When will doctors' salaries be increased this year? Increase in salaries for medical workers

One of the most popular tasks is to improve wages for representatives of worthy professions this year. Are we expecting a salary increase in 2018 in Russia, what latest news and statements were mentioned on the Runet, which can help create the most objective overview of the problem and answer this question. Who will receive higher profits?

First of all, it is worth considering the statements of our President. In them, he proposes to index the salaries of public sector employees, who were not affected by the changes announced in the “May Decrees”, which were created about six years ago. An order has already been received to the heads of all regions, which clearly states that funds should be found to increase salaries and compensate for the current budget shortfall. Who will be lucky enough to join the ranks of those who will receive an increase in their wages?

First, it should be noted that a decent salary increase for doctors is planned in 2018 in Russia: the latest news says that doctors will finally begin to earn decent money, commensurate with the efforts expended, but when exactly will the increase happen? The salary increase should take effect from the first month of the year and will be equal to approximately two times the average income in the Russian Federation. This statement was made by Olga Golodets, who holds the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Government. She promises that the minimum wage will be improved in 2018 with money included in the country's federal budget.

Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government

In addition to doctors, I would like to raise the issue of increasing salaries for nurses in 2018 in Russia: what is the latest news about this profession? They have a lot in common with doctors, but there are also differences. For example, if the increase in the salaries of doctors reaches two hundred percent of the average salary, then for nurses it will reach one hundred percent of the average salary, official sources say. In addition, doctors should be warned not to delude themselves too much, since the concept of “average salary” is not at all what it really is. The salary differential for nurses is more striking compared to doctors. This is the result of unequal treatment of the work of doctors.

School. Teaching professions

In addition to doctors, teachers can also expect salary increases. Their salaries can rise to the same level as doctors. But, unlike doctors, the salary increase will not occur from the beginning of the year, but only in October, to be more precise, on Teacher’s Day. Teachers' income will be increased by 200% compared to salaries six years ago.

Initially, the increase was planned to be done gradually, but due to the crisis, which began four years ago, it became impossible to increase teachers’ salaries. It is still not entirely clear whether they will be able to fulfill the promise this year, given the large-scale federal budget deficit. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. But, despite this, teachers do not have to worry; their salaries will increase entirely in accordance with the general inflation rate. As a rule, this is somewhere around 6%; teachers will have such an increase very soon.

And one more thing. If we finally examine the topic with doctors, then what kind of salary increase for doctors can be expected in Russia in 2018, what other recent news is there on this topic? The government has more than once examined the issue of the younger generation entering medical institutes. Students must be motivated to work in their specialty. Consequently, if wages are raised to a high level, working conditions will become more favorable and attractive.

Over the past years, programs have been developed whose purpose was to replenish budget funds for health care. Contributions from compulsory health insurance should be increased to twenty-one percent to improve health care coverage. Then there will be money for the latest equipment, and it will be possible to increase the wages of medical workers, which applies to both doctors and nurses. In addition, there was a rumor that an amount of 450 billion rubles had been reserved to increase the salaries of doctors.

Police salaries

Now about the police officers. These structures have been forced to undergo various reforms over the years, such as changing their name from militia to police. In addition, internal optimization was carried out, which affected the number of divisions. These changes were bound to have some impact on the income of employees.

According to our President, the salary of law enforcement officers will double this year. The Ministry of Finance only confirms the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, but there is no exact data on the size of the salary increase yet. If we take into account the May decrees of the President, employees are guaranteed to receive a salary increase of 160% compared to the salaries they had almost six years ago. All benefits and additional payments will remain at the previous level.

If we look at the current economic situation, it should be noted that it is unlikely that it will be possible to implement the changes that were planned long ago. But law enforcement officers can be consoled by the information that in any case there will be an annual increase in the total salary by 5.6% and salary by 8%.

And the latest news about increasing salaries for doctors in 2018 in Russia, a list of interesting facts regarding the salaries of medical workers:

  • According to the results of the first half of the previous year, the salary of a medical worker is fifty-two thousand nine hundred rubles. This is four thousand more than the previous year.
  • Mid-level medical specialists receive 29,400 rubles, while junior ones receive 19,400 rubles. This is approximately two thousand higher than before. For comparison – 28 thousand and 17,500 rubles.
  • The highest salary is for doctors working in the Northwestern Federal District - it is 66,400 rubles.
  • The lowest wages are in North Ossetia, Alania, where the salary is 28,400 rubles, and Kalmykia – 29 thousand rubles.

In Moscow, doctors receive 90,100 rubles.

This is where we can finish the review of the topic “increasing salaries for doctors in 2018 in Russia - latest news” and now you can move on.

Government workers

To determine the current income of civil servants, a special system will be used that identifies the performance of an individual civil servant. A legislative project is in favor of increasing the salaries of officials by 2 times. But this increase, as a result, will carry with it some responsibilities specified in the employment contract, which each official will be required to sign in order to receive an increase in his salary. The level of effectiveness of the official’s work will be identified. And if the assigned tasks are not fulfilled, then this will entail a salary cut and deprivation of bonuses.

TO When will wages increase in Russia?

In order for wages to increase, it is necessary to have sources for this. The Ministry of Finance is actively working on this, offering such ways of raising the missing funds as:

  • personnel cuts at the highest levels. Theoretically, such reductions will save up to 19 billion rubles. There will be no reduction in people involved in teaching activities.
  • Regarding income taxation, it is planned to increase from eighteen to twenty-two percent, insurance payments will be reduced from thirty-two to twenty-two percent. As a result, two hundred and fifty billion dollars could be saved and used to increase wages.

The latest news confirms the authorities’ intentions to increase doctors’ salaries in 2018. President Vladimir Putin emphasized the need to fulfill the obligations set out in the May decrees. Experts believe that the actual planned increase may not coincide with the actual one, since budgets at various levels maintain significant deficits.

Latest news for doctors: expected salary increase in 2018

As part of the May decrees, the salaries of doctors should be significantly increased until 2018. Next year, doctors should receive at least 200% of the average salary in the region. For middle and junior staff this figure cannot be less than 100%. The authorities will fully fulfill this task, emphasizes head of state Vladimir Putin.

Since 2012, doctors’ salaries have constantly increased, officials emphasize. Despite the consequences of the economic crisis, this year the salaries of doctors will reach 180% of the average in the region. Since the beginning of the year, doctors' salaries have been increased by 7.5%, the second stage of increase is scheduled for October 1. At the end of 2016, the average salary of a doctor exceeded 50 thousand rubles; for middle and junior staff, this figure reached 28.2 thousand rubles, respectively. and 18.4 thousand rubles.

The transition to two stages of increasing the salaries of doctors during the year indicates the authorities’ intention to optimize budget expenses, experts emphasize. The authorities continue to experience a shortage of funds to finance social obligations, which forces them to look for ways to reduce costs. In such conditions, there remains a high probability of an incomplete increase in the salaries of doctors from January 1, 2018.

In addition, some regions lag significantly behind the implementation of presidential decrees, failing to find the necessary funds to increase wages for medical personnel.

Regional features of increase

The head of the Health Foundation, Eduard Gavrilov, emphasizes problems that may prevent the authorities from fully fulfilling their obligations to increase the salaries of medical staff. At the same time, it is worth taking into account the specifics of remuneration for doctors in various types of medical organizations. If we take into account regional and municipal institutions, the ratio of a doctor’s salary to the average level will be 2.8% lower.

To reach a new level of medical salaries in 2018, the regions drew up their own roadmaps that fix intermediate target values. At the end of last year, more than a third of the regions did not achieve the planned level of increase in doctors’ pay, Gavrilov emphasizes. Also, 16 regions do not meet the indicator for mid-level medical personnel. However, the biggest problems are related to the remuneration of junior staff.

According to the Health Foundation, about 75% of regions were unable to meet the target level of increasing the work of junior medical staff. Such statistics indicate the presence of systemic problems in the implementation of roadmaps. In addition, low pay for junior staff leads to high staff turnover. This trend has a negative impact on the quality of medical services, Gavrilov believes.

Another negative trend is that some regions make changes to approved roadmaps if they cannot ensure their implementation. A similar situation was observed in the Omsk and Ryazan regions, which at the end of 2016. – early 2017 adjusted their own plans.

Experts emphasize that the main factor in implementing the May decrees remains the availability of money in the state treasury. In 2017, the government expects the economic situation to improve, but the domestic budget remains in a vulnerable position.

Budget restrictions

Increasing the salaries of doctors and fulfilling other social obligations depend on Russian budget revenues. The dynamics of oil prices remain unstable, which creates risks of increasing the state treasury deficit. The baseline forecast assumes stable prices in the oil market, but excessive oil production could lead to a new price collapse.

The government does not rule out a new decline in oil prices, which will significantly limit the financial capabilities of the budget. According to the Ministry of Finance's forecasts, a pessimistic scenario allows for a collapse in prices to $25-30 per barrel. In this case, the authorities will try to delay the planned increase in wages until the end of the year.

Next year, medical workers will see another increase in wages. The authorities intend to increase doctors' salaries to 200% of the regional average. For other categories of medical staff, this figure will be 100%.

Experts note regional peculiarities in the implementation of presidential decrees, which indicate the presence of systemic problems. In addition, the vulnerability of the domestic budget to external challenges may hinder the implementation of officials’ plans.

News feeds are full of headlines about increases in wages for doctors in the near future, and doctors’ salaries in 2018 should increase by 200%. This topic was raised back in 2012, when Vladimir Putin, who holds the post of Prime Minister, presented a strategy to increase the salaries of healthcare workers. The end point of the transformation is January 1, 2018.

It’s time to figure out what the amount in monetary terms will be on lucky January 1, which made such an increase possible, and whether there are any pitfalls in this process.

Salary increase program

The wage increase program is designed for a five-year period. It was published on May 7, 2012, and since then, according to statistics, the average salary of health workers has been growing steadily. Increases in percentage:

  • The average salary increased by 24% in 2013;
  • another 13% in 2014;
  • an increase of 17% in 2015;
  • as of October 1, 2017, payments should increase by 180% of the starting average salary in 2012;
  • January 1, 2018 – the coveted 200% for doctors and 100% for medical staff.

According to the forecasts of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets, the plan is being implemented, and the money for its implementation has already been allocated to the state budget. The upcoming elections in the Russian Federation can also become a guarantor of such an increase.

Real numbers and average salary calculation

According to government reports and forecasts, the implementation of the plan is in full swing, so in 2018, doctors should receive approximately 90 thousand rubles, but there is one caveat - this is the average salary.

Since 2017, when calculating the average salary, the salaries of not only government institutions, but also private clinics are taken into account. In addition, data from all regions of the country are taken into account. So it turns out that with an average amount of 45 thousand rubles, the average gynecologist and cosmetologist in private clinics already receive their 90 thousand, but a full-time municipal therapist receives no more than 40,000.

There is a huge difference in the amounts by region, for example, according to the Russian statistical office, doctors in Ingushetia receive 23 thousand, in the capital - 81,000, and doctors of the Yamalo-Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug live the most comfortably on just 110 thousand rubles. Please note that the latter regions are unlikely to be affected by the long-awaited increase in medical salaries in 2018; a 3% decrease in growth dynamics is already observed.

Pitfalls of health care reforms

To increase the salaries of public sector employees, a lot of money is needed, and it needs to be taken from somewhere. There has been no obvious economic leap in recent years, but there has been a wave of layoffs. During the implementation of the “May plan”, 90 thousand health workers were fired. The remaining doctors often took one and a half times the rate, thus independently increasing their income. Not everything is transparent with the salaries of those who continue to fulfill the Hippocratic Oath. There are increases, but at the same time there is also an increase in the level of inflation, and over these five years prices in stores have been rising like mushrooms after rain. So 5 - 7% salary growth allows specialists to simply stay afloat.

What to expect for doctors in 2018

According to the latest news, the promised 200% increase is postponed to an unspecified date, but the government promises that the year will not change. Increases are planned, but throughout 2018, but what officials guarantee is maintaining the achieved level throughout 2019.

Despite the fact that the medical industry in Russia is declared a strategic priority for the focus of internal reforms, the state of material support for both the medical institutions themselves and medical workers leaves much to be desired. The government says that this “period of turbulence” is short-lived. Starting from 2018, the activities of a doctor, nurse and paramedic will be able to return to the ranks of the most prestigious Russian professions. Are there economic prerequisites for the implementation of the stated plans? What salary can Russian doctors expect in 2018?

How much do doctors earn in the Russian Federation?

In order to have an idea of ​​how a medical worker’s remuneration is formed, let’s look at the main components of his salary. What does the monthly income of a doctor, nurse, paramedic consist of?

    first of all, this is the official salary;

    secondly, this is an additional payment for intensity, increased loads, and, in general, the specifics of the work;

    thirdly, these are bonuses for qualifications and length of service;

    The regional coefficient and other payments are also included in the salary.

Despite such segmentation, it is precisely bonuses and allowances that make up the majority of the salary, while if the salary subject to indexation is set centrally by industry officials, then the amount of additional payments for intensity and other bonuses are determined in the medical institution itself, and can be accrued as , and were cancelled.

This arrangement caused a slight decline in the income of doctors in 2015-2016 - the salary increase simultaneously suspended the ability to pay a number of other bonuses, which caused obvious discontent among workers. Such a drop in the income of doctors was recorded in the Arkhangelsk region, Dagestan, Ingushetia, the Jewish Autonomy and other regions.

What salary do doctors and nurses receive, according to statistics? 30 thousand rubles and 20 thousand rubles, respectively, are the monthly income of doctors in most Russian regions.

The salary of Kalmyk doctors is minimal - their monthly salary is only 27,300 rubles per month. Doctors in North Ossetia do not receive much more - 28 thousand rubles per month. The situation is similar in Ulyanovsk - doctors with higher education have an income of 30 thousand rubles.

The highest salaries among Russian doctors are received by doctors in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, Chukotka and Sakhalin. Their bonuses allow them to receive a salary, in some cases, exceeding 100-115 thousand rubles.

Such income inequality in the context of a regional link is widespread and affects all categories of doctors. So, for example, Moscow therapists receive more than 60 thousand rubles a month, and their colleagues in the region receive 15 thousand less. General practitioners in Kamchatka can expect a salary of no more than 40 thousand rubles.

On top of that, we note that the real salary figures for public sector doctors may be much lower - in its information, Rosstat takes into account the salary figures for doctors, both public and private medical institutions, where the income of doctors and nurses is traditionally higher.

Will the salaries of Ministry of Health employees be increased in 2018: latest news

Already in October 2017, doctors’ salaries will be indexed by 5.5%, in line with the inflation rate. As for 2018, expert opinions are divided: some believe that increasing the minimum medical salary to 50 thousand rubles in the country is quite realistic, given that elections are coming next year. Other financial analysts agree that a partial increase in salaries will be realized through cuts in the industry - there is simply no money in the state budget to increase the salaries of the existing number of doctors in Russia. It is predicted that doctors will “pay for” their increased incomes since the beginning of 2018 by increasing their workload – up to 1.5 times the rate.
However, both sides present their forecasts with the utmost caution.

Government plans to increase salaries of Russian doctors

But Russian government officials are more bold in their assessment of the prospects for increasing salaries for medical industry workers. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets said that the increase in medical salaries to 200% announced earlier by President Putin in 2018 is quite realistic, and money has already been provided for these needs in the state budget. And, in general, the salary levels of doctors will be equalized in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Analysts have already managed to find a “loophole” in this statement: it is possible that a 200% increase in income will be made relative to salaries at the 2012 level - we recall that it was then, according to the “May decrees” of the President of the Russian Federation, that a program was launched to increase the salaries of public sector workers, and the end date of the program should be 2018.

In the priorities of the authorities of the Russian state, much attention has traditionally been paid to the state of the domestic health care industry. Today, important aspects of official policy in this direction are considered to be an increase in spending on technical equipment of medical institutions, as well as an increase in the salaries of health care workers. Purchasing high-tech equipment that meets modern standards, updating equipment and renovating premises in medical organizations, providing clinics and hospitals with new furniture, auxiliary devices and instruments, medicines and supplies, consumables and other necessary components - all these activities are actively financed today from the budget. A separate issue is the increase in salaries for doctors in 2018 in Russia. The latest news clearly indicates the intentions of the Russian Government to implement in the very near future a set of measures aimed at increasing cash payments to doctors and other representatives of medical personnel.

Will wages for workers in the Russian medical industry increase?

Indeed, the plans of the country’s leadership provide for a significant increase in wages for healthcare workers in the Russian Federation. For example, the salary of nurses will double (by 100%) based on the average salary for medical staff of the corresponding group in each specific region. For the salaries of doctors - healthcare workers of the highest category - a three-fold increase (by 200%) is planned relative to the average salary in the medical field for each specific subject of the Federation. Thus, in order to assess the scale of the expected increase in cash payments to doctors and other medical personnel (mid-level, junior), the salary level that was in effect for these categories of medical workers by the end of 2017 should be raised by the appropriate percentage.

State priorities in the field of domestic healthcare

Meanwhile, it is necessary to note the fact that the wage increase announced for 2018 for Russian medical workers will most likely be carried out gradually and take into account the specifics of a particular subject of the Russian Federation. Presidential decrees of 2012 stipulate that the onset of 2019 should be marked by the following positive changes directly related to the field of public health:

  • The mortality rate of newborn babies born alive should be significantly reduced.
  • The volume of production of domestic medicines, which are of strategic importance for the majority of people who need to consume them, should almost double.
  • Reducing the mortality rate of the Russian population caused by manifestations of heart failure (strokes, heart attacks), neoplasms of the body that are malignant in nature (cancer), as well as tuberculosis, the prevention of large-scale incidence of which requires systemic prevention, and road traffic accidents.

Of course, all these measures listed above currently require significant funding. This circumstance causes an increase in the priority of government spending on medicine in the structure of the Russian budget. It should be noted that from 2012 to 2017 inclusive, cash payments to all categories of medical personnel increased progressively, as evidenced by statistics. It should be noted that the percentage of this increase has also increased over all these years.

Prospects for salary growth for medical workers in the Russian Federation

Russian healthcare workers, of course, are asking questions about the prospects for growth of their wages in 2019 itself. Trends from past years and recent statements by government officials indicate that the amount of compensation for doctors will nevertheless be increased. The largest percentage increase, as before, will be characteristic of doctors’ salaries (200%). Middle and junior medical staff will receive 100% more in 2019 than in the previous year, 2017.

Of course, in different regions of the Russian Federation, the amount of increase in cash payments to medical workers will differ, since the average salaries of medical staff differ significantly depending on the specific region.

To assess the prospects for a possible increase in salaries in the medical industry of the Russian Federation, one should build on the guidelines that were outlined by the Government of the Russian Federation in the very first days of 2017. Thus, the minimum amount of monetary allowance should be as a whole for the Russian Federation by the beginning of 2019:

  • for representatives of junior medical staff – 30 (thirty) thousand rubles;
  • mid-level medical staff – 33 (thirty-three) thousand rubles;
  • doctors - 66 (sixty-six) thousand rubles.

It is emphasized that these salary amounts determine the minimum wages for doctors in 2019. In other words, there is no way to pay less. According to information from the relevant ministry, which oversees the healthcare sector in the Government of the Russian Federation, when determining these guidelines, information on the average salary in 2016 is taken as the basis - 36,700 rubles. It turns out that junior medical staff should also be paid a salary corresponding to the average minimum.

If we consider the salaries accrued to nurses and doctors over previous years, it should be noted that by the end of 2016 and the onset of the second half of 2017, the salary of healthcare workers increased by approximately 180%. Using an average approach, it can be argued that such dynamics of cash payments are very significant for the realities of the Russian Federation. This increase is in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, formulated, as is known, back in 2012. It was stated then that the amount of salary for health workers should be twice as large as the amount of wages in other areas of activity. This statement emphasized the awareness of the complexity and importance of the work of doctors, who are actually responsible for preserving the health and life of the population of the Russian Federation.

Thus, 2019, if we take into account all the regulations and declarations of state officials, should be a period of another increase in cash payments to Russian doctors, as previously planned. This measure will effectively contribute to improving medical care for the Russian population, and will also allow us to adequately improve the standard of living of domestic healthcare workers.

What is especially important is that the previously announced salary increase should apply to health workers of all categories - both junior and mid-level personnel, as well as doctors.

Motivating young personnel and eliminating overtime in medicine

A separate aspect is the proper motivation of today's medical students so that, after completing their many years of study, they still carry out work in the domestic field of health care, without leaving the ranks of Russian medical workers for reasons of insufficient monetary allowance. Remuneration for medical workers should be made at a decent level, working conditions should be conducive to attracting young personnel to this area who want to work in medicine as a vocation.

Previously, there was a serious problem when a medical worker who wanted to earn more was forced to work with significant overtime, that is, take on more shifts, pay rates, and so on. Naturally, this did not have the best effect on his physical and moral condition. The fatigue of doctors and nurses is not at all conducive to quality treatment, which negatively affects the overall health situation in the Russian Federation.

The so-called May decrees, issued and published by the head of state in 2012, prescribe the elimination of situations in which medical workers, consciously guided by the desire to receive an increased amount of monetary remuneration, work longer and more than the norms established for them in the Russian Federation. In other words, the practice of excessive overtime in the medical industry should be abandoned - they should be replaced with a sufficient amount of monetary allowance provided to domestic healthcare workers.