various developments of independent corporations;
  • use unified data exchange protocols;
  • provide protection, encoding and decoding of information:
  • carry out the coordination necessary for the globalization process.

Along with the development of a system of world standards, mandatory certification of goods and services is carried out.

Certificate is a document confirming the quality of a product or service. The certificate allows you to:

  • protect the market from poor quality products;
  • limit opportunities developing countries get into rich markets.

Standardization moves in two directions: coding of goods and unification of goods and services. At the same time, the barcode is the global language of trade.

Spread of the English language around the world.

In a global society, there is a need for a language that everyone can understand. Allocation in English as the language of world globalization The following factors contributed:

  • the political and military power of countries speaking a given language;
  • strong economy and TY K action on a global scale;
  • scientific and technological revolution and the presence of a high level of scientific and technical research;
  • a large number of former English colonies;
  • victory of Great Britain and the USA in the First and Second World Wars; dominance in the post-war era;
  • media distribution;
  • advertising distribution;
  • success of native speakers;
  • distribution of the Internet.

It should be noted that modern processes of globalization, according to experts, are contradictory. Thus, on the one hand, new opportunities are opening up for economic, scientific and technological progress, the development of high technologies and new means of communication, expanding and deepening international cooperation, and on the other hand, the gap between rich and poor countries is widening, national currencies and economies are being undermined, and economic problems, conditions are created for manipulating mass consciousness with the help of the latest information technologies.

Manipulation of mass consciousness

Manipulation of mass consciousness is a type of psychological influence, the result of which is hidden excitement and the emergence of intentions in the recipient that do not coincide with his actual desires.

Manipulation is created by: using behavioral stereotypes; substitution of concepts; creating metaphors; mythologization; distractions.

With the development of mass communications, it became possible to influence the consciousness of the masses around the world. Technologies for changing mass consciousness are called high- hume. They rely on tools such as: television, cinema, mass art, global network.

Television is capable of shaping consciousness or creating in the viewer a required reality that has no connection with reality.

Mass art creates a virtual life simulating reality, the so-called simulacra - a means of recording the experienced state,“the generation, with the help of models, of the real without source and reality: hyperreality” (J. Baudrillard). The real is replaced by signs of the real.

The danger of manipulation of consciousness lies in such factors as:

  • loss of adequate perception of reality on a global scale;
  • leveling of human personality;
  • the use of the masses in various “dirty” political processes.

XX century gave rise to a specific phenomenon called by the Spanish philosopher X. Ortega y Gassega “The Revolt of the Masses”, the essence of which is that the relatively ordered life of society is being replaced by its massification. In such a mass society, the majority of the population accepts the standards, preferences and stereotypes imposed by the media, as a result of which a “mass person” enters the historical arena, who feels “the same as everyone else” and does not strive for self-improvement. The world seems to him a wide field of activity for applying his energy and enterprise.

It is on the waves of manipulation mass consciousness, loss of traditional values ​​by people, separation from historical roots, the most gullible, unprincipled people can take the path of extremism and terrorism.

Therefore, peculiar negative response to globalization there is an increase in terrorist activities. At the beginning of the 21st century. terrorism started Also acquire global features:

  • becomes international in character;
  • has an extensive financial base;
  • uses the latest technologies;
  • expands the scope of activities.

The world community is fighting international terrorism. Laws are being tightened and forceful actions are being carried out, but this has not yet led to the elimination of terrorist organizations.

In conclusion, we note that globalization, no matter how we evaluate it, is a fact of modern existence. Globalization is an irreversible process, a natural course of world development with all its pros and cons.

Social consequences of the globalization process

In reality, the results of the globalization process can be seen in the fact that the boundaries for economic, cultural and even political activity are becoming more and more transparent and conditional. Translocal and transnational networks - industrial monopolies, the Internet, student and professional exchange, the service sector, green organizations and the human rights movement - contribute to the creation of a truly global cultural and economic system. Due to the action of all these factors, the traditional for the 20th century was shaken. “geopolitical imagination”, which boiled down to the perception of the world as divided into spatial, territorial and ideological blocks. Globalization entails the formation of a new geopolitics and a new vision of the world, increasingly acquiring the image of a single whole, consisting of “flows” and “networks”.

The complexity of the perception of globalization is also evidenced by the data of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, obtained in the course of a study of Russian society’s understanding of the specifics and essence of globalization. The identified differences in the opinions of respondents and experts are due to the different content of the information channel regarding the problem presented, as a result of which the consequences will be perceived differently. Thus, over a quarter of respondents (28%) and almost half of experts (44%) believe that, in general, globalization processes open up positive prospects for the development of humanity; 18% of respondents and 27% of experts are pessimistic about the future; 54% of respondents and 29% of experts found it difficult to determine their opinion. Thus, while globalization creates a prevailing mood of uncertainty and weak optimistic expectations in the mass consciousness; experts are more optimistic about the future, but in general there is a lack of positive expectations regarding this process.

In the process of globalization, opposite trends are emerging - towards increasing interconnections on a global scale and further fragmentation. Globalization establishes various types of connections, creating what W. Hannerz called a “global ecumene” devoid of borders. The systematicity or unity of this global formation is the result of the interaction of local subjects with global structures.

It is impossible to hide from globalization. Global processes increasingly influence local ones, and even the most soil-based regimes, despite obvious resistance, are forced to one degree or another to identify with the global system.

Globalization brings changes not only to social organization, but also to the awareness of the world. J. Arrigi considers globalization to be one of the links in the process of evolutionary change in the world capitalist system. However, such an understanding is clearly insufficient, since it reduces all the richness and complexity of world history to one systemic formation - capitalism.

Globalization is a deeply contradictory phenomenon. It not only connects, but also separates, not only enriches, but also significantly limits. Globalization entails a contraction, a clash of local cultures, which must be redefined in this clash of localities. The absence of borders for financial, trade and information flows results in increased fixation of the place of life and activity for numerous groups of the population. For many people, this brings social degradation and loss of public spaces: the remoteness of their places of residence from unified global centers deprives them of the opportunity to participate in the development of social meanings and decision-making. They become passive recipients of meanings and meanings produced somewhere far away. We can talk about a kind of spatial segregation, about the establishment and progressive growth of a distance between global elites and the population of countries. J. Soros writes: “Global capitalist system put the countries of the world in unequal conditions. The gap between rich and poor is widening. And a system that gives no hope and does not support the losers pushes them to commit destructive acts dictated by despair and therefore risks being undermined from within.”

Globalization, no matter how you evaluate it, is a fact of modern existence, “an irreversible process, an inevitable fate of world development; globalization cannot be good or bad.”

The concept of “globalization” is very multifaceted. Its value for social science is that it focuses attention on the processes that transform the world into a single whole - a global system.

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Globalization or « world globalization» - This a broad term that describes the process or tendency of many countries to unite economically, politically, and culturally.

What is Globalization in simple words – definition, examples. The concept of globalization.

In simple words, globalization is the process of bringing together many countries to work towards common goals. In the context of such a trend, we can say that countries are pushing their own national identity into the background and are trying to arrange the world as one huge village. In theory, this should have a beneficial effect on the overall political, cultural and economic situation on the planet.

Globalization Example No. 1 (Full World Globalization).

As an ideal example of complete globalization, we can cite science fiction films in which on Earth:

  • A common government for the entire planet (in the form of a council or something similar);
  • General economy (necessary resources are taken where they are in abundance and sent to where they are needed);
  • Different cultures and languages ​​are mixed throughout the planet and are used everywhere.
  • There are no regional wars, since all borders are conditional.

Globalization Example No. 2 (Modern Globalization).

As an example of a more real and already modern globalization, we can cite the European Union, in which many aspects of a common unifying concept are present. The economies of the EU member countries are closely connected, which allows them to develop in a normal competitive environment, and if necessary, receive support in one form or another. The political situation in the EU is still not clear, but pan-European government institutions are proving to be very effective, as they try to take into account the interests of all participating countries. Cultural and territorial contradictions are very rare, since due to the conventionality of borders, cultures gently adapt to the common environment.

It goes without saying that in the EU there are a lot of problems that need to be worked on, but the trend towards joint coexistence is showing good results in many areas of life.

Globalization processes and globalization of society.

The main thing I would like to say about the process of globalization is that this tendency towards unification is not some kind of political or economic instrument invented by a person on purpose. With the development of technology, in particular transport communications and means of information transmission, globalization as a phenomenon arose on its own. People and goods began to move quite quickly, which in turn affected business activity. Culturally, globalization is influenced by migration and communications. For example, the Internet and TV are capable of uniting cultures through the popularization of music, cinema and other things. Regarding the political component, it can be noted that due to greater freedom of movement and exchange of information, the influence of centralized authorities has decreased. International organizations such as the WTO, UN, etc. began to play an increasingly important role.

Spheres of globalization.

As has already become clear from the definition, globalization is a process that affects a huge number of aspects of human life. However, this trend can be divided into three main components:

  • Economic globalization;
  • Political globalization;
  • Cultural globalization.

What is Economic Globalization?

Economic globalization is a worldwide phenomenon in which the economy of a particular country can be significantly dependent on other countries. Many allied countries supply each other with necessary resources. These resources can include imported products, technology, and even human labor. Which in turn contributes to the development of the economy as a whole. Many countries with rich natural resources, rely on this trading system to sell their unique local products and in turn improve their economic fortunes. In addition, there are multinational companies that do business in almost all countries, thereby changing various aspects of their culture. For example, fast food restaurants have changed the eating habits of Asian countries, which consider rice as the main dish.

What is Political Globalization?

Political globalization as such includes the activities of interethnic organizations that regulate world political processes. As an example, we can take the UN organization, whose activities are aimed at regulating various conflicts and maintaining peace throughout the world.

Cultural globalization is the rapid movement of ideas, attitudes and values ​​across national borders. Although the trend is often seen as a modern concept, processes of cultural globalization can be traced throughout much of history. Even in times when most societies tended to exist in relative isolation, international trade and exploration often resulted in a transformative exchange of ideas. For example, the expeditions of early European explorers led to interaction with countries in Asia, Africa, and North and South America. For example, as a result of such cultural exchanges, potatoes were brought to us.

The 20th century, with its rapid technological breakthroughs, significantly accelerated the process of globalization. The Internet, telephones, radio, air travel and television media disseminate information throughout the world with great efficiency. The speed of information exchange has made the world, in some ways, not so big. For example, within minutes of a major political upheaval in one country, financial traders around the world can analyze the situation and begin buying or selling shares, which in turn can cause panic among some segments of the population. In the past, before globalization reached its current level, such results would have tended to be more limited in scope and slower to occur.

Cultural globalization is perhaps best illustrated by the culture of pop music. For example, young people in Moscow or Kyiv dance the same way as in Miami and Tokyo. Japanese anime is watched in Chicago, and Mexican soap operas are broadcast in Manila. The newest video of a music group can be quickly distributed throughout the world through video services such as YouTube. Celebrity characters achieve global pop icon status through the same means. Thus, the world is getting closer and cultural differences are blurring in the general flow of information.

Pros and cons of globalization.

Like any developing idea or trend, globalization has a wide range of both positive and negative aspects. Accordingly, like the adherents ( globalists), and among opponents ( anti-globalists) of this concept, there are arguments in this regard. We will consider only the most obvious pros and cons of globalization.

The benefits of globalization.

Globalization enables competition and makes products and services more accessible to consumers. Another benefit of globalization is that it helps bring economic stability to countries with low economic status.

A healthy level of competition lowers prices for consumers and helps maintain high level production. This can be a threatening aspect for the industry because it has to constantly maintain a high level of production and keep the consumers happy, which in turn is a plus for the buyers. Another benefit of globalization is the increased availability of products and services because there are more businesses in the global market offering products and services to consumers. This means consumers have more choice when it comes to their purchases.

Economic stability is one of the most important benefits of globalization. Poorer countries can sell goods and services to those with more money, which creates economic benefits. From the point of view of the global economy, this is an undeniable benefit, since fewer countries remain in poverty. Countries trading with each other have an interest in each other's well-being, which also helps keep the political climate more stable. A country is less likely to go to war with another if it depends on that country's important goods or services.

The ability to trade freely allows you to ensure an optimal level of resource extraction. This is because countries can produce goods and services in areas where they are most efficient.

The advantages of cultural and political globalization include warming in interethnic relations. When cultures flow freely from one to another, there is less and less disagreement. Political decisions are made through international negotiations, where all possible options for peaceful coexistence are discussed.

Disadvantages of globalization.

Critics of cultural globalization often argue against its destructive impact on national identity. They warn that they are unique cultural sites may become extinct, and languages ​​spoken by small populations may be at increased risk of extinction. Critics also warn that huge multinational companies can make secret deals without public input or concern for the best interests of local people.

In economic terms, there are also a number of problems associated with globalization. First of all, this affects industries that are not able to compete in free market system. As a result of the closure of such industries, unemployment arises and people quite often have to learn new professions and change jobs.

Modern globalization. Bottom line.

As we can see even from this short article, globalization is a natural process that is virtually impossible to stop. It goes without saying that this trend has a lot of undeniable advantages, which is already good in principle. But it also has many obvious shortcomings, which humanity will have to work on for a long time. And since the process of globalization, one way or another, will take place, then for prosperous and peaceful coexistence, humanity needs to take all the best that this trend offers and get rid of negative factors.

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Globalization - it is a worldwide process of political, economic, cultural and spiritual unification and interpenetration. This term was first used by the American economist Levit in 1983. The first features of globalization appeared after the campaign of Alexander the Great all the way to India, when Greek culture began to spread throughout Eurasia. Then there was the era of the conquests of the Roman Empire, when the entire Mediterranean came under its influence, and then Western Europe, and Britain. The next round of development of globalization is the period of geographical discoveries and colonization. Globalization took on a worldwide scale after the Second World War.

Modern globalization.

Modern globalization manifests itself in all spheres of life of human society. First of all, world globalization is noticeable in the economy.

Economic globalization is expressed in the creation of a single economic space, the creation of global financial markets, international trade, huge capitals transferred from country to country, the emergence of international brands. McDonald's restaurants operate all over the world, Finnish phones are assembled in China, and Korean cars are in Russia, French cosmetics are produced in Poland, and the Canadian game "Assassin's Creed" is being developed in studios in the USA, England, France, and even Romania and Ukraine. All these are consequences of economic globalization.

Process globalization in politics- this is the creation of international organizations to which part of the political powers is transferred from the authorities of different states. Examples - UN, WTO, European Union, NATO, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, etc. Thus, very often, in any issue of international politics, the UN has more rights and influence than the president of a certain country directly related to this issue.

Globalization of culture- the type of globalization that is always in sight. It is distributed through the Internet, cinema, television, press and books. Everyone knows the phrase “Elementary, Watson” or “Bond. James Bond" and these are the consequences of cultural globalization. In short, the globalization of culture is a process in which national cultural phenomena turn into international ones.

Based on this, we can highlight the main factors of globalization:

  1. The transition to market relations and the rapprochement of the economies of the world.
  2. Internationalization of economic activities.
  3. Liberalization of foreign trade activities.
  4. The emergence of various international organizations.
  5. Uniting countries into alliances and coalitions.
  6. The emergence of global currency and financial markets.
  7. Distribution of IT technologies and communications.

Consequences of globalization.

Globalization has been repeatedly criticized by politicians, economists, and scientists. Joseph Stiglitz believes that globalization and its ideals work in the interests of developed countries, increasing their gap with developing countries. He also believes that globalization is increasing international competition, and this negatively affects labor legislation.

In addition, globalization, according to various researchers. It is to blame for the decline in the birth rate, for the weakening of the geopolitical rivals of the United States of America, for the monopoly on the production and sale of goods, for the distribution of income in favor of a group of world oligarchs. And also cultural globalization is accused of destroying and displacing national cultural values.

All these accusations this moment have been partially proven or not proven at all, therefore it is definitely impossible to assert either the harm or benefit of globalization in anything. However, in 2013, the World Values ​​Survey analyzed 75% of the world's population in 65 countries and proved that cultural globalization has not affected national cultural values. And the same McDonald's, which is mentioned first when it comes to globalization, in all countries of the world takes into account local cultural traditions, and this is reflected in the menu. For example, in Taiwan you can buy a Shogun Burger, in Israel - McShaverma, in Morocco - burger MacArabia, and in Canada - McLobster.

3. Manifestations of globalization

IN political sphere:

1) the emergence of supranational units of various scales: political and military blocs (NATO), imperial spheres of influence (US sphere of influence), coalitions of ruling groups (G7), continental or regional associations(European Community), world international organizations (UN);

2) the emergence of the contours of the future world government (European Parliament, Interpol);

3) the growing political homogeneity of the world community (democratization of socio-political life).

IN economic sphere:

1) strengthening the importance of supranational coordination and integration (EU, OPEC), regional and world economic agreements;

2) global division of labor;

3) the increasing role of multinational and transnational corporations (TNCs) (Nissan, Toyota, Pepsi-Cola);

4) the formation of a universal, unified economic mechanism covering the whole world;

5) the lightning speed with which financial markets react to events in individual countries.

In the field of culture:

1) the transformation of the planet into a “global village” (M. McLuhan), when millions of people, thanks to the media, almost instantly become witnesses to events taking place in different parts of the globe;

2) introducing people living in different countries and on different continents to the same cultural experience (Olympiads, rock concerts);

3) unification of tastes, perceptions, preferences (Coca-Cola, jeans, soap operas);

4) direct acquaintance with the way of life, customs, and norms of behavior in other countries (through tourism, work abroad, migration);

5) the emergence of the language of international communication – English;

6) widespread distribution of unified computer technologies, the Internet;

7) “erosion” of local cultural traditions, their replacement by mass consumer culture of the Western type

4. Challenges and threats caused by globalization

It should be noted that recently in globalization, economic aspects. Therefore, some researchers, speaking about globalization, mean only its economic side. In principle, this is a one-sided view of a complex phenomenon. At the same time, analysis of the development process of global economic ties allows us to identify some features of globalization as a whole.

Globalization has also affected the social sphere, although the intensity of these processes largely depends on the economic capabilities of the integrated components. Social rights, previously available only to the population of developed countries, are gradually being adopted for their citizens by developing countries. In an increasing number of countries, civil societies and a middle class are emerging, and social standards of quality of life are being unified to some extent.

A very noticeable phenomenon over the past 100 years has been the globalization of culture based on the colossal growth of cultural exchange between countries, the development of the mass culture industry, and the leveling of the tastes and preferences of the public. This process is accompanied by the erasure of national characteristics of literature and art, the integration of elements of national cultures into the emerging universal cultural sphere. The globalization of culture was also a reflection of the cosmopolitanization of existence, linguistic assimilation, the spread of the English language around the planet as a global means of communication and other processes.

Like any complex phenomenon, globalization has both positive and negative sides. Its consequences are associated with obvious successes: the integration of the world economy contributes to the intensification and growth of production, the adoption of technical advances by backward countries, the improvement of the economic condition of developing countries, etc. Political integration helps prevent military conflicts, ensure relative stability in the world, and do much more in the interests of international security. Globalization in the social sphere stimulates huge shifts in people's consciousness and the spread of democratic principles of human rights and freedoms. The list of achievements of globalization covers various interests from the personal to the global community.

However, there are also a large number of negative consequences. They manifested themselves in the form of so-called global problems of humanity.

Global problems are understood as universal difficulties and contradictions in the relationships between nature and man, society, the state, and the world community that have a planetary scale in scope, strength and intensity. These problems partially existed in an implicit form earlier, but mainly arose at the present stage as a result of the negative course of human activity, natural processes and, to a large extent, as the consequences of globalization. In fact, global problems are not just the consequences of globalization, but the self-expression of this most complex phenomenon, uncontrollable in its main aspects.

The global problems of humanity or civilization were truly realized only in the second half of the 20th century, when the interdependence of countries and peoples, which caused globalization, sharply increased, and the unresolved problems manifested themselves especially clearly and destructively. In addition, awareness of some problems came only when humanity accumulated a huge potential of knowledge that made these problems visible.

The presence of unresolved global problems characterizes the high risk of the existence of modern civilization that arose at the beginning of the 21st century.

Nowadays, global problems have attracted the general attention of international organizations, states, public associations, scientists, and ordinary citizens. In May 1998, the G8 summit paid special attention to this issue. The heads of Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia, the USA, France and Japan at a meeting in Birmingham (UK) were looking for ways to solve global problems that, as they said, “largely determine the lives of people in each of our countries.”

Some researchers identify the most important of global problems - the so-called imperatives - urgent, immutable, unconditional demands, in this case - the dictates of the time. In particular, they name economic, demographic, environmental, military and technological imperatives, considering them to be the main ones, and most other problems - derived from them.

Currently, a large number of problems of different nature are considered global. It is difficult to classify them due to mutual influence and simultaneous belonging to several spheres of life. Quite roughly, global problems can be divided into:

Natural in nature - natural disasters and changes in the cyclicity of natural phenomena;

Environmental - problems of the crisis of the natural environment due to anthropogenic impact, or rather, a whole range of problems associated with pollution of land, hydrosphere and atmosphere, climate change, depletion of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, deforestation, desertification, disappearance of certain biological species, resulting in disruption of biogeochemical cycle leading to a possible environmental disaster;

Man-made disasters (technogenic safety), which has a mixed socio-economic and technological nature;

Global problems of humanity

Social in nature - the demographic imperative with its many components, problems of interethnic confrontation, religious intolerance, education, healthcare, organized crime;

Socio-biological - problems of the emergence of new diseases, genetic safety, drug addiction;

Socio-political - problems of war and peace, disarmament, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, information security, terrorism;

Economic in nature - problems of sustainability of the world economy, depletion of non-renewable resources, energy, poverty, employment, food shortages;

In the spiritual and moral sphere - problems of the decline in the general level of culture of the population, the spread of the cult of violence and pornography, the lack of demand for high examples of art, the lack of harmony in relations between generations and many others.

From the above classification it is clear that it is indeed largely arbitrary. After all, poverty and employment are not only economic, but also social problems, and the given socio-political and socio-biological problems are dual and require the same dual designation for their groups.

The same can be said about the problem of man-made disasters. It is directly related to issues of design, production, operation in industry, energy, transport and agriculture. On the other hand, this problem has a significant economic component due to damage, restoration costs and lost profits. And, finally, its nature is largely determined by the severe social and environmental consequences of each disaster.

Characteristic feature the state of affairs with global problems is an increase in their number, aggravation or the emergence of new, recently unknown threats. Among the relatively new problems can be named: global climate change, the AIDS epidemic, etc.

Recently, due to the growing danger of major industrial accidents at potentially hazardous facilities (nuclear power plants, chemical plants, dams, etc.), the already mentioned problem of technological safety is beginning to be recognized as a global one. Due to its diversity, it can be attributed to various groups of global problems (for example, economic or environmental) or isolated as an independent problem.

The listed global problems demonstrate the widest range of threats that arose before humanity at the turn of the century and paint an alarming picture. The unresolved nature of these problems gives rise to dangers that pose serious threats to civilization, which can manifest themselves in various areas of human life, corresponding to the nature of the progenitor problems. Knowledge of the nature of these threats allows us to take preventive measures to reduce the potential danger of global problems and prevent possible emergency situations caused by them.

The majority of global problems currently have no solutions. This occurs primarily due to the natural and severe limitation of the earth's resources, their fatal finiteness. In addition, it is not possible to find a radical solution to global problems due to their colossal complexity, enormous scale and the lack of necessary resources and political will in individual countries and the world community as a whole; due to the opportunistic pressing needs of current life, distracting from more distant prospects; due to contradictions between countries and inequality between them.

Humanity is looking for a way out of the global crisis. The main existing approach, approved by the international community, is sustainable development. Its main idea is optimal self-restraint, fair and equitable distribution of resources, stopping the unlimited growth of consumption, and ensuring environmental safety. However, like any “beautiful” idea, it is very difficult to implement it in a competitive world.

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Siberian Federal University.

Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology.


"Globalization in the modern world"

Completed by: Student PP10-04B




Globalization, understood as the coverage of economic, political, social and cultural relationships of the entire human community, is the predominant orientation of the current stage of world development. However, the contradictions and negative consequences of globalization associated with its unevenness and potential conflict raise the question of the prospects for involving new sovereign, primarily post-Soviet states and regional interstate associations, in this process.

The relevance of this topic is due to the expansion of globalization of the modern world and the growing importance in these conditions of the problem of preserving the national identity and cultural uniqueness of each civilized country. Culture has long been the privilege of those who, due to their knowledge, education, property and social status, could have access to works of thought, literature and art. However, along with the material and intellectual progress that has transformed the appearance of European countries over the past two hundred years, culture, like other aspects of European life, has undergone irreversible democratic mutations, as a result of which wide sections of different societies have been able to join it. At the same time, a certain layer of cultural ties and exchanges arose, thanks to which all peoples learned to share some common spiritual values. Moreover, a common culture became the basis of a political organization.

Globalization, as the most important social process and trend in world development, is actively studied in modern science. Almost all the world's leading political scientists (Fukuyama, Huntington, Toffler, Wallerstein, Necklessa, Barber, Rothfeld, Rosenau) expressed their vision of this phenomenon, proposing various concepts of changes in the world order caused by globalization. But since the subject of scientific interest is the participation of states in globalization processes, when analyzing the development of the problem, they focused on the publications of scientists.

B. Tursunkulova’s monograph is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of globalization, its most important manifestations and consequences, which examines the theoretical and methodological approaches of Western scientists to the study of globalization processes, the degree of influence of globalization on states in the transition period and development prospects.

In terms of socio-economic integration, the most famous are the studies of Academician T. Koichuev, which discusses the fundamentals integration processes in the world economy, the development of the economy in the space of globalization and its adaptation to world economic processes are analyzed. Relevant recommendations are given for developing a well-thought-out policy for joining the world economic community, taking into account the specifics of its development.

The monographs of other researchers are devoted to the same problem.

Thus, an analysis of the scientific development of the research topic shows that this problem is beginning to arise in world science.

"Globalization- the process of worldwide economic, political and cultural integration and unification. The main consequence of this is the global division of labor, migration (and, as a rule, concentration) throughout the planet of capital, human and production resources, standardization of legislation, economic and technological processes, as well as the rapprochement and fusion of cultures of different countries. This is an objective process that is systemic in nature, that is, it covers all spheres of society. As a result of globalization, the world is becoming more connected and more dependent on all its subjects. There is both an increase in the number of state problems common to the group, and an expansion in the number and types of integrating entities.”

Views on the origins of globalization are controversial. Historians view this process as one of the stages in the development of capitalism. Economists trace back to the transnationalization of financial markets. Political scientists emphasize the spread of democratic institutions. Culturologists associate the manifestation of globalization with the Westernization of culture, including American economic expansion. There are information technology approaches to explaining globalization processes. There are differences between political and economic globalization. Regionalization acts as a subject of globalization, giving a powerful cumulative effect in the formation of world poles of economic and technological development.

At the same time, the origin of the word “globalization” itself indicates that the leading role in this process plays a role in the rapid growth of international trade occurring at certain historical stages. The word “globalization” (meaning “intensive international trade”) was first used by Karl Marx, who in one of his letters to Engels in the late 1850s. wrote: “Now the world market really exists. With the entry of California and Japan into the world market, globalization has been accomplished.” The same leading role of international trade in the processes of globalization is indicated by the fact that the previous globalization, which began in the era of Marx, ended in the 1930s, after all the developed countries switched to a policy of strict protectionism, which caused a sharp curtailment of international trade .

"Globalization of the economy- one of the patterns of world development. Immeasurably increased interdependence of economies compared to integration various countries. Associated with the formation of an economic space where sectoral structure, the exchange of information and technology, the geography of the location of productive forces are determined taking into account the global situation, and economic ups and downs acquire planetary proportions"

The growing globalization of the economy is expressed in a sharp increase in the scale and pace of capital movement, faster growth of international trade compared to GDP growth, and the emergence of world financial markets operating around the clock in real time. Created over the past decades Information Systems immeasurably enhanced the ability financial capital to rapid movement, which contains, at least potentially, the ability to destroy stable economic systems.

Economic globalization is a complex and contradictory process. On the one hand, it facilitates economic interaction between states, creates conditions for countries to access the advanced achievements of mankind, ensures resource savings, and stimulates global progress. On the other hand, globalization has negative consequences: the consolidation of a peripheral economic model, the loss of their resources by countries not included in the “golden billion”, the ruin of small businesses, the spread of globalized competition to weak countries, a decline in living standards, etc. Make the fruits of globalization accessible to the maximum number of countries - one of the tasks facing the world community.

Emerging economic challenges are often discussed by influential politicians and economists together (World Economic Forum).

Population problem to access information technology currently has important social significance and is designated as the problem of “digital inequality”. Like social inequality, “digital inequality” can significantly destabilize the normal functioning of the social process and public administration. Recently, the concept of global society has become increasingly popular in the world scientific community, from the point of view of which all people on our planet are citizens of a single global society, which consists of many local societies of individual countries of the world. This concept greatly simplifies the consideration of globalization processes, which in this case turn into ordinary social transformations within a global society.

The ideas of a global society were expressed by the ancient Greek thinker Diogenes; he used the concept of cosmopolitan, that is, a citizen of the world or a citizen of a cosmopolitan society (society of the world). In Orthodoxy such concepts as “human race”, “humanity”, “Christian world”, etc. were used. In the worldview of the inhabitants of China, Central Asia, the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan, an important place was occupied by the idea of ​​the Celestial Empire - the whole Earth (under Heaven) and the human society existing in its vastness.

In politics globalization lies in the weakening of nation states and contributes to the change and reduction of their sovereignty. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that modern states delegate more and more powers to influential people international organizations such as the United Nations, World Trade Organization, European Union, NATO, IMF and World Bank. On the other hand, by reducing government intervention in the economy and lowering taxes, the political influence of enterprises (especially large transnational corporations) increases. Due to easier migration of people and free movement of capital abroad, the power of states in relation to their citizens is also reduced.