How to find out points on the crossroads map. Personal account crossroads

Club Perekrestok is a savings program.
With the Club Card, you immediately begin to receive points for purchases made in the Perekrestok network. Accumulated points are automatically credited to your personal account. You can spend points at any time and on all purchases of your choice! Just always present your Club Card at the checkout.
How to earn points:
Points are always whole numbers. You receive points for purchases in the Perekrestok network at the rate of 2 points for every full 10 rubles (basic rule). To do this, present the Club Card (Main or Additional) to the cashier. Points are calculated automatically at the checkout. The number of points and their total amount are indicated on the cash receipt.
“Purchase on the birthday” - additionally, for every full 10 rubles of purchase on the Participant's birthday, an additional + 4 Bonus Points are credited to the Participant's Bonus Account.
You can spend the accumulated points on any goods and services of your choice at the rate of 10 points = 1 ruble. The consumption of points during payment is indicated on the cash receipt.
You can use them in any way convenient for you: pay for all purchases or only for some of them; accumulate points for a long time or spend immediately.

About company

Federal chain of supermarkets, one of the first in the history of domestic retail. The first "Crossroads" was opened in September 1995 in Moscow. In 2003, Perekrestok's sales amounted to $453 million, and in 2010, the figure increased almost 6 times to $2.7 billion.
At the end of 2010, 301 Perekrestok supermarkets were opened in more than 20 cities of Russia and Ukraine, of which 8 were Green Crossroads, where the best delicacies from all over the world were added to everyday goods. In addition, there are 45 franchise stores near the Perekrestok-Express house in Moscow and the region.
Supermarkets "Perekrestok" are focused on people who value the quality of food, comfort and their time, the leader in the presentation of "FRESH" food at the best market prices in the "supermarket" format, providing a high level of service and conditions for a comfortable quick purchase near home / on the road due to:
- building an assortment policy based on a constant study of existing demand and future needs of target customers, a quick response to changing market conditions
- Purchasing power to buy the best products from the best manufacturers at the best prices
- application of innovative trading technologies and the best world practices of the industry
- placement of stores in the best places in the regions of presence


The Crossroads card allows its owner to receive bonuses with each purchase. At the same time, you don’t need to take any special actions, just visit the stores of the distribution network, make daily purchases, and for each of them the owner of the bonus card receives certain points that can be exchanged for real goods in the future. But surely among the users there are those who do not know how to check the points on the Crossroads map, let's try to answer this question.

How points are awarded

First of all, each cardholder must know exactly how Crossroads points are calculated, so first we will answer this question how to get bonuses. And you can do this for absolutely all purchases made in the Perekrestok supermarket chain and its partners. For each purchase in the Perekrestok network, one point is awarded for each 10 rubles spent. Among other things, the supermarket holds various promotions and allows you to accumulate additional points, for example, each owner of plastic can once a month choose a certain category of goods for which he will receive more points, namely 4 bonus units for every 10 rubles in the check. The category can be changed next month.

Pay special attention to the fact that tobacco products do not participate in bonus programs due to the prohibition of the law of the Russian Federation.

You can also receive bonus points from partners of the supermarket chain, which include some stores, including on the Internet, for example,, LitRes and even S7 Priority airline. They also provide the opportunity to accumulate points on the Crossroads card, the number of bonuses depends on the individual conditions of cooperation.

How to check bonus balance online

How to find out how many points are on the Crossroads map and how many rubles it is? Everything is pretty simple here. When you first received bonus plastic, you could register in your personal account on the official website of the Perekrestok Club, which is located at By clicking on the specified link, you will be taken to the login page for your personal account, here you need to specify the card number, your card type and password. By the way, one cannot fail to say that the Crossroads cards are divided into several types, namely:

  • club card, you can get it at the checkout in any Perekrestok store;
  • payment plastic debit card, it can be obtained at the checkout of shops, it allows you to receive double bonuses;
  • debit card Perekrestok Alfa Bank allows you to get 3 times more bonuses, it can be issued at Alfa-Bank;
  • Alfa-Bank crossroads credit card in the same way allows you to receive 3 times more points, you can apply for it at the bank using a document confirming income.

Thus, the size of the bonus balance will directly depend on what type of card you use. In any case, you can check the balance in your personal account at any time without leaving your home. To do this, you only need to know the type of your bonus card, the card number and password to enter your personal account.

How to check the bonus balance: other ways

If you are not an active Internet user and cannot check the balance through the system online, other methods will suit you. You can call the support service hotline at any time, its number is 8-800-200-95-55, in order to get up-to-date information you need to tell the operator your card number. Similarly, you can find out the balance by the card number, send an SMS to the short number 2663 in the SMS test, you need to specify your card number.

The last way to find out the points on the Crossroads card is to look at their number. Checks at the store's checkout after each purchase, your bonus balance is displayed at the bottom of your checkout, so you will know at any time how many bonuses are stored on your bonus balance. You can spend them at any time of your own free will; for this, you just need to ask the cashier to write off points for paying for your purchases.

All major stores hold various promotions, drawings and offer to purchase bonus cards to attract customers. Crossroads is no exception. Buying goods with a bonus card, you can save on your next purchase. Almost all buyers purchase bonus cards.

By presenting a bonus card, you can save on payment. If you have collected a lot of bonuses, then they can be spent on a large purchase. You can pay partially with a bonus card, but points will still accumulate. We go shopping almost every day, so using a bonus card, you can save a decent amount.


How to register a Perekrestok club card

To purchase map of the Crossroads store it is necessary to pay a fee at the checkout, which is equal to 49 rubles. After payment, the cashier will give you an envelope with a questionnaire and a bonus card. Next, you need to fill out a questionnaire and give it to the store employee. The bonus card remains with you.

In the questionnaire, you must fill in your passport and contact details. Perekrestok store bonus card It is an ordinary plastic card that looks the same as any bank card. In order for bonus points to start accumulating on your card, it must be activated before use.

How to activate the accumulative card of the Perekrestok club

To activate a bonus card, you can use one of two ways: by phone or via the Internet.

By phone

The Perekrestok chain of stores has a hotline telephone number. By calling it, you can ask the operator to activate your bonus card. To do this, you need to call 8-800-200-95-55 . The operator will ask you a few questions, after which the card will be activated only after 20 days. Therefore, this method is not very convenient to use.

Through the Internet

Today, almost everyone knows how to use the Internet. Therefore, a more convenient and faster way would be to activate the card via the Internet. Through the search, you can find the official website of the store. On the main page there will be a menu, there you need to find the "Club" button. You need to click on the button and in the lower left corner click on the "Activate card" button.

After the form appears on the screen, you must enter the card number and activate it. Then you need to enter your mobile phone number, as well as a password. Next, you need to click on the checkmark, after reading the terms and conditions of the bonus program. After that, your card will be successfully activated. In this method, you do not need to wait 20 days for activation. Card activation is instant.

Recently, a new bonus card has been released, which has a new design. If you want to change your card for a new one, you need to order a card on the website or by calling the hotline. But it is not at all necessary to change your old card.

Personal account of the Crossroads card

On the official website of the Perekrestok store, you can go to your personal account and view all information about bonus points, as well as find out all information about promotions and interesting offers. You can enter your personal account on the website:

To enter your personal account, you need to click on the "Club" link. This icon is located on the main menu bar of the official website of the store. For authorization you need to enter data. And you also need to select the type of card: payment card, club card or Alfa-Bank card. After that, you must enter the card number and password, after which you will be logged into your personal account.

How to check scores

To check the number of accumulated points, you can choose one of several ways:

  • Call the hotline of the Perekrestok store;
  • You can send an SMS message with the card number to the number 2663;
  • On the official website in your personal account;
  • On a fiscal receipt.

From the proposed methods, you can choose the most suitable for you.

How to earn and spend points

To earn points, you must show your loyalty card with every purchase. This is the only way to accumulate a large number of points. 1 bonus point is awarded for every 10 rubles spent at the Crossroads. If you want to spend bonuses, then 10 points will be equal to 1 ruble. If you bought goods for the amount of 1000 rubles, then you will receive 100 points, and on your next purchase you will have a discount of 10 rubles.

But there are several ways by which you can get more points:

  1. If you have chosen some products in the “Favorite Products” category, then for every 10 rubles you will be awarded 5 points;
  2. On your birthday, you will be awarded 4 points for every 10 rubles spent;
  3. Depending on the type of card you use, you will be awarded up to 3 points for every 10 rubles if you buy products in Perekrestok supermarkets, up to 7 points if the product is in the Favorite Products category and up to 2 points if you pay for goods or services of partner companies.

To choose the right products for the Favorite Products category, you need to consider which products cost more than others. Those who prefer sweets more choose the Bread and Confectionery category. And those who prefer cheeses and sausages choose the category "Cheese, sausages, meat". If you have chosen a category, then you can change it only after 3 months. You can choose a category in your personal account on the official website or by calling the hotline.

Every month, bonus card holders receive catalogs with goods, upon purchase of which you will receive a lot of bonus points. But products that are already marked with a red price tag do not have additional discounts. Therefore, spending bonuses on such goods will not work. For pensioners there are also discounts upon presentation of a certificate, but discounts are not cumulative.

"Crossroads" is a whole trading network, which is a supermarket. In them you can find everything that a citizen may need for daily life. Products, manufactured goods, perfumes, cosmetics and even some items of clothing and technology - everything is offered in the Perekrestok retail chain. This store was created for the first time in Moscow, in 1995. To date, the trading network has spread throughout Russia, but the bulk of the branches are still located in the capital. Buyers have recently been thinking about how to activate the Crossroads card. What is it all about? Why do you need a matching card? What does she give? All this will be discussed later. In fact, to bring the idea to life is not as difficult as it seems!

What is the card

The first step is to understand what kind of plastic we are talking about. Why do you need a Crossroads card?

We are talking about the usual bonus card. Many hypermarkets have it. Allows you to receive a variety of bonuses and discounts for purchases made in the store. A very useful thing for economical people.

Only many citizens are thinking about how to activate the Crossroads card. What will be required for this? What should every potential buyer know? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it might seem. After all, proper preparation and familiarization with the registration process will help bring the idea to life.

Getting a card

The first step is to get the studied plastic. Without it, you should not think about activation. Fortunately, this process is extremely clear.

The Crossroads card can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. Make purchases (one-time) in the network of the studied hypermarket in the amount of 500 rubles or more. Then the plastic is issued to the buyer at the checkout at no additional charge.
  2. Buy a bonus card. To date, for this you need to go to the cashier at Perekrestok and pay 49 rubles. That's how much bonus plastic costs.

There is nothing difficult or special in the process. After one of the listed events, the buyer will receive an envelope with a card. Now it has to be activated. And then - to use and receive bonuses.

About bonuses

So, the buyer has a "Crossroads" card. You can activate the code from it in several ways. But about them a little later. First you need to understand how profitable the use of bonus plastic is.

Points are awarded according to a certain algorithm. How many bonuses will the client receive? This nuance directly depends on the amount of purchases made at Crossroads.

You can rely on the following information:

  • 1 point for every 10 rubles in the check - for purchases of less than 2,000 rubles;
  • 5 points for 10 rubles - if purchases are made for an amount ranging from 2 to 5 thousand;
  • 10 points - when spending more than 5,000 rubles.

There is a reverse conversion of funds. It is used when paying for goods. Here 10 points is 1 ruble. This fact must be taken into account by every client. The seller must be informed in advance about the use of the received plastic.

Activation methods

There are several ways to activate the Crossroads card. In practice, there are only 3 scenarios. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. This should be remembered by the buyer, who decided to engage in the activation of plastic.

The process can be implemented in the following ways:

  • by phone;
  • through the Internet;
  • with the help of cashiers.

What can be said in general about each of the techniques? What are the pros and cons to consider?

Cash desk and questionnaire

The first activation method is to fill out a questionnaire at the cashier. This method is the simplest and, as practice has shown, the least common. Usually, the registration process takes about 20 days. Therefore, many are interested in how to activate the Crossroads card via the Internet or by phone.

Nevertheless, work with the questionnaire at the checkout also takes place. The buyer must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Buy a card "Crossroads".
  2. Take the form of the established form from the cashier.
  3. Fill out the form. You can do this both at home and on the spot.
  4. Give the cashier the completed questionnaire and wait for the previously specified period.

If you believe the numerous reviews, questionnaires for 20 days are sometimes lost. Therefore, not everyone trusts this activation method. In this case, you can use any other option for the development of events.

Telephone communications

It is proposed to activate the "Crossroads" card using the telephone "hot line" of the trading network. By calling her, you can bring the idea to life without much difficulty. The method is analogous to the previous registration method. After its implementation, the plastic will be registered in 20 days.

How is the procedure carried out? There is nothing special about her. The main thing is to follow a certain algorithm of actions. It will help you understand how to properly activate the Crossroads plastic.

Registration of the card by phone is carried out as follows:

  1. The client buys plastic from Perekrestok.
  2. A call is made to the hotline. The number can be found on the back of the issued card.
  3. Answer the questions asked by the operator. They are exactly the same as in the questionnaire issued at the checkout when buying plastic.
  4. Name the number of the card purchased at Crossroads.
  5. Submit your contact information.

Nothing else is needed. It remains only to wait a few days. More precisely, about 20 days. After the specified period, the card will be activated.

Internet to help

However, there is another popular, fast, reliable and convenient method for solving the problem. If the client is thinking about how to activate the Crossroads card, you can use the Internet. With its help, the implementation of the idea will not take much time.

It is this scenario that causes some problems. Do you want to activate the Crossroads card via the Internet? There may also be some nuances with the activation code. But about them later.

To activate, you can follow the instructions below:

  1. Buy the Crossroads card. The questionnaire does not need to be filled out or returned.
  2. Visit the official page of the trading network. To be more precise, the "Crossroads" club. You can activate the card on a special service from the club of the hypermarket chain.
  3. Select "Activate". It is located at the bottom of the Perekrestok club website.
  4. Click on the inscription "Activate a new card".
  5. Enter all the required information in the fields that appear. More precisely, the card number and activation code.
  6. Fill out the form of a member of the club "Crossroads".
  7. Complete the procedure by confirming the completed questionnaire.

This completes the entire activation process. You can use plastic from the Perekrestok retail chain!

Where to get the activation code

After the described procedures, the Crossroads map will start working. Activating an activation code is not that difficult. And where to get it? How to get the right combination?

The answer is simple. When purchasing a bonus card, the buyer is issued several checks. On one there is information about the accumulated points, on the other - information for registration. The address of the page on which you can bring the idea to life is also written there.

If such a check is lost, you just need to pay with the help of the Perekrestok plastic for any purchase. And keep the issued check. It will also store the relevant registration information.

Official site

You can go the other way. More simple, as practice shows. The thing is that via the Internet, the activation of the studied plastic is carried out by several methods. But in general, the procedure is reduced to the same actions.

As already mentioned, you can visit the official page of the club "Crossroads". It is with its help that the activation of plastic is most often carried out.

But that is not all. In addition to the proposed page, you can go to It is proposed to activate the card by pressing the button with the corresponding command. After that, an inscription about the successful completion of the procedure will appear on the main page.

Results and conclusions

Now it’s clear how the Crossroads card is activated. It is not difficult to activate the code offered on the check issued when purchasing plastic. It is through the Internet that many try to carry out the procedure.

Only after the described actions can you easily spend the accumulated points. It is very comfortable! In fact, nothing special is needed from buyers to activate the Crossroads card.

In order to attract a large audience of buyers, large stores such as crossroads, hold drawings, make promotions for their birthdays and, of course, offer their customers accumulative bonus cards. Thus, spending on one purchase, you can save on the next. Therefore, many buyers are happy to open a bonus account and present the card at the checkout when paying.

A bonus card is a great way to save money. The bonuses collected on it can be spent on some major purchase. In addition, you can pay with a bonus card partially and still accumulate points. In addition, if the supermarket is close to home and one way or another every day you need to buy something in it, an impressive amount can gradually accumulate on the bonus account.

How to register

In order to become a member of the bonus program of the Perekrestok supermarket, you need to pay a fee at the checkout, which is 49 rubles. After that, the buyer receives an envelope from the cashier, in which there is a questionnaire and a bonus card. Filling out a questionnaire is a common thing - the questions in it are no different from those that are present in bank questionnaires that are filled out when receiving a credit or payment card.

Then the completed questionnaire must be handed over to the store employee, and the card should be kept. In appearance, it looks the same as any payment card. To start accumulating bonuses, you must activate the card before use.

Savings card activation

There are two ways to activate a bonus card, but for some reason, few do it quickly. In fact, there is nothing complicated here.

By phone

The network of stores has its own hotline, by calling which and contacting the operator, you can activate the card. Enough to dial a number 8-800-200-95-55 and answer the operator's questions. After the transfer of the necessary personal data by phone, the activation of the card will take place only after 20 days. This is the main disadvantage of this method.

Through the Internet

Given that in our time, almost everyone has access to the Internet, it will be more convenient to activate the card online. To do this, through the search engine you need to find the official website of the store. In the main menu there will be an icon with the inscription "Club" in the form of a link. You need to go through it and in the lower left corner click on the green button with the inscription "Activate the card".

Activation of the Perekrestok Club card:

After that, a form will appear on the screen in which you need to enter the card number and activate it by clicking on the button below. After that, you will need to enter your phone number and password. Then we put a tick, which confirms that the buyer has read and agrees with the terms of the bonus program, and the message “Card activated successfully” will be displayed on the screen. Actually, the activation process is over at this point. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to wait twenty days, but you can immediately safely go shopping, taking a bonus card with you.

Not so long ago, the network released a card with a new design. If you wish, you can order a card reissue directly on the website or by calling the hotline. If there is no need to part with the old card, then you can continue to use it - it remains valid.

How to check scores

There are several ways to check the balance of points on a savings card. Firstly, you can call the hotline of the supermarket chain, and secondly, you can send an SMS message with a sixteen-digit card number to number 2663. Also, the number of points is recorded in the fiscal receipt. In addition, you can see the balance in your "Personal Account" on the official website using the "Update balance data" service.


The Perekrestok Club is the name of an accumulative program in which its participant receives bonuses from each purchase in a supermarket chain. This bonus program allows you not only to use a bonus card. It offers to open a payment card, as well as credit and debit cards. A payment card allows you to get more points, for example, in the Favorite Products category, you can get 6 points for every 10 rubles spent, and when purchasing in the Perekrestok network, you can get 2 points for every 10 rubles.

When applying for a Perekrestok-Alfa-Bank card after the first purchase in a supermarket, additional bonuses are credited to the client's account. When ordering a debit card, the buyer receives 2000 points, and when ordering a credit card - 5000 points. A debit card allows you to replenish the balance at any ATM without commission, and a credit card has a limit of 300,000 rubles and 60 days for its interest-free use. In addition, the network has many partner companies, using the services of which the program participant receives additional points.

Personal Area

In the "Personal Account" on the official website of the network, you can see the balance of accumulated points, follow promotions and select the categories of goods that are most often bought - "Favorite Products".

Login to My Perekrestok personal account:

The entrance to the "Personal Account" is carried out through the "Club" icon, which is located on the main menu bar of the official website. Right next to the “Card Activation” button is another button labeled “Login to your personal account”.

After clicking on it, the user will be prompted to fill out an authorization form. In the first field, you need to select the type of card used by the buyer - it can be just a club card, a payment card, or one of two options for Alfa-Bank cards. In the next two fields, you need to enter the card number and password and click on the "Login" button.

How to earn and redeem points

In order for the Club card to be useful, you need to present it at the checkout with each purchase - this is the only way to accumulate a decent amount of bonuses. For every 10 rubles spent in the supermarket, a participant in the bonus program receives 1 bonus point, and when paying, 10 points are equal to 1 ruble. For example, if a client buys 3,000 rubles, then he receives 300 points, which give him a discount of 30 rubles on the next purchase.

You can get more points in several cases:

  • the buyer on his birthday receives bonuses at the rate of 4 points for every 10 rubles;
  • a greater number of bonuses, namely 5 points for 10 rubles, are awarded for goods that are among those selected by the client in the category “Favorite products”;
  • if the program participant uses one of the Perekrestok club cards: payment and debit or credit from Alfa-Bank. Depending on the type of card, the customer can receive up to 3 points for every 10 rubles when shopping in the chain's supermarkets, up to 2 points when paying for services and goods of partner companies, and up to 7 points in the "Favorite Products" category. In addition, when paying for one of these cards for the first time, the buyer receives up to 5,000 points as a gift from the network.

In order to decide which products to give preference to in the category “Favorite products”, it is necessary to analyze which category of goods spends more money. Fans of sausages and meat products can choose the category “Cheese. Sausages. Meat", while those with a sweet tooth and fans of flour products can stop at the Bread and Confectionery category. One way or another, you can change the category - once a month this option is available. And you can choose it in the "Personal Account" or by contacting the operator by phone. 8-800-200-95-55.

Every month, the participant of the bonus program receives a catalog with goods, by purchasing which the buyer will receive a large number of bonuses. However, it is worth considering that the buyer does not receive a discount for goods that have a red price tag, since a discount has already been provided for them. People of retirement age also have to choose between receiving a discount on a certificate and accumulating points under the program - this does not work at the same time.

The interface of the official website is bright, themed and easy to understand for the user. At the very top you can see the main menu, with which it is easy to navigate the resource. Here you can see the current promotions. A very convenient option is the "Shopping List". Here you can make a list of what you need to buy and how much - it's very easy to do, since all the goods are divided into categories. Before going shopping, this saves time and money. After compiling the list, you can save it by sending it to yourself by e-mail.

In the "Recipes" tab you can see a lot of step-by-step instructions for preparing delicious dishes. By clicking on the "Culinary" icon, the user will see a variety of ready-made dishes that he offers to purchase from his Perekrestok network. By going to the section for children, you can not only find some useful recipes, but also print out coloring pages for your child directly from the site and play the Memory game. The supermarket also invites children to try themselves as an employee of this industry, inviting them to have a good time and not only be stingy, but become a consultant or cashier.

The "Club" service offers bonus program participants to activate the card, create a "Personal Account", select the type of card: payment, debit or credit and order it directly on the site. Also here is a complete list of partner companies and describes the terms of cooperation between Perekrestok and each of them. For paying for services, for example, for staying at a partner company's hotel, the buyer receives a certain number of points on a bonus card, with which he can pay in the future. The site contains a list of stores with addresses and brands of the network. In addition, through the site you can install a mobile application and learn everything about the company.

Promotions and discounts

  • Promotion Superprice!;
  • Promotion Profitable!;
  • Discount coupon up to 200 rubles;
  • Discount on next order.

Mobile app

Now it is not necessary to carry a club card with you, it is always in your smartphone! There is no need to restore it if lost. Now the phone screen is enough to accumulate and use points, just show the screen to the cashier when buying. You can issue a new card directly in the application for free without questionnaires and activation.

Mobile application "My Crossroads":

All checks and purchase history are stored in the mobile. Personal discounts for regular customers. Be the first to know about sales in the Promotions section.

