Calculation of maternity leave if there was no earnings. How to count maternity

When a woman is about to become a mother, worries about the health of the unborn child share the worries about maternity leave: you want everything to work out without unnecessary worries. Basically, such experiences arise from ignorance of either laws, or rights, or the amount of allowances. In order to successfully process and receive legitimate payments, it is advisable to prepare for the 27th week of pregnancy: fill out all applications, calculate the required vacation days on the calendar and prepare the necessary documents.

Calculation of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

Who can receive payments

Women who are officially employed have the full right to a decree from the thirtieth week of pregnancy. If a woman is carrying twins or more, vacations begin to count from the twenty-eighth week.

Upon the occurrence of these terms, lawful rest and accruals in the amount of full wages are due. In addition to officially employed pregnant women, contract servicemen, full-time students and those women who have lost their jobs due to the termination of the organization's activities can count on benefits. Of these categories, except for pregnant women, people who have adopted a child have the right to apply for maternity leave.

Women who immediately left after the first on the second decree and receive payments for their first child cannot calculate payments under the decree. In this position, you can decide which allowance is more profitable to leave. In such cases, use the calculator for calculating maternity.

If a pregnant woman wants to work more than the prescribed period, no one has the right to forbid her, but benefits payments will begin after the application for the due leave is filed.

Documents for registration of maternity accruals

Documents required to receive maternity leave benefits(you can bring it in person or send it by email):

  1. Leave application.
  2. Decree sick leave.
  3. Document on the average monthly salary.

Do not forget that a salary certificate can be taken at all points of work. If a woman works in several places, all employers are required to pay. A sick leave certificate should be taken at the clinic from a doctor leading a pregnancy for a period prescribed by law (28 or 30 weeks). And you also need to take into account that after the child has completed six months, the allowance will not be accrued, so it is better to apply and check the availability of payments in a timely manner.

Many people have a question, can someone else (husband, mother, sister) receive maternity benefits? This is prohibited by law maternity charges are intended only for a woman carrying and giving birth to a child, and no one can issue or receive these instead of her cash.

How to correctly calculate maternity

Lump sum payment for maternity leave provides for a full deduction by a one-time transfer to bank card salary of the next month after going on maternity leave. Non-working women, in addition to transferring to a bank account, can receive benefits by mail until the 27th day of the next month after writing the vacation application.

maternity pay calculator helps to calculate the correct benefits, but it should be borne in mind that working pregnant women are paid money in the amount of the average salary, who lost their jobs after the organization closed - about 300 rubles, and students should count on finances in the amount of a scholarship.

How to calculate maternity leave if in the billing period the girl did not have payroll or her average monthly salary was less than the minimum wage? As of January 1, 2018, the amount of 9489 rubles was named the minimum wage, it is from this figure that you need to build on the calculation of maternity benefits. The average daily earnings are calculated using the following formula: Minimum wage (at the start date of the decree) x 24 ÷ 730. If the pregnant woman goes on maternity leave from January 2018, then the average daily wage in the amount of 311 rubles. 97 k. Next, you need to take into account the number of vacation days:

  • 140 days - with a normal pregnancy without complications - 43 675,8;
  • 156 days - with a normal pregnancy with complications during childbirth - 4 8 667,3;
  • 194 days - with multiple pregnancy - 60 522,18.

You can use a calculator for easy calculation. maternity leave which is easy to use. To obtain truthful information, you must enter the following reliable data:

In addition, one can correctly calculate vacation days using the holiday calculator. For a correct calculation, you need data on the obstetric period or the date of the expected birth, singleton pregnancy or not, and whether it is worth taking into account the next vacation before the rest for childbirth.

Calculation of benefits at the birth of a child

In addition to maternity, the design of which can be done even during pregnancy, there is another financial assistance to parents. This allowance is issued, accrued and paid only after the birth of the child. Such payments can be made by any of the parents or a person replacing them, while a separate amount is charged for each child born, i.e. if there are twins, then the funds are doubled. In 2018, the accrual for the birth of a child is 16,873 rubles. 54 k. In case of the birth of a dead child and other accidents, cash payments are not made.

Documents for receiving benefits

To receive the grant, you must have the following documents on hand:

  1. Document on the birth of the child (issued at the maternity hospital).
  2. Certificate stating that the other parent did not draw up such a payment.
  3. For unemployed mothers, you need to have an extract from the work book (if any).

Calculation of payments

The payment due to parents at the birth of a child is calculated taking into account the basic and district coefficients, while the presence of other children and their number are necessarily taken into account. To correctly and quickly calculate such a payment, you can use the benefit calculator.

Other types of payments, such as child care allowance, are issued when the child reaches six months, and are no longer maternity benefits or payments at birth. But you should not forget about them either, you need to deal with the registration of state aid and your legal privileges in a timely manner and according to the rules.

If a pregnant woman works in a company on a prisoner basis, then the law guarantees that she will be paid maternity benefits. It is also called maternity pay. The amount of funds that will be paid during the decree depends on the employee's earnings for the previous two years. To determine it, there is a special algorithm that fully respects online calculator maternity payments in 2018.

Maternity calculator in 2019: calculation of maternity benefits

Basis for calculating maternity leave in 2019

From the moment of applying to the antenatal clinic, the health of the worker is monitored by a gynecologist. When she reaches 30 weeks of pregnancy, he draws up a sick leave certificate for maternity leave. It is this form that serves as the basis for the employee to be granted maternity leave. For this, she gives sick leave to the personnel department.

In addition to the sheet, it is usually still necessary to apply for maternity leave and the accrual and payment of benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

The woman herself chooses at what moment she should leave. Therefore, she has the right to work for some more time, and only after that, take sick leave to the personnel department. In this regard, the executed application is of great importance in the calculation and payment of maternity.

Rules for calculating maternity benefits

The first step in determining the due payment due to pregnancy and childbirth is to calculate the average daily earnings based on accrued salaries for the previous two calendar years.

So, if an employee is going to draw up a decree in 2018, then to determine this indicator, you need to take the years 2016 and 2017.

It must also be remembered that the law maximum size taxable earnings. It will also be the maximum value of earnings for the year, which can be used when calculating benefits.

The values ​​​​that are set for contributions to the FSS fund are used:

  • For 2016, this indicator was set at 718 thousand rubles.
  • For 2017 - 755 thousand rubles.

In addition, from the amount of annual earnings, it is necessary to exclude those payments for which contributions have not been accrued. But since maternity payments are being calculated, it will also be necessary to exclude from the two-year calculation period those days on which the said payments fall. These include - days of disability, the period of care for young children, etc.

Attention! The number of days in a year must be taken not as an average, but as a specific value of days - i.e. for an ordinary year, the value of 365 days is used, and for a leap year - 366 days.

The total amount of two years of earnings will need to be divided by the number of converted days. After that, the result is multiplied by the number of days that will fall on the time of disability. Under normal conditions, it is 140 days, but it can increase with complicated, multiple pregnancy, etc.

Thus, the general calculation formula will look like this:

The current law gives a woman the right to replace the years that are used for calculation with the ones preceding them. This opportunity can be used if in the initial periods she was already on maternity leave or took a period of care, and the replacement will lead to an increase in the amount of benefits. This procedure can be carried out on the basis of the submitted application.

There is also a limit on the amount of the minimum payout. If an employee who is going to go on maternity leave does not have accruals for the previous two years of work, or the total amount for the year turned out to be less than the minimum established by law, then the calculation must be performed on the basis of the current minimum wage.

Then the general calculation formula will take the following form:

When determining benefits using this formula, the result should always be 730. It is not adjusted for the actual number of days in each year.

Attention! Currently, the minimum wage is set at 9,489 rubles, but from May 1, 2018, its value will be raised to living wage and will be 11163 rubles.

This means that the minimum benefit due to pregnancy and childbirth will be:

9489.00 x 24 / 730 x 140 = 43675 rubles 40 kopecks

In this regard, the lower limit will already be equal to:

11163.00 x 24 / 730 x 140 = 51380 rubles 38 kopecks

If in the region where the employee is going to go on maternity leave, there is a district coefficient, then when determining benefits based on the minimum wage, it must be adjusted for it.

All the features of calculating payments are already taken into account by the online maternity calculator.

Rules for calculating child care allowance

The amount of this payment is 40% of the average salary for the two years before the vacation. At the same time, as in the case of a decree, the law gives the right to replace one or both years with the previous ones, if a decree or parental leave up to 1.5 years was already granted in one of them.

Replacement is made when new size payments will be higher than that determined under the old conditions. But you can only replace the years that come immediately before the initial ones.

The size of the maximum and minimum benefits are also determined, i.e. the corridor in which the amount of the payment should be. The lower limit is determined on the basis of the current minimum wage (its size is multiplied by 40%).

So, from February 1, the following lower limits were set: 3,795.60 rubles for the first baby and 6,284.65 rubles for the second and those born later. From May 1, when the minimum wage increases again, benefits will change: 4465.20 rubles for the first baby and 6284.65 rubles for the second and those born further.

Important! If a minimum payment is assigned, then its amount is indexed to the district coefficient established in the region.

The highest care allowance should be determined on the basis of the marginal bases in force in the billing period. In this regard, when calculating it, it is not necessary to apply the value of the current minimum wage. Thus, the maximum allowance in 2018 is: 24536.57 rubles.

The rules of law determine that any of the parents, as well as a close relative (grandmother, grandfather) can apply for parental leave. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that if a woman has several babies, then care leave can be taken for each of them. That is, the mother can be on vacation for the first child, the father for the second.

There is the following algorithm for calculating care allowance:

Care allowance amount = Average daily earnings calculated for 2 years X 30,4 X 40%

An example of calculating maternity payments

At the same time, we take into account the following indicators in force in 2016 and 2017, which are taken into account by the maternity pay calculator in 2018:

  • The marginal base for the FSS: 2016 - 718,000.00 rubles, 2017 - 755,000.00 rubles.
  • The duration of the period for calculation for these years is 731 days.

Standard accrual terms

Smirnova L.D. filed in February 2018 sick leave for pregnancy. Her salary, subject to contributions for 2016, is 299,000.00 rubles, for 2017 - 406,500.00 rubles.

We compare salary data with the existing limits used to calculate maternity benefits. Due to the fact that these amounts do not exceed the current limits, the salary of Smirnova L.D. is used in the calculation.

Maternity allowance: 965.12 * 140 = 135116.80 rubles.

Calculation of maternity leave in the presence of excluded periods

Smirnova L.D. filed in February 2018 sick leave for pregnancy. Her salary, subject to contributions for 2016, is 299,000.00 rubles, for 2017 - 398,700.00 rubles.

In November 2017, Smirnova L.D. There was a period of incapacity for work - 7 days.
The certificate of incapacity for work establishes the standard duration of the decree - 140 days.

Comparing her salary for the previous two years with the limit, we establish that the calculation is made according to the amount of the employee's remuneration.

In two years it will be: 299,000.00 + 398,700.00 = 697,700.00 rubles.

Since there were sick days in the billing period, they should be taken into account in the calculation: 731-7 = 724 days.

The average daily earnings for the calculation is: 697700.00 / 724 = 963.67 rubles.

Maternity allowance: 963.67 * 140 = 134913.80 rubles.

Calculation of benefits if a certificate of incapacity for work is issued for the duration of pregnancy with several fetuses

Smirnova L.D. filed in February 2018 sick leave for pregnancy. Her salary, subject to contributions for 2016, is 299,000.00 rubles, for 2017 - 406,500.00 rubles.
The certificate of incapacity for work establishes the duration of the decree - 194 days, since the employee is expecting the appearance of two babies.

We compare her salary for two years with the current limits. We establish that the calculation should be made according to the salary of the employee.

For two years, her salary is: 299,000.00 + 406,500.00 = 705,500.00 rubles.

The average daily earnings for the calculation is: 705500.00 / 731 \u003d 965.12 rubles.

Maternity allowance: 965.12 * 194 = 187233.28 rubles.

Calculation of benefits if the salary exceeds the marginal bases

Smirnova L.D. filed in February 2018 sick leave for pregnancy. Her salary, subject to contributions for 2016, is 898,000.00 rubles, for 2017 - 958,000.00 rubles.
The certificate of incapacity for work establishes the standard duration of the decree - 140 days.

We compare the amount of payment of the employee with the current limits, we establish that the calculation will be made according to the current limit bases.

The income for two years will be: 718,000.00 + 755,000.00 = 1,473,000.00 rubles.
The average daily earnings for the calculation is: 1473000.00 / 731 \u003d 2015.05 rubles.

Maternity allowance: 2015.05 * 140 = 282107.00 rubles.

Instructions for working with the online calculator

The presented calculator allows you to calculate the date of departure on maternity leave, as well as the date of exit from it.

To find out when to go on maternity leave, you need to enter the following initial data into the calculator:

Calculator field

Filling in the field

Step 1

Decree duration Click on the corresponding field of the calculator and enter this indicator manually or select it from the suggested values ​​by clicking on the arrow that appears in the lower right corner of the field.

In general, the duration is 140 k.d., if the birth is difficult, then 16 days of vacation are added, if the birth of two or more children is expected, then 194 k.d.

Step 2

The date on which the birth is scheduled The date is entered in the format DD.MM.YYYY, press enter.

The estimated date is indicated medical worker, in which a woman is observed in connection with pregnancy.

After filling in the specified fields, the calculator will calculate the date of leaving on maternity leave and exiting it, that is, it will determine the start and end dates of maternity leave:

  • The date from the field of the calculator “beginning to” is the day of going on maternity leave, on this day the pregnant woman goes on maternity leave and may not go to work).
  • The date from the “End TO” calculator field is the day the decree ends, the last non-working day, from the next day the woman must go to work or take parental leave.

All days of maternity leave are payable, a pregnant woman receives a maternity allowance -. Further, an allowance is paid up to 1.5 years per child -.

Decree duration in 2017

The maternity benefit is accrued for the days of maternity leave, the duration of which is regulated by Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

When calculating the date of maternity leave, it is not the actual birthday of the baby that is taken into account (this day is not known at the time of going on vacation), the date is taken, which is considered by the doctor of the antenatal clinic at the first appointment, based on the information provided by the woman. This day of birth is considered to be the expected one, from which it is calculated when to go on maternity leave and leave it.

How to calculate when to go on maternity leave without a calculator - an example

An employee of Filin, registering at the antenatal clinic, found out that the birth is expected to take place on October 28, 2017. Filina is expecting one child and wants to know when she should go on maternity leave.

We will use the calculator for calculating the date of maternity leave - we enter the duration 140, the day of birth is 10/28/2017, the calculator automatically calculates when to go on maternity leave - 08/19/2017, the end date - 01/05/2018. Accordingly, on January 6, 2018, you can go on parental leave.

If there is no calculator at hand, but there is a calendar, then when on maternity leave, we calculate as follows:

  • day of departure - we subtract 70 days from October 28 (we do not take into account October 28), the seventieth day is the start date of maternity leave;
  • end day - add 140 cal. days to the day the decree begins. The result of the calculation must match the one carried out in the calculator.

The calculation of maternity leave will change somewhat from 2020, as there have been changes in the minimum and maximum average daily earnings. In the article, we will consider in detail how to calculate maternity leave in 2020.

Employees working under an employment contract are entitled to receive maternity benefits. The only exception is Foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation. They will be able to receive benefits only if the employer paid contributions for them for at least 6 months before the insured event.

Changes for 2020

One of the main changes in the calculation of maternity payments in 2020 was the billing period. Now, for the calculation, you need to take 2016 and 2017. The marginal base for the calculation of contributions in this case will be as follows:

  • 718,000 rubles - for 2016;
  • 755,000 rubles - for 2017.

These figures mean that in the calculation of maternity payments in 2020, the maximum amount of income can be taken into account in the following amount: 1,473,000 rubles.

Accordingly, the size of the maximum average daily earnings has also changed. In 2020, it is equal to 2017.81 rubles.

When assigning benefits to employees who have an insurance period of less than 6 months, the new amount must be taken into account minimum wage labor. For 2020, it is equal to 9489 rubles. The average daily minimum wage is now 311.97 rubles.

For convenience, we summarize all the numbers in a table.

Summary table of limit values ​​​​of indicators required to calculate maternity benefits in 2020

Calculation of maternity leave in 2020

Important! Decree payment does not depend on insurance experience employee and is equal to 100% of the average salary of an employee.

The calculation of the average daily earnings is made according to the following formula:

SZd \u003d D / (731 days - excluded days), where

D - the employee's income for 2016 and 2017 within the maximum amounts,

731 days - the number of days in the billing period (in our case, in 2016 and 2017),

Excluded days - days to be excluded from the calculation period.

Excluded days include:

  • temporary disability;
  • maternity leave;
  • exemption from work with the preservation of wages, if insurance premiums were not paid from it.

p After calculation average earnings should be compared with the possible maximum value. If, when calculating the result, it turns out to be more than 2017.81 rubles, then when calculating the allowance, you need to take this amount.

Maximum and minimum values ​​of maternity payments in 2020

When calculating maternity payments, the accountant relies on the amounts within which the allowance can be calculated (See also the article ⇒). We summarize these data in one table for convenience.

Limits for maternity benefits in 2020

An example of calculating maternity

Petrova's employee O.P. Goes on maternity leave March 5, 2020. Petrova's income for 2016 amounted to 510,000 rubles, for 2017 - 550,000 rubles.

Sick days in 2016 amounted to 17 days, in 2017 - 14 days. Since Petrova's income for the years taken for the calculation does not exceed the marginal base, we must include these amounts in the calculation.

The total income for calculating maternity leave is:

510,000 + 550,000 = 1,060,000 rubles

Calculate how many days in the billing period:

731 - 17 - 14 = 700 days

Now let's find out what the average daily earnings are:

1,060,000 / 700 = 1,514.28 rubles

The resulting value is less than the maximum allowable amount, respectively, the allowance is calculated based on this value:

1,514.28 x 140 = 211,999.20 rubles

Decree from the minimum wage in 2020

There are two cases when the maternity allowance is calculated from the minimum wage:

  • If during the billing period the expectant mother had no income, or the average monthly salary, based on her income, is less than the minimum wage. In this case, the calculation is made on the basis of the minimum wage established on the date of calculation, which with the onset of 2020 will amount to 9,489 rubles.

Let's look at an example:

Petrova's employee O.P. Goes on maternity leave March 5, 2020. Petrova's income for 2016 amounted to 102,000 rubles, for 2017 - 105,000 rubles.

Calculate the average monthly earnings of Petrova:

207,000 / 24 months = 8,625 rubles.

The amount received is less than the minimum wage, equal to the date of calculation of 9,489 rubles

Calculate the average daily earnings of Petrova:

207,000 / 731 days = 283.17 rubles

We compare this amount with the average daily earnings based on the minimum wage, equal to 311.97 rubles

The resulting value is less than the value based on the minimum wage, which means that we will calculate maternity leave based on the value of 311.97 rubles

311.97 x 140 days = 43675.80 rubles

  • If the total experience of the expectant mother is less than 6 months, then the allowance is also calculated based on the minimum wage. But the following restriction should be remembered: the accrued amount of benefits for 1 month should not be more than the minimum wage.

Important! If a regional coefficient is established in the region, then the minimum wage for calculating benefits is taken taking into account this coefficient.

Let's take a closer look at an example:

The minimum daily wage from the minimum wage is 311.97 rubles. At the same time, the allowance for 1 month should not exceed the size of the minimum wage.

If there are 30 days in the billing month, then the benefit for that month is:

311.97 x 30 = 9,359 rubles

This amount does not exceed the minimum wage.

If there are 31 days in the billing month, then the benefit for that month is:

311.97 x 31 \u003d 9,671.07 rubles

This amount exceeds the minimum wage equal to 9,489 rubles, therefore, in months with 31 days (January, March, May, July, August, October, December), the allowance should be equal to the minimum wage, that is, 9,489 rubles.

From decree to decree in 2020

More details in the example ⇓

Petrova's employee O.P. passes from the first decree immediately to the second decree in 2020. The calculation periods for the calculation should be taken in 2017 and 2016. Since at this time Petrova had maternity leave, Petrova can replace them with the years that preceded her first vacation, that is, 2014-2015. The limit in the amount of the maximum possible average daily earnings for 2020 is 2017.81 rubles.

Petrova's income for the selected years is:

In 2014 - 585,000 rubles,

In 2015 - 685,000 rubles.

We compare the amount of income with the maximum allowable base for 2014 and 2015, equal to 640,000 rubles and 680,000 rubles, respectively. In 2015, Petrova's income exceeds the marginal income, which means that for calculating benefits in 2015, income is taken into account in the amount of 685,000 rubles.

To calculate the income in the total amount will be taken into account in the following amount:

585,000 + 685,000 = 1,270,000 rubles

Based on this amount, we calculate the maternity allowance:

1,270,000 / 730 days x 140 days = 243,561.64 rubles

Financial compensation in the form maternity money paid to officially employed women who have given birth to one or more children, on the basis of sick leave.

Full-time students, individual entrepreneurs and mothers who have lost their jobs as a result of the liquidation of the enterprise can also count on maternity payments.

The procedure for calculating maternity leave in 2016

There is federal law number 255, adopted in 2006 by the Government of the Russian Federation, according to which maternity leave is paid to women in labor.

The money they are entitled to by law is paid either by the accounting department of institutions and organizations where young mothers worked or studied before giving birth, or by the social security authorities of Russian citizens.

Maternity money is a one-time compensation, which is due:

  1. Women who have given birth to a baby, working under a work book or contract, who were during pregnancy on medical records, and then on the bulletin before and after childbirth.
  2. Full-time students of higher, secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as vocational schools.
  3. Mothers who lost their jobs no more than a year ago due to the reduction, closure of their activities as individual entrepreneurs, and who have registered with the employment service during this time.
  4. Women in labor individual entrepreneurs who made regular contributions to the voluntary social insurance fund.

Working mothers receive benefits through their businesses. Non-working who are entitled to maternity pay - through social assistance centers.

Maternity leave and delivery of one child is due to a woman in the amount of 140 calendar days. Of these, half is provided before and half after childbirth.

If the birth of one baby proceeded with complications, the postpartum period is extended to 86 days. Thus, the total amount of leave increases to 156 days.

A woman expecting two or three or more babies , before their birth, 84 days of vacation are given, and after the birth of the kids, 110 days. The total length of the decree in such a situation is determined by law at 194 days.

In order for the employer's accounting department to accrue and pay the amount due, the woman in labor needs to collect and submit the following documents to the personnel department at her place of work:

  1. An application addressed to the director of the organization with a request to grant maternity leave and pay compensation for it.
  2. A certificate from the women's consultation on the timing of their registration as pregnant.
  3. A medical certificate issued by a doctor in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.
  4. If a woman worked in different organizations, she needs to take a certificate from each of them about her earnings for the past two years.

The submitted documents are considered by the employer no longer than ten days. The accrued money is given out to the woman who gave birth at the time of issuing the next salary at the enterprise.

An officially recognized unemployed woman will need to collect and submit a package of documents at the place of issue of benefits, consisting of:

  1. Applications in the prescribed form.
  2. Hospital sheet.
  3. Extracts from employment contract or books with data on the last place of official employment.
  4. A certificate stating that the woman has the status of unemployed and is officially registered.

It is important that in any case, you need to apply for maternity money no later than six months after the date the doctor closed the sick leave!

Calculation scheme for maternity 2016 for working women

Each officially employed woman can independently calculate how much maternity money should be paid to her at the place of work.

To do this, consider:

  1. The existence of the smallest and largest maternity benefits.
  2. Your earnings at this enterprise for the previous two years.
  3. The number of days that a woman spent on the b / list due to the decree.

Calculation scheme:

  1. The minimum payable by decree depends on the amount minimum size wages. In 2016, the minimum wage was set at 6204 rubles.
  2. The length of maternity leave for childbirth that proceeds without complications is still one hundred and forty calendar days.

Maternity payments are calculated by multiplying the minimum daily earnings and days spent on maternity leave.

Thus, the total amount of the minimum benefit will be:

  1. RUB 28,555.40 - in normal childbirth (140 days).
  2. RUB 31,818.87 - with complicated childbirth (156 days).
  3. RUB 39,569.62 - with multiple pregnancy (194 days).

The maximum that a woman in labor can receive by decree during a normal birth is:

  1. RUB 248,164.38 - in normal childbirth.
  2. RUB 276,526.03 - with complicated childbirth.
  3. RUB 343,884.93 - with multiple pregnancy.

A woman can receive maternity payments only after the sick leave is closed!

How to calculate payments for a decree in 2016 for officially unemployed?

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have the official status of unemployed, as well as students in childbirth, are entitled to maternity payments for b / l at the rate of 543.67 rubles per month.

Consequently, the average income for one calendar day for such persons will be 543.67 / 30 days = 18.12 rubles.

  1. With a 140-day decree, a woman will receive 18.12 rubles * 140 days = 2,536.80 rubles.
  2. In the case of 156 days of vacation, she will be paid 18.12 * 156 = 2826.72 rubles.
  3. After the 194th day of the decree, the amount of the allowance will be equal to 18.12 * 194 = 3,515.28 rubles.

The category of the unemployed who became unemployed during the period of maternity leave is considered separately.
due to the bankruptcy of the employer or the dismissal of employees, the liquidation of the enterprise or the termination of functioning as an individual entrepreneur.

This group also includes the wives of military personnel whose husbands were transferred during the decree of wives from units located on the territory of foreign states.

In such situations, the amount of maternity payments is determined by law as one hundred percent of the money earned over the previous 2 years, calculated according to the minimum wage.

The amounts of benefits for such women are as follows:

Normal childbirth (140 days of maternity leave) - 2718.35 rubles - for the care of the first child; 5436.67 rubles - for the care of the second child and subsequent children.

For certain categories of the unemployed, the amount of this allowance is set at 40 percent of the average earnings at the previous place of work for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of dismissal (but not less than 2718.35 rubles when caring for the first child and 5436.67 rubles for the second and subsequent ones, and not more than 10873.36 rubles before February 1, 2016):
- citizens dismissed during parental leave (mothers or fathers, other relatives, guardians who actually care for the child);
- mothers dismissed during maternity leave due to:

  1. liquidation of organizations;
  2. termination individuals activities as individual entrepreneurs (IP);
  3. termination of powers by private notaries or termination of the status of a lawyer;
  4. termination of activities by other individuals whose professional activity in accordance with federal laws subject to state registration and/or licensing.

For full-time students, maternity leave is paid in the amount of a scholarship!

Students give this money to them educational institution. For those who are registered as unemployed - the Department of Social Protection of the Population.