Form announcement for cash contribution A5 stationery. New announcement form for cash donation

An announcement for cash deposit is a document on the basis of which cash is deposited into a bank account. The announcement form for cash contributions is being developed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. From November 1, 2014, a new announcement form for cash contributions 0402001 is in effect.

Form 0402001 consists of three documents: an advertisement, a receipt for it and a receipt order. These three documents are filled out in the same way. The completed announcement form remains with the bank employee. The receipt signed by the bank employee is returned to the organization or individual entrepreneur, who deposits cash into the current account. The receipt order is transferred to the bank's accounting department and attached to the bank statement.

The reverse operation to withdraw money from a current account is carried out on the basis of a check, a sample of which can be downloaded.

Sample filling

Instructions for filling out the advertisement:

No.: form number.

Date: date of filling out form 0402001 – date of depositing cash into the bank account.

From: the name of the organization that deposits cash into the bank.

Debit: sender's account number.

Recipient: the name of the organization to whose account the cash is received.

Credit: recipient's current account number.

The “debit” and “credit” fields can be left blank; the bank employee will indicate the necessary data when receiving cash.

TIN: identification tax number recipient.

Account No.: recipient's current account number.

Depositing bank: name and BIC of the bank servicing the person depositing money to the current account.

Recipient bank: name and BIC of the bank of the recipient of the money.

Amount in words: sum of money deposited into the current account.

Amount in figures: the same amount in figures.

Source of income: the source type is indicated.

Symbol/amount: the symbol of the source of money receipt according to the symbol nomenclature and the corresponding amount of money for this symbol are indicated.

The most commonly used symbols in cash deposit advertisements are:

  • 02 – revenue from sales of goods;
  • 05 – revenue of public passenger transport;
  • 08 – utility bills;
  • 11 – revenue from services sold;
  • 12 – tax receipts;
  • 14 – repayment of loans;
  • 16 – deposits individuals;
  • 19 – receipts to the account of individual entrepreneurs;
  • 28 – return wages;
  • 32 – others.

The receipt and order for the announcement for cash contributions are filled out in the same way.

With the help of this announcement, organizations register the deposit of cash from the cash register to their own settlement (current) account with the servicing bank.

Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated April 24, 2008 No. 318-P approved an announcement form for cash contributions (form according to OKUD 0402001), which, in addition to the announcement, also contains an order and an acceptance receipt credit institution cash from the organization.

An announcement for a contribution, the filling of which is entrusted to the organization’s accountant or bank employee, is drawn up by hand or using a computer, with all the details of the form preserved. At the same time, such details as account holder, account number and bank name may be indicated in advertisements with stamps. Corrections and blots are not allowed!

Please note that when filling out an ad:

  1. The date of payment is the actual date of presentation of money to the bank.
  2. sources of cash receipts must be indicated in the appropriate columns both in words and in code form.
Basic codes (symbols) of sources of income:
  • 02 Receipts of trade revenue from the sale of consumer goods, regardless of the channels of their sale;
  • 05 Revenue receipts from passenger transport;
  • 08 Receipts of rent and utility payments;
  • 09 Receipts of entertainment enterprises;
  • 11 Revenue receipts from enterprises providing other services;
  • 12 Revenues from taxes and fees;
  • 15 Proceeds from the sale of real estate;
  • 16 Receipts to accounts on deposits of citizens (except for the Savings Bank Russian Federation);
  • 17 Receipts from enterprises of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Information;
  • 18 Receipts from institutions of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • 19 Receipts to the accounts of citizens carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity;
  • 20 Cash receipts from sales of government and other securities(except for the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation)
  • 28 Refund of wages and other equivalent payments;
  • 30 Cash receipts at the cash desks of credit institutions from foreign exchange transactions with individuals;
  • 32 Other income.
Checking the correctness of filling out the contribution announcement is carried out by the bank's operational and cashiers. The cashier has the right to accept cash only if the document is filled out without errors and the actual amount deposited coincides with that stated in the advertisement. After accepting the cash, the cashier signs, stamps and hands over to the depositor a receipt, which is subsequently attached to and used as a supporting monetary document.

If the cashier discovers a discrepancy between the amount actually deposited and the amount indicated in the document, the announcement for a cash deposit is subject to re-issuance and correction by the client.

Also, for admission and enrollment cash to current accounts legal entities banks can use a transfer sheet for a bag with ruble cash.

No organization has the right to keep cash in the cash register in excess of the limit, which is established by calculation. The procedure is determined in the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 11, 2014 N 3210-U. The exception is days of payment of wages, benefits or scholarships.

If the company's cash desk at the end of the working day exceeds the limit, then the difference (money in fact minus the limit) must be handed over to the bank or credit institution in which the current account is opened. If you violate established order conducting cash transactions, the organization can be fined from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles, and the responsible employee - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles (15.1 of the Administrative Code).

The cash deposit transaction must be formalized with a special document, and the cash must be taken to the bank along with it. First, the cashier must issue a cash order for the amount of excess cash and generate a report that completes the operations for the working day.

Announcement for cash contribution: 2019 form

A document intended for depositing cash into a company's current account. Only an employee of the institution for whom a power of attorney of the established form has been issued can perform the operation. A blank announcement form for a cash contribution can be downloaded below.

New form OKUD 0402001 “Announcement for cash contributions”, approved by Directive of the Bank of Russia dated July 30, 2014 N 3352-U. The document consists of three tabular blocks:

  1. Announcement for cash payment.
  2. Receipt.
  3. Order.

Almost all table block details duplicate each other. This can be filled out not only by an employee of the organization, but also by the cashier of the servicing bank.

Announcement for cash contribution, form, download Word format

Sample of filling out an announcement for a cash contribution 2019

Let's consider in the form of a table how to fill out an advertisement for a cash contribution.

Field name


We indicate the date of transfer of cash to the bank.

We register the full name of the employee who actually deposits funds into the account. We remember that a power of attorney must be issued for this employee at the bank.


Full name of the organization to whose account we are depositing cash.

We indicate identification number taxpayer - budgetary organization

The field values ​​are identical; we enter the number of the current account into which we deposit money.

Credit account no.

To be credited to the account

Name of the depositing bank, BIC

We write the name and BIC of the bank branch ( credit organization), through the cash desk of which we transfer funds.

Name of the recipient bank, BIC

We fill in the name of the bank and BIC in which the company's current account is opened.

“Sum in numbers”, “Sum(s) in figures”, “Sum”

The field values ​​are identical; we indicate the amount of cash to be deposited into the account. We put the amount in numbers, kopecks - separated by a hyphen.

A numeric code characterizing the source of income. Codes and meanings are regulated in Bank of Russia Directive N 4212-U.

Amount in words

We fill out the field, put dashes in the remaining space, and add “rub” at the end.

Source of income

We decipher the symbol field, that is, indicate the text value of the numeric code.


Signature of the organization employee indicated in the “from” field.

The remaining fields should be left blank, as they must be filled out by a bank employee. Carefully check that the fields are filled out correctly so as not to waste time creating a new announcement for a cash contribution (you can download the form above). Corrections and blots in the document are not allowed. You can fill out the document by hand or on a computer, or print it from an accounting program.

Procedure for depositing cash at the bank

With the completed form and cash, the employee of the institution goes to the bank. The employee transfers the completed paper and funds to the bank's cash desk. The bank teller checks the document and counts the cash. If no errors are found, bank worker fills out the fields of form 0402001, certifies with a signature in all sections and a stamp in the “Receipt” block. The “Order” table block remains in the bank, and the remaining parts of the document remain with the employee of the institution.

The date of receipt of money and the date of the document must match, otherwise the credit institution will not accept cash.

How to fill out an announcement for a cash contribution (form)

Let's look at an example of how to fill out an announcement form for a cash contribution; you can download it above.

Cashier of GBOU DOD DYUSSHOR "ALLUR" I. I. Monetkina, 09/07/2018 accepted payment for paid services“pool” from individuals in the amount of 11,000 rubles. The permissible cash limit is 1,000.00 rubles. Having completed cash transactions, Monetkina filled out a document to deposit cash in the amount of 10,000 rubles (= 11,000 - 1,000).

Legal entities do not have the right to keep cash in excess of the established limit at the organization's cash desk, so excess funds are credited to a bank account. Banks accept money from clients on the basis of a cash receipt document - an advertisement for a cash deposit. Let's look at how to fill out an application for a cash contribution and how to submit this document to a credit institution.

What kind of document is this

Limits on the amount of money in the cash register are established for all legal entities By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 11, 2014 N 3210-U. The company sets the limit amount independently. Funds exceeding the balance are credited to bank accounts. IN otherwise the company faces a fine of 40,000 to 50,000 rubles, and official from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles Article 15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

An employee of the organization deposits money into the bank cash desk to be credited to the account, using an advertisement for cash contributions. It is important that this employee must have a power of attorney to transfer money to a credit institution.

New form 0402001 approved Directive of the Bank of Russia dated July 30, 2014 N 3352-U, in connection with whichthe form given in the Appendix6 To RegulationsJarRussiafrom 24.04 . 2008 N 318 -P, lost its power. The document consists of three components:

  • announcement;
  • receipt;
  • order.

Most of the details in these three parts of the form duplicate each other.

How to fill out an advertisement for a cash contribution

An announcement for a cash contribution form for 2016-2017 is filled out in the organization as follows:

  • Field "Date" - the date of transfer of money to the bank;
  • “From” - full name of the employee who deposits funds;
  • "Recipient" - name of the organization;
  • "TIN" - tax identification number of the organization;
  • The fields “Account N”, “Credit of account N”, “For crediting to the account” are filled in the same way - they indicate the account number to which funds are deposited;
  • “Name of the depositing bank”, “BIC” - the name of the branch (branch) of the bank where money is accepted from the employee, his BIC;
  • “Name of the recipient bank”, “BIC” - the name of the branch (branch) of the bank in which the organization has an account, its BIC;
  • The lines “Amount in figures”, “Sum (amounts) in figures”, “Amount” are filled in the same way - they indicate the monetary amount in figures, kopecks are indicated with a hyphen;
  • The "Symbol" field implies the source of the money, which is indicated by a numeric code. Symbols are shown in Directive of the Bank of Russia N 4212-U. For example, 02 indicates the receipt of funds from the sale of goods;
  • “Amount in words” - write down the numbers in words, fill in the remaining space with dashes, leaving no empty spaces, and end the entry with the word “rub.”;
  • “Source of receipt” is a field similar to the line “Symbol”, however, in it the reason for the receipt of funds to the account is written not in code, but in words;
  • “Depositor” - signature of the employee whose last name is indicated in the “from whom” column.

The remaining fields of the document are filled out by the bank employee.

Announcement for cash contribution - sample filling

Here is an example of filling out an advertisement for a cash contribution. The form is filled out by the company employee and bank employees.

Let’s say that on April 25, 2019, the cashier of Planeta LLC (TIN 7710214450) Aleksandara Ivanovna Krivova transferred to the North-West Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC (BIK 044030653) excess money (receipts from the sale of goods) in the amount of 287,000 rubles. for depositing into the account of LLC "Planeta" N 40757310800870000746 in the same bank branch.

In this case, a sample of filling out an announcement for a cash contribution 2019 will look like this:

How to submit an advertisement for a cash deposit to a bank

Cash document form 0402001 “Announcement for cash payment” is handed over by a company employee to an employee of a credit institution.

The bank accountant, in turn, checks the information and the correctness of filling out the cells. There should be no blots or corrections in the document. After verification, the bank accountant signs the document, the form goes to the cashier, and the depositor is given a tear-off coupon.

The employee goes to the cash desk, where the cashier will check the bank accountant’s signature on the document, ask the depositor to also sign the announcement and accept the money, recalculating the amount. After this, the cashier puts his signature in all three sections of the form and a cash stamp in the “Receipt” section. The “Order” section is received by the bank accountant in order to credit money to the account based on it. A receipt is issued to the client, it will confirm the receipt of funds.

It is important that the date the bank accepts the money must strictly correspond to the date specified by the client in the deposit form. The validity period of this document is only one day. Therefore, if bank employees did not have time to complete the operation, they are required to destroy the form at the end of the shift.

New announcement form for cash donation

The announcement for a cash contribution is filled out according to the approved form OKUD 0402001. It was accepted by the Bank of Russia’s directive No. 3352-U dated July 30, 2014. The standard form is valid from November 1, 2014 and is valid in 2019.

You can download the announcement form for cash contributions on our website “New announcement form for cash contributions.”

Announcement for cash contribution is cash document, in which corrections are not allowed. If the person who filled out the document form made mistakes in it, then a new form should be used. Otherwise, the credit institution servicing the current account has the right to refuse to accept such a document.

Law No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” allowed enterprises to independently develop and apply forms primary documents. An announcement for a cash contribution does not apply to such documents and is filled out only on an approved form.

Sample of filling out an announcement for a cash contribution

The announcement for a cash contribution can be filled out manually or electronically. Some credit institutions provide their clients with services for filling out this document.

You can download a sample announcement for a cash contribution on our website:

The announcement form for a cash contribution consists of 3 blocks: the announcement itself, the order and the receipt. They include the same lines and are identical in filling:

  • In the “From” field, you should indicate the name of the organization that deposits funds to the bank, for example, “Zagadka” LLC. Some banks require you to indicate your full name in this field. contributor, who can be the manager or any employee of the enterprise. Usually the depositor is a cashier or accountant.
  • The “recipient” is the same organization. In our example, this is Riddle LLC.
  • The lines “Name of the depositor's bank” and “Name of the recipient's bank” indicate the credit institution that accepts funds, for example, the Chelyabinsk branch of Econombank OJSC.
  • “Source of receipt” - this line may cause slight difficulties for the person filling out the form. In total, there are 15 main types of sources of income. Most often, organizations use code 02 and indicate “Trade revenue” in this field.

Also in the form you must indicate the amount to be deposited in words, put down your TIN, KPP, OKATO, current account number and BIC of the credit institution. In the right fields of the form, located below the OKUD form code, write the amount in numbers and the symbol (code of the source of receipt). The receipt also indicates the account for crediting the deposited funds.

The announcement for a cash contribution does not contain the signatures of the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant. The document is signed by the person depositing funds, and the cashier as the party receiving them. The advertisement itself remains with the credit institution, and the order and receipt are returned to the depositor. In this case, the receipt must be attached by the cashier to the cash receipt order for the withdrawal of funds to the bank as a document confirming the transfer of assets from the enterprise’s cash desk to the credit institution.

For information on the rules for maintaining cash discipline, see the material “Cash Discipline and Responsibility for Its Violation.”


The announcement for a cash contribution is filled out and signed by the employee who deposits the cash into the organization’s bank account. It must be drawn up in the form approved by the Bank of Russia.