Pay the rent with a bank card via the Internet. How to pay utility bills online

One of the fastest and guaranteed easy ways to pay public utilities- take advantage bank card.

The method of paying for housing and communal services with a bank card via the Internet has proven itself excellently in many countries and remains the most popular today.

Is it possible to pay utility bills credit card and not debit or salary?

Not only is it possible, but also paying with a credit card has a significant advantage: you can pay for services and pay utility bills from a card even with a zero balance.

In force majeure circumstances, the method will help out a lot, which only adds points to it.

How to pay for utility services via the Internet with a bank card?

There are several ways to pay utility bills with a credit card.:

  1. Sberbank Online.
  2. Mobile Bank.
  3. Auto payment service.

Sberbank Online

You can pay for utility services with a card through Sberbank Online. This is a service where you can pay for utilities with a credit card, it also provides the opportunity to deposit money for utilities in real time.


IMPORTANT! No commission will be charged when using.

How to pay utility bills through Sberbank online is described in the following video:

Mobile bank

Mobile bank- a service that allows you to perform diverse operations in the field of transfers and payments. The client also acquires information about all actions on his cards.

You can activate the service in three different ways:

  1. Through self-service terminals. The service is located in the main menu, so it will not be difficult to find it.
  2. Through the phone. You can send a connection request by phone: a bank employee will do the rest.
  3. In the bank. You can always come to a branch of Sberbank and personally ask to activate the service.

In order to pay utility bills through the phone you need:

  1. Enter the name of the organization. For example, EIRC.
  2. Enter the ten-digit number that is printed on the receipt.
  3. Send a message to number 900. The message will look something like this - EIRTs 7841143751.
  4. SMS will be returned from Mobile Bank with the payment code, details and amount for payment. To pay for services, you need to send this message back unchanged.

"Auto payment"

Autopayment" automates the payment of utilities and other services.

When writing off Money messages with the status of operations will be sent to the phone.

How to connect:

  1. Log in to your personal account on the Sberbank website.
  2. Select "Auto Pay".
  3. Click "Connect".
  4. Enter the details of the recipient, as well as your data for debiting funds.

How to pay for utilities with a bank card via the Internet using personal account through Sberbank Online and Autopayment, we figured it out. However, there are other payment options as well.

More detailed information on connecting the auto payment service for housing and communal services from Sberbank is presented in this video:

Payment systems

With the help of such payment systems as, for example, Yandex Money and QIWI Wallet, paying utility bills by card via the Internet will not be a problem.

Yandex money

Action plan when paying with a bank card using Yandex Money:

  1. Log in to the system cabinet.
  2. Click on the "Products and Services" tab.
  3. Select the desired service.
  4. Enter your personal account number.
  5. Confirm payment using the code sent to your phone via SMS.

IMPORTANT! There is no commission.

You will learn more detailed information on using Yandex wallet to pay utility bills in the following video:

QIWI Wallet

IMPORTANT! The commission is 2%.

More detailed information on using a Qiwi wallet to pay utility bills is presented in the following video:

Website of the State Services

To pay, you will need to register on the service and get into your personal account. You are also required to have a credit card.


  1. Log in to your personal profile.
  2. Click on the "Payments" tab.
  3. Select the required organization.
  4. Enter the payment term and the recipient's personal account.
  5. Confirm payment.

Non-account payment

It is worth noting that there is a method that does not require the introduction of the recipient's personal account.

Paying on utility websites

Some organizations have acquired their own resources on which customers are able to pay for services.

How to make payments on utility websites:

  1. Select the "Payment for Services" tab. The name may vary slightly from organization to organization.
  2. Enter your personal account. It can be found on the received receipt.
  3. Enter the card number and payment amount.
  4. Wait for payment confirmation.

Non-Internet Payment Methods

The computer is not always at hand, so it is very useful to know other payment methods:

Payment with a plastic card deservedly occupies a leading position in popularity among other payment methods.

The card holder saves himself from many problems, including: the loss of a large amount of time and stress resistance, overstrain and irritability.

Thus, even if you are not a fan of technology, using the card is guaranteed to make your life easier and make paying utility bills short and simple. Well, now you know how to pay utility bills via the Internet using a card.

Timely and full payment of actually consumed utilities is the responsibility of every citizen who owns a dwelling, whether it is an apartment or an individual residential building. Payments for housing and communal services (HCS) are made, as a rule, on a monthly basis, taking into account the established tariffs. The volume of service consumption per month is determined, according to the data of special accumulative metering devices (meters), or based on the standard indicators regulated by the contract with the supplier, the requirements of the law. Thus, the monthly payment for housing and communal services (HCS) is one of the most popular transactions in practice. settlement and cash services the population carried out by banks. The question arises: is it possible to pay utility bills via the Internet without commission? Of course, there is such a possibility.

More recently, in order to pay for an apartment before the end of the appointed period, people were forced to personally visit financial institutions, stand in lines, pay additional fees charged by banks during each payment transaction. Today information Technology significantly expand the choice, allowing you to make such payments online without commission.

Remote payment of utility services is fast, convenient, profitable, and reliable.

Naturally, the repayment of obligations for utility bills via the Internet is becoming a common and popular practice among most Russian citizens.

It should be noted right away that the charging by banks of additional commissions when paying by the population for housing and communal services was legalized back in 2009 by a separate decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Homeowners who systematically paid rent through banks practically did not notice such a commission, since it was included in the cost of housing and communal services and amounted to only 1.9% of the price of the service.

Currently, the size of the commission charged by financial institutions when a citizen makes a rent reaches 2-3%.

The regularity and obligation of utility payments, the high cost of housing and communal services, the need to pay a commission to the bank - all this, of course, significantly affects the expenditure side of the budget disposed by the owner of the home. Many citizens are interested in how to pay rent without a commission.

You can pay utility bills today different ways: post office, bank cash desk, self-service terminals and ATMs within walking distance, as well as other options for making such payments. Often, all these methods involve withholding an additional commission from the payer.

The most advanced citizens prefer to use the Internet when making payments for consumed utility services. However, most online payment services are also configured to charge a certain fee from the payer. To pay for utility bills without a commission, you need to find an online resource for the appropriate purpose, register on it and make utility payments, strictly following simple and understandable instructions.

In the Russian segment of the Internet, there are a number of available services with which you can pay for housing and communal services online with a bank card. The most used of them are:

  1. Sberbank Online.
  2. A3 system.
  3. Portal of city services (for payers from Moscow).
  4. The function of remote payments on the website of Tinkoff-Bank.
  5. The option of remote payment for housing and communal services through the online resource of the management (service) company.

Sberbank Online as a way to pay for utilities

Holders of Sberbank plastic cards have a significant preference - the ability to pay for any utilities via the Internet without commission. In order to regularly make such payments, the user must register personal account in the Sberbank Online application.

Knowing the name of the provider of the relevant services and the number of his personal (subscriber) account, the owner of the apartment can easily carry out the necessary transaction without leaving his own home. This is done very quickly. No commission is charged upon payment by the client. All the information that is required to correctly fill in the details of the payment being made can be found directly on the payment receipt, which is sent to the apartment owner on a monthly basis by the provider of a specific utility service (electricity, water, gas, heating).

To pay utility bills through Sberbank Online, you must follow the following procedure:

  1. Visit your personal account by entering your own identifier (login) and secret password during authorization.
  2. Select the "Payments and transfers" section in the horizontal sector of the menu that opens.
  3. Select the "Housing and communal services and home phone" tab in the "Payment for purchases and services" category.
  4. Decide on the type of paid service (select from a possible list).
  5. Specify the required organization-supplier of utility services (payee) by finding it in the list of relevant companies.
  6. Next, you should specify the following details:
    paid service;
  • bank card (account), from which the paid funds are to be debited;
  • number of the personal (subscriber, client) account by which the user of the service is identified in the supplier's database.
  1. After confirming the correctness of the entered details, indicate the amount of the proposed payment in the corresponding line of the form, called "Payment Amount". This amount is usually displayed automatically, but the payer has the right to adjust it accordingly. Confirm the correctness of the specified data - "Continue".
  2. A new virtual window opens, in which a message will appear that there is no commission for this transaction.
  3. The payment must be confirmed via SMS.

Money is transferred to the specified supplier within 1 (one) business day.

How to pay utility bills using the A3 system

The A3 online service allows the owner of the apartment to successfully pay for some types of utilities without charging a commission. To regularly use this tool, you need to register in the A3 system, gaining access to your personal account on the website of this payment service.

The main requisites for making payments for housing and communal services to a specific supplier using A3 are the number of the payer's personal (subscriber, client) account and a valid MasterCard (Visa) card.

The algorithm for making payment through A3 provides for the following sequence of actions:

  1. Registration in the A3 online service system. It is necessary to find the corresponding Internet site and go through the registration procedure provided for, indicating the user's name, e-mail, phone number, and also coming up with a secret password for subsequent authorization in the system.
  2. By specifying the necessary registration parameters, the user agrees to the terms of the A3 service by entering a one-time SMS code sent to specified number phone.
  3. Authorization in a personal account on the A3 online resource(enter e-mail and secret password). The region of the user's residence should be specified separately if it was not automatically determined.
  4. Find and specify the name of the supplier organization(via the search option).
  5. If the required company was found, the payment details are entered, which is performed in accordance with step-by-step instructions.

Payment of housing and communal services through the portal of city services

This service ( is available online to residents of Moscow. It is noteworthy that only owners can make payments for housing and communal services using this portal without commission plastic cards Bank of Moscow. If payment is made using other cards, a certain commission from the payer will be withheld. To pay for utilities online with a bank card using this service, the user should follow the following procedure:

  1. Registration on the online resource of the payment service.
  2. Obtaining a single payment document upon prior request.
  3. Make the payment following the instructions provided.

The function of remote payments on the website of Tinkoff-Bank

This online resource allows you to make payments without commission only to a certain list of utility providers. You can do this by following the instructions:

Visit the Tinkoff online resource.

  1. Select "Payments" from the menu. The display of the region usually happens automatically.
  2. Find and open the "Utility Payments" tab.
  3. In the window that opens, select the required provider from the list, payment for services of which is made without a commission.
  4. Enter the required parameters for the upcoming payment.
  5. The bank client is automatically redirected to the personal account. Other users are offered authorization by phone number and registration.
  6. Follow the instructions to complete the payment procedure.

You can pay utility bills on the Tinkoff website

Payment for utility services through the online resource of the service company

This option is also actively practiced at the present time, since many management (servicing) companies have their own websites offering the option of online payment for housing and communal services with a minimum commission or no commission at all. To check this possibility, you need to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the online resource of the organization serving the payer's house.


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The Government Decree, which entered into force in 2009, legalized the collection of additional commissions from payers.

Although 2-3% is not a particularly significant amount, many do not want to overpay. Prior to this, the commission was 1.9% and was included in the total cost of services, and therefore simply not noticed by citizens.

Today, many are looking for a way to save money and pay for services without additional expenses.

Relations in the housing sector are regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to its norms (namely, Article 157), the amount of payment for services is calculated. When calculating the amount, take into account state or local rates.

Taken into account:

  • in the presence of metering devices (individual,) - the actual volume of the service;
  • without a device - determined by the state.

The amount of the fee remains the same regardless of the situations:

On one's own it is not possible to change the fee, both in the direction of its decrease and increase. In case of poor-quality services, their supply with interruptions that exceed the norm, you can contact the service provider for.

Payment reduction possible after receiving subsidies by certain categories of citizens.

Fee increase is made at the initiative of the supplier in some cases, for example, the temporary absence of a meter and the need to pay by.

The consumer can independently calculate the payment for a particular service by multiplying the volume consumed by the tariff. Heating, maintenance of the house is calculated based on the area of ​​​​the apartment. Garbage collection is calculated for each person registered in the apartment.

Existing methods of payment for utility services

Paying utility bills today is easy. To do this, there are several simple and convenient ways.

At bank branches

In the branches of almost any bank, they accept payment for all kinds of services: heating, electricity, water supply and disposal, gas, garbage disposal, and so on.

At the bank teller payment can be made in cash. The difference is that some banks charge a fee and some don't.

For payment payment receipt required, which often consumers receive at home. It already indicates the amounts for each service that you need to pay.

Payment terminals

They help save time, but not everyone can use them. They are located in crowded places: near the subway, in supermarkets.

The scheme is as follows - a person enters a unique number, which is indicated on the utility bill, the amount in rubles, deposits cash through a special hole.

Payment is being made by non-cash transfer of funds to the supplier's account via the Internet.

There is a commission - 3-5% of the amount. The device does not give change, it "leaves" an advance payment to the supplier.

Via Russian Post

No commission paid for services here only clients of the Bank of Moscow or Sberbank who entered into a contract for the transfer of funds.

The rest are charged a commission - 1-3%.

Self-service devices

This segment is represented by numerous information kiosks, depositors, ATMs. You can meet them everywhere.

The commission is charged from the client in the amount of 1.5% of the amount.

With a non-cash transfer directly from a personal bank card, there is no commission.

Where and how to pay for a communal apartment without a commission?

Most consumers in banking institutions and post offices are forced to overpay, because without concluding a special agreement, a commission is charged.

If the consumer is a bank customer and receives wages or other payment plastic card, you can pay bills through remote banking.

To do this, you need to register in the system, create your personal account and from there make payments for utilities - choosing the right company, transfer funds from the card to its account.

You should find out if an agreement has been concluded between the supplier and the bank for paying customers for services without a commission.

By using self-service terminal you can pay with minimum commission. For example, in Sberbank it is only 0.5% when using the terminal.

At ATMs some banks can personal card make "commission-free" payment for utility services.

MTS users can use the "Easy payment" service. True, not all payments can be paid without a commission. You can pay on the MTS website or by calling the short number *115#.

Free Internet services for paying utility bills

With the help of the World Wide Web, you can transfer money from your card to the supplier's account.

Without a commission using the Internet, you can pay for services using a number of services.

Sberbank Online

To do this, a Sberbank card must be connected to the service "Mobile Bank" and register in the system, having received access (password).

To pay through Sberbank Online, you need to select the Utilities tab, specify the recipient, payment period, amount and meter reading (if any).

The money will go to the supplier no later than the next business day.

If desired, you can generate and print a check.

A3 system

Provides payment for some services without commission for owners Visa cards/MasterCard/Maestro from the phone or the card itself.

To make a payment, you need to know your personal account number, have access to your personal account and have funds on your balance.

Internet portal (available only to residents of some regions of the Russian Federation)

Here you can pay for all utility services without exception through a personal account from a bank card.

It is planned to add payment options with mobile and electronic money soon.

QIWI payment system

Provides account holders to pay for any services for housing and communal services without commission.

For payment, registration, a password to enter your personal account and the presence of money in the account are required.

Settlement Center Online

Payment accepted from Visa and Master Card.

Registration on the site is required. In the "Subscriber's Cabinet" you can see the status of the account, the payments made earlier.

Only some utility services can be paid without a commission.

Electronic money

With the development of e-commerce, the method of paying utility bills online is also gaining more and more popularity. through electronic money systems.

The following payment systems are most common in Russia:

  • webmoney;
  • Yandex money.

Why and for how long should I keep a receipt for payment?

If the consumer pays at a bank teller, ATM, or terminal, they will receive a check upon completion.

When paying online, the check must be printed on the printer. It must be kept for at least three years.

This can happen if the money "left" to the wrong current account, to another supplier, or simply "stuck" in the bank's system.

However, after three years the court has the right to accept a claim for the protection of the violated right.

Therefore, it is advisable to keep receipts for as long as possible. This will help save the consumer from collecting proof of payment in the event that payment is not received by the supplier company.

Video: What is the most profitable way to pay utility bills?

The story tells what are the alternatives to standing in queues when paying for utilities.

Explains what benefits a citizen receives. when making payments for housing and communal services through branches of commercial banks, through ATMs, as well as through various Internet services.

Tips are given on how to avoid fees for transferring money to utility providers.

Each citizen living in an apartment must pay monthly for housing and communal services. This is done in one of two ways:

  • at a bank or post office;
  • through the Internet.

Payment of housing and communal services on a personal account via the Internet is a priority method, as it significantly saves time on visiting a bank or the Russian Post.

To identify each payer of housing and communal services, the supplier organization assigns an individual personal account number. This code is printed on receipts, and is also indicated in payment documents when transferring money.

According to the number of drugs, citizens transfer to management company readings of energy metering devices, receive information about debts or acts of reconciliation of mutual settlements. Without this code, it is impossible to make payment of accruals.

public services

Registered users have the opportunity to pay utility bills on the portal public services. To do this, you need to log in, go to the catalog and find the section "Apartment, construction and land".

Among the popular services, select "Payment of utilities" and click "get a service."

Energy providers are automatically displayed on the screen depending on the user's set location. If necessary, the region is changed manually. If after that the required organization is not displayed in the list, then it is necessary to search for the payee by the TIN indicated in the receipt.

To pay off debt:

  • information about the payer;
  • apartment address;
  • personal account;
  • purpose of payment;
  • sum.

After filling in all the fields, you need to click the "next" button and select one of the proposed methods for transferring funds.

Attention: For paying utility bills with a bank card on the public services portal, a commission is charged in accordance with the bank's tariff.

GIS housing and communal services

You can make an online payment on the portal. Registering a personal account on the site is available to all citizens who have an account on the State Services. For authorization in the system, you need to click "login".

The transfer is carried out in the category “Pay utility bills on any personal account”. This section located on the main page and displayed immediately after authorization on the site.

To pay for utility services online, you need to fill out a form that indicates:

  • executor;
  • checking account;
  • LS number;
  • period;
  • sum.

  • bank card;
  • virtual wallet.

Depending on the payment method, a transaction fee may apply.

Other service features

The GIS housing and communal services portal is also convenient in that a LAN connection is available in your personal account and after that it becomes possible not only to pay online, but also to track accruals via a PC.

To connect a LAN, you need to go to the appropriate section and fill in the fields:

  • address;
  • apartment number;
  • LS code.

After that click "connect".

When the LAN is connected to the personal account, the user will be able to pay the rent without a receipt. All accruals are automatically reflected on the main page of the site after authorization. To transfer, just click "Pay utility bills".

In the window that opens, there will be an amount to be paid, with a description of service providers and connected drugs.

The column "payment amount" is editable. Then click the "Next" button, check the entered information and click "Pay". As in the first case, it is possible to transfer funds from a card or an electronic wallet.

Online banking

You can pay utility bills through your personal account on the bank's website. In the Sberbank Online system, you need to go to the "Transfers and payments" tab and select the "Housing and communal services and home phone" section.

Interesting: Auto payment is available for all categories of utility services in Sberbank Online. If you enable this function, money will be debited from the card automatically on the specified date.

After choosing a supplier, fill in the details for transferring funds:

  • service;
  • the card from which the funds will be debited;
  • personal account.

Then click "continue". The screen will display information about the payment parameters:

  • recipient;
  • Bank details;
  • charge amount.

The column "amount" reflects the amount of payment calculated based on the data of the supplier company. If necessary, it can be changed. After checking the details, click "continue".

On mobile phone, to which a bank card is linked, an SMS notification will be received with a transaction confirmation code. This cipher must be indicated in a special window and click "pay".

Money transfer

After the payment is made, the bank needs several days to transfer funds to the supplier company.

Important to know: In order to avoid the formation of rent arrears, it is recommended to pay accruals a few days before the end of the billing period.

There are several ways to check the crediting of funds to the LAN:

  • call the management company;
  • view in the consumer's personal account on the supplier's website;
  • request an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements.

In 2009, the government of our state adopted a Decree on the collection of commission interest on payment for housing and communal services. Previously, such a commission was included in the total amount of the utility bill. Where and how can I pay for these services in Moscow in 2019? This will be discussed in this article.

Calculation of utility bills: what is included in it in 2019

The Housing Code of our state regulates relations in the field of utilities, including their payment. In Moscow in 2019, for the correct calculation of the cost of housing and communal services, tariff indicators are taken as a basis, which exist in two types:

  1. State (those tariffs that are set at the state level).
  2. Local (tariffing adopted by local authorities, in our case, the administration of Moscow).

So, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • availability of individual or general house metering devices (their indicators are included in the calculation of the actual amount of payment for housing and communal services);
  • in the absence of such metering devices, state standards for the use of housing and communal services (common for all citizens of our country) are taken for calculations.

A Russian who is a user of housing and communal services cannot independently change the already established tariffs. Payment in size remains unchanged even when it changes:

  1. Type of ownership:
  • state;
  • municipal;
  • private.
  1. Type of residential building management:
  • ZhEK (housing and maintenance office);
  • HOA (homeowners association);
  • housing cooperative.
  1. Reasons for using the premises for their intended purpose:
  • rent;
  • possession, etc.

In case of dissatisfaction, the user of the provided housing and communal services, declaring their poor quality (for example, untimely water supply with significant interruptions), can contact the provider of these services directly, as a result of which a recalculation will be made sum of money to pay them.

There are also cases when utility bills are officially changed on an individual basis for the user himself. This:

  1. A decrease in the amount due to a subsidy.
  2. An increase in payment at the initiative of the supplier (such a case can be considered a temporary removal of the meter and payment for the corresponding service in accordance with generally accepted state standards).

So, in Moscow in 2019, the practice is widespread when the consumer independently calculates the amount of utility payments. To do this, it is necessary to multiply the consumed volume (for example, water, gas or light) by the established standard tariff. At the same time, heating and maintenance of housing should be calculated based on the footage of living space, garbage disposal based on the number of people living.

Payment methods for utilities in 2019

In 2019, utility payments can be made in several generally accepted ways:

  1. At bank branches Russian banks currently accept payments for all types of housing and communal services):
  • for heating;
  • for the world;
  • for water supply;
  • for water disposal;
  • for gas;
  • for the removal of household waste;
  • for the services of the company that manages residential building generally.
  1. With the help of payment bank terminals(due to its simplicity, this method remains quite popular among elderly Russians), but such payment is always made only with a commission through a non-cash transfer of funds.
  2. Services of the Russian Post (such a service is available without a commission not to all Russians, but only to clients of Sberbank and the Bank of Moscow, other banking institutions require small commissions for their services).
  3. Through self-service banking machines (they will also charge a commission percentage, most often it is 1.5% of the transferred amount of money):
  • ATMs;
  • depositors;
  • information kiosks.

The following nuance should be taken into account: when paying for housing and communal services using the fourth method, there will be no commissions only if the funds are transferred by bank transfer from the consumer's bank card to the account of the supplier company.

  1. Using the Internet - online cashless payment services (the payment procedure is carried out quickly and without commission, and without interest):
  • Sberbank Online" (the "Mobile Bank" service is available if you register on the Sberbank website, it includes the generation and printing of a payment receipt);
  • AZ system (such payment without commission works only for owners of payment cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, it is enough to register in Personal account of this system, enter the personal account number of the utility service provider and transfer money by bank transfer);
  • Kiwi (QIWI) - such payment system allows you to pay all possible utility bills without commission;
  • settlement center "Online" - payment is possible only after completing the registration procedure on this site in the subscriber's office, while Visa and MasterCard payment cards are accepted for work, and there is no commission for only a few services;
  • payment systems "Electronic money" (their principle of operation is similar to Qiwi - you register and open your virtual wallet, from which utility bills are paid without commission): WebMoney and Yandex.Money.

Experts warn: regardless of the chosen method of paying for housing and communal services, always try to print a check and keep it. This is necessary to confirm the perfect transfer of funds from the consumer to the service provider. The check must be kept for three years. Such a time period is not random, it is limited by the expiration limitation period- Civil Code, article No. 196. If the utility service provider submits statement of claim to the court for non-payment of consumed services, then the consumer can always present a check as proof of his honesty. This situation is possible in two cases:

  • funds were erroneously received not on the account of the supplier, but on another account;
  • non-cash transfer "hung" in the banking system.

Therefore, it is best to save all utility bills for at least three years to confirm the payment made.

Is it possible to pay utility bills in Moscow without commission in 2019?

Experts answer this question in the affirmative: it is possible. True, if you decide to pay for utilities with the help of some bank, then he can set his personal percentage commission. In Moscow banking institutions, who do not charge commissions for their services, are a few:

  • Russian standard;
  • Home Credit;
  • PromsvyazBank.