Sample minutes of a meeting of owners of an apartment building. Minutes form (sample) of an extraordinary general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building

Protocol general meeting owners are needed to record the decisions made by residents apartment building(hereinafter, MKD), it is important to consider that this document must be drawn up in accordance with the Order. Accurate adherence to all points is very important and will protect you from future litigation by residents who disagree with decisions made on any issues.

All requirements for this document, as well as other rules for its design will be discussed in our article.

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to follow any of the suggested options:

It is necessary to draw up a protocol to resolve issues that arise in the process of managing an apartment building, for which the chairman of the HOA or another interested party organizes a general meeting of residents. And brings up the following common questions for consideration:

  • creation or liquidation of a homeowners association (HOA);
  • adoption of rules for registration and storage location of the protocol;
  • approval of the procedure for using the local area (residents are considering the construction of a playground, a parking lot, and a ban on the use of a utility room adjacent to the house);
  • making changes to the design of the house, and other issues related to outbuildings (warehouses, extensions, etc.);
  • demolition of structures related to the building;
  • renting out areas related to the house for shops, service stations, etc.;
  • change management company or forms of house management. We need to carefully consider this issue. Residents of the house or government bodies self-government, submit for consideration the issue of choosing a management company. If the owners are not able to determine the form of management themselves, then the house is transferred to any HOA;
  • Issues of distribution of funds received for major repairs. Will they go to the current accounts of the HOA, or go to the general state fund;
  • At the meeting of owners, current issues may be considered that are not included in our list, but require solutions (for example, what to do with debtors for public utilities who will clean up local area and entrances, etc.).

A general meeting of owners can be initiated by an active group of owners, or by an individual resident who decides that this is necessary, or a meeting can be organized by legal entities, for example, a management company.

Requirements for the minutes of the general meeting of owners of apartment buildings

There have been some changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, for example, on December 25, 2015, the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation No. 937 “On approval of the Requirements for the preparation of minutes of general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings and the Procedure for transferring copies of decisions and minutes of general meetings of owners” came into force premises in apartment buildings to the authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities Russian Federation carrying out state housing supervision" (hereinafter referred to as the "Order"). Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 14, 2016 N 41802.

When this law came into force, many decided that this would simplify the procedure, but in practice it turned out that detailed implementation of the Order is almost impossible.

Rules for drawing up minutes of the general meeting of residents of an apartment building

Now let’s look at all the requirements that must be met when drawing up the minutes of the general meeting of owners of an apartment building in 2017.

The preparation and recording of the results of the protocol should be handled by the secretary, who should be selected as a separate issue on the agenda. The period for drawing up the document is determined at the general meeting, and should not exceed 10 days from the moment of its organization.

The chairman is obliged to hold a meeting and give the floor to everyone from those present. The counting commission must also be present at the meeting.

The structure of the protocol form is fixed at the legislative level and has a certain structure that includes the following points:

  1. Details of the protocol.
  2. Introductory part.
  3. Main part.
  4. Information about participants in the meeting.
  5. Applications.
  6. Signatures.

Now we will take a closer look at each point of the minutes of the general meeting of MKD residents.

Protocol details

Before the introductory part of the document, a title with accompanying content is written. It is important to include the following in the title:

  1. “Minutes of the general meeting of premises owners in apartment building».
  2. Document date. Usually they indicate the day of the actual meeting, or the date of the final decision on the substance of the consideration. It is important that the date stamped on the document corresponds to the date stamped on the notice of the meeting handed over to the owners. When the general meeting lasts for several days, the start and end dates must be noted.
  3. The index and address of the apartment building in relation to which the issues are being considered.
  4. Type of meeting – regular or extraordinary.
  5. Form of voting (full-time, internal-absentee, absentee). The form of management must be selected separately for each residential building. It is the apartment owners who determine what form they need - a Home Owners Association (HOA) or a Management Company (MC).

In this case, it is important to indicate the registration number of the document. Numbering should start from the beginning, each calendar year (1/2017, 2/2017, 3/2017, etc.), and correspond to the sequence of all meetings during the year. They write something like this: “Minutes No. 001 of the general meeting of homeowners...”

Article 44.1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the following forms of voting at a meeting:

  • In-person voting (all residents of an apartment building are present in person to resolve issues on the agenda);
  • In-person and absentee voting;
  • Absentee voting.

You can see the final sample of the protocol header in Figure 1.

The meeting of residents can be held in parallel in person and in absentia. Moreover, such a meeting is formalized by a single protocol of the in-person and absentee general meeting of owners of an apartment building. You need to understand that these are not two different meetings, but one event consisting of two stages.

If the meeting is held in absentia, the document is drawn up in absentia. Such a meeting can be held with the help of electronic service housing and communal services systems or by survey. In most cases, this type meetings with an insufficient number (the number established by the regulations) of participants at the meeting in person.

An important point that is spelled out in the Order is the storage location of the document drawn up at the general meeting to resolve issues put to vote. Very often, the place where the protocol is stored is the office of the Association Board or the Chairman of the HOA in his apartment. This is necessary so that, if necessary, any interested person who has the right to do so can receive upon request all information on general house meetings.

Introductory part of the protocol

In this section of the protocol you must indicate the following data:

  1. Details of the meeting initiator. If a legal entity, then its full name and OGRN, for individuals, passport details (full name, registration address), and series and number of the certificate of ownership.
  2. Full name of the Chairman, secretary and composition counting commission.
  3. List of event participants.
  4. The total number of votes of apartment building residents.
  5. The area (total) of all premises of an apartment building.
  6. The issue under consideration is on the agenda.
  7. The presence or absence of a regulated number of participants and the authority to gather.

Main part of the protocol

This section of the minutes should describe the agenda and each issue under consideration separately.

Residents' questions are submitted for consideration in accordance with the notice of collection. You can submit one question or several. Each question must be numbered. You cannot add the “Miscellaneous” item and bring it up for discussion within various issues. It is impossible to discuss issues not specified in the notice within the framework of the document. It is also prohibited to formulate questions of different content into one.

In accordance with the filling rules, the presentation in the main part of the document should be in the 3rd person plural. numbers. The main part includes 3 subsections:

  • Part 1. “Listen” - here the details (full name) of the person speaking to the audience, his serial number, the essence of the issue in accordance with the agenda, a brief summary of the speech or a footnote to the appendix with the text of the speech are indicated;
  • Part 2. “Proposed” is a brief summary of the solution to the problem specified in the question and up for voting;
  • Part 3. “Decided” - the final decision of the participants regarding all the issues raised, can be formulated as “for”, “against”, “abstained”. It is important to indicate the number and exact essence of the issue in accordance with the agenda, the number of votes on different items. It is allowed to indicate several numbered points in the decision.

Information about participants in the meeting

Participants of the meeting (those present) are legal entities and individuals who have the right to vote at the meeting (they are the owners of premises in an apartment building).

Invitees to a meeting are persons observing the meeting without the right to vote. In most cases, these are lawyers and other specialists.

After the phrase “Present”, information about all participants who were present at the general meeting is indicated. The information you need to provide is the following:

  • For organizations - full name and OGRN, data on the certificate of ownership (series and number) confirming ownership of the premises. The number of votes owned by the owner, full name (if any) of the representative of the legal entity (as in the passport), details of the notarized power of attorney of the representative.
  • For individuals - Last name, first name, patronymic of the owner of the premises (apartment), or his representative with a executed power of attorney. The number of the apartment whose owner is an individual is indicated. person and series and number of the certificate of ownership itself. Just like a legal entity, you need to indicate how many votes the tenant owns. Signatures of the indicated persons.

Information about the persons who were at the meeting can be presented in the form of a list if their number is more than 15 people. It needs to record information in accordance with clause 12 of the Order. The list is not an excellent part of the protocol, issued as an appendix. The protocol itself must include the note “List attached, Appendix No. ____,” immediately after indicating the total number of participants.


Applications that are mandatory when drawing up a protocol:

  1. In accordance with Part 5 of Art. 45 and part 4 of Art. 47.1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, you need to issue a message about the fact of holding a meeting of residents of an apartment building.
  2. Compile a register containing information about the delivery of notifications to apartment building residents about the date of the event and the issues on the agenda. It must contain information about the owners, the method of transmitting notices, and the date of receipt by the owner or representative.
  3. General register of all owners of apartment buildings. Data of individuals (full name) and legal entities (full name and OGRN) of persons. IN this list the numbers of the premises owned by them, how many votes each owner has, and the details of the document giving ownership rights must be indicated.
  4. Registration form for participants actually participating in voting.
  5. Notarized powers of attorney (copies) of representatives of owners participating in voting. The power of attorney does not have to be certified by a notary, more details in Art. 185 Civil Code RF.
  6. Results of voting and decisions made.
  7. The name of the documents participating in the agenda and on which decisions were made by voting.
  8. Other documents approved by the decision of the general council of participants as mandatory.

Each application must be numbered.


The total number of votes of the owners who signed the registration form is determined by the quorum. To eliminate scams, errors, or general mistrust on the part of individual owners premises, it makes sense for everyone present at the vote to be given a ballot, on which the assembled members personally enter the data and sign.

If the meeting was held in absentia, if ballots were drawn up, they must be included as one appendix to the final minutes.

If the procedure is carried out in the order indicated above, then there is no need to put signatures on the final protocol.

Signature details include the following:

  • Full name of the chairman;
  • Full name of the secretary of the general meeting;
  • Full name of the persons conducting the vote count.

All persons listed above must be dated and signed. If the purpose of the meeting was to elect a chairman and a counting commission, the signature details include the surname and initials of the initiator of the meeting.

When can a protocol be invalidated?

The protocol can be challenged in accordance with clause 6 of Article 46 of the RF Housing Code and declared invalid if:

  • the procedure and timing of notification of the place and time of the event, and the issues on the agenda have been violated;
  • the competence of the quorum is violated;
  • the information message is incorrectly composed;
  • it is impossible for the owner of the premises to properly familiarize himself with the necessary information for making a decision;
  • certification of the owners' powers was carried out improperly;
  • the procedure for counting votes of premises owners during voting, including persons who have the right to shared ownership for premises, including owners of communal apartment rooms;
  • the rules for documenting decisions at a meeting were violated, mainly regarding absentee ballots;
  • the information about the number of votes belonging to the owner of the premises is incorrect.

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Protocol No. ______

extraordinary general meeting of premises owners

in an apartment building located at:

_____________, st. _____________________, house _____, building ______,

held in the form of joint presence

___________ "___" ________ 20____

The initiator of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is _________.

(Full name of the initiator of the general meeting, name of the legal entity)


(Full names of members of the initiative group, No. of their premises)

There is a quorum. The general meeting of premises owners is competent.

Agenda for the general meeting of premises owners:

  1. Approval of the procedure for holding an extraordinary general meeting of owners in the form of joint presence.
  2. Selection of the counting commission in the composition




  1. Approval of the list of services and works for major repairs as part of the list established by the regulatory legal act of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  2. Approval of the amount of payment for work and services for major repairs in the amount established by the regulatory legal act of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  3. Approval of the timing of major repairs within the time limits established by the regulatory legal act of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  4. Selecting a special account owner -


  1. The choice of a credit institution in which a special account will be opened is _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
  2. Approval of the procedure for drawing up the minutes of this General Meeting.
  3. Approval of the location of the notice of the decision taken - ____________________________________________________________________.
  4. Approval of the storage location for the minutes and other documents of this General Meeting - _______________________________________________________.

The owners of the premises considered the issues on the agenda and

  1. Select the counting commission as part of



or No decision has been made.

2. Approve the list of services and works for major repairs as part of the list established by the regulatory legal act of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Declared invalid - _______________ decisions.

Decision is made ____________________________________________________

or No decision has been made

3. Approve the amount of payment for work and services for major repairs in the amount established by the regulatory legal act of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Declared invalid - _______________ decisions.

Decision is made ____________________________________________________

or No decision has been made

4. Approve the timing of major repairs within the time limits established by the regulatory legal act of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Declared invalid - _______________ decisions.

Decision is made ____________________________________________________

or No decision has been made

5. Select the owner of the special account -


Declared invalid - _______________ decisions.

Decision is made ____________________________________________________

or No decision has been made

6. . Choose credit institution, in which a special account will be opened

Declared invalid - _______________ decisions.

Decision is made ____________________________________________________

or No decision has been made

7. Approve the location of the notice of the decision made - _______________________________________________________________________.

Declared invalid - _______________ decisions.

Decision is made ____________________________________________________

or No decision has been made

8. . Approve the storage location of the minutes and other documents of this General Meeting - _______________________________________________________________________.

Declared invalid - _______________ decisions.

Decision is made ____________________________________________________

or No decision has been made

The following documents are attached to the protocol:

1. Register of present owners of premises in an apartment building on ___ sheets.

2. Information message about holding a general meeting of premises owners in the form of joint presence on _____ sheets.

3. Register of delivery of notices about holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building in the form of in-person voting on ____ sheets.

4. Powers of attorney for representatives of premises owners in the amount of _____.

Initiator of the general meeting _______________ /__________________ / (signature) (full name)

Property owners who took part in the vote count

(signature) (full name)

_______________ /__________________/

(signature) (full name)

_______________ /__________________/

(signature) (full name)

_______________ /__________________/

09.11.2019 , Sashka Bukashka

The general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is the official management body of the apartment building in accordance with the Housing Code. It is held for the purpose of managing the house, issues are discussed and decisions are made. Who decides the fate of common property? Only apartment owners can vote. Now we will tell you how this is done.

The common property of an apartment building can generate income

Few people think about the fact that common property is not only a costly item, but also generates income. If, for example, you rent out your basement, you may have enough money to pay for repairs and utility costs. Very few people are taking this path yet, because they do not know about their rights or cannot make the appropriate decisions through general votes. In this article we will tell you how to do this and offer you the current minutes of the general meeting of owners of an apartment building in 2019 (you can download a sample file at the end of the article).

What is home management and what does the tenants have to do with it?

You and I, as apartment owners, also manage the common property of our high-rise building. Not everyone, only partially, and does not always understand the share of ownership, but there is such a right - it is spelled out in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Common property includes walls, roofs, attics, basements, engineering Communication, that is, everything that is intended for use by more than one apartment owner. And since the condition of this very property directly affects the living conditions and safety of all residents, the law stipulates responsibility for maintenance.

Payments remind us of this responsibility every month. We pay for utility resources that are spent on general house needs, pay the management company for maintenance and Maintenance apartment building, we list common property. But most residents do not know where exactly the money goes and how effectively it is used.

How is the meeting of owners held and what issues does it resolve?

How do owners vote?

The decision of the general meeting is made by a majority of the total number of votes of the owners of the premises participating in this event. On some issues (about the reconstruction of a house, about the formation, etc.), even two-thirds of the votes of all owners are required to make a decision.

The number of votes that each homeowner has at the general meeting is proportional to his share in the ownership of the common property. And it, in turn, is proportional to the size of the total area of ​​the apartment belonging to him. This means that the owner of a four-room apartment has big amount votes than the owner of a small one-room apartment.

Issues of competence and decision-making procedures are established Housing Code RF, but the form of the minutes of the general meeting of owners of an apartment building sets out only the basic requirements for this document. To avoid possible disagreements, we recommend that you carefully consider the content. Remember that any minor error or unclear wording may result in a lawsuit brought by tenants who do not agree with your decision.

It is important to complete the protocol correctly

In order for your decision on the fate of the common property to acquire legal force, it is not enough to hold a general meeting. Its results still need to be properly documented. Decisions are documented in a protocol, which is the final document recording the voting results, including information about the date, venue, agenda, presence of quorum, number of votes “for”, “against” and “abstained” on each issue.

There is no single, universal form of protocol for the general meeting of owners of premises of an apartment building, there is only general rules its compilation. The requirements for the preparation of such a document are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated January 28, 2019 No. 44/pr “On approval of the Requirements for the preparation of minutes of general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings and the Procedure for sending the originals of decisions and minutes of general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings to authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state housing supervision”, which came into force on 03/05/2019.

Sample minutes of the general meeting of residents of an apartment building 2019:

Please note that the document has changed since March 2019!

Text of the minutes of the general meeting (to be completed):

Protocol No. _______
general meeting of premises owners
in an apartment building (general form)
by the address: __________________________________
(name of municipality)
st. ______________, house ___, bldg. ______

g. ________________ “___”________ ____ g.

Date: "___"_____________ _____
Time spending: _______________________.
Location: _______________________.
Start time for registration of meeting participants: _________ hours ________ minutes.
Closing time for registration of meeting participants: ____ hours __________ minutes.
Beginning of the meeting: _____ hours ______ minutes.
End of meeting: ______ hours ______ minutes.

Annual (or: extraordinary) general meeting of owners of an apartment building at the address: __________________________________________ in the form of in-person (absentee, in-person and absentee) voting.

Initiator of the general meeting of premises owners: ___________________________________________________________________________ (name of the legal entity, initiator of the general meeting, or full name of members of the initiative group, ________________________________________________________________________________ (numbers of their residential premises).

The person presiding at the general meeting: ________________________.
Secretary of the general meeting: _____________________________________________________
Persons who carried out the vote count: ___________________________________.

total area apartment building - ____________ sq. m.
The area of ​​an apartment building owned by citizens is _____________.
Owned area of ​​an apartment building legal entities, — _____________.
The area of ​​an apartment building in state (municipal) ownership is _____________.




The total number of votes of owners of premises in an apartment building is ________ votes.
The total number of votes of the owners of premises in an apartment building who took part in the meeting is ____________________.
Quorum present (not present).
The general meeting of premises owners is competent (not competent).

1. ___________________________________________________________________.
2. ___________________________________________________________________.

1. Listened to _________________________________________________________________.

Questions were asked:

2. Listened to _________________________________________________________________.
(Full name of the speaker, question number, summary speeches)

Questions were asked:
1. _________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________.

The following took part in the discussion: __________________________________________ (full name).
Suggested by: ______________________________________________________________.

Decided (resolved): _____________________________________________________
(decision indicating the number and wording of the issue in accordance with the agenda, the number of votes cast for various voting options)
Behind ___________________________________________________________________.
Against _______________________________________________________________.
Abstained __________________________________________________________.
The decision has been made (not made).

1. Register of owners of premises in an apartment building (representatives of owners) on ____ sheets.
2. Notice of holding a general meeting of premises owners on ____ sheets.
3. Register of delivery of notices to owners of premises about holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on ____ sheets.
4. List of registration of owners of premises present at the meeting.
5. Powers of attorney for representatives of premises owners in the amount of ____ pieces.
6. Documents on which decisions were made at the general meeting during the consideration of issues included in the agenda and put to vote.
7. Decisions of premises owners in an apartment building.
8. Other documents or materials that will be determined as a mandatory appendix to the minutes of the general meeting by a decision at the general meeting adopted in the prescribed manner.

The following voted “against” on ____ agenda items:
_________________________________ (name/full name, other information).
Persons who counted votes on agenda items:
_____________________________________________________________ (FULL NAME.).

Chairman of the general meeting: _____________________/__________________/ (signature) (full name)

Secretary of the general meeting: _________________________________/__________________/ (signature) (full name)

Keep the protocol form up to date

Typically, residents take a sample protocol of the general meeting of homeowners from the local administration or download it on the Internet. In the latter case, pay attention to when the information was posted online. IN otherwise you can take as a sample an outdated form, compiled without taking into account the above Order of the Ministry of Construction. And this, in turn, will entail the recognition of your document as invalid. (Below this article, a fully current document is offered for download.)

Mandatory protocol details

The form for the minutes of the general meeting of owners of an apartment building must be filled out legibly by hand or the document must be printed on a computer. Although it does not have a set form, there are still some required details he has:

  • Title of the document;
  • date and number;
  • date and location of the event;
  • title to the content (includes the type of meeting - annual or extraordinary - and the form of its conduct - in-person, absentee, in-person and absentee voting);
  • content of the document;
  • place (address) of storing minutes of meetings and decisions on issues put to vote;
  • applications;
  • signatures.

The chairman and secretary of the event are elected from among those present by open voting. The chairman presides over the meeting and the secretary records the voting results. They also sign the protocol - with the exception of cases provided for by law (for example, when a decision is made to create a HOA, the document is signed by all owners who voted for such a decision).

This page contains the form of minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building. The given format must be used in order to consolidate the accepted by residents and owners non-residential premises decisions at the general meeting.

The given example of the minutes of a general meeting of owners can be used if the meeting was held in person or in absentia. In this particular form, a list of questions records the change of management company and the selection of a new management company. Of course, the minutes of the general meeting of residents can reflect a list of absolutely any issues on which any decisions were made by the residents, ranging from approval of the list of terms of the management agreement for an apartment building and ending with the choice of a method for forming a capital repair fund in such an apartment building.

Thus, the proposed protocol form can be used for any cases, having previously changed the agenda of the general meeting of premises owners in it.

To document the decisions made at the general meeting and confirm the legitimacy of the meeting, the attached sample or another form that does not contradict the norms of the current legislation and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation can be used.

Sample minutes of the general meeting of owners of an apartment building

Protocol No.__

extraordinary general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building located at: _____________, st. __________________________________, house No. _____, held in the form of in-person and absentee voting

_____________ “____”_________________ 201__

Initiator of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building:

(Full name of the owner of residential premises No. ___; Full name official, representing the interests of the municipal entity, acting on the basis of a power of attorney dated __________ No. _________)

Form of holding the general meeting: in person and in absentia. Conducted without/with the participation of the management company (underline as appropriate).


Date and time of the face-to-face part of the meeting ____hours ___ minutes. "___" _______ 20____

Venue of the correspondence part of the meeting: _____________, st. _________________ house ___________ entrance No. _____________ _______________________________________________________________.

___________ owners took part in the in-person part, representing ___________ votes (__________% of the total number of votes in the house.


The closing date for accepting decisions from property owners is ____:___. "___" ___________ 20_____

Place (address) of transfer of decisions of premises owners


___________ owners took part in the absentee part, representing ___________ votes (__________% of the total number of votes in the house.

Date and place of drawing up the protocol, counting of votes

The total area of ​​premises in an apartment building is ________________ sq.m., including: - residential premises - ____________________ sq.m., - non-residential premises ________________________.

Quorum present/absent ____________________________________________________________

The general meeting is competent/not competent _________________________________________________

Agenda for the general meeting of premises owners:

  1. Conducting the meeting in the form of in-person and absentee voting.
  2. Approval of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting and vesting of these persons with the authority to count votes, draw up and sign the minutes of the general meeting.
  3. Termination of the contract with the management organization LLC “Management organization “______________________”
  4. Choosing a method of managing apartment building No. ____ on the street. ___________________________ in the city _____________e.
  5. Approval of the Management Organization _____________________________________ to conclude an agreement with it for the management of an apartment building.
  6. Approval of the terms of the management agreement for an apartment building between the Management Organization and the owner in the proposed wording.
  7. On the obligation of the management organization LLC “Management Organization “______________________” to transfer technical documentation for apartment building No. _____ on the street __________ within the period __________. _________________________ and other documents related to the management of this house in management organization, with which a management agreement for an apartment building will be concluded.
  8. Approval of the amount of fees for the maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building, including fees for the management of an apartment building.
  9. Posting of voting results on the information board of each entrance to building No. ____ on _________________________________ street in the city of _____________.
  10. Determination of the storage location for the minutes of the general meeting in the form of in-person and absentee voting of the owners of the premises of the apartment building No. _____ on the street. _____________________________________________________ at the address: _____________, st._________________________________________________________________________

On the first item on the agenda:

On the second item on the agenda:

Approve the chairman (full name) _______________________________________________,

Secretary of the General Meeting (full name) _____________________________________________.

And give these persons the authority to count votes, draw up and sign the minutes of the general meeting.

On the third item on the agenda:

Terminate the management agreement for an apartment building concluded with the management organization_________________________________________________________________________

since “_____” ____________________________.

On the fourth item on the agenda:

Select a method of managing apartment building No._______ on the street. _____________________________ _____________a - management of the management organization.

On the fifth item on the agenda:

Approve the management organization - _______________________________________ and conclude with it a management agreement for the apartment building No. ___________________ on the street ___________________ from "____" ____________________________.

On the sixth item on the agenda:

Approve the management agreement for an apartment building between the Management Organization ___________________________________________________________________ and the owner in the proposed wording, which is the same for all owners of the apartment building premises (Appendix No. 5).

On the seventh item on the agenda:

Oblige the management organization LLC “Management Organization “______________________” to transfer technical documentation for the apartment building No. on the street within __________________. ____________________ and other documents related to the management of this house, cash owners, from the personal account of the apartment building to the management organization with which a management agreement for the apartment building will be concluded.

On the eighth item on the agenda:

Establish the amount of fees for the maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building in the amount of ________ rubles, including the fee for managing the apartment building ___% (excluding VAT) of the amount of the accrued fee for the maintenance and current repairs of the common property of the apartment building.

On the ninth item on the agenda:

On the tenth item on the agenda:

Determine the storage location for the original minutes of the general meeting in the form of absentee voting and decisions of the owners of the premises of the apartment building No. ____ on the street. _______________________________________, _____________a, at the address: _____________,


The total area of ​​the premises of the owners whose decisions were declared invalid __________.


  1. Notice of voting in absentia or in person.
  2. Register of delivery of information messages about the meeting.
  3. Decisions of premises owners in the amount of _______ l.
  4. Powers of attorney for representatives of premises owners in the amount of _______l.
  5. Form of management agreement for an apartment building.

Chairman of the general meeting _____________ /___________________ /

(signature) (full name)

Secretary of the general meeting _______________ /__________________ /

(signature) (full name)

Property owners who took part in the vote count

(signature) (full name)

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(signature) (full name)

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(signature) (full name)

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