Receiving housing subsidies for military personnel. With changes and additions from

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2014 N 510 “On approval of the Procedure for providing subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and citizens of the Russian Federation discharged from military service "(with changes and additions)

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2014 N 510
"On approval of the Procedure for providing subsidies for the purchase or construction of residential premises to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation, serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and citizens of the Russian Federation, discharged from military service"

With changes and additions from:

Pursuant to paragraph eighteen of paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 22, Art. 2331; 2018, N 53, Art. 8471):

1. Approve the attached Procedure for providing subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation, serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and citizens of the Russian Federation, discharged from military service.

2. The Director of the Financial Planning Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation must ensure:

a) taking into account the need for budgetary allocations to implement the payment of subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (hereinafter referred to as the housing subsidy) when forming proposals from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the draft federal budget for the next financial year and for the planning period;

b) informing the Housing Support Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Financial Support Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the amount of budgetary allocations provided for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to provide housing subsidies for the corresponding financial year.

3. The head of the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation must ensure:

a) sending, within five working days from the date of receipt of the information specified in subparagraph “b” of paragraph 2 of this order, to the Financial Planning Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation a decision on the distribution of budgetary allocations and limits of budgetary obligations among the financial support departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are assigned to the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and regional departments of housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

b) determining the need of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for budgetary allocations for the provision of housing subsidies for the next year and for the planning period and submitting it to the Financial Planning Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the manner and within the time frame determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation establishing the procedure for the formation proposals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the draft federal law on the federal budget for the next year and for the planning period.

4. The Director of the Financial Support Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation must ensure:

a) bringing the limits of budgetary obligations for the financial support departments (departments) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to perform the function of transferring housing subsidies to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation, serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and citizens of the Russian Federation, dismissed from military service;

b) informing the financial support departments (departments) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Housing Support Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the regional housing support departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, to which they are assigned, about the reported budgetary allocations;

c) informing the Housing Services Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about the direction of funding within two working days from the date the limits of budget obligations are communicated to the financial support departments (departments) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, who is responsible for organizing property management, quartering of troops (forces), housing and medical support.

Registration N 33301

From January 1, 2014, military personnel may be provided with a housing subsidy instead of housing. We are talking about persons in need of housing who entered into a contract for military service before January 1, 1998 (except for cadets) or who served for 20 years or more, as well as those dismissed from military service due to age, health conditions or in connection with organizational arrangements in the general duration of military service 10 years or more.

What to choose (housing or subsidies) is decided by the serviceman himself. The procedure for allocating subsidies is regulated.

To receive money, you must submit an application to the authorized body of the Russian Ministry of Defense, attaching to it an agreement on opening a bank account. The specified body independently requests from Rosreestr information about the presence of real estate in the military serviceman.

If there are no grounds for deregistering a person as needing housing, a decision is made to allocate a subsidy, a copy of which is given to the serviceman. The money is transferred to his bank account. They can only be spent on the purchase or construction of residential premises.

After the subsidy is transferred to the serviceman’s account, he is removed from the register as needing housing.

In the event of the death of military personnel (citizens discharged from military service), members of their families can receive a subsidy.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2014 N 510 “On approval of the Procedure for providing subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and citizens of the Russian Federation discharged from military service "

Registration N 33301

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

This document is amended by the following documents:

Any serviceman who has served the Motherland for at least 20 years and needs improved living conditions can receive a cash subsidy for the purchase of land or housing. To receive a subsidy, you need not only to collect all the necessary documents, but also to write a report. What does a sample application for transfer look like, what information needs to be reflected in this document, and what documents are needed to purchase or construct residential premises with a subsidy - below we will consider these issues.

Application requirements

To provide a subsidy, a military personnel must submit an application in a special way:

  • The report is written after the serviceman appeals to the command of the military unit.
  • An application for a housing subsidy is written on a special state-issued form by hand using a blue or black pen.
  • The application must include information about family members who will live with the applicant (spouse, children, parents of the applicant, etc.).
  • All family members listed on the application must sign. If any family member is under 18 years of age (for example, a minor child), then the person who represents his interests (for example, the mother of this child) signs instead.
  • The application must indicate bank details for the transfer of money, so the application must be submitted after opening a bank account.
  • After submitting an application, Department of Defense officials must verify that the information provided in the application corresponds to the actual state of affairs. The maximum period for consideration of an application is 1 month. As a result of the review, a written decision is made about whether you can be provided with a subsidy or not. A copy of the decision is issued to the applicant, as well as his family members.

Sample report

An example of an application for a subsidy to a person requiring improved living conditions looks like this:

  • Name of the addressee (indicated in the upper right corner before the title of the document). Provide information about the person to whom you are sending the application. Remember that the report is always written in the name of the person who is the head of the Housing Department under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • The name of the applicant (indicated in the upper right corner under the information about the addressee, but before the title of the document). Provide information about the person submitting this report - full name, military rank, home address and zip code, telephone and email.
  • Document's name. In our case, the name of the document is “Application for transfer of housing subsidy.”
  • Contents of the report. Here you must indicate your full name and military rank.
  • Information about the document that confirms identity (located under the main text of the application). If you have a passport, then you need to indicate the following information - passport series, passport number, as well as information about who issued the passport. If, instead of a passport, you have any other document that proves your identity, you must indicate the following information in the appropriate paragraph - the name, series and code of the document, as well as information about who issued this document.
  • Serviceman's personal number. Here you should indicate a special alphanumeric code that every soldier has on his badge.
  • Information about family composition. This includes information about the people who will live with the military personnel applying for a housing subsidy - these are the spouse, children, as well as other family members who will live with the applicant. You must provide only the full name and date of birth of these people. Please understand that there are separate lines for spouse and children; if someone else lives with the serviceman (for example, the spouse’s mother), then the degree of relationship must also be indicated in the corresponding line.
  • Bank details for transferring money. Now enter your bank details - full legal name of the bank, account type, account number, and so on.
  • Below, under the bank details for transferring money, there is special information about the conditions under which the subsidy is provided. You must read this information and then sign below. All adult family members of the serviceman must also sign. If minors (for example, children) will live with the serviceman, then instead of these people the signature must be signed by the person who represents the interests of these persons (for example, the mother of minor children).
  • At the end of the report, you must indicate information about what documents are attached to the application - a copy of the passport, an agreement to open a bank account, and so on.

The state is trying in various ways to improve the well-being of the military, since these people risk their lives and health in the process of serving. Therefore, certain benefits and concessions are provided in the process of purchasing housing. The most important innovation is considered to be a military subsidy, which allows military personnel to purchase housing for permanent residence with state support. It consists in the fact that a large amount of funds is allocated, which is then used to purchase real estate. The money can even be used as a down payment on a mortgage, so the military may have no savings at all.

Concept of subsidies for military personnel

Military subsidies for the purchase of housing can be used to purchase an apartment, build a house, or even take out a mortgage loan. At the same time, up to 80% of the cost of the selected object is covered, so for each person buying their own home becomes an easy and inexpensive process.

The program operates throughout Russia. Based on it, a certain amount of funds is allocated from the state budget. Citizens can use this money exclusively to purchase housing, since the subsidy is targeted. Money can be used for the following purposes:

  • construction of a private residential building;
  • purchasing an apartment in a building under construction, for which a DDU is drawn up;
  • buying an apartment in an already built building;
  • partial repayment of the mortgage.

The real estate is selected by the direct recipients of support.

Pros of the program

Cash subsidies to the military are provided on truly favorable terms. Its main advantages include the following:

  • you can get your own housing in a short time, which is considered especially important in comparison with the duration of the provision of an apartment based on the priority;
  • recipients of the money independently choose what kind of housing they will buy, how many rooms there will be, and also what the layout of the property will be;
  • independently choose the method by which the money received from the state will be used;
  • it is allowed to combine the funds received with your own savings or other types of support;
  • the size of the payment depends entirely on military service, so the later the military man applies for this help, the greater the amount he can count on.

Because of these undeniable positive aspects, many military personnel prefer to use the subsidy rather than wait until they receive an apartment from the state.

How are funds provided?

The military subsidy was introduced back in 2014. Before this, military personnel had to serve in the Russian Armed Forces for a long time in order to be able to stand in line for an apartment, and then wait for it to be provided. Due to the introduction of subsidies, the process of purchasing your own home has been significantly simplified.

Payment of subsidies to the military occurs under the following conditions:

  • Retired or active military personnel can take advantage of this offer;
  • they draw up a special application to receive support from the state;
  • it is considered by the relevant commission;
  • if a positive decision is made, then a sum of money is transferred to a bank account opened in the applicant’s name, depending on the length of service of the applicant, as well as on the number of family members;
  • it is permissible to use these funds to purchase housing or build a house;
  • real estate is in no way tied to the place of service, so you can purchase an object located even in another region.

The money received into the military account belongs to him, but can be used exclusively for the construction or purchase of housing.

Who is eligible for military housing subsidies?

Not all military personnel can count on such support from the state, as they must meet certain requirements:

  • length of service must exceed three years;
  • A military family should not have any other residential property owned by it (it is allowed to have its own housing if its area is smaller than the standards established by law).

The above facts must be confirmed by official documents. If the serviceman does not meet these requirements, then he can use a special savings system to purchase housing with a mortgage.

Terms of service

The military subsidy is offered on a special waiting list basis. Due to the fact that the burden on the budget is not so great compared to the provision of ready-made housing, the waiting process usually does not take more than 6 months.

The amount offered varies significantly among different military personnel. This is due to the fact that it depends on various factors, which include:

  • length of service;
  • number of military family members.

Not only immediate military personnel, but also their family members can count on such assistance. If a military widow does not have her own home, she can apply for a subsidy.

Colonels and generals have the opportunity to receive an additional payment, which covers the cost of the extra 15 square meters. m of real estate.

If a military man already owns an apartment, but its area does not allow a large family to live comfortably on this territory, then the amount of the subsidy is determined as the difference between the standard and the actual value.

What documents are needed

To receive a military subsidy, documents are prepared confirming that the applicant is indeed entitled to government support. These include:

  • application for government assistance;
  • documentation confirming that a military family is on a waiting list for housing due to poor living conditions;
  • passports and birth certificates of all family members;
  • marriage certificate between a military man and his wife;
  • extract from the military personnel's personal file;
  • documents confirming the presence of family ties between all family members;
  • bank account statement.

The documentation is transferred to the housing department of the department.

Receipt procedure

A military subsidy is provided to the applicant only upon implementation of the following stages:

  • an account is initially opened in the selected bank;
  • a bank statement is taken;
  • a complete package of documents along with a correctly formed application is submitted to an organization specializing in providing housing for military personnel;
  • if a positive decision is made, the applicant is issued a corresponding certificate confirming his right to assistance from the state;
  • housing is being searched or built;
  • Most of the cost of the facility is repaid with a subsidy issued by the state.

Thanks to the use of housing subsidies for military personnel, it is possible to spend a small amount of their own funds to obtain full-fledged housing.

What is the subsidy amount?

The subsidy is represented by a special certificate containing information about who is the recipient of public funds, as well as the amount of the amount issued. The military subsidy is calculated on the day when funds are directly transferred to the military account for the purchase or construction of housing.

The size of this payment is influenced by various factors, which include:

  • length of military service;
  • region where it is planned to purchase real estate;
  • number of family members living in one apartment;
  • the right to various benefits;
  • area of ​​the existing apartment;
  • standard price 1 sq. m.

The amount of this payment increases based on the various merits or distinctions of the serviceman. Therefore, the more effort he puts into his service, the greater will be the amount used to purchase housing.

To preliminary calculate a military subsidy, it is advisable to use special online calculators. To do this, they enter information about length of service, number of family members and various merits. But accurate information can only be obtained from the employees of the housing organization making the calculations.

For preliminary calculations, it is advisable to use the calculator located directly on the Ministry of Defense website.

The nuances of using a subsidy

The state covers up to 80% of the cost of the selected property, but the accounting norm is taken into account. The remaining funds must be contributed independently by the military man and his family.

Money received from the state is not subject to taxation, since such support is free of charge.

Any serving soldier or one who decides to serve the Motherland dreams of peace and dignity in his home.

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Therefore, they serve for the benefit of the Motherland, worrying about its peace. Thus, she must take care of her subordinates. The classic option is purchasing housing on credit (mortgage).

But we all understand perfectly well how weighty this duty will be, falling not only on the shoulders of the soldier, but also on his entire family, limiting his movements and enjoyment of life. It’s another matter when there is state support in the form of a housing subsidy for a military citizen.

Basic information

What is a military subsidy? Simply put, this is a program of assistance to military citizens (servicemen), provided as a quick solution to the housing problem.

At the same time, it becomes much easier for military personnel to buy housing. The Government of the Russian Federation has developed resolutions according to which certain funds can be allocated (based on calculations) for military personnel in need of decent housing.

This money can be spent on the following purposes:

  • purchasing housing on the primary and secondary market;
  • The subsidy can be used to repay the existing one;
  • used to build a house.


The housing subsidy for military personnel is a lump sum of money, which means that the payment is made once in full. We can say that it is like an alternative to the usual queue for housing.

To request such assistance from the state, an employee must meet the conditions of the definition and be registered as in dire need of new housing

This regulation is prescribed in the Federal Legislation of the Russian Federation No. 76-FZ and Art. No. 51 Residential Complex of the Russian Federation.

In order for you to be recognized as needing a housing subsidy, you will need to visit the relevant executive authority with a package of documents. The decision is made within a month (no more than 30 days).

List of documents

Let's consider the package of required documents:

  • an application in the prescribed form to receive the required subsidy;
  • Russian passport of each family member + copies;
  • birth certificate of children (under 18 years of age);
  • confirmation of military service (certificate from the military unit);
  • confirmation of the legality of the spouses’ marriage + copies;
  • other documents that may indicate the presence of secondary or benefits.

It takes an average of 20 to 30 days to review a submitted application.

The legislative framework

The provision of housing subsidies is regulated by Russian legislation. What legal regulations and decrees establish the rules for providing benefits to employees:

The procedure for providing housing subsidies to military personnel

You need to follow the established procedure in order to receive the required funds and acquire the long-awaited square meters.

First of all, the military must submit a report (application) indicating the desire to receive, the reason and purpose of use.

Then, in order, perform the following steps:

It does not matter in which market the purchase will be made - primary or secondary, the main thing is that everything suits the serviceman and his family.

What are the conditions?

A clear understanding and compliance with the required conditions is prescribed in the Decree of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 510 and Art. 15 of the Russian Federation “On the status of military personnel.”

What is meant:

Sample application

The document is referred to as “Application for transfer of housing subsidy.” Its content is stated by the applicant himself:

  • a request for funds to be credited to his account, indicating the military rank and full name of the serviceman;
  • Passport data is written down - series, number. Issued by whom and when;
  • identification;
  • personal number;
  • information about family composition - spouse/children/other relatives;
  • bank account details;

How to calculate the size

To calculate the required subsidy for a military citizen, regardless of the type of purchase of housing (building a new one or purchasing a finished one), three influencing factors are taken into account:

The required size of living space per military man is 33 square meters. m., according to the standards of the Russian government.

If members of his family are taken into account, then the area increases in values:

Payment terms

All deadlines regarding the payment of housing subsidies to military personnel in 2019 are prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

After submitting an application for consideration from a serviceman, military authorities check the availability of residential property for him, as well as all family members Processing time takes about 10 days
Over the next 10 days After receiving a response to the military’s application, a final decision will be made
Over the next 3 days The final decision is forwarded to the financial support department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
A copy of the decision is provided to the employee Even if he is listed as retired, family members 3 days in advance
Maximum term for transferring funds Cannot exceed the required 30 days
After receiving the money to the military Within 3 days Fin. the authority will inform the housing support authority about the operation performed

It is important that a refusal can only occur for one reason - the serviceman should not be removed from the register as needing a subsidy for the purchased housing.

Who is eligible for benefits

Those military citizens who meet the following parameters can receive benefits:

  • the service contract was signed back in 1998, continuous service;
  • the employee may be dismissed, but has a total experience of at least 20 years;
  • during 20 years of service, live in departmental housing;
  • from service with the availability of departmental living space, with at least 10 years of experience.

Not only military personnel themselves, but also members of their family can apply for housing. This right also applies to widows of soldiers.

Military personnel can count on various types of support and assistance from the state. This is due to the fact that during their service they risk their lives and health. Their work involves significant risk, so the state is trying in various ways to improve the living conditions of military personnel and their family members. The most popular support is considered to be that which allows people to purchase housing. Therefore, housing subsidies are offered to military personnel. It allows you not only to buy housing, but also to build a house.

Legislative regulation

Subsidies are provided to different segments of the country's population. Their main purpose is to assist in the process of purchasing or constructing a residential property. Only people included in preferential categories can count on such support. Assistance is offered on a one-time basis, and the rules for providing funds are regulated by different regulations. Each category of the population issues its own document.

Housing subsidies for military personnel are provided on the basis of the following acts:

  • Federal Law No. 76, which states that military personnel have the right to receive housing from the state;
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510 contains information about the procedure for providing subsidies;
  • Art. 51 of the Housing Code includes rules on the basis of which a military man and his family are recognized as in need of housing, therefore the right to receive financial assistance from the state appears;
  • PP No. 512 contains a list of documentation and a sample application, on the basis of which a military person is recognized as in need of support;
  • PP No. 942 establishes the standards by which housing is paid;
  • PP No. 76 includes the rules on the basis of which the subsidy is calculated.

Funds are provided exclusively for specific purposes, such as the purchase or construction of housing. Therefore, government agencies strictly ensure that the money is spent for the right purposes.

Assignment of support

Nachfin issues housing subsidies to military personnel only for the purchase of housing. Its main goal is to support the military. It allows you to purchase or build housing using public funds. This project was introduced back in 2014, and is still considered the most popular among all other government proposals.

Housing subsidies for military personnel allow you to buy a residential property on the secondary or primary market. For this purpose, a special mortgage program is being developed, and funds are also allocated in the form of subsidies. You can use the money for:

  • purchase of a finished residential property located on the primary or secondary market;
  • acquisition of an apartment, private house or plot of land intended for the construction of a residential building;
  • construction of a residential building;
  • purchasing an apartment based on the DDU.

In any case, expenses are checked by government agencies, so it will not be possible to use the funds received for other purposes.

The nuances of buying a home

The housing subsidy for military personnel is most often used to purchase an apartment or house. Ready-made housing has many advantages:

  • there is an opportunity to quickly move into the selected property;
  • there are no risks associated with increasing the delivery time of the facility under construction.

But such a purchase also has some disadvantages. These include the rather high cost of finished apartments and houses compared to objects under construction. Therefore, if a military family has the opportunity to live in another territory, then it is advisable to independently engage in the construction of the facility. The subsidy can be supplemented by the military’s own savings or credit funds. The amount of support depends on the area and cost of the selected property.

Housing construction methods

Housing subsidies for military personnel can be issued not only for the purchase of a finished property, but also for the construction of a residential building. Construction of an object involves choosing one option:

  • concluding an agreement with the developer, for which the DDU is used;
  • personal development of the project on the basis of which a residential building is built;
  • selection of a construction company that is engaged in the development and implementation of the project, and all stages are certainly agreed upon with the customer.

The subsidy is allocated for any of the above purposes.

Features of building a house using public funds

A special feature of the construction of the facility is that the military will have to report on the money spent with a certain delay. Therefore, you will have to wait until the object is completed and registered with Rosreestr.

Difficulties may arise with obtaining a loan if your own savings and subsidies are not enough to build a house. In this case, it is important to choose a developer who will be approved by the lender. If you build a house yourself, you will have to transfer existing other property to the bank as collateral, and solvent guarantors are often involved.

Conditions for receiving support

Eligibility for military housing assistance is limited to military personnel who meet certain program requirements. These conditions include:

  • a military family must stand in line for improved living conditions, so citizens should not have their own living quarters;
  • it is allowed to take advantage of the support of military personnel who have their own housing, but its area or sanitary condition must not meet certain criteria established by law;
  • the military man has a valid contract with the Ministry of Defense;
  • It is allowed to benefit from support for military personnel who were dismissed due to retirement or deteriorating health, but the duration of service must exceed 10 years;
  • active military personnel must serve at least 10 years, and during this time their families must live in official premises allocated by the state.

Only military personnel who really need housing can count on support.

Who needs help?

Payment of housing subsidies to military personnel is made only to those in need. Therefore, this status must be confirmed during the queuing process and when considering an application for a subsidy.

If, from the moment the status is received and support is issued, the living conditions of the military family change, then the transfer of funds will be refused. You can get in line for a housing subsidy for military personnel under the following conditions:

  • lack of own housing;
  • the military man lives in a one-room apartment with other persons who are not his relatives;
  • acts as the owner of a room in the apartment, and it is not isolated from other premises in the real estate;
  • a military person is registered in a communal apartment or dormitory;
  • he lives with a relative who has a serious chronic disease;
  • existing property is subject to demolition;
  • the building in which the military man’s apartment is located is considered unsafe or will be rebuilt;
  • a man lives in a social apartment on the basis of a social tenancy agreement;
  • the existing residential property is too small, so there is less than 15 square meters per family member. m.

Not only real estate registered in the name of the immediate military man is taken into account, but also in the name of his family members.

How is a military person recognized as needy?

Providing housing subsidies to military personnel requires prior receipt of the status of a person in need. To do this, follow these steps:

  • if indeed the serviceman’s family meets all the requirements, then an application is drawn up;
  • documents are collected confirming that the military man does not have his property or his housing does not meet the standards and living conditions;
  • all documents are transferred to the Ministry of Defense, namely to the Housing Department of this institution;
  • Based on the documents received, a decision is made on the possibility of providing support to the applicant.

The refusal is usually due to the lack of necessary documents or the availability of military family members with optimal real estate for living.

Rules for drawing up an application

It is important to correctly prepare a certain package of documents so that a housing subsidy can be assigned to military personnel. The application is considered the most important documentation. It is formed on the basis of a special form, which can be studied on the portal of the Ministry of Defense. When drawing up this document, the following information must be entered:

  • the addressee represented by the Ministry of Defense;
  • personal information about the applicant, provided by his full name, military rank, length of service and other information;
  • Title of the document;
  • a direct request on the basis of which a military person is assigned to those in need;
  • passport details and personal number of the applicant;
  • information about the contract on the basis of which the serviceman is serving;
  • place of duty;
  • information about existing property;
  • consent to data processing.

The document is signed not only by the military man, but also by all adult members of his family. Other documents are attached to the application. Housing subsidies for military personnel are assigned only upon the transfer of all necessary documentation required by employees of the Ministry of Defense. It is additionally important that the military does not hide any property from the state.

What documents are needed?

Other documents must be attached to a correctly completed application:

  • serviceman's passport;
  • passports and birth certificates of all members of his family;
  • a certificate of personal account status from the place of residence for five years;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • extract from the house register;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register containing information about what property is registered in the name of the applicant.

This list of documents can be significantly increased by employees of the Ministry of Defense. Usually they are required to confirm certain facts.

Rules for calculating housing subsidies for military personnel

Once a military family is determined to be in need, it can count on a subsidy. The payment is a one-time assistance to citizens, and its size depends on the individual characteristics of a particular applicant.

You can independently perform a calculation to determine how much the family can count on, as well as how much money will have to be prepared for the planned purchase of a home.

To calculate, it is advisable to use a special online calculator. The following data is entered into its form:

  • the number of military family members, and not only adults, but also children are taken into account;
  • the right to receive additional space, available only to senior ranks;
  • the size of available housing at the moment;
  • the total area of ​​the property selected for purchase;
  • standard cost of 1 sq. m. in the region where the object will be purchased;
  • the number of years served by military personnel under contract.

The formula used for calculation is:

Subsidy amount = standard area based on the number of family members * average price of 1 sq. m. * correction factor.

The coefficient depends on the length of service, since if this period does not exceed 16 years, then 1.85 is applied, and if a military man has served more than 21 years, then for him the coefficient increases to 2.45.

How is the subsidy provided?

Housing subsidies are paid to military personnel based on the following steps:

  • as soon as a military family is recognized as needy, it is entered into a special register;
  • You can find out your turn on the Ministry of Defense website;
  • a bank account is opened where funds will be transferred after approval;
  • Then you just need to wait for the decision.

The documentation is reviewed within 20 days, after which the applicant is provided with a written response. If the decision is positive, funds are transferred to the military account. After this, he can engage in construction or purchase of housing. After registering an object, it must report where exactly public funds were sent.


As part of the support for military personnel, they are offered the opportunity to take advantage of a special housing subsidy. Its size depends on different parameters, so it differs for different military personnel. The process of receiving funds involves registering a family as needy, after which they submit documents for a subsidy.

You can use the money to buy or build housing. The military will have to draw up a report on where the funds were sent.