Technological diagram of construction organization. Technology system

15. Technological diagrams of PPR - work projects and technological maps.

15.1. In accordance with the requirements of MDS 12-81.2007 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project and a work execution project”, the work execution project should include technological schemes for performing certain types of work with the inclusion of operational quality control schemes, a description of work production methods, an indication needs for materials, machines, equipment, devices and protective equipment for workers.

15.2. The technological scheme for the construction of buildings and structures as part of an enterprise (queue, start-up complex) establishes the order of construction of main facilities, auxiliary and service facilities, energy and transport facilities and communications, external networks and structures for water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply, as well as landscaping depending on the technological scheme of the production process of an industrial enterprise, the features of the construction solutions of its master plan (the nature of the distribution of work volumes depending on the type of object - concentrated, linear, geographically dispersed, mixed) and space-planning solutions of the main buildings and structures (homogeneous, heterogeneous objects), as well as the accepted method of organizing construction.

15.2.1. Technological schemes for the construction of main buildings and structures establish the sequence of construction of individual buildings (structures) in their parts (units, sections, spans, cells, tiers, floors, production areas, workshops, etc.) depending on the technological scheme of the production process located in a given building (structure), or other functional diagram, space-planning and design solutions, as well as accepted methods (technological diagrams) of work.

15.2.2. When choosing organizational and technological schemes, it is necessary to accept as general principles:
- completeness of a separate technological cycle in the general technology of industrial production;
- constructive completeness of the allocated part of an industrial enterprise or a separate building (structure);
- spatial stability of the allocated part of the building (structure);
- parallelism (simultaneity) of the construction of individual objects within the enterprise and the construction of parts of buildings (structures), as well as direct flow (excluding redundant, long-distance, return, counter and other irrational directions in organizational and technological schemes).

15.2.3. The choice of organizational and technological schemes should be made taking into account the complexity of construction of facilities (industrial enterprises, individual buildings, structures).

15.3. Technological schemes for the construction of residential and civil buildings should determine optimal solutions for the sequence and methods of construction of objects (complexes). Technological schemes include:
- spatial division of a building or complex into sections and sections;
- the sequence of construction of buildings and structures, indicating the technological sequence of work on occupations and areas;
- characteristics of the main methods of construction of objects.

15.3.1. To organize the construction flow, individual objects and the complex as a whole are divided into sections and sections, which can be the same or different in size and scope of work. In this case, you should strive for the same or short size of the grips and sections.

15.3.2. Within the area, all specialized flows that are part of the object flow are linked together. The dimensions and boundaries of plots are established from the conditions of planning and structural solutions, taking into account the requirements for ensuring spatial rigidity and stability of the parts of structures being built (at individual sites), the possibility of temporarily stopping and subsequently resuming work on the boundaries of plots, and the possibility of commissioning individual structures of the complex.

15.3.3. Parts of structures with repeating identical complexes of construction work (processes) are taken as occupations, within which all the private flows that are part of the specialized flow under consideration develop and are linked to each other. The dimensions of the grips should be assigned in such a way that the duration of individual processes on the grip corresponds to the rhythm of the flow, and the location of the boundaries of the grips corresponds to architectural, planning and design solutions and can be clearly established in situ. In addition, the possibility of stopping and resuming work at the boundaries of occupations without violating the requirements of SNiP, as well as the possibility of performing other processes on adjacent occupations must be provided.

15.3.4. The technological scheme for the construction of the underground or above-ground part of the building includes the necessary measures for the safety of existing underground communications of buildings and structures located in the immediate vicinity of the excavations being torn apart in accordance with the technical solutions provided for by the project, the placement of lifting machines, the boundaries of dangerous zones and zones for moving goods by cranes , horizontal and vertical alignment of lifting machines, appropriate measures to ensure the safety of people from hazardous factors.

15.4. Technological schemes for the reconstruction of industrial enterprises can be presented in the following options:
- addition of new production buildings to existing workshops (option 1). The duration of the reconstruction is determined by the duration of the extension work;
- the addition of new production buildings to existing workshops in combination with the reconstruction of existing workshops or individual technological stages (option 2). Provided that reconstruction is carried out without stopping production, a production line is installed in the newly constructed workshops, on which the production of products similar to those previously produced by the second workshop (section) is organized. After putting the production line into operation, they begin to reconstruct the second workshop (section), then the third, etc.;
- temporary production is organized for the production of products with subsequent reconstruction of existing workshops in sections (option 3);
- reconstruction of sites is carried out (subject to partial shutdown of the main production at certain technological stages) in accordance with the sequence of clearing sites from technological equipment (option 4);
- first of all, all dismantling work is carried out (subject to a complete stop of production, when the production of products at all reconstructed technological stages and workshops ceases), and then the installation of newly installed technological equipment and building structures (option 5).

15.4.1. The choice of technological schemes and methods for carrying out installation and dismantling work should be made on the basis of a comparison of technical economic indicators technologically possible and safe options for mechanized execution of specified volumes of work within a specified time frame.

15.4.2. Options for technological schemes should take into account the conditions of cramped work, the placement of mechanization equipment, the direction of technological processes and the layout of access roads. At the same time, the external constraint of the object is characterized by the adjacency of the reconstructed spans to the existing ones, the distance to existing buildings, structures and communications; intra-shop tightness of the facility is characterized by the occupancy of the work area with foundations, basements, technological equipment and building structures. In addition, the choice of organizational and technological schemes is influenced by technological factors: the nature of internal tightness in the plan and height of the premises; restrictions on the operation of mechanization equipment near existing workshops; the presence of underground structures, structures and communications; explosion and fire hazard, etc.; degree of physical wear and reliability of supporting structures; presence near power lines; the physical condition and nature of the structures to which buildings are attached or built on; availability of overhead cranes; specifics and mode of operation of the workshop.

15.5. When choosing organizational and technological schemes for the construction of agricultural production buildings, the following features are additionally taken into account:
1) the preparatory period includes work on organizing the construction site: clearing and preparing the territory; geodetic alignment works; installation of temporary (mobile) buildings and structures, laying underground networks in the area of ​​construction and installation work; supplying electricity and water to places of consumption;
2) the process of constructing agricultural buildings (the main construction period) is divided into four technological stages: construction of the underground part of the building; construction of the above-ground part of the building; roof installation; post-installation work;
3) agricultural buildings are divided into three categories based on the number of underground facilities (manure removal trays, channels, etc.): without underground facilities; with poorly developed underground economy; with a highly developed underground economy.

15.5.1. For agricultural production buildings, the order of work in each technological stage is adopted. For buildings without underground facilities:
1) construction of the underground part of the building: excavation of trenches and foundation pits; installation of foundations and foundation beams; preparation device for floors;

3) roofing;
4) post-installation work: installation of carpentry; installation of foundations for equipment; installation of floors, ramps, blind areas; plastering works; installation of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works. For buildings with poorly developed underground facilities:
1) construction of the underground part of the building: excavation of trenches and pits for foundations, trays and channels; installation of foundations, partial backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for trays; installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete trays and channels; adding soil under the floors and preparing the floors;
2) construction of the above-ground part of the building: installation of the building frame with sealing of joints; installation of wall panels with sealing and jointing;
3) roofing;
4) post-installation work: installation of carpentry; installation of foundations for equipment, monolithic concrete channels, trays, installation of feeders; installation of floors, ramps, blind areas; installation of fencing machines; plastering works; installation of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works. For buildings with highly developed underground facilities:
1) construction of the underground part of the building: excavation work for foundations and manure removal trays; installation of foundations, columns and basement panels with sealing of joints and waterproofing; backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for floors; installation of manure removal trays and ventilation ducts with the construction and covering of wells; preparation device for floors, blind areas, ramps;
2) construction of the above-ground part of the building: installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions; installation of coating structures; installation of wall panels; installation of brick partitions;
3) roofing;
4) post-installation work: installation of carpentry; installation of clean floors; installation of fencing machines, boxes; installation of technological equipment; plastering works; installation of ventilation shafts; Painting works; commissioning works.

15.5.2. Depending on the saturation of the underground economy, each of the four technological stages includes various types of construction, installation and special construction work, and their technological sequence will be different.

15.6. Organizational and technological schemes must provide for:
- performance of work using industrial methods using the most advanced types of machines and mechanisms that ensure high labor productivity, excluding manual unproductive labor of workers;
- organization of continuous production of work using high-performance machines and mechanisms;
- maximum possible time combination of related work;
- possibility of year-round production of construction and installation works;
- compliance with labor protection and safety regulations.

15.7. Technological diagrams, depending on the complexity of the object, are carried out on a scale of 1:50, 1:100, 1:200.

15.8. The technological diagram shows a cross-section (if necessary, in some cases, a longitudinal section) of the building (structure) under construction, while the cranes are shown when the boom is positioned above the building (structure) at the maximum required working reach and with a dotted line - when the boom is rotated 180°.

15.9.1. The crane is tied to the building in accordance with the approach dimensions, taking into account the possible deviation from the vertical of the crane's rotating tower in accordance with paragraphs. 4.1 - 4.12 and Figure 1 RD-11-06-2007 “Methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing projects for the production of work with lifting machines and technological maps for loading and unloading operations.”

15.9.2. The section shows:
- marks of the top of the building (structure), parapet, lanterns, elevator machine rooms and other maximum protruding parts of the building;
- crane hook mark at maximum lifting height at maximum working reach;
- mark of the bottom of the counterweight for cranes with an upper counterweight;
- dimensions between the most protruding parts of the building (structure), stacks of cargo or other objects and the most protruding parts of the crane;
- dimensions from the base of the pit slope to the base of the ballast prism of the rail crane track or to the nearest support of the self-propelled jib crane;
- underground communications;
- cross-section of the rail crane track and the base for the crane;
- equipment, scaffolding means for construction and installation work;
- the position of structural elements, products with maximum mass and elements closest to the crane. Above the centers of gravity of the indicated elements, the reach (R), the load capacity at a given reach (Q), the weight of the load (P) and the lift height mark are shown, taking into account the maximum dimensions of the load;
- position and dimensions of remote platforms (mounting, load-receiving).

15.9.3. If, as the building (structure) is being erected, it becomes necessary to extend the crane tower, replace the crane, or replace the crane boom, then it is necessary to make a new cut or show several positions of the crane on one cut.

15.9.4. With an attached crane, the sections show all the positions of the crane with the corresponding location of the fastenings and the height of the building (structure) to the mark corresponding to this position. The number of cuts corresponds to the number of positions of the attachment crane.

15.10. The technological diagram shows existing and designed underground communications and structures, power lines, overhead communications, trees, nearby existing and designed buildings (structures) and other objects falling within the dangerous zone of the crane.

15.11. The technological diagram shows an element-by-element layout of materials, products and structures.

15.12. The placement of lifting machines is carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in RD-11-06-2007.

15.13. The process flow diagram determines the technological sequence of construction and installation work.

15.14. The technological diagram shows remote mounting platforms, their location and dimensions, scaffolding and other means of scaffolding. The list of necessary devices, equipment, scaffolding is given in the form of a table.

15.15. Mounting equipment for temporary fastening and alignment of building (structure) structures must meet the requirements of GOST 24259-80. Scaffolding means and other devices (scaffolding, scaffolding, ladders, stepladders, ladders, bridges, canopies, installation platforms, etc.), ensuring the safety of work, must meet the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001, GOST 24258-88, GOST 26887-86, GOST 27321-87 and GOST 28012-89.

2.1. In the construction organization project, the choice is made of a general organizational and technological scheme for the construction of buildings and structures as part of an agricultural enterprise or complex and organizational and technological schemes for the construction of individual main buildings and structures included in their composition.

The general organizational and technological scheme establishes the order of construction of facilities for main production, auxiliary and service purposes, energy, transport and communications, external networks of water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply, landscaping of the territory, depending on the technological scheme of the production process of the agricultural complex, the features of construction decisions of the general plan - the nature of the distribution of work volumes depending on the degree of dispersion and space-planning solutions of the main buildings and structures, as well as the adopted method of organizing construction production (nodal, complete block, etc.).

The organizational and technological diagram of the construction of a separate building (structure) establishes the sequence of its construction in parts (units, sections, spans, cells, floors, tiers, production departments, sections, workshops, etc.) depending on the technological scheme of the production process or other functional diagram, as well as construction solutions and accepted methods of work.

2.2. When choosing organizational and technological schemes, the completeness of individual technological cycles or processing stages in general is taken into account as the basic principles production process, constructive completeness of a part of an agricultural facility or a separate building (structure) identified in the diagram and the spatial stability of a part of a building (structure), requirements for organizing construction production, creating conditions for the continuous production of work.

The choice of a general organizational and technological construction scheme, as well as schemes for the construction of individual buildings for agricultural (industrial) complexes and enterprises, is made in the same way as for industrial enterprises, buildings and structures. The general principles, procedure, methodology and examples of choosing such schemes, including the use of nodal and other methods, are discussed in detail in the Manual for the development of construction organization projects and work projects for industrial construction.

When choosing organizational and technological schemes for the construction of agricultural production buildings, the following features are additionally taken into account:

1) the preparatory period includes work on organizing the construction site: clearing and preparing the territory; geodetic alignment works; installation of temporary (mobile) buildings and structures, laying underground networks in the area of ​​construction and installation work; supplying electricity and water to places of consumption;

2) the process of constructing agricultural buildings (the main construction period) is divided into four technological stages: construction of the underground part of the building; construction of the above-ground part of the building; roof installation; post-installation work;

3) agricultural buildings are divided into three categories based on the number of underground facilities (manure removal trays, channels, etc.): without underground facilities; with poorly developed underground economy; with a highly developed underground economy.

Depending on the saturation of the underground economy, each of the four technological stages includes various types of construction, installation and special construction work, and their technological sequence will be different.

2.3. For agricultural production buildings, the order of work in each technological stage is adopted.

For buildings without underground facilities:

1) construction of the underground part of the building: excavation of trenches and foundation pits; installation of foundations and foundation beams; preparation device for floors;

3) roofing;

4) post-installation work: installation of carpentry; installation of foundations for equipment; installation of floors, ramps, blind areas; plastering works; installation of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works.

For buildings with poorly developed underground facilities:

1) construction of the underground part of the building: excavation of trenches and pits for foundations, trays and channels; installation of foundations, partial backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for trays; installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete trays and channels; adding soil under the floors and preparing the floors;

2) construction of the above-ground part of the building: installation of the building frame with sealing of joints; installation of wall panels with sealing and jointing;

3) roofing;

4) post-installation work: installation of carpentry; installation of foundations for equipment, monolithic concrete channels, trays, installation of feeders; installation of floors, ramps, blind areas; installation of fencing machines; plastering works; installation of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works.

For buildings with highly developed underground facilities:

1) construction of the underground part of the building: excavation work for foundations and manure removal trays; installation of foundations, columns and basement panels with sealing of joints and waterproofing; backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for floors; installation of manure removal trays and ventilation ducts with the installation and covering of wells; preparation device for floors, blind areas, ramps;

2) construction of the above-ground part of the building: installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions; installation of coating structures; installation of wall panels; installation of brick partitions;

3) roofing;

4) post-installation work: installation of carpentry; installation of clean floors; installation of fencing machines, boxes; installation of technological equipment; plastering works; installation of ventilation shafts; Painting works; commissioning works.

2.4. The selection of installation mechanisms for each type of agricultural building is made individually. To carry out installation work in work projects, technological maps or diagrams are drawn up indicating the accepted installation mechanisms, equipment, work methods and their sequence.

Technological diagrams for the construction of agricultural production buildings are shown in Fig. 13.

2.5. During the construction of facilities in the Central Asian region of the country, the volume of construction and installation work in desert and semi-desert areas (arid zone) increases. Appeared the new kind integrated construction activities, including reclamation, agricultural, industrial and other types of construction, creating a solid infrastructure and normalized social conditions in the arid zone. Under these conditions, the process of creating (designing) water management construction facilities and state farm construction facilities takes place. In the first case, the issues of irrigation and reclamation of agricultural land development are resolved, which is decisive for the second case - solving the issues of organizing rural construction of production and non-production facilities.

These circumstances make serious adjustments to the range of off-site and on-site works provided for by SNiP 3.01.01-85 (clauses 1.4 and 2.3), which should be taken into account when developing construction organization projects and, in particular, organizational and technological schemes within them.

2.6. Preparatory work for the construction of agricultural facilities in undeveloped areas of the arid zone is conditionally divided into three stages:

I - preparatory work for the entire volume of construction (preparing the territory for construction; construction of a collector-drainage network; construction of access roads and tracks; preparation for the operation of construction machines; anti-mudflow measures; forest reclamation measures; anti-erosion measures; consolidation of sand; strengthening of saline soils; construction of temporary buildings and structures; laying external communications for power supply, communications, gas supply, water supply).

Rice. 1. Technological sequence of installation of a building without underground facilities

A- foundations; b- columns; V- coating elements; G- wall panels; d- covering elements (option with steel-reinforced concrete trusses); 1 - place of storage of foundations; 2 - beam warehouse; 3 - stack of coating slabs; 4 - pyramid; 5 - traverse

II - off-site preparatory work (installation of off-site networks and structures on them; temporary and permanent water supply and sewerage networks; temporary and permanent telephone, radio, alarm networks; temporary and permanent electrical networks and step-down substations; temporary, permanent heat networks and gas supply networks; temporary and permanent water supply and sewerage pumping stations; water supply and sewerage treatment plants; access road; construction of temporary (mobile) inventory buildings; consolidation of sand; strengthening of saline soils).

III - on-site preparatory work (vertical planning of the territory; landscaping, irrigation and landscaping; elimination of subsidence properties of the soil; installation of engineering temporary and permanent networks of water supply and sewerage, heat and gas supply, telephone installation, radio communications and alarms; protection of site facilities from sand drifts and blowing out; preparation for operation of machines in extreme conditions of the arid zone; construction of temporary buildings, canopies, sun protection, construction of awnings).

Rice. 2. Technological sequence of installation of a building with poorly developed underground facilities

A- foundations; b, V- manure removal trays, feeders, preparation device for floors; G- frame structures; d- wall panels; 1 - storage place for foundation shoes; 2 - storage place for trays; 3 - storage place for semi-frames; 4 - pyramid for wall panels

The preparatory work of the above stages is carried out in various continuous sequences (Fig. 4).

The most rational way is to combine the production of the last two stages of preparatory work. In practice, the choice of order of preparatory work is dictated by the specific conditions of the virgin lands being developed.


3.1. The calendar plan is developed for the construction of livestock and poultry complexes, enterprises for the storage and processing of agricultural products, repair of agricultural machinery and other agricultural enterprises, as well as individual buildings and structures to ensure rational organization of construction, distribution of resources and funds across stages and periods of construction, taking into account production capacity contract construction and installation organizations, subject to mandatory compliance with construction duration and backlog standards. It is taken into account that the duration of construction includes the entire construction period from the start of the preparatory work at the construction site to the commissioning of the complex (enterprise) or commissioning when the work is completed in full, as provided for in the working design (project).

When developing a construction schedule, it is provided that all auxiliary and auxiliary facilities are built in combined flows within the construction time frame of the main production facilities and do not affect the overall duration of construction.

Rice. 3. Technological sequence of installation of a building with highly developed underground facilities

A- foundations; b- columns; V- base panels; G, d, e- manure removal trays; and- coating elements; h- external wall panels; 1 - prefabricated foundations; 2 - pyramid; 3 - storage location for tray elements; 4 - trays; 5 - long-length slings; 6 - ladders for placing truss blocks; 7 - ladders with hooks for unfastening the truss block; 8 - sled; 9 - Wall panels

Rice. 4. Options for preparatory work

A- parallel execution of stages II and III; b- production of work at stage III after I and part II; V- continuous production of preparation work; G- implementation of stage III after work of stages I and II; d- sequential implementation of three stages of preparation; e- parallel implementation of three stages after partial completion of stage I work

3.2. The preparatory period includes objects and work related to the development of the territory, site planning, installation of temporary buildings and structures, as well as temporary utility networks and roads used for construction needs. The duration of the preparatory period is 15 - 20% of the total duration of construction of the main buildings and structures.

3.3. Depending on space-planning and design solutions, construction schedules may include the following production cycles: construction of underground and above-ground parts of buildings and structures; roof installation; Finishing work; sanitary and electrical work, installation of technological equipment, instrumentation and automation, commissioning.

The composition of the teams for each production cycle is decided taking into account the requirements of building codes and regulations, the output of workers and main construction machines, and the capabilities of the scope of work. At the same time, the maximum possible combination of work across production cycles is provided, based on the technological sequence of construction of the main buildings.

Construction schedules are optimized according to labor resources, the volume of capital investments and the cost of construction and installation work based on the need for their even distribution over construction periods (quarters, months), taking into account the cost of process equipment, instrumentation and automation and other costs, as well as the delivery time of equipment.

3.4. In table 1 shows an example of a calendar plan for the construction of a workshop (complex) for fruit and berry juices with a capacity of 2 million conventional cans (mub) and tomato juice - 1.5 mb per year, developed taking into account the requirements stated above.

The total duration of construction of the complex in accordance with the Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNiP 1.04.03-85) is 14 months, including the duration of the preparatory period - 2 months, the duration of installation of equipment - 5 months with the transfer of equipment in installation from 12 to 14 months and installation of equipment carried out from 9 to 13 months.

The distribution of capital investments (above the line) and the cost of construction and installation work (below the line), %, by construction quarters in accordance with the Standards is:

14 42 75 92 100

The total estimated cost of the complex is 1,357.73 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work of 1,023.84 thousand rubles. Total estimated cost of the workshop - main production facility of the complex is 270.53 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work 149.99 thousand rubles.

3.5. In Fig. Figure 5 shows an example of a comprehensive enlarged network schedule for the construction of a pig breeding farm for 100 main queens (standard project No. 802-229). The total duration of farm construction according to SNiP 1.04.03-85 is 9 months, including the duration of the preparatory period - 1 month, the transfer of equipment for installation is carried out from 5 to 6 months, the duration of equipment installation is 3 months - from 6 to 8 months. The distribution of capital investments (above the line) and the cost of construction and installation work (below the line), %, by construction quarters in accordance with the Standards is:

24 73 100

Table 1

Name of objects and works Total estimated cost, thousand rubles. Including the volume of construction and installation work, thousand rubles. Distribution of work volumes by construction periods
I year II year
I quarter II quarter III quarter IV quarter I quarter
Works of the preparatory period 82,93 82,93 82,93 82,93
Workshop for fruit and berry juices with a capacity of 2 mb and tomato juice - 1.5 mb per year 270,33 142,78 - 67,58 35,73 80 42,37 92,75 49,12 30 15,29
Stock finished products 81,79 81,79 - 40 41,79 41,79 - -
Container block 60,02 60,02 - 30 30,02 30,02 - -
Checkpoint 2,37 2,37 2,37 2,37 - - - -
Transformer substation 15,45 9,56 - 15,45 9,56 - - -
Charger 36,53 26,88 - - - 36,53 26,88 -
Boiler room with chimney 210,28 149,38 - 70,09 49,79 70,09 49,79 70,09 49,79 -
On-site and off-site power supply networks, high-voltage overhead 10 kV and low-voltage cable 380/220 V 10,91 10,91 10,91 10,91 - - - -
Roads, sites and artificial structures 97,95 97,95 32,65 32,65 32,65 32,65 - - 32,65 32,65
Water tank 11,88 11,88 - - 11,88 11,88 - -
Waterworks 18,46 14,76 - 18,46 14,76 - - -
Two-section drip cooling tower 3,9 2,52 - - 3,9 2,52 - -
Sewage pumping station for 3 units 42,23 34,27 - 20 16,27 22,23 - -
On-site and off-site water supply, recycling water supply and sewerage networks 99,39 99,39 33,13 33,13 33,13 33,13 33,13 33,13 - -
Heat networks and inspection chambers 56,4 56,4 - 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 -
Gas pipeline 17,73 17,73 - - 17,73 17,73 - -
Landscaping of the enterprise territory 19,32 19,32 - - - 19,32 19,32 -
Other costs 219,86 88,35 31,26 12,5 60,51 24,31 69,8 28,05 42,47 17,06 -
Total 1457,73 1023,95 193,25 145,82 374,02 282,06 432,07 325,42 260,64 196,61 97,79 73,93
Total with cumulative total thousand rubles. - - 193,25 145,82 567,28 427,88 999,3 753,3 1259,94 949,91 1357,73 1023,84
% - - 14 42 73 92 100
Note. The volume of capital investments is indicated above the line, and the volume of construction and installation work is indicated below the line.

The total estimated cost of the farm complex is 844.97 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work - 749.74 thousand rubles; cost of equipment - 75.43 thousand rubles, other costs - 19.8 thousand rubles, labor intensity of work - 18,080 man-days. The construction area of ​​the complex is 9337.84 m2.

The farm includes:

pigsty for single and pregnant sows for 124 heads and 12 boars with an area of ​​888.9 m2;

a pigsty for farrowing and keeping auxiliary sows with piglets for 80 pens with an area of ​​1549.7 m2;

pigsty for weaned piglets for 760 heads and 600 heads of replacement young animals with an area of ​​1881.4 m 2;

13 other buildings and structures with an area of ​​5017.84 m2.

The main buildings of the farm are of the same type in terms of design solutions: frame-panel construction, prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations and frames, panel and brick walls, brick partitions, coverings made of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, asbestos-cement roofing, expanded clay concrete, concrete, plank, asphalt and ceramic floors.

Rice. 5. Comprehensive enlarged network schedule for the construction of a pig farm

4.1. The construction master plan in the project for organizing the construction of agricultural production complexes is developed in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual for the development of construction organization projects and work projects for industrial construction.

When developing a construction master plan, issues of ensuring construction are resolved energy resources- electricity, water, heat, compressed air, oxygen, etc. In this case:

the approximate need for the specified resources is determined;

rational schemes of utility networks, power lines and points for connecting temporary networks to existing ones are selected and justified;

the most efficient water supply sources in terms of technical and economic indicators are selected; the locations for drilling artesian wells, the nature of water intake equipment and filter purification devices are established; the flow rate of water sources and the quality of their water are determined;

the approximate construction need for equipment and cable products necessary for the installation of temporary power lines and utility networks is determined;

the issues of allocating electricity, water, gas in the required quantity and required parameters to the construction are coordinated with the relevant organizations.

4.2. The basis for calculating resource requirements is the volume of construction and installation work in cost and physical (natural) measures, determined by the design organization in the design and estimate documentation. Data on the volume of work to calculate resource requirements are provided in Form 2 of the construction organization project.

4.3. In the absence of design data, the volumes of construction and installation work for approximate calculations can be approximately taken according to data for analogous objects, as well as according to calculated standards (indicators) for the volume of work, calculated for aggregated cost and physical measures - 1 million rubles. the cost of construction and installation work, 100 m 2 of usable area of ​​a residential building and others.

4.4. When determining resource requirements, resource costs for work performed through overhead costs are additionally determined, and losses during transportation, loading, unloading and storage are taken into account building materials, products and other resources in accordance with current norms of natural loss.

4.5. The need for resources of all types is linked to the volumes and timing of work during construction periods in accordance with the construction calendar plan. For this purpose, after determining the total need for resources for each type, the need is linked to the time of their use on the construction site by constructing graphs of the use of each individual type of resource over time. The construction of such schedules is based on the construction calendar plan.



5.1. A work schedule is developed for the construction of individual agricultural buildings, structures or their parts (assemblies) or the performance of certain types of work, as well as for the preparatory period for the construction of an agricultural complex (enterprise).

In Fig. Figure 6 shows an example of a work schedule for a workshop for fruit and berry juices with a productivity of 2 mub and tomato juice - 1.5 mub per year, which is part of the complex.

The total estimated cost of the workshop is 270.53 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work - 149.99 thousand rubles, equipment - 120.54 thousand rubles; construction area - 1347.2 m2. The building is one-story with plan dimensions of 36 ´ 24 m and a height to the bottom of the covering slabs of 4.8 m. The foundations for the columns are prefabricated reinforced concrete, the columns are prefabricated reinforced concrete, the walls are made of expanded clay concrete panels, the covering is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, the roof is three- and four-layer rolls , mosaic, ceramic tile and asphalt concrete floors.


Rice. 6. Schedule of work for the fruit, berry and tomato juice workshop

6.1. The construction master plan in the project for the production of work for agricultural buildings and structures and the performance of certain types of work during their construction is developed in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual for the development of construction organization projects and work projects for industrial construction using permanent power sources - power lines ( 6 - 10 kW) and distribution points (RP). In case of their absence, mobile power plants (ZhES, DPP) and packaged substations (KTP) should be used - in the absence of a RP.

The total demand for electricity should be calculated in kVA for the period of maximum consumption and during the hours of its greatest consumption based on data on the consumption of external and internal lighting, technological needs of construction, operation of electric motors and electric welding transformers according to the formula

where α is the coefficient of power loss in networks, depending on their length, cross-section, etc., is taken equal to 1.05 - 1.1; K 1 , K 2 , K 3 , K 4 , K 5 - simultaneity coefficients for electric motors (up to 5 pcs. - 0.6; 6 - 8 pcs. - 0.5; over 8 pcs. - 0.4), technological consumers (on average - 0.4), internal lighting (0.8), outdoor lighting (0.9), welding transformers (up to 3 pcs. - 0.8; 3 - 5 pcs. - 0.6; 5 - 8 pcs. - 0.5 and over 8 pcs. - 0.4); P m, P T, P os, P He, P sv - power consumption of installed electric motors, technological consumers, lighting fixtures and devices for internal lighting of objects, external lighting of objects and territory, welding transformers, kW; cos φ 1; cos φ 2 - power factor for groups of power consumers - electric motors (0.7 on average) and process consumers (0.8 on average).

Index P m is determined from the list and passports (catalogs, reference books) of construction machines and mechanized installations at the construction site based on the total power of all electric motors.

Index P t is determined by calculation or according to pre-compiled schedules characterizing the amount of electricity consumed depending on the planned operating mode at the construction site.

Electricity consumption for lighting (internal and external) is determined by specific power indicators per illuminated area (W per 1 m 2) according to the following data:

highways at a construction site with a traffic intensity of less than 200 vehicles/day.................................... ........................................................ ........................................ 0.15

area of ​​loading and unloading operations with cranes.................................... 2.4

mechanized earthworks................................................................... ........................... 2.4

installation of trenches for foundations, communications, driving piles.................... 2.4

area for installation work, welding, assembly of reinforcement, installation of formwork, concreting of structures.................................... ........................................................ ...... 7.2

concreting large massifs, rubble concrete masonry.................................................. 2.4

approaches to workplaces, storage rooms for bulk materials........ 1.5

roofing work, flooring................................................................... ......................... 7.2

Index P St is determined for the total number of welding machines and transformers with a preliminary recalculation of their power according to the formula, kW,

P sv = P cos φ,

Where P- power of welding machines, transformers, etc., kVA; cos φ - is taken equal to 0.75.

Rice. 7. Schemes of the construction master plan for the underground ( A) and ground part ( b)

1 - crane RDK-25; 2 - location of the community camp; 3 - a platform for receiving the solution and concrete mixture; 4 - cable tray; 5 - crane KB-100; 6 - boundary of the danger zone; 7 - boundary of the installation area; 8 - border of the zone of possible falling of the load; 9 - boundary of the crane service area; 10 - boundary of the dangerous zone of the crane operation

6.3. To supply water to a construction site, the water requirement is determined by the formula

Q tr = Q pr + Q household + Q please,

Where Q etc, Q household, Q w - respectively, the total need for water for industrial, domestic and fire-fighting needs, l/s.

Water consumption to meet production needs is determined by the formula

Where K well - the coefficient for unaccounted water consumption is assumed to be 1.2; q n is the specific water consumption for production needs, taken according to the data in Table. 2; P n - number of production consumers (installations, machines, etc. during the busiest shift), pcs.; K h - coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption; on average is taken to be 1.5; t- the number of hours per shift taken into account by the calculation.

table 2

Name of units or works Specific water consumption, l
Excavators with engines 10 - 15 per 1 machine-hour
Steam boilers using concentrate 1 - 1.2 per 1 kg steam
Preparation of concrete in concrete mixers 210 - 400 per 1 m 3 of concrete
Manufacturing of reinforced concrete products 150 - 250 per 1 m 3 products
The same, using steaming 400 - 500 per 1 m 3 products
Watering concrete and reinforced concrete 200 - 400 per 1 m 3 /day
Lime slaking 2500 - 3000 per 1 t
Plastering surfaces with ready-made mortar 2 - 3 per 1 m2 surface
Internal combustion engines with direct-flow cooling 15 - 40 per 1 hp/h
Tractors (based on 2 shifts) 300 - 600 per 1 tractor per day

Water consumption to meet the household needs of a construction site is determined by the formula, l/s,

Where q x - specific water consumption for household and drinking needs (according to departmental and regional standards, or for one diner in the canteen - 10 - 15 liters; for one worker per shift - 15 liters on non-sewered and 25 liters - on sewered construction sites); q d - water consumption for showering by one worker (30 liters per shift); n p is the number of workers on the busiest shift; n d - the number of workers using the shower (accepted up to 40% of n R); t 1 - duration of use of the shower unit (45 min.); K h - coefficient of hourly unevenness of water consumption, is taken according to the following data:

construction works................................................ ........................................... 1.5

power plants........................................................ ........................................................ .1.1

auxiliary enterprises........................................................ ........................................... 1.25

transport industry......................................................... ........................................... 1.5 - 2

household and drinking water consumption directly during construction......... 3

canteens........................................................ ........................................................ ................. 1.5

Water consumption for external fire extinguishing during construction Q is accepted according to reference data, but not less than 5 l/s.

The schematic diagram of a temporary water supply network, which comprehensively provides for household, industrial and fire-fighting needs, can be adopted as a ring, dead-end or mixed. If household drinking water is needed, the water supply system is separated into a separate system.

At least two hydrants are provided on the water supply line, located at a distance of not more than 100 meters. 150 m from one another, no further than 2.5 m from the edge of the roadway and no closer than 5 m from the building.

The diameter of the external pressure water pipes is determined by the formula, mm,

Where Q tr - estimated flow rate water, l/s; υ is the speed of water in pipes (for small diameters it is assumed to be 0.6 - 0.9 and for large ones - 0.9 - 1.4 m/s).

Depending on the maximum water flow rate, the approximate cross-section of the pipes is taken according to the data in Table. 2a.

Table 2a

6.4. Heat supply to the construction site is carried out primarily using heat from existing district thermal power plants or centralized boiler plants of industrial enterprises.

If there are no heat sources, temporary boiler houses are designed and built, or decentralized heating installations are used in the form of boilers, locomotives, and heater furnaces.

Calculation of the required amount of heat for individual farms and construction sites is carried out for the hourly period of their operation based on the maximum consumption in winter and the average consumption during the rest of the year. Maximum hourly heat consumption Q, J, for heating temporary industrial, residential and cultural buildings can be determined by the formula

Q = aq 0 (t vn - t o n) V n,

Where a- coefficient depending on the design temperatures of the outside air, is taken according to the data in Table. 2b; q 0 - specific thermal characteristics of buildings for heating, J/m 3 ×h×°C, taken according to the data in table. 3; t o n - calculated winter temperatures of outside air for heating; t vn - calculated indoor air temperature, taken according to the data in table. 3; V n - volume of the building according to external measurements, m 3; is accepted according to the data in Table. 3.

Basic technological schemes of work execution

Basic schemes for excavation work using single-bucket excavators. Schemes of earthworks performed by single-bucket excavators are divided into two main groups: non-transport and transport. Non-transportation schemes are called work schemes in which an excavator, developing soil, places it in a dump, cavalier or earthen structure. Transport-free schemes for carrying out work can be simple or complex. With a simple transport-free development scheme, the soil is placed in a cavalier or embankment without subsequent transshipment (re-excavation). In a complex non-transport development scheme, the soil is placed by an excavator into a temporary (primary) dump and is subject to partial or complete re-excavation.

Transport schemes are those in which soil is loaded by an excavator into dump trucks and transported to a given location. In this case, various movement patterns for soil transport are possible: for example, when working with a straight shovel - dead-end and through (dead-end - in which dump trucks approach the excavator and return along the same path; through - in which dump trucks drive up to the excavator without maneuvering and leave after loading the soil along the road, which is a continuation of the entrance route).

The choice of work plan depends on the construction features. Thus, in water management, oil and gas pipeline and transport construction, non-transport work schemes predominate, and in industrial and housing construction- transport.

Soil development is carried out by frontal or lateral penetrations. Lateral penetration is called one in which the axis of movement of the excavator coincides with the axis of the earthen structure or is located in its cross-sectional area.

There are two types of side penetrations: – closed, in which the axis of movement of the excavator passes from the side of the excavation section. While moving, the excavator develops three slopes of the excavation - two side and end; – open, in which the excavator, moving along the strip, develops side and end slopes.

Frontal penetrations are used to develop trenches with movement along the axis of the trench.

The main schemes for performing work with single-bucket excavators are given in Table. 22.

Carrying out work with a straight shovel. When working with a straight shovel, only transport schemes are used, since due to the small linear dimensions of the working equipment, the excavator cannot provide a sufficient volume of the dump for normal operation. The working equipment, a straight shovel, is used when constructing cutting and pioneer trenches in quarries, when developing large pits and recesses in road and hydraulic engineering construction.

Depending on the working conditions, straight shovel excavators excavate the soil using frontal and lateral penetrations. In narrow front passages, intermediate entrances are installed to reduce vehicle maneuvering time. In wide frontal penetrations, the excavator during operation moves short distances to the right and left sides of the face. Dump trucks approach alternately along both slopes of the excavation.

When working with lateral excavation, the excavator is installed so that it develops the soil in front of itself and on one of the sides. On the other side there are earth transport tracks.

22. Schemes of operation of single-bucket excavators with various working equipment

Rice. 16. Scheme of deep excavation development
1 - transverse penetrations of the scraper; 2 - longitudinal penetrations of the scraper; 3-excavator equipped with a straight shovel; 4 - an excavator equipped with a dragline; I…XII - sequence of penetrations

The most common type of side excavation is the face, in which the transport tracks and excavator are located at the same level. When constructing deep excavations in hydraulic engineering and road construction, the design depth of the excavations can significantly exceed the technological capabilities of the excavator. In this case, deep excavations are divided into ledges and tiers, the height of which must correspond to the capabilities of the excavator (Fig. 16). The upper part of the excavation is developed with bulldozers, then part of the excavation is developed with scrapers, and the remaining part is divided into tiers and excavated with excavators equipped with a straight shovel. The remaining part of the soil and slopes are finished with draglines.

Performing work with a backhoe. When working with a backhoe, transport and non-transport development schemes are used. In this case, the soil is developed by frontal and lateral penetrations, in which the axis of the excavator’s working stroke is shifted towards the approach of vehicles. Lateral penetration when working with a backhoe can be open or closed.

With closed lateral excavation, the soil is developed according to the scheme in Fig. 17, a and b. With an open side penetration, one of the sides of the workplace remains free of soil (Fig. 17, c). With closed and open side penetrations, the parameters of the structure being developed will be different. Thus, with a closed side penetration, the steepness of both slopes of the excavation can be set to the same, but it can also be different. Moreover, in the second case, the possible development depth can be increased by 1.6 times. When developing an excavation using an open side tunnel, the development depth can be increased by another 20%.

Rice. 17. Scheme for developing excavations with a backhoe

Rice. 18. Scheme for developing excavations using a dragline
a - lateral closed penetration with the same steepness of slopes; b - lateral closed penetration with different slope slopes; c - side open penetration

Rice. 19. Scheme of construction of an embankment from reserves

Rice. 20. Simple stripping schemes
a - one penetration; b - two penetrations; c - two penetrations into a one-sided dump; g - four penetrations

However, with this scheme, the possible volume of the dump and the distance between the dump and the excavation are reduced by approximately 10 times. With this type of work (lateral open excavation), it is necessary to use soil loading into vehicles.

Dragline work. Excavators equipped with a dragline can excavate soil into a dump or with loading into vehicle. In both cases, frontal or lateral penetration is used (Fig. 18).

Compared to working equipment with a backhoe, dragline equipment has a larger digging radius and a higher unloading height, which makes it possible to use them when performing work on large objects.

When developing narrow trenches and excavations with a dragline, the excavator is installed along the axis of the earthen structure and the excavated soil is placed on the right or left side of the excavation. In road construction, draglines are often used to construct embankments up to 3 m high. The work is carried out in this sequence. First, using an excavator installed along the /-/ axis (Fig. 19, a), the left reserve is developed, laying the soil layer by layer into the body of the embankment. Then the excavator moves to the other side of the embankment and from the //-// position (Fig. 19, b) lays the soil in the second half of the lower part of the embankment. Then the excavator from position ///-/// (Fig. 19, c), developing the soil, increases the reserve and lays the soil layer by layer in the upper part of the embankment.

The most widely used variants of non-transport dragline work schemes are: performing work with one longitudinal penetration with one-sided placement of the dump (Fig. 20, a); two longitudinal penetrations with dumps placed on both sides of the excavation (Fig. 20, b); two longitudinal penetrations with one-sided placement of dumps (Fig. 20, c), four longitudinal penetrations with double-sided placement of dumps (Fig. 20, d).

In the practice of performing stripping operations in quarries, several options for the joint operation of a dragline and a bulldozer are used. Schemes are used in which the development and movement of overburden soil is carried out by a bulldozer, and the laying of soil in a dump is carried out by an excavator (Fig. 21, a); overburden development is carried out by an excavator (Fig. 21, a); overburden development is carried out by an excavator, and soil is moved to the dump by a bulldozer (Fig. 21, b). In Fig. 21, c shows a combined scheme of work.

Rice. 21. Schemes of stripping operations using an excavator equipped with a dragline
a-laying soil into a dump with an excavator; b - laying soil into a dump with a bulldozer; c-transfer of soil with an excavator and leveling with a bulldozer; 1-3 - excavator penetrations

According to the first scheme, stripping work is performed in the following order. The bulldozer removes the top layer of overburden soil over the entire area of ​​the site and moves it outside the developed area directly into the dump. With increasing excavation depth and when it is impossible to transport soil outside the site, the bulldozer moves overburden soil to the boundaries of the excavated contour along its entire length. Next, the soil is moved to the dump by an excavator, which is installed outside the area being opened. Moving along an axis parallel to the boundary of the site, the excavator dumps the soil moved by the bulldozer into the dump. Then the excavator is installed on this dump and, moving along the axis, it moves the soil delivered by the bulldozer to the dump. Next, the excavator, moving along an axis located directly at the border of the area being opened, moves the soil remaining in the excavation to the dump.

With this scheme of organizing work, the bulldozer is forced to transport soil to the border of the area being opened, overcoming long, steep climbs, which reduces its productivity. This scheme is used when developing areas 50...60 m wide with overburden rock depths of 3...4 m.

In the second scheme, using an excavator for the development of overburden rocks, and a bulldozer for dumping, the excavated area is divided into penetrations of the maximum width for a given excavator. By developing the soil with lateral penetrations, the excavator moves it to temporary dumps. The bulldozer transports soil from temporary dumps to permanent dumps located outside the excavated area. From the last excavation, the excavator moves the soil to a permanent dump. A significant disadvantage of this scheme is the ineffective method of dumping with a bulldozer, since the main volume of soil in a permanent dump is placed over a large area. The bulldozer, as in the first case, is forced to overcome long and steep climbs, moving along loosened soil, which reduces its productivity.

The third scheme for performing stripping operations (combined) is as follows. The bulldozer removes the top layer of overburden soil and transports it outside the excavated area to a permanent dump. Then an excavator is put into operation, which, moving along the excavation slope, moves the soil delivered by the bulldozer to this slope into the dump. The subsequent movement of soil into the dump is carried out by the excavator, moving along the dump. The high parking level of the excavator helps to increase the volume of the dump. If all the soil cannot be placed in the dump, further movement of the soil into the dump is carried out by a bulldozer.

A combined scheme for performing excavation work is used when developing areas 30...40 m wide with an overburden soil thickness of 4...5 m. With this scheme, high productivity of both machines included in the kit is achieved, since the bulldozer moves the soil over a relatively short distance without large lifts, and the excavator develops loosened soil.

Rice. 22. Schemes for using rope-suspended grab equipment
a - backfilling of the sinuses; 6 - development of a pit for a lowering well; 1- soil for filling the sinuses (dump); 2 - solid soil, compacted with rammers; 3 - sleeper cage; 4 - embankment

An example of the use of combined stripping schemes is the construction of the Northern Donets-Donbass canal, where almost all soil development in sections of the canal with sandy soils was carried out by draglines.

Carrying out work using a grab. Excavators with grab working equipment are used for loading and unloading loose soils (sand, slag, crushed stone, gravel), as well as for digging wells, foundation pits for free-standing structures, power line supports, silos, and cleaning trenches during the construction of main pipelines. In the complex of excavation work during the construction of residential buildings and in industrial construction, grab equipment is used for digging various recesses, pits of complex profiles and for backfilling foundations. The excavator also removes all the recesses and pits provided for by the design in the areas developed by the dragline.

The scheme for performing work with a grab when filling soil into the pits of the pits and behind the walls of the foundations is shown in Fig. 22, a. These works are carried out as soon as the foundations are ready. An excavator equipped with a grab, moving along the edge of the pit along the perimeter, collects soil from the dump and places it evenly in small layers in the sinuses or behind the foundation wall. The height of the soil layer poured by the grab should not exceed 1...1.5 m. This soil is leveled using bulldozers (in cramped conditions - manually) and compacted with tamping plates, pneumatic tampers or another method.

Excavators equipped with a grab are the leading ones in sets of machines that perform excavation work to construct pits for drawwells in the construction of metallurgical enterprises. Thus, the construction of a skip pit using the drop-well method was carried out in the following order (Fig. 22, b). A well in the shape of an irregular hexagon, 11 m high and weighing 1200 tons, was installed on the ground. Next to it, on a soil cushion and sleeper cage, a place was prepared for installing an excavator equipped with a grab. An excavator used a grab to excavate the soil inside the well and dump it into a dump. Loading of soil from the dump onto transport was carried out by a second excavator equipped with a straight shovel. As the soil inside the well was excavated, the well sank under its own weight.

Mechanization of earthworks

2.1. In the construction organization project, the choice is made of a general organizational and technological scheme for the construction of buildings and structures as part of an agricultural enterprise or complex and organizational and technological schemes for the construction of individual main buildings and structures included in their composition.

The general organizational and technological scheme establishes the order of construction of facilities for main production, auxiliary and service purposes, energy, transport and communications, external networks of water supply, sewerage, heat supply and gas supply, landscaping of the territory, depending on the technological scheme of the production process of the agricultural complex, the features of construction decisions of the general plan - the nature of the distribution of work volumes depending on the degree of dispersion and space-planning solutions of the main buildings and structures, as well as the adopted method of organizing construction production (nodal, complete block, etc.).

The organizational and technological diagram of the construction of a separate building (structure) establishes the sequence of its construction in parts (units, sections, spans, cells, floors, tiers, production departments, sections, workshops, etc.) depending on the technological scheme of the production process or other functional diagram, as well as construction solutions and accepted methods of work.

2.2. When choosing organizational and technological schemes, the basic principles take into account the completeness of individual technological cycles or redistributions in the overall production process, the structural completeness of a part of an agricultural facility or a separate building (structure) identified in the scheme, and the spatial stability of a part of the building (structure), the requirements of the organization construction production, creating conditions for continuous production of work.

The choice of a general organizational and technological construction scheme, as well as schemes for the construction of individual buildings for agricultural (industrial) complexes and enterprises, is made in the same way as for industrial enterprises, buildings and structures. The general principles, procedure, methodology and examples of choosing such schemes, including the use of nodal and other methods, are discussed in detail in the Manual for the development of construction organization projects and work projects for industrial construction.

When choosing organizational and technological schemes for the construction of agricultural production buildings, the following features are additionally taken into account:

1) the preparatory period includes work on organizing the construction site: clearing and preparing the territory; geodetic alignment works; installation of temporary (mobile) buildings and structures, laying underground networks in the area of ​​construction and installation work; supplying electricity and water to places of consumption;

2) the process of constructing agricultural buildings (the main construction period) is divided into four technological stages: construction of the underground part of the building; construction of the above-ground part of the building; roof installation; post-installation work;

3) agricultural buildings are divided into three categories based on the number of underground facilities (manure removal trays, channels, etc.): without underground facilities; with poorly developed underground economy; with a highly developed underground economy.

Depending on the saturation of the underground economy, each of the four technological stages includes various types of construction, installation and special construction work, and their technological sequence will be different.

2.3. For agricultural production buildings, the order of work in each technological stage is adopted.

For buildings without underground facilities:

1) construction of the underground part of the building: excavation of trenches and foundation pits; installation of foundations and foundation beams; preparation device for floors;

3) roofing;

4) post-installation work: installation of carpentry; installation of foundations for equipment; installation of floors, ramps, blind areas; plastering works; installation of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works.

For buildings with poorly developed underground facilities:

1) construction of the underground part of the building: excavation of trenches and pits for foundations, trays and channels; installation of foundations, partial backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for trays; installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete trays and channels; adding soil under the floors and preparing the floors;

2) construction of the above-ground part of the building: installation of the building frame with sealing of joints; installation of wall panels with sealing and jointing;

3) roofing;

4) post-installation work: installation of carpentry; installation of foundations for equipment, monolithic concrete channels, trays, installation of feeders; installation of floors, ramps, blind areas; installation of fencing machines; plastering works; installation of ventilation shafts; Painting works; installation of technological equipment; commissioning works.

For buildings with highly developed underground facilities:

1) construction of the underground part of the building: excavation work for foundations and manure removal trays; installation of foundations, columns and basement panels with sealing of joints and waterproofing; backfilling of soil and preparation of the base for floors; installation of manure removal trays and ventilation ducts with the installation and covering of wells; preparation device for floors, blind areas, ramps;

2) construction of the above-ground part of the building: installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions; installation of coating structures; installation of wall panels; installation of brick partitions;

3) roofing;

4) post-installation work: installation of carpentry; installation of clean floors; installation of fencing machines, boxes; installation of technological equipment; plastering works; installation of ventilation shafts; Painting works; commissioning works.

2.4. The selection of installation mechanisms for each type of agricultural building is made individually. To carry out installation work in work projects, technological maps or diagrams are drawn up indicating the accepted installation mechanisms, equipment, work methods and their sequence.

Technological diagrams for the construction of agricultural production buildings are shown in Fig. 13.

2.5. During the construction of facilities in the Central Asian region of the country, the volume of construction and installation work in desert and semi-desert areas (arid zone) increases. A new type of integrated construction activity has emerged, including reclamation, agricultural, industrial and other types of construction, creating a solid infrastructure and normalized social conditions in the arid zone. Under these conditions, the process of creating (designing) water management construction facilities and state farm construction facilities takes place. In the first case, the issues of irrigation and reclamation of agricultural land development are resolved, which is decisive for the second case - solving the issues of organizing rural construction of production and non-production facilities.

These circumstances make serious adjustments to the range of off-site and on-site works provided for by SNiP 3.01.01-85 (clauses 1.4 and 2.3), which should be taken into account when developing construction organization projects and, in particular, organizational and technological schemes within them.

2.6. Preparatory work for the construction of agricultural facilities in undeveloped areas of the arid zone is conditionally divided into three stages:

I - preparatory work for the entire volume of construction (preparing the territory for construction; construction of a collector-drainage network; construction of access roads and tracks; preparation for the operation of construction machines; anti-mudflow measures; forest reclamation measures; anti-erosion measures; consolidation of sand; strengthening of saline soils; construction of temporary buildings and structures; laying external communications for power supply, communications, gas supply, water supply).

Rice. 1. Technological sequence of installation of a building without underground facilities

A- foundations; b- columns; V- coating elements; G- wall panels; d- covering elements (option with steel-reinforced concrete trusses); 1 - place of storage of foundations; 2 - beam warehouse; 3 - stack of coating slabs; 4 - pyramid; 5 - traverse

II - off-site preparatory work (installation of off-site networks and structures on them; temporary and permanent water supply and sewerage networks; temporary and permanent telephone, radio, alarm networks; temporary and permanent electrical networks and step-down substations; temporary, permanent heat networks and gas supply networks; temporary and permanent water supply and sewerage pumping stations; water supply and sewerage treatment plants; access road; construction of temporary (mobile) inventory buildings; consolidation of sand; strengthening of saline soils).

III - on-site preparatory work (vertical planning of the territory; landscaping, irrigation and landscaping; elimination of subsidence properties of the soil; installation of engineering temporary and permanent networks of water supply and sewerage, heat and gas supply, telephone installation, radio communications and alarms; protection of site facilities from sand drifts and blowing out; preparation for operation of machines in extreme conditions of the arid zone; construction of temporary buildings, canopies, sun protection, construction of awnings).

Rice. 2. Technological sequence of installation of a building with poorly developed underground facilities

A- foundations; b, V- manure removal trays, feeders, preparation device for floors; G- frame structures; d- wall panels; 1 - storage place for foundation shoes; 2 - storage place for trays; 3 - storage place for semi-frames; 4 - pyramid for wall panels

The preparatory work of the above stages is carried out in various continuous sequences (Fig. 4).

The most rational way is to combine the production of the last two stages of preparatory work. In practice, the choice of order of preparatory work is dictated by the specific conditions of the virgin lands being developed.


3.1. The calendar plan is developed for the construction of livestock and poultry complexes, enterprises for the storage and processing of agricultural products, repair of agricultural machinery and other agricultural enterprises, as well as individual buildings and structures to ensure rational organization of construction, distribution of resources and funds across stages and periods of construction, taking into account production capacity of contracting construction and installation organizations, subject to mandatory compliance with construction duration and backlog standards. It is taken into account that the duration of construction includes the entire construction period from the start of the preparatory work at the construction site to the commissioning of the complex (enterprise) or commissioning when the work is completed in full, as provided for in the working design (project).

When developing a construction schedule, it is provided that all auxiliary and auxiliary facilities are built in combined flows within the construction time frame of the main production facilities and do not affect the overall duration of construction.

Rice. 3. Technological sequence of installation of a building with highly developed underground facilities

A- foundations; b- columns; V- base panels; G, d, e- manure removal trays; and- coating elements; h- external wall panels; 1 - prefabricated foundations; 2 - pyramid; 3 - storage location for tray elements; 4 - trays; 5 - long-length slings; 6 - ladders for placing truss blocks; 7 - ladders with hooks for unfastening the truss block; 8 - sled; 9 - Wall panels

Rice. 4. Options for preparatory work

A- parallel execution of stages II and III; b- production of work at stage III after I and part II; V- continuous production of preparation work; G- implementation of stage III after work of stages I and II; d- sequential implementation of three stages of preparation; e- parallel implementation of three stages after partial completion of stage I work

3.2. The preparatory period includes objects and work related to the development of the territory, site planning, installation of temporary buildings and structures, as well as temporary utility networks and roads used for construction needs. The duration of the preparatory period is 15 - 20% of the total duration of construction of the main buildings and structures.

3.3. Depending on space-planning and design solutions, construction schedules may include the following production cycles: construction of underground and above-ground parts of buildings and structures; roof installation; Finishing work; sanitary and electrical work, installation of technological equipment, instrumentation and automation, commissioning.

The composition of the teams for each production cycle is decided taking into account the requirements of building codes and regulations, the output of workers and main construction machines, and the capabilities of the scope of work. At the same time, the maximum possible combination of work across production cycles is provided, based on the technological sequence of construction of the main buildings.

Construction schedules are optimized in terms of labor resources, volumes of capital investments and the cost of construction and installation work based on the need to distribute them evenly over construction periods (quarters, months), taking into account the cost of process equipment, instrumentation and automation and other costs, as well as equipment delivery times.

3.4. In table 1 shows an example of a calendar plan for the construction of a workshop (complex) for fruit and berry juices with a capacity of 2 million conventional cans (mub) and tomato juice - 1.5 mb per year, developed taking into account the requirements stated above.

The total duration of construction of the complex in accordance with the Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNiP 1.04.03-85) is 14 months, including the duration of the preparatory period - 2 months, the duration of installation of equipment - 5 months with the transfer of equipment in installation from 12 to 14 months and installation of equipment carried out from 9 to 13 months.

The distribution of capital investments (above the line) and the cost of construction and installation work (below the line), %, by construction quarters in accordance with the Standards is:

14 42 75 92 100

The total estimated cost of the complex is 1,357.73 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work of 1,023.84 thousand rubles. The total estimated cost of the workshop, the main production facility of the complex, is 270.53 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work of 149.99 thousand rubles.

3.5. In Fig. Figure 5 shows an example of a comprehensive enlarged network schedule for the construction of a pig breeding farm for 100 main queens (standard project No. 802-229). The total duration of farm construction according to SNiP 1.04.03-85 is 9 months, including the duration of the preparatory period - 1 month, the transfer of equipment for installation is carried out from 5 to 6 months, the duration of equipment installation is 3 months - from 6 to 8 months. The distribution of capital investments (above the line) and the cost of construction and installation work (below the line), %, by construction quarters in accordance with the Standards is:

24 73 100

Table 1

Name of objects and works Total estimated cost, thousand rubles. Including the volume of construction and installation work, thousand rubles. Distribution of work volumes by construction periods
I year II year
I quarter II quarter III quarter IV quarter I quarter
Works of the preparatory period 82,93 82,93 82,93 82,93
Workshop for fruit and berry juices with a capacity of 2 mb and tomato juice - 1.5 mb per year 270,33 142,78 - 67,58 35,73 80 42,37 92,75 49,12 30 15,29
Finished goods warehouse 81,79 81,79 - 40 41,79 41,79 - -
Container block 60,02 60,02 - 30 30,02 30,02 - -
Checkpoint 2,37 2,37 2,37 2,37 - - - -
Transformer substation 15,45 9,56 - 15,45 9,56 - - -
Charger 36,53 26,88 - - - 36,53 26,88 -
Boiler room with chimney 210,28 149,38 - 70,09 49,79 70,09 49,79 70,09 49,79 -
On-site and off-site power supply networks, high-voltage overhead 10 kV and low-voltage cable 380/220 V 10,91 10,91 10,91 10,91 - - - -
Roads, sites and artificial structures 97,95 97,95 32,65 32,65 32,65 32,65 - - 32,65 32,65
Water tank 11,88 11,88 - - 11,88 11,88 - -
Waterworks 18,46 14,76 - 18,46 14,76 - - -
Two-section drip cooling tower 3,9 2,52 - - 3,9 2,52 - -
Sewage pumping station for 3 units 42,23 34,27 - 20 16,27 22,23 - -
On-site and off-site water supply, recycling water supply and sewerage networks 99,39 99,39 33,13 33,13 33,13 33,13 33,13 33,13 - -
Heat networks and inspection chambers 56,4 56,4 - 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 18,8 -
Gas pipeline 17,73 17,73 - - 17,73 17,73 - -
Landscaping of the enterprise territory 19,32 19,32 - - - 19,32 19,32 -
Other costs 219,86 88,35 31,26 12,5 60,51 24,31 69,8 28,05 42,47 17,06 -
Total 1457,73 1023,95 193,25 145,82 374,02 282,06 432,07 325,42 260,64 196,61 97,79 73,93
Total with cumulative total thousand rubles. - - 193,25 145,82 567,28 427,88 999,3 753,3 1259,94 949,91 1357,73 1023,84
% - - 14 42 73 92 100
Note. The volume of capital investments is indicated above the line, and the volume of construction and installation work is indicated below the line.

The total estimated cost of the farm complex is 844.97 thousand rubles, including construction and installation work - 749.74 thousand rubles; cost of equipment - 75.43 thousand rubles, other costs - 19.8 thousand rubles, labor intensity of work - 18,080 man-days. The construction area of ​​the complex is 9337.84 m2.

The farm includes:

pigsty for single and pregnant sows for 124 heads and 12 boars with an area of ​​888.9 m2;

a pigsty for farrowing and keeping auxiliary sows with piglets for 80 pens with an area of ​​1549.7 m2;

pigsty for weaned piglets for 760 heads and 600 heads of replacement young animals with an area of ​​1881.4 m 2;

13 other buildings and structures with an area of ​​5017.84 m2.

The main buildings of the farm are of the same type in terms of design solutions: frame-panel construction, prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations and frames, panel and brick walls, brick partitions, coverings made of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, asbestos-cement roofing, expanded clay concrete, concrete, plank, asphalt and ceramic floors.

Rice. 5. Comprehensive enlarged network schedule for the construction of a pig farm


4.1. The construction master plan in the project for organizing the construction of agricultural production complexes is developed in accordance with the recommendations given in the Manual for the development of construction organization projects and work projects for industrial construction.

When developing a construction master plan, the issues of providing construction with energy resources - electricity, water, heat, compressed air, oxygen, etc. are resolved. In this case:

the approximate need for the specified resources is determined;

rational schemes of utility networks, power lines and points for connecting temporary networks to existing ones are selected and justified;

the most efficient water supply sources in terms of technical and economic indicators are selected; the locations for drilling artesian wells, the nature of water intake equipment and filter purification devices are established; the flow rate of water sources and the quality of their water are determined;

the approximate construction need for equipment and cable products necessary for the installation of temporary power lines and utility networks is determined;

the issues of allocating electricity, water, gas in the required quantity and required parameters to the construction are coordinated with the relevant organizations.

4.2. The basis for calculating resource requirements is the volume of construction and installation work in cost and physical (natural) measures, determined by the design organization in the design and estimate documentation. Data on the volume of work to calculate resource requirements are provided in Form 2 of the construction organization project.

4.3. In the absence of design data, the volumes of construction and installation work for approximate calculations can be approximately taken according to data for analogous objects, as well as according to calculated standards (indicators) for the volume of work, calculated for aggregated cost and physical measures - 1 million rubles. the cost of construction and installation work, 100 m 2 of usable area of ​​a residential building and others.

4.4. When determining the need for resources, the costs of resources for work performed at the expense of overhead costs are additionally determined, and losses during transportation, loading, unloading and storage of building materials, products and other resources are taken into account in accordance with the current norms of natural loss.

4.5. The need for resources of all types is linked to the volumes and timing of work during construction periods in accordance with the construction calendar plan. For this purpose, after determining the total need for resources for each type, the need is linked to the time of their use on the construction site by constructing graphs of the use of each individual type of resource over time. The construction of such schedules is based on the construction calendar plan.

A work production project or WPR is a section of organizational and technological documentation, which includes instructions for the production of individual construction and installation works. The work production project is also used to plan and control the work performed. The PPR is developed on the basis of the PIC (construction organization project), which contains drawings and diagrams of the buildings (structures) being constructed.

The work project determines the order of construction, the volume of construction work, the number of work shifts, as well as the implementation and completion dates for individual types of work. PPR ensures the achievement of planned economic indicators, as well as calculated values ​​​​for labor productivity and the quality of work performed.

Requirements for the work project

  1. PPR is necessary when organizing work on the construction (demolition) of buildings or structures, both complete and partial. A work plan is required for the preparatory period of construction, as well as for each type of work separately. Requirements for the composition of sections of the PPR are set out in SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction Organization”.
  2. According to SP 48.13330.2011, work projects are developed by design organizations that have engineering personnel with the necessary qualifications. Construction organizations themselves can prepare the PPR under the same conditions.
  3. According to RD-11-06-2007, work permits for work using lifting mechanisms are developed by certified specialists in the field of industrial safety with relevant work experience.
  4. According to 190-FZ of December 29, 2004 legal entities And individual entrepreneurs can carry out training project documentation provided that they are members of the SRO and have access to this type of work.
  5. According to SP 48.13330.2011, approval of the work plan is carried out by the chief engineer of the general contractor. Certain sections of the PPR for installation and special work are approved by the chief engineers of subcontractor organizations. After approval, the work permit must be submitted to the construction site before the start of work.

SNiP 12-03-2001 “Occupational Safety in Construction” (Appendix G) establishes requirements for the development of a project for carrying out work to ensure occupational safety at the site. Without these decisions, construction work is not allowed.

Types of work projects

Based on the type of planned construction work, appropriate types of PPR are developed for their production. Work projects can describe both the full range of construction works and their individual types.

The project for the production of facade work regulates the procedure for carrying out work on the repair and reconstruction of building facades.

The project for the installation of scaffolding contains requirements for the installation and dismantling of scaffolding, the procedure for the supply of structural elements and the quality of installation work.

PPR for the preparatory construction period - determines the order and scope of work that must be performed to create technological conditions for the processes of the main construction period.

PPR for installation of metal structures - establishes requirements for materials and components of metal structures, as well as safety rules and procedures for loading, unloading and installation work.

A work plan for monolithic works is a necessary regulatory document for the construction of monolithic buildings and structures, usually consisting of a group of individual PPRs.

The project for the execution of roofing work determines the procedure for installing the roof according to the construction plan, and must comply with the standards for carrying out work at height.

Composition of a standard work project

  1. Construction master plan.
  2. Explanatory note, which contains decisions on geodetic work, laying temporary utility networks and lighting.
  3. Justifications and measures for the use of mobile forms of work organization.
  4. The need and connection of construction camps and mobile buildings.
  5. Measures to ensure the safety of building materials, structures and equipment.
  6. List of environmental measures.
  7. Occupational health and safety measures.
  8. Technological maps by type of work.
  9. Schedule of receipt of construction materials, structures and equipment at the site.
  10. Schedule of movement of workers around the facility.
  11. Construction vehicle traffic schedule.
  12. Technical and economic indicators.

The composition of the work project in accordance with the requirements of the OATI mountains. Moscow

  1. Scheme of organization of the work site
  2. General scheme of work
  3. Explanatory note
  • situational plan, which is carried out on a scale of 1:2000 with design solutions;
  • description of the work location;
  • the customer's decision to carry out the work;
  • customer name;
  • initial design data;
  • description of the type, volume and duration of work performed;
  • description of the technological sequence of work;
  • organizational and technological scheme of work;
  • description of security measures;
  • description of the characteristics and type of fencing planned for use in the work area;
  • measures when crossing the roadway;
  • description of measures to ensure safety, including traffic safety, when performing work;
  • drawings of technical solutions to ensure the safety and further operation of underground, surface structures and communications during work;
  • description of measures to restore damaged amenities;
  • fire prevention measures;
  • environmental protection and disposal of construction waste;
  • noise protection;

The composition of the work project in accordance with the internal standards of PPR EXPERT LLC

  1. Stroygenplan.
  2. Work organization diagram.
  3. Technological sequence of work.
  4. Calendar schedule.
  5. Workforce requirement schedule.
  6. Schedule of requirements for basic construction machines and mechanisms.
  7. Technological maps.
  8. Explanatory note.

The explanatory note contains:

  • application area;
  • brief description of the construction project;
  • organization and technology of work;
  • instructions for the performance of work (technological measures and regulations) for each type of work performed at the construction site, including in winter;
  • instructions on methods for implementing instrumental control over the production of work and the quality of construction;
  • list of used mechanisms and equipment;
  • occupational health and safety measures;
  • fire safety measures;
  • environmental protection measures;
  • safety and labor protection requirements.
  1. Scheme of organization of the work site carried out on an engineering topographical plan at a scale of 1:500 with design, organizational and technological solutions applied.
  2. General scheme of work carried out on a scale of 1:2000 with a diagram of the work area linked to the site plan.
  3. Construction master plan is an updated version of the construction master plan of the construction organization project, reflecting specific detailed solutions necessary for the implementation of design decisions. It is being developed in accordance with SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction Organization”. It indicates the location of temporary fences of the construction site, temporary roads, utility camp, storage areas for materials and products, external lighting points, transport routes, utility networks, communications, equipment and mechanisms used during construction. Decisions on the construction master plan as part of the PPR must be linked to the PIC. The construction master plan as part of the PPR is tied to a specific type of work.
  4. Work organization diagram contains a description of the sequence and methods of work.
  5. Calendar plan as part of a production project, work can be carried out using specialized computer programs, usually in the form of a Gantt chart, and includes the timing and sequence of planned work, indicating the volume of work, labor costs (person-hours, person-shifts, machines. -shifts), number of shifts and number of workers per shift. Based on the calendar schedule, a schedule for the need for workers and a schedule for the need for basic construction machinery and mechanisms (by day) are developed.
  6. Technological maps as part of the work production project, they are developed in accordance with MDS 12-29.2006 for certain types of construction and installation work, taking into account the characteristics of the given facility and local conditions. The technological map includes the technological sequence and the basic principles of labor organization when performing operations that are part of the work in question. It is also possible to develop technological maps for the operation of a single mechanism (crane, lift, etc.).
  7. Explanatory note contains a description and technological sequence of work, instructions on methods for monitoring production and quality of work, and measures for occupational safety. The note also contains a description of fire prevention measures, environmental protection and waste disposal and noise protection.

Depending on the type of work, the composition of the PPR may vary.

Preparation of a work project

The execution of work projects is carried out in accordance with the technical specifications.

The work project has the following structure:

  • Cover with the name of the construction site and the name of the contractor.
  • Title page.
  • Certificate of certification of PPR developers.
  • Contents of the PPR.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Drawings developed in accordance with established building codes and regulations.

Text and graphic materials of the PPR are drawn up on sheets of standard A0-A4 formats. GOST 21.1101-2013 establishes the position of frames and stamps for each format. For explanatory note it is necessary to use the requirements from GOST 2.105-95 " General requirements to text documents."

Coordination and approval of the work project

The approval of the work project is carried out:

  • with the chief architect or head of the construction department in local governments;
  • in case of a justified deviation from fire safety standards, approval of the PPR at the local Ministry of Emergency Situations is required;
  • if the project involves carrying out work using tower cranes, then the PPR is agreed upon with the company that owns the cranes, or with the organization that installs them at the site.

The PPR for subcontracting work is agreed upon with the general contractor company.

Approval of the work plan is carried out by the chief engineer or technical director of the general contractor's organization.

When reconstructing an existing building or structure on the territory of an enterprise, the work plan must be agreed upon with the director of the enterprise and the organization that ordered the work.

PPR for installation or dismantling of equipment must be approved by the following authorities:

  • coordination of the equipment transfer schedule with the management of the enterprise;
  • if the load on the equipment exceeds the rated values, then it is necessary to coordinate the installation or dismantling technological schemes with representatives of the manufacturer;
  • if building structures are used for installation/dismantling, then it is necessary to coordinate the technological schemes in the design and installation organizations;
  • in case of forced deviations from the technical conditions for installation (manufacturer's plant), the technological schemes should be agreed upon with the management of the enterprise and the equipment manufacturer.

Regulatory documents and SNIPs

The work project is the main regulatory document for the construction site where the work is being carried out. He must take into account all the requirements and norms approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Changing organizational and technological solutions during the course of work is not allowed. If necessary, they are carried out only after agreement with the organization that developed the PPR.

List of main regulatory documents, according to which work projects are developed:

  • State standards SPDS and ESKD.
  • Town Planning Code Russian Federation- No. 190-FZ dated December 29, 2004
  • Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002
  • SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction organization”.
  • SP 12-136-2002 “Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction projects and work projects.”
  • SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements."
  • RD-11-06-2007 “Methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing projects for the production of work with lifting machines and technological maps for loading and unloading operations.”
  • MDS 81-33.2004 " Guidelines on determining the amount of overhead costs in construction.”
  • MDS 12-29.2006 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a technological map.”
  • MDS 12-46.2008 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project, a project for organizing demolition (dismantling) work, and a work execution project.”

In addition to the above regulatory documents, when developing the PPR, other documentation regulating the implementation of specific types of construction work can be used.

Examples of work projects

IN this section Examples of work projects for already constructed construction projects are presented. All documentation has been successfully coordinated and approved, and all design solutions have already been implemented in real projects.

Project for the installation of translucent structures for the Multifunctional Swimming Center. The work was carried out using a KS 55713-1 V truck crane.

Project for the dismantling of existing crossing structures, installation monolithic structures transition and filling of the sinuses from the “-10” mark to the “0” mark.