How to choose an apartment in a new building. Feng Shui apartment number and floor Which floor is better in a high-rise building

When it comes to choosing a new apartment, more and more buyers are wondering what kind of atmosphere will await them in a new home and whether the energy is favorable there.

Often a family chooses a floor according to Feng Shui, starting from this value, because numbers, as you know, are some kind of magical symbols. Our article will allow you to learn to recognize them and find out the meaning of each mathematical symbol.

How to choose a feng shui floor: myths and reality

The Chinese believe that everything that has anything to do with numbers is endowed with some hidden energy. This is due to the fact that the mathematical values ​​themselves have their own energy biofield. And, depending on the number, this value can be either negative or positive.

All readers are well aware of such an example in modern skyscrapers - there you will never find the thirteenth floor, because this value is considered negative in the West. Therefore, after the twelfth floor, the fourteenth immediately follows. But does it make sense? Is it possible to deceive mathematics, or does it only matter the ordinal number?

Everything is not so clear here, however, modern feng shui practitioners agree that what is more important is not what the floor in the house is by serial number, but what people themselves consider it to be. This is what gives the object a mysterious power.

What follows from this? If you decide to write the value two on the house instead of the number one, and people will perceive this as true, then the house will receive exactly the energy that the value you wrote carries, and not what was assigned to it during construction.

However, there is some trick here - firstly, some people may not believe it or notice a deception, and secondly, those who have already seen this house before will still perceive it as the first number. And from this it follows that there will be some confusion - one of the people will see the house at number two, and someone at number one.

A similar effect can be reflected in a building or on a specific floor, and therefore it is better to avoid such buildings in general, since in terms of energy such a house will have mixed features. The same applies to the thirteenth floors, which allegedly do not exist in a high-rise building. All the same, people living on the fourteenth floor involuntarily realize that this is just a trick, and in fact their apartment is located on the thirteenth floor.

What conclusion should be drawn from this?

Choose houses for housing and floors that carry their mathematical value from the moment of construction, where the numbering has never been changed by anyone.

What was originally marked with a certain sign will be perceived by people as a given. Therefore, the energy of the building will not be disturbed. In addition, not only the faith of people and the perception of signs has a decisive role, because the numbers themselves have their own energy field. Therefore, if a residential building has always remained under its own number and the numbering of its floors has not changed, then over time the energy of its numbers will accumulate and intensify. Naturally, this applies to both positive and negative fields.

It is worth noting that many of the fears and concerns of people regarding certain meanings are very deceptive. According to Feng Shui, the thirteenth floor does not carry any negative energy at all, and even vice versa. Traditions and superstitions assigned a negative value to the figure, but not Feng Shui.

Therefore, always remember that the traditional interpretation of numbers from Chinese can sometimes be very different. So, the number thirteen itself carries a good meaning, which sounds like "Growing gain" or "Honor and strength." Therefore, we can say that living on the thirteenth floor is a very good decision, because both of these figures harmoniously coexist with each other and bring you constant growth.

Another question is whether this will be carried out if many people consider the value of thirteen bad? Most likely no. Because fear and human anxieties are not just emotions, but a certain energy that a person emits. This negative energy accumulates in a dwelling, becomes a real block and an obstacle to the favorable Qi energy, and therefore even the influence of the best numbers can be destroyed with your own superstition.

And imagine that immediately all the inhabitants of the thirteenth floor will consider it bad, erecting a negative biofield around themselves with their own hands. Naturally, there can no longer be any talk of any growth and luck.

Now let's look at an even weirder example related to this notorious floor. Denying the serial number in the number of storeys of the building and removing the number thirteen from there, the developer initially marks it with the value "14". However, the number four in the Chinese traditional teaching of Feng Shui is literally translated as “Death”, and its meaning is also strengthened by the symbol one in front, as a result, we get nothing more than “Honest Death”.

And so, although theoretically the superstitious fear of the value of thirteen can be avoided, even the renamed floor carries negative energy. And the erroneous opinion of people is further exacerbated by this factor, and if the number thirteen had not gone anywhere and the numbering of the floors had been in order, then the inhabitants of this ill-fated floor would never have had any problems.

But it is immediately necessary to make a reservation and say that the number four does not always bring death in the most direct sense of the word. Chinese Feng Shui is a rather philosophical and broad concept, and therefore death in this sense can have other meanings: for example, the failure of plans and the impossibility of implementing them (death of undertakings), an insurmountable obstacle in any area of ​​life, and these two numbers can also be interpreted and thus, as "The Death of Winning," if one starts not with one, but with four.

This will mean that the fourteenth floor will constantly bring various kinds of troubles and failures to its inhabitants, and fortune will turn away from them for a long time.

And, as you might guess, the number fourteen carries such a bad meaning for the floor, which they prefer to rename. In an attempt to avoid bad luck and get rid of the value 13, people simply do everything possible to get it.

What is the conclusion from this? It is better not to use tricks and tricks to deceive the numbers - they will still take their toll, and sometimes such actions entail even more trouble. Therefore, the choice of floor according to Feng Shui must begin with finding out the order of the number of storeys of the building and how it is generally perceived by the residents themselves.

If possible, it is better to buy an apartment in the building where there are nine floors. These numbers are considered to be pure from an energetic point of view, since they are not mixed with any others.

If you buy a home in a building with a lot of floors, do not be too lazy to make sure that such annoying oversights described above do not exist in it. The floors must go in order, and their order must not be disturbed.

Separately, it should be noted that even the absence of a single floor disrupts the energy of the entire building that is located above it. That is, if the house has a hundred floors, but there is no thirteenth, then after the twelfth the energy of the numbers will already go astray.

And even a good meaning of numbers, from the point of view of Feng Shui practice, can be powerless. Because in fact, for example, you will not live on the ninety-ninth floor, but on the hundredth, and these symbols have completely different meanings: 99 will sound like “Longevity”, and 100 will sound like “Win”. And if you are wondering which floor to choose according to Feng Shui, then this can already become a problem.

The meaning of the floors in feng shui

So, now we can proceed directly to the interpretation of the meaning of each floor. Which floor to choose when buying an apartment and how can you influence your life with the help of numbers?

Floor one

The value of the number one is positive. As noted in the article above, this figure means "Win" and "Honor", and therefore it is ideal for those who need success in business and luck.

second floor

Two has a dual meaning (a little pun perfectly demonstrates the energy of this number), because in itself its value does not translate as bad. And if the deuce is alone, then it is customary to translate it as "Easy."

This may mean that living on this floor will be easy for you, life will flow without any obstacles.

Floor three

The third floor is well suited for those who dream of taking place in a career plan and who yearn for constant advancement in any area, because the meaning of the three is interpreted in Feng Shui as “Growth” or “Strength”.

Floor four

Here is the same ill-fated four, which is literally listed in Chinese Feng Shui as "Death". Of course, it is better to avoid this floor if possible, and if you are going to buy an apartment, then choose a different figure.

However, as already noted, this does not always mean the death of a person or something physical. The four may well carry a different meaning, for example, “Death of the former life” or “Death of a career”, after you move into an apartment on this floor.

Floor five

The meaning of the five is indicated by the hieroglyph for "Nothing", but it is interpreted quite positively, because the five symbolizes balance and harmony. But as far as the floor choice itself is concerned, here the number five can play a cruel joke.

It can carry the meaning of “Nothing” to your home and be interpreted as “There is nothing” or “Emptiness”, which is a symbol of poverty and financial difficulties. And therefore it is sometimes better not to take risks with this value.

Floor six

Six is ​​a sign of wealthy people and material wealth. Do you want to live in prosperity and have money flow like a river? Buy an apartment on the sixth floor. Literally, the number six in Feng Shui practice sounds like “Wealth” or “Stability”.

Floor seven

The seventh floor is ideal for people who want confidence in the future. This figure means confidence, a calm course of life and is interpreted in Chinese Feng Shui as “For sure”. If you need a calm and measured life, devoid of stress, choose this floor.

Floor eight

The eighth floor is like a pantry of all the good that is on earth. This is both wealth, and prosperity, and success, and development. Very good floor to live on.

Floor nine

Another good floor for people who would like to acquire physical health, develop spiritually and learn the secrets of the world. Also, this figure is suitable for creative people.

Floor ten

The tenth floor is interpreted in the same way as the first, because the number zero has no designation and is considered neutral.

Floor eleven

This floor means the win multiplied by two. This means that you will be incredibly lucky in business. Fortune always smiles at people who live on the eleventh floor.

Floor twelve

“A win that will be easy” - this is how Feng Shui interprets the meaning of the number twelve. Like the previous floor, this one can be an excellent solution for those who need good luck in business and in life.

Floor thirteenth

The notorious thirteenth floor, which is actually very good, because it means "Growing gain" or "Honor and strength." This floor has several meanings, but no matter how you interpret them, they are still very positive.

Floor fourteen

Failure in business, a complete lack of luck, literally - "Death of winning." Unsuitable floor for buying an apartment, and therefore it is better to avoid it.

Floor fifteen

“Win nothing” is a literal interpretation of this meaning. If individually these figures are quite positive, then in aggregate they are not the best value.

Floor sixteen

Literally, "Win wealth", can mean a sudden income or early material prosperity. A positive value, and therefore great for buying an apartment on this floor.

Floor seventeen

“Winning for sure”, which means almost one hundred percent luck and a stable life. An excellent and favorable floor for life, which is suitable for people who want to avoid troubles in life.

Floor eighteenth

“Honor and Success” or “Winning Great Wealth” is a very good floor that will instantly improve financial affairs. Also, these numbers bring real abundance and success in business to their residents.

Floor nineteen

It can literally be translated as "Win longevity." A positive figure that will give the residents of this floor good health and get rid of diseases.

Floor twentieth

It carries the same meaning as floor number two, but here the zero after the two can cause neutrality. Then the floor will mean absolutely nothing, literally - the absence of the magic of numbers. It may be suitable for those who generally seek to avoid the biofield of numbers.

How to calculate your feng shui floor if its value is not in the article above, for example, if you live in a very tall building? Use the cheat sheet given in the first nine floors: add up the value of each number and you will get your result.

More than half of buyers prefer apartments located on floors 5-13. At the same time, the 7th floor is the most popular - it is chosen by almost every tenth buyer of real estate in the primary market. How to choose your floor in a new building and not make a mistake, experts from Metrium Group told.

1. Ground floor

Many real estate buyers are still influenced by Soviet stereotypes when choosing a floor. Therefore, communication with realtors often begins with the phrase: "Do not offer the first and last." However, at present, apartments on the primary market in new buildings in the capital can only be found starting from the second floor. In Moscow, it is legally prohibited to build housing on the first floors - they are allotted for commercial premises. The only exceptions are specially equipped apartments for MGN. In the Moscow region, new buildings with housing on the ground floor can still be found, but every year there are fewer and fewer of them. Thus, the modern second floor became the "successor" of the first.

Many of the disadvantages of the first floors are a thing of the past. Construction technologies and the quality of building materials used have long stepped far ahead. Thanks to this, such problems of old houses as damp basements or low temperatures on the first / second floor in most modern new buildings no longer exist. If the residential complex has access control, the apartments do not require such additional security measures as bars on the windows.

The only possible argument against living on the second floor, perhaps, is your "neighbor" from below - the same commercial premises. If you are buying an apartment in a house that is still under construction, it is impossible to predict which trade or service enterprise will be located under your apartment. But, if the house is in a residential area, with almost one hundred percent probability it can be argued that it will be a store (most likely a grocery store), a hairdresser (beauty salon), a pharmacy or dentistry. Only the last institution can disturb you with unpleasant noise, and only if the sound insulation in the house is really bad - the drill is still not a jackhammer. But do not forget that commercial premises may not take five or ten years from the date of delivery of the house. In all other respects, the second floor has solid pluses.

Prices for housing located on the first / second floor are 3-5% lower compared to similar offers located on the middle levels of the house. And the difference in cost with apartments located on the highest floors can reach up to 10-15% in the mass segment and up to 20-30% in elite and business class houses.

2. Last floor

Outdated stereotypes also "haunt" the last floors. Potential buyers fear problems such as low water pressure, roof leaks and drafts. However, modern technologies and equipment have made it possible to eliminate all these shortcomings, which are typical for the houses of the old fund. For example, in many new buildings, communications are located under the roof. Therefore, both the water pressure and the quality of heating are even better than on the lower floors. And modern double-glazed windows can completely eliminate the problem of drafts.

The only risk for residents of apartments on the upper floors is the breakdown of the elevator. But according to legislative norms, in the entrances of multi-storey new buildings there cannot be less than two elevators. The likelihood that all elevators will fail at the same time is very small. At the same time, apartments on the top floors have many advantages. This is good insolation, the view from the window, the absence of noise and the risk of flooding from the neighbors from above, as well as clean air.

3. Location of the house

The first thing you should pay attention to is the environment of the new building. Future comfort directly depends on which roads are located near the house and how intense the traffic is on them. If the new building is located close to major transport arteries, then it is better to choose a higher floor - starting from 5-7. This minimizes the negative impact of vehicle noise and exhaust-polluted air.

If there are no busy roads around the house within a radius of 200 meters and it is surrounded by alleys, parks and walking areas, then you can opt for 2-4 floors. The impact of the environment in this case will be minimal compared to a new building located on the first line of a busy street. The advantage of apartments on the lower floors, whose windows overlook the green "islands", is the illusion of living in a cozy country house. However, it must be borne in mind that due to the proximity of trees, less sunlight will enter the apartment than on floors located above the crowns.

At the same time, there is a stereotype that trees located near the house can become a “staircase” for intruders to the apartment. This factor stops many buyers from purchasing housing on 2-3 floors. However, such a fear is more relevant for old buildings, where the distance from windows to tree branches sometimes does not exceed one or two meters. Currently, there are regulations in force, according to which trees are not allowed to be planted closer than five meters from the outer walls of a residential building. Therefore, in modern new buildings these risks are excluded.

Unpleasant "neighbors" for any new building are also smoking chimneys of large industrial enterprises. If there is one or more industrial zones near the residential complex, it must be taken into account that the accumulation of harmful substances from emissions occurs starting from the 7th floor. In such neighborhoods, it is better to choose an apartment at lower levels.

4. Species characteristics

Many buyers of apartments on high floors, starting from the tenth, choose them because of the opportunity to enjoy panoramic views from the window. The most popular are views of the city center, historical and architectural sights, the Moskva River, reservoirs, parks and green areas. However, buying an apartment located “closer to the sky” absolutely does not guarantee an ideal “picture”. It may happen that only the walls of a nearby house, the industrial zone, the nondescript roofs of five-story buildings of the Soviet era or busy highways will be visible from the windows. At the same time, a beautiful view of a cozy courtyard can open from an apartment located in the same entrance, but on the third or fourth floors. Therefore, choosing an apartment in a new building located on early stages construction, it is necessary to study the project as carefully as possible and evaluate the future specific characteristics of each of the buildings.

5. Age and composition of family members

The choice of floor largely depends on who will live in the new apartment. Practice shows that pensioners prefer the lowest floors - from the first to the third. Despite the fact that there are two or even three or four elevators in each entrance of a modern house, the elderly are alarmed by the possibility of their breakdown, and the need to walk to the upper floors. The same fears often arise in mothers with young children. In addition, many young parents often choose housing "lower" so that the growing child can go up to the apartment alone without using the elevator. Parents are afraid that the elevator may get stuck in the shaft or that intruders will attack the child. But young people without children usually prefer housing located above 8-10 floors.

6. Personal preferences of residents

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of floor, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the character of all future residents of the apartment. For example, according to statistics, more than 7% of the total population of the planet suffer from acrophobia - fear of heights. When looking from the window of an apartment located on one of the upper floors, they may experience both mild discomfort and real panic. Therefore, permanent residence "on top" can be a real torture for such people. Approximately the same percentage of the inhabitants of the Earth suffer from claustrophobia - the fear of closed space, the clearest example of which is the fear of riding in an elevator. Various illnesses of future residents can also influence the choice of floor, for example, allergies to dust, tree and flower pollen, asthma, or diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Often, past experience and habits become a key factor in deciding whether to buy an apartment. Those who spent most of their lives on the 2nd or 3rd floors are unlikely to want to abruptly change their “level” by settling on one of the last floors of a skyscraper. Those who are used to admiring the city from a bird's eye view rarely seek to live closer to the ground.

7. Apartment interior style

One of the fashion trends in design is the balance between the architectural style of houses and the interior of apartments. It is believed that the "combination of the incongruous" destroys the overall harmony and does not have the best effect on psychological comfort. So, in houses with classical architecture, apartments decorated in a fashionable high-tech style turn out to be “strangers”, and in typical panel new buildings - housing in a palace style or with elements of pompous baroque. Following this theory, housing, which is supposed to be decorated in country or Provence style, “requires” a lower floor - from the first to the third. Minimalism and hi-tech look stylish in apartments on the upper floors with panoramic views of the city. And classics or contemporary are appropriate at the level that is considered the "golden mean" - from the third to the tenth floors.

Pros and cons of apartments on different floors in modern residential complexes


– lower cost
– no need to use elevators
– availability of specially equipped apartments for MGN

- no downstairs neighbors
– the possibility of redevelopment and transfer of "wet areas"
– the possibility of transferring the apartment to a non-residential fund

– high level of noise from the entrance
– low level of insolation
– proximity to infrastructure and commercial facilities located nearby on the 1st floor
– low liquidity of housing

– no need to use elevators
– quick evacuation in case of fires and emergencies
– the possibility of transferring “wet zones” if non-residential premises are located on the 1st floor

– high air pollution from automobile exhausts
– low level of security
– low level of insolation
– proximity to infrastructure and commercial facilities located on the ground floor

– quick evacuation in case of fires and emergencies
– low noise level from the street
– low air pollution from automobile exhausts
– high level of insolation
– high liquidity of housing

– inconvenience in case of breakdown of elevators

– clean air (in the absence of industrial enterprises nearby)
– low noise level from the street
- good visual characteristics
– high level of insolation

- noise from neighbors living in apartments located below and above

– wasted time waiting for elevators

– Difficulties with evacuation in case of fires and emergencies

- fresh air
- no noise from the street
- excellent visual characteristics
– high level of insolation
– no upstairs neighbors (when living on the top floor)

- noise from neighbors living in apartments located below and above
– significant inconvenience in case of breakdown of elevators
– wasted time waiting for elevators
- the impossibility of living for people with a fear of heights and confined spaces
– significant difficulties with evacuation in case of fires and emergencies

Escape exits

In the event that an unforeseen situation occurs (fire, ignition), it is easiest for people on the first, second floors and even third floors to evacuate from the building compared to the floors above. Therefore, according to the plan, in all multi-storey buildings there should be a fire escape, through which people can get out of the fire.

Attention! There should also be fire fighting equipment, this is especially true for the upper floors!

Availability of an elevator

In the event that you are going to purchase an apartment that is located above the level of the fifth floor, an obligatory condition for the layout of the house is the presence of an elevator. Nowadays, newly built skyscrapers are equipped with elevators from the first floor to the last. Moreover, there is both a conventional elevator and a lifting one, which allows people to easily transport heavy loads, such as furniture, on such a device.

In the days of the USSR, when there were no lifting elevators in skyscrapers, people had a very hard time. Now, all conditions are created for people to live on the floors above with pleasure.

What is not unimportant is the number of elevator equipment. If the layout of the house itself is sufficiently extensive, for example, if the house is of a corridor type, which means there are more than four apartments on the site or section, then there should be at least two elevators. Otherwise, you will get to the house for quite a long time.

The correct location of communications in the house

When buying an apartment, ask the developer how the plan is to conduct water and sanitation, as well as heating systems. To avoid unpleasant situations, when the water pressure is weaker with each floor, and the heat supply in winter is much better than, for example, on the sixteenth floor.

View from the windows

Many people are worried about what kind of view they will have from their window, for example, in the bedroom or in the kitchen. And while some people don't really care, others take it very seriously.

  • If your house is located not quite in a beautiful area, where the windows overlook, say, a garbage dump or an abandoned court, it is better to take an apartment on the floor above, so as not to see all the decoration.
  • And if the location of the house is in the center or a residential area, and not on the outskirts, then any floor will do, depending on how convenient it is for you.

The presence of sound insulation

For those buyers who do not want to be disturbed by neighbors above or below, the preferred choice is the first or last floor. But, there are other options, independently make soundproofing in the rooms. It is not cheap, but the effect is amazing.

The environmental side of the issue

In big cities where the traffic is so huge and the exhaust from the cars is in the air, it is better to get an apartment as high as possible. After all, the higher your apartment, the better and cleaner the air in the room will be. This means that by opening the windows in the morning in the hope of enjoying clean air, you will enjoy, and not close again, because the morning air is already saturated with exhaust from cars, smoking passers-by and the like.

Attention! In any case, when choosing a floor, it is worth considering all the nuances if the building is under construction, because sometimes it is impossible to predict exactly where the highway will run, where the new plant will be built, in order to create all the comfortable conditions that are possible.

  1. It is worth considering carefully when buying an apartment on the first floor. If there is a comfortable, fenced equipped playground, this option is more suitable for family people. Since, you can safely let the children play on the playground on their own, without fear that the children will run out beyond its limits (if there are no parking spaces nearby for parking the residents' cars).
  2. The myth that living on the upper floors is hard and uncomfortable is outdated. In new buildings, everything is thought out so carefully that the "upper" tenants are not only provided with an elevator for comfortable living, but also have a beautiful view from the window. The owners of such apartments will see the city at night with a panorama in all colors.
  3. Try to correlate as much as possible all the pros and cons specifically for you when choosing a floor. Find out in advance how communications will be conducted.
  4. Usually, there are no balconies on the first floors, so if you basically need access to open space, you should take care to purchase an apartment on the floor above the first one.
  5. Make sure that the windows of the apartment face different sides of the house, this is not possible on some floors, due to the fact that the layout of the apartment is different.
  6. Apartments located above the third and fourth floors are definitely not suitable for people of retirement age, since elevator mechanisms often fail, and it is difficult to climb to the floor above the fourth floor with bags of groceries on your own.

Advantages and disadvantages of buying an apartment in a new building

On the first floor


  • There is no fee for using the elevator, because it will not be difficult to go up and down on your own even with a stroller, since there are special ramps in newly built houses, and anyone will overcome three or four steps.
  • It is possible to break a small garden in front of the windows, enclosing it with a fence. You can plant not only flowers, but small vegetables and even fruit trees. You will always enjoy the view from the window, and taking care of the plants will make you spend more time outdoors.
  • In the event of a fire or a large fire, you can, bypassing obstacles, jump out the window or exit through the common entrance.
  • Living space on the first floors will significantly save the family budget, because it costs an order of magnitude less than apartments "in the middle".
  • There is a possibility of redevelopment of the apartment for commercial purposes with a separate entrance.
  • There is no option to flood neighbors from below.
  • For family people, it is very important if you have children, as your neighbors will not complain about the eternal clatter, roar or something else coming from you from above.


  • The big disadvantage of the first floors is the view from the window, because, as a rule, the upper floors are famous for wonderful pictures of the city at night or a beautiful sunrise. Then on the ground floor, perhaps, a view of garbage cans, a noisy and dusty highway will open.
  • Security against thieves is associated with the installation of bars on the windows. These devices would not have any design, it would look like a prison or a cell.
  • Lack of soundproofing. Although it is generally accepted that double-glazed windows absorb noise from the outside in many situations, the noise from cars passing nearby, especially if the house is close to the road, cannot be eliminated by windows.

    The same applies to families with children, if your apartment is located on the ground floor, you need to make sure that the windows of the children's room overlook the courtyard at best than the road. Then it will be possible to air the nursery while the child is sleeping, without disturbing his sleep with the noise of cars, signals and other things. A similar situation with passers-by, who, for sure, will be heard from the window and the sound of the intercom.

  • Air pollution is also a big drawback, as passers-by can smoke, which will carry the smell of cigarettes into the apartment, and car exhausts. All this will not only carry into the apartment, but also settle on the window frames.
  • As a rule, the first floors are not equipped with access to the balcony, that is, you will have to dry the washed things either at home or go out into the courtyard. But it is possible to attach a balcony on your own, although it will be costly, but neighbors from other first floors will admire.
  • If the house is not built correctly, then it is possible to pull dampness into the apartment from the basement, or the appearance of “wet” bottoms of the walls, which is due to incorrect / or lack of waterproofing of the walls with the foundation.
  • If dampness is present in the basement, the appearance of unpleasant living creatures in the apartment.

On the second


  • The presence of a balcony, which means you can go out and enjoy the view not only on the street, but also at home. The ability to put an infant to sleep in the air without leaving home.
  • Slightly less impact of noise and dirt compared to the first floor.
  • It is possible to carry heavy loads, like a stroller or furniture on their own, if the elevator does not work.
  • Climbing to the second floor is possible for the elderly.
  • Rapid evacuation in emergency situations.


  • There is a possibility of flooding neighbors from below.
  • Neighbors downstairs who can move from residential to non-residential and open a small business can create even more noise.
  • An unpresentable view from the window is also possible.

Third to eighth


  • The most favorable number of storeys of the apartment for people who are afraid of too high a height.
  • These floors are the "golden mean", so if you want to sell an apartment, you can make good money on it.
  • The possibility of dampness or living creatures running from the basement is almost excluded.
  • A beautiful view opens from the window, provided that the houses are not too close to each other, otherwise you can only see what the neighbors are doing in another house.
  • Even if the elevator has broken down, it is still possible to climb the steps on your own, unlike the floors above.
  • The air that passes into the apartment through the windows is clean and fresh, since it almost does not reach this level of floors (if there are no factories nearby). You can safely open the windows if the apartment is stuffy and hot in summer, without fear of suffocating in the exhaust of cars.
  • Excellent sound insulation, regardless of which side the windows face (into the courtyard or onto the road), the noise will be much less than on the first floors.


  • The cost of such an apartment is higher, so when buying, you will have to fork out significantly.
  • Neighbors surround you from all sides, so it’s good if you don’t come across one of the rock musicians, or people in eternal repair, otherwise you will have to isolate the walls from noise on your own, which is quite expensive.
  • People of retirement age have the opportunity to rise no higher than the fourth floor, if the elevator is not working.

eighth to sixteenth


  • Nice window view.
  • Absolutely no noise from the street and the presence of dust and pollution.
  • Sufficient sunlight.


  • If the elevator breaks down, getting into the apartment is quite problematic.
  • There may be emissions from nearby factories, if any.
  • Slight loss of time while waiting for the elevator.
  • It is difficult to evacuate in case of emergency.

From the sixteenth and up


  • If the apartment is on the top floor, then there are no neighbors from above, which means that no one will flood you.
  • It is possible to make a garden or even a swimming pool on the roof of the house, with the right technology and permission.
  • The view of the city at night from the skyscraper is much more beautiful.
  • No noise from the street.


  • People with a fear of heights should not live.
  • Difficult evacuation in case of emergency.
  • On the top floor, the temperature will be much higher in summer, as the heat will additionally come from the roof.
  • For a beautiful window view, the developer will ask for a “good” amount upon sale.

Full or semi-mansard?

In general, the only difference is that the presentation of the attic floor also opens up a beautiful view, and is not so expensive. But the downside is that the walls, as a rule, are located in a geometric shape, so the inconvenient placement of furniture and a large hiding of usable space is provided. The best choice there will be a full floor, rather than a half-attic.

Features of corner apartments

Main Feature is that corner apartments may be colder due to their structure if the house is panel, then blowing into the cracks is possible, and in winter the corner freezes. When the apartment is not corner, the walls will always be warm, if only because they are heated by heat from the neighbors.

But all these are relics of the past, in our time, as a rule, houses are built using new technologies, so the occurrence of such an ailment is very minimal.

Which floor is better for human health?

  1. For the health of the buyer and his family, it is better to choose an apartment from the fourth to the eighth floor, since from the fourth to the eighth floor, harmful substances from cars do not get out at all, and after the eighth floor, pollution from nearby factories that emit carbon monoxide into the atmosphere is possible.
  2. If we are talking about the elderly, then it is better to recommend floors no higher than the third or fourth, where it is possible to independently climb the stairs if the elevator is broken. There is also room for more outdoor mobility rather than the sedentary (assuming broken) elevators found on the upper floors.
  3. Another condition when choosing a floor in terms of health is that on the floors located above the air is quite diffused, it can be difficult for asthmatics or people with respiratory problems to breathe.

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Watch the video on which floor to choose when buying an apartment:


From this article, you have learned the most favorable floors in a newly built building, both for young couples, and for older people and pensioners. When guided by what you want to have more.

Convenience for entering and exiting the apartment or the beauty of the view from the window. Consider the possibility of replenishment in your family, if it concerns a young couple, whether you can lower the stroller yourself down the elevator or it is too narrow, or the new house does not have a lifting elevator.

The most favorable purchase of an apartment will be from the third to the fifth floor!

The choice of floor depends on the number of storeys of the building, location, family composition of the buyer and other conditions. Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment in a new building, everyone decides for himself. What to look for when choosing in 2019 is listed below.

Cons and pros of the first floor in a new building

A common practice for most new buildings is that apartments on the ground floor are cheaper than others. What is it like to live on the ground floor? Several inconveniences:

  • life passes in full view of passers-by or behind thick curtains;
  • neighborhood with a slamming front door, neighbors smoking on the porch and a garbage chute;
  • the likelihood of robbery with access through the windows;
  • dirty landings and elevator hall due to traffic.

These are not all the reasons why the first floor is bad when buying an apartment. According to reviews, it can be cold and damp there.. In new houses, the risk of basement flooding is minimized, and the quality of construction excludes cold floors in most cases. The problems of the lower floor, characteristic of five-story panel buildings, are a thing of the past.

The advantages of the apartment on the first floor are:

  • independence from the operation of the elevator;
  • convenience for people with limited mobility;
  • Fire safety;
  • possibility of converting non-residential premises;
  • the possibility of redevelopment with the transfer of wet areas.

And someone just likes to watch what is happening in the yard or admire a self-planted flower bed under the window. For this, it makes sense to buy an apartment on the lower floor.

Apartment on the 2nd floor: pros and cons

In new buildings Residential Properties more often it starts from the second floor, since commercial premises are located below. The second floor has the same advantages as the first, but privacy is added to them - passers-by do not look into the windows of the apartment on the second floor.

An apartment on the second floor, if there is a commercial premises under it, the disadvantages depend on what kind of establishment is located there: a “fragrant” catering establishment or a store with noise and vibration from commercial equipment and unloading machines, possible rats and cockroaches, round-the-clock lighting.

Golden mean

The concept of "middle floors" is blurred in new buildings. These have always been considered floors from the third to the eighth. Today, the number of storeys in new buildings has grown to 30 or more floors, so floors up to the 20th are considered average.

If you choose which floor is better - 3 or 5, then in a five-story building it would be the third, and in a higher-rise building - the fifth. When asked which floor is better - 6 or 9, there is no definite answer.

It is believed that by the eighth floor, the concentration of exhaust gases decreases, the air becomes cleaner. Exhaust gases from cars are collected at the level of 2-3 floors, so if the house is located next to the road, it is better to choose higher housing for purchase. On the other hand, if a boiler house or a thermal power plant is operating nearby, their emissions are maximum at the level of 7-8 floors. So in each case, you need to choose and judge based on the location of the house.

The apartments, located no higher than the 9th floor, can theoretically be reached by stairs by a person who does not suffer from chronic diseases. Apartments up to the 9th floor are considered safe for health, unlike higher-rise apartments, where living can lead to problems with pressure and the cardiovascular system.

In the event of a fire, people are evacuated through the stairs equipped with fire trucks. Their length is 56 meters, that is, with a ceiling height of up to 2.8 m, such a staircase will reach a maximum of 18 floors. Therefore, when asked which floor to choose in a 25-storey building, the recommendation: no higher than the 17th floor.

Thus, the advantages of buying apartments on the middle floors are obvious:

  • cleaner air;
  • accessibility without an elevator;
  • possibility of evacuation.

high floors

Floors above the ninth can be safely called high. At apartments on high levels good views from the windows are added to the advantages of medium height, especially if the new building is not located in a dense environment of high-rise buildings.

The higher, the less neighbors, and therefore cleaner on the stairs. Mosquitoes do not fly to high altitude. The air here is much cleaner, the sun looks into the apartments more often.

Last floor

If earlier the last floor was treated with caution, and it cost at the level of apartments on the first floor, today the situation has changed dramatically. In most new buildings, this is the most prestigious location. For many buyers, especially young people, the answer to the question of whether to buy an apartment on the top floor is definitely yes.

The negative to the top floor used to be associated with possible leaks due to rain. Today, this problem is solved by using modern technologies and roofing materials. In addition, in many new buildings above the upper residential floor the technical floor is located.

Why is the last floor bad when buying apartments in 2019? Another drawback that was in the old houses is the poor water pressure on the upper floors. In new buildings, communications are wired from above, not from below, so that it is the upper floors that are best provided with water.

So, why are apartments on the upper floors more expensive:

  • no upstairs neighbors;
  • beautiful views from the windows;
  • sufficient insolation;
  • the probability of leaks from above is minimized, and if they happen, then it is easier to prove the fault of the management company and recover damages from it than from one of the neighbors.

Is it worth taking an apartment on the top floor in a new building? If there are no health problems and fear of heights, definitely worth it. Reviews about life on the upper floors in a new building are in most cases positive.

Is it harmful to live on high floors?

Studies on the safety of living at heights have been carried out repeatedly. There is no direct ban on living on high floors. There is no direct relationship between living in an apartment on the top floor and health problems. However, when buying an apartment, you should carefully choose the floor for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and having high blood pressure.

Regular ups and downs in the elevator can cause pressure surges. Added to this are panic attacks from fear of heights and claustrophobia. Even if a person is not diagnosed with mental and psychological pathologies, he may be afraid of life at a height for some other reason.

The best floor for living is the one on which a person is comfortable, where he can easily reach by elevator or stairs, where he can open a window or look down without fear.

Watch helpful video

Relationship between floor and lifestyle

If you answer the question which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment according to Feng Shui, then you should buy only an apartment on the ground floor, since the dwelling should be on the ground. This is not without meaning, but it can be interpreted more widely. For people who are practical and “steady on their feet”, apartments on the lower floors are more suitable, and for those who value creativity and flight of thought, it is better to choose housing at a height.

The best floor for living

The first and last floors have their advantages, the advantages of middle and high floors are clear. Which floor is the most comfortable for living, everyone decides on their own.

First and last floor - which is better to choose? For most buyers, the top floor is better. Elevator failures are rare, and new buildings have two or three elevators in case one of them fails. If necessary, a person without health problems will reach the top floor by stairs, albeit with stops. But for people with limited mobility, people with a fear of heights and fears about a possible evacuation, there is no choice between which floor is better - 1 or some other. Only the first.

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment in a 17-storey building? Any that the buyer likes, taking into account the composition of his family and the location of the house.

According to experts, when a house is located near a busy road, it is better to choose floors from the fifth and above, but if there is a boiler room or a thermal power plant nearby, it is better to choose floors from the third to the seventh or the last levels.

As for which floors sell best, the answer is obvious - all floors sell best, except for the first and second, located above the commercial premises. In new buildings, the cost of apartments increases along with the number of storeys. The higher the apartment is, the more expensive it is. Most buyers prefer high-rise housing. So if buying an apartment is an investment, then it is better to choose a higher location, but taking into account the possibility of evacuation, that is, no higher than the 18th floor.

✅ secondary or primary housing - which is more profitable and easier to purchase.

II. How to choose an apartment in a new building for housing

secondary or primary

Advantages and disadvantages of primary housing:​

long-term, but economical option - at the construction stage, the price is much lower than in the secondary market; wait for the completion of construction, possible double costs - paying a mortgage and renting a house
the opportunity to save on mortgages - reduced interest rates for new buildings, the program "mortgage at 6%", promotions from developers; modern structural elements - panoramic windows, bay windows and more;
insulated facades - reduces heating costs; repair costs;
modern layout of the apartment; noise from renovation of neighbors;
fire safety; risk of “freezing” construction - since 2014, all developers have been insured against unfinished construction, but you will lose time first waiting for construction, and then receiving insurance payments, and throughout this time you will pay for rented housing.
freight elevators;
the ability to change the layout depending on the type of house;
fresh engineering communications;
landscaping and gardening, modern children's and sports grounds;
complex development of the area - hospitals, schools, shopping centers and so on;
sufficient number of parking spaces;
clean history of the apartment;
quality guarantee 5 years for all designs, 3 years - for communication;
for a very long time it will be “new housing”;

Advantages and disadvantages of the secondary:

you can see the apartment you are buying, evaluate the view from the window, planning solution, convenience housing is no longer modern, socially obsolete
call in right away - you don't have to wait for construction; the cost of housing is higher;
there is no risk of freezing construction or bankruptcy of the developer and loss of funds; the legal history of the object is unknown - for example, the sudden appearance of heirs is possible;
it is almost impossible to change the layout to your taste;
repair costs are higher than in a new building;
repair time - longer;
there are no promotions and special programs for mortgage lending for secondary housing with a reduced interest rate;
the cost of insurance is higher, because housing is no longer considered new - the cost of insurance increases with the age of the house from 50 years;
lack of a sufficient number of parking lots, modern children's and sports grounds.

In what areachoose a new building

🗺 Location.It is necessary to take into account the characteristics that are important specifically for you: distance from the center, work, study, relatives, entertainment venues in the city, and so on. As for the price - as a rule, it is cheaper to purchase new buildings in new microdistricts closer to the outskirts of the city. A new building in the city center will be more expensive, but in the future the price of such an apartment will be much higher than the existing secondary buildings in the houses in the neighborhood. In the future, such an apartment will be easier to sell or exchange.

🏥 Infrastructure.If you are buying an apartment just for yourself, start from the essentials: grocery stores, pharmacies, hairdressers, clinics and shopping centers within walking distance. Owners of a personal car should pay attention to the availability of parking or a garage cooperative. Moreover, the number of apartments in the house and parking spaces in the house should ideally be in a ratio of 1:1.

Those who plan to move in with their families should monitor the nearest schools, kindergartens, playgrounds and sports grounds. Check with the developer about the planned development if the microdistrict is completely new. Sometimes objects necessary for life are introduced late in the project. You can get into a situation where schools and hospitals will be built only after a few years of your settlement.

If the house has already been put into operation, and the area is inhabited, the best option will go to the area he likes and walk around it on his own. So you visually evaluate the infrastructure, future neighbors. Visit your intended area of ​​residence on weekdays and weekends, during the day and in the evening, to get a complete picture. Pay attention to street lighting, the arrangement of garbage cans, the design of electrical panels.

🛣 Transport interchange.If you have a personal car, make sure that the house has a parking lot with enough spaces or a garage cooperative nearby. When choosing a new building in microdistricts, note the travel time from the center or place of work to home. Estimate how much you will spend on the road during quiet times during rush hour, focusing on the traffic situation in your city.

Pedestrians need to check the bus routes, how close the nearest metro and stops are from home, how often the necessary routes run. Alternatively, open 2GIS, enter the address of the house or the name of the residential complex and get directions to the center, work, university, relatives. Then find the electronic timetable and see how often the buses you need run. It is desirable that there are several options for routes to choose from, so as not to depend on a single bus that runs once an hour.

🌳 Ecology.Make sure that there are no factories or other industries with the release of harmful substances near the residential complex. If you value silence and comfort, consider houses in the depths of the area to avoid gas pollution and noise from the roads. If the developer is implementing a completely new area, ask if landscaping, parks and squares are planned.


Developer. Now the market real estate offers many options from old and new developers, big and small companies. In order not to fall into long-term construction or even freeze construction when choosing an equity participation, carefully study the reputation of the developer. It is better to choose a developer, starting from:

📌 many years of experience;

📌 building volume;

📌 quantity and quality of completed projects;

📌 Availability project documentation and licenses;

📌 cooperation with leading banks.

Among young projects there are affiliated companies market leaders or third-party projects. In such cases, the new developer company will definitely indicate that it belongs to a trusted developer.

Many developers place a section on their websites where you can watch an online broadcast of the construction process. If you are considering an organization with little experience, but great deals- give preference to those for the process of which you can observe.

Execution material. The type of house will determine the speed of the announcement, your personal comfort, the cost of housing and how long the house will last. Consider the advantages, disadvantages, speed of construction and service life:

🔶 panel house - cheap and fast;

🔶 brick - high quality and durable;

🔶 monolithic - average price, short construction period.


rapid development low ceilings
affordable prices due to low cost of materials most of the walls are load-bearing, it is impossible to change the layout
black finish available low sound insulation due to thin walls - good audibility of noise from the street and from neighbors
typical house plans - any series can be found on the Internet, you will know exactly what result you will get non-environmentally friendly materials with formaldehyde and phenol - be sure to check the composition so as not to purchase housing that is unhealthy

Construction period: 3-12 months

Service life: 40-50 years


variety of layouts high cost up to 2 times more expensive per square meter
high ceilings long construction time
high heat and noise insulation - brick walls muffle noise 6 times stronger than panel and 2 times - monolithic shrinkage is uneven and takes about a year, which can affect repairs
microclimate balance - it will not be hot in summer and cold in winter

Construction period: 1.5-2 years

Service life: 150 years


seasonal construction thanks to technology long-term development
unlimited number of storeys, architecture, layouts high price
due to one-piece design, flooding due to leaking pipes is excluded in the absence of partitions in the apartment, you will have to spend time and effort on their design and construction
possibility of free redevelopment
smooth walls even in rough finish, making cosmetic repairs easier
good sound insulation - you will not hear your neighbors, but shock noises are transmitted along the walls

Construction period: 9-12 months

Service life: 100-150 years

Construction stage.The cost of housing, the improvement of the residential area and the speed of settlement will depend on this. If you want to save money choose share building, but you will have to wait until you move in and spend time and money on repairs. If you want to buy a ready-made apartment in a populated area, give preference to completed quarters - this option is more expensive, but less risky. You will be able to assess the quality of future housing already in fact.

Which floor is better to choose in a new building

1st floor

The cost is lower than other floors by 10-20%; High noise level from the street and from the entrance;
no elevator needed; lack of balconies;
can be transferred to non-residential premises; the need to protect housing from robbers - installation of gratings, alarms;
quick evacuation in case of force majeure; low level of natural light;
you will not flood the neighbors; high gas pollution, if there is a highway nearby.
good water pressure at the bottom wiring.

2nd floor

The advantages are almost identical to real estate on the first floors, with the exception of the transfer to non-residential premises; The cost of soundproofing the floor - if the lower premises are transferred to non-residential areas, the level of daytime noise will increase;
you can not put protection against penetration; unpleasant odors or even insects are possible if a grocery store or cafe is located below;
if there are commercial premises below, you will not be disturbed by neighbors at night. high gas content.

3-7 floor

Slight dependence on broken elevators;
comfortable level for those who do not like height;
greater penetration of natural light.

8-16 floor

Fresh air; The level of air pollution rises if there is a boiler room or industrial area nearby;
low noise level from the street; dependence on elevators - inconvenience in case of breakdown, long descent and ascent if there are not enough of them;
attractive view from the windows. discomfort with fear of heights;
difficulties with evacuation in emergency situations.

Last floors

Panoramic view; Low water pressure when divorced from the bottom up;
the ability to organize an attic floor; higher cost;
good water pressure when distributing from top to bottom; noise from the elevator mechanism;
no upstairs neighbors. discomfort with fear of heights.

To decideon which floor to buy an apartment, evaluate:

✅ the total number of storeys of the area's development - this will affect the view from the windows;

✅ fire safety - organization of a fire extinguishing system and evacuation from the upper floors;

✅ the principle of operation of engineering systems - the lower or upper water distribution will affect the pressure depending on the floor;

✅ number of elevators - for multi-storey buildings of apartment entrances, at least 4 elevators are required - 2 freight and 2 passenger.

How to choose the layout of an apartment in a new building

Closed.All rooms are isolated from each other, there are no walk-through rooms. This is a convenient option for a couple with children or spouses who work from home or work overtime. In the latter case, one or two rooms can be converted into an office. The disadvantage of such apartments is the corridors. These are additional square meters, and if the corridors are narrow, their space cannot be used practically. Therefore, if you want completely isolated rooms, the cost of housing will increase significantly.

Open.These are studios or lofts. The first option is economical, the second is more expensive and is suitable for connoisseurs of space. The studios are suitable for singles or young couples without children. The advantages of small open apartments are low cost, less landscaping costs. Of the minuses - the lack of personal space and the need to purchase a more spacious apartment when the children appear.

Partially open.European version of the layout, where the kitchen and living room are combined. A convenient option for those who like to receive guests or gather with the whole family at the kitchen table. In such an apartment, the overall quadrature is more rationally used, although there are also closed rooms for privacy.

III. Which building to invest in

Investment options

To save finances from inflation, invest in real estate. The main thing is to evaluate its liquidity and remember that the process of making money on real estate is a protracted one. It will not work to get a quick growth of money in 2 months.

Investment options:

🔵 resale;

🔵 rent;

🔵 transfer to non-residential premises;

🔵 purchase of apartments;

🔵 buyback from the developer.

Resale.Here it is necessary to understand the situation in the market. It is better to seek the help of real estate analysts and experts in order to assess the risks and rewards in the long term. Especially if you buy an apartment in a house under construction. The price can change a lot in a few years - both rise and fall.

Rent.This is a long-term but stable payback. Renting will not only beat off the initial cost of the apartment, but will also give a profit in plus. However, the process will take more than 10 years. You can rent both residential and non-residential premises. In the second option, you have the right to raise the rental price, but be prepared for less demand and stable earnings.

Transfer to non-residential premises.If you buy an inexpensive apartment on the ground floor and re-register it in commercial real estate, the amount for resale will rise. There is a minus - you may not be allowed to transfer the object to non-residential. As a result, you will become the owner of an apartment that is not in great demand. You will sell such an object longer and cheaper.

Acquisition of apartments.This is a non-residential type of housing with a different legal status. Sometimes this is due to the land under the apartment, although the apartment itself complies with all housing standards and SNiPs. The benefit is that apartments are cheaper by 20-30%. The disadvantage is the inability to obtain a permanent residence permit, tax benefits and deductions. Because of the last point, the maintenance of such an apartment is more expensive than usual. Therefore, the most profitable option is to resell such a property for more than the purchase amount or rent it out.

Buyback.Some developers offer redeem finished apartment after the construction of a residential complex and add 10% to its original cost. This is a kind of safety cushion - if you do not like the development, infrastructure, the apartment itself, you return your money and receive a surcharge from above. In this case, you will either win back investments or get a small profit.

Investment strategy: rent or sell

Let us examine in more detail the main strategies for investing in housing. Depending on the characteristics of each, it is worth making a start in choosing an apartment.


Advantages Flaws
monthly Does not require labor costs after the sale of the apartment. You need to find solvent tenants, collect rent once a month and pay taxes. Small income. If you purchased an apartment with a mortgage, it is necessary that the amount of the monthly mortgage payment does not exceed the rent.
Daily More income compared to renting an apartment on a monthly basis. The risk of damage to furniture and household appliances is great. We will have to organize a daily display of housing, organize cleaning and change of linen. It is possible to hire an intermediary landlord, but this will increase the costs.

You will have to look for tenants in both cases. It will be necessary to update the repair, monitor the condition of the furniture. Tenants can delay payments, damage furniture, or move out of the apartment before the agreed date without paying at all. Conflicts with neighbors due to frequent changes of tenants or noise are not ruled out.


Increasing percentage of sales.After the sale, we invest the proceeds at interest in a bank or several banks. You make a profit from interest and do not bother yourself with repairs, finding tenants and other expenses.

Resale growth.You sell the apartment bought at the excavation stage for more than the original cost and use the proceeds to purchase the next new building. Repeat the pattern as many times as needed.

secondary or primary

Primary.The best option is to buy real estate at the construction stage. The earlier the stage, the lower the cost. Experts advise to enter into equity participation at the stage of excavation. In the process of building the cost of the apartment will increase by 40-50%. If you choose a house of the second or third stage of the project, you will be able to assess the overall progress of development, view the objects put into operation.

Resale.It will cost more, but you will avoid the risk of long-term construction. A suitable option is to purchase it in a mortgage, rent out a finished apartment and pay off the debt from the rent. But real estate must be highly liquid to recoup your costs.


Region.It is not necessary to purchase real estate in your city. You can consider all the cities of Russia if you have a trusted representative or you yourself are often on the road. For example, in million-plus cities, there is more liquid housing.

Infrastructure.It is advisable to visit the building area or finished house yourself or send a representative. Learn the distance from the metro, routes public transport and general road layout. Developed infrastructure will increase the final cost of the apartment, so pay attention to the availability of schools, kindergartens, clinics and shopping centers nearby.

District development plan.Ask the city administration about plans for building up the area for several years ahead. For example, if a factory with hazardous production is being built nearby, it will be harder to sell an apartment.

Analyze the house plan. If several more new buildings are put into operation in the residential complex you like, you will have high competition in sales.

The choice of a new building

Developer.Choose a trusted builder with many years of experience, successful projects and delivery of houses on time. The confirmation of the power of attorney will be cooperation with big banks countries or parent companies from the market leaders of developers.

Execution material:

📍 panel - fast construction, high demand, low cost; classic layouts that cannot be changed;

📍 brick - long building, high cost for implementation, high housing characteristics;

📍 monolithic - medium in terms of characteristics, high demand, medium and high price; You can change the layout, which is more attractive to buyers.

Choosing an apartment in a new buildingfor renting it is better to stop at brick and monolithic houses. They are much more comfortable to live in and are in great demand among tenants. However, such apartments will require a large investment from you. less demand for rent

The cost and demand for a particular floor strongly depends on the area, its infrastructure and the region of the purchased housing. To determine the liquidity of the floor, it is necessary to build on the characteristics of the city and the characteristics of the development.


Number of rooms.The most popular are one-room and two-room apartments. Demand for one-room apartments - 40% of the total market share. In second place are two-room apartments.

In a one-room apartment, you will invest less money both for the purchase and for the arrangement. Income from it help out faster and more. This applies to both sales and rentals.

Possibility of redevelopment.A big role is played by the ability to change the layout to your liking. If you are selling an apartment in a new building, give preference to monolithic houses- they have the most flexible characteristics for changing interior partitions.

You can cheat and make two out of one apartment. For example, you buy a odnushka from 30-40 m 2 . It can be divided into two studios from 15–20 m 2 and rent not one, but two apartments. We will have to invest in repairs, redevelopment, the creation of another kitchen area and a bathroom.

Let's calculate the approximate payback of this option. Suppose the cost of housing cost you 2 million rubles. As a one-room apartment, you will rent it for 15 thousand rubles and receive 180 thousand profits per year. If we divide 2 million by 180 thousand, we will find out the payback period - 11 years and 1 month. To to know percentage of net annual income, divide 180 thousand by 2 million and multiply by 100% - you get 9% excluding repair costs.

Now let's calculate the income from dividing the apartment into studios. Let's say you rent each for 12 thousand, which means you receive 24,000 rubles a month, or 288 thousand a year. Annual income excluding repairs will be 14.4%, and the payback will be reduced to 6 years and 9 months.

When to buy

Since 2018, changes in the legislation come into force. According to the article of the Federal Law No. 218, there will be a gradual abandonment of equity participation agreements. Due to the changes, analysts predict a 20-30% increase in prices from autumn 2018. If you buy an apartment in a new building in the near future, in 1-2 years its value will rise by 50-60%.

For example, you purchase an apartment worth 2 million rubles on August 15, 2018. A year later, its base price rises by 40-50%. Excluding the costs of paperwork and repairs, your profit from the sale will be about 30% - 600 thousand rubles.

How to calculate the payback of an apartment

The investment attractiveness of real estate is calculated by the coefficient "price / rent". That is, the ratio of the cost of housing to the amount of rent for the year, excluding costs. As a result, we get an amount equal to the number of years of payback of the apartment.

For example, the cost of housing was 3.5 million rubles. You rent an apartment for 30 thousand rubles a month - this is 360,000 rubles a year. Divide 3.5 million by 360 thousand and get 9.7.

It depends on the coefficient whether the apartment is more suitable for buying or renting:

✒ from 1 to 15 - the price is more attractive for buying than for renting;

✒ from 16 to 20 - slightly higher, but still acceptable for purchase;

✒ from 21 and above - high price, it is better to rent housing.

If you add to the calculations the costs of home improvement, interior design, and so on, the payback period will increase.

IV. Treaty

Regardless of the purpose of the acquisition, be sure to study the contract in detail. You may be offered various formats of agreements. So far, the most profitable option is equity participation.

In some cases, you may be offered an agreement under which you give money now, and sign the main sale and purchase agreement only when you hand over the apartment. Avoid such options, otherwise you will not fall under the protection of Article 214-FZ.

Carefully study the obligations of the developer as part of the transfer of the apartment. Don't agree to conditions where the developer hands over the keys within a certain number of days after the house is put into use. You can lose your apartment if the commissioning of the facility is not approved. The contract should clearly state the deadline for the delivery of the object and, accordingly, the issuance of keys - for example, the IV quarter of 2018.


Get clear on your budget, an airbag and boundaries you can't go beyond. Analyze what will be more profitable for you - to save the necessary amount or to get a mortgage. Calculate monthly payments, possible profit and loss.

Explore the area carefully- comfort of living, transport interchange, ecological situation. If you are planning to start a family, take care of the future and choose an area with developed infrastructure.

Choose an experienced builderwith a wide base of completed projects. Evaluate the reputation of the developer on the Internet, check whether he delivers objects on time and with which partners he cooperates.

Do not agree to "slippery" terms of the contractcheck the exact terms and conditions.

Take advantage of the help of professionals in choosing housing.The real estate industry in Russia does not stand still. Now there are many professionals on the market who are guided in the intricacies of choosing housing and real estate investments. Seek help from qualified realtors and analysts to save time and money.