Counting commission. What is known about Putin’s “Digital Economy”: current status Commission on the Digital Economy

According to the head of government Dmitry Medvedev, when implementing the digital economy program, several tasks must be solved: firstly, expanding support for start-ups, small and medium-sized businesses that are developing and implementing digital technologies, “because it is this business segment that is most actively involved in this kind of activity." “In order for a business to go digital, we need to think about what kind of financial support to provide it, what additional tax regimes to create, what existing administrative barriers could be eliminated,” Medvedev said at a meeting on the implementation of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program. on Tuesday.

The meeting was attended by First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov, Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, and heads of specialized companies.

Secondly, the prime minister said, it will be necessary to monitor how digital economy programs are being implemented in other countries, cooperate with foreign companies where possible, create joint projects, invite talented specialists and foreigners to work in Russia and return our citizens who left and deal with these topics. “When developing technologies, we should not limit ourselves only to some of our own approaches,” Medvedev said.

In addition, he announced his intention to create an autonomous non-profit organization “Digital Economy”. Large structures such as Rostec, Rosatom, Sberbank, Rostelecom, Skolkovo Foundation, Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Yandex, Mail.Ru, Rambler and some others are ready to join this organization. “The new organization will generate requests from businesses, monitor the Digital Economy program, and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of this program. And it will be an advisory governing body, determining some strategic points and, of course, technology,” the prime minister said.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the creation of a subcommittee on the digital economy under the government commission on the use of information technologies to improve the quality of life and business conditions. The subcommittee will be headed by First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government Maxim Akimov, who before working in the government was Deputy Governor of the Kaluga Region. In addition, to manage the Digital Economy program, a special autonomous non-profit organization (ANO) Digital Economy is being created, which a number of Russian companies and organizations have already expressed their readiness to join, including Rostec, Rosatom, Sberbank, Rostelecom, Skolkovo Foundation, Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), Yandex, Mail.Ru, Rambler

The subcommittee was created for “operational management of the implementation of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation program.” This is reported on the government portal. “The digital economy is not a project of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the Ministry of Economic Development or any other department. This is a space for joint work of all government bodies, business, science and people in general who deal with these problems,” Dmitry Medvedev said yesterday at a meeting on the implementation of the Digital Economy program. According to him, the subcommittee will coordinate the interaction of all bodies government, business, science, etc.

The order, signed by Dmitry Medvedev, sets out the composition of the subcommittee. It included representatives of federal executive authorities, the government apparatus and the presidential administration of Russia, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), as well as the Analytical Center for the Government of Russia. The subcommittee was headed by Maxim Akimov. Let us remember that since the mid-1990s he has worked in various government positions in the Kaluga region. From 2007 to 2012, he served as deputy governor of the Kaluga region. He came to the government of the Russian Federation in 2012 - to the post of deputy chief of staff of the government of the Russian Federation. In 2013, he became first deputy chief of staff of the Russian government.

Dmitry Medvedev also emphasized at the meeting yesterday that the Digital Economy state program solves several problems. First, Russia will need to monitor how digital economy programs are being implemented in other countries and cooperate with foreign companies where possible. “When developing technologies, we should not limit ourselves only to some of our own approaches,” the Prime Minister believes. Secondly, educational programs need to be adjusted to prepare those who are able to navigate the digital world. Thirdly, it is necessary to expand support for start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses that are developing and implementing digital technologies.

“In order for business to go digital, we need to think about what kind of financial support to provide it, what additional tax regimes to create, what administrative barriers from the existing ones could be eliminated. Legislation should not fetter entrepreneurial activity and scientific thought,” said the head of government .

According to him, large companies actively help innovative startups, but this work needs to be structured. For this purpose, the government plans to create an autonomous non-profit organization “Digital Economy”. Rostec, Rosatom, Sberbank, Rostelecom, Skolkovo Fund, ASI, Yandex, Mail.Ru, Rambler and a number of other companies have already announced their readiness to join the ANO. “The new organization will generate requests from businesses, monitor the Digital Economy program, evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of this program. And it will be an advisory management body that determines some strategic issues and, of course, technology,” explained Dmitry Medvedev.

As ComNews previously reported, in July, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian government to provide assistance to leading organizations in the digital economy, including Sberbank, Rostelecom, etc., in establishing an autonomous non-profit organization (see ComNews dated July 21, 2017). ). The press service of the government and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications yesterday did not answer the editor’s question about the timing and stages of creating an autonomous non-profit organization.

As a representative of Rostelecom told a ComNews correspondent, the company has already participated in meetings at which the charter of the ANO was discussed, among other things.

As a Yandex representative told a ComNews correspondent, the Internet company is one of the co-founders of the ANO. “We participate in expert groups where our expertise is useful. The most relevant topics for us are education and training, technologies based on machine learning, the use of neural networks, and big data analysis,” he noted. ANO participants are already discussing the draft charter, after which this document must be approved by the Ministry of Justice; this is a standard procedure when creating such structures. Other issues are under discussion. According to Yandex's estimates, the ANO will be created in the fall.

The Rostec State Corporation also confirmed that it is participating in the project to create an autonomous non-profit organization. For all clarification questions, the Rostec representative recommended contacting the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

The rest of the ANO co-founders interviewed by ComNews did not answer the editor’s questions.

Let us recall that on August 1, Dmitry Medvedev signed an order approving the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program. According to the document, the program is built in five areas: regulatory regulation, education and personnel, the formation of research competencies and technical groundwork, IT infrastructure and cybersecurity. The goal of the program is to organize the systematic development and implementation of digital technologies in all areas of life - both in the economy, and in entrepreneurship as a social activity, and in public administration, and in the social sphere, and in the urban economy (see ComNews dated August 1 2017).

In July, Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian government to develop and adopt a legal act by August 20 that would define a system for managing the implementation of the program. The project has already been posted on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts and is at the stage of conducting an independent anti-corruption examination.

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D​​discussion of leading experts in the field of digital environment development, data engineering and development

data models became one of the first steps in implementing the EAEU digital agenda in terms of digital transformation of markets and the formation of a data industry. Member of the Board (Minister) for Internal Markets, Informatization, Information and Communication Technologies of the EEC Karine Minasyan noted that “digital twins, models and reference structures are beginning to play an increasingly important role. Decision-making and competitive success depend on the speed of data exchange, the availability of your own digital assets and an effective strategy for their development. Therefore, the success of the process of digital transformation of the economies of the Union countries should be based on the launch of basic projects that would become engines of growth.” The Minister is confident that at the first stage the most important task is to form a common ontology of the digital space and create a data model of the Eurasian Economic Union.

For several years now, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) has been implementing a number of projects that serve as the basis for the launch of new digital initiatives and integration projects. The most important of them are the creation of an integrated information system and data model of the EAEU, the formation of a cross-border space of trust.

The next step was the launch of a specialized expert platform within the Commission to discuss trends and issues of digital transformation of the economy within the EAEU. At the first meeting, the head of the ROEL data model support group, Dmitry Kozhevnikov, drew attention to the multidimensionality of problems in the field of ontology and axiomatics of data modeling.

The head of the EEC project on digital transformation, Alexander Petrov, spoke in favor of accelerating the transition to semantic-ontological technologies. In his opinion, these technologies ensure the achievement of the basic economic effects of the digital economy, since they are based on the principles of interoperability, which is necessary, among other things, for building the industrial Internet. Managing Partner of Time & Space Yuri Volokitin emphasized that the sequence of their development is critical for the effective development of these technologies. In this regard, it is necessary to start with defining the concepts of “Motivation”, “Stakeholders” and “Issues of competencies of the Union ontologies”. An effective form of practical implementation of such tasks is the implementation of projects using the Agile model, within the framework of which the Union’s specialists will acquire the necessary competencies in managing the life cycle of ontologies of digital interaction between the Union’s stakeholders.

According to Odant system architect Vadim Soglaev, for the community of experts on working with data models, it is also necessary to identify the problems that arise during the transformation of the landscape of information systems, and one of the important decisions is the approval of a single standard for basic data models. The adoption of such a standard will simplify electronic data exchange and radically reduce the costs of creating and integrating information systems.

Experts supported the further development of the initiative to develop an ontology and data model of the Union, and proposed expanding the composition of the expert platform participants in this area. The meeting participants noted that it is necessary to ensure the continuity of existing connections and take into account the risks associated with the existing decentralization of decision-making regarding data architecture.

One of the main results of the discussion was that all participants supported the idea that the use of an ontology and data model will reduce costs when integrating information systems, increase the speed of data exchange, provide a basis for interoperability, and also create new opportunities for the development of the digital economy in Union. At the same time, the use of ontology and data model is not limited only to formalization and management of reference data when creating electronic documents in the course of implementing information interaction between business entities and regulatory authorities. One of the conclusions of the discussion was that the need for specialists in knowledge economics, data engineering and ontologies is emerging very quickly.

As one of the next steps, the discussion participants proposed the use of a sandbox mechanism and pilot projects that would allow us to experimentally “grope” for directions for using the ontology and developing the Union data model for the development of business and the public sector, especially for digital platforms and their ecosystems in the Union.

The Commission invites all interested parties for the development and discussion of the “White Paper” in the field of ontologies and data models of the Eurasian Economic Space.

E Email addresses for communications:

Project Manager of the Digital Transformation Commission Alexander Petrov, [email protected];

Moderator of the expert platform Bolat Taymagambetov, taymagambetov

The expert platform will operate on an ongoing basis. The next in-person meeting of representatives of the expert community on the development of digital ontologies and the Union’s data model is scheduled for March 2018 in Moscow at the Commission’s site.


By decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated December 26, 2017 No. 190, the “Regulations on the data model of the Eurasian Economic Union” were approved, which defines the purpose of creation, general principles, procedure for the development and application of the EAEU data model. An integrated information system of the Union has been created and is being developed on the basis of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union dated
May 29, 2014 (Article 23 and Appendix No. 3).


Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the formation of a subcommittee on the digital economy under the Government Commission on the Use of Information Technologies to Improve the Quality of Life and the Conditions for Doing Business. The head of the Government announced this at a meeting on the implementation of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program, in which the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin took part.

“The digital economy is a space for collaboration between all government bodies, business, science and, in general, people who deal with these problems. To coordinate this interaction, within the apparatus we will create a subcommittee on the digital economy, which will solve the assigned tasks promptly. It will include representatives of federal departments, the Government Office, the Presidential Administration, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, and the Government Analytical Center,” Dmitry Medvedev emphasized.

The personal composition of the subcommittee was approved by the relevant order. It included, in the status of deputy chairman of the subcommittee, State Secretary-Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Oleg Fomichev and Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Savva Shipov. The subcommittee was headed by First Deputy Chief of the Government Staff Maxim Akimov.

The “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program was approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation and is included in the list of main directions of strategic development of the country until 2018 and for the period until 2025.


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On February 14 of this year, the Council for Legislative Support for the Development of the Digital Economy under the Chairman of the State Duma was created Vyacheslav Volodin. The Council’s tasks include discussing the most important issues in the field of high technology, including resolving issues of the development of artificial intelligence, robotics, etc., as well as participating in the preparation of legislative initiatives. According to the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications Leonid Levin, the Council is currently preparing to implement a large program: the Government Communications Commission plans to submit about 50 bills to the State Duma as part of the "" program. “The package of documents being developed will revolutionize the use of technology by the state in the interests of citizens,” the deputy said at yesterday’s press conference.

In addition to the initiatives that are still being prepared, there are also laws that have already been adopted. Thus, last week, deputies approved several laws directly related to the development of the digital economy. Among them is the law on creating a system for remote identification of bank clients, providing for the ability to open bank accounts without the personal presence of an individual. As well as the law on mandatory identification of goods, according to which the Government of the Russian Federation received the right:

  • approve the list of goods subject to mandatory marking with identification marks;
  • determine a list of groups of economic entities that carry out labeling of goods by type of activity;
  • introduce rules for labeling individual goods;
  • establish an additional mandatory detail of a cash receipt or strict reporting form - “product code”, which allows you to identify the product and (or) product range.

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Such identification is intended to help track the circulation of goods, their legality, and also create conditions for protecting the interests of business entities and consumers. The law will come into force on January 1, 2019.

At the same time, along with improving legislation, one of the most important tasks in establishing a digital economy in Russia is to increase the level of knowledge of officials about information technology, Levin is sure. “Unfortunately, people who are responsible not only in the regions, but also at the federal level for IT and the development of the Internet, do not themselves fully understand the principles of their work. Starting with the fact that many of them cannot always distinguish a website from a page on social media network or messenger, and ending with making wrong decisions related to the development of technology. What they are trying to ban can often be resolved through dialogue with industry representatives. Moreover, sometimes fellow deputies introduce this or that bill without fully understanding how. how the Internet works and how technology works,” he noted. It is expected that the educational task will be taken over by the Internet Development Institute (IRI), whose new chairman Leonid Levin was appointed on December 4, replacing German Klimenko.

In addition, according to the deputy’s forecasts, the implementation of blockchain technology (a public database without centralized management that contains and stores all transactions) will soon begin at government sites, which is expected to ensure a higher speed of information transfer and its security. According to him, this technology is already being used by some banks and is being actively tested on the Rosreestr site, and the FAS Russia plans to use it when interacting with various organizations. If necessary, the expert added, the state is ready to regulate by law the specifics of the use of such technology.

“The faster we create the prerequisites for the development of the digital economy in our country, develop new principles, concepts and legislative norms, the greater the chance that we will not remain on the sidelines, but will be able to actively develop economic activity,” Levin concluded.