Treatment depends largely on the extent of the disease. Everything depends on the degree of trust

Successful protection against infectious diseases largely depends on the degree of immunity of the population to them. Immunity can be achieved, first of all, by general strengthening of the body through systematic hardening and physical education and sports, as well as specific prevention, which is carried out in advance through vaccinations.

If the first signs of an infectious disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and act in accordance with his instructions.

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases, local government bodies may decide to introduce quarantine and observation.

A quarantine regime is introduced in the event of the occurrence of plague, cholera, smallpox, as well as mass diseases of tularemia, brucellosis, glanders, typhus and relapsing fever. This provides for complete isolation of the source of the infectious disease from the surrounding population.

If a focus of an infectious disease occurs that does not belong to the group of particularly dangerous or highly contagious infectious diseases, observation is used. Observation is the implementation of enhanced medical observation, partial isolation and restrictive measures, treatment, preventive and anti-epidemic measures aimed at eliminating the source of infection.

It should be remembered that human infection with pathogenic microbes can occur through inhalation of air, consumption of contaminated food and water, bites of infected insects, as well as through contact with sick people and animals.

To prevent the massive spread of infectious diseases, the population is obliged to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and keep their homes, courtyards, and common areas clean. IN residential buildings it is necessary to treat staircase railings, door handles, and toilets with disinfectant solutions; All cleaning of premises should be carried out using a wet method only; prevent the breeding of flies and other insects.

In the outbreak of an infectious disease, water may only be taken from the water supply or from water sources inspected by the medical service. All products should be stored in tightly closed containers and processed before use: boil water and milk, wash raw vegetables and fruits with boiling water. Dishes must be boiled, hands must be washed thoroughly with soap after returning from outside, before preparing and eating food.

If the first signs of illness are detected in any family member, you should immediately call a doctor and isolate the patient.

If the sick person is left at home for treatment, he must be placed in a separate room or his bed must be fenced off with a screen. Separate dishes and care items should be provided for the sick person. In the room where the patient is located, carry out ongoing disinfection of the room and objects that the patient has come into contact with using the simplest means - washing with hot water and soda, soap and other detergents, as well as boiling linen.

If possible, one person should care for the patient. When caring, safety measures and rules of personal hygiene must be observed: you need to use gauze bandages, wash and disinfect your hands. After the patient is transferred to the hospital or recovers, the final disinfection of the room, bedding, and objects that the patient came into contact with is carried out.


In 2010, plans for major construction companies cities remain almost at the same level as last year. LenSpetsSMU is going to expand its land bank and begin construction of several facilities in St. Petersburg and Moscow. True, the main residential complexes, which the developer will concentrate on, are the Jubilee Quarter and Orbita, already under construction. GDSK plans to commission about 280 thousand m2 of housing. Among them are new buildings in the residential complexes “Yuzhny”, “Fortuna”, “Antey”, “Karolina”. It is planned to begin construction of a new facility on the street. Belysheva in the Nevsky district.

“We did not stop the construction of the projects that had begun. All implemented projects were provided with stable financing,” says Ekaterina Nemchenko, commercial director of GDSK LLC. In 2009, the company commissioned seven houses with a useful area of ​​82.2 thousand m2.

The Temp construction company plans to complete the construction of two houses, as well as begin construction of a residential complex with an area of ​​46.5 thousand m2 at the intersection of the street. Badaev and Voroshilov.

“We practically did not feel the impact of the crisis. We are building residential buildings exclusively on own funds without attracting money from equity holders - it was this business strategy that helped us work stably even in an economically difficult period,” explains Yuriy Luchko, general director of the Temp construction company. Over the past year, the developer commissioned 51.3 thousand m2 of housing.

The YIT Lentek company intends to deliver 178.3 thousand m2 of housing this year. In the first half of the year, the residential complexes “Komendantsky Kvartal”, “Optimist”, “Lotos” and “Oriental” will be put into operation. In addition, the developer will begin constructing four new facilities at once.

Currently, Stroitelny Trest CJSC has more than 168 thousand m2 of housing under construction, the commissioning of which is scheduled for this year. Further plans include the start of construction of facilities on the street. Zamshina, Zheleznodorozhny st., Marshal Blucher Ave. and in Zheleznodorozhny lane. The Setl City company launched the residential complexes “Cosmos” on Yuri Gagarin Ave. and “Tokyo” on Furniture Street. in December 2009, construction of several more facilities will begin this year.

Ready demand

The reduction of crisis phenomena and the stabilization of prices for real estate under construction have already entailed an increase in the growth of consumer activity. If throughout 2009 apartments were purchased only in ready-made houses or houses high level readiness, at the beginning of this year, consumer interest in objects in the initial stages of construction returned. But now a lot depends on the degree of buyer confidence in the developer.

The number of transactions, according to the consulting and valuation department of the MIR Real Estate company, in December 2009 increased by almost 30% compared to November. In general, about 400 thousand m2 of housing were sold in the last quarter of last year. For the whole last year About 1.2-1.5 million m2 of residential real estate were sold. “This is still far from pre-crisis indicators, but progress is obvious,” notes Ilya Loginov, marketing director of MIR Real Estate LLC. The fact that the revival of demand was not a pre-New Year buying frenzy is evidenced by the fact that sales were quite active in January 2010: they were 10% lower than the December level.

According to Zosya Zakharova, head of the projects and analytical research department at ARIN, the growth in apartment sales is due to a number of reasons. The accumulated pent-up demand, the emergence of new marketing programs for discounts and installment payments, the entry into the market of “alternative supply” properties - apartments in the nearest suburbs or on the outskirts of the city, as well as the decline in bank rates By mortgage loans and, as a consequence, an increase in the share of such transactions.

Changes favorable for developers have also occurred in the structure of demand itself. “The demand for studios is high, but it cannot be satisfied by the existing supply,” states Ilya Loginov.

Also in the structure of demand, the positions of one-room and two-room apartments small footage - up to 40 and 55 m2, respectively - in mass housing developments.

The comfort class sells well - houses located near the metro, with good transport accessibility and developed infrastructure.

According to Olga Litvichenko, deputy director of the Bekar real estate agency, today there is a tendency towards the resumption of investment transactions in the primary market. “People are ready to invest approximately 1.5-2 million rubles (including the down payment, interest-free installments during construction) in projects that are being built in accordance with Federal Law 214,” she sums up. This is confirmed by other analysts.

According to Olga Trosheva, Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg Real Estate Consulting Center, a similar situation developed at Setl City’s new properties. Buyers are interested in houses at a low stage of completion if they trust the reputation of the developer.

Nevertheless, for now, real estate buyers remain interested in apartments in houses that have been commissioned or are being prepared for commissioning. To a greater extent, this applies to the category of potential clients of construction companies who buy housing for their own residence.

Sales Director of the Construction Trust company Sergei Stepanov believes that the buyer has become more discerning than before the crisis, and puts at the forefront not so much the price characteristics of the property (especially against the backdrop of last year’s significant price reduction), but rather the confidence that the house will be completed and delivered on time.

Price nuances

As NAI Becar analysts note, by the beginning of 2010 there was a serious differentiation in prices for real estate under construction depending on the area. Prices decreased the most in the Vyborg (-19%), Primorsky (-16.7%) and Moscow (-16.3%) regions.

Also, the price varies depending on the type of house. At the end of December, the average cost of apartments in brick-monolithic buildings was approximately 75 thousand rubles per 1 m2, and in panel houses - 64.8 thousand rubles. The Construction Trust company, specializing in the construction of comfort-class brick houses, sells apartments in its buildings at an average price of 76 thousand rubles per 1 m2. “The number of transactions completed last year confirms that this is an objective price for apartments at a high stage of home readiness,” Sergei Stepanov is sure. “The client sees what he is buying, makes a conscious choice in favor of the company, and the most reasonable thing for the developer in such a situation is to offer him the most attractive purchasing conditions.”

At the beginning of January 2010, the weighted average cost of 1 m2 of housing on the primary market was 70,674 rubles. In 2009, the price drop was 16% in rubles.

Analysts attribute the decline in average city prices to the active growth of the segment of economy-class residential properties located on the outskirts of the city or in the nearest region.

In a state of balance

Now all market experts - both analysts and developers themselves - are confident that 2010 will not bring any noticeable price fluctuations.

Demand has increased, but it does not have the avalanche-like nature that was observed in 2005 after the entry into force of a package of laws regulating the relations between the parties in shared construction. As a result of the crisis, the well-being of the population has decreased, and existing demand is not always solvent.

“Prices are at a stable level with minor fluctuations. Until the fall of 2010, the situation with demand and prices will not change,” says Ilya Loginov. The only factor that can influence the market, according to Sergei Stepanov, is a gradual reduction in mortgage rates. “If at the peak of the crisis the conditions of banks were prohibitive (down payment of 40% and an annual rate of 25-30%), now, for example, Sberbank offers quite acceptable conditions - from 13.5% per annum with down payment from 15%,” he reminds. -- Now to return to previous volumes mortgage lending It is necessary first of all to break the psychological mistrust of consumers. Most likely this will happen in the second half of the year. There are very attractive offers for finished housing on the market, and when rates reach the pre-crisis 11%, people will again see mortgages as a real mechanism for solving the housing problem.”

There are prerequisites for this: the refinancing rate in December 2009 dropped to 8.75% per annum. A reduction in mortgage rates can also be predicted in the middle of this year.

According to experts, now is the most favorable situation for the buyer: you can buy a finished apartment in a rented house in installments, and then, with a reduction in mortgage rates, take Bank loan. Moreover, at least within the next 9-10 months there will be a high-quality offer on the market with favorable purchasing conditions.

Statistical information for the article, graphs and tables can be found in the PDF version of the newspaper

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Treatment depends largely on the degree of the disease, its duration, and the presence of sexual disorders.

Many years of experience have led us to the conviction that many patients become neurasthenic and practically incurable as a result of extremely intense treatment with massages, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc., combined with a ban on sexual activity for varying periods of time.

Let's start with the rationality of such a ban. In our opinion, sexual activity should not only not be prohibited, but also encouraged. There is no better massage to empty the gland. Prolonged abstinence leads to congestive phenomena and fixes the patient's attention directly on the genital area. After a period of abstinence, the patient notes a shortening of the duration of sexual intercourse, which is quite explainable not by illness, but by a state of excitement. Therefore, we recommend that the patient, depending on his age and habits before the onset of prostatitis, perform sexual function daily, once every 2-3 days, observing a certain regularity.

In the initial stages of the disease, it is enough to prescribe thermal procedures, escusan (which improves blood circulation in the pelvis), vitamin E, biseptol, the properties of which were discussed above.

In more severe and long-standing cases, additional massages are indicated once every 2 days, and the massage should be performed gently, physiotherapeutic procedures. In advanced cases, mud therapy in the form of rectal tampons and compresses on the perineum and sex hormones is indicated. In any conditions, the doctor’s tact and his ability to calm the patient are of decisive importance.

We wrote above about “adenomit” and outlined part of the reason why the authors insist on this term. It is quite true that the inflammatory process is not limited only to the tissue of the adenoma itself, that it also affects the parenchyma. In other words, prostatitis always accompanies inflammation in the adenoma. But the most important link should be considered the defeat of the adenoma. With prostate adenoma, the gland itself gradually turns into a kind of surgical capsule, and the entire clinical picture of the disease is a consequence of the growth of the adenoma, changes in its tissue, in this case associated with inflammation, are reflected in the manifestations of the disease, that surgical trauma relates to the removed adenoma and to a lesser extent to her surgical capsule.

We believe that periodic deterioration such as increased dysuric phenomena is explained by an exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the adenoma, leading to its swelling and thereby to an increase in the degree of compression of the lumen of the bladder neck and urethra. The same applies to other infectious complications of the postoperative period, in particular to phlebitis of the pelvic veins.

Attaching particular importance to adenomitis, in our opinion, in every case in which the course of prostate adenoma is complicated by infection and planned surgical intervention is required, antibacterial therapy in the preoperative period is obligatory. Despite the optional coincidence of the type of microflora cultured from urine with the microflora infecting the adenoma, the construction of a preoperative antibiotic therapy regimen is possible only on the basis of urine cultures.

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The soil can be different: clayey, loamy, sandy, sandy loam, peat. And also acidic, neutral and alkaline. Which one do you have on your site? Without knowledge of such an indicator as soil acidity, you should not even dream of harvesting. A lot truly depends on its level. Most crops prefer a slightly acidic and neutral environment. Acidity is a very important point for the farmer. After all, it significantly affects the fertility of the soil and, accordingly, the harvest. Associate Professor of the Department of Vegetable Crops of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Anna Gordeeva is one hundred percent sure of this.

The reaction of the soil environment is a kind of checkpoint that determines whether plants can live in given conditions, explains Anna Petrovna. - In acidic soil, the content of iron, molybdenum and aluminum ions is increased, which is toxic and painful for some plants and at the same time beneficial for others. Beneficial bacteria that absorb and accumulate nitrogen necessary for plants die in such an environment.

The degree of penetration of heavy metals present in the soil into plant tissue also depends on the level of acidity. If the pH value is within the neutral region, heavy metals remain bound in the soil and only a small part of them enters and accumulates in plants. The picture is the same with radionuclides: the extent to which they are absorbed by plants depends on the pH value.

In acidic soil, the activity of beneficial microorganisms is also suppressed. But soil is a living organism. The largest part by weight (80 - 85%) in the soil volume is made up of invisible microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, and visible insects and earthworms - 20%. And the more fertile the soil, the more living helpers there are. After all, they are the ones who produce the substances necessary for plant nutrition.

The acidity of the soil is determined by the amount of lime it contains. The less it is, the more sour it is. And vice versa: the more lime, the more alkaline it is. The degree of acidity can vary from 0 to 14. In Belarus, the pH, as a rule, ranges from 4.5 (acidic soils) to 7.0 and higher (neutral and slightly alkaline).

When organic matter breaks down, carbon dioxide is released during the respiration of plant roots and microorganisms. In contact with water, it forms carbonic acid, which acidifies the soil solution. When waterlogging occurs, calcium and magnesium ions are washed out from the arable horizon. Hydrogen ions take their place on the soil particles, and the soil becomes acidified. Where more than 500 mm of precipitation falls annually per year, from 1 sq. m are washed out up to 55 g of calcium. Approximately the same amount is removed from the soil and with a good harvest. Pine needles, fresh manure, and some mineral fertilizers somewhat acidify the soil. In particular, “Ammonium sulfate”, sulfur, “Urea” (or “Urea”), “Ammonium chloride”.

Acidic soils contain significant amounts of aluminum, iron and manganese in the form of compounds that are unfavorable for most crops. It is necessary to apply much more fertilizer, which naturally reduces the effectiveness of beneficial microorganisms and increases the amount of pathogenic microflora and bacteria that have a negative effect on plants. The more acidic the soil, the worse the root system develops, which is why the nutrients necessary for growth and development are poorly absorbed.

What soil is most favorable for garden plots? It’s impossible to answer unequivocally: it depends on what grows on them. Each culture has its own tastes (see table No. 1). You can also determine the acidity of the soil by eye if you look closely at the plants that have settled in the garden. They are the most reliable indicator of soil composition.

But sometimes mint, clover, nettle and quinoa grow in the plots. And all of them are “indicators” of different types of soils. There are several methods to resolve the situation.

The first is using litmus paper. Dig a hole 30 - 35 cm deep in the area. Take 15 - 20 g of soil from the vertical wall in three to four places. Pour it into a glass, add 50 ml of rain or distilled water (in a ratio of 1 to 2) and mix well. Let it sit for a while and lower the litmus paper. If it turns red - the soil is strongly acidic (pH 4 - 4.5), pink - acidic and slightly acidic (pH 5 - 6), yellow - close to neutral (pH 6.1 - 6.5), greenish – blue - neutral (pH 6.51 - 7). The alkaline reaction will give a rich blue-green color. Weakly alkaline pH 7 - 8, medium alkaline pH 8 - 8.5, highly alkaline pH 8.5 or more.

You can check the acidity differently. Boil the earth in water, cool the solution and filter through a thick cloth until it becomes transparent. After this, add juice from purple flowers (iris, chamomile). If the solution turns green, it means the soil is alkaline, and if it turns red, it means the soil is acidic.

If there are neither litmus tests nor irises, then use currant or cherry leaves. Place 3 - 4 of them in a glass with distilled or rain water brought to a boil. Cool the infusion and dip a piece of soil into it. Based on the color of the solution, determine the reaction of the medium: red - acidic, blue - slightly acidic, green - neutral.

At home, you can determine acidity in a different way. 1 tsp pour the soil onto the glass, which you place on any dark surface. Pour a small amount of regular 9% vinegar onto the soil and watch for foam. If nothing happens, this is a sign of increased acidity (since vinegar is an acid, you should not expect a violent reaction when mixed with acidic soil). If foaming is strong, then the soil is alkaline, moderate - neutral.

Some soil acidity is determined using ordinary chalk. Place a handful of earth into a bottle, put a pacifier or fingertip on it, and fill it with water. It should be 1.5 - 2 times more than soil. Then add 0.5 - 1 tsp. chalk and immediately close the bottle with a pre-twisted nipple (to remove air from it). Once you put it on, it will straighten out. But due to the lack of air inside the bottle, the nipple will still be compressed. Then shake the bottle vigorously for 3 to 5 minutes. Watch your pacifier carefully! If the acidity of the soil is high, then when shaking between chalk (alkali) and acid in the soil, a neutralization reaction will occur and carbon dioxide will be released, which will create pressure in the bottle - and the nipple will straighten out. With neutral soil, the nipple will remain in its initial position, and with medium acidic soil, it will open only half.

The soil type is also determined by the topsoil layer. If a whitish layer similar to ash is visible in the upper 20 - 25 cm, we can safely talk about acidic soil. An indicator of increased acidity is also greening of the earth, especially if the area is not in the shade.

For a more accurate determination, use the Alyamovsky device, which can be purchased in stores. Or they submit soil samples to agrochemical laboratories, which are located in every region.

So, we have determined: the soil on the site is acidic. What to do next? Do I need to deoxidize? It all depends on what crops you are going to grow. The fact is that some plants prefer acidic soils. These are hydrangeas, rhododendrons, perennial lupine, heather, Erica, fern, cinquefoil, blueberry, cranberry, lingonberry. But among vegetable crops there are practically no lovers of acidic soils. Cabbage is affected by clubroot, carrots by phomosis, beets by heart rot, and onions by neck rot. And vegetables are delayed in terms of ripening. In addition, there are a lot of pests that like acidic soil. Wireworm, for example.

Soil acidity is reduced by adding chalk, lime, dolomite and phosphate rock. And also wood ash, well-known and quite accessible to every gardener (1 kg is equivalent to 0.5 - 0.6 kg of lime), which simultaneously enriches the soil with calcium, potassium, phosphorus and microelements. The addition of bedding manure or compost also reduces acidity. Since most plants cannot tolerate fresh lime, liming is best done in the fall, using both slaked and quicklime.

Soil acidity does not change immediately. Depending on the dose applied, a slightly acidic or neutral reaction is established after 1 - 2 or even 3 years. The amount of lime that needs to be applied to correct the situation depends on the acidity of the soil. As a rule, on mineral lands, 100 to 600 g of lime, chalk, dolomite or limestone flour are added per 1 sq. m. m or 1 - 6 kg per hundred square meters. At a pH of 4.5 - 5.0, give 200 - 600 g of lime fertilizers per 1 sq. m; at pH 5.0 - 5.5 - 100 - 400 g per 1 sq. m, at a pH of more than 6.0, liming is not carried out at all (see table No. 2).

When adding lime, it must be thoroughly mixed with the topsoil. Therefore, it can be used for plowing or cultivation. In the spring, if necessary, liming is carried out 2 - 3 weeks before sowing for shallow digging.

Since lime accelerates the decomposition of organic matter in the soil, manure or other organic matter must be added along with it to maintain fertility. But under no circumstances should it be combined with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. In the first case, nitrogen losses will increase, in the second, the availability of phosphorus for plants will decrease. If you don’t know whether you can mix lime with some mineral fertilizers, then apply everything separately. In the fall - lime, and in the spring - “mineral water”.

Lime deoxidizes the soil, improves its physical properties, enhances the activity of beneficial microorganisms, and also reduces the mobility of an element harmful to crops - aluminum. With lime, calcium necessary for plants enters the soil, which is in 4th place in importance after nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The advantages of liming also include increasing the looseness of the soil - such soil will absorb moisture well and retain it close to the surface. This way, the plant roots will receive optimal impregnation even in hot weather. If liming is carried out correctly, the yield of vegetables, berries and fruits increases several times, and the plants become more resistant to diseases.

But you shouldn’t overuse lime: moderation is important in everything. Excessive liming will lead to a deficiency of copper and boron in the soil and will reduce the supply of potassium. Plants will begin to get sick more often. In addition, the soil will become alkaline and the amount of molybdenum in it will increase, which in excess is harmful to crops.

In what form should lime be applied to the soil? Since it must mix well with the soil, it is better to use it as a powder. Quicklime is not suitable: it is lumpy. Therefore, it needs to be extinguished, that is, filled with water - 4 buckets of water per 100 kg of lime. After the water is absorbed, the lime will become powdery and can be used. Slaked lime (or fluff) neutralizes the soil faster in the first few years than regular lime flour.

After adding lime, the soil must be dug to a depth of 15 - 20 cm. Otherwise, the effectiveness of liming is reduced. Autumn liming allows you to more accurately adjust the ratio of acids and alkalis in the soil, and the result will last for a longer period than when applying lime in the spring.


To acidify the soil intended for growing vegetables, it is best to use compost or manure. On average, to reduce acidity by 1 pH per 1 sq.m of soil, it is enough to add 9 kg of compost or 3 kg of manure.


On medium and strongly acidic soils you will probably find sphagnum, cotton grass, cat's foot, sorrel, oak grass, large plantain,

Common sorrel, creeping buttercup, horsetail, tricolor violet, oak veronica, white grass, turf pike, woodlice.

On slightly acidic and neutral soils, odorless chamomile, common coltsfoot, clover, white sweet clover, creeping wheatgrass, marsh marigold, dried grass, poisonous buttercup, bearberry, European rosewort, swamp white-brown, dog violet, meadow heart, ground reed grass, and field sow thistle.

Alkaline soils will be produced by white gum, larkspur, self-seeded poppy, cinnamon grass, crescent alfalfa, hairy sedge, horned lambsfoot, goosefoot, nettle, wheatgrass and clover.

Stages of developing a motivation system
In order to improve the quality of work and the interest of managers senior management, Executive Director and HR Director management company INSOL groups decided to change the remuneration system for top managers. These include: in the management company - the general director, HR, marketing, corporate governance, financial directors; at factories - general directors. In a word, these are the people on whom the organization’s business processes depend.

At the insistence of the shareholders, the period for creating and implementing a new system of motivation and remuneration should not exceed six months. Work on the project consisted of several stages. Let's look at them.

1. Determination of the main objectives of the holding and the goals of the remuneration system.
At this stage, it is customary to distinguish short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. To develop a motivation package in the INSOL Group The author of the article selected long-term goals, namely: optimization of technological processes, maximizing the efficiency of plant general directors, reducing fixed costs. The main objective of the remuneration system was to increase top managers' interest in the company's prosperity, profit growth, increasing business capitalization, as well as developing responsibility in making management decisions and the desire to work for the long term.

2. Determination of motivational factors.
To increase material incentives, you can use a combined remuneration system, which includes a fixed and variable part. Constant– this is a fixed salary: it is set for a top manager for having a certain set of competencies that allows him to successfully solve assigned tasks. Variable – payments tied to the manager’s performance: can consist of bonuses, options or part of the company’s profit and usually amounts to at least 50% total income hired director. The share of incentive payments to managers increases in proportion to the effectiveness of their work. As a rule, bonuses are awarded based on the performance of a top manager (for example, for a year when certain indicators are achieved). However, it is not always possible to correctly assess the real result - to a large extent this depends on the “transparency” of the business, the well-established management system, managerial and financial accounting.

In the INSOL Group, the variable part of the salary is calculated as follows. The work plan includes indicators that are based on an analysis of the statistics of the manager’s achievements according to similar criteria for previous years, with an addition of 20% (the planned percentage of development per year established by the executive director). If a manager has recently been hired by the company, then when drawing up a plan, the performance indicators of his predecessors are studied, and then 20% is also added to the average value. The amount of the bonus depends on the level of implementation of this plan:

§ invalid – the variable part is not paid;
§ low – 10% bonus;
§ planned (100% completion of tasks) – 30% bonus;
§ higher than planned - 50% premium.

As the manager achieves a particular indicator, he is awarded a portion of the bonus (a certain percentage of the salary). After receiving the actual values, allx indicators of interest, the size of the total premium is calculated.
In addition to material ones, the company also uses non-material methods of motivation:

§ self-realization in the company, the opportunity to try yourself in different areas of activity;
§ recognition in the team;
§ transparent career prospects;
§ the name of the company (and, accordingly, its stability).

It should be noted that in the INSOL Group, key employees were given maximum authority to achieve the goals set for them, were able to achieve certain results and feel recognition in the team. In addition, employees clearly understand their prospects (since the structure of the organization and its activities have been and remain transparent) and strive to bring the name of the newly created enterprise to the market (since they are interested in working in a well-known and prestigious holding).

3. Selection of tools (methods) for forming a remuneration system.

To make strategic management decisions, managers need appropriate, reliable and complete information. In order to obtain it, the organization uses such tools as a system of key performance indicators, or KPI (Key Performance Indicators), which, in addition, makes it possible to make the HR system transparent and understandable.
After long negotiations with shareholders, it was decided to create a payment system in the company based on KPI assessment. The management of the HR service developed and implemented KPIs for all top managers of the holding. At the first stage of implementing this program, HR department specialists compiled a list of specific employees who would be evaluated using this system. Then the author of the article formed a scheme of material incentives for senior managers. The HR director developed special motivation cards that reflected goals, KPIs, units of measurement of indicators, calculation methods, criteria for fulfilling the plan, and a bonus separately for each top manager (see Table).

Table. Motivation card general director plant * * All indicators are conditional, so as not to disclose confidential information of factories

Goals KPI weight units measurements Meaning Calculation frequency

Calculation method

Plan execution level

Invalid, 0% Low, 10% Planned, 30% Above plan, 50% Actual
1. Increase the value of the company ROCE40 rublesPlanned indicator AnnuallyReturn on capital employed = NOPAT / CE = EBIT (1 – T) / CE.
CE = D + S = Sum of paid sources of company functioning = Equity+ Long-term and Short-term constant interest-bearing loans = Net operating assets
1000 thousand2000 thousand3000 thousand4000 thousand2000 thousand
EBITDArublesPlanned indicator AnnuallyNet Income + Income Tax Expense – Income Tax Recovered (+ Extraordinary Expenses) (– Extraordinary Income) + Interest Paid – Interest Earned = EBIT + Depreciation and Amortization Charges intangible assets– Revaluation of assets 1000 thousand2000 thousand3000 thousand4000 thousand3000 thousand
2. Industry cost leadership Annual unit cost reduction (%) 30 % Planned indicator AnnuallyCalculate unit costs by dividing the total cost of producing a product by the number of units produced 10 20 30 40 30
Deviation from standard costs in the budget (%) % Planned indicator Annually% deviations per year 10 20 30 40 25
General, selling and administrative costs for a specific enterprise rublesPlanned indicator AnnuallyTN + AN,
where ТН – trade costs;
AN – administrative costs
1000 thousand900 thousand800 thousand500 thousand900 thousand
3. Maximize the use of existing assets Free Cash Flow 20 rublesPlanned indicator AnnuallyNet profit minus taxes 500 thousand900 thousand2000 thousand3000 thousand2000 thousand
Investment efficiency investment size Planned indicator AnnuallyPayback period investment project(Current) represents the duration of the period from the beginning of project financing until the actual volume of investment (Iok) equals the amount net profit(Pch) and depreciation charges (Aotch), calculated on an accrual basis.
Current Iok = sum (Pcht | Aotcht), t = 1, where t is the project implementation period
<10 20 30 50 50
4. Introduction of new technologies Increase in productivity 10 % Planned indicator AnnuallyNumber of new types of products produced 0 10 20 30 20
For example, let’s calculate the size of the plant’s general director’s bonus for the year (provided that his salary is 100 thousand rubles per month).

Goal 1. “Increasing the value of the company”
According to the ROCE indicator, the premium will be 10% (low level). Calculation:

100,000 rub. (salary) * 10 / 100 = 10,000 rub.
According to the EBITDA indicatorthe bonus will be 30% (planned level). Calculation:

Goal 2. “Industry cost leadership”
According to the indicator “Annual reduction in unit costs”, the bonus will be 30%. Calculation:For the indicator “Deviation from standard costs in the budget”the premium will be 30%. Calculation:

100,000 rub. * 30 / 100 = 30,000 rub.

By indicator “General, trading and administrative costs for a specific enterprise”the premium will be 10%. Calculation:

100,000 rub. * 10 / 100 = 10,000 rub.

Goal 3. “Maximize the use of existing assets”
According to the indicator “Free cash flow”the premium will be 30%. Calculation:

100,000 rub. * 30 / 100 = 30,000 rub.

According to the indicator “Investment efficiency”the premium will be 50%. Calculation:

100,000 rub. * 50 / 100 = 50,000 rub.

Goal 4. “Introduction of new technologies”
The bonus will be 30%. Calculation:

100,000 rub. * 30 / 100 = 30,000 rub.

Total: The plant's general director's bonus for the year will be 220 thousand rubles.

Implementation of a motivation system

To ensure the functioning of the new motivation system, HR specialists have developed regulatory documents:
§ wage regulations;
§ internal labor regulations.
The next stage was the introduction of a new motivation system in the holding - first in the management company, and only then there was a trial run at one of the factories. The process involved several steps (see figure).

Drawing. Scheme for introducing a new wage system

A test (for a period of 2 months) implementation of the developed system in a management company showed that thanks to innovations, the quality of the activities of top managers improved, and all business processes began to be carried out in a timely manner, since, unlike the previous remuneration scheme, which included only salary, the new one - consists of salary and bonuses for quality work performed.

The decision to start launching the system at the Divnogorsk plant of low-voltage circuit breakers was due to the fact that this particular enterprise is the largest in the holding. Only after a thorough analysis of the effectiveness of the innovation and elimination of shortcomings (such as delays in the preparation of reports on the completion of tasks, as well as the reluctance of financial department employees to engage in additional work on calculating indicators), the company’s management gave the order to implement the system at other factories of the holding.

In order for employees to perceive the system organically, the author of the article developed a special program for preparing top managers for changes in wages, which included the work of the HR director of the management company with managers. Its essence was to convey to them the following key information:
§ why changes in wages are being made;
§ what result does the company's management expect;
§ what new strategic goals management sets for top managers.

The pilot project of a new remuneration system at the Divnogorsk plant of low-voltage circuit breakers has already passed the implementation stage and is functioning quite successfully. The work includes a specially created expert group (all top managers of the management company), which constantly monitors the process and discusses its results daily.
Thus, the management of INSOL, together with the personnel service employees, managed to create a fairly flexible and dynamic bonus system, which, in the event of a change in the organization’s strategy or a reduction in the time frame for performing certain management functions, will allow changing goals, KPIs, weight (importance of the goal), while maintaining the same general bonus scheme.
Speaking about the non-material motivation of managers, we note that thanks to the vesting of key employees of the INSOL group with maximum authority to complete assigned tasks, the transparency of the company’s activities, the availability of opportunities for professional and personal growth and development of each person, the creation of an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust in the team, the interest of top managers has sharply increased in increasing its efficiency in order to further develop the enterprise.

Elena Ftits , [email protected]
HR Director, INSOL Group (Industrial Solutions CJSC), Moscow

The INSOL Group is a commercial industrial and financial holding company created in 2007. Its structure includes OJSC Elektroprivod, OJSC Divnogorsk Plant of Low-Voltage Automatic Devices, OJSC Inverter, OJSC Birobidzhan Power Transformers Plant. Field of activity - production of complete equipment and voltage systems, implementation of projects for the oil, gas, electric power, chemical, mining and other industries. The total number of plant personnel is about 2.5 thousand people.