Gazpromneft fuel cards personal account bonus. What to do if you lose your card

Typically, fuel cards for legal entities are created to pay for refueling a car using a cashless payment. Most often, such services are offered by oil companies for regular customers who have developed a loyal attitude towards their work.

Using a fuel card to ordinary customers (individuals) gives them certain discounts or other bonuses.

Gazprom Neft bonus cards for individuals

Especially for individuals, Gazprom Neft launched the On Our Way loyalty program, which offers a three-tier system of discounts for participants.

By purchasing a Gazpromneft fuel card for 199 rubles as an individual and activating it by sending an SMS, the client can accumulate bonus points by making purchases at Gazpromneft gas stations for a certain amount and then exchanging them for discounts.

According to the current system of discounts, 1 bonus means 1 ruble, which means that the discount on fuel in rubles will be exactly the same as how many bonuses the client managed to accumulate.

Bonus cards are also divided into three categories: "platinum", "silver" and "gold". They differ in that they have a different bonus system. For a card with a silver status, a purchase for 100 rubles gives 3 bonus points (3%), a gold one - 4 points (4%), and a platinum status for the same 100 rubles will give 5 points (5%).

The status of the Gazprom Neft fuel card has a "floating" character - it is recalculated monthly and depends on the amount of purchases with its presentation for the previous month:

  • silver - less than 6000 rubles;
  • gold - from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles;
  • platinum - at least 12,000 rubles.

A new member of the Gazprom Neft loyalty program receives a silver bonus card upon registration. Every month, its status is updated due to the purchases made by a person in the previous month and bonus points accrued for them.

This means that the client's status can be upgraded automatically upon reaching a certain cost threshold, and not only the purchase of fuel is considered, but also the purchase of other goods in the Gazpromneft gas station network.

You can get answers to any questions by calling the one-stop customer support center toll-free 8-800-700-51-51 . You should call the same number if you lose your bonus fuel card or if you want to know how many points you have accumulated.

You can also find out your bonuses on Gazpromneft fuel cards in your personal account on the official website - LINK.

Fuel cards for legal entities

Gazprom Neft is interested in benefiting from cooperation with organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Their target audience is professional carriers.

There are three special tariffs for legal entities based on the use of fuel cards:

  • "Local", operating within the "home" region in which the carrier is registered;
  • "Interregional", which operates outside the "home" region;
  • "Transit" - for customers with fuel consumption of more than 150,000 liters per month.

To conclude an agreement, it is enough to contact the regional representative office of the company. A preliminary application can be made online on the website (LINK), providing your details.

Using a fuel card for legal entities is not much different from using a bonus card for an individual, with the difference that the director of the company can link the cards of all his drivers to one personal account.

The filling procedure in this case is simple. It takes place on a cash basis.

The fuel card can be limited or unlimited. The amount of fuel you need, purchased by the carrier from the supplier, is entered on the unlimited. This volume can be drained at least all at once during the day. For limited cards, a certain daily or monthly fuel consumption limit is set.

The quality of fuel card service suits almost all drivers. There are complaints from customers in rare cases when the filling station staff does not always respond to the requests and comments of drivers.

However, the so-called "human factor" is not predictable, and it is not always possible to completely eliminate "lining". But in general, this system is well received by both motorists and professional carriers.

What will have to pay after its sale.

There are a sufficient number of Gazpromneft gas stations for Moscow - St. Petersburg.

Pre-checking the vehicle for restrictions will help to avoid problems when buying a used car.

Video - a report on the new contactless bonus cards of Gazpromneft.

Car owners, entrepreneurs receive discounts after paying for gasoline and purchases under the “We're on the Way” program. You can find out how much a refueling card costs at the bus stations of the company. What benefits are provided for the owners of Gazprom Neft discount products:

  • The ability to accumulate and use points at any station of the company.
  • 3-5% refund on the amount of expenses at gas stations and minimarkets under the program. Accrual of bonuses the next day after payment for services.
  • The ability to spend points on any network services, including charity. Along with the increase in expenses, the points amount and the status of the client "platinum", "silver" or "gold" also change.
  • Tracking and managing points through a convenient personal account. Quick resolution of financial issues and technical support through a 24-hour hotline.

The rules for using a discount card for legal entities and individuals are practically the same. Cards of all drivers working in one organization can be linked to one Internet profile.

Loyalty program "We are on the way!"

"We're Along the Way" is a three-level system of discounts for individuals. Customers who purchase a paid Gazpromneft card become members of the loyalty program. After paying for fuel, making purchases at gas stations, cafes, minimarkets of the network, points are collected on the card. Bonuses are exchanged for fuel discounts. There is a system: 1 point - 1 ruble.

New users receive "silver" status. A month after spending a certain amount, a "platinum" or "gold" level is assigned. They differ in the system for calculating discount points. Thus, the amount of purchases, fuel costs gives the status of the client and the discount percentage that is carried over to the next month.

The status of the account is easy to check by calling the hotline or through your personal account. The amount of accumulated bonuses is reflected in the check when calculating at any gas station of the company.

Personal account "Gazpromneft"

After concluding a service agreement, a profile is created for each client on the website Activation of a personal account occurs during the first transaction. Information enters the database no later than 5 working days.

Online it is convenient to track expenses, find out points accumulation, and manage them. In the purchase history report, the bank enters the names of purchased goods, fuel, bonus products, prices, dates of transactions, the number and amount of points. The online calculator on the site will help you calculate the cost of services and determine the discount.

How to activate the Gazpromneft bonus card and profile?

  • When purchasing a plastic card at a gas station, keep a receipt with the code and phone number of the support service.
  • Send SMS with a code to the specified number. Receive a message on your mobile with a confirmation and an Internet link, enter the online account, register.
  • If activation fails, call the help center (8 800 700 5151).
  • If there is no receipt at hand, the client enters the card number, the picture code on the website, presses the “receive password” button, and receives the login code via SMS.

Call center staff will help you check the bonus balance if there is no Internet. It is enough to name the card number.

Change of client status

The discount product has a "floating" status. Recalculation is performed monthly. The benefit depends on the amount of purchases from the card for the past month. To receive an upgrade, the consumer must pay the cap. Otherwise, the level is automatically reduced. Fuel costs and purchases at Gazprom Neft stations are taken into account.

When purchasing a fuel card, the “silver” level is set. A client for every 100 rubles spent on gasoline, coffee, food, services at gas stations will receive 3 bonus points. After 2 months, with an increase in the amount of expenses, the status will rise by two points. The owner of the "platinum" level will be awarded 5 bonuses for every 100 rubles.

How bonuses are calculated

The discount product saves the car owner's money and makes it possible to get a discount on gasoline. To accrue points, you must give the cashier a Gazpromneft plastic card. What are the ways to quickly replenish bonuses?

  • Payment for services: refueling with any gasoline (except for AI-80 fuel), car washing, purchase of parts in the company's car service.
  • Purchase of any goods in gas station stores, except for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. No points will be added for non-alcoholic beer or cigarettes. The minimarkets of the network have a wide range of products. Alcoholic drinks can be purchased along with other products that are included in the promotion.
  • Payment by card on the owner's birthday. The company will give the birthday boy a 1% discount for the entire holiday. Points for purchases will be given according to the status.

When replenishing bonus points, there are other restrictions. Points will not be awarded for the purchase of more than 100 liters per day, 300 liters per week, and 1,200 liters of non-diesel fuel per month.

The program does not work when buying diesel fuel in the amount of more than 500 liters per day, 1,250 liters per week, more than 5,000 liters per month. The discount is valid when purchasing other goods in minimarkets in the amount of up to 4,000 rubles. per day, up to 9,000 rubles. per week, up to 36 rubles. per month.

How to spend the accumulated bonus points?

The Gazprom Neft refueling card makes it possible to receive 1 ruble for each bonus accumulated in the past month. When a solid amount of points is collected, the client is calculated by them as money. At all gas stations of the company, cardholders pay for points:

  • additional liters of fuel;
  • automatic car wash services;
  • car parts in network car services;
  • food and non-food items in shops at the station;
  • breakfast, lunch, dinner in a cafe, coffee with dessert, etc.

Gasoline buyers are offered cookies, drinks and other grocery gifts from the minimarket free of charge. For the purchase of a certain amount of gasoline under the campaign, consumers receive gift fuel, gas, or the opportunity to fill up a car inexpensively.

What to do in case of loss of a savings card?

The plastic card can be damaged, stolen or lost. How to view and secure your own funds on the account?

  • Block card. Call the hotline, tell the operator your full name, date of birth, number of the lost discount product.
  • Buy a new card at a gas station, make your first purchase, register via SMS.
  • On the site, fill out an application for the transfer of points. After submitting the form, the status and discounts will be restored. The application can be left by phone through the call-service of the company.
  • Replace an old damaged card at a gas station network. Replacement is cheaper than buying a new "plastic".

The transfer of bonuses at the request of the client is carried out in any case, even if there was no loss. The terminal will help in this matter. Any operator at the gas station will advise on the operation.

When do bonuses expire?

Accumulated discounts and points are reset, not renewed if the owner of the car has not used the card for more than 3 years. Discounts expire when you accumulate points in the amount of more than 60 thousand rubles.

A discount product is blocked if the client has not made any calculations worth buying on it for more than a year. Points in this case are saved. To resume participation in the program, you need to call or write to the call center.

Discounts and points of the program "We are on the way!" are used at gas stations of the Gazprom Neft company throughout Russia. The card is perfect for travel.

The company's terms are attractive compared to competitors' fuel discount products. Lukoil provides holders with 2 points for 100 rubles. Getting 5-15 bonuses in TNK will cost 50 rubles, but bonuses are allowed to be used only after 2 weeks.

Considering that fuel prices for cars hit hard on the pocket, then every motorist tries in every possible way to save on refueling. A real opportunity to get a nice bonus is to take part in the bonus program "On Our Way" from the network of gas stations "Gazpromneft". Further, we will talk about what gives the owner a Gazprom refueling bonus card, how to get it.

Loyalty program "We are on the way"

This program for motorists makes it possible to save on refueling the car. If you become a member of this program and refuel at Gazpromneft gas stations, bonus points will be credited to your bonus card for each purchase, and they can later be exchanged for fuel or other purchases at gas stations.

The number of bonus points depends on the status of the card, and it, in turn, on the amount of monthly purchases. Bonuses are accrued from any purchase at the Gazpromneft gas station network, except for tobacco products. By the way, bonuses are not awarded for AI-80 fuel.

How to participate in the program

To become a member of the program, it is enough to purchase a Gazpromneft card. This can be done at any gas station "Gazpromneft". It is paid and its cost is 199 rubles. Together with a plastic card, you need to take a receipt from the cashier, on which you will find the activation code, and the phone number to which you need to send an SMS message with the code. In response, you will receive an activation confirmation message and a link to the site.

If you receive a refusal to activate, you should call support at 8800 700 5151.

Then you should register in your personal account to track your purchase history and accrue bonuses. To register, you will need a mobile phone and a Gazprom bonus card, a personal account for a new user can only be opened using a one-time password.
So, open the Gazpromneft website, find the link to your personal account and follow it. Then enter your bonus card number, enter the code from the picture and find the "Get temporary password" button below. Enter the password from SMS in the provided field and log into your account.

Bonus accrual

The Gazprom gas station card gives you the opportunity to receive a bonus from each purchase at a gas station. One bonus is 1 ruble, they can be spent on refueling a car or other purchases, except for tobacco products. Bonuses are credited to the account for every 100 rubles spent, and the number of points depends on the status of its owner.

  • silver status - 3 points;
  • gold status - 4 points;
  • platinum status - 5 points.

Silver status is given to a client who spends up to 5,999 rubles at filling stations in one calendar month, gold - from 6,000 to 11,999 rubles, platinum - over 12,000 rubles.

You can check the bonus balance on the website in your personal account, or see their number on the check. You can calculate how many bonuses you get for a certain purchase amount using an online calculator.


As mentioned earlier, points are not awarded for AI-80 gasoline and tobacco products, as well as some promotional products. There is also a list of purchases for which bonuses are not awarded:

  • for making purchases, which do not include oil products, for more than 4 thousand rubles per day, 9 thousand rubles per week, and 36 thousand rubles per month;
  • for refueling over 100 liters per day, 300 liters per week, 1200 liters per month, does not apply to diesel fuel;
  • for diesel fuel over 500 liters per day, 1250 liters per week, 5000 liters per month;
    over 3 purchases of petroleum products and other goods.

By the way, you cannot store bonuses in excess of 60 thousand on the card. If you do not use the card for more than 3 years, bonus points will be cancelled.

How to get more bonuses

If you want to receive more bonuses from each purchase, then you just need to become a client of Gazprombank and receive a Gazprombank-Gazpromneft co-branding card. A plastic payment card can be either a debit card, with own funds in the account, or a credit card. Only one caveat, credit cards are available exclusively for participants in the Gazprombank salary project.

Gazprombank-Gazpromneft card

So, if you issue a Gazprombank-Gazpromneft card and pay for goods and services, and not only at gas stations, then an additional bonus is credited to your account for every 100 rubles. For example, if you spend 20,000 rubles from the card in one month, you will receive 200 bonuses from purchases. And this is not all the benefits, you will also receive a gold client status.

So, the Gazprom Neft card allows its owner to save money and get fuel for his car for free. Just note that bonuses are credited to your account on the condition that you present your bonus card to the cashier.

Discount plastic cards, which make it possible to receive a discount during refueling, are used by many modern gas stations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. A similar product is also produced by the Gazprom Neft gas station network, owned by the company of the same name, engaged in the extraction, processing and transportation of oil. You should figure out what Gazpromneft fuel cards are for individuals.

Map "On our way" from the gas station "Gazpromneft"

Today, the network of gas stations "Gazpromneft" is represented in most regions of the country. The number of stations is 1409. An extensive network of gas stations allows citizens to use the services of this outlet in large and small cities, which is convenient for citizens who have discount plastic “On the way for us”.

Gazpromneft provides discounts to regular corporate clients. The "On Our Way" card makes it possible for individuals to take advantage of such discounts. The essence of the product is that a citizen who owns plastic can accumulate special bonuses on it. To do this, you need to make purchases at the network's gas stations. After the calculation, a certain number of points are credited to the card. In the future, they can be used for payment instead of money.

Plastic is suitable for citizens who often use the services of Gazpromneft. This offer is especially beneficial for people who often use their vehicle. The more often refueling takes place at the gas stations of the network, the more bonuses will be accumulated. Accordingly, the “On the Way for Us” card will save significant amounts.

It is necessary to distinguish between gas stations "Gazpromneft" and stations "Gazprom". Despite the similar names, the latter network does not belong directly to Gazprom, but is the property of one of the corporation's subsidiaries. Accordingly, it is impossible to use the plastic of one network at the stations of another.

bonus program

The essence of the plastic “On the Way for Us” is the possibility of accruing and further using bonuses. Bonus points are credited with each purchase of gasoline. Their number depends on the amount of the check and the status of the plastic. In total, there are three types of cards:

  1. Silver (less than 6,000 bonuses). Each purchase earns 3 points.
  2. Gold (6,000–12,000). After calculation, you can get up to 4 bonuses.
  3. Platinum (more than 12,000). 5 bonuses are credited with each purchase.

The transfer of the card to another category is carried out automatically. No additional steps are required for this. In accordance with the rules in force at Gazpromneft, the points described above are awarded for every 100 rubles spent. It should be noted that there are certain limitations associated with this process.

Accordingly, if a citizen has a platinum card, for 100 rubles he will be able to get 5 points. They can be used as a payment tool. In this case, the cost of 1 bonus is equal to 1 ruble. Thus, having accumulated, for example, 100 points, the plastic holder will be able to spend them instead of 100 rubles.

Current restrictions

Bonuses are accrued both for the purchase of fuel and in the case of the purchase of goods in gas station stores. However, there are certain limits on the number of points that can be earned. So, if a citizen buys tobacco products, bonuses are not credited. Also, they cannot pay for this type of product. This applies to certain promotional products, CNG and AI-80. There are the following restrictions on the Gazprom discount card for gasoline:

  1. No more than 500 liters of DP or 100 liters of other fuels per day.
  2. No more than 1250 liters of DP (or 300 other types of fuel) per week.
  3. No more than 5000 liters of DP (1200 liters) per month.

It should be noted that during the day you can make no more than three purchases (both in the store and oil products). Restrictions are also imposed on the amount of funds spent in the store:

  • no more than 4 thousand rubles during the day;
  • 9 thousand rubles during the week;
  • 36 thousand rubles a month.

If a citizen has exceeded the limit, no bonuses will be awarded (this applies only to the amount that exceeds the limit). The card has no expiration date limit, but points must be redeemed at least once every three years, otherwise they will be cancelled. It should also be noted that more than 60 thousand bonuses cannot be stored on plastic.

Card design

Quite simple requirements are put forward for plastic holders. Firstly, only a capable citizen can issue a card. Secondly, plastic is issued to persons who have reached the age of eighteen. It should be taken into account that only natural persons can take part in the program “On the way for us”. To get plastic, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Contact the cashier with a request to buy discount plastic. The card can only be purchased, it is not issued free of charge. The cost of the product is 199 rubles.
  2. Make a purchase using plastic (any).
  3. Activate the card. To do this, you need to send a message to the number +7 903 7 676 979, in which you must write the activation code placed on the receipt issued after the purchase of the products.

It should be noted that it is not necessary to purchase anything immediately. You can simply contact the operator to receive an info-check, which will contain the activation code. After the call, the plastic will be considered activated. It will accumulate bonuses that can be used at Gazprom Neft gas stations in the future.

In some cases, activation fails. The most common reason for this is the use of a phone number to activate another product from the gas station network. In this case, you must use another phone. If the response message contains information about plastic blocking, you need to contact the support service.

How to use bonuses

How exactly to spend bonuses, the cardholder decides. They can pay for part of the purchase or its full cost. The use of points is limited only by their number. Where are Gazprom fuel cards accepted? You can pay with these plastics only at the Gazpromneft gas station. Regional binding is not applied in this case. That is, it does not matter where exactly the card was issued and where it is used.

With plastic, you can pay for:

  1. purchased fuel.
  2. Goods bought in stores at gas stations.
  3. Services and goods provided in the cafe at the gas station.

Washing and additional services can also be paid using this plastic. In order to use points, you must present plastic during the calculation and ask to write off a certain amount of bonuses from it. A citizen can pay part of the purchase price on his own. The card must be presented before the receipt is printed. Otherwise, it will be impossible to pay for the purchase with plastic.

It should be noted that if a citizen uses plastic during the calculation, additional bonuses are not awarded to him. If the points were credited by one of the partners of Gazprom Neft, they must be spent within no more than 24 hours. Transferring points or a card to third parties is prohibited.

Balance check

Obviously, plastic can only be used if it has bonus points. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically check the balance of the plastic. There are several ways to do this. First of all, you can use the "Personal Account" service.

To do this, go to the official website of Gazpromneft (, and then select the item "Login to your personal account"(located at the top of the page). To find out bonuses, you will have to go through the authorization procedure. To do this, you will need to enter the following data:

  1. Plastic card number.
  2. Password.
  3. Image content (located below the input fields).

If a citizen logs into his personal account for the first time, you must request a temporary password. You can do this by clicking on the special button below the fields to fill out. After entering all the data, you must click on the item " To come in". If the information was entered correctly, the user will see his personal account, in which it will be possible to find out the balance of the plastic.

Citizens with smartphones can find out this information without visiting the official website. To do this, you need to download a special application. It works on devices with Android and iOS operating systems. As in the previous case, in order to receive data, you will need to enter the plastic number and password.

Another way to check your balance is to call 8 800 700 51 51. This is a support center number, it is multi-channel and works around the clock. After communication with the operator is established, you must ask him to report on the number of bonuses stored on plastic. In some cases, you may need to provide additional information to obtain this information.

Card expiry date

In fact, plastic does not have any expiration date. That is, a citizen can use it for as long as he wants. However, if at least an operation is not performed on plastic within 3 years, the card may be canceled and all bonuses written off. Meanwhile, Gazpromneft reserves the right to block the card if:

  1. The rules of its use will be violated.
  2. The card will be used by a third party without notifying the citizen who owns it.
  3. The organization will have evidence that the plastic is used for the purpose of fraudulent transactions or for the illegal receipt of bonuses.

It should be noted that a citizen can close the card at any time. In order to do this, you must send a written notice to the organization. Until it is received by Gazpromneft employees, the plastic remains active and can be used to receive a discount. After receiving the message, the card is blocked.

It will be impossible to use the card after blocking. All points that have been accumulated by the holder are canceled and non-refundable. If a citizen decides to re-issue a card, he will have to accumulate bonuses from scratch. Therefore, before submitting a written notice, it is recommended that you carefully consider your decision.

Advantages and disadvantages of the card

The main advantage of the card is the possibility of accumulation and subsequent spending of bonuses. This allows you to save on gasoline. This offer is especially relevant for those citizens who often have to travel long distances, which leads to significant fuel costs. We can also highlight the following advantages of the Gazprom Neft fuel discount card:

  1. The ability to use bonuses not only to pay for gasoline, but also when paying in a cafe, shop, car wash.
  2. Ease of design and use.
  3. Long card validity period without its active use (up to 3 years).
  4. Automated process of crediting bonuses to the card, as well as changing its status.

The disadvantages of the card include the need to pay for its registration and restrictions on the number of purchases. However, 199 rubles is a relatively low price, considering how much money can be saved in the future. In addition, the restrictions are such that most drivers simply do not notice them.

Thus, citizens who regularly use the services of Gazpromneft gas stations can apply for a discount card. It allows you to accumulate bonuses that can later be used to pay for goods and services. To issue plastic, you must make a similar request to the cashier.

For every 100 rubles spent, from 3 to 5 points are counted, depending on the status of the card. In the future, you can pay with them (1 bonus equals 1 ruble) at all gas stations of the network. You can check the number of bonuses using your personal account, mobile application or customer support center.