Why are we forced to go into mortgage slavery. Will mortgage slavery be introduced in Russia? The enemy does not surrender

Today we have an unusual article. Our columnist Vladimir Abgaforov decided to take out a mortgage loan from a well-known bank. But he didn’t take it because he didn’t like the agreement that he had to conclude with the credit institution. We asked mortgage experts to comment on his story, point by point. Well, it’s up to you to draw conclusions from all this. In any case, it is better to learn from other people's pitfalls.

Mortgage is slavery. The idea is not very fresh, and the author of this article does not at all pretend to declare it his own. But let’s pay attention to this: “slavery” usually means purely financial dependence, i.e. the need to pay the bank very significant amounts every month for 10-15-20 years, or even more. But just recently, a columnist for our magazine himself decided to “go to a mortgage” and can now claim: slavery there is real. Not only monetary, but also, let’s say, “natural” - your whole life will consist of restrictions and prohibitions. Don't believe me? Then let's study the loan agreement of one bank - it is quite “average” for the market.

Insurance: if you don’t want it, we’ll make it

The first thing my inquisitive gaze stumbled upon was insurance. A mortgage loan, of course, takes many, many years. And the insurance contract is concluded for only a year. This means that it will have to be renewed annually. What happens if the borrower refuses to do this or simply forgets? First of all, the fine: in a bank that (thank God!) did not become “mine”, its size is 5,000 rubles. But that's not all. A week after the deadline for renewing the insurance contract, the bank independently pays the “insurance premium” to the insurance company for you. But not disinterestedly: a penalty of 0.5% begins to accrue on the money paid for each day of delay. This will be (if someone is unable to calculate on their own) per annum more than 180%... The bank can sell your mortgage - this is fully consistent with both the laws and the traditions of business. Since the beneficiary under the mortgage insurance agreement is not the borrower, but the owner of the mortgage, a change in the latter means the need to adjust the insurance. There is a corresponding clause in the loan agreement: the borrower is obliged “within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Lender’s notification about the need to change the beneficiary in the Insurance Agreement in connection with the transfer of rights under the mortgage, fulfill the specified requirement, indicating the new legal owner of the mortgage as the new sole beneficiary” . Now let's translate it into Russian. You renewed your insurance contract, for example, in December - and you are sure that you don’t need to worry until next December. But sometime in July, the bank suddenly sold your mortgage (there is no need for it to coordinate this event with you), and a notification “about the need to change the beneficiary” comes to your mailbox. What, your mailbox is sometimes opened by hooligans, and you yourself were on vacation? Your problems…

Question to the experts

Do bank employees remind the client that he needs to do this or that or not? Renew the contract, approach the insurers? There are a huge number of means of communication now. After all, in fact, a person can forget something, and then it backfires on him - fines, penalties, and so on. It turns out that such mistakes and delays of the borrower are beneficial to banks and insurers...

Commented by Vladislav Yesenkov, Deputy Head of the Client Relations Department of CB Unifin

There is confusion in the description of the situation with the insurance contract. The agreement itself is concluded for the entire validity period of the corresponding loan agreement, but payment of the insurance premium occurs on an annual basis. The bank and insurance company, as well as the borrower, are interested in ensuring that there are no gaps in the terms of insurance. Therefore, most likely, the borrower himself will be surprised by the persistence and importunity of the bank and insurance company employees, who will begin to remind you that the payment deadlines under the insurance contract are approaching (as a rule, warnings begin 1 month before this moment).

Commented by Irina Kazhikina, head of the mortgage service of RELIGHT-Real Estate

You can choose a bank that does not issue mortgages. If you choose a bank whose condition for issuing a mortgage loan is the registration of a mortgage, be prepared for the bank’s conditions. And now about the re-issuance of the insurance contract and “opening the box by hooligans”: the period begins to run from the moment the borrower receives the relevant notice (in the loan agreement it is written: “within 10 (Ten) days from the date of receipt of the LENDER’s request, which means that the letter it will be registered and with a receipt, and it will not fall into any mailbox. The lender must be sure that the letter has been received by the borrower. If we talk about the 10-day period, then this is a completely normal period during which the necessary time can be found.

Mortgage: who is responsible?

I would like to devote a few more words to the mortgage. Among the points “The Borrower undertakes” is the following: “In the event of loss or damage to the mortgage, as well as in the event of a conflict between the mortgage and this Agreement, draw up and submit to the body carrying out state registration of rights a new mortgage within 5 days from the date the Borrower receives the corresponding request from the Lender " Here again a comment is needed. A mortgage is a document stored in the safe of the bank itself or the person to whom it sold it. In any case, they will not give it to you under any circumstances (what if you eat it and immediately, for greater guarantee, wash it down with ink?!). Accordingly, “loss or damage” under no circumstances can occur through your fault. But they won’t contact you: “Sorry, we messed up a little here, our manager, while rolling a cigarette, used a mortgage for this; Please come in at a time convenient for you to correct our mistake.” It will, of course, be categorically boorish: “Within five days!”

What if a person is on a business trip or in hospital? What happens if he doesn’t show up within 5 days? Do banks make any compromise in this case? After all, they are to blame, not the person...

Mikhail Kovalev, Head of the Department for Providing and Servicing Loans at Flexinvest Bank OJSC, comments

A Notice of the need for the borrower to issue a duplicate of the mortgage note is sent to him by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery. If the borrower is in the hospital or is out of town, then he will not be able to receive such a letter, and there is no need to talk about any “delay”. The Mortgage Law provides that the bank and the debtor must draw up a duplicate of the mortgage as soon as possible and submit it to the body that carries out state registration of rights. The law does not distinguish whose fault the loss of the mortgage occurred.

The bank is extremely interested in obtaining a duplicate of the mortgage and, if the borrower does not abuse the concept of the “minimum possible period,” the bank will always look for a compromise. And we should not forget that the borrower already visits the bank every month to make monthly loan payments, so asking the bank to sign a duplicate of the mortgage does not necessarily “complicate” the borrower’s life; he can do this when making the next payment.

A bad head gives no rest to your legs

Another wonderful point: “Annually, no later than January 20 of each calendar year, and also more often than the specified period at the request of the Lender, provide the Lender with information about your financial situation and income.” This is recognized as “a certificate of income of an individual for the previous calendar year in Form No. 2-NDFL and/or a copy of the tax return for the previous quarter with a mark from the tax office on acceptance and/or other documents confirming income.”

First of all, of course, the wording “more often than the specified period at the request of the Creditor” is somewhat alarming. If the bank wants to chase you every day for a 2-NDFL certificate, it has every right to do so. And that the bank clerks themselves will not do this based on considerations of “common sense” - I would not particularly rely on this, having talked with the workers there. “With diligence you can overcome reason,” said Kozma Prutkov. It was written more than a century and a half ago - but how relevant...

And the most important thing is that, even if I crack it, I cannot understand the practical meaning of this norm. If my financial situation suddenly gets worse, the bank will understand it anyway, without any information. Because monthly payments will stop. And if I am able to continue paying, why does the bank need a 2-NDFL certificate?

There is also another point that is very touching. “Pay taxes, fees, utility and other payments in a timely manner..., and also provide the Lender no later than 10 days... with documents (receipts) and information confirming the proper fulfillment of this obligation by the Borrower.” If we apply this clause literally (and if we don’t, why does the bank include it at all?!), it turns out that after each payment for an apartment you have to run to the bank with a receipt. Maybe he is fighting for your health - in the sense of preventing physical inactivity?

Why is this necessary? After all, a person passed the credit committee, received approval, what else is there to prove? If his financial situation worsens, it will be clear... And regarding utility bills: is this serious? What goal does the bank pursue by forcing a person to hand over his payments to the bank? Does he care so much about the apartment that he has as collateral? How do you feel about such demands?

Commented by Viktor Khrebet, Deputy Director of the Retail Business Department, Head of the Partnership Sales Department of Moskommertsbank

Yes, that's true. Banks include in their contracts requirements regarding the borrower’s confirmation of their financial position, in accordance with Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 254P “On the procedure for credit institutions to form reserves for possible losses on loans, on loan and similar debt.”

Each creditor bank independently determines a list of measures that, in its opinion, contribute to the prevention of default. But the requirement to “run around with bills” is by no means a practice.

Boris Rotenshtein, CEO of 100Kreditov.ru comments

Financial monitoring is the name given to the bank’s requirements regarding confirmation of the borrower’s solvency. Behind the alarming wording “more often than the specified period at the request of the Lender” lies the bank’s desire to insure itself in case of changes in the regulatory framework. Today, financial monitoring of existing borrowers is carried out at least once a year. By stipulating in the loan agreement the borrower’s obligation to confirm his solvency, the bank complies with the norm of current legislation. Just like that, “out of spite,” there is no need for bankers to request additional documents from the client.

Doesn't surrender to the enemy

The bank also categorically objects to your renting out the mortgaged apartment. This is what is written: “Do not rent out the Apartment, do not register third parties in it (do not give consent to the registration of third parties), except in cases where the Borrower’s spouse, parents and children are registered in the Apartment.” And so that the borrower does not doubt the seriousness of the bank’s intentions, the list of his (the borrower’s) responsibilities includes the following clause: “At the request of the Lender, at the time established by the Lender, provide his representatives with the opportunity to inspect the Apartment to check its condition and conditions of maintenance, as well as provide the Lender with any requests requested by the Lender documents reflecting the condition of the Apartment and the conditions of its maintenance, no later than 5 days from the date of receipt of the relevant request.”

We no longer look at the fact that the inspection of the apartment will be “at the time established by the Lender” (and not, for example, “at a time convenient for both of them agreed upon by the parties”) - it is clear that the authors of this document’s mother did not explain to the authors of this document what basic politeness. Let's pay attention to something else: “any requested documents” (also a wonderful wording, right?) must be provided within five days. And, say, a cadastral passport (also a “document reflecting the condition of the apartment”) can be produced by the BTI authorities (depending on the Moscow district) in a week or two.

...But let's get back to the rental itself. Why do banks object? As it turns out, it’s not that they are against it in principle - but they have special “rental” programs in which loan rates are a couple of percent higher. Those. It seems to banks that by renting out an apartment, the borrower is earning crazy incomes from “their” money - and this fact deprives bank workers of peace. I really want you to share it.

To help bankers return to healthy sleep and digestion, I can give you a few figures - they are known to everyone on the market. Today, renting an apartment in Moscow brings approximately 5% per annum. The mortgage interest is at least 12%, and as a result of various “surcharges” (like insurance) another 1-2% is added. In “real money” it looks like this. To buy a one-room apartment (5.5 million rubles), you need to have a million of your own funds, and the loan taken will result in payments of 50-60 thousand over 20 years. And this apartment can be rented out well if it costs 30 thousand rubles, of which the tenant will have to pay rent, taxes, and also periodically incur losses from tenants who have moved out, breakdowns of engineering equipment and machinery. These are the “super incomes”.

Why does the bank encroach on the income of a borrower who rents out a home? After all, it’s normal to rent out your home until you’ve paid off your loan. Are rental programs successful? Does anyone agree to these conditions? And about the appearance of bank representatives in the apartment. Why does the bank dictate the terms when its representatives show up to “visit”? After all, people work! To repay the loan! Is it possible to coordinate the time of the visit with people? About documents: it is impossible to produce some documents regarding the apartment within 5 days. The BTI certificate is completed in at least a week. Don't banks know this?

Mortgage is legalized financial slavery.

Only banks are interested in the development of the mortgage market. Mortgage lending agreements stipulate huge interest rates, which are increasingly difficult to pay in modern realities. Having a loan keeps a person at work and makes him hold on to his position. Not everyone can take advantage of state support, and the government, instead of regulating the housing construction sector and ensuring the basic right of citizens to housing, is engaged in global political projects. The overwhelming majority of the population today lives in houses built during the USSR. It is necessary to radically change the state's urban planning policy.

High annual mortgage rates in conditions of low solvency of the population.

Only citizens with high monthly earnings can afford to take out a mortgage on an apartment. Theoretically, only 28% of the working population can purchase a one-room apartment with a mortgage on the primary market. In the secondary housing market, the numbers are even lower - 13.2%.
European countries issue mortgage loans at 1-4% per annum. Given a steadily developing economy, high salaries of citizens and their social security, the population boldly takes out loans for 10-15 years. In Russia, during the crisis, at the beginning of 2016, average mortgage rates fell to 12.1%. Crisis phenomena in the economy and negative macroeconomic phenomena become the reasons for the reluctance of the population to take out a mortgage. If you leave your job, paying monthly contributions will no longer be possible.
The fact that the population does not have the means to repay their mortgage is evidenced by an increase in the number of late payments. On January 1, 2016, the amount of overdue mortgage loans reached its maximum - 4.9% of GDP. Over the year, arrears on ruble mortgages increased by 42 billion (39%), and since the beginning of 2016 - by 6.7%.

Pitfalls and hidden fees when drawing up a mortgage agreement.

The high cost of collateral and future fluctuations in its value are forcing banks to require real estate insurance from borrowers. This increases mortgage lending costs, as do notary fees. The fine print in the agreement may indicate additional fees: for issuing a loan, for reviewing an application, for issuing and servicing a bank card. The bank may require the borrower to insure his life and pay for the services of an appraiser. Banks are extremely reluctant to provide additional installment payments when the borrower changes jobs. Institutions charge clients money even for processing the application (if the mortgage is rejected, this payment is not refunded). Some banks manage to include a clause in the contract according to which the financial institution can unilaterally change the interest rate on the loan. Collateral property cannot be sold; some organizations even prohibit renting out housing or remodeling a new apartment, because this may affect its market value.

The high cost of purchasing a home with a mortgage and strict requirements for the borrower.

Before starting negotiations, banks carefully check the borrower's solvency. It is necessary to provide a certificate of income from the place of work for the last months, a military ID (for young men of military age), and indicate additional sources of income. Some institutions require a certificate from a psychoneurological and drug treatment clinic, even a school certificate and a diploma of completion of an educational institution. Not only income is taken into account, but also the age of the borrower, his credit history, and length of service in this position.
Over all years of payments, real estate buyers overpay 60-200% of the cost of housing. The overpayment is not covered by either inflation or an increase in the market value of the home. The longer the loan repayment period and the lower the monthly payment (that is, the better the conditions for the borrower), the more the buyer will overpay.
Until the loan is repaid, the owner does not have the right to make any legal transactions with housing without the permission of the bank. If the borrower cannot pay the installments, does not have time to defer payments and renew the contract, he will have to lose the collateral property - the apartment.

Psychological pressure that creates financial dependence on the bank.

Continuous monthly payments and the feeling that in case of delay the bank may confiscate the home exert serious psychological pressure. Even relatively small but regular contributions can undermine the family budget. In 15-20 years, the married couple will have grown up, their retirement will be approaching, and the family savings will not increase due to the mortgage. All the “best years of life” the couple will pay for their square meters. In addition, no one is immune from illnesses and unforeseen situations. The bank must receive the payments stipulated by the agreement under any conditions, which is not only a financial, but also a mental burden for the spouses.

Suggest your fact

Arguments of bank employees

A mortgage is the only opportunity to purchase your own home in conditions of lack of finance.

Borrowed funds allow you to move into a new home after just a few months. At the same time, the future owner of the property selects a lending program, loan repayment period and the amount of monthly payments, based on his financial situation and income. Monthly rental payments for rental housing are approximately equal to 0.5% of its value; regular mortgage payments are on average equal to 1% of the value of the property. However, after the end of the loan repayment period, the apartment becomes the property of the tenant, which is the main advantage of buying a home with a mortgage over renting the same square meters. At the same time, rental rates are constantly increasing, and mortgage payments are fixed.

The number of mortgage loans issued is steadily growing.

The increasing interest of Russians in mortgages indicates that mortgage lending is currently the only real chance to purchase a home with only 10-50% of the cost of the apartment in hand. Borrowed funds are the only chance for young families with no connections and wealthy parents to purchase real estate. In 2012, the number of loans issued for the purchase of housing amounted to 691.7 thousand, in 2013 this number increased to 825 thousand. In 2014, a peak in demand for real estate was recorded - banks issued 1012.8 thousand loans worth 1,762,523 billion rubles. In 2015, due to the fall of the ruble and a decrease in demand for real estate, the number of loans issued fell to 691.9 thousand, but this was due to the crisis in the economy.

Purchasing an apartment with a mortgage is beneficial in an inflationary environment.

Real estate prices are usually pegged to the dollar. The depreciation of the national currency, subject to equal mortgage payments every month, is beneficial for buyers. Changes in the market value of the home do not affect the amount of monthly payments. Rising property prices in the long term make buying a better investment, as the chart below demonstrates. Investing savings in houses and apartments is profitable - they are always liquid.

To buy an apartment you do not need to look for guarantors.

To purchase real estate with a mortgage, you do not need to look for a guarantor. In the absence of influential acquaintances, the borrower, while searching for a guarantor, may become a victim of fraud. The collateral for the return of borrowed funds is the property itself. Despite the fact that the apartment is secured as collateral, the buyer becomes the rightful owner of the square meters. Here you can register yourself and your family, make repairs and remodeling (if the creditor bank allows it).

VKontakte Facebook Odnoklassniki

For many Russians, affordable housing is a priority need, but it still hasn’t happened.

However, real incomes of the population are not growing, and they really want to have separate housing. It seems that a mortgage should help with this, at least on the market of new buildings, since housing there is cheaper, especially at the construction stage, but it is not available to everyone. Moreover, mortgages in our country are issued at extremely high interest rates, which means that the overpayment at the end of 20-30 years will be double or even triple. And given that hired workers have no stability, a mortgage becomes not only bondage, but sometimes a yoke around the neck.

The only thing that saves the mortgage market is that our compatriots understand: a mortgage is sometimes the only way to acquire your own home, because prices on the real estate market are only going up, which means the further they go, the more expensive it gets. And life moves forward: people get married, divorced, children are born, so keeping a roof over your head is a top priority. And even if this roof is only at the excavation stage and will be completed only in a year, or even two, and it will be possible to move in even later, this future still beckons.

In general, today mortgages in the primary market have entered a stage of stable development, and every day the mortgage market is replenished with new interesting offers from banks. Developers themselves are also active; when releasing a new project for sale, they try to accredit it with different banks in order to give the maximum number of buyers the opportunity to get a mortgage.

And this gives certain results. Since the beginning of 2011, Russian banks have issued more than 74 thousand mortgage loans worth more than 103 billion rubles, which is almost 2 times higher than last year. The growth in the volume of mortgage lending is explained by the abolition of additional collateral in the form of collateral for existing housing, an increase in loan terms to 30 years, a reduction in the fee for processing applications from borrowers and the fact that potential buyers can now confirm their income using both the 2-NDFL form and the bank, because it’s no secret that most salaries in Russia are still “gray”.

In addition, the average mortgage rate in the primary market has now dropped to 12.5% ​​compared to 13.1% last year.

However, if you look at the mortgage market through the eyes of a borrower, the picture is not so happy. Theoretically, in our country, using a mortgage, only 13.2% of the working population can buy at least a one-room apartment on the secondary housing market, and only 28% on the primary market.

Moreover, in the five years since 2006, less than one percent of the total population of Russia took out a mortgage. Why does this happen? People just don’t have confidence that they will be able to pay the rent, they don’t have confidence in the future. Most potential borrowers understand that they may lose their source of income due to dismissal from a highly profitable job, that the global crisis may recur, and the like.

At the same time, even despite the reduction in mortgage rates, not everyone can afford to pay 8-14% per annum in rubles, and the feeling that you are greatly overpaying inhibits the desire to take out a mortgage loan.

For comparison: in Europe, the rate is 1-4% per annum in euros for citizens of the European Union with a more stable economy, projected incomes and social protection through various citizen programs. At the moment, Russia's risks are so great that even banks with Western capital are not ready to issue loans at a rate lower than the current one.

So what makes Russians take out a mortgage? Most borrowers say that they have nowhere to go, they have to live somewhere, so they have to take risks. Moreover, borrowers understand that things will only get worse: inflation is rising, prices for products, services, real estate, oil are rising, apartments are now 1-1.5 million more expensive than last year. In addition, the monthly mortgage payment is sometimes about the same as the rent payment. Therefore, in this case, the game is worth the candle: mortgage rates will decrease, demand for housing will increase, prices will rise accordingly, and losses on bank interest will be compensated for by this, and all this time the person paying off the mortgage loan will live in his own housing, not in rented housing.

In addition, young people aged 25 years or more have a better chance of earning money and buying an apartment right away without debt; there are no fathers, mothers, lovers, or mistresses, and there is no sign of saving up to buy a home in the second half of life.

It is clear that a mortgage is voluntary slavery, long-term and expensive, but what to do? So for many people there is simply no choice when buying an apartment, and they have to take out a mortgage. Of course, it is much more profitable to buy housing in Bulgaria, but not everyone is ready to leave, and it is still unknown what will happen with work and wages there.

It turns out that borrowers’ attitude towards mortgage lending, or more precisely towards interest rates, is clearly negative, but hopelessness, the lack of other options forces people to agree to all the banks’ conditions. By the way, the share of mortgage transactions among all transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments in new buildings in Moscow today is 26%, and for individual projects it can reach up to 35%.

The share of mortgage transactions in the total volume of purchases on the new buildings market is 30-35% in the economy class segment and slightly below 20% in the business class segment. That is, mortgages have reached pre-crisis levels, when some banks provided mortgages without a down payment at all.

If you look at the Moscow region, before the crisis the share of mortgage purchases accounted for up to 40-50%, but now the average is 25-30%. And this despite the fact that in the region, prices for apartments are much lower - the cost of a one-room apartment in a new economy-class building in Moscow starts from five million rubles, and in the near Moscow region from three million rubles, which means that the credit burden for buyers is not so high.

In general, home buyers on the primary market are quite risky citizens, because they are forced to wait a year or two until the completion of construction and registration of ownership of the apartment, that is, they live in stress. The most interesting thing is that today, like two years ago, the main buyers of apartments using a mortgage loan are family people with higher education. As for the age of mortgage borrowers, there is a significant rejuvenation of the average borrower, because the reduction in the down payment has made borrowed funds available to families without large savings. In addition, maternity capital can be used to pay off a mortgage loan.

So, the majority of mortgage borrowers - almost 60% - are buyers aged 26-35 years, and among them men predominate - 58%, and women only 42%. The scope of activities of borrowers has also changed recently. Now, employees of large commercial enterprises and state corporations have been replaced by retailers and employees of budgetary organizations from the healthcare, education and public administration systems.

As for preferences, two- and three-room apartments are in greatest demand among mortgage borrowers, where the share of two-room apartments is 38% of the total number of mortgaged apartments, and the share of three-room apartments is 28%. The remaining 34% includes one-room and four-room apartments.

The supply of various mortgage programs on the new buildings market today is quite large, because both banks and developers are trying to develop them. Today, a loan can be taken out for a period of up to 50 years; for most properties, a down payment is required in the amount of 20 to 30% of the total cost of the apartment. The requests of potential borrowers are somewhat different: 90% of clients prefer a term in the range of 10-15 years, and a down payment from 10%. For such people, Sberbank offers the “10-10-10” program, where the down payment is 10%, the interest rate is 10% and the number of years is 10, but there is a nuance - Sberbank only accepts documents for 2-personal income tax, and taking into account the salary in envelopes, only a small part of mortgage borrowers can use its services.

VTB offers a mortgage loan from 8.45% per annum - again for those who receive a white salary. Maximum loan amount: up to 80% of the appraised value of the apartment.

Now one of the most attractive offers is Sberbank’s “8-8-8” promotion, extended until September, where the loan is issued at 8% per annum, for 8 years and with an initial payment of at least 50%.

Developers also have their own proposals. For example, in the Don-Stroy Invest company, as part of a joint program with VTB 24, there is no commission for processing an application and for services for issuing a mortgage loan, as well as the requirement for additional collateral for the construction period. In addition, for mortgages on apartments from Don-Stroy, there is a single interest rate for the entire lending period, without the traditional premium for the period before registration of ownership.

Glavstroy also has interesting mortgage offers. Recently, the developer signed an agreement with Sberbank, thanks to which loans of up to 85% of the cost are provided for one of the company’s projects - Podolskie Prostori (Moscow region). The interest rate on them is from 8%, the loan can be taken out for a period from 8 to 30 years.

Property rights to the purchased property under an equity participation agreement are accepted as collateral, and when applying for a mortgage loan, the bank does not charge a commission and does not impose requirements for compulsory life and health insurance of the borrower, which significantly reduces costs.

Mortgage programs are available at Renova-StroyGroup. And the above-mentioned “8% program” from Sberbank works in the “Bogorodsky” microdistrict in Shchelkovo, and in Aprelevka and Losino-Petrovsky you can buy apartments from the developer using the same Sberbank “10” promotion.

And yet, although there are many options for mortgage loans, the population is not particularly happy with the development of this segment of bank lending. After all, if you think that with a mortgage you are tying yourself to the bank for as many as 25-30 years, it becomes scary. What if there is another crisis? What if you lose your job? And then what to do with an apartment taken at an exorbitant price on fabulous mortgage terms? So many Russians still prefer to huddle wherever they can and look enviously at the West, at their 1-4% mortgage rates and 30 thousand dollars for a villa. One thing is good: our banks, and the state, have something to strive for, and this means that we can well hope for a better future. After all, hope dies last.

Offers to reduce mortgage interest to five to six percent:

Let's do the math using my native St. Petersburg as an example. A small, modest one-room apartment will now cost the buyer about three million rubles.

Let's say a buyer takes out a mortgage on this one-room apartment: at 6% per annum and for 25 years. And let’s say the initial payment is 10%.

Then we get that we will have to pay monthly... approximately 16 thousand rubles. Which, in general, is even cheaper than filming.

Would you say mortgage slavery for 25 years?

I don't agree. Real slavery is car loans, consumer loans and, especially, credit cards. I don’t really understand at what stage the despicable moneylenders turned into noble bankers, but the essence of their “business” remains the same - legal robbery of weak-willed or inexperienced people.

But a mortgage is a completely different story. No matter what Kiyosaki says, investing in an apartment can be considered a business: after all, you need to live somewhere, and the cost of an apartment only grows over the years.

So I want to ask a question. Will you support the idea of ​​reducing mortgage interest to five to six percent, as Sergei Polonsky proposes?

Do you support the idea of ​​lowering mortgage interest rates?

Yes, we need to reduce it to five to six percent and even lower

1145 (63.5 % )

No, let the mortgage be expensive so that apartment prices do not rise

89 (4.9 % )

No, a mortgage is slavery, apartments must be bought for cash