Accounting for capital repair operations in homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives and management organizations. Housing cooperatives do not disclose information on major repairs You may also be interested


On January 1, 2011, you and I received our house from the DEZ in a condition that is scary to remember - there was knee-deep “sewerage” in the basement, fleas, rats like chickens on the roost, holes in the pipes were not repaired, but were covered with rags. We have already done a lot. Today, our home's life support systems are much more efficient. But they are in a very worn-out condition and are sensitive to the slightest interference (for example, you install a new battery - heat is taken away from the upper neighbors). Thanks to the Maintenance Service of the Quinta Homeowners Association, which maintains our house - it monitors communications like DEZ contractors never dreamed of.

Our house has been asking for a long time OVERHAUL RENOVATION . But all this time we did not have the right to REPLACE the pipes ourselves with new ones - we were prohibited by law and we did not have the money for it. But the Department of Overhaul had no interest in our house. When the city created HOAs like ours, it promised to make major repairs to the HOA first. But we were cheated again. Why? - Yes, because our HOA, like many other HOAs, works "recoilless" . And now it is widely known that “kickbacks” in housing and communal services over the past two years have increased from 40% to 70% of the amount of work!!!

But now the situation with major repairs has changed. The state admitted that it CANNOT and DOES NOT WANT to bear this burden on its own.. Came into force on January 1, 2013 the federal law No. 271-FZ (dated December 25, 2012) - Capital Improvement Act . It came into force on January 1, but when it begins to REALLY APPLY is kept in the deepest secrecy. Why?

A State Duma deputy, head of the Housing and Communal Services Committee spoke about this very clearly at a press conference

Galina Khovanskaya .

From some - it is unknown from when - maybe from this summer, maybe from the summer of 2014, or maybe from January 1, 2014, we will see the column “major repairs” in the monthly rent payment. This mandatory contribution for major repairs common property the house will go to the Capital Repair Fund. Wherein The law provides only TWO WAYS for forming a CAPITAL REPAIR FUND.

First (at first it was the only one): all the money of the residents of the house goes to the federal " GENERAL CHARACTER" Which will be managed by an OFFICIAL - “regional operator”. OFFICIALS will determine the renovation schedule, the annual list of houses and even the list of work. OFFICIALS will be responsible for selecting the company. And for the quality of work. How they answer - ask the HOA “Bibirevo-18” (Shenkursky Prospect, 4). There, under DEZ, half of the work was done poorly, half was not done, the contractor disappeared with the money, the deputy prefect signed the certificate of completion - and no matter how hard the HOA fought, the REPAIRS WILL NEVER BE COMPLETED.

Officials do not need control over conscientious and strict residents. What will happen in the case of a “common fund” with our house is clear.

And in Moscow there are 60 thousand unsafe houses - to which the state has a primary obligation. This means that you and I will be financing the repair of the EMERGENCY FUND for a long time, first of all. And the savings in the “common pot” will be eaten up by inflation. And with a monthly payment of 7 rubles/sq.m for a complete overhaul of the house, it will take 45 years to collect.

Khovanskaya directly named this scheme another "pyramid" (a sign of a “pyramid”: there is not enough money for everyone) . Which will burst like a soap bubble, as soon as it stops receiving money from the Housing and Communal Services Reform Assistance Fund. For several years now they have been talking about closing this Fund because “there is no money,” but they have not closed it yet. The fund is artificially pumped with money, as is typical for pyramids. According to Khovanskaya, “...this scheme, quite obviously, has a corruption component.” Residents will never be able to control which house renovations their mandatory contributions from the “common pot” will go towards.

But thanks to the efforts of Khovanskaya as a State Duma deputy, another scheme was included in the Law - for HOAs and housing cooperatives.

We have the right to determine by decision of the general meeting of premises owners whether to transfer funds to federal fund- or open YOUR own, independent TARGET bank account for major repairs.

We have the right to determine the dimensions ourselves at the general meeting of premises owners. mandatory contribution for the overhaul of our own house (although the state has already announced the minimum contribution - 7 rubles 20 k./sq.m) .

We have the right to set our own deadlines for major repairs and a list of repairs.

We have the right to decide whether to take out a loan and get into bondage - or carry out capital work gradually, as funds accumulate - which is quite possible!

We have the right to choose a company with a license to carry out capital works and COMPLETELY “recoillessly” control it.

We have the right to determine the bank in which we will open a target account. Now our account is open with Sberbank. Sberbank operates banking rules deposit insurance. This is a REAL guarantee.

And now about why it is kept a deep secret, When will the column “major repairs” be added to rent bills?. Because - if the HOA or housing cooperative does not have time to hold a meeting and open an account before this moment, the money of the residents of the house will automatically go to the federal “common fund”. AND IT WILL BE POSSIBLE TO GET OUT OF IT ONLY IN TWO YEARS. Moreover, THE MONEY WILL NOT BE REFUNDED FOR TWO YEARS. THAT'S WHAT IT'S WRITTEN.Robbery.

The proverb says: The law is that whatever the shaft is, where you turn, that’s where it comes out. For houses whose residents think that the state will decide everything for them - for the majority of houses that are “in DEZ” - the Law on Major Repairs can turn into a problem of delaying major repairs - as is happening now. But for houses that have HOAs and housing cooperatives, the Law on Major Repairs is really beneficial. Bye. In our country, we constantly “want the best, but it turns out as always,” and no one knows how the Law will change in a couple of years. But after a couple of years By managing our account, we can do a lot to preserve and improve our home. The money in our own target account is from 1 to 1.5 million rubles. in year!

The law gives us the opportunity to decide for ourselves the fate of our home, our COMMON PROPERTY - because we are a HOA. For residents of DEZ houses this is impossible.

Dear residents! Recently, in different areas of Moscow, corrupt officials of GUIS, Administrations, Housing Inspections, with the help of their “administrative resource”, are trying by all means to destroy and liquidate successful HOAs - in order to RETURN THE HOMES TO THE DEZ. Des is a trough of corruption. About how officials feed from DEZ and GUIS - read an article from a newspaper on the Internet “Izvestia” from 01/29/2013: “Cleaning up Moscow brings officials 100 million a year” . At the same time, by directly bribing some residents to destroy the HOA, DEZ tells them to say that he will “immediately do major repairs.” Now you understand - he can't do it. In the light of the new Law on Major Repairs, only those HOAs and housing cooperatives will be able to try to achieve normal “human” major repairs, where residents understand that they must use every opportunity provided to them by legislation to repair and preserve their housing BY OURSELVES.


At the end of the HOA reporting meeting, we will immediately, before the summer season, hold general meeting owners of premises with a summons: leave mandatory payments for major repairs, in accordance with Federal Law No. 271-FZ, at the disposal of the owners of the premises of the house . We have very large percentage non-owners, so your vote is decisive. We hope that you will vote for the reality of major repairs in our house.

Watch the full press conference of Galina Khovanskaya on the Internet: Housing and communal services. Results of the year. mp4

Sincerely, Chairman of the Board N.G. Shantyr

I would like to know when it is necessary to do major renovations in the house? I have been living in a housing cooperative building since 1976. No repairs have been carried out, the ventilation system is faulty, there are flies in my apartment.

Olga, Major renovation residential buildings It can be comprehensive and it can be selective. Comprehensive is carried out once every 25 years, selective once every 15 years. There is also Maintenance- carried out once every 5 years, there is also annual maintenance.

Send an application to the management company to provide information about the timing of the overhaul in your MKD. Thank you for your request.

Hello dear Olga! You need to know that each region is obliged to create its own fund, which will receive funds for capital repair work, for example, in the Moscow Region this is done by the Ministry of Construction, you need to go to the portal and enter the exact address of a specific house, and find the desired one on the interactive website information. For a Muscovite, the task of finding a schedule is not a problem: all services are collected on one service portal, it uses the latest information Internet technologies: just enter the address of the house, and a work schedule from 2015 to 2044 will open. The accumulation fund will allow the following work to be completed: Replacement of intradepartmental communication systems, including replacement of hot and cold water pipelines, gas supply, sewerage drainage, elevators. This service is available only to those residents whose regional authorities have launched a major repair program, and there is detailed information on the official websites.

I wish you and your loved ones good luck and success. Best regards, A.A. Bogolyubov. Good day to you. Send a written request to management company

regarding major repairs. Good luck and all the best. I am a member of the board of housing cooperatives, the house was built in 1967. We have defaulters on utility bills, debts from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles. One (80,000) has not paid for more than 3 years. We filed a lawsuit against him, there is judgment

about debt collection, a bailiff came and nothing...

You won’t get money from them officially, i.e. It's probably possible, but it's troublesome.

We went a different route.

There was a general meeting at which the residents called on the board to collect debts from them by any means (Why should we pay for them!?).

Just then we started a small overhaul of the house - we are changing the electrical wiring (interfloor risers). Financing comes from money set aside for major repairs (we include it in the rent). For this reason, we turned off the defaulters, documenting this with a decision of the board and an extract from the minutes of the meeting, despite the fact that they pay for electricity (otherwise the power supply company will turn it off immediately).

We motivated this by the fact that new cables are the property of the house, and since they do not pay for major repairs, we will not let them use our cables - let them pay for the energy sales separately!

Question. How legally right we are, and what threatens us if we are wrong.

For a complete answer, you need to familiarize yourself with the charter of your HOA.

In this situation, you do not have the right to stop supplying electricity to debtors, due to the fact that payment for electricity is made in full. You can only judicial procedure resolve this issue (collect an amount for using your networks).

It’s just that in your case, you need to competently conduct the claim proceedings.

I advise you to contact a lawyer, since there is a lot of ad-libbing in your actions described in your letter; with such a position, the court will side with the debtors.

Pay money now, and you will get beauty in your home in 30-40 years. And don’t even think about evading, otherwise we’ll calculate a fine and go to court. This is how we can briefly characterize the law on major repairs that has been agitating the minds of Russians lately. Let's figure it out: contribution for major repairs, is it legal?

Let us recall that a new column in the expenses of homeowners was introduced edited in June 2015 Federal Law No. 271-FZ “On Amendments to the Housing Code Russian Federation and separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation". This legislative document obliged Russians to pay a fixed amount monthly for major home repairs.

In the USSR, major renovations of housing were in most cases carried out with government money. The exception was cooperative houses, in which the burden of restoration work fell on the shoulders of the housing cooperative. After the collapse of the USSR and the mass privatization of housing, about 85% of the multi-apartment stock became the property of citizens. The remaining 15% included departmental housing and apartments, the residents of which are still not puzzled by privatization.

This state of affairs led to the fact that the state ceased to be responsible for major repairs, and the solution to the problem was left to the regions. In some places they were created specialized funds, collecting money from the population for major repairs, in others the republican, regional and regional authorities did not bother with such things and the residents apartment buildings could only demand major repairs from the HOA.

The law on capital repairs of apartment buildings was called upon to bring order to the chaos and vacillation. Now, in each region, funds have been formed that accumulate funds for major repairs.

Further, the accumulated money is planned to be spent on houses that are in the most deplorable condition. Simple arithmetic shows that, on average, the turnaround time for major repairs for most high-rise buildings will only take several decades. This situation causes a storm of indignation among people who do not believe in the long-term promises of those in power.

Calculation procedure

The updated Housing Code of the Russian Federation prescribes a mechanism for collecting funds for the repair of dilapidated houses. In particular, it obliges citizens to pay appropriate contributions to local special funds. Both homeowners and owners should contribute to the common pot for major repairs of common property commercial real estate located in apartment buildings (usually the first floors are allocated for places of sale of goods and services).

When calculating the amount in the payment for major repairs, the age of the building and the presence of an elevator are taken into account. However general scheme receipt generation is the same for the whole country - the area of ​​the premises is multiplied by a certain coefficient. But the size of this coefficient is set locally. By the way, often these calculations cause no less bewilderment among the population than the imposed fees for major repairs. For example, the difference in the coefficient in cities with similar living standards as Moscow and St. Petersburg exceeds 10 rubles. And this, remember, is from one square meter.

According to the law, funds for major repairs of high-rise buildings can only be spent on the restoration of common property. The definition of this term is given by Part 1 of Article 36 Housing Code RF:

  1. Common areas.
    • Flights of stairs.
    • Elevator shafts.
    • Corridors.
    • Technical floors, as well as basements where utilities are located.
  2. Enclosing load-bearing structures.
    • Foundation.
    • Load-bearing walls.
    • Floor slabs.
    • Load-bearing columns.
  3. Enclosing non-load-bearing structures in common areas.
    • Windows and doors.
    • Walls separating residential from non-residential premises.
    • External entrance doors.
    • Fencing of roofs, balconies and verandas.
  4. Roofs.
    • 4.1. Roof of an apartment building.
    • 4.2. Roofing of extensions, if they are given for public use.
  5. Home service equipment.
    • Cold and hot water supply systems, as well as drainage systems.
    • Gas supply.
    • Heating.
    • Electricity supply.
    • Ventilation system.
    • Garbage chute.
    • Elevator equipment.
    • Fire system.

Thus, residential and commercial owners cannot rely on renovation fees to upgrade their personal properties.

You cannot refuse to pay

Practice introduced at the legislative level mandatory payments for the future restoration of multi-storey buildings, of course, will still be finalized. There are too many obscure places and opaque moments in it that open the way to abuse and outright theft. However, they demand money from Russians every month, without waiting for changes and additions to the regulations. Therefore, many people naturally ask the question: is it legal to contribute for major repairs?

As prescribed by Part 14.1 of Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payments for major repairs must be repaid on the same basis as receipts for housing and communal services. If a person regularly ignores this payment, then such sanctions may be applied to him as the accrual of penalties (note that the amount is 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), going to court and then to the service bailiffs. Next, the bailiffs can initiate the arrest or seizure of property, impose a ban on traveling abroad, and even collect enforcement fee in the amount of 7% of the debt amount (but not less than 1000 rubles).

The fund for capital repairs of common property in apartment buildings is aimed at targeted spending of funds. When the owners of premises in an apartment building create this fund in a special account, the bank transfers cash at the direction of the account owner - MA, HOA, housing cooperative or regional operator. We’ll talk more about the specifics of using funds from the capital repair fund from a special account in this article.

Prerequisites for transfer:

  • the decision to use the fund was made by the owners of premises in the apartment building;
  • the account owner submitted to the bank the established list of documents.
  • Changing the method of forming a capital repair fund from a regional operator to a special account

For what purposes can the MA use funds from the capital repair fund from a special account?

Situation: Is it possible to transfer the entire amount under the contract from a special account before signing the work completion certificate?

No you can not.

It is allowed not to submit an acceptance certificate to the bank only in case of payment of an advance under an agreement for the provision of services and (or) the performance of work on major repairs of common property in an apartment building (clause 3, part 4, article 177 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). In other cases, submission of a work completion certificate is required.