Unified register of housing for military personnel. Ministry of Defense housing for military personnel single registry entrance

Assistance in the issuance and distribution in the Russian Federation from authorities has always been a pressing issue.

But, despite its partial solution thanks to the active use of a system of one-time financial payments for the purchase of apartments, the queue for housing has not lost its relevance.

A Unified Register has been created to record everyone who wants to receive their own allocated squares.

What specifics of placing on the waiting list must be observed in order to be guaranteed to receive living space for a serviceman’s family over time?

What it is

The interest and control of the Ministry of Defense today in the construction of housing intended for army families is very high. For proper occupancy when handing over new areas, it was created in electronic form Single register. Now new residents receive rights to an apartment only if it is their turn for a housewarming party.

Previously, this was complicated by the time spent on processing documentation manually, and often those whose part was located in close proximity to the newly commissioned new building received living space. Now this deficiency has been eliminated and every military man has access to the waiting list. He can view the information at any time of the day.

Purpose of the register, its advantages, disadvantages

In order to fulfill the benefits for army personnel, which are guaranteed to them by the current legislation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, an electronic number of people wishing to receive their own housing has been created.

Advantages of this register there is no doubt:

Electronic records are maintained on the website of the Ministry of Defense. Thus, the state takes the most responsible approach to implementing the norms of Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998, approved in Russia, “On the status of military personnel.”

There are some in this procedure flaws. Officers have many complaints about the register. For example, a person on the waiting list can see his data in the list, but the system will not show him his number. It is impossible to find out how many people have already been provided with housing, and how many still need to be provided with housing.

How to enter data

You can register on the electronic waiting list after registering on the Ministry of Defense website. There you need to familiarize yourself with the procedure for familiarizing yourself with information from the unified register. To find out your personal identification number, the person on the waiting list needs to contact the personnel service. A family member of a deceased service member will need to go to the Department of Housing to obtain an access number.

Forming a register in a certain sequence of actions:

  1. The applicant is recognized as entitled to the benefit of receiving a free apartment. To do this, the information received is verified through all non-departmental requests.
  2. Data about the waiting list is entered into the Unified Register. The day the application and documents are submitted to the local Housing Department is considered the date of registration. If a package of papers was sent through a postal communication center, then the date of inclusion in the list coincides with the day they were sent.

If in accepting documents will be refused, then the response is sent to the serviceman in writing.

The list of documentation that must be attached to the application is indicated in the instructions in the appendix to Order No. 1280 dated September 30, 2010. You can familiarize yourself with the text of this regulatory act on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

IN documentation package includes:

When submitting a package of documents, you must have the originals with you to confirm the accuracy of the copies.

Over the past 5 years, reference information has been collected and submitted to verify the facts of deliberate actions aimed at worsening existing housing conditions in order to obtain a new apartment. To obtain data, you need to contact the organizations that operate the housing stock.

System capabilities

What opportunities do military personnel who are registered on the electronic list have?

There are several of them:

Regardless of the location of the applicant and the time zone in which he resides, access to the online database is constant. Since the site is constantly developing, the volume of information is gradually increasing. You can now gain access not only to information about yourself, but also to other citizens serving in the army under contract. Every day the total amount of information is gradually increasing.

The rules for entering data into the military housing register are described in the following video:

At the initiative of the Government of the Russian Federation, a Unified Register of Housing for Military Personnel was created. Thanks to the electronic queue, registered military personnel can find out at any time how their priority queue is progressing.

A serviceman’s virtual personal account is located on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. It notes all the information. The link is located on the main page of the web resource on the left.

Thanks to the menu, a serviceman can obtain information about any personal information that interests him: allowances, queues for housing subsidies and other materials.

To gain access to the virtual account, you need to register. You can enter your account without registering.

Sometimes it is not possible to enter the office. If there is an error, you must submit a report so that the data can be checked. But the queue is not lost due to an error.

How to check by number

The site has a closed part, which can only be accessed if you have an individual number - a password. He is issued by the command. By entering the number, the serviceman can view the priority order and also find out where construction is taking place in the region.

To enter the Unified Register you will need:

  • personal number;
  • housing program participant number;
  • information entered by the Ministry of Defense.

IMPORTANT! Information about the employee must be entered correctly. Even a minor error will not allow you to view your personal information.

The site is open 24 hours a day. You can log into your personal account at any convenient time, which saves a lot of time, because you don’t need to go to the housing department.

How to join the electronic queue

To gain access to the Unified Register in order to get in line to receive gratuitous assistance from the state for purchases, you will need to register on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

To do this you need:

  1. Go to HR and get a personal identification number. As for family members of deceased servicemen, they are given a number by the Housing Department.
  2. After registering in your personal account, the necessary information is entered in the appropriate fields. It is needed for placing in an electronic queue: family composition, place of registration and other information.
  3. After this, the necessary documents are added.

ADVICE! If, after reconciliation, inaccuracies are found, they must be reflected in the report and submitted to the housing department.


After the serviceman’s application for a housing subsidy has been reviewed and a positive decision has been made, documents must be submitted to the Department. According to instruction No. 1280, all materials are submitted within five days from the date of receipt of the notice.

To register in the electronic queue for a subsidy, military personnel will need the following documents to receive gratuitous government assistance:

  1. Passport and copies of all pages of this document.
  2. Originals and photocopies of passports or birth certificates for all eligible family members (also all pages).
  3. Marriage or divorce certificate (original and copy).

ATTENTION! This document must be certified by a notary or unit commander (stamp is required!).

  1. An extract from the house register from all addresses where the serviceman and his family had to live over the past five years.
  2. Personal accounts (originals and photocopies) of the military personnel and family members from the places where they worked in the last five years.
  3. A copy and original of a document confirming the right to receive a subsidy and recognizing the serviceman as in need of improved living conditions.
  4. Information about housing owned or under a rental agreement.

About the unified housing register

The Unified Housing Register is an electronic database containing information about all military personnel participating in the program. Its formation began in 1989.

The main objective of the registry is transparency in the distribution of housing, the ability to strictly control the priority. The serviceman enters his number and can find out the approximate date when he will celebrate his housewarming.

A few years earlier, when there was no unified system, military personnel living on the periphery did not have the opportunity to obtain housing in any locality. Now housing is guaranteed by the state and the Constitution.

Thematic video

A military mortgage is one of the ways to improve living conditions. Information about her in the video:


Providing housing for military personnel is the task of the state. The introduction of an electronic unified register makes it easier to track the queue for free assistance from any corner of Russia. The convenience of a personal account has been approved by the military and taken into use.

Military personnel make up a significant part of Russian society. The conditions of their service are often very far from ideal: participation in hot spots, constant travel, lack of comfort. Spouses and children most often share the employee's share. The constant change of kindergartens, schools and the lack of work of the spouse accompany all the time of moving. That is why this category of the population needs protection from legislation.

The government actively supports military personnel. A large amount of legislative documentation is being published. How to figure out who is entitled to what? How can I get on the waiting list for an apartment? What does a unified register of military personnel in need of housing mean?

Who needs

How to become one of those on the waiting list? It is necessary to go through the approval procedure to show the situation of real need. In order for you to be recognized as needing housing, the law establishes the following rules:

  1. A person should not own an apartment or a house. He does not have housing provided under rental agreements (Agreement). He is also not a close relative of those who have their own real estate, he rents them under the Agreement.
  2. A person has his own home, rents it, or is a member of the family of the person who rents it. But several families live in it, or one of the family members suffers from a disease that prevents them from living together.
  3. A person lives in an apartment or house that has been declared unfit for habitation.
  4. You own or rent housing, but its area is smaller than required by law.

This law applies not only to the military, but also to other citizens of the Russian Federation. If you relate to the above points, then you have the right to receive an apartment. Study the legislation relevant to your case. If you meet the above requirements, you can get on the waiting list for an apartment.

How to get on the register

To be included in the Register of military personnel in need of improved housing conditions, you must provide information to the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense. The following documents should be attached:

  1. An application written according to a specific template.
  2. Passports for those over 14 years old, birth certificates for other family members.
  3. Confirmation of information about being married (certificate).
  4. For 5 years, proof of residence in certain places, statements of accounts, from house books.
  5. If available, information on additional benefits provided by the state.
  6. If available, information about the property, the Agreement.

The date when the entire package of required documents is submitted will be the date when they will be registered. If something cannot be provided in connection with the service, then it is registered at the moment when the right to place it appears.

The information received is checked within 30 working days, and based on the results of the review, it is decided to register or refuse. If there are a shortage of documents, a notification is sent and served within three working days. If an employee is on duty and it is impossible to deliver documents, the commander is obliged to inform the authorized body about this. If the required documents are not brought within 30 days, the application will be rejected.

If corrections are necessary in the submitted information, it is necessary to notify the authorized bodies within 30 days. If changes occur in the place of residence, an application is submitted to the new address. In this case, the registration date does not change (it remains the one when the documents were originally submitted).

If a service member has deliberately worsened his situation, he will not be considered for the next five years. The following cases are not recognized as special deterioration of life:

  1. When family members move in through the court in a situation where they had no other place of residence, or it did not meet the residential requirements.
  2. If family members have terminated their rights to use housing and moved out to live together as a result of marriage.
  3. For children who stopped using the premises because they went to the place of service, if they became disabled.
  4. The lessor decided to stop renting.
  5. Loss of the opportunity to use as a result of the court invalidating a transaction for the use of the premises.

Why can they be deregistered?

What reasons may affect deregistration:

  1. Providing adequate housing according to the waiting list;
  2. Change of conditions, resulting in loss of the right to be in the Register;
  3. Obtaining budget funds for the construction or purchase of housing;
  4. Identification of data in the provided documents that does not correspond to reality;
  5. Personal initiative to exclude those in need.

If the above situations arise, the person on the waiting list is excluded from the queue for up to 30 days. Documents informing about this are sent within 3 days.


Appeared in 2010. Since then, legislation has addressed it more than once. In 2014, information about the Register appeared on the website of the Ministry of Defense, which had previously been extremely problematic to obtain. On the website today, those in need of improved housing conditions can get a huge amount of information:

  1. Legislative acts regulating the maintenance of the Register. Information is constantly updated according to changes in legislation.
  2. Data for the Russian Federation on the location of construction of apartments for those on the Register’s waiting list.
  3. Receive a free consultation from a qualified lawyer regarding the provision of apartments.
  4. List of all documents that need to be provided.
  5. Addresses and telephone numbers, general information about the Ministry of Defense, where you can contact.

The first five items are publicly viewable. To study further information, you need to have a personal key for authorization. It is issued upon registration. If it is not provided, you must contact the authorized authorities. Personal information contains:

  1. Date of registration;
  2. Family composition;
  3. Preliminary location of the provided premises.

Maximum information is currently open for transparency and clarity of the process of progression in the queue. At the same time, data constituting a personal secret is closed. Each person on the Register can track their location in the queue, view data, and find out the preliminary location of housing.

If errors are detected in the data, you must contact the authorized authorities to correct them. They plan to launch this opportunity online through the website in the near future. If you submitted documents, but did not find any information about yourself, perhaps they simply did not have time to add you to the lists. A large number of documents require scrupulous verification of the information provided.

The rules for recognizing military personnel as needing housing do not differ from recognizing everyone else as needing. The recognition of a serviceman as needing permanent housing is carried out by an authorized body on the basis of the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation. Which military personnel can apply for inclusion in the Register:

  1. Officers who received a position after completing their education.
  2. Contract employees since 01/01/1998.
  3. Officers involved in service by Presidential Decree or entered into service after 01/01/1998.

The following are entitled to priority housing:

  1. Those who have been in service for more than 10 years.
  2. Dismissed from service due to age, health, layoff.


After construction, pre-allocated housing is reviewed and re-allocated according to the Register. All necessary formalities are being completed to put the housing into operation. Then the data about the new building is sent to the authorized body, which sends a receipt to those in need within ten days. When there are official events that impede the execution of documents, the authorized body is notified about this within three days. In this case, the apartment is temporarily reserved for the military personnel if the events last less than 90 days. If more, housing is given in order of priority.

The potential owner inspects the property and prepares for registration. If you are not satisfied with certain points, a refusal is prepared in the required form. It is drawn up, signed and submitted within up to 5 days.

Apartments are distributed taking into account the required square footage. Possible additional residential meters that should be provided are also taken into account:

  1. If the rank is from colonel and above;
  2. Commanders of military units;
  3. Having an honorary title of the Russian Federation;
  4. Teaching in military educational institutions;
  5. Having academic titles or degrees;
  6. Dismissed due to health reasons or age.

Additional meters are allocated within the framework of 15 to 25 squares. If you agree to the premises provided, you must notify the authorized body within 5 days. If consent/disagreement is not received, the apartment is transferred in order of priority.

Electronic provision of information made it possible to more clearly obtain information about the need for construction in specific regions. The following points are taken into account:

  1. Distribution of construction on the territory of the Russian Federation, within regions. The distribution depends not only on the availability of apartments, but also on their area. Apartments must meet the requirements for the number of meters per person in a family. A huge amount of analytical work is being carried out throughout the country to match opportunities and needs.
  2. Availability of the necessary means of communication and infrastructure at the construction sites: gardens, schools, hospitals, entertainment facilities. A huge amount of finance is allocated for the construction of additional institutions, especially if apartments are not provided separately in houses, but entire areas built specifically for those on a waiting list are populated.
  3. Due to the urgent need for apartments, the pace of construction is increasing. There is an urgent need to monitor not only the speed, but also the quality of houses being built. Speed ​​should not lead to a deterioration in people's living conditions.

When settling in existing areas, in order to provide citizens with everything they need after settlement, data on the availability of medical care is carefully studied: this is not only hospitals, but also the availability of pharmacies. For some categories of employees, admission without a queue is provided, but the influx of people still needs to be uniform and not exceed accepted standards.

It is also important to have jobs for retired former contract workers and their families. There are certain agreements with some enterprises regarding the employment of former contract workers and people who live with them. Often, spouses at the end of their service cannot boast of having experience.

The location of kindergartens, schools, higher educational institutions, sports and cultural centers is an important factor when settling.

Social hiring

The provision of living space occurs throughout the duration of the service for those in need. Apartments owned by the state or municipality are available for rent. They can then be privatized.

  • An apartment issued for rent is not excluded from the queue.
  • Military families with three or more children can receive housing out of turn.
  • Family members of a deceased serviceman who lived with him at the time of his death retain residence rights.

Now everything is being done for the purpose of convenience and comfortable military service and accommodation for the families of employees. Due to the lack of certain resources, the situation is not ideal, but, given the desire and actions taken, significant improvements are taking place.

Of course, the appearance of the Register in the public domain did not solve the housing problem: the queue did not get smaller. But the openness and availability of information has made people calmer: they know exactly where they are and can roughly determine when they will become the owners of an apartment.

This may interest you:

Providing modern independent housing in an affordable price segment for every citizen is one of main priorities of the state to date. This is especially true for categories of the population that are eligible for benefits.

This is a fairly large list, which includes military personnel, law enforcement officers and security services.

In contact with

Basic information about the procedure

Housing provided military personnel, unified register records in each MO. What is a single list? This is a unified system for recording military personnel in need of housing, the composition of their families and other factors.

In accordance with the norms of current legislation, representatives of the RF Armed Forces have a number of preferences. Initially, defenders of the fatherland have the right to service living quarters of varying sizes, depending on whether they are single or with a family.

Living space is provided by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, where the unified register of military personnel, who need housing.

An apartment can be transferred to the category of personal real estate by carrying out. In order to have your own room or apartment after several years, you must submit a report to the command with all the necessary documents attached, fulfill a number of conditions and receive official living space at your disposal for further residence. But before that it’s worth check the queue.

Information should be obtained regarding how service rooms and apartments are provided to military personnel for the current period, what is the electronic waiting list for housing for military personnel using their personal number.

With a previously thought out and developed plan, as well as receiving advice from a professional lawyer, it will be quite possible to acquire the status of a waiting list thanks to electronic queue for housing in online mode.

A serviceman living in a service apartment may be transferred to a new duty station or transferred to the reserve.

According to the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, you should leave the residential premises within the agreed period, moving out with compliance with all necessary formalities.

Upon receipt of a negative response from the command or eviction to the barracks, on conditions contrary to the law, the serviceman has the right see the order and appeal any of the decisions made.

In particular, this is possible when, in the process of consultation with a lawyer, a violation of legislative positions on the part of responsible officials is revealed.

Normative base

Obtaining apartments for military personnel is strictly regulated by Russian legislation. Virtual personal account of a military man - waiting list housing V register online allows you to study all the features of state guarantees established at the federal level for employees of the Ministry of Defense in relation to the housing issue. Over the past few years, the system for providing military apartments has been radically revised and significantly clarified.

Housing for military personnel unified register

What legislative acts regulate this issue:

  1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 76 of May 27, 1998 “On the status of military personnel.”
  2. Art. 15 Federal Law No. 76 regulates the List of defenders of the homeland who have a vested right to housing.
  3. Changes enshrined in Federal Law No. 405 of December 28, 2013 to Federal Law No. 76.
  4. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 298 dated November 2, 2013, fixing changes to Articles 15, 24 of Federal Law No. 76.

Important! In addition, the situation is regulated by normative and by-law acts of the President of the country and the Government, and the register of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

State mechanisms for improving housing conditions

It is important to take into account all the features of state regulation of housing problems for military personnel.

In addition to the main points, the legislation stipulates the main nuances regarding the features and conditions for the military.

It is established which of the military personnel has the right to reside in office premises for residential purposes during the period of official duties.

First of all, this applies to officers who have just graduated from military schools and other educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense.

In addition to this category, contract soldiers living in closed military camps and officers can receive housing for official purposes. going on duty based on a contract concluded after January 1, 1998.

Guarantees are provided to obtain residential premises as personal property, the improvement and comfort of which must exactly comply with accepted state standards. Representatives of a fairly limited group can claim to own their own room or apartment. These are persons who have served in the army for more than twenty years, upon reaching the maximum permissible age, and were dismissed after ten years of service for health reasons.

Priority is given to military personnel with sufficient length of service who do not have their own housing, with inconsistency with the current living space sanitary standards for 1 family member or in case of official recognition of the current place of residence as dilapidated and posing a health hazard.

Subsidies and other housing programs

Housing for officers and junior command personnel of the Armed Forces is always a certain complexity and constitutes a significant range of tasks that today and in the foreseeable future should be solved at the state level.

Attention! Today, we use traditional methods that have been used not even for decades, but for hundreds of years, to provide housing for military personnel and their families, and modern, quite effective and progressive methods.

Housing for all military personnel

Common methods include:

  1. The most proven and widely used method is renting a private house, apartment or room on the basis of monetary compensation of rent, confirmed by documents.
  2. A more modern way out of the situation is privatization. The living space previously provided under a social rental agreement on the principles of free living becomes property. Opens in the registry military personal account to carry out privatization procedures. Limitations include the emergency condition of the premises, deployment in a closed military camp, and location in a dormitory.
  3. Subsidiary assistance has been operating quite successfully since January 1, 14. The system of one-time payments is regulated by Order of the Minister of Defense No. 510 of June 21, 2014. The size and actual possibility of receiving a subsidy is limited by a number of factors. The first is the area of ​​the apartment, taking into account the specifics of the applicant’s region of residence and where it is planned to purchase housing. Particular attention is paid to the composition of the family that the applicant for new housing has at this time. Queue for subsidies by personal number is also recorded on the website of the MO Register.
  4. Discharged military personnel are provided with a state housing certificate, which ensures priority in receiving an apartment. Due to the reduced price of 1 m2 according to the Certificate, it is realistic to have housing under this project only in the outback.
  5. for the military with a storage system.

Attention! NIS has been operating for a sufficient period of time and has shown effectiveness in accumulating funds for a down payment. The contingent of military personnel to whom a military mortgage is available is limited by the duration of service and the terms of the contract.

Having accomplished login to the unified register, you can obtain comprehensive information about who is covered by the mortgage project.

Video: How military personnel can get housing

It is important to pay attention to the most important success factor. Focusing on one or another method of obtaining housing, stipulated by law, it is necessary to obtain information whether certain government programs are in effect for a given period. The best way to prevent misunderstandings when exercising the right to housing is to consult with a professional legal specialist.