Organizers. Creditexpress Finance LLC, enforcement department, do I need to pay them? Collection department creditexpress finance collectors

Bank loans have become so accessible today that most borrowers have fallen into debt and are unable to repay their loans to the bank. It is quite difficult and costly for banks themselves to collect debts from their clients, because for this they need to organize a specialized department. The most reasonable solution for the bank is to sell, or, more precisely, transfer under an agency agreement, the debt to collection agency. That is why in our country such a business as a collection agency has become quite profitable. One of such agencies is the collection agency Credit Express Finance, which has probably already encountered problems with loan debtors.

About collectors

Before conducting a review of CreditExpress Finance, it is worth understanding who collectors are today and what they do. They are primarily encountered by debtors bank loans, that is, they position themselves as professional collectors of overdue debts. In simple words their task is to repay the debt to the creditor by any means; for this they receive their reward; if we talk about its size, it can reach up to 90% of the total amount of debt to the bank.

By the way, banks rarely sell debts at consumer loans collectors, because this “product” is of little interest to them due to its low cost, they mainly act under an agreement of assignment of the right of claim.

If we talk about the company Credit Express Finance, then its task is also to repay the debt on a previously issued loan to a lender or bank. If the debt was sold under an agreement on the assignment of the right of claim, then the borrower is released from his obligations to the bank and becomes a debtor to the collection agency.

In the fight against malicious defaulters bank loans Collectors often use illegal measures and exert psychological and moral pressure. Numerous reviews from debtors allow us to judge this, however, we will analyze them later. In general, to put it in simple words, Credit Express Finance is an organization that tries in every way to collect the debt, in turn, debtors need to know exactly what the collection agency Creditexpress Finance is and how to deal with them.

About the company, official website

If this is your first time encountering a collection agency like Creditexpress Finance, the official website will help you find answers to your main questions. In short, the company is one of the leading Russian market in the field of collection of overdue debts. In addition, the company has a representative office in 10 more European countries. The company operates only in accordance with Russian legislation to carry out its tasks is guided by ethical principles.

By the way, on the official website you will find online access to your debt obligations; for this you can go to Personal Area Using the registration number, you can find it in the written notice from the collection agency.

Since the company operates in 10 countries around the world, it has extensive experience in collecting overdue debts, and it is worth noting that the company’s debt collection standards bring high results. In addition, professional collectors find a special individual approach to solving each individual problem, while the employees remain friendly and loyal to their clients. At least, such information is indicated on the official website, as the situation looks like in reality.

Methods of influencing debtors

As stated earlier, the company assures its customers that it acts on the basis of current legislation Russian Federation. That is, they do not exert physical or moral influence on the debtor and do not disseminate their personal data. In general, their method of influence is a constructive dialogue, during which agents are ready to offer for each loan debtor best option solutions and his issue with overdue debt. In simple words, they offer ways to pay off the debt, depending on the client's situation.

Now let's look at some interesting facts about Creditexpress Finance. Do they need to pay, because this is the very first question that may interest a potential debtor. When transferring a debt to a collection agency, the bank is obliged to notify that it will assign its rights of claim to a third party, that is, to the collector. After this, debtors begin to receive other letters directly from collectors, which indicate payment details and the amount to be paid, as well as the minimum time frame within which payment must be made. Undoubtedly, after such events, many rushed to pay their debt, but this was before, now most debtors no longer react to such a measure of influence.

Sample letter from debt collectors

The next measure that the collectors are taking is a notice of visit, which indicates that the department forced collection visit the debtor in the near future and sell his property to pay off the debt. Firstly, there is no enforcement department. Secondly, either its owner or a bailiff has the right to sell property as part of enforcement proceedings. Third, Creditexpress Finance does not go to its clients, that is visiting group she does not have.

Important! All letters from debt collectors are a method of psychological influence on the debtor; the threats specified in the letter are unlikely to be accepted for execution.

Now to the question, do you need to pay debt collectors? Of course, if you have a debt to a bank or other creditor, then you must return it, find any ways to pay off the debt, but paying debt collectors is not the most profitable and reliable option for you. Even if professional debt collectors come to your house, you can politely respond by saying that you will resolve all issues only through the court. If you transfer money to people who represent themselves as collectors, you have no guarantee that the amount will go towards repaying your existing debt; the receipt you receive has no legal force.

Why you need to wait for the trial:

  1. By a court decision, you can legally pay the entire debt to the creditor without intermediaries.
  2. The court may take into account that the amount presented to the debtor is greatly inflated compared to his actual debt.
  3. Pays debts through bailiffs or directly to the lender, you do not risk anything.

Dear Boris!
If you refuse to accept evidence, you have a really difficult time. Your position is not approved. Go to court.
You can contact Statement of claim to court.
Quote: Article 3 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Right to go to court
1. An interested person has the right, in the manner established by the legislation on civil proceedings, to apply to the court for the protection of violated or disputed rights, freedoms or legitimate interests, including with a request to award him compensation for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time or the right to execution court order within a reasonable time.
2. Waiver of the right to go to court is invalid.
3. By agreement of the parties, a dispute within the jurisdiction of the court, arising from civil legal relations, before the court of first instance makes a judicial decision, which ends the consideration of the civil case on the merits, may be referred by the parties to the arbitration court, unless otherwise established by federal law.
Article 151 Civil Code Russian Federation. Compensation for moral damage
If a citizen is harmed moral injury(physical or moral suffering) by actions that violate his personal non-property rights or encroach on intangible benefits belonging to a citizen, as well as in other cases provided for by law, the court may impose on the violator the obligation of monetary compensation for the specified harm."
Article 25. The consumer’s right to exchange goods of proper quality
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Chapter 21 Article 166
1. Immediate danger to others
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Chapter 59 Article 208
1. Theft, that is, the secret theft of someone else’s property, -
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years, or forced labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for for a term of up to four months, or imprisonment for a term of up to one year.
2. Theft committed:
a) by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, -
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one year, or by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or by forced labor for a term of up to three years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities. for a term of up to five years, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year.
3. The same acts committed with the aim of concealing another crime or facilitating its commission, -
shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years with a fine in the amount of up to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred forty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of one to two years, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years with a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or without it and with restriction of freedom for a term of up to one and a half years or without it.
4. Acts provided for in parts one, two or three of this article, committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale, -
shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of two years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to twenty years or without it and with restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years or without it.
4. Acts provided for in parts one, two or three of this article, resulting in the death of a person through negligence, -
punishable by forced labor for up to five years with deprivation of the right to drive vehicle for a period of up to three years.
(as amended by Federal Law dated 12/08/2003 162-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
4. Establishing the volume of energy consumption, as well as the requirements contained in the performance of trade labor duties, is adopted by the employer according to the rules of paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 32 of this Code.
3. Air exchange, fines, penalties and fines are not subject to exchange. The bailiff initiates enforcement proceedings on the basis of a writ of execution at the request of the claimant or on his own initiative. In this case, the debtor has the corresponding federal law (clause 1 of Article 293).
Sincerely. email mail.

Useful to know when communicating with these passengers. remember!!!
First of all, collectors have no right to do ANYTHING to you! They do not have the right to call you, come, etc. They only have the right to sue you on behalf of the bank if they have a power of attorney from the bank or an assignment agreement for the claim. The bank, not the collectors, must notify you of the assignment of the right of claim.
Secondly, rather than paying debt collectors, it is better to immediately bring the matter to court. No court will award such interest and such collection costs as the collectors ask if you ask the court to apply Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If you pay them even 100 rubles once, they will milk you for the rest of your life.
Thirdly, if the collectors call you again, then you rudely, sharply and brazenly, without allowing the speaker to say a single extra word, consistently ask:
- what organization he represents, where his office is located (city, street, house number, office number), its OGRN, TIN, when and by whom the state registration certificates were issued, the numbers of state registration certificates;
- his position, last name, first name and patronymic. If he names them, then ask how he can confirm his data and how he will certify it (“how can you prove to me right now that you are Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov and really have a power of attorney”?);
- on what basis is he contacting you, how and where he can show you his passport and his power of attorney to represent the interests of the bank, invite him to send you copies of these documents by e-mail or regular mail. If he (s) says that there is (any) agreement, then answer that with his agreement he can go to the toilet and wipe his backside, what is needed is a power of attorney from the creditor.
Do not answer any of their questions regarding your data and the data of your relatives, do not provide your place of work, address, or any information about yourself at all. To all requests to inform (clarify, check, etc.) answer: “When I have a court decision that has entered into legal force with an obligation to tell you something, then I will tell you this, and then I’d rather fine you for failure to comply with the decision.” I will pay the court to fulfill this decision."
Whenever you try to interrupt you, rudely answer the caller what you are saying now, and he should shut up (exactly like that!!!) and listen to you and answer your questions without uttering a single extra letter. If he asks why he should be silent, answer: “It is you who invaded my privacy, not me. I establish the rules on my territory. If you don’t like this rule, then you go (that’s where).”
Whenever he tries to say something, say: (I’m not asking you where I should go (or whatever else he says, I’m asking for your full name, and how can you confirm it to me right now).
If he does not answer your questions on the second try, send him to his destination (exactly those letters) and stop the conversation.
You say, as usual, that all questions go to court.
Do not allow them home under any circumstances and do not go anywhere except the court.
If you are stopped or some people come to your home, immediately call “02” and shout that you are being robbed. Carry a gas canister with you and use it on such people without fear.
Remember, when dealing with debt collectors, your trump cards are rudeness, arrogance and a demonstration of a lack of fear!
To all threats, answer that he can shove his threats into his back seat, and if one of them tries to come, then protective measures will be taken against them, and you are not responsible for your personal safety, life and health.
Go to the police and file a report of extortion.
With all their subsequent calls, you answer extremely rudely, sharply and arrogantly: “In our last conversation, I popularly explained to you where you should go. So go there, and don’t look back.” And you hang up.

On January 1, 2017, the long-awaited, so-called anti-collection federal law No. 230 of 07/06/2016, signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, came into force. Its provisions speak of strict restrictions on the activities of collection agencies in Russia. Thus, the main part of the law talks about the creation of an additional department in the state register Federal service bailiffs for mandatory registration of collection services for further activities. Additional provisions of Federal Law No. 230 regulate the activities of all agencies registered in the FSSP register (this is also done to protect the interests of such a state organization as).

Among the restrictions most expected by borrowers, we noticed the following:

  • The collector no longer has the right to disturb the debtor more than once a day or more than twice a week;
  • The collector does not have the right to meet with the debtor more than once a week;
  • Calls to the debtor at night are prohibited (from 22:00 to 8:00);
  • Calls from unknown/hidden numbers, etc. are prohibited.

As we can see, in theory, things in this financial area should improve for debt holders. However, it is too early to give a definite answer to the question of how this law will work in practice.

In return, we will try to provide you with all the significant information about one of the most famous collection agencies in the Russian Federation, which will allow you to make the right decision: to trust the Creditexpress Finance company or not.

Department of Compulsory Collection LLC Creditexpress Finance

Kreditexpress Finance, as one of the largest enforcement departments in the Russian Federation, decided not to abandon its previous activities and officially registered in the FSSP register. If you still doubt that the bank has begun to comply with the law, then you can independently check whether it has state registration on the official website of the bailiffs. You just need to enter the following information in the search bar: “LLC Creditexpress Finance INN 7707790885 KPP 770701001.” As a result, you will receive comprehensive information about the activities of the collection agency Creditexpress Finance.

The list of services provided by Creditexpress Finance includes:

  • Debt collection individual at the early and late stages of its development;
  • Collection of corporate debt from a legal entity;
  • Judicial penalties;
  • Monitoring and analysis of debt activity;
  • Debt redemption.

The collection agency Creditexpress Finance cooperates with a large number of banks, so it is worth keeping in mind that in the event of any problems with the law, it will entity, will lose much more than you, as a physical person, are capable of losing. In addition, judging by the latest news reports, the collector began to acquire complete packages assignments from other agencies. This means that Creditexpress Finance plans to stay in the Russian debt market for a long time, which in itself means careful conduct of future business.

Official website of Creditexpress Finance

You can also visit the collector’s official website in order to find out detailed information about him, which will allow you to protect yourself from him if the collector violates your rights and freedoms. Having found out the location of the Creditexpress Finance office in your city, you can take a number of preventive measures to punish any collector.

The site may also be useful to you if you want to get to know even better who you are collaborating with. To do this, you can read their news feed, read the Kreditexpress Finance documentation, or even contact them and directly ask them the question you are interested in.

Reviews Creditexpress Finance

Before the signing of the above-mentioned federal law by Vladimir Putin, reviews of all collection agencies on the Internet were completely negative, regardless of the actual quality of work with clients. Therefore, finding an adequate review on the Internet about such a company was quite problematic. And since the activities of private commercial organizations debt collection was initially illegal, it was almost impossible to even monitor the work methods of such companies. After all, when illegal activity was discovered, the violating company was immediately closed by government services, and in the absence of evidence, there was really nothing to track.

But since January 1, the situation has changed dramatically. The first reviews of cooperation with collectors under new, “human” conditions are gradually appearing. Among them, it is noted that Creditexpress Finance LLC no longer sends a notice of visit after visiting the debtor with a backdated date, but calls and plans the time and place of the meeting, depending on the convenience of the client. Internet users immediately noticed that companies officially registered in the State Register began to comply with the law and treat debtors noticeably better. After all, this is now in their interests, since the existence of the collector’s business has now begun to depend on it. For gross violations of the rights and freedoms of debtors, the registration of an enterprise can now be taken away, thereby depriving it of the right to carry out its activities.

Creditexpress Finance do they need to pay?

As we have already found out, now all collection agencies that have passed the official state registration, are under the control of the relevant government agencies. This means that their activities are monitored. Since the Federal Law, which entered into force on January 1, will only be improved in the future, and the collection agency Creditexpress Finance is subordinate to the already existing federal law, then you can safely hope that not a single unlawful action of the organization will go unpunished. However, it is worth keeping in mind that no one is immune from the human factor when collaborating even with the most reliable company.