Projects of frame houses 8x8 2 floors. Frame house projects

What could be better than living in a beautiful and comfortable home in the lap of nature? Many people dream about it. How to fulfill a dream and build a house with your own hands? We advise you to familiarize yourself with the projects and step-by-step instructions for construction frame house 8x8.

Features of frame technology

frame construction can be carried out in different ways, but the most accessible and common of them is frame-frame. Peculiarity this option lies in the fact that the frame of the future building is being built right on the site. The involvement of heavy construction equipment is not required. The method allows you to implement any design project, build a house of any perimeter and number of storeys, with an attic, veranda, basement and basement, one or another roof slope, as well as build a bathhouse, a garage, a gazebo.

The average time to build a house using frame-frame technology is no more than 2 months. If you use a well-thought-out insulation system, you can achieve high energy-saving properties, good noise and waterproofing.

As a rule, such houses are placed on a pile-screw foundation. It should be taken into account that the construction costs actually turn out to be 10-20% more than planned.

Preparatory stages of construction

At each stage, you can act independently if you have confidence in your abilities. And you can attract specialists to solve certain problems. For example, entrust the layout and design solutions to an architect or designer, and entrust the obtaining of an official building permit to a lawyer.

So, we list the necessary actions:

  • building layout;
  • creation of constructive solutions;
  • choice of heating method;
  • study of the possibility of connecting to engineering communications (electricity, water supply, sewerage);
  • calculation of the cubic capacity of building materials;
  • selection and purchase of consumables for construction;
  • approval of the project and obtaining a building permit in the regulatory authorities.

How to choose a frame house project?

Exist finished projects one-story and two-storey houses 8 by 8. You can order an individual plan, but it will cost more. A building according to a standard project will also have individuality and high level comfort.

Frame houses 8 by 8 are built as outside the city (in cottage villages or on a personal plot), and within the city. They are quite budget, but at the same time comfortable. Standard projects are adapted to the climatic zone.

When choosing a layout, you need to take into account the needs of the family and your financial capabilities.

The project of a two-story house with a closed terrace

For a big family good option will two-storey house 8x8. The terrace creates additional comfort for the residents of the house. You can enter the house through the corridor - it is a kind of buffer zone and allows you to keep warm.

In the hallway there is a special place for storing clothes and shoes. On the ground floor, according to the plan, there is a kitchen, a living room, as well as a bathroom (toilet and a fairly spacious bathroom). Many modern design projects involve combining the kitchen and living room into a single area. The second floor is the personal space of the owners with bedrooms, an office or a hall.

Project of a one-story house with a garage

Perhaps a project with a house and a garage located on the same foundation is the most practical solution. But you should not try to attach a garage to any house that you like on a website on the Internet on your own.

It is not enough to make an additional extension, you need to professionally calculate the load-bearing structures, the roof, the load on the foundation, and think over the conduct of engineering communications. In addition, it is important to think over the proportions, calculate the angle of inclination of the roof, so that the attached roof of the garage does not look ridiculous, inharmonious. Consider the pros and cons of this project.

Advantages of a house project with a garage:

  • due to the fact that the buildings are united by one foundation, space is freed up on the site for other needs;
  • the garage is easy to make warm, since radiators can be connected to it to heat the house;
  • heat losses are minimized due to the fact that the garage and the house are tightly adjacent to each other and the installation of communications (water supply and heating systems) does not require deepening into the ground;
  • there are significant savings due to the fact that bearing walls, roof and foundation are common;

  • you can get into the garage directly from the house, which is very important in winter;
  • security and fire protection systems can be made unified;
  • an extension for the garage can be made spacious and equipped with a billiard room, sauna or gym.

However, in addition to the advantages, this project also has a disadvantage, which is that cottage with an extension in the form of a garage is well suited for flat areas. If there are hills and slopes, then it is necessary to additionally level the landscape.

Depending on the characteristics of the landscape and climate, one and three types of frame house foundations are used:

  • monolithic;
  • tape;
  • tape-columnar.

However, in fact, making a choice is not so difficult if you entrust the construction to those who really know how to do it. Our company has many years of experience in this field and in its catalog you can see not only frame houses, but also reviews of those who have already used the services.

What does the price for building a frame house 8x8 include?

For each project, a clear estimate is developed, and for any house it is given in several versions. A building in which finishing work has been brought to a rough stage will cost less. With a white finish or a finished house, it will cost several hundred thousand rubles more.

But in this case, the owners get the opportunity for post-warranty service, and in this the increased price for building an 8x8 frame house is beneficial. It is much more convenient to pay a little more right away, but get the opportunity to move into a finished house and not worry about its condition for the next five years. If problems or complaints arise during operation, they are eliminated by the company. This is a significant advantage of installing a turnkey house, regardless of what it is made of. It is beneficial not only to the customer: any contractor, realizing his long-term responsibility, will strive to carry out the construction as carefully as possible.

On average, for subgroups, the cost estimate, which makes up the price and cost of an 8x8 frame house, can be divided into the following subsections:

  • general construction works, including both geodesy of the site and coordination required documents at BTI;
  • foundation works;
  • erection of a power frame;
  • home insulation;
  • roofing;
  • installation of window systems and door blocks;
  • internal and external finishing;
  • engineering communications and heating.

In general, for the customer, these subgroups are not of fundamental importance, since when agreeing on the estimate of work, he sees in detail what exactly he pays for. In this case, the amount reflected in the catalog is final. It will not increase due to the increase in prices for Construction Materials. Our customers can be confident in the future, regardless of whether they pay for the construction in cash or make a purchase on credit. Moreover, even the final amount, which is reflected on the website, can be reduced in inverse proportion to the amount of discounts. The latter are regularly held by the company in the form of various promotions. This opens up opportunities for additional savings, thanks to which the same windows or, for example, the design of a door group can be received as a gift.

Our projects of frame houses 8x8 are diverse in style

Each house is individual in its own way, which allows you to choose among standard projects option for every taste. The complete set of any finished house can be changed by making adjustments in accordance with existing wishes. Although the assortment presented on the site is so diverse that there is no doubt about the individuality of any project. Even the general style can differ significantly, as projects are created in accordance with the specifics low-rise construction in different countries. And that's not to mention the final appearance or interior layout.

If typical projects frame houses 8x8 for some reason do not suit, it is also possible to develop an individual design. Fill out the feedback form or make a call and the managers of the Intel Group will give answers to all your questions regarding both existing projects or the organization of the work process, and the specifics of the technologies used.

We offer you projects of frame houses for building with your own hands from scratch to finishing. Our projects are adapted for independent construction by non-professionals, and for the sizes of materials from the store!

Buying a frame house project from us, you get not just a set of documents and complex drawings, you get a detailed step by step instructions on assembly technology and construction, as well as on engineering communications (laying and connecting electrics, plumbing and ventilation).

To build according to our projects, it is not necessary to be a builder, it is enough to be able to hold a hammer in your hands!

all projects

Projects of frame houses up to 50 sq.m.

Projects of frame houses 50-100 sq.m.

Projects of frame houses 100-150 sq.m.

Projects of frame houses 150-200 sq.m.

KD-23 Frame house project 8.4x10 168m 2 2 floors

The price of the house is 811 thousand rubles.
The price includes insulation 150mm min. wadding and finishing
Ceiling height 2.6 or 2.8m
Four bedrooms: 2x18, 2x11m2
Living room 18m 2
Kitchen 18m 2
The price of the project is 12,000 rubles.

For more than 15 years, Gnezdom has been creating projects and building cottages at affordable prices. The company operates in the Central and Northwestern regions.

During this time, the Gnezdom company has studied all the needs and financial capabilities of customers. Frame houses 8x8 with excellent layouts are branded projects of the Gnezdom company.

On the company's website you can find both a two-story and one-story house with a variety of layouts. Naturally, the price of these cottages varies quite a lot.

Advantages of 8x8 frame house projects

One-story frame houses 8x8 in size have a total area of ​​​​64 square meters, two-story buildings - up to 128 meters. The first options will suit a family of 1-2 people - an elderly couple or newlyweds. The latter are suitable for a family of 3 to 6 people, depending on the model of construction. The first floor is occupied by utility rooms and a living room, on the second floor there are bedrooms. Each project has the following features:

  • Very fast construction time.
  • Low building cost due to own production material and very cheap foundation.
  • Saving money on finishing outside and inside, because the timber is professionally installed and has a presentable appearance;
  • Good thermal insulation and reduced heating costs.

Contact the Gnezdom company and in a month you will be able to move into your own home.

If you value warmth and comfort combined with modern technologies, then the best solution for suburban construction will be projects of frame houses 8x8. They are built from natural and 100% safe materials.

Advantages of frame cottages

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing an 8x8 frame house project is its low cost. The light weight of the final structure and the possibility of laying a shallow strip (rarely pile-screw) foundation significantly minimize construction costs.

Among the advantages of frame houses:

  • All season. The construction of cottages is possible at any time of the year, there are no restrictions in this matter;
  • High speed. A team of 3-4 experienced builders completes construction in 1.5-2 months;
  • No shrinkage. Immediately after putting the object into operation, you can start finishing work and arranging the interior.

The service life, subject to competent and timely care for them, is more than 70 years.

What do we offer?

The construction company offers to perform the entire complex of works on a turnkey basis in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our catalog contains a wide selection of standard projects of one-story and two-story 8x8 houses built using Canadian and Finnish technology.

When ordering the construction of a country cottage from us, you can be sure of the reliability of construction. We control the work of teams and all departments at every stage of the construction of an 8x8 frame house.