Do-it-yourself insulation of a panel house. Frame-panel houses: advantages and disadvantages, varieties, self-assembly, cost comparison Prefabricated panel houses 1960s

The construction of frame-panel houses is popular in all regions of Russia. It is chosen for private housing construction for a number of reasons. Firstly, such houses can be built cheaply, and secondly, they are very reliable and are designed to last 100 years. The technology for constructing these houses has reached perfection; you can freely build them with your own hands, thus saving on construction work.

Features of frame-panel houses

Unlike usual frame house, frame-panel is erected from large panels called shields. These panels can be ordered from a special company that will manufacture them at the factory strictly according to your individual project.

All that remains to do on site is to assemble the finished frame elements and check their reliability. Next, the builders carry out the work, and the house is ready. Thus, the most labor-intensive part of the work takes place in the factory.

The walls are installed on the bottom frame. It is made from wooden beams, well impregnated with an antiseptic. The beams are installed on the base of the building, after which they are securely secured with anchor bolts. Then frame wall panels are erected on the frame and sewn on top with the top frame. Finally, an attic floor is installed on it.

Reviews from owners of frame-panel houses prove that this technology is more reliable and accurate than building a house yourself. With the help of panels, both small one-story structures and houses with several floors are erected, since they are very durable.

There are several types of frame-panel panels for walls:

  • internal;
  • external;
  • deaf;
  • door;
  • window.

Each shield is a solid section of the wall with a height from the floor to the ceiling and a width of 60-120 cm. It is made of timber and sheathed with special slabs, between which there is insulation inside.

Shields are usually insulated with special mineral felt. At the same time, make sure that the inner part contains vapor barrier layer, otherwise water vapor will condense on the insulation, which will lead to destruction of the layer.

The panels are installed vertically and connected to each other using nails. It is very important to connect the joints correctly. They should not be blown with air, so check their density. After making sure that the panels are connected securely, they cover the joints with vapor and waterproofing materials, pre-insulating them with mineral felt. Then the joint is crimped using a special lever device.

Arrangement of the basement floor

In order to prevent the eaves assemblies from freezing in winter, they need to be properly insulated. To do this, install insulation in the base and equip a special insulated frieze belt near the cornice. They insulate objects from moisture using vapor barrier materials.

The underground under the basement ceiling is not insulated. This part is frame- panel house must be freely ventilated and kept cool. At the same time, everything above the underground must be well insulated, and the insulation must be protected by a vapor barrier. To prevent the house from freezing from the basement side, it is important to make an insulated belt on the outside.

But wooden houses it is necessary to protect not only from cold and moisture, but also from fire and rot. Therefore, the entire wooden frame is not only insulated with mineral materials, but also impregnated with antiseptics and fire-resistant substances.

Pros and cons of panel houses

There are several serious advantages of such construction:

  • Lightweight foundation. For a frame-panel structure it is enough strip foundation, because the house is very light. This significantly saves money during the construction phase.
  • Fast construction. A frame house can be built in a few months, maximum - six months. And this is along with pouring the foundation and waiting for materials from the factory. This technology is considered one of the fastest in terms of construction time.
  • No shrinkage. The building does not sag, so cracks do not form in the walls. You can immediately do the interior decoration of the house.
  • Frame panels are relatively cheap.
  • There is no need to use heavy equipment to construct any elements of the house.
  • All materials are environmentally friendly and safe for the health of residents.
  • Inside the frame walls you can hide various communications, making the appearance of the premises more attractive.

The prevalence of frame-panel technologies in regions with different climates is extremely high. But frame houses There are also disadvantages that should also be remembered:

  • Shorter service life. If stone and brick houses can last several hundred years, then frame buildings can last 50-70 years, after which serious repairs will be required. If construction technology is violated or untested materials are used, the service life may be halved.
  • Lack of opportunity to build skyscraper. Frame houses are usually built on one or two floors.

Of course, it is possible to build larger-scale structures, but then it is necessary to install a more reliable foundation and buy expensive building materials. In this case, the construction can no longer be considered budget-friendly.

Types of panel houses

There are three types of panel buildings:

  • house kits;
  • platform houses (or Finnish houses);
  • conveyor houses.

Platform houses considered the oldest version frame construction. They were actively practiced during the USSR. The principle of construction is to prepare the foundation and then build the required number of houses in the village.

Thus, panel structures are somewhat reminiscent of conveyor construction. They are very convenient for the quick construction of houses and are considered an economical technological solution.

It is considered the most convenient option. The factory produces all the parts of the house, and then assembles it on the owner’s site. The preparatory work consists only of installing the foundation.

It is quite possible to assemble a panel house with your own hands. Of course, this is a very difficult task, but it is quite feasible. But assembly without technology can only be carried out if the frame does not contain very large parts that cannot be lifted with your own hands. If they are present, installing the panels will require the use of a construction crane, which no longer involves completely independent construction.

But this does not mean that you won’t be able to save on construction. There are other technological moments where this is quite possible. Overall, average A frame-panel house costs 3-5 times less than its brick counterpart.

Conveyor houses are considered analogous to house kits. They differ only in that special sandwich panels are used in their construction.

Today, many Western construction companies also use 3D printers to build frame houses. They program them to produce sandwich panels, which significantly speeds up construction time.

How to assemble a panel house yourself

Ready-made panels from panels have one advantage - they are supplied already assembled. This means that the building frame does not need to be insulated and sheathed, since this has already been done at the factory. All that remains is to prepare the right foundation for construction, and it may be the simplest.

SIP panels are assembled to form the frame of the house, and the outside is sheathed with OSB boards containing a vapor barrier layer, wind protection, elements of ventilated facade technology, and insulation. If the foundation of the future building is ready, you can proceed directly to the construction of the frame.

Floor preparation

Having installed the foundation, a layer of waterproofing is laid on top of it. This is a special film on top of which floor joists can already be installed. For logs, it is recommended to use beams with a cross section of 40x50 mm or slightly larger. Make sure that there is an equal step between the lags - 50 cm.
On top of these beams they begin to install either a rough or finished wooden floor.

Wall assembly

Collecting any frame house, walls begin to be erected from the corner of the building. First, the lower beam is installed vertically, then the remaining structural elements are gradually secured to it. When installing the panel, it is important to support it with a special board 3 m long.

When connecting the others to the first panel, they are secured to each other using special galvanized corners. Assembling the structure is somewhat reminiscent of playing with Lego, since all the elements fit neatly into a groove.

Having connected the entire frame, treat the joints with sealant so that they are securely closed. The latter is suitable for silicone filler or simple polyurethane foam. But before this stage, check how level and vertical all the wall panels are installed.

Roof installation

When the frame of all the walls is installed, it is stitched on top with a special beam for the upper frame. After this, you can install the roof. The rafters are made from ordinary timber with a section of 120x50 mm or 100x200 mm.

The roof is usually covered with metal tiles. Slate is not considered the most reliable roofing material, and clay tiles are very heavy and create additional load on the foundation. As an alternative, you can also use bitumen shingles, but they take much longer to install, and they usually cost more.

What is the cost of a panel house

The cost is determined by the complexity and high cost of the standard one. A custom solution is significantly more expensive. Various companies offer their standard projects, which differ in complexity and cost.

Average, one square meter one-story frame house measuring up to 100 square meters. m will cost about 7 thousand rubles, if you build in the Moscow region. For a larger house, the price will increase by 500-1000 rubles per square meter. m.

If the house is planned to be equipped attic floor, the total cost may be cheaper than for a classic two-story option. Then a square meter will cost up to 6 thousand rubles.

A standard frame-panel house has the following equipment:

  • foundation (the price includes its filling);
  • strapping made of wooden beams;
  • cladding with OSB boards;
  • insulation with mineral wool.

For additional money, you can order finishing work inside the premises, arrangement of the veranda and installation of interior partitions.

Thus, a good turnkey panel house in the Moscow region will cost at least 500 thousand rubles, on average up to a million. Compared to other technologies, this one is more affordable. The advantage of panel houses is that they are equally relevant both in the Moscow region and in regions with a different climate.

What is better: to build it yourself or buy a ready-made house?

Only the owner can decide how best to build a house. Both options are somewhat good. For example, if you have free time and good construction experience, you can try to build your own house. But if you have never encountered construction work, it is better to hire professionals.

The second solution is more expensive, but you will receive a guarantee of quality work. As a rule, this is the option that is chosen by those who want to have their own frame house. The choice is due to several reasons:

  • lack of experience in construction;
  • lack of free time, since construction is a long-term project;
  • the need to urgently complete construction and move into your home;
  • lack of self-confidence and the desire to avoid mistakes at the stage of planning a house and its construction.

Despite the above disadvantages, independent construction of a frame-panel house also has some advantages. The owner of the house does the work himself and controls it, doing what he likes. In addition, it is he, and not the company, who decides from what materials to construct this or that element of the building.

Construction time

As already mentioned, the construction of frame-panel houses is carried out very quickly. Sometimes a few weeks is enough to complete the project. Firstly, this is a big advantage. Secondly, this means that it is better to purchase all building materials at once, so as not to stretch the deadlines.

Due to the fact that frame houses are cheap, do not require serious effort during construction, and can be erected with the help of a small team of people or even by one person, they have become very popular. Anyone can build the building they like best.

It’s quite possible to make a frame-panel house yourself. Watch the video that clearly shows the assembly technology.

Hello! Please tell me where to start and gradually reconstruct the old panel house. It so happened that there is no way to install a new one. I decided to remake the old switchboard that my grandmother had installed on the property. In addition to it, on the site there is also a residential cabin with 2 rooms with an entrance hall, there is a separate shower with a dressing room, wide and large. To begin with, I wanted to add a shower to the change house, moving it close to it and completing the toilet. It would turn out to be such a small house with amenities. We are currently living in it and slowly reconstructing the old panel house. The house consists of one room - 20 sq. m. meters, kitchen - meters - 10 sq. meters. I would like to complete a small veranda, divide the large room into 2 rooms and extend the kitchen to put a small toilet and shower there. Tell me the sequence of work and the use of appropriate materials for this. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Alexander, Moscow.

Hello, Alexander from Moscow!

Well, you asked some questions!

Without a detailed inspection of the location of all your buildings, it is difficult to answer them.

The fact that you are planning not immediately, but gradually to reconstruct your grandmother’s inheritance, is the right idea.

Do you know what our clergy do when they return destroyed churches? They will first renovate a small corner of the large church with modest money and the involvement of the most active parishioners. And they immediately begin to hold church services there. And at the same time, they continue to renovate the remaining premises; fortunately, money begins to flow from their activities. And in the end everything changes.

This example is provided for comparison with your renovation plans. Do the same, you won't go wrong.

Using available funds, you should purchase the necessary building material. You will need river or quarry sand. In an amount of about 5 - 7 cubic meters. A lot of? No, it’s relatively inexpensive, but the transport, every trip it takes, costs a lot of money. Therefore, it’s easier to immediately bring it with a reserve. It will be needed for backfilling under the supports of your buildings, under paths, for preparing cement mortar, and the remaining sand, if there is any left, of course, for agricultural and other needs.

Cement, if needed in further construction, is purchased immediately before its use. Since during storage it can quickly turn into a dense mass unsuitable for further work with it. In any case, if you open the bag, you should wrap it in plastic wrap. This way it will last longer without contact with air moisture.

In addition, you will need industrial wood. Pine is most often used in its quality in the form of the most popular lumber - this is timber with a section of 100/100 millimeters, a section of 50/50 millimeters, edged boards 150/50; 100/50; 150/25 millimeters. I cannot predict the amount of material you will need; it is calculated strictly individually. Offhand, without claiming the slightest accuracy, I will say that large-section timber may require at least 4-6 pieces, small-section - about a dozen, large-section boards - 10 pieces, and small-section - three to four dozen. (All based on a 6-meter length).

If lumber remains in small quantities, it can always be used for household needs. Although practice shows that more often it is always missing.

For all kinds of wall cladding, ceilings, and partitions, you will need lining. It is sold in packs of 10 pieces. It is clear that it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​​​future building elements and only after that buy lining. Most often they buy it in different lengths. Let's say half three-meter and half 2.5 or 2.7 meters. This is dictated by the fact that different places require different lengths, and this way there will be less inevitable waste. And you can always make shorter ones from longer boards. They always try to fit the longer ones first, and then they build everything else from scraps.

/Remember that the width of a standard lining is usually 0.087 meters./ Lining, again depending on the thickness of the wallet, is taken in different classes (grades). The highest is “Prima” (aka “Extra”). Then class "A", "B" and the lowest - "C". With average income, clients buy class "B", at best - "A". Because “Prima” is expensive, but you can’t look at “C” without tears. When choosing packs, pay attention to the presence of moisture on the film from the inside; if there is dew, do not take it. Next moment- since the packs are packed, look at the side parts of the lining for the presence of potholes and knots. Choose a lining without them. Which does not at all guarantee that after you bring the packs and open them on the spot, half of them will have any flaws.

The floorboard is calculated based on the floor area. Taking into account the inevitable waste and the size of the room. The standard is 6 meters, less often - 4 and 3 meters. Try to make sure that the remaining trim can be joined on the floor joists. Why do they try to take the distance between the lags with this in mind?

Window and door blocks, glass, finishing elements (plinths, layouts, trim, strips, etc.) - as required.

The insulation is preferably made from mineral slabs or rolls. Polystyrene foam - in extreme cases (the smell from it is persistent). All kinds of films - better waterproof.

Roofing material in accordance with what is already on your buildings.

Hardware and nails are available in an assortment. That is, different lengths. Better galvanized.

Paints and impregnations - in the required quantities and the appropriate color. Of the expensive ones - “belinka”, cheap ones - only on internal surfaces.

Plumbing and electrical are a separate issue.

The tool you need - the more the better.

That's all. As they say, galloping across Europe. Because you will need quick thinking and ingenuity, but that’s okay, experience comes during work.

And the order is first all the markings, then excavation work (digging holes for supports), installation of support blocks under the base of moving buildings, under the toilet. Laying water supply and sewer pipes, digging a drainage hole. Drag and drop structures and install them on blocks. Installation and assembly of the toilet. Electrical and plumbing equipment.

And then the installation of a veranda with its roof, and the remodeling of the house itself.

Ask a question to Semenych (author of materials)

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Prefabricated single-family panel house.
Project TAL-2 of the Finnish company "PUUTALO".
dates back to 1948:

Front view

Back view

Soyuztransproekt. Project No. 10/2665.
Architects Gottlieb and Khilkevich.
date back to 1948:

Front view

Back view

Soyuztransproekt. Project No. 16/2188.
Architect Gottlieb. Engineer Filonov.
Obviously late 1940s,
for the earliest Vologda incarnations
date back to 1950:

Front view

Back view

State architectural workshops. Typical project No. 5.
Architects Velikanov, Kalash and Kibirev.
The earliest Vologda incarnation
dates back to 1950:

Tsentrvoenproekt. Project No. 103 of series 242.
Architect N.S. Strakh. Engineer A.D. Vorobyov.
Apparently dates back to the very end of the 1940s.
The earliest Vologda incarnations date back to the early 1950s:

Front view

Back view

The same project, but richer
(apparently the original) decor,
there are few places that remain after major repairs,
however, preserved in Veliky Ustyug:

Front view

Back view

For some reason its corner version is mentioned in some sources
as "standard project of Giprodreva No. 1-242-103. Architect Selyutin":

Front view

Back view

State architectural workshops. Standard project 244-1.
Architect Yu.V. Shchuko.
The earliest Vologda incarnations
date back to the first half of the 1950s:

Front view

Back view

Another closely related project, mentioned everywhere
under the same number (perhaps there were some indexes,
not included in the construction documentation).
State architectural workshops. Project No. 244-1.
Architect Yu.V. Shchuko. Engineer Bogatkin.

Front view

Back view

Its "double" variation.
State architectural workshops. Project No. 244-2.
Architect Yu.V. Shchuko.
The earliest Vologda incarnations date back to the first half of the 1950s:

Front view

Back view

Giprolesprom. Standard design of an 8-apartment building No. B-8-50.
Architects Ershov and Kozlov (according to other sources - Nikiforov).
Half of Russia is built up with houses of this project and its varieties.
They were actively built in the first half of the 1960s.

Front view

Back view

Standard project No. B-8-U. Obviously, the same Giprolesprom and the same time.
The earliest Vologda incarnations date back to the mid-1950s:

Front view

Back view

Standard design of a 4-apartment building No. B-9. Obviously, the same Giprolesprom.
The earliest Vologda incarnations date back to 1957:

Front view

Back view

Standard project of a 12-apartment building No. B-12-52. Obviously, the same Giprolesprom.
The earliest Vologda incarnations date back to the second half of the 1950s:

Front view

Back view

Standard design Shch-4-A. Giprolesprom. Architect - Ershov.
Vologda incarnations date back to the second half of the 1950s.


The suburban real estate market in the Leningrad region is replete with offers to purchase so-called Finnish houses. For many Russians, goods marked “from Finland” are the standard of quality. But how much do Finnish houses have in common with the modern architecture of the country of a thousand lakes?

First of all, it is worth disproving some misconceptions.

Finnish cottages are built exclusively from wood

Finns really prefer wood. They often use it as a building material, valuing environmental friendliness and accessibility (about two thirds of the country is covered with forests). However, many stone houses are built in Finland. There are entire companies specializing in stone objects. For example, Lakka, which has a presence on Russian market. No less famous is JÄMERÄ, whose signature product is luxury cottages. The material for them is lightweight cellular concrete.

In Russian style

A separate category consists of houses made of logs and laminated veneer lumber. They can be ordered from the Russian representative offices of Finnlamelli, Vuokatti and Kontio. However, the most popular among Russian people is “Honka” (in Finnish Honkarakenne), which came to our market back in the mid-90s and became famous thanks to its large-scale projects of cottage villages with huge houses (up to 600 sq. m. in area).

It is worth mentioning here that the order was intended exclusively for Russians. Finns do not build such housing for themselves. They prefer small cottages (on average 100 sq. m). But Finnish construction companies They are happy to take on large orders. Especially if you have to build house in Leningrad region.

For permanent residence, Finns choose frame-panel houses, and build dachas from logs.

A house for which the main building material is Finnish laminated timber will cost from 75 to 100 thousand rubles. per sq. m. Its cost can be reduced only if some of the materials are ordered from domestic manufacturers.

A little history

So, why do Finns consider houses made of timber to be an attribute of luxury and choose cheaper frame structures for permanent residence? The answer lies in history.

In the 50s of the last century, an urgent need for new housing arose in Finland and the USSR. During the war, many houses were destroyed and people had nowhere to live. Soviet Union made a choice in favor of multi-storey buildings. There were enough raw materials and labor for their construction. In Finland there was not enough of either one or the other. Then the state leaders decided to turn to the people for help. They made it possible for people to build their own homes. For this purpose, the best architects in Finland prepared drawings of simple and practical residential buildings, which had the general name “platform”, and detailed instructions to them. Thus, each family could literally assemble their own housing. We began the construction of the house with a foundation that had a perfectly flat floor, then moved on to a wooden frame, parts of which were factory-produced and easily assembled into a single structure; in the end, the base of the future home was covered with panels with insulation.

Master class “Build it yourself”

In order to teach the population the basics of construction, courses were opened in cities and villages for everyone. Meanwhile, experts continued to improve the technology. As a result, she not only helped many Finns find housing again, but also became known and in demand outside the country. Finnish houses can be seen even in a country as far from Suomi as Japan.

Despite the fact that today Finland is one of the most stable and economic developed countries world, in the construction of houses, the Finns still remain big savers. The reason is the shortage energy resources.

Nowadays, Suomi residents build cottages with an area of ​​120 to 150 square meters. m. As a rule, they have one floor, sometimes there is an attic. The kitchen area is often combined with a guest room. A bedroom occupies an average of 10 square meters. m. But the Finns appreciate spacious hallways, where you can place a wardrobe, gardening and sports equipment and other household items.

Saving energy resources has pushed Suomi residents to use energy-saving technologies. Finnish homes widely use heat pumps, electric heating systems and energy-saving lamps.

The future of framing technology

Houses built using frame technology remain the most convenient and affordable type of Finnish housing today. True, Finns now prefer to entrust construction to professionals. There is a lot of competition among frame house manufacturers, and each company strives to bring something new to its field of activity.

An example is Rantasalmi Hirsitalot with its Ekorex technology. These are essentially sandwich panels that are attached to a frame filled with a special cellulose fiber. For interior decoration wooden panels or slab coverings are used. As a result, it is possible to avoid the use of synthetic materials when building a house.

Rantasalmi also uses Pre Cut technology, which has been refined to perfection. First, the project is processed by a special automatic design system. Based on the data obtained, wooden parts (beams, rafters, racks) are manufactured. Then the materials are sent to the construction site, where they are collected. When connecting elements, the tongue-and-groove technology is used.

Jukka-Talo has also succeeded in frame-panel construction. This company was the first to use support columns fastened with a lintel. The technology significantly increases the reliability of the structure and reduces heat loss to a minimum. Jukka-Talo structures are valued for their special connection between walls and floors, which eliminates the occurrence of drafts.

Finnish Vacation home in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, built using panel-frame technology and Finnish materials, will cost 40-60 thousand rubles. per sq. m. Moreover, this price does not include communication lines. But finding a team of workers in the Leningrad region who master the technology is extremely difficult. Therefore, there is always a risk of spoiling good materials poor quality assembly.

Russian builders tried to learn from the experience of their northern neighbors. They used ready-made plans, but Finnish methods did not work on large areas. The houses turned out to be cold, since the heating system was not thought out in them and there were often savings on insulation. As a result, many Russian companies began to build frame houses using locally produced building materials and calling them “Finnish”. This helped them increase sales.

A real Finnish house is distinguished by its small size and rational use of interior space. In recent years, suburban real estate in St. Petersburg has also begun to “shrink.” Now many St. Petersburg residents prefer to build small cottages, saving money on building materials and subsequent operation of the structure.

Anastasia Pavlova

Tags: Country real estate, Sale, Buying, Rent

Today, frame-panel construction projects are extremely popular among Russians. And there is nothing surprising here: the technology for constructing such buildings, one might say, has been brought to perfection. And the assembly of the panels itself is easy, even with your own hands, without involving specialists and paying for their expensive services.

Advantages and disadvantages of frame-panel construction

The main advantage of panel houses is their low cost and high construction speed.

  • The foundation can be built as lightly as possible (a regular strip foundation, for example), which is possible due to the lightness of the house structure itself. As a result, this significantly reduces the cost of frame construction;
  • The maximum period for the construction of a frame house, taking into account the time spent on the foundation, is 6 months, and this is really the maximum period. If we are simply talking about such work as assembling panel panels on a ready-made foundation, then building a house will require at most 3 months. The technology, as noted above, has really been brought to near perfection. And these are not empty words;
  • Frame house projects do not involve shrinkage of the structure, which is why it is quite easy to build a panel house with your own hands;
  • Switchboard equipment is relatively cheap; the most difficult and expensive thing to build will be the foundation of the building, although the technology for its construction has been developed quite a long time ago;
  • To build a frame house, you will not need to use heavy and expensive equipment such as an excavator;
  • High resistance to seismic vibrations. Frame house projects are popular, for example, even in Kamchatka, where seismic activity is the most intense in Russia;
  • Panel equipment can be found on any construction market;
  • For the construction of the house, only environmentally friendly panel equipment is used;
  • In a frame-panel house it is possible to hide all possible communications inside the walls.

    Structure of a standard wall of a panel house

A frame house does not imply shrinkage after commissioning.

Of course, such buildings also have their drawbacks:

  • Fragility. In general, the minimum service life of a frame house in the absence of proper care is 30 years, but manufacturers provide a guarantee of 75 years (it is clear that in this case the structure must be maintained for the highest level). If you carry out scheduled repairs of panel buildings as required by engineering instructions, then for such a house 100 years of impeccable service is not the limit;
  • Limitation on the number of floors. Basically, all such structures are one-story, rarely seen two-story houses frame type. Projects cannot provide for a larger number of floors, since the construction technology itself assumes that a lightweight strip (and often even columnar) foundation will be used.

Types of panel houses

All panel residential buildings can be divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Platform house (so-called “Finnish houses”);
  2. House kit;
  3. Conveyor houses.

Platform houses are panel residential buildings of the first generation; they were actively built back in Soviet times. First, the foundation was poured (for example, if it was planned to build 25 houses in the village, that is how many foundations were poured at once), and only then the houses began to be built.

General view of all components of a panel house structure

In essence, this is the same conveyor construction, it’s just that switchboard equipment has become much more convenient and technologically advanced. With house kits, everything is clear: a kit consisting of the necessary materials is delivered directly from the factory to the site, and the owner of the site only has to connect all the parts of the house, having first laid out the foundation.

True, assembling a panel house with your own hands is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The main problem in this case is the presence of really large parts (for example, part load-bearing wall). Therefore, the assembly of such panels, its technology itself, may require the use of tower cranes.

But in general, significant savings can be made on construction. And this is the main point. For example, the cost of a turnkey panel house will be 3-5 times less than brick house similar area. As for conveyor houses, their main difference is that the projects for their construction involve the use of sandwich panels.

Currently, there are even special 3D printers that “print” such panels. The construction period for such a building, provided there is a team of workers and special equipment, is 1, maximum 2-3 days. But this does not take into account interior and exterior finishing work, of course.

Standard panel house kit supplied from factories

The cost of a frame-panel house is at least 3 times less than a brick house of similar area.

Do-it-yourself assembly of a panel house from factory panels

The design of ready-made panel SIP panels assumes that they will simultaneously serve as the walls of the house and the insulation, so there is no need to worry about additional insulation. The most ordinary foundation for such a house is suitable: even a basic columnar one, as in ordinary village houses.

The SIP panel itself is sheathed on both sides with OSB boards, which have several layers:

  • vapor barrier;
  • windproof;
  • a layer of wind connection (needed for better air exchange, this is the so-called ventilated facade technology);
  • The famous expanded polystyrene is usually used as insulation on the panel parts, which is glued there under enormous pressure, which ensures its long service life.

Floor preparation

The surface of the foundation must be covered with a layer of waterproofing film. You can immediately lay the logs of the future floor on it, for which experts recommend using a regular beam measuring either 40x50 mm or 40x60 mm.

Panel house floor design

The step between the logs should be exactly 50 cm. The wooden floor is laid on the logs.

Wall assembly

All work begins precisely from the corner of the future building. The first element of the entire structure is installed vertically (the lower beam is in the lowest recess). During installation, the panel must be additionally supported by a three-meter board.

Why three-meter is difficult to say, but this is what experts recommend. The subsequent ones are attached to the first panel, fastening them together with galvanized metal corners. A beam from the previous one is inserted into each subsequent panel; in some ways, this technology is reminiscent of a children's Lego construction set.

Wall pie of a frame-panel house

To completely seal the joints before directly connecting different parts of the structure, all openings must be filled with polyurethane foam. During work, it is necessary to check the evenness of the vertical panels with a building level.

Roof installation

After installing all the walls, the top frame is made using timber and the installation of the roof begins. For rafters, ordinary timber is used, which has dimensions of 100x200 mm and 120x50 mm.

Scheme of the roof structure of a panel residential building

Metal tiles are usually used as roofing. Slate will be too expensive, and real clay tiles will simply create a colossal load on the floors of an already very light structure, which is undesirable.

The best roofing option for a frame house is metal tiles.

An example of calculating the cost of a panel house

Despite the fact that many construction companies offer standard building designs, these projects can still differ significantly from each other, depending on what components are included in these projects.

For example, the cost of building one square meter of housing one-story house with an attic of up to 100 square meters, in the Moscow region will be approximately 7,000 rubles, a house with a larger area will cost 500-700 rubles cheaper based on the cost of one square meter.

Houses with an attic floor will cost slightly less; depending on their area, their price will range from 5,500 to 6,000 rubles per square meter.

Approximate cost table for panel houses

What will approximately be included in such a house:

  • foundation (either columnar or on screw piles);
  • strapping and frame made of ordinary wooden beams;
  • finishing with OSB boards;
  • Mineral wool is used as insulation.

Additional equipment may include the following:

  • veranda (terrace);
  • interior partitions;
  • fine finishing.

In general, you can build a solid and large turnkey panel house for a price ranging from 350,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. This is very little money. True, we must take into account that in the same Moscow region or in the Leningrad region near St. Petersburg the cost land plot can be tens of times higher than the cost of building the house itself.

But nothing can be done here: these are market laws. However, panel houses are usually built in remote regions, where they are used as summer cottages.


You can watch a video that describes how a frame-panel house is assembled using Scandinavian technology.