Download the insurance policy. How to download the MTPL insurance policy form - distinctive features of the form

We are opening a new section “Useful” for everyone who already works in the insurance industry, who is still studying or wants to independently understand the principles of the work of an insurance manager, the correct calculation of the cost of an insurance policy, its registration, what you should pay attention to, and so on.

Today we will tell you about universal template for filling out the MTPL policy of the EEE series.

OSAGO template EEE series

The template form is presented in a WORD file and is universal for all types of OSAGO forms of the EEE series.

You can get a file with a template for filling out OSAGO - now only on a paid basis.

The cost of a template for filling out an MTPL policy is 200 rubles.

NEW! A new sample OSAGO template has appeared (OSAGO forms are pink) = 500 rubles. 1. To receive the OSAGO template you need to make a payment to a Sberbank card 4276 3800 4450 3766
2. In the “Message for transfer” field, indicate your email where to send the “Template for filling out the MTPL”
3. If you have any questions, write to us at info@site
4. Applications are processed from 10-00 to 19-00 (Moscow time)

What you should pay attention to

First of all, pay attention to the correct filling out of the MTPL policy template; it has its own rules.

How to fill out an MTPL policy correctly

  • Time and date of commencement of the contract: The current time and the validity period of the contract are always set to 1 year minus one day. Example: Insurance period from 00 h. 00 min. 01/15/2015 24 hours 00 minutes 01/14/2016
  • Period of use of the vehicle: if the insurance period is a year, then you can copy the data specified above in the compulsory motor liability insurance contract being drawn up.
  • Policyholder: We indicate who is buying, for example Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
  • Vehicle owner: We indicate the owner of the car. The policyholder and the owner may be the same person or different.
  • The vehicle is used with a trailer: you can specify or skip this step.
  • Vehicle make, model, vehicle identification number and state sign: We write as indicated in your car documents in the registration certificate or technical equipment passport.
  • Purpose of use: in 90% of cases it is set to “personal”, in the rest we choose the most suitable option for ourselves.
  • Drivers allowed to drive: Everything is simple here, we write the full name of the drivers and their series and driver’s license number. If there is no limit on the number of drivers, then we put dashes everywhere.
  • Insurance premium: We calculate the correct cost of the policy and first write down the cost in numbers, then in parentheses we write the cost in writing.
  • Special notes: We don’t write anything.
  • Contract conclusion date: set the current date for signing the contract
  • Policy issue date: coincides with the date of conclusion of the contract.

Here we go over all the points OSAGO policy series EEE, learned how to fill out a contract correctly. That's all, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments, we will be happy to answer all your questions.

A large number of counterfeit MTPL policies have caused a global change in appearance.

First of all, we improved the degree of document protection against forgery. The new OSAGO forms have a different appearance, and a system for their gradual introduction into circulation has been developed.

Updated policy design

The large turnover of compulsory car insurance forms has led to the emergence of counterfeits. Additionally, this was influenced by the increase in the cost of compulsory motor insurance in 2019. Therefore, to protect consumers and insurance companies, a sample of a new policy was developed, the presentation of which took place in January 2019.

The appearance of the new form has changed radically. Motorists should familiarize themselves with it in advance to avoid possible counterfeits. But according to experts, they will appear on the market no earlier than in 1.5 years.

This is due to the high degree of policy protection, expressed in the following factors:

  • Changing the hue from green to multicolor. Pink colors predominate to a greater extent, turning into yellow and lilac.
  • New graphic signs in areas free from filling. They have a multifaceted shape and complicate the counterfeiting process. There may be several colors on their surface.
  • Complicating the shape of watermarks. They came in two types - a stylistic image of the car and the RS logo.
  • Metallized thread, on the surface of which there are the inscriptions “Polis” and “RSA”. It runs on the left side of the form.

To increase the information content, a field for applying a QR code has been added.

Additionally, it is planned to enter data from compulsory motor liability insurance into the policy - KBM, the place of execution of the document, the name and address of the insurance company. But the timing of the introduction of these innovations is still unknown.

Benefits of introducing replacement

But is it worth spending additional money and time on new compulsory car insurance forms? Their introduction is not a standard replacement and was completed in the shortest possible time. The main catalyst for this was the large volume of fakes, the volume of which, according to some sources, amounted to about 4% of the total number of policies.

In addition to this fact, the following advantages of the new OSAGO forms can be highlighted:

  • Increasing the amount of useful information. It is at the initial stage, in the future it is planned to expand the data entry fields and add new ones.
  • Increasing citizens' confidence in the compulsory car insurance system. Dealer companies were partly involved in selling counterfeit forms. The introduction of new ones made it possible to reduce this flow to almost “zero”.
  • Increased control of document flow. The volume of new completed forms is relatively small. Therefore, PCA can track each of them.

An increase in the cost of the policy by 15% did not affect the increase in the price of compulsory motor insurance. Insurance companies must compensate for this difference on their own, taking into account a minimum “margin” of 20%. But it is suspected that this will increase pressure on potential customers to purchase additional car insurance services.

The most popular will be the OSAGO extension. In case of intrusive service or mandatory purchase of additional services, you can file a complaint with the RSA or the Central Bank. But it is recommended to do this only after trying to coordinate the issue directly with the insurance company. There is always an alternative - finding and applying for compulsory motor liability insurance from another insurer will not be a problem.

Procedure for circulation of the new sample OSAGO form

The first stage of introducing new MTPL forms took place in July 2019. Large insurance companies received a sufficient amount of documents to begin the process. One of the distinctive features was the preservation of the EEE series, which will make it possible to further track the circulation of both new and old forms.

To ensure smooth integration of changes, the following actions were taken:

  • From October 1, 2019, it will no longer be possible to issue compulsory motor insurance on old forms. The remainder will have to be handed over for further disposal.
  • Old but valid policies have the same legal force as new ones. This is necessary to reduce the flow of people wishing to replace a document with valid car insurance.
  • The electronic policy form remained unchanged. In this case, there is no need to make a new form, since after receipt it is printed, and the action is checked directly against the RSA database.

A maximum of one year after October 1, 2019, all old policies will be automatic and gradually replaced with new ones. Already based on the current results of the innovation, one can note the absence of confusion or speculation on the part of insurance company dealers. This is explained by the professional approach on the part of the controlling structures and the main principle of the company - a minimum burden on car owners and insurance companies.

Do I need to change my policy?

After the announcement of the new sample form, a lot of questions arose regarding the order of their circulation. Most of it was decided at the preparation stage. At the moment, the main thing remains, what forms are being issued now and is it necessary to replace old documents with new ones?

The circulation of old-style documents has already ended. Therefore, the client must require the execution of a new one when concluding an MTPL agreement from November 1, 2019. At the same time, there is no need to replace old ones, the validity of which began before this date. But if you wish, you can, by prior arrangement, come to the office of the insurance company, write an application, and instead of the old policy, a new one will be issued completely free of charge.

However, situations may arise when the policy will have to be replaced in any case:

  • Lost form. You should immediately contact your insurance company, since the loss is equivalent to the absence of compulsory motor liability insurance. After submitting a standard set of documents, a new one will be issued. Most likely you will have to pay a fine.
  • Partial or complete damage to the document. Determined by the ability to read information located in the fields of the MTPL policy. If this cannot be done, you should follow the procedure described above.
  • You can restore your electronic confirmation of compulsory car insurance yourself. To do this, just print out the document and present it to traffic police officers upon their first request.

Recently, the ability to check car insurance data by the traffic police was introduced. But formally, the driver must show the original or a copy (for electronic form). If there are none, the road service representative may issue a fine in the amount of 800 rubles. It can be challenged in court in the future. But this will take a lot of time and money.

In addition to knowledge about the new form of compulsory motor insurance policy, the driver must correctly go through the entire procedure for obtaining compulsory car insurance. Even a small error in a document can result in a denial of compensation payment. A representative of the insurer is responsible for filling out the paper version, but based on information from the insured’s application.

To avoid errors in the new MTPL policy, it is recommended to do the following:

  • View a sample application (). You can download it on the website of the insurance company or RSA. In the latter case, the document represents the optimal form on the basis of which insurers formulate their application forms.
  • After filling out the application, check all the information again. It is important to correctly indicate the type of compulsory motor liability insurance (with or without restrictions), information about the car, its place of registration, and the period of validity of the policy.
  • After paying for the service and receiving the document in your hands, you should check the data again. Additionally, it is recommended to check the fact that information about the contract has been entered into the RSA database. An alternative is to use independent resources. But they are updated relatively rarely, which affects the relevance of the information.
  • If necessary, order an endorsed copy of the issued MTPL policy. This may be useful when generating documents for other needs. At the same time, having the original, you will be able to drive a car.

The issue of replacing a completed form that contains incorrect information is decided separately in each specific case.

If it was a mistake by an insurance company employee, they are obliged to reissue the document without additional payment. If there is inaccurate information in the application, the price of a new form may be added to the final cost of compulsory motor liability insurance.

After payment and registration of car insurance, the company representative must provide an information booklet with the addresses and contact details of the organization’s representative offices in Russia. Statements about the occurrence of an insured event are also issued - notifications of road accidents. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules for filling them out in advance.

How to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance: electronic or paper version

The presence of a new type of paper OSAGO policy will protect the market for these services from counterfeits only for a while. In the future, fake documents will appear that are in no way inferior in quality to the original. The repetition of the situation is explained by the high profits from the sale of counterfeit forms. As a result, not only some car owners will suffer, but also insurance companies.

An alternative would be to issue an electronic equivalent of a paper policy. From January 1, 2019, this can be done from any insurance organization. This decision was announced in August 2019.

Electronic MTPL has the following advantages:

  • The time required to obtain compulsory car insurance is reduced. The procedure is performed remotely, without visiting the insurance company’s office. In 2019, restrictions apply, consisting in the possibility of registration only when prolonging an old contract with the same insurer. Whether they will operate in 2019 is unknown.
  • There is no need to have the original of the new MTPL policy. After completing all the procedures, the insured person receives a completed form via email, which must then be printed. It can be presented to traffic police officers.
  • There will be no problems with restoring a lost policy. You can always print the received form, the data of which is stored in the PCA database.

A gradual transition to an electronic, remote procedure for obtaining auto insurance will significantly reduce the degree of risk for all parties. However, the information will need to be verified by the policyholder. If handled carelessly, the likelihood of an error increases, which will later be problematic to correct.

The new OSAGO form, combined with the promotion of electronic auto insurance, should have a positive impact on the safety of obtaining and using insurance. It is important that the car owner does not have a desire to save on registration, and that he himself does not initiate the purchase of a fake policy.

To apply for an insurance policy, you must appear in person at the office of the insurance company, but you can calculate the cost using a calculator online. In order not to go through the same issue twice, you need to prepare the necessary documents in advance. By insuring yourself against possible risks, you can get rid of a huge number of problems when you hit or get into an accident; you should correctly fill out an application for compulsory motor liability insurance according to the sample. Read more about the nuances of filling out the application form for MTPL insurance in our article on the website

Documentary part of the issue of MTPL insurance

After visiting the selected insurance company, prepare the following documents: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and the same document, but for a vehicle (you can have a document indicating the fact of registration), a vehicle driver’s license and a diagnostic card. The insurance company, represented by a customer service manager, will accept the documents, check their eligibility and ask you to fill out an application for the provision of MTPL insurance services.

It should be noted that the application form for MTPL insurance may be different for each insurance company, but the very essence of the necessary questions and fields to fill out remains the same for everyone. That is, the lines can be placed in any order and under different names, but the polled data remains the same for all drivers.

So, after filling out the application form for the provision of compulsory motor liability insurance, the representative of the insurance company is obliged to give the client the following list of documents:

  • OSAGO policy.
  • Forms that must be filled out in the event of an accident.
  • Receipt form A7 (original only).
  • List of addresses and companies that are representatives of the insurer throughout the Russian Federation.
  • A document with basic insurance rules.

No matter how much you would like to complete the entire process and fill out MTPL applications at a distance, drivers will never be able to do this. You can discuss all questions over the phone, calculate the amount of insurance online and leave a completed application form on the website, but you must autograph the contract in person and in the presence of a representative of the insurance company.

In order to protect yourself from a fake insurance policy, you need to know the main differences between insurance and a fake, or know how to check its authenticity. It is important that from the first days of last year the policy series was changed from “BBB” to “CCS”; be vigilant so that fraudsters cannot slip in an invalid form.

Download the application form for MTPL insurance + sample filling

You must fill in the policy form with information about the owner of the vehicle and the technical characteristics of the vehicle, information about its model and other necessary information. It is necessary to fill out information about all drivers who have the right to drive a car, but the number of such people should not exceed 5 people. The cost of an insured event, with a detailed schedule of what will be included in this concept. It is necessary to indicate the territorial validity of the insurance document and the amount of payment for the policy (insurance premium).

A genuine insurance document has an insurer's stamp and a unique number (entered in the RSA database) in the upper left corner. On the front side there is a green-blue mesh, and you can also see the watermarks. On the other side of the policy you can see a metal strip 2 mm wide, with small red splashes. In fact, the size of the policy sheet is approximately 10 mm longer than the usual A4 sheet of paper. And most importantly, when you hold the document in your hands, look at your hands; if there are paint stains on them, it means it’s a fake.

Refusal application form

There are cases when a driver no longer wants to cooperate with a given insurance company or, for a number of other reasons, he needs to terminate the contract and receive his money for auto liability. This may be the sale of a vehicle or a change of driver (owner), the vehicle cannot be restored, the owner of the car has died, or the vehicle has been stolen.

And the extreme case is bankruptcy or termination of the activities of the chosen insurance company. Approximately these reasons may be in order to terminate the agreement, and even get your money back. The application form may also differ from one insurance company to another, but it is necessary that the following basic fields be filled out:

  • initials and current phone number;
  • details of the identity document (be sure to indicate the series and number);
  • one of the suitable reasons for terminating the contract;
  • The signature of the client of the insurance company and the date of filling out the document are required.

When visiting the insurance company, be sure to take your insurance policy and identification document with you. After considering the application for termination of the insurance agreement at the client’s initiative, the insurer is obliged to pay the money within two weeks. The date indicated in the application for termination of the contract will be the date of termination.

Checking the cost of an MTPL policy on the RSA website

You can verify the honesty of the insurance agent by double-checking his calculations on the official RSA website at the link:

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, driving vehicles without an MTPL policy is prohibited and is punishable by law. In order to purchase it, you must provide a package of documents to the insurance company and fill out application form for issuing an MTPL policy.

The application form for MTPL insurance and a sample form can be downloaded from our website

The documentation package includes the following:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other identification document;
  • A package of documents for the vehicle: passport, certificate of registration with the traffic police, technical passport;
  • Maintenance ticket;
  • Previous MTPL policy (if available).

Application for compensation

Besides this, there is another application form for compulsory motor liability insurance, which must be filled out upon the occurrence of an insured event in order to receive compensation payment. In exactly the same way as in the first case, it is submitted to the insurance company along with the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or any other document confirming the identity of the driver;
  • driver's license who was driving at the time of the accident;
  • power of attorney for the right to use a car (if the driver is not the owner);
  • vehicle passport/certificate of registration;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • a photograph or video from the scene of the incident, which clearly shows the cars and their position;
  • a statement from the participants in the accident that the photo and video data were not subject to correction;
  • Bank details of the victim, according to which insurance compensation can be transferred.

Application form for MTPL insurance must be signed not only by the policyholder, but also by the insurer.

What to pay attention to when making an application?

In order to be sure that application form for MTPL insurance filled out correctly, adhere to the following rules:

  • Provide all information about the owner of the vehicle, as well as about the vehicle itself;
  • Briefly describe the traffic accident;
  • Provide information about the protocol drawn up by the traffic police officer (this condition is not relevant when drawing up the Europrotocol);
  • Indicate the amounts of additional costs: price of tow truck services, vehicle storage fees, etc. - and provide documents confirming them.

Do not forget: repair and restoration work can begin no earlier than 15 days after the traffic accident. During this period, a representative of the insurance company must inspect it. If repairs are previously necessary for one reason or another, they can only be carried out with the written permission of the insurance company. Otherwise, you may be denied insurance compensation.

Terms of consideration

The original application is submitted to the insurance company, and the policyholder is given a copy with the registration number, date of acceptance and wet seal. The consideration of an application for compensation begins by representatives of the insurance company after it has come into their possession. The procedure itself differs in duration: in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the period for its consideration is up to 30 days.

A large-scale reform to replace vehicle documents for almost 42 million motorists will take a lot of time. It will help get rid of scammers, and will also provide owners of official policies with premium payments and discounts.

We will tell you how the procedure for replacing documents on a vehicle will go.

Replacement of MTPL policies in 2019

You can get a new policy form only at the office of the insurance company, you must visit it in person.

In accordance with the plans of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, the replacement of policies applies only to those motorists who changed or received new policies since July-August 2016.

Procedure for replacing documents on a vehicle free.

You can also receive the finished document in person - but if you have arranged for courier delivery, the specialist will bring the new certificate at the appointed time and place.

You can contact the company with this request at any time. The exact date for the exchange of policies has not been established, therefore they will not require vehicle owners to issue a new document on a mandatory basis.

The process of replacing policies is divided into several stages.

Replacing insurance certificates will help:

  1. Move to a new level of preservation and protection of data of car owners and their vehicles.
  2. Suspend the activities of fraudsters who produce and sell fake policies, posing as official representatives.
  3. Stop the uncontrolled distribution of old, unused policy forms.
  4. Show car owners that it is easier for them to purchase a new certificate than to purchase an old one. By the way, having bought an old sample, they will still have to buy a new policy.
  5. Retain for car owners all the benefits and bonuses that they can take advantage of if they take out a new, official policy.

All important points of the procedure for replacing MTPL policies:

  1. The policy replacement procedure is completely free.
  2. New types of forms are issued only to motorists who take out new vehicle insurance, for example - for a new car or for an old one if the certificate has expired.
  3. Owners of cars with an old policy will need a little time. They decide when they can contact the MTPL service for a replacement: at any time or only after its expiration date.
  4. The new type of policies have a high degree of protection. It is almost impossible to fake them completely.
  5. The policy for issuing policies has been tightened, the document is issued strictly only to official representatives of OSAGO. In addition, the number of policies issued is strictly controlled. There should be no excess left.
  6. The insurer bears full responsibility for new sample forms.

Please note that in Russia there are 42 million cars for which insurance is required. Of this amount, 1 million is fake.

This measure of introducing new documents will help avoid the production of counterfeits and will encourage motorists to purchase only official OSAGO policies.

Do I need to change my MTPL electronic policy to a new one?

Future reform will not affect car owners who have so-called “e-policies”. They are stored in the OSAGO database, but motorists have a paper copy in their hands, and even this is not a mandatory requirement.

You won’t have to replace it, or even the electronic policy itself.

Currently, in foreign countries there is a practice of presenting paper copies of such policies. Representatives of the traffic police say that for verification the Russian will need to provide a printed version.

Any motorist can have an electronic policy; it can be issued through an online form on the Internet.

Please note that from January 1, 2017, all insurers working with compulsory motor insurance are required to issue electronic MTPL policies.

Today, such an e-policy helps vehicle owners avoid:

  1. Payments for additional services that the insurer may impose. For example, life insurance and vehicle insurance are completely different concepts, but many insurers are trying to impose life insurance on the driver.
  2. Incorrect calculation of the bonus-malus coefficient that a citizen receives for safe and accident-free driving.

In addition, such a policy helps solve the problem of exchanging paper insurance. In the future, you will not need to change any certificate at all, the information will be entered into the motorists' union system.

Is the old OSAGO policy valid in 2019?

Of course, if this policy is not a fake.

Please note a fake document will deprive drivers of existing discounts and bonus payments, for example - for accident-free driving. By the way, the period for obtaining insurance for the vehicle will also affect it.

Here's an example: citizen Ivanov bought a fake document for his car. He didn't know about it and drove the car for 1.5 years. One day he was stopped by a traffic police officer and asked to provide his insurance policy. Ivanov showed the document without a twinge of conscience. It turned out that the MTPL insurance was purchased from scammers.

So, Ivanov had to change his policy. He lost his CBM premiums because he had not taken out car insurance for at least 1 year.

What the new MTPL policy looks like - comparison of the new and old MTPL forms

The mandatory insurance certificate for an old type vehicle looked like this:

The new policy is now like this:

Let's tell you what has changed in the form:

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is the color of the document. Now it's pink, but before it was green.
  2. The background clearly shows which graphic patterns have been added for protection. The most difficult thing is the color stretching from yellowish to pink and lilac. It is unlikely that anyone will fake this.
  3. The font of the written text, lines and points has become larger and more readable. Such letters are better perceived.
  4. New, more complex watermarks have appeared. The size of the old signs has changed, as well as their location. If you illuminate the form, you can see several cars and RSA logos on it.
  5. We added a metallic thread with the inscription “policy”. This is the first time this has been done! But experts say that attackers will be able to produce the same thread within 2 years. Therefore, she will protect during this period.
  6. A two-dimensional QR code will appear on the form on the right at the top. With the help of modern technologies, a motorist will be able to find out information about his insurance company, information about the car, as well as data from the AIS RSA emergency database.

Of course, these are not all the protective elements and data that the new MTPL policy 2019 contains.