Working hours of the bailiff service. Responsibilities of bailiffs, and ways to get an appointment with them

  • Friday: from 09.00 to 16.45;
  • lunch from 13 to 13-45;

The Moscow department of the FSSP operates a call center at 8 800 250 39 32, where you can ask questions to the operators.

Important The entire registration procedure is carried out online, along with other users. If your time is busy by the time you submit the form, you will be offered to take another time during the reception hours of the bailiff service department. Upon completion of filling out the preliminary registration form, you will be sent a list of the necessary documentation that you need to have with you at the time of contacting the FSSP.

Schedule of reception of citizens in structural divisions

Do they have the right to withdraw money? Bailiffs have the right to withdraw funds from the debtor’s account. These actions are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”. This legal act specifies that bailiffs can impose penalties on any property except in cases established by law.

If a bank card is used only to receive wages, then you must inform the bailiffs about this. From these funds they can collect no more than 50% of the amount of the last receipt of funds. Excess of authority Any illegal acts of a bailiff can be appealed to a higher official or in court.

The complaint must be submitted in writing. A sample complaint against a bailiff is here.

Bailiffs' reception hours

  • If you are absent when your turn approaches, you will be offered to submit documents and go to an appointment in the order of the general queue, or re-register for another day. Work schedule of the Moscow FSSP and reception hours for citizens Work schedule and reception hours of the bailiff department of the Moscow department of the FSSP:
  • Friday: from 09.00 to 16.45;
  • lunch from 13 to 13-45;
  • Monday-Thursday: from 09.00 to 18.00;
  • breaks from 10-45 to 11.00 and from 15.45 to 16.00;

Closed: Saturday, Sunday.

The Moscow department of the FSSP operates a call center at 8 800 250 39 32, where you can ask questions to the operators. Lefortovo, Kuzminsky and Lublinsky departments of bailiffs have moved to Krutitsky Val Street, building 18. If you refer to Article 12 of the Federal Law on Bailiffs, then you can understand what rights and powers are vested in the FSSP service employees.

Reception schedule for Moscow bailiffs

  • The complaint must be submitted in writing. A sample complaint against a bailiff is here.
  • Content:
  • Personal reception of citizens
  • What time can the bailiffs arrive?

Reception hours for bailiffs This law guides bailiffs in their daily activities. The rights and duties of FSSP bailiffs are represented by its employees - bailiffs. Personal reception of citizens In this case, the legislator gives the right to officials to enter the premises owned by the debtor.

If there is an obstacle to this, then the bailiffs have the right to break down the door or open the home, even if the person is not at home. But this must have the permission of the senior bailiff.

Bailiffs are required to receive only during office hours

Citizens can make an appointment for an on-site personal appointment with the head of the Department and his deputies at the bailiff department, where the writ of execution is pending execution.

Reception days and hours at the branches of the Federal Bailiff Service in Moscow

Attention Addresses and telephone numbers Registration for a personal appointment (except for the head of the territorial body of the Federal Bailiff Service - the chief bailiff of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and deputy senior bailiffs) can be made using the electronic service "Electronic queue for recording a personal appointment" in accordance with the Organization Procedure making appointments for personal appointments with citizens through the electronic service “Electronic queue for appointments”, posted on the official website of the FSSP of Russia. Pre-registration for an appointment is carried out within a period of no less than 3 and no more than 30 days from the date of application.


  • correctly indicate your contacts and information about yourself and check the entered data;
  • Reservation of a specific time is carried out provided that the required fields are filled out correctly, the date and time are selected and the confirmation button is pressed.

Reception schedule for Moscow bailiffs Attention Addresses and telephone numbers Signing up for a personal appointment (except for the head of the territorial body of the Federal Bailiff Service - the chief bailiff of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and deputy senior bailiffs) can be made using the electronic service "Electronic queue for making a personal appointment" in in accordance with the Procedure for organizing registration for a personal appointment of citizens through the electronic service “Electronic queue for personal appointment”, posted on the official website of the FSSP of Russia.

Moscow bailiffs

The law provides for certain restrictions:

  • the bailiff cannot pay a visit earlier than 6 am and later than 10 pm, and also appear on weekends (exceptions to this rule are provided for in the law);
  • threaten life or health;
  • visit the debtor’s home when he regularly complies with court orders;
  • visit the debtor when he is granted an installment plan by a court verdict.

If a person who has a debt is put on the wanted list, then enforcement proceedings against him may be suspended. What time can the bailiffs arrive? The process is formalized by an act of seizure, in which the bailiff, witnesses and the debtor himself sign. If any of those present refuses to sign, a note is made about this.

At the same time, the legal force of the document is preserved.
In this case, in order to obtain the information you are interested in, you need to go to a personal appointment with the bailiff during the office hours or seek help from a specialist. Departments of the Bailiff Service in Moscow Altufevsky OSP UFSSP of Russia in MoscowBabushkinsky OSPBasmanny ROSPGagarinsky OSPGolovinsky OSPDanilovsky OSPDmitrovsky OSPDorogomilovsky OSPZamoskvoretsky ROSPZyuzinsky OSPIzmailovsky ROSPKoptevsky OSPKuzminsky OSPKuntsevsky OSPLefort Ovsky OSPLlyublinsky OSPMeshchansky ROSPMitinsky OSPOStankinsky OSPOSP for Zelenogradsky AOOSP for Novomoskovsky AOOSP for Troitsky AOPerovsky ROSPPreobrazhensky ROSPPreobrazhensky ROSPSavelovsky OSPS Solntsevsky OSPTagansky ROSPTver ROSPTTroparevo-Nikulinsky OSPHKhamovnichesky ROSPTsaritsynsky OSP Cheremushkinsky OSP Chertanovsky OSP Shchukinsky OSP Opening hours: from 10:00 to 20:00 125009, Moscow, st.

Reception days for bailiffs Tuesday and Thursday reception hours


The deadline has passed. An appeal was written by Savdina.

No answer. Moreover, an appeal was written to the Ombudsman for Children’s Rights. They sent an appeal to “Mrs._” ​​Kuligina.” There was no answer.

Personal reception of citizens

Pre-registration for an appointment is carried out within a period of no less than 3 and no more than 30 days from the date of application.

The reception time for one person is limited to 20 minutes.

Heads of departments - senior bailiffs and bailiffs - executors - on Tuesday from 09.00 to 11.00, on Thursday from 13.00 to 15.00, with the exception of interdistrict departments for the collection of administrative fines. Citizens who apply for an appointment without an appointment are accepted on the established days and hours after the end of reception of those who have registered through the electronic service. Management reminds you that recording

Kuntsevo Department of Bailiffs

Academician Pavlova st.

Academician Petrov sq. Bagritskogo st. Barvikhinskaya st. Belovezhskaya st. Bobruiskaya st. Bozhenko st. Vereyskaya st.

Veresaeva st. Vitebskaya st. Vyazemskaya st.

Gzhatskaya st. Govorova st. Gorbunova st. Grishina st. Grodnenskaya st. Dorogobuzhskaya st. Dorogobuzhsky 2nd lane. Ekaterinivka st.

Ekaterina Budanova st. Elninskaya st. Zagorsky Ave. Zaporozhskaya st.

Defenders of Heaven sq. Istrinskaya st. Kozlova st. Kotsyubinskogo st. Krasnykh Zori st.

Krylatskaya 2nd st. Krylatskie Hills st.

Days and hours of reception of citizens by bailiffs in Moscow

FSSP DATA BANK Internet Reception of the FSSP of Russia for the Moscow region Management of the FSSP of Russia for the Moscow region Information for citizens Information systems Bailiff Lapshina seized a salary card of 6746.04 rubles. Despite the fact that they paid property tax. The receipt was paid in April 2015.

When I came to Lapshina and asked her a question: “When will the money be transferred to the Tax Office?

Answer: we don’t have enough staff, we can’t keep up.” Work on weekends, at night.

Where is my fault? Because of a debt of 500 rubles, my credit card was seized, and this amount was written off from my salary card!

They work very well.

On-line consultation Bailiff service

How quickly is the debtor database updated?

Is it possible to find the missing children? What measures can be applied to the debtor in order to fulfill the requirements of the writ of execution?

The head of the department for working with citizens’ appeals of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Daria Mikhailovna Maslova, answers your questions.

On issues related to enforcement proceedings, in accordance with Federal Law dated May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ

“On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”

You can apply for a personal appointment: - Heads of structural units - senior bailiffs receive appointments every Tuesday from 09-00 to 15-00, Thursday from 14-00 to 18-00 - Bailiffs - bailiffs every Tuesday from 09-00 to 15 -00, Thursday from 14-00 to 18-00, and also send an individual or collective appeal to a government agency.

(2 ratings, average: 4,50 out of 5)

All citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to familiarize themselves with the materials of enforcement proceedings and receive answers to questions. This right is stipulated in Article 50 of Federal Law No. 229 “On Enforcement Proceedings” of October 2, 2007. The duties of bailiffs, types of debt collection, types of appeals and online registration for appointments will be discussed in this article.

The procedure for individuals and legal entities to apply to the Federal Bailiff Service is regulated by Federal Law No. 59 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” approved on May 2, 2006.

FSSP employees consider personal issues and petitions in favor of debtors orally, in writing and electronically.

Service employees register written requests to the FSSP of the Russian Federation within three days from the date of receipt. Then they are sent to the director of the service, deputy, heads of departments, as well as to territorial offices. The processing time for an appeal can be reduced by addressing the issue directly to the local service unit.

Important! After registration, the bailiffs work with the appeal for 30 days. This period is established by Federal Law! It can only be extended by the head of the department for another 30 days. The applicant will be notified separately of the extension of the deadline.

Bailiffs do not consider appeals:

  • in which the full name and address of the author are not indicated;
  • containing threats, reduced and obscene language;
  • written illegibly;
  • the results of which have already been reported to the author;
  • in which there are no grounds for consideration by FSSP employees;
  • the results of which contain state secrets;
  • beyond the competence of service employees. In this case, the letter is forwarded to the appropriate department within a week.

It is important to remember that bailiffs, when answering a question, are not obliged to interpret and explain the legislation.

To send an appeal electronically, you need to go to the official website of the territorial branch of the service, for example, the official website of the FSSP for the Penza region, to the section “Appeals from citizens” and then to the “Internet reception”.

Email questions will remain unanswered if:

  • the author provided false information about himself;
  • there is a written version of the appeal;
  • the text is composed incorrectly;
  • To consider an application, a passport and personal signature of the author are required.

Citizens of the Russian Federation make an appointment for a personal appointment with the heads of regional and local FSSP, deputies, as well as civil servants of the department. Information about office hours is contained on the official website of the Federal Service.

If it is not possible to consider the appeal during the meeting, a written version is drawn up.

You can make an appointment with a specific employee of the local branch of the bailiff service on the official website of the department.

Step-by-step instructions for making an appointment for citizens with bailiffs:

  • Go to the official website of the department for a specific region (Saratov, Samara, Leningrad).
  • On the main page, open the “Appeals” section, then “Personal appointment” and “Schedule for a personal appointment”

  • In the “Make a personal appointment” section, accept the terms of the agreement by clicking the “I accept the terms of use of the service” button at the bottom of the page.

  • Select the structural unit at the place of registration of the author of the appeal, service employee and describe the reason for the appeal;
  • Fill in the fields marked “Personal data”: full name, SNILS, date of birth, contacts.
  • Indicate the reason for the recording.
  • Select an appointment date.

Important! You can choose any available appointment date, but no more than 30 days from the date of submitting your online application for appointment.

What bailiffs do - duties

A bailiff is an employee of the Federal Bailiff Service who executes a court decision and ensures the order of the court at the time of the hearing. Bailiffs collect debts from citizens of the Russian Federation by court decision. But if, or somehow infringes on your rights, you can file a complaint against it.

Ordinary employees of the SSP are divided into those who ensure the work of the court and those who execute the decision on debt collection.

The duties of bailiffs at a trial include organizing the security of the judge and other participants in the process, delivering materials, evidence and members of the hearing to the courtroom, establishing order, and cooperating with the guards.

Bailiffs ensure the execution of documents, introduce the case materials to participants in enforcement proceedings, consider citizens' appeals, and inform about the results of their consideration.

The role of the FSSP is to monitor compliance with the terms of decisions and court acts. A department with bailiffs is present in absolutely every subject of Russia. Anyone can contact it. What hours are set for the reception of bailiffs will be discussed further.

First, let's take a look at what powers the service has:

  • It ensures the order of the activities of the judiciary in accordance with the law;
  • Estimates and controls the amount of seized or seized property;
  • Carry out enforcement proceedings on the use of coercive measures, collection of debts in accordance with the act;
  • Monitors and analyzes the activities of authorities, puts forward new decisions to improve measures against debtors;
  • Works with people on certain days and hours;
  • Develops programs for cooperation between countries and concludes agreements at the international level;
  • Develops measures to protect service employees;
  • Stores and sells the debtor's property in accordance with the law, participates in bankruptcy proceedings and legal disputes.

How does recording work?

To make an appointment, you need to find out the reception hours of bailiffs in Moscow or another city. In this case, you can make a preliminary registration - for a period of 30 days.

You can also find out office hours using the service's email. You can ask her any questions. You can only register for one date once. In this case, the recording will be made only on a specific issue - it will be considered.

A reservation for an appointment with the bailiff service is given only if the fields in a special form on the website are filled out correctly. You can make a recording on the website - all users have the right to do this. If the time you select is busy, you will be offered to visit the facility at other times.

In St. Petersburg and other regions, you can make an appointment with bailiffs more than once at different times. Registration is made for free periods. In order for reception hours to be booked, you must provide your personal information correctly and check all the information provided.

After the form on the website is filled out, the bailiffs, whose reception hours for citizens are clearly defined, will send you a list of documents. You will need to take them with you. When booking, you will immediately be told about the day and hour of your visit. The citizen will be issued a coupon with his data and the reason for the application.

After registering your application on the website, you will receive a coupon confirming your appointment to visit the UFSPP service. In addition, during the visit you should have all the necessary documents with accurate data with you.

Reception hours for bailiffs are indicated on the official website of the service. It is strictly prohibited to transfer your coupons to other people. If you are at least 5 minutes late, your turn may be transferred to another person. In this case, you will be offered to either go to an appointment after, or make an appointment again.

Approximate visiting hours for the FSSP

The reception hours of almost all structural divisions of the FSSP are approximately the same. Let's look at how the service works using the example of the city of Moscow:

  • From Mon. on Thurs. – from 9 to 18;
  • On Fri. – from 9 to 16.45;
  • Breaks - from 10-45 to 11, and also from 15.45 to 16;
  • Lunch – from 13:00 to 13:45;
  • Sunday and Saturday are not working days.

The Moscow FSSP has special telephone numbers for advice. One of them is 8 800 250 39 32. You have the right to call it and ask any questions you have to specialists.

For more information about bailiff departments, go to the main website of the FSSP. The most important events regarding changes in visiting hours are noted on the web resource. So Lefortovo, Kuzminsky, Lublinsky organs are now located on the street. Krutitsky Val 18. They are open on Tue. – from 10 to 15, and also on Thursdays. – from 16 to 8 pm. As for the deputy head of the territorial body, you can get to him by also making an appointment with him through the website.

So, as you can see, FSPP reception hours in different cities may differ. Information about them will be provided by the official website of territorial authorities.

Submitting a writ of execution to the bailiffs does not always mean the completion of procedural actions and the applicant receiving the amount of the debt. In this article we will look in detail at what can be done if the bailiffs do not want to act promptly, how you can influence them and how to formalize your appeal.

○ Regulation of the activities of the BSC.

Bailiffs are government employees who carry out debt collection activities. Their activities are fully regulated at the legislative level. The work procedure of bailiffs, as well as all the features of enforcement proceedings, are specified in the Federal Law “On Bailiffs” dated July 21, 1997 No. 118-FZ.

In their activities, bailiffs are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” and other federal laws, as well as other regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them.
(Article 2 No. 118-FZ).

In addition to the Constitution and this law, bailiffs in the process of collecting debts are guided by a number of legislative acts:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.
  • Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Law No. 229 “On Enforcement Proceedings”.
  • Federal Law No. 135 “On Valuation Activities”.
  • Regulations on the Federal Bailiff Service.
  • Regulatory acts of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

○ The work of bailiffs in debt collection.

Bailiffs perform their duties in the structural units of the Federal Bailiff Service (bailiffs under the head of the Federal Bailiff Service - the chief bailiff of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as bailiffs under the chief bailiff of the Russian Federation) and structural units of territorial bodies of the Federal Bailiff Service .
(Clause 1, Article 4 No. 118-FZ)

The algorithm of actions to find the defendant and collect his debts is carried out according to a strictly established procedure.

Adoption of a writ of execution.

A writ of execution is a document on the basis of which bailiffs begin enforcement proceedings. In most cases, this is a court decision that directs action. Also, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 12 No. 229 Federal Law, the following can act as a writ of execution:

  • An alimony agreement or other agreement concluded by the parties in the event that there is a direct appeal to the bailiff service without judicial consideration of the issue.
  • Court order.
  • A certificate issued as a result of a labor dispute resolution.
  • A report drawn up by the supervisory authority based on the results of the inspection.
  • Resolution of the bailiff.
  • Executive inscription of a notary.
  • An executive document issued by an authority of a foreign state.

The writ of execution is sent to the bailiffs by mail or the plaintiff independently transmits it. The document is accepted by the head of the bailiff service, who reviews it within 3 days and transfers it to one of the employees for production.

Initiation of enforcement proceedings.

The initiation of enforcement proceedings is the beginning of the debt collection procedure. This includes sending notice to the debtor of its commencement and offering voluntary repayment of the debt.

Deadline for voluntary repayment of debt.

The debtor is given 5 days to pay the debt on his own. The countdown starts from the moment he receives the notification. If the debtor does not contact the bailiff or refuses to pay, forced collection of the debt begins.

Making inquiries to various authorities regarding the debtor.

This stage involves searching for sources of income for a debtor who does not want to pay on his own. It consists of sending a request to the place of work and banking organizations in order to discover funds that can be collected to pay off the debt.

Resolution on enforcement measures.

If it is not possible to obtain money from the debtor peacefully, a resolution on forced collection measures is issued. It is issued by the bailiff on the basis of the defendant’s refusal to fulfill his obligations voluntarily.

It consists of the forced withdrawal of funds from a bank account or the transfer of wages to the debtor in an amount exceeding the subsistence level. In their absence, the property is seized, which is subject to subsequent assessment and sale. If the amount of debt is less than the value of the property, the difference is returned to the debtor after the auction.

The debtor also pays 7% of the amount of debts as an enforcement fee. The amount cannot be less than 1 thousand rubles for individuals and less than 10 thousand rubles for legal entities.

Resolution on completion of enforcement proceedings.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 47 No. 229-FZ, enforcement proceedings end with the bailiff if:

  • The actual fulfillment of the requirements contained in the writ of execution has been carried out.
  • The writ of execution was returned to the claimant (individual, court or other body that presented it).
  • Liquidation or bankruptcy of the debtor has occurred.
  • A deduction was made from income by sending a writ of execution to the organization.
  • The statute of limitations on the judicial act or other document serving as the basis for the writ of execution has expired.

The decision is made by the bailiff. The end of the proceedings is reported to the person or body that initiated it.

Resolution on lifting enforcement measures.

This is a document certifying that the process of forced debt collection has been completed. Issued by the bailiff on the basis of the defendant’s fulfillment of his obligations or the expiration of the statute of limitations for enforcement proceedings.