The five most useful rights of a patient under a compulsory health insurance policy. Choosing a doctor, clinic, hospital You can also choose a hospital for hospitalization

The issue of personal insurance comes up constantly and is quite relevant. It happens that a person, simply not knowing his rights, cannot take full advantage of an insurance policy not only in a foreign city, but also in his own.

The Insurance Law regulates all pressing and current issues of personal and medical insurance; you just need to use the information correctly. Legal awareness will help you take the right steps while saving time, money and health.

Is it possible to choose a clinic yourself?

Law No. 326-FZ of the Russian Federation clearly defines the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to use the services of a clinic in any city in our country. Moreover, this applies not only to emergency situations, but also to a routine appointment at a medical facility. The principle of being assigned to a clinic at the place of registration has been abolished.

Following the new law and amendments to it, a citizen has the right to:

  • choose any clinic in any city;
  • choose the attending physician at your own discretion;
  • choose ;
  • choose a private, departmental or regional medical institution included in the list of the insurance system;

It is important to remember one more significant note: all transitions and changes of doctors occur free of charge and only once a year.

As an exception, changes are allowed more often, but only in cases of moving to another region or city.

In addition, it must be indicated that no explanation is required from the applicant regarding the refusal of his attending physician or, in general, the services of a particular clinic.

It is obvious that the changes made to the law fully protect human rights under universal health insurance.

What is written in the law, naturally, must be observed. Another thing is that there are subjective circumstances that can interfere with or slow down the change of clinic and doctor. The fact is that each clinic is funded according to the number of citizens assigned to it.

There may be another obstacle: the clinic where you want to go may be overloaded. Of course, neither one nor the other circumstance will affect your choice to change the service clinic.

Changing a clinic is possible, but somewhat troublesome. You should seriously think about all the pros and cons of a possible change in clinic, insurance companies, doctors, and only then make the right choice.

How to attach to a clinic without registration?

A situation often arises when a person does not live at his place of permanent registration for a certain time or simply works in another city. The issue of medical care can arise at any time. Attachment to a specific clinic allows you to avoid many difficulties as much as possible.

Start your attachment by visiting the clinic and contacting the reception desk. You must take the following documents with you:

    • passport;
    • certificate from place of work;
    • rental agreement;
    • insurance policy;

Similar conditions apply to the attachment of a minor child. It is clear that he does not need a certificate from his place of work, but a certificate from school must be provided.

The issue of citizens who live and work illegally is not addressed here. Firstly, this is a violation of the law, and secondly, it brings a large number of additional problems. Deceiving the state can be very costly.

Having officially gotten a job and received temporary registration, you can safely go to a nearby clinic and officially become its client. If you stay in another city for a long time (more than a year), you need to apply for an attachment annually.

If a citizen is denied registration at the registry due to lack of local registration, it is necessary to appeal the action of the clinic staff to the health department.

You can and should contact your insurance company with this information. If this does not help, then a direct violation of the law can be appealed to the prosecutor's office.

Is it possible to get medical care while in another city? Definitely yes. Again we turn to the law. Regardless of registration (the registration institution has been abolished), a citizen can use the services of a medical institution in any city, having a compulsory medical insurance policy in hand.

You can exercise your right to medical services even if you do not currently have a policy, but actually have one. When you are anywhere in Russia, know that in this situation it is enough to call the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund in your region and clarify the medical policy number and the name of the insurance company serving you.

Every citizen has the right to basic health services:

        • primary health care;
        • emergency medical services;
        • specialized medical care (for tuberculosis, AIDS, infectious diseases);
        • for the necessary treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems;
        • when injured;
        • in a state of pregnancy or labor;
        • in case of acute dental disease;
        • in the treatment of skin diseases;
        • providing medical care to children;

The entire list of basic diseases that the clinic is required to familiarize with is on the information stand.

The only rule that must be strictly followed: take an insurance policy with you on any trip! It will take up little space, but if necessary, it will save you from a lot of problems.

Remember: the law protects the citizen’s right and it can be practically used.

How to change a doctor at a clinic?

Of course, any actions to change a clinic or doctor are regulated by insurance law. On the basis of this law, the entire system of work on providing insurance to citizens has been formed.

A change of doctor is carried out upon the personal application of a citizen. To do this, you need to choose a clinic that is part of the compulsory medical insurance system. Arriving there, a citizen must take with him:

        • passport;
        • certificate of employment;
        • pension certificate (for pensioners);
        • insurance policy;

Having written an application, the citizen is registered under the supervision of the doctor he has chosen. Again, let’s make a reservation that this is according to the law, but there is ordinary life. A refusal to satisfy a citizen's request may occur due to the doctor being overworked. Yes, there are certain workload standards for all areas of work, including for doctors.

As a recommendation, it is necessary to indicate that the citizen himself must decide how much he needs to change the doctor. If we are talking about moving to another city, then everything is clear. Or the required specialist is not available at your clinic and the administration cannot find a replacement, but help is needed now. These reasons may be valid, but if a citizen decides to be capricious, then this is a different question.

It is important to remember that the right, of course, exists, but this does not mean that it must be used with or without reason.

From the video you will learn how to attach to a clinic that is convenient for you:

Since 2011, you can choose the clinic you like not only in your hometown, but also in any corner of the country, regardless of registration, this is written in black and white in the new law No. 326-FZ. Previously, patients were assigned to a clinic mainly on a territorial basis, that is, according to their place of registration or registration.

Now each person decides for himself where to get a policy and from whom to receive treatment. That is, every Russian, in addition to the clinic, can also choose a attending physician and an insurance company. You can go not only to a district medical institution, but also to a departmental hospital and even to a private clinic, which is included in the compulsory health insurance system.

The Department of Health explained that there is no talk of any additional payments for such a transition on the part of the patient.

Many people want to change clinics. And everyone has different reasons. Some patients are dissatisfied with their “native” medical unit, where the local doctor is rude to them, others do not trust local doctors, others want to be seen by a specific specialist, and some have simply moved to another place. But according to the law, no specific reasons are required to change the clinic. The desire of a citizen is quite enough. True, you can change one district police officer for another in the same clinic, or the clinic as a whole, only once a year. The exception is when a person moves to a new place of residence.

A patient who has “fallen out of love” with his doctor or his own clinic must write a statement to the head physician of this institution stating that he no longer wants to be assigned to this medical institution. Write a second application to the head physician of the selected clinic, expressing your desire to be treated in his wonderful hospital. It is better to indicate the reason for the choice, which will reduce the likelihood of refusal. The head physician must give a written answer. Either agree or refuse. They can refuse for one reason: if the clinic is overcrowded, that is, there are so many patients registered

Director of the compulsory health insurance department of the Medstrakh company, Yuri Borisovich Freilakh, said: “To change the clinic, you need to write an application addressed to the chief physician of the selected medical organization, preferably indicating the reason for the transfer. Each person can do this themselves, without our help. The insurance company is contacted in case of refusal or if the patient has specific complaints about the quality of service. Now you can get free treatment in private clinics, which has never happened before. But in practice, all this will only work starting next year, after commercial clinics that want to work in the compulsory medical insurance system are approved on this list along with city clinics.”

Insurance companies will help a person choose another clinic. Insurers will tell you about the level of medical staff, the quality and services provided in a particular medical institution, and even about their workload.

The person was given the freedom to choose a medical institution, which, in fact, they want to improve the quality of service in the field of medical services. After all, funds will be transferred to the hospital directly for the number of souls attached to it and for their treatment. Money will flow like a river for the patient. Therefore, the clinic will fight for every patient. And in theory, people should not be refused when transferring from one clinic to another. The chief doctors are interested in receiving additional financial resources.

As Nikolay Plavunov, First Deputy Head of the Moscow Government Health Department explained to GZT.RU, “the exercise of the right of citizens insured under compulsory health insurance in Moscow to choose a medical institution that is part of the capital’s compulsory medical insurance system is carried out on the basis of a written application addressed to the chief physician in accordance with the resource capabilities of the institution: capacity, staffing, medical personnel.

All statements are written in free form. Gradually, procedures will be developed, and it is possible that application forms will appear, as well as forms for recording them. For now, the patient will have to get his own medical card and take it to the new clinic of his choice. How this work will be organized in practice is another matter. It is likely that patients will experience confusion and a lack of common rules for some time. “Regulations for Moscow clinics in connection with the replacement of attachments are still being developed. So, perhaps, the truth will be established “by trial and error,” said Inga Tokmantseva, spokeswoman for the Moscow Government Department of Health.

The clinic or doctor may refuse to assign a patient due to high workload. Then you should ask the head physician of the “refusing clinic” for a written refusal. Contact the district health department or the county office, the health department, or the insurance company. There they will check whether the clinic really has no more places and whether it is permissible to make an exception for you. In some cases, the insurance company may influence the decision of the head physician. For example, if a person has previously been treated in this clinic, has changed his place of residence, but wants to continue treatment with doctors who know him. Or, if you moved without changing your registration. Here, when contacting the insurance company, you should attach either a copy of the temporary registration certificate or a letter in free form from the owner of the apartment in which he now lives.

Where to complain?

Will the residents of the clinic remain, where some of the patients went to another clinic without medical care? As GZT.RU explained, “the transfer of part of the population from one clinic to another does not affect the quality of organization and provision of medical care, nor does it affect the reduction of doctors, and does not lead to the closure of an outpatient clinic.” Although it is clear that the clinic and the doctor who receive additional patients will also receive funds for medical care for them.

This year there will be another innovation. From May 1, new types of medical insurance policies will begin to be issued. But this does not mean that you should urgently rush to exchange old policies for new ones. The old ones will be valid for a few more years. But if a person chooses a new insurance organization, the policy will have to be replaced. But for now, under the old policy, as well as under the new one, you can safely receive medical care in any corner of the country if, God forbid, someone gets sick on a business trip or on vacation.

The new single policy will be valid throughout the country and will give the right to receive a standard set of medical services.

So far, the Department of Health does not have information on the number of patients who changed clinics or doctors within one clinic.

Algorithm of actions when choosing a “new” clinic:

1. Select a clinic. This can be any medical institution in the country that is part of the compulsory medical insurance system.
2. Write an application to the new clinic. If they give a positive answer, then contact the old clinic with a request for removal.
3. If there are no places in the chosen clinic, but you really want to go there, you should contact the health department, the county health department or the insurance company.

Choosing a pediatrician - this problem faces parents with the arrival of a baby in the house. Read below about possible ways to solve it.

Choice of a pediatrician Opinion of a local pediatrician

There are many articles on this issue on different sites. I decided to express my opinion.

Every parent wants their child to be constantly monitored by the best pediatrician, so that the doctor is competent, experienced, attentive, pays enough attention to the child, takes his time during examinations, answers all the parents’ questions, and uses modern methods of treatment and diagnosis. Now about the options for achieving this goal.

Local doctor at a children's clinic at your place of residence

Usually everyone sees the only advantage - it is free. The disadvantages are discussed further: long queues, little time is devoted to the child during examination, it is impossible to get answers to your questions, you cannot call your doctor at night, on weekends and holidays, and others. Everything is fair, understandable, and if for you the disadvantages outweigh the advantages of a free doctor, choose a paid one. If you are ready to constantly pay for the observation of your child, perhaps this is the best solution for you.

But many parents believe that they have the right to choose a pediatrician at a free children's clinic.

In law

Article 21. Choice of doctor and medical organization

1. When providing medical care to a citizen within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens, he has the right to choose a medical organization in the manner approved by the authorized federal executive body, and to choose a doctor, taking into account the doctor’s consent.

If you are in doubt, there is no need to rush into making a choice; you can do this at any time. After discharge from the maternity hospital, all information about the child is transferred to the children's clinic at the place of residence. In the next 3 days (usually the next day), your local doctor and honey will come to you. sister.

You need to find out whether there is a permanent doctor in your area; if there is, this is already an advantage, because there are not enough doctors in children's clinics today. Next, you need to get to know this doctor, and don’t be shy to ask questions about your child. If the doctor is very busy with work and cannot devote as much time to you as you want, talk to your local medical doctor. sister. She can answer many questions and advise when it is better to come with the child to an appointment (on what day of the week and at what time there are fewer visitors), in what sequence it is more convenient to undergo an examination with the child at the clinic, etc. Then only part of the information will be left for the doctor questions and answers will be easier to obtain. Most likely, you will gradually find a common language with the doctor and nurse and settle on this option.

If there is no permanent doctor at the site - this is much worse - the child will most likely be examined by different doctors each time. But if there is no doctor, then there is no choice in your clinic; another doctor will not be able to take on the constant care of all the children from this area.

Doctor's rights

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you decide to choose a specific doctor for yourself in a free children's clinic, do not forget that not only you, but also the doctor has the right to choose. Start by talking to this doctor and getting his consent.

1. Today, such a doctor is absolutely not interested in being chosen. He does not have any advantages from this.

2. The doctor in the children's clinic is assigned a certain territorial area, which he is obliged to serve, and the doctor is not always provided with transport. Therefore, if people living on the other side of the city want to choose him, house calls are possible only if the doctor is provided with transport, and precisely at the time when he wants to come to you, and not when you want it. All work on the main area will always come first, and your child will always be last. In addition, if the journey takes a long time, the doctor will refuse.

3. Observation with the condition that you regularly bring the child to appointments and refuse house calls - it is possible, but it is inconvenient for both parties, especially if the child is very small and constant supervision is required.

If the doctor agrees, you can write an official statement addressed to the head of the clinic that you want to be seen by this particular doctor, it will be signed by the doctor and the head and the result will be achieved. But most likely you will be refused.

Conclusion - if you talked to the doctor and received a refusal, you should stop there. You should not insist that this particular doctor be required to observe your child - this will add problems and troubles to him. And if there are too many of these especially persistently wanting to be seen by a particular doctor, the doctor will not be able to work at all.

The right to choose a doctor in a free clinic today lies only in the possibility, if the doctor and patient mutually agree, to register an observation with this doctor on paper (i.e., officially). And achieving this mutual agreement is very difficult. Therefore, in practice, the question still stands like this: if you don’t like a free doctor, choose a paid one.

Choosing a pediatrician in a paid clinic

In a paid clinic, everything will be the other way around. For money here you can choose a lot

  • The clinic itself. You need to find out what services this clinic provides: is it possible to undergo examination by specialists, take tests, get vaccinated, take sick leave, register your child for kindergarten or school,
  • A doctor who will be very pleased that you chose him,
  • Observation option. Perhaps the doctor will give you his phone number and will be ready to answer your questions at any time of the day or come when called (of course, this type of observation will cost more).
  • The time of your visit to the clinic and the time the doctor arrives at your home, etc.

But it’s still worth keeping in mind that if a doctor is from a private clinic, this does not mean that he is any better than a free doctor, as a specialist. He is in no hurry, has the opportunity to better examine the child, answer your requests, he is more interested in pleasing you - and these are all his advantages. A doctor’s professional skills do not depend in any way on the clinic in which he works. Therefore, here you need to study patient reviews and find out about the doctor’s other merits.

Another option

It is not necessary to completely refuse the services of a children's clinic at your place of residence. If you want to retain some benefits that only a public clinic provides, for example, prescribing free medicines or free food for your child, it is quite possible to combine both options. But it is worth keeping in mind that no prescriptions are issued without examining the child, so in this case, you will have to regularly show the child to the doctor in a public clinic.