What documents are required for an insured event? Documents for an insurance company after an accident for compensation under compulsory motor insurance? Independent technical expertise

An accident (traffic accident) is an event that occurs during the movement of a vehicle on the road and, of course, this event must occur with the participation of this vehicle in which people are injured or killed, cars, buildings, structures, cargo or other material damage was caused to the injured party.

List of required papers

So, what papers are needed to submit to the insurance company after an accident? In order for the damage received by the car the injured party must provide the following list of documents to the company:

  • Application for payment of compensation for damage caused as a result of an accident. The application can be written by hand, but most often forms for such applications are issued by employees of the Investigative Committee and filled out according to a special template.
  • A certificate from the traffic police department about a traffic accident. This certificate is provided if the accident was registered with the involvement of traffic police officers, and not by issuing a Europrotocol.
  • , which is filled in by both participants in the accident.
  • A resolution on the case, a protocol on an administrative violation, or a ruling on the refusal to initiate a case.
  • These documents are provided to victims in the Investigative Committee only if the accident was registered with the involvement of traffic police officers and the preparation of these documents is provided for by the law of the Russian Federation.
  • Vehicle or STS passport.
  • An identification document of the citizen who provides documents and writes an application. If the application for payment is not written by the owner of the car, then a power of attorney should be provided to represent his interests.
  • If you choose a non-cash form of receiving compensation payments, you must also provide the recipient’s details.
  • Other documents for payments that confirm expenses associated with the accident (receipt for payment for tow truck, etc.).

ATTENTION: If the injured party intends to exercise its right to payment of compensation for the damage received, then it is obliged to provide its vehicle or its remains for inspection by the insurance organization or have it carried out. If the damaged vehicle is not provided for inspection, the insurance company may refuse compensation.

Thus, we have examined in detail the list of documents submitted to the company to receive compensation.

You can understand in more detail the procedure for contacting the insurance company after an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance, and how long it takes to contact the insurance company if an accident has occurred, read in.

Where to get it and where to submit it?

There is a difference in collisions and car accidents and it all depends on the damage, which were received by cars or people in an accident. That is why there is a difference in the list of necessary documents that must be provided to victims in the Investigative Committee.

If damage was caused to a vehicle, then one set of documents is submitted to the Investigative Committee; if damage was caused to the life and health of people, then another.

All the nuances and features of submitting documents to the insurance company should be explained to you by the insurer when concluding an insurance contract. After all, timely receipt of compensation payment is a very significant moment. In order to receive compensation on time (which ones are provided?) and not get confused in the documents that the victim must provide to the insurance company, the owner of the car needs to know about all the nuances of submitting documents to the insurance company.

The owner of a car needs to know how to write an application for compensation in case of an accident, what and when to take documents from the traffic police. Regardless of what kind of compulsory insurance policy you have (seasonal, issued for a year, unlimited, etc.), all documents submitted by the applicant will be thoroughly checked by the insurance company.

The owner of the car must understand that it is not profitable for the insurance company to pay for the damage suffered by the victim and they will always find something to complain about. In order to receive a compensation payment from the insurance company, the owner of the car must provide to the insurance company:

  1. The corresponding application for payment (you can download the form on the Internet or fill it out at the IC office).
  2. A certificate of an accident (if the accident was registered with the participation of traffic police officers) is obtained from the traffic police department.
  3. Passport of the damaged car (must be in the hands of the owner).
  4. Passport of the owner of the vehicle or his representative (must be in the hands of the citizen).
  5. Notification of an accident (issued along with the insurance contract and filled out on the spot by both participants in the accident).

One of the important documents is the traffic accident certificate issued by the traffic police. This document indicates the nuances and main points of the accident. This document must also reflect the circumstances of the accident and the damage caused by the culprit of the accident (see how money can be recovered from the culprit, see). To the Investigative Committee, the victim must provide not only a certificate, but also a document that is attached to it and which indicates the presence or absence of those killed or injured in the accident.

The certificate must contain the signature of the traffic police officer who issued it. Also, in addition to the signature, this certificate must contain the full name of the employee, his contact phone number and title.

IMPORTANT: It is not uncommon for insurance company employees to require a round seal on this document, but such a seal is not required for this document.

On the certificate, the traffic police officer must only put the corner stamp of his department. The victim must submit his application for compensation:

Filing an application for direct compensation for damage caused to the victim’s vehicle does not deprive him of the opportunity to submit an application to the insurance organization of the perpetrator to receive compensation for damage caused to life and health in the event that the fact of damage to life and health was discovered after the victim’s insurance company paid compensation for the damage caused car.

A correctly completed application must contain the following information:

Today, compensation in cash can only be obtained under contracts executed before 04/28/2017 or in exceptional cases. The preferred option for compensation for damage caused to the car under contracts concluded after this date is to send the car for repairs.


According to current legislation, the deadline for submitting an application to the Investigative Committee is calculated in working days, and weekends and holidays are not included in this period.

Also, the current legislation of the Russian Federation regulates the period for consideration of the victim’s application and in accordance with the provisions of Article 12. Clause 21 of Federal Law No. 40 The insurance company is obliged to consider the application, make a decision on it and make a payment or send it for repairs, or in case of refusal, provide a written reasoned refusal within 20 calendar days.

This period does not include non-working days and holidays.

What to do after submitting?

After submitting the application and all the necessary documents, you should wait for the response from the Investigative Committee. Within 20 calendar days, the insurance company must make a payment in cash (we talked in detail about the features of receiving payment under compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident

Reading time: 5 minutes

By purchasing an insurance policy, we hope that all costs in the event of an accident will be covered. This is how it should be, but in reality, not everything is solved simply. Even if the case is recognized as insured, payment may be refused. Therefore, it is important to know what documents are required for compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident in 2020.

OSAGO in case of an accident: payment procedure

To understand the issue, you need to study the updated version of the law on compulsory insurance. In Art. 7 Federal Law No. 40-FZ (as amended on January 1, 2020) specifies two amounts of insurance payments depending on the type of harm caused to the victim:

  • life or health – 2 million rubles;
  • property – 400 thousand rubles.

An injured third party can receive the maximum amount of compensation from each insurer if the damage was caused as a result of an accident involving two insured vehicles. Even when the owner of one of them is found innocent.

In general, the insurer is notified of the accident, then you need to submit a corresponding application and a package of documents to the insurance company. The main condition is recognition of the incident.

To properly build a relationship with the insurer, it is important to understand how to file an accident so that no questions arise. If the accident does not lead to serious consequences and there are no casualties, the inspector draws up a report on the administrative violation. A diagram of the accident and a description of the damage to the vehicle, as well as explanations of the participants and witnesses are also attached.

If there are several violators, a separate protocol is drawn up for each. When the culprit has disappeared, it is necessary to demand a copy of the decision to initiate the case.

According to the new regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (introduced by Order No. 664 of August 23, 2017), traffic police officers are exempt from issuing an extended certificate of an accident. Instead, a notification about the accident completed by the participants in the accident is submitted to the insurance company.

Documents for independent examination

In the normal course of events after an accident, you should not order an examination yourself. This is done in the direction of the IC in a specialized organization.

If you conduct an examination on your own initiative, the insurance company may ignore the conclusion issued without prior approval.

However, a voluntary assessment of the cost of upcoming treatment or repairs is often required in disputes under compulsory motor liability insurance. And this option also requires proper design. You must notify the insurance company of your decision within 3 days, and the experts will need to provide:

  • passport;
  • DCP or certificate-invoice confirming the cost of the vehicle;
  • SOP (CTS);
  • notification of an accident;
  • a copy of the service book, if available.

The procedure includes a preliminary consultation, inspection of the vehicle and drawing up a conclusion, which includes an inspection report of the scene of the accident (with photographic materials), an assessment of damage and the costs of purchasing components and repairs (taking into account the residual value). As a rule, with such documents it is almost impossible to underestimate the cost of restoring a vehicle.

More detailed information about what it is.

Complete list of documents for the insurance company

In general, in order to pay for insurance, you need to provide an impressive package of documents containing:

  • claim for damages;
  • passport;
  • STS and PTS;
  • power of attorney if the vehicle was not driven by the owner;
  • notification of an accident, protocol;
  • current bank details for transfer.

However, in each specific case, the list of required papers is determined by the scale of the accident and the severity of its consequences.

Minor incident

In case of a minor incident, the list of documents for registration of an accident with the insurance company is reduced as much as possible. These are mainly the papers mentioned above. As a rule, the usual registration procedure is applied, the form of which is attached to the policy. It needs to be added to the documents, but in this case there will be no accident report from the traffic police.

Damaged property

Property disputes always require careful preparation. The Investigative Committee approaches such matters scrupulously. The list of documents to be submitted to the insurance company will be expanded. In addition to those already mentioned, you will have to provide:

  • title documents;
  • expert report;
  • receipts for payment of the examination, tow truck, parking, other documents reflecting the damage caused and expenses caused by the accident.

You will also have to show the damaged vehicle. OSAGO does not deal with it, so such certificates are not needed.

Road accident with victims

If there are victims, in addition to contacting the insurance company after an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance, the following are provided:

  • confirmation of expenses for medicines and medical services;
  • certificate of hospitalization by ambulance, extract from the medical history;
  • medical report, certificate of disability or need for constant care, loss of ability to work;
  • certificate of average monthly income;
  • documents confirming the cost of retraining;
  • birth certificate of a dependent child.

It is always difficult to resolve issues related to compensation for personal injury. But it’s even more difficult after the death of a participant in the incident.

Fatal accident

Regardless of the degree of guilt and circumstances, the cause-and-effect relationship between the accident and the death of a person must be clearly visible, as well as the impact of this incident on the future life of the family of the deceased and those in his care. In this case, the additional documents provided to the insurance company in case of an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance are as follows:

  • death certificate (copy);
  • documents confirming funeral expenses;
  • papers with information about the dependent persons of the deceased. If these are children, birth certificates and certificates from places of study will be required;
  • consent of the guardianship authorities if payments are received by a representative of the minor.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. As a last resort, you can seek the help of a traffic lawyer.

Main deadlines

It is required to notify the insurance company of the occurrence of an insured event immediately, at the first opportunity, or within the time period specified in the contract.

The period for submitting documents to the insurance company after an accident is limited to 15 days. If a European protocol was drawn up - five.

If it is not possible to provide papers on time, supporting documents are required. Five days after the client’s request, the company is obliged to set a date for the examination.

After submitting the application within the next 20 working days, the insurer is obliged to compensate for the damage or provide a reasoned refusal in writing.


So, we can draw brief conclusions:

  1. The application procedure, list of documents and amount of compensation depend on the nature and consequences of the accident.
  2. You should take care of paying compensation at the stage of registering the incident.
  3. An independent examination will help get rid of the arbitrariness of the Investigative Committee.
  4. The application for reimbursement must be submitted as soon as possible.

Where should you start if you are involved in an accident? If you were injured in an accident, first of all contact the insurance company no later than 5 days after the accident, and the insurance company is obliged to transfer money to you within 30 days or write a reasoned refusal to pay.

What documents are needed for compulsory motor liability insurance to obtain insurance?

Preparing all the documents for compulsory motor liability insurance is not so difficult, but the most important thing is not to miss anything and carefully check the availability of certain papers. Below is a list of documents that may be needed when applying for insurance:

  • Copy of the vehicle owner's passport
  • Application for insurance payment
  • A certificate of an accident (original), issued by police officers, or a notification of an accident, filled out and signed by all participants in the accident, if the event was registered without traffic police officers
  • Resolution in a case of an administrative offense or refusal to initiate a case. It is given to you by a police officer when registering an accident.
  • Copy of vehicle passport (PTS)
  • Power of attorney from the owner of the vehicle, if you are not the direct owner of the vehicle, but are submitting an application
  • A copy of the driver's license of the person who was driving at the time of the incident
  • Receipts of payment for expenses associated with this accident: evacuation of the vehicle, place in the impound lot, etc.

Obtaining process: nuances

Having accepted a package of documents from you to obtain insurance under MTPL, the insurance company must issue you a certificate of receipt of the documents. As a rule, this is a list of accepted documents for obtaining compulsory motor liability insurance, signed by both sides.

However, it also happens that some companies try to shirk responsibility and, instead of sending money or a refusal in writing, respond to the client with a notification that they have not received this or that document. This is where the bureaucratic red tape begins, which inevitably leads to a loss of time and, in the end, to the fact that unscrupulous employees of such companies still manage to evade payments.

Therefore, if you are faced with the need to submit documents to an insurance company for the first time after an accident and are not entirely confident in your abilities, you should turn to professionals. Experienced lawyers will always help you correctly prepare documents for the insurance company in case of an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance, which will help you save a lot of time and money in the future.

According to established rules, road accidents can be either non-reportable or reportable. Unreported accidents are cases in which there are no injuries or fatalities, regardless of the damage caused to the vehicles.

Reportable road accidents include incidents during which people were injured. Such cases are recorded in reports, various reports, and are also subject to mandatory registration with official bodies.

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But regardless of the type, the incident must be properly documented in order to receive insurance compensation. To do this, you need to collect a certain list of documents.

What is processed on site

If there are no injuries or deaths as a result of the accident, then a traffic police inspector may be called to the scene of the incident.

During this time he must perform the following actions:

  • take testimony from eyewitnesses (if any) and participants in the accident;
  • execute a drawing;
  • carry out an inspection of the scene of the traffic accident and the vehicles that were involved in the accident;
  • draw up a document indicating all damage to the vehicle;
  • fill out a protocol on violation of the rules.

Based on the circumstances of the case, the traffic police officer issues a resolution, which will then be investigated.

In some cases, a traffic police officer may make a decision on an offense and send the participants in the incident for a medical examination. However, for unreported accidents, it may not do this.

If the participants in the accident were sent for a medical examination, then the results must be attached to the case file.

Participants in a traffic accident need to monitor all the actions of the traffic police officer and the correctness of filling out the necessary documents, since the determination of the culprit of the accident depends on this, who in the future may be brought to administrative responsibility.

The fact whose exact insurance company will be required to pay the insurance compensation also depends on this.

If during the incident the participants in the accident or other persons were injured, as well as if the accident was fatal, then not only a traffic police officer, but also an investigator, as well as a forensic specialist, goes to the scene of the accident.

The task force inspects the accident scene and carries out the following actions:

  • a diagram of the accident is drawn on graph paper;
  • participants in the accident must be sent for a medical examination to detect the presence of alcohol and drugs in their blood;
  • A technical inspection protocol is drawn up. vehicle condition and inspection;
  • a protocol on an administrative offense (AP) is drawn up or a determination of the need to initiate a case on an administrative violation;
  • a certificate of accident is issued;
  • take explanatory notes from persons involved in the accident and eyewitnesses of the event.

The data that has been collected is subsequently handed over to the investigator without fail.

He analyzes whether there are elements of a crime in the actions of the person responsible for the accident and, in accordance with this, decides how to classify the incident - as a criminal or an administrative case.

In the first case, the case is transferred to the investigative authorities or to the prosecutor's office, in order to then bring the culprit to criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

In case of an accident, the diagram is of particular importance. The accident diagram is a drawing in which the following details are noted:

  • accident location with main landmarks and street names;
  • markings, traffic lights (if any), location of signs that regulate traffic;
  • the point of collision of the vehicles, their location after the accident, and the distance from all landmarks.

Traffic police officers must take measurements using a tape measure. After reading the diagram, participants in an accident must sign if they agree with the document drawn up.

The traffic police officer must make all the additions and changes noted by the participants in the accident in the diagram.

In addition, participants and eyewitnesses of the accident must express in writing their point of view on the reasons that resulted in the accident.

Drivers must logically and competently explain their actions during a collision. This will make it possible, to some extent, to convince the traffic police officer of the veracity of his version of what happened, and as a result, reduce his share of responsibility.

After completing the above steps, a certificate of accident is drawn up.

The completed certificates of the accident and the accident report are provided to both participants in the incident. In the certificates, the inspector must record visible damage to vehicles.

Based on the information recorded in the certificates, car owners will be able to subsequently receive compensation for damage from the insurance company.

That is why it is very important to indicate all damages that may not even be noticeable at first glance.

But it is categorically unacceptable to include old faults in such a document, since this is an offense and the driver can be held accountable.

Making a decision is the final stage of registration of an accident. This document indicates the victim, as well as the fact of bringing him to justice in accordance with current legislation.

In practice, there are cases when both participants in the accident are at fault and then the degree of responsibility is determined for each driver.

The conclusion that the traffic police officer made in the decision regarding the culprit of the incident must correspond to the traffic rules that were violated during the accident.

If the culprit of the accident does not agree with the conclusions of the traffic police officer regarding his guilt and the extent of responsibility, then he can appeal the inspector’s decision in accordance with the procedure established by law. This can be done within 10 days.

To do this, the driver needs to express his claims in the accident report, justifying them with the provisions of regulations and significant arguments. In the future, the driver can also file a claim in court.

Documents required for insurance after an accident

Every driver must have liability insurance. Accordingly, the party injured in the accident can receive insurance compensation from the insurer.

But to do this, you need to know what documents need to be provided to the insurer. Below is a list of documents for insurance in case of an accident.

According to OSAGO

If the culprit of the incident has a registered claim, then his insurer is obliged to compensate for the damage caused to the injured party.

Accordingly, in this case, the insurance company will not pay any funds to restore the car to the person responsible for the accident.

If the insured person has compulsory motor liability insurance, then when contacting the insurance company after an accident, the following documents will be needed:

  • copy of the passport;
  • copy of driver's license;
  • original MTPL insurance policy;
  • certificate issued by a traffic police officer;
  • administrative violation protocol;
  • resolution;
  • technical passport of the vehicle.


Provides compensation for damages even to the guilty party.

In the event of an accident, the following documents must be presented to the insurance company to receive compensation:

  • passport or other identification document;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • inspection certificate;
  • original certificate from the traffic police;
  • CASCO policy;
  • protocol on administrative offense
  • driver's license of the person who was driving at the time of the accident
  • by car;
  • certificate from a traffic police officer;
  • the account to which the compensation will be credited.

If citizens were injured in an accident, then other documents must also be submitted to the insurance company in case of an accident with victims.

In particular, in addition to the listed documents, you must also provide a death certificate (copy) or a medical report to the insurance company.

If there are no injuries as a result of the accident
  1. If you are not going to apply for payment of insurance compensation under CASCO in case of an accident, and also, together with other participants in the incident, decided not to apply to the insurance company for payment of insurance compensation under OSAGO, then you can leave the scene of the accident without notifying the traffic police and completing any documents.
  2. If you have no disagreements regarding the circumstances of the accident and the damage to the vehicle (vehicle) with other participants in the accident, then you can leave the scene of the accident and register it at the nearest traffic police post or police department, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles. Moreover, if the accident involved 2 vehicles (including vehicles with trailers), the owners of which have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, and the damage was caused only by this vehicle, then you can draw up documents about the accident without the participation of police officers by filling out an accident notification form.
  3. If you have disagreements with other participants in an accident regarding the circumstances of the accident, the nature and list of visible damage to the vehicle, then write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses to the accident, call the traffic police and act in accordance with the instructions of the police officer. If you receive instructions from a police officer to fill out documents about an accident at the nearest traffic police post or police department, record, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles.
  4. Fill out the road accident notification form that is attached to the MTPL policy (the form contains instructions for filling it out).
  5. It is necessary to obtain a certificate of an accident from the traffic police officers (if the registration of the fact of the accident was carried out by the traffic police officers) together with other participants in the accident.
If there are injuries as a result of an accident
  1. Set up a warning triangle and turn on your hazard lights.
  2. Provide first aid to victims.
  3. Call an ambulance and the police and wait for the traffic police to arrive at the scene of the incident to document it.
  4. Write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses to the accident.
  5. Do not remove the car or touch anything at the scene of the accident until the traffic police arrive to preserve the original picture of the event.
  6. Fill out the road accident notification form that is attached to the MTPL policy (the form contains instructions for filling out) together with other participants in the road accident.
  7. Upon arrival, traffic police officers must obtain a certificate of the accident and an appendix to it indicating the presence of victims.
  8. Keep the damaged vehicle until it is inspected by an insurer's representative.

Application procedure and list of documents

Procedure for applying under the MTPL policy

If in an accident:

  1. Only the vehicles involved in the accident were damaged.
  2. Two or more vehicles were involved (accident since September 26, 2017) / two vehicles (accident before September 26, 2017).
  3. No people were injured, only vehicles were damaged

You are a victim of an accident

  • Notify the insurance company of the occurrence of an insured event.
  • Contact to your insurance company for direct compensation of losses within 5 working days with a set of documents provided for by the MTPL Rules.

You are the culprit of the accident

Report the victim's series and your policy number OSAGO and remind him that he should contact his insurance company for direct compensation of losses.

In other cases, the victim must contact the insurer of the harm causer (when more than two vehicles were involved in the accident and damage was caused to life or health or to property other than the vehicle).

List of documents in case of damage to property, including a car

  1. Document, identification document recipient of insurance compensation (passport).
    • If recipient - foreign citizen, then a notarized translation or a translation of the foreign citizen’s passport certified by the embassy is required.
  2. If you contact not the owner of the vehicle, That
    • if the vehicle belongs to an individual, it is necessary to submit a notarized power of attorney or a handwritten power of attorney with the right to represent the interests of the owner in Rosgosstrakh;
    • if the vehicle belongs to a legal entity - a power of attorney certified by the signature of the general director and the seal of the owner organization. A handwritten power of attorney for the right to represent interests in an insurance company is not required if a waybill (route sheet, etc.) at the time of the event or a power of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle has been issued and submitted to the Applicant.
  3. Documents confirming ownership victim or other person for damaged property (for example, the original vehicle registration certificate (VTC) or the original PTS) and right to receive insurance payment in case of damage to property owned by another person. If the vehicle is leased/rented - a corresponding agreement.
  4. Documents from competent authorities:
    Documents drawn up by a traffic police officer (protocol, resolution, determination), which must contain the following information::
  5. Protocol on an administrative offense + resolution on an administrative offense (if drawn up).
  6. Notification of an accident.
  7. Determination of refusal to initiate a case of an administrative offense (if drawn up).
  8. Recipient details if the selected reimbursement option is payment based on calculation.
  9. Notarized power of attorney indicating the transfer of the right to receive insurance compensation (if the recipient of compensation is not the owner of the vehicle, and the owner of the vehicle is an individual).

Conditions for applying without certificates

  1. The amount of damage does not exceed 50,000 rubles if the accident occurred before June 2, 2018 and 100,000 rubles if the accident occurred on June 2, 2018. or later. If the amount of damage exceeds the established limit, then an appeal is possible, but payment will be limited to the specified amount.
  2. Amount of damage for road accidents that occurred before October 1, 2019. in the territories of federal cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, and the circumstances of which were recorded using the RSA mobile application “Road accidents. Europrotocol” does not exceed 400 thousand rubles (if it exceeds, then an appeal is possible, but the payment will be limited to the specified amount).
  3. Amount of damage for road accidents that occurred on October 1, 2019. and later on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the circumstances of which were recorded using the RSA mobile application “Road Accident. Europrotocol” does not exceed 400 thousand rubles (if it exceeds, then an appeal is possible, but the payment will be limited to the specified amount).
  4. The accident occurred as a result of the interaction (collision) of two vehicles.
  5. As a result of the accident, no damage was caused to life, health or other property other than the vehicle.
  6. Both participants in the accident are insured under MTPL.
  7. It is clearly defined who is at fault and who is the victim in an accident.
  8. The circumstances of the harm and the list of visible damage to the vehicle do not cause disagreement among the participants in the accident and are recorded in the accident notifications.
  9. If the culprit and the victim have not been identified, or there are disagreements regarding the circumstances of the harm and the list of damages (i.e., the conditions specified in clauses 6 and 7 are not met), then the participants in the accident must use the RSA mobile application “Road Accident. Europrotocol" to record the circumstances of the event. Mobile application “Road accident. Europrotocol" is available for download on Google Play and App Store.

Additional documents for applying under the Europrotocol

  1. An accident notification form filled out by both drivers of the vehicles involved in the accident.
  2. Photo and/or video materials of vehicles and their damage from the scene of an accident, as well as data recorded using the RSA mobile application “Road Accident. Europrotocol".
  3. When applying under the Euro Protocol, the culprit, at the request of the Insurer, is obliged to provide the vehicle for inspection to the insurer. Also, each participant in an accident is required to send a completed Road Accident Notice to his insurer.
List of documents in case of harm to life and health
  1. General documents:
    • Document, identification document recipient of insurance compensation (passport).
    • power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the Victim in the insurance company (for individuals - a power of attorney certified by a notary, or a handwritten power of attorney, subject to execution in the presence of a representative of the insurance company).
  2. Consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, if the payment of insurance compensation will be made to the legal representative of a person (injured beneficiary) under the age of 18 years.
  3. Documentation competent authorities:
      • date, time and place of the event, date of document preparation;
      • description of the circumstances of the incident, number of participants;
      • Full names of the drivers of the culprit(s) and victims of the accident, or information about the absence of drivers in the vehicle at the time of the accident, full names of the owners of the vehicle;
      • make, model, state reg. the number of the participants’ vehicles, as well as the damage they received and damage caused to other property;
      • series and number of the MTPL policy of the culprit(s), the victim, the name of the insurance company where their liability is insured or a note about its absence;
      • violation of the traffic rules clause or art. by the participants of the declared event. Code of Administrative Offenses or information about the absence of traffic violations;
      • the name of the traffic police officer who indicated all of the above information or the number of his badge (in the notice or documents of the traffic police).
    • notification of an accident.
    • administrative violation protocol,
      or resolution in a case of an administrative offense,
      or ruling on refusal to initiate proceedings regarding an administrative offense,
      or determination to initiate a case of an administrative offense,
      or when investigating an event in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation - a resolution (definition) of the investigative authorities, a decision (definition) or a court verdict.

The contract of the person responsible for the accident was concluded after 04/01/2015 (inclusive)

  • Medical documents indicating the nature of the injuries and injuries received by the victim, diagnosis and period of incapacity from the medical organization to which the Victim was delivered or applied independently.
  • If a disability group or “disabled child” category has been established: a certificate from a medical and social examination establishing the disability group (category).

When causing harm to life

If the deceased at the time of the accident had and had the right to receive maintenance from him (the criteria for classifying persons as dependents are the incapacity for work and the dependent condition of the victim):

  • If the Deceased was dependent on a minor child under the age of 14: birth certificate.
  • If the deceased was dependent on a minor child aged 14 to 18 years: birth certificate, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • If the deceased was dependent on a child under the age of 23 studying full-time (full-time) education: birth certificate, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, certificate from an educational institution about full-time (full-time) education.
  • If the Deceased was dependent on a non-working spouse caring for a minor child under 14 years of age: birth certificate, marriage certificate, certificate from the place of work, if caring for a child under 3 years of age, certificate from the employment service about unemployment, or if the spouse is not registered with the labor exchange, a certificate from the pension fund or tax office about the absence of contributions, if caring for a child over 3 years of age.
  • In other cases, to confirm the fact of being a dependent, it is necessary to provide a court decision or documents from the social security authorities.

If the deceased had no dependents at the time of the accident, payment can be made relatives of the deceased: spouse, parents and children of the deceased or citizens who depended on the victim:

  • When submitting a claim for payment by a spouse: marriage certificate.
  • when making a claim for payment by children or parents: birth certificate
  • when making a claim for payment by the breadwinners of the Deceased: a court decision or documents from the social security authorities stating that the Deceased was dependent and did not work
  • documents confirming funeral expenses - receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services.
The agreement of the person responsible for the accident was concluded until March 31, 2015 (inclusive)

In case of harm to health

  • Medical documents indicating the nature of the injuries and injuries received by the victim, diagnosis and period of incapacity from the medical organization to which the victim was delivered or applied independently.

If installed disability group or category “disabled child”:

  • certificate from a medical and social examination establishing the group (category) of disability.

If expenses are incurred for treatment and purchase of medicines, to which the victim is not entitled to receive free of charge within the framework of the Program of State Guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • extract from the medical history from the medical institution,
  • payment documents confirming payment for the services of a medical institution (for example, receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services),
  • payment documents confirming payment for purchased drugs (for example, receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services).

If lost earnings(income):

  • certificates of incapacity for work for all periods of incapacity for work, or another document confirming temporary incapacity for work in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (sheet of exemption from official duties for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel, certificate in form No. 095u certifying the temporary incapacity of a student, pupil, child),
  • medical examination report on the degree of loss of professional or general ability to work (if any),
  • a certificate of average monthly earnings (income), scholarships, pensions, benefits that the victim had for the 12 months preceding the accident.

If expenses are incurred for extra food:

  • conclusion of a medical commission indicating the diagnosis and the period during which the victim needed additional nutrition,
  • a certificate from a medical organization about the composition of the daily food package of additional food required for the victim,
  • payment documents confirming payment for purchased products from the supplementary food set (for example, receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services).

If expenses are incurred for dental prosthetics (orthotics):

  • dental patient card,
  • certificate of work performed from the dental clinic,

If expenses are incurred for prosthetics (orthotics) of body parts or organs:

  • medical report on the need for prosthetics (orthotics) indicating the diagnosis,
  • payment documents confirming payment for prosthetics (orthotics) services (for example, receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services).

If expenses are incurred for outside care:

  • conclusion of a medical commission on the need for outside care, indicating the diagnosis and the period during which the victim needed outside care,
  • payment documents confirming payment for care services (for example, receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services).

If expenses are incurred for Spa treatment:

  • a conclusion from a medical commission on the need for sanatorium-resort treatment indicating the diagnosis, or a certificate for obtaining a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment, form 070/u,
  • an extract from the medical history issued by the institution where the spa treatment was carried out,
  • a sanatorium-resort voucher or a tear-off coupon for a sanatorium-resort voucher,
  • payment documents confirming payment for a trip to a sanatorium-resort treatment (for example, receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services).

If purchasing costs are incurred special vehicles:

  • conclusion of a medical commission on the need to purchase special vehicles indicating the diagnosis,
  • PTS or certificate of registration of the vehicle,
  • contract for the sale and purchase of a special vehicle,
  • payment documents confirming payment for services for the purchase of special vehicles (for example, receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services).

If expenses are incurred to prepare for another profession:

  • conclusion of a medical commission on the need to prepare for another profession (retraining) indicating the diagnosis,
  • agreement with an organization providing vocational training (retraining),
  • payment documents confirming payment for vocational training (retraining) services (for example, receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services).

If expenses are incurred for medical rehabilitation and other expenses caused by damage to health:

  • documents confirming the need to receive relevant services or items,
  • payment documents confirming payment for services of such expenses (for example, receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services).

When causing harm to life

  • Death certificate from the registry office.
  • Documents confirming funeral expenses (receipts, cash and sales receipts, work orders for the provision of work and services, acceptance certificates for work and services.

If the deceased at the time of the accident had dependent persons and having the right to receive maintenance from him (the criteria for classifying persons as dependents are the disability and dependent condition of the Victim):

  • if the deceased was dependent on a minor child under the age of 14: birth certificate;
  • if the deceased was dependent on a minor child aged 14 to 18 years: birth certificate, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • if the deceased was dependent on a child under the age of 23 studying full-time (full-time) education: birth certificate, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, certificate from an educational institution about full-time (full-time) education;
  • if the deceased was dependent on a non-working spouse caring for a minor child under 14 years of age: birth certificate, marriage certificate, certificate from place of work, if caring for a child under 3 years of age, certificate from employment service about unemployment, or if the spouse is not registered with the labor exchange, a certificate from the pension fund or tax office about the absence of contributions, if caring for a child over 3 years of age;
  • in other cases, to confirm the fact of being a dependent, it is necessary to provide a court decision or documents from the social security authorities.
The procedure for applying for a CASCO policy in case of an accident

Accidents and damage

To receive insurance compensation for CASCO in case of an accident, contact the Unified Contact Center of the Rosgosstrakh company by calling 0530 or 8-800-200-0-900 for advice and identifying an office to submit an application for payment. When submitting an application, you must also submit the following set of documents:

  • a written statement in the established form detailing all the circumstances of the incident known to you (to be filled out at the Rosgosstrakh company division);
  • CASCO policy/agreement;
  • Documents drawn up by a traffic police officer (protocol, resolution, determination), which must contain the following information:
    • Information about the location of the accident;
    • Date and time of the accident;
    • Circumstances of the event (description of the order of movement of the vehicles involved in the accident);
    • Full name, registration address of the person driving the insured vehicle (if it was in motion). If the vehicle was not in motion, a record of this. Full surname and initials;
    • Full name of the person(s) responsible for causing the damage and their registered address. If the persons are not identified, then a record of this fact;
    • List of damage caused to vehicles involved in an accident or other property;
    • Makes and models of vehicles involved in road accidents. The make and model number (or VIN) of the vehicle is enough.
  • a copy of the Protocol on an administrative offense + a copy of the Resolution on an administrative offense, certified by the signature of the employee who compiled them (if the documents were drawn up);
  • a copy of the determination to initiate or refuse to initiate a case of an administrative offense, certified by the signature of the employee who compiled it (if the document was drawn up);
  • in the case of a medical examination - its results;
  • driver's license of the person driving the vehicle at the time of the accident;
  • vehicle registration certificate (or PTS);
  • a handwritten power of attorney for the right to represent interests in the insurance company, if the applicant is not the owner or he is not indicated in the CASCO policy as a person admitted to management (in this case, the owner of the vehicle is an individual);
  • a notarized power of attorney indicating the transfer of the right to receive insurance compensation (if the recipient of the compensation is not the owner of the vehicle, and the owner of the vehicle is an individual);
  • power of attorney for the right to conduct business in an insurance company, certified by the seal of the organization (if the owner is a legal entity).
  • You cannot sign blank document forms! Information about witnesses to an accident must be included in the protocol.
  • If you do not agree with the determination of the fact of violation of the Traffic Rules or with the amount of the fine imposed, the inspector is obliged to draw up a “Protocol on an Administrative Offence”. If, when drawing up the Protocol, you are immediately found guilty, do not refuse to sign this Protocol.
  • If you do not agree with the information presented in it, write down your opinion on this matter in a special column. In the Protocol, cross out the word “violator” and write “driver”, and also add “I do not consider myself to be at fault for the accident.”

The accident did not cause serious consequences

In this case, the following documents are drawn up:

  • Protocol on an administrative offense or a Determination on initiating a case on an administrative offense;
  • Resolution in a case of an administrative offense or a ruling on refusal to initiate a case of an administrative offense.
  • road accident diagram;
  • description of mechanical damage to the vehicle;
  • explanations of participants and eyewitnesses of the accident.

The accident caused serious consequences

In the event of severe or moderate bodily injury, loss of life, as well as in the event of major material damage, the following documents are drawn up:

  • a protocol on an administrative offense or a ruling on the initiation of a case on an administrative offense;
  • protocol for inspection and verification of the technical condition of the vehicle;
  • road accident diagram (done on graph paper);
  • act of medical examination for drug or alcohol intoxication of participants in an accident;
  • explanatory notes from drivers involved in the accident and eyewitness accounts.

A list of service stations where repairs under compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance are possible is available.

What to choose in case of an accident: comprehensive insurance or compulsory motor liability insurance

Choose insurance based on your needs.

OSAGO CASCO "Rosgosstrakh"
Maximum payout 400,000 rub. for damage to property,
500,000 rub. for harm to health
according to your agreement
Refund Form money/direction for repairs payment of bills/referral for repairs
Application settlement period 20 calendar days (excluding non-working holidays) 20 working days
Restrictions on circulation the person at fault for the accident does not receive compensation for damages according to your agreement
OSAGO calculator CASCO calculator

What to do if your car is stolen

  1. Immediately report the vehicle theft to the police by calling 02 (from a landline number) or (from a mobile phone);
  2. If the vehicle is equipped with a search and detection system, immediately activate this system;
  3. Immediately, no later than one business day, notify Rosgosstrakh about the event and coordinate your further actions by calling the company's 24-hour Unified Contact Center at:
  4. Immediately submit a written application to the territorial department of internal affairs at the place where the vehicle was stolen/theft;
  5. Within 3 working days, submit a written statement about the event to Rosgosstrakh and provide the necessary documents.

  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • passport (military ID, foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document identifying the applicant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • waybill for the last individual who drove the vehicle (if the Policyholder is a legal entity);
  • complete sets of original keys for the stolen vehicle;
  • complete sets of control panels, key fobs, cards - active and passive activators of all electronic and electronic-mechanical anti-theft systems, all keys to mechanical anti-theft devices equipped with the insured car;
  • if any documents/keys were added to the materials of the criminal case regarding the theft of a vehicle, it is necessary to submit a document confirming the seizure of the keys/documents from the competent authorities;
  • resolution to initiate a criminal case regarding the theft of an insured vehicle (its certified copy);
  • details of the recipient of the insurance compensation.

Procedure in case of vehicle fire

  1. Immediately report the event to the state fire service by calling 01 or (from a mobile phone).
  2. Immediately submit a written application to the territorial department of internal affairs at the place where the vehicle was damaged.
  3. Within 5 working days, submit a written statement about the event and the necessary documents to Rosgosstrakh, and also present the vehicle for inspection.

Required documents for application

  • a written statement in the prescribed form detailing all the circumstances of the incident known to you;
  • voluntary vehicle insurance policy/agreement;
  • PTS / vehicle registration certificate;
  • passport (military ID, foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document identifying the applicant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • expert opinion from the state fire service indicating the make, model, state registration plate of the car, VIN number, list of damage, date and location of the incident, cause of the fire;
  • resolution to initiate or refuse to initiate a criminal case;
  • a handwritten power of attorney for the right to represent interests in the insurance company, if you are not the owner or are not included in the insurance policy as a person allowed to drive (the owner of the vehicle is an individual);
  • a notarized power of attorney indicating the transfer of the right to receive insurance compensation (if you will receive compensation and are not the owner of the vehicle, the owner of the vehicle is an individual);
  • power of attorney for the right to conduct business in the insurance company, certified by the seal of the organization (if the owner is a legal entity).

A complete list of documents is contained in the current ones. The specified list may be shortened/expanded by the Insurer depending on the amount of damage caused.

Procedure in case of damage to a vehicle as a result of a natural disaster

  1. Immediately report to the territorial department of internal affairs, the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the district administration to receive a certificate confirming the fact of damage to the vehicle as a result of this natural disaster, indicating the make, model, state registration plate of the car, list of damage, date and location of the incident *;
  2. Report the event to the government agency that supervises and controls the state of the environment (for example, the Hydrometeorological Center or the Ministry of Emergency Situations) to receive a certificate confirming the fact of a natural disaster. The certificate must contain the name of the specific area (territory) of the incident, the time interval and a clearly stated nature of the natural disaster that occurred (speed, wind force, quantity and quality of precipitation, etc.)*;
  3. Immediately, no later than 1 business day, notify Rosgosstrakh about an event that has signs of insurance, and coordinate your further actions by calling the 24-hour Unified Contact Center of the Rosgosstrakh company:

*it is possible to provide one certificate if it contains all the listed information about the fact of a natural disaster and damage to the vehicle.

Required documents for application

  • a written statement in the prescribed form detailing all the circumstances of the incident known to you;
  • voluntary vehicle insurance policy/agreement;
  • passport (military ID, foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document identifying the applicant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • a certificate from the state body exercising supervision and control over the state of the environment confirming the fact of a natural disaster, which must indicate the cause and date of the event;
  • a certificate from the territorial department of internal affairs, the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the district administration confirming the fact of damage to the vehicle as a result of the occurrence of this natural disaster; indicating the make, model, state registration plate of the car, list of damages, date and location of the incident (if this information is not included in the certificate issued by the state body monitoring the state of the environment);
  • a handwritten power of attorney for the right to represent interests in the insurance company, if you are not the owner or are not included in the insurance policy as a person allowed to drive (the owner of the vehicle is an individual);
  • a notarized power of attorney indicating the transfer of the right to receive insurance compensation (if you will receive compensation and are not the owner of the vehicle, the owner of the vehicle is an individual);
  • power of attorney for the right to conduct business in the insurance company, certified by the seal of the organization (if the owner is a legal entity).

A complete list of documents is contained in the current ones. The specified list may be shortened/expanded by the Insurer depending on the amount of damage caused.

Damage to the vehicle as a result of illegal actions of third parties

It is important to understand how the damage occurred. If the damage was caused by illegal actions of third parties, it is necessary to call the police, if caused by an unknown vehicle - traffic police officers.

  1. Immediately report to the territorial department of internal affairs bodies.
  2. Immediately, no later than one business day, notify Rosgosstrakh about an event that has signs of insurance, and coordinate your further actions by calling the 24-hour Unified Contact Center of the Rosgosstrakh company:
  3. Within 5 working days, submit a written statement about the event to Rosgosstrakh, present the necessary documents and vehicle for inspection.

Required documents for application

  • a written statement in the prescribed form detailing all the circumstances of the incident known to you;
  • voluntary vehicle insurance policy/agreement;
  • PTS/vehicle registration certificate;
  • passport (military ID, foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other document identifying the applicant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • a resolution to initiate or refuse to initiate a criminal case, indicating the make, model, state registration plate of the car, a list of damages, the location, date and circumstances of the incident;
  • a handwritten power of attorney for the right to represent interests in the insurance company, if you are not the owner or are not included in the insurance policy as a person allowed to drive (the owner of the vehicle is an individual);
  • a notarized power of attorney indicating the transfer of the right to receive insurance compensation (if you will receive compensation and are not the owner of the vehicle, the owner of the vehicle is an individual);
  • power of attorney for the right to conduct business in the insurance company, certified by the seal of the organization (if the owner is a legal entity).

A complete list of documents is contained in the current ones. The specified list may be shortened/expanded by the Insurer depending on the amount of damage caused.

Actions in case of an accident abroad

  1. Stay calm and be polite.
  2. Turn on your warning lights and post warning signs in front of the accident site.
  3. Report the accident to the traffic police (for EU countries there is a single number for emergency calls - ).
  4. If there are victims:
    • Call an ambulance (for EU countries - a single telephone number).
    • Before the ambulance crew arrives, provide all possible assistance to the victims.
  5. If possible, obtain the contact information (telephone number) of eyewitnesses before they leave the scene of the accident.
  6. Try to obtain a European accident notification form from another participant/participants. (Accident statement) and fill it out.
  7. Do not sign documents whose meaning you do not understand.
  8. If you are unable to complete the European Road Accident Notification Form (Accident Statement) or get a copy of it, write down the license plate(s) and make(s) of vehicles (and trailers) involved in the accident.
  9. Give other participants in the road accident who intend to make a claim for compensation for harm, a tear-off copy of your Green Card, and if it is missing, provide the Green Card number, address and telephone number of the national Green Card Bureau of the country in which the road accident occurred.
  10. From another participant in the accident, obtain information in a similar way about his compulsory insurance policy for vehicle owners.
  11. It is recommended to photograph the scene of the accident, the vehicles involved in the accident, as well as the insurance policy of the other participant in the accident.
  12. Obtain a document from the traffic police confirming the fact of the accident (if the issuance of such a document is provided for by the legislation of the country in which the accident occurred).
  13. Inform the foreign Green Card Bureau about the fact of the accident (cases when this does not need to be done, as well as the phone numbers and addresses of the Bureau, see the back of your Green Card).
  14. Report the accident to your insurance company.
  15. Keep documents confirming the expenses incurred in connection with the accident (in some countries, if you are recognized as a victim, you will be able to claim compensation for expenses based on these documents).

For more information, please contact the RSA information center by calling:

Recommendations for completing the European Road Accident Notification Form

The purpose of this form is to jointly draw up a statement together with other participants in the accident about the circumstances of the accident. Drivers from Green Card countries have the notice form in their native language. Please use their application form and refer to this guide. Preferably using a ballpoint pen, fill out either the blue or yellow part of the accident notice (For example, a French driver might fill out their part of the claim form in French, leaving the part of the claim form blank, which you will fill out in Latin. You will understand the meaning of the questions by reading them in your memo).

Do not forget:

  • clearly mark (in paragraph 10) the location of the initial impact;
  • place a cross (X) in each corresponding square on your side (point 12) and set the total number of squares;
  • draw a diagram of the accident (point 13), indicating all the stated information.
  • When you are satisfied that the facts are accurate, sign this notice yourself and obtain the signature of the other driver (point 15).
  • Get yourself a copy of the completed accident notification form.
  • Send it by any means that provides proof of delivery to your insurer within 15 days from the moment of the accident.