VTB insurance. Unallocated metal account VTB Bank medical insurance

VTB Medical Insurance LLC official website offers to leave an application online. That is, if you need to obtain a mandatory service, then there is no need to visit offices. You can leave a request on the website and the call center operator will contact you to clarify the details of cooperation.

The client must indicate his full name, gender, date of birth, series and passport number. It is mandatory to provide SNILS and a valid mobile phone number. It is recommended that you provide an email address to receive notifications.

The organizer guarantees complete confidentiality of the data provided by users. A safer and more reliable registration option is a personal visit to the company’s office. In this case, the client must have all the necessary documents with him.

On the day of registration, the user is given a temporary certificate, which is valid in government health care institutions.

Methods for applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy

The insurance company VTB Medical Insurance issues policies according to generally established rules.

Application at the office at your place of residence

You can contact any VTB office depending on your place of residence. To do this, you must submit an application to select a CMO.

It should indicate:

  • personal information about the insured, passport, SNILS number, place of registration and residence, contacts;
  • information about the representative (for example, about the parent applying for compulsory medical insurance for the child);
  • the name of the service company at the time of submitting the application (if you want to change it);
  • selecting the type of health insurance policy: paper, electronic, UEC, refusal.

You must have an identity card and SNILS with you. The VTB Insurance representative accepts the application and marks acceptance. If you are applying for a policy for the first time, VTB issues a temporary certificate. It has all the powers of an insurance policy and can act as a substitute if it is necessary to receive medical care. It is valid until the certificate is received, but not more than 30 days. If an application is submitted for a replacement, a temporary document is not issued and the old policy is valid until the new one is issued.

Voyage 2.0 program, Children's doctor, Manage your health, ADVANTAGE FOR APARTMENT, Your personal doctor

Using the services of domestic medicine requires having an insurance policy. There is a standard (compulsory medical insurance), financed by the state, and an extended (voluntary medical insurance). The first gives access to basic services in clinics and clinics to preserve the health and lives of citizens. The second allows you to receive much more services in private and prestigious institutions and is purchased additionally.

Compulsory medical insurance

Every citizen of the Russian Federation, people temporarily residing in the country, as well as refugees may require routine or emergency medical care. The term “mandatory” means that without insurance, a person simply will not be able to receive any treatment. Compulsory medical insurance implies funding by the state. This imposes certain restrictions on the list of services provided, which is minimal. Surgeries, homeopathy, chemotherapy are not available.

Compulsory medical insurance must be issued:

  • from birth;
  • adults after the adoption of the relevant law;
  • persons arriving in the country for more than 3 months;
  • refugees.

Important! Parents must have a policy from the same company. There is no point in insuring minor children with another company.

MOS allows a person to go to a clinic located in Russia and receive emergency care. Policy holders can count on diagnosis and prescription of a full course of treatment. They are not available without compulsory medical insurance. This applies to absolutely any citizen in the country and a person without a Russian passport. The document is necessary for everyone who plans to at least go to the clinic.

Conditions of compulsory medical insurance at VTB

Foreigners are issued a temporary policy, and citizens are issued a permanent policy. The first has a limited validity period and is renewed annually. The second is updated annually. Changing the insurer if you have a permanent policy requires writing a corresponding application. It is reissued if it is lost or lost in its proper form - wear, tears, inability to read the number and personal information.

Contacting VTB allows you to issue either a paper or electronic document. In the latter case, the client is given a plastic card with a chip. There is no difference in the maintenance of these documents.

State funding means that emergency and planned assistance is provided not in private, but in government institutions. There are no other conditions for this product. Medical care is provided in full for minors, the elderly, and pregnant women.

Registration of a compulsory medical insurance policy on the official website

Having access to the Internet allows you to go through the registration procedure on the official website of the insurer:

    1. Go to the website https://vtbms.ru/ and click submit application. In the window that opens, you will be asked to either leave the selected region or select another.
    1. The next step is to choose which product you are applying for - compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance.

  1. After choosing a policy, a small questionnaire opens. All items are required and must be entered correctly. Inconsistency of information will result in refusal.

Processing information takes minimal time. Approval of the application means that you need to come to the nearest branch, taking with you the following documents:

  • passport;
  • SNILS.

Foreigners must have a residence permit, and stateless persons must have any identification document. For children under 14 years of age, a birth certificate and a power of attorney for registration are required. The employee checks all documents, enters data into a single database, and issues compulsory medical insurance for 30 days. A month later (usually earlier), VTB contacts the client and informs them that a permanent one is ready.

Voluntary insurance - VHI policy

It differs from mandatory by the possibilities strictly regulated by the contract. Taking out a policy is beneficial for both employees and employers. Unlike compulsory medical insurance, VHI holders can go to the clinic on weekends, after the end of the working day in private clinics. Service to the population in the latter is usually at a higher level than in state ones.

The employer's contributions are fully justified. They are tax-free and can significantly reduce the likelihood of an employee going on sick leave. Timely assistance, for example, when visiting a doctor after working hours or on a day off, has a positive effect on the usual pace of the company’s work.

In addition, an employee can independently choose a program for himself, of course, having previously agreed with management.


VHI from VTB Insurance has its advantages. They boil down to the following points:

  • The conclusion of the agreement implies that the client is given the addresses of clinics and hospitals. They have different addresses, so each employee can choose the one that is closest to them. The prices in all clinics, as a rule, are in the same price range.
  • Obtaining the necessary consulting assistance from the contact center. Dispatchers will assist in hospitalization and making an appointment with a specialist. When the clinic does not provide the required service, insurance company specialists will help you find another institution that offers it. Providing assistance is the responsibility assumed by the insurer.
  • The possibility of receiving significant discounts when the number of employees insured under VHI increases. For large corporate clients, VTB offers inclusion of immediate relatives in the insurance, who can also receive certain medical services.

Another compelling argument in favor of voluntary insurance is the amount of coverage. It is much more than with mandatory.


VTB insurance provides many advantages, but, like any service, it has some disadvantages:

  • Geographical restriction.MOS on the basis of a contract is provided exclusively in a strictly limited area and does not operate outside the prescribed framework.
  • Medical compensation
  • any drugs only for inpatient treatment.Medicines purchased for outpatient therapy must be purchased independently.
  • The need to comply with many conditions.The contract contains a huge number of clauses. If they are not observed, there is no guarantee that the compensation and services provided for in the event of an insured event will be fulfilled.
  • No other rewards.VHI does not provide for any other payments. Only the cost of recovery is compensated and only when all the conditions specified in the contract are met.

Such shortcomings can be called standard. To avoid problems, you need to familiarize yourself with each clause of the contract in advance. If you know all the nuances, you can always count on compensation.

Voluntary health insurance program from VTB

It involves the provision of modern medical care under the most comfortable conditions of service. Includes the following services:

  • services in clinics;
  • dentistry;
  • visiting a doctor both in the office and at home;
  • hospital treatment;
  • emergency hospitalization;
  • first aid.

The full cost of voluntary health insurance for a year depends on the number of insured, the list of medical services provided, and the medical and preventive institutions where employees are served.

Registration of VHI on the VTB website or in the office

You can purchase a policy directly at one of the company's three hundred branches. To go through the registration procedure, you must write an application. If it is not possible to visit the branch, registration is carried out on the official VTB websitehttps://www.vtbins.ru/corporate/client/health , where the application is filled out and sent on behalf of the company/employer.

Offices are located in all major cities. Qualified employees will always explain the differences between programs and the possibility of obtaining additional services. Our specialists will help you choose a universal or several different packages for different groups of employees. When VHI is issued, insurance holders can receive services in clinics, a list with addresses of which is issued after the conclusion of the contract.

Health insurance for migrants

The VTB policy is issued to foreign citizens temporarily arriving in the country. It gives the right to use medical, dental and sanitary services in hospitals, clinics, and outpatient organizations. VTB medical insurance for migrants implies receiving compensation when an insured event occurs. Carrying out labor activities under a contract/patent without insurance in the country is considered illegal.

Medical assistance for migrant workers is available if:

  • receiving injury, frostbite, burns;
  • exacerbation/emergence of a chronic or acute disease;
  • deterioration of health condition requiring primary and specialized medical care.

Expanding the package of services requires a written agreement with the insurance company and is additionally discussed with the employer or individual if he is working under a patent/license.

Geography of compulsory medical insurance for visitors

VTB medical insurance available to citizens Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Tajikistan. Carrying out work activities in Russia for persons coming from these countries requires compulsory medical insurance.

Cost of insurance policy for migrants

It is a variable value depending on the insurance conditions:

  1. Minimum - 2,000 rubles.As a rule, it is issued by most employers and is the most budgetary option.
  2. Average - 8,000 rub.It differs from the previous option in the ability to visit medical institutions of a higher level.
  3. Prestige - 30,000 rub.Allows employees to receive medical care in prestigious clinics and dentists.
  4. Elite - 50,000 rub.. It is the most expensive policy and allows you to undergo diagnostics and treatment in the best hospitals.

Each package may include additional services at the request of the employer or entrepreneur taking out the insurance.

Quick transition to VTB insurance products:
Voyage 2.0 program, Children's doctor, Manage your health, ADVANTAGE FOR APARTMENT, Your personal doctor

The voluntary health insurance service allows any individual to receive a certain list of services in medical institutions or clinics, usually of higher quality or without a queue. This is what distinguishes the VTB Insurance VHI system from free healthcare financed by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

For legal entities, voluntary health insurance for employees is also a way to optimize payroll taxation. At VTB Insurance, VHI policies for individuals are offered on some of the most favorable terms on the market, which allows it to occupy a leading position in the insurance market.

Medical insurance and the conclusion of an appropriate agreement is an integral requirement for citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as persons staying in the country for more than 3 months, namely:

  • foreigners;
  • without Russian citizenship;
  • refugees.

To obtain a voluntary health insurance policy, VTB Insurance provides for each case the characteristic features of concluding an insurance agreement.

VHI for individuals

Medical care in our country is provided on the basis of a special policy. This could be a policy (compulsory medical insurance) that guarantees a minimum set of medical services.

Citizens who take their health seriously strive to gain expanded access to highly qualified care, which, in terms of the quality and volume of services provided, significantly exceeds that received under the state compulsory medical insurance. VTB Bank offers attractive conditions for VHI insurance.

VTB Insurance is part of the financial group of VTB Bank, to which VTB 24 also belongs. Voluntary health insurance policies from this insurance company can be purchased by both individuals and legal entities.

Existing VHI programs for individuals at VTB provide for:

  • the ability to quickly make an appointment with a doctor and undergo an examination;
  • receiving high-quality treatment in comfortable conditions of clinics or hospitals equipped with the most modern equipment (according to indications);
  • European level of service;
  • individual approach of the staff to each patient and his problems.

If a private individual purchases a policy, he can be confident of receiving quality medical care when the need arises. Many clients create individual insurance packages based on their own health status.

To purchase a policy, you need to conclude an agreement and select the program you like, which determines the list of necessary services. Based on their volume, the cost of the policy will be formed.

You can purchase insurance for an adult or a child. Its validity period is 1 year. During this time, any visit to the clinic will be paid for by the insurer.

VHI for legal entities

Existing voluntary health insurance programs for legal entities. It is more advisable to use VHI for enterprises and organizations for the following reasons:

  • Contributions to it reduce the taxable base for income tax;
  • Payments to the insurance company for employees allow them to receive medical services without additional payment, while such payments are not subject to personal income tax and contributions to extra-budgetary funds;
  • The presence of voluntary health insurance, as surveys of many employees show, significantly improves the company’s image as an employer.

Any company or organization can insure its employees under a corporate insurance program. This will be a pleasant addition to the social package and will have a positive effect on the employer’s rating.

Each person can use the program of his own choice, indicating the list and scope of services that he needs.

Ordering voluntary health insurance policies for your employees from VTB Insurance allows the employer to receive certain additional benefits:

  • Possibility to choose a set of services. The insurer offers a wide range of insurance products with various conditions, which allows you to select the optimal range of medical services taking into account the financial capabilities and needs of employees.
  • Having our own call center operating around the clock, which allows the insured person to receive all the information he is interested in at any time. This is especially convenient for emergencies (guarantees of the highest level of service: within 24 hours you can contact the call center for urgent medical assistance, in simple situations you can get specialist advice over the phone).
  • Possibility of issuing comprehensive policies that will cover family members of the employee.
  • The tariffs are quite affordable for many companies. It depends on the list of services within the program and the number of insured employees (attractiveness of tariffs for the employer - the more employees he insures, the lower the cost of each policy will be).

Taking out a policy with VTB Insurance will allow the company to make a profitable addition to the social package for its employees, which will significantly increase its attractiveness and improve its own image as an employer.

Those insured themselves, if they have a VHI policy, have the opportunity to quickly receive high-quality care in specially selected medical institutions.

The main parameter in which VTB Insurance VHI programs differ from each other is the range of services that the insured person can receive in a medical institution.

The insurance company has concluded agreements with medical institutions to provide assistance to a certain extent. Based on these contracts, the insured is examined or treated.

However, medical services can be provided not only in hospitals and clinics with which VTB Insurance has entered into a corresponding agreement, but also in other institutions. This situation is possible only if two conditions are met simultaneously:

  • The patient has a referral from a partner institution to a specialized organization;
  • The provision of services in another medical institution has been agreed with the insurance company.

Depending on the state of health and priorities, any person can choose the optimal program:

  • ambulance and emergency care - if emergency medical intervention or urgent medical procedures are necessary;
  • dentistry – for those who care about dental health;
  • outpatient care – receiving services in outpatient clinics serving VTB clients;
  • medical care at home - will be needed for those who prefer treatment at home to visits to the clinic;
  • hospital – diagnosis and treatment during a long stay in a medical institution.

Outpatient services

By choosing this insurance program, a person can count on receiving all services in a clinic setting. A VHI policy of this type allows the insured to receive the following services:

  • Consultation with any specialized specialist in case of illness - receiving consultations during the appointment;
  • Medical examination in the following areas: functional diagnostics, laboratory and instrumental studies, including X-rays, fluorography, mammography, MRI, ultrasound and a number of other types of diagnostics - laboratory and instrumental studies of the body to diagnose the disease;
  • Certain medical treatments, including physical therapy, massage, physical therapy, exercise therapy, and so on;
  • Registration of sick leave, if necessary, and the corresponding decision of the doctor - issuance of certificates, documents confirming temporary incapacity for work;
  • Treatment on an outpatient basis or in a day hospital.

A voluntary health insurance policy for outpatient services may also contain options such as observation by a personal or office doctor, provision of medical care at the patient’s home, and provision of dental services.

Inpatient care

If an emergency situation arises that requires urgent hospitalization of the sick person, an inpatient care program begins to operate. It also applies to cases of routine examinations. Includes a full range of services, which can be divided into two components:

The VTB Insurance policy with a range of services for inpatient care provides its owner with:

  • The ability to receive ambulance and emergency care, including the departure of a team from a specific clinic and subsequent transportation of the patient to a hospital if such a need arises.
  • All necessary medical procedures in a hospital, including consultations with specialists, surgical intervention, therapeutic assistance and rehabilitation procedures (physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, etc.);
  • A solid range of services, the provision of which is possible only in a hospital setting - from diagnostics and counseling to conservative or surgical treatment and preparation of medical documentation.

The insurance covers the costs of a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient, preparation of the required medical documents, purchase of necessary medications, and so on. At the client’s request, the insurance can include the patient’s meals, placement in a ward with more comfortable conditions, and so on. But this will increase the insurance premium.

Ambulance and emergency care

VTB Insurance's ambulance and emergency care program allows those who order it to be confident in high-quality diagnostic procedures at the time of an attack of illness, prompt transportation to the clinic for treatment procedures.

It also provides for the return delivery of the patient after emergency measures are provided if there are no indications for hospitalization.

In case of acute pain, serious injury or exacerbation of a chronic illness, the policy holder can count on help. Voluntary health insurance for individuals provides payment for the full range of services necessary in such cases:

  • a team of doctors, whose visit can be ordered at any clinic from the list presented on the website;
  • receiving emergency assistance in the form of emergency procedures (dressings, injections, etc.);
  • express diagnostics carried out directly in the ambulance;
  • transportation to hospital;
  • if there are no indications for treatment in a hospital, return transportation home.

Rules for using VHI

When using voluntary health insurance policies, you must follow certain rules established by the insurer. If they are violated, medical care may not be provided, or VTB Insurance will require reimbursement of expenses for receiving it. In particular, such restrictions include:

  • Compliance with the territory. The policy is valid only where it was issued. It cannot be used in another region or in another country if the corresponding clause is not in the document itself.
  • Assistance under VHI is paid only if all the conditions contained in the contract are met, so attention should be paid to collecting the necessary documents. In addition, the policy provides only a certain set of services; it is impossible to get anything beyond the established list (or only at your own expense), so you should carefully choose an insurance program.

VTB 24 Bank's partner, VTB Company, offers voluntary health insurance to corporate and private clients. Employers can include a voluntary health insurance policy in social security. package for employees, which will significantly increase the company’s status in the labor market. Individuals can enter into an agreement with the insurance company in different versions, including certain types of medical care that they will most likely need.

Voluntary health insurance at VTB 24

Corporate clients can order a VHI policy for their employees. VTB insurance has certain advantages.

These include:

  • issuing a policy for a range of services with the ability to choose them: clients are offered various programs, which allows them to choose the most appropriate option with the required range of services;
  • high level of service: the insured can contact the 24-hour call center for medical assistance and consultations at any time;
  • affordable rates: depend on the chosen program and the number of insured (rates decrease as the number of policies issued increases);
  • comprehensive policies: in VTB 24 VHI insurance extends to family members of the insured person, which increases its value for company employees.

Thus, concluding a voluntary health insurance agreement will allow the employer to offer its employees an attractive social benefit. package, and the insured persons - to receive highly qualified medical care in the event of an insured event.

Features of voluntary health insurance

Rules for using VHI policies

For insured persons, certain rules have been developed for the use of policies issued by VTB Insurance (VHI options in this case do not matter):

  • territorial principle: means that you can use services only according to the territorial principle - where it was issued;
  • procedure for receiving compensation: it is paid only subject to compliance with the rules specified in the contract, and applies exclusively to services included in a specific program.

These are the main restrictions that apply to all VTB Insurance programs. The insurance company (insurance company) enters into an agreement for various types of medical services. Clients can choose the contract option that is most suitable for their employees. Let's find out more about them.

Health insurance programs

At VTB, VHI medical insurance allows you to issue various policy options. The range of medical services received depends on the choice of program.

When you sign up for a VHI policy with VTB Insurance, the clinics provide medical care within the framework of the concluded contract. Medical care can be provided not only in medical institutions with which the insurance company has an agreement.

Such service is allowed if:

  • availability of referrals from partner medical centers, clinics, etc.;
  • coordinating this issue with the insurer.

That is, if the policy owner requires specialized examination and/or treatment, he can be referred to another clinic if the insurance company has approved this option and is ready to pay for it within the framework of the concluded contract.

Outpatient services

In this option, the policy is issued for receiving various types of honey. service.

It includes:

  • receptions by various specialized specialists and/or consultations with them;
  • various types of medical examination: functional diagnostics, laboratory and instrumental studies (including x-rays, fluorography and mammography, CT and MRI, ultrasound, radioisotope examination methods);
  • a number of therapeutic procedures, namely: exercise therapy and massage with manual therapy, physiotherapy, etc.;
  • issuing the necessary medical documentation and conducting an examination of temporary disability;
  • possibility of outpatient treatment, stay of the policy owner in outpatient day hospitals or one-day hospitals. The policy may also include additional options, such as the services of a personal doctor or an office doctor. As well as home health care and/or dental services (examination, therapy, surgery).

Inpatient care

At VTB, health insurance under VHI allows you to receive medical care in hospitals (emergency and/or planned).

The policy can provide:

  • emergency and first aid services: team departure to provide emergency medical care at home with subsequent transportation to a hospital if necessary;
  • consultations and inpatient treatment, which may include therapeutic and surgical care, as well as treatment with physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, etc. The policy owner undergoes a comprehensive diagnostic examination, medical documentation is drawn up, medical treatment is paid for, etc. Note: in VTB insurance, the cost of voluntary health insurance depends on the set of options, for example, the contract may include options such as meals, stay in superior rooms, etc.

Ambulance and emergency care

This option involves diagnostic measures at home and emergency assistance. As well as transportation to a hospital for further treatment if necessary and delivery back after emergency care in the absence of indications for hospitalization.

Cost of VHI policy

Since the VTB Insurance policy is issued only for corporate clients, i.e. can be issued by an employer for its employees; its cost will depend on the total number of insured persons, the list of medical services that will be provided under it and the list of clinics for the provision of these services.

Design options

In the insurance company you can also issue individual insurance contracts with different sets of options for yourself and family members (some policies can be issued online). In addition to standard options, the insurance company has the possibility of VIP service, with the conclusion of an agreement with expanded capabilities and a number of privileges.

List of clinics

VTB performs not only financial, but also social functions aimed at preserving the health of citizens. The VTB insurance medical policy provides access to highly qualified free medicine to residents of the Russian Federation, non-residents permanently residing in the country and stateless persons. Preserving and maintaining health without major financial investments is real!

What opportunities does the document provide?


A compulsory medical insurance policy issued by VTB Medical Insurance is a document that guarantees unhindered and free receipt of care in public medical institutions. VTB residents of the Russian Federation are provided with a compulsory medical insurance policy on an indefinite basis. However, if personal data changes (last name, first name) and inaccuracies are identified, the document should be replaced.

The basic part of compulsory medical insurance is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to expand the main part by providing citizens with additional types of medical care. In this case, they are financed from the regional budget. The territorial medical coverage program cannot be less than the basic one.

VTB Bank's medical policy provides the holder with the right to medical care in any subject of the Russian Federation, regardless of place of residence and registration. This document guarantees:

  • prompt receipt of qualified medical care;
  • protection of personal data;
  • the ability to choose a healthcare institution and attending physician;
  • receiving compensation for inadequate medical care.

Advantages of applying for compulsory medical insurance in a structural unit of VTB

  1. Wide range of health insurance programs. In addition to the standard ones included in compulsory health insurance, the client can choose additional services, for example: purchasing a voluntary health insurance program.
  2. 24-hour dispatch service. Call center employees will help you make an appointment and provide professional consulting support. Upon receipt of a written request, the insurer provides a response within 30 business days.
  3. Convenience of obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. You can submit an application both at the bank office and on the official website of the structural unit.
  4. Solid experience in the health insurance market. The organization stood at the origins of the formation of compulsory medical insurance and developed together with the healthcare system of the Russian Federation.
  5. Customer focus. High-quality customer service is one of the company's competitive advantages.

How to apply for compulsory medical insurance at VTB 24

The easiest way is to submit an online application on the official website of the insurer (https://vtbms.ru/polis/porjadok_poluchenija_polisa_oms/). In this case, you must indicate your full name, region of residence, contact phone number and email address. Subsequently, a support specialist will contact the applicant. He selects the nearest address for providing documents and receiving a VTB medical policy. After 30 days, the client is provided with the original document.


After submitting the application, the individual is issued a temporary certificate. This document is endowed with all the capabilities provided for by the Federal Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” dated November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ from January 1, 2011.

People with limited mobility can fill out the appropriate application on the official website. Specialists independently go to these categories of citizens to accept their applications on the spot.

The second way is to submit an application to the policy issuing point. A scan of your passport (2-3, 4-5, 18-19 pages) and SNILS must be attached to the document. From May 1, 2017, you can receive compulsory medical insurance in the form of a card with electronic media. On its front side there is a photograph of the insured. The photo and sample signature are produced on site.

The service of free delivery of compulsory medical insurance policies is valid for clients in Moscow, subject to the execution of up to 5 documents at the same time (for close relatives, colleagues, etc.). This option is available only to the new sample compulsory medical insurance.

You can check the VTB health insurance policy on the official website of the organization. To do this, just enter the series and number (for old-style documents) or a 16-digit number (for a new-style document).

After the policy is issued, the insurance company notifies the insured person via email and mobile phone. The client can find out this information independently by calling VTB Insurance by phone: 8 800 100 800 5.