Dynamics of stock indices hang seng china. The Hang Seng Index is

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one of the most popular Asian indices, the leading Hong Kong index, based on shares of companies occupying approximately 70% of the capitalization of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Definition and concept of the Hang Seng Index, financial, energy, industrial and real estate index HSI, history of the Hang Seng Index, HSI Index on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, composition and calculation of the Hang Seng Index, factors and dynamics of the Hang Seng Index

Hang Seng Index - definition

The Hang Seng Index is Hong Kong Stock Exchange indicator. One of the most popular Asian indices. Calculated based on shares of the largest companies traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. As of February 2014, the number of these companies was 50. The Hang Seng Index was first published in 1969 by a subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank. The Hang Seng Index has four sub-indices: financial, energy, industrial and real estate index. These are: Hang Seng Finance Sub Index (HSF), Hang Seng Utilities Sub Index (HSU), Hang Seng Properties Sub Index (HSP) and Hang Seng Commerce & Industry Sub Index (HSC).

The Hang Seng Index is the most important stock index of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It is calculated as a weighted average of the largest shares by capitalization of 34 listed companies in Hong Kong, which account for 65% of the total capitalization of the Hong Kong stock exchange.

The Hang Seng Index is leading stock index in Hong Kong. It consists of 45 leading companies, representing approximately 70% of the market capitalization of companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. stock exchange, thus it reflects the overall dynamics of the Hong Kong stock market. The index was first published in 1969 by HSI Services Limited, a subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank.

The Hang Seng Index is the most significant stock index of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The author of the list is considered to be Hong Kong banker Stanley Swan. The calculation of Hang Seng began on November 24, 1969 by HSI Services Limited, which continues to analyze information and compile ratings. The maximum quotation of the Hang Seng index was recorded on January 24, 2007 at 20,971.46 points. The index includes 34 of Hong Kong's largest listed companies from various fields, such as Bank of China (finance), China Resources Power (energy), MTR Corporation (railways), China Mobile (telecommunications). Thus, it covers approximately 65% ​​of the total capitalization of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Asian stock indices

The Hang Seng Index is Hong Kong stock market index. The index is calculated based on the performance of shares of just over 40 companies, which account for 65% of the capitalization of the Hong Kong stock exchange. The Hang Seng Index is calculated as a capitalization-weighted average of the share prices of Hong Kong's 34 largest listed companies. Hang Seng has been calculated since 1969 by HSI Services Limited, which is owned by Hang Seng bank. The index consists of 4 sub-indices: financial, utilities, holdings and industrial.

The Hang Seng Index is Hong Kong's most important stock index. The Hang Seng Index is calculated as a capitalization-weighted average of the share prices of Hong Kong's 34 largest listed companies. The Hang Seng Index is used to record and study the daily movements of Hong Kong's largest companies in the country's stock market, and is also a key indicator of the behavior of the market as a whole. These 34 companies account for 65% of the total capitalization of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The calculation of the Hang Seng Index began on November 24, 1969 by HSI Services Limited, which is wholly owned by Hang Seng Bank, the second largest bank in Hong Kong by capitalization. The company collects, publishes and analyzes information on the Hang Seng Index and a number of other stock indices, such as the Hang Seng Composite Index, Hang Seng HK MidCap Index, etc.

The Hang Seng Index is Hong Kong Stock Exchange index, which is used to record and study the daily movements of Hong Kong's largest companies in the country's share market, and is also a key indicator of the behavior of the market as a whole. These 34 institutions account for 65% of Hong Kong's total equity market capitalization. The calculation of the Hang Seng Index began on November 24, 1969 by HSI Services Limited, which is wholly owned by Hang Seng bank, the second largest bank in Hong Kong. The organization collects, publishes and analyzes information on the Hang Seng Index and a number of other stock indices, such as the Hang Seng Composite index, Hang Seng hk Mid Cap index, etc.

The Hang Seng Index is Hong Kong stock index covering the largest Chinese companies. China, with a population of 1.31 billion inhabitants, is rightfully considered one of the largest economies in the world. However, despite the fact that the Celestial Empire has been actively building trade relations with Western countries for a long time, imminent easing in the area foreign investment there was no need to speak. Therefore, investors turned their attention to the Hong Kong exchanges, where many Chinese companies were already represented. Since 1993, the sale of so-called “H-shares” to non-citizens of the People's Republic has been permitted. On August 8, 1994, the Hang Seng China Enterprise Index was created to reflect information on securities quotations. The prerequisite for such an important step was the inclusion of H-share quotes in the Hang Seng Composite Index (HSCI). Initially, the list of companies included in the HSCEI index was compiled based on their market capitalization values. Later, the listing methodology was revised based on the Free-float indicator (the share of shares in free float on the market).

Stock indices

The Hang Seng Index is The most important index of the Hong Kong stock exchange, which is calculated based on some indicators of shares of a list of 40 companies that account for about 65% of the capital of the Hong Kong exchange. This exchange is one of the top ten major exchanges in the world by capital, and is also considered the second largest company in Asia. The Hang Seng Index began to be calculated back in 1969 by HSI Services Limited (this company is owned by Hang Seng bank). The index has 4 sub-indices: utilities, financial, industrial and holding. This index is used to record and study the changes that occur every day in the largest Hong Kong companies in stock markets countries.

The Hang Seng Index is main stock exchange index in Hong Kong. It is calculated as a weighted average of the largest shares, according to capitalization, of 34 companies listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange, which constitute about 65% of the total capitalization of this exchange. The Hang Seng Index covers four sectors of the economy - industrial, financial, public utilities and land ownership.

The Hang Seng Index is the most important stock index of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It is calculated as a weighted average of the largest shares by capitalization of 34 listed companies in Hong Kong, which account for 65% of the total capitalization of the Hong Kong stock exchange. The author of the index is considered to be Hong Kong banker Stanley Kwan. The calculation of the Hang Seng Index began on November 24, 1969 by HSI Services Limited. This company currently collects, publishes and analyzes information on the Hang Seng Index and a number of other stock indices, such as the Hang Seng Composite Index, Hang Seng HK MidCap Index, etc. The index's base value of 100 points was equivalent to the stock's closing price July 31, 1964. The index's lowest point of 58.61 points was reached on August 31, 1967, calculated in retrospect. The historical maximum was 20971, 46 points on January 24, 2007. The Hang Seng crossed 10,000 points for the first time in its history on December 6, 1993, and 13 years later, crossed 20,000 points on December 28, 2006.

The Hang Seng Index is Hong Kong stock exchange index. By recording and monitoring daily price changes of stocks included in the index, it tracks the performance of the Hong Kong stock market. This indicator is currently compiled by HSI Services Limited, which is a subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank.

Business trip to Hong Kong

The Hang Seng Index is capitalization index that takes into account only shares of specially selected companies that are publicly traded on the Hong Kong stock exchange. The index components are divided into four sub-indices: trade and industry, finance, utilities, real estate. The index began compiling on July 31, 1964 and had a base level of 100 points.

The Hang Seng Index is a stock indicator calculated based on trading results on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (the second most important trading platform in Asia after Tokyo and one of the ten most capitalized in the world) and covering about 65% of its capitalization. The Hang Seng has been published by HSI Services Limited since late 1969 and measures investor sentiment in the Asian stock market.

What is the Hang Seng Index?

The Hang Seng Index began to be calculated back in 1969 by HSI Services Limited (this company is owned by Hang Seng bank). The index has 4 sub-indices: utilities, financial, industrial and holding. This index is used to record and study changes that occur every day in the largest Hong Kong companies on the country's stock markets. Hang Seng Index (HIS), Heng Seng is The most important index of the Hong Kong stock exchange, which is calculated based on some indicators of shares of a list of 40 companies that account for about 65% of the capital of the Hong Kong exchange. This exchange is one of the ten largest exchanges in the world by capital, and is also considered the second largest company in Asia.

The largest Chinese companies trade on this exchange. This stock exchange was founded in 1947 as a result of the merger of two Hong Kong exchanges. After some time, it included such stock exchanges as the Far East, Cam Ngam, Kowloon. Enterprises that wish to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange must issue an HDR and comply with the requirements of the exchange, such as those required by companies issuing shares. ADRs represent shares of foreign companies that operate in US markets, which can allow American investors to enter the foreign securities market without actually investing in foreign markets.

At this time, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange may allow listings on its platforms for foreign companies from a list of foreign countries, although such a list of countries is limited. There have been changes in the policy of the Hong Kong Exchange, which were the result of the fact that the majority of Chinese firms that are active participants in the Hong Kong financial market began to attract investments through the PRC markets. According to the head of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the deposit schedule system will begin to help attract new businesses to list in Hong Kong, which will help strengthen Hong Kong's position.

The Hang Seng Index reflects the situation in the stock markets of several key economic sectors for China. In 1985 there were only four such areas, today there are nine. But there are still four subindices, and we will consider them, since they accumulate the capital of the main market participants in Hong Kong.

Activities of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Hang Seng Finance Index

The first sub-index of the Hang Seng is financial. The Hang Seng Finance Sub Index (HSF) is stock index, which is calculated based on the capitalization of the 12 largest banks and insurance companies, and their influence on the HSI indicator can be considered the highest. The reason for this is that it includes the largest enterprises of interest to international investors, as well as the main creditors of Chinese businesses.

From them financial position is strongly linked to the state of the entire market: as soon as their creditors encounter problems, the price of their shares falls, and vice versa. In first place is the HSBC holding (Heng Sen), representing all the enterprises included in the holding, except for the bank, whose shares are accounted for separately. In second place is ICBC - Industrial Commercial Bank of China. Naturally, the list includes Bank of China, as well as other influential financial companies in the country.

Hang Seng Utilities Index

The second index is an indicator of generating companies, which mainly includes energy producers and oil producers. Hang Seng Utilities Sub Index(HSU)- This stock index, which is calculated based on the capitalization of the 4 largest fuel and energy companies. Feature - today their influence on the market is relatively small, which is an indicator in favor of the Chinese economy - it can claim a status independent of production natural resources. The change in their influence and sub-index indicator is a clear sign of changes in the energy market in China.

Hang Seng Properties Index

The fourth index, calculated on the basis of the capitalization of seven enterprises, is the Properties index, showing the state of the real estate market. Hang Seng Properties Sub Index(HSP)- This stock index, which is calculated based on the capitalization of investment and asset management companies. His role is linked to the ever-increasing relevance of the real estate market in China: the country's population is growing, and the real estate market is more relevant than ever. Both luxury real estate and economy-class housing are equally important. It can be said that the indicator captures the well-being of the population and the economic policy of the Chinese government towards the population. The higher the indicator, the more active investments in real estate are, which means the more comfortable the conditions for lending and purchasing land on the market.

Hang Seng Commerce&Industry Index

The next subsidiary index is HSI Commerce and Industry, that is, the index of industry and commercial enterprises. Hang Seng Commerce & Industry Sub Index(HSC)- This stock index, which is calculated based on the capitalization of 25 industrial and trading companies. These are mainly China's largest enterprises from industries that are strategically important for the country's economy: telecommunications (China Mobile), heavy industry (China Coal) and others. This explains the importance of the indicator for characterizing the economy of both China and all of Asia. Many of the companies on this list are created in the form of public-private partnerships or are state-owned companies. On the one hand, this provides them with stability, on the other - risks of a political nature, as well as quite large corruption risks.

History of the Hang Seng Index

The Hang Seng Index is A market capitalization weighted index of the 40 largest companies traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The index aims to dominate the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and covers approximately 65% ​​of its total market capitalization. The Hang Seng Index is a generally recognized barometer of the Hong Kong economy. Due to Hong Kong's status as a Special Administrative Region of China, there is a close connection between the two economies, as well as the many Chinese companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Travel to Hong Kong

Start of Hang Seng Index calculation

The Hang Seng Index (in Russian reads as Heng Seng) has been calculated since November 24, 1969, and formally the accounts have been kept since 1964. This is carried out by HSI Services Limited, owned by Hang Seng Commercial Bank, one of the leaders in the Chinese market and the country's second bank by capitalization. In addition to the HSI, this company calculates several more indices - primarily the four Hang Seng sub-indices, which are created to record the situation in industry markets. They have been operating since 1985. But basically, 70% of the total capitalization of the 34 companies in the index comes from participants in five markets: manufacturing, commerce, finance, utilities and the agricultural industry.

Expansion of the list of HSI companies

The ups and downs of the Hang Seng Index

HSI Services Limited

HSI commenced on 24 November 1969 and is currently operated and maintained by HSI Services Limited, a subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank, the largest (by market capitalization) bank listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. HSI Services Limited is engaged in the calculation and publication of not only the Hang Seng Index, but also a number of other regional indices, such as the Hang Seng China AH Index Series, Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, Hang Seng China H-Financials Index, Hang Seng Composite Index Series, Hang Seng Freefloat Index Series and Hang Seng Total Return Index Series.

Hang Seng Index today

On October 8, 2008, the HSI closed at 15,431.73 points, more than 50% below its all-time high and the index's lowest close in more than two years. On October 27, 2008, the index fell to 10,676.29 points, falling nearly two-thirds from its all-time high. However, its value returned to 20,000 points by July 24, 2009, amounting to 20,063.93. The history of the Hang Seng index chart is a history of sharp ups and no less sharp falls inherent in any developing economy with its pronounced periods of recession and recovery.

Hong Kong Stock Exchange and HSI Index

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange trades stocks, bonds, warrants, mutual funds, ETFs and other securities. In addition to highly specialized and closed Chinese companies, you can find here, for example, the world-famous computer giant Lenovo Group and the car manufacturer Great Wall. HKEx was formed in 2000 as a result of the merger of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Futures Exchange and the Hong Kong Clearing Company. This merger was intended to increase China's competitiveness in the global market, and the goal was indeed achieved.

Hong Kong Stock Exchange

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange began its existence back in 1891 under the name Association stock brokers. In 1914 it was renamed the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK). Other stock exchanges then emerged in China during the 20th century: the Far East Exchange (1969), the Kam Ngan Stock Exchange (1971), and the Kowloon Stock Exchange (1972), all of which merged with the SEHK in 1980. In 1999, Hong Kong's finance minister announced sweeping reforms of the stock and futures markets. The transformations were aimed at increasing the competitiveness of financial platforms as part of the continuous globalization of the market. On March 6, 2000, the merger of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Futures Exchange and the Hong Kong Clearing Company was completed, and on June 27 of the same year, HKEx was listed on the SEHK (Stock Exchange of Hong Kong).

All indices calculated on the basis of data from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange can be divided into several conditional groups: main indices, benchmark, thematic and strategic. In fact, there are more than 40 calculated indicators, but we will describe only the key ones here. The most famous index included in the “major” category is the Hang Seng or HSI. It can rightfully be called a long-liver, since it began to be calculated on November 24, 1969, and at the moment its quotes are the most popular indicator of the health of the Hong Kong stock market.

Some of the brightest representatives whose quotes are included in the calculation are the HSBC Holdings bank, as well as the HKEx exchange itself. Below we have presented futures quotes for the main index. As you can see, it clearly reflects the market unrest caused by the volatility of Japanese financial markets, as well as the gradual cooling of the Chinese economy.

The Hang Seng China Enterprises Thematic Index or "X-Share Index" reflects the performance of mainland Chinese enterprises listed on the SEHK. Among the representative companies are oil producing and oil refining corporations Sinopec and PetroChina. The Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index (“HSCCI”) was designed to measure what are known as “red chips” - securities of companies controlled by mainland China, located outside its borders, but listed in Hong Kong. Among them are oil producer CNOOC and computer giant Lenovo Group.

Lenovo company

The benchmark Hang Seng Composite Index (“HSCI”) provides a comprehensive measure of the Hong Kong market, covering 95% of the total capitalization of companies listed on the main SEHK market. The index can be used as a basis for index funds, mutual funds, and benchmarks because it is calculated using float-weighted market capitalization. Here we meet famous national banks Hang Seng Bank and Bank of Asia.

The HSI Volatility Strategic Index measures the 30-day expected volatility of the Hang Seng Index, expressed in the prices of immediate and next-term Hang Seng Index options traded on the HKEx derivatives market. The calculation includes shares of representatives of the financial sector Bank of China and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.

Thus, trading shares of a number of issuers on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange may be interesting both in the short and long term. HKEx has helped transform Hong Kong's financial services industry from a purely domestic market to the world's largest financial institution Asia, attracting investment from all over the world. In fact, HKEx has become the very bridge connecting the financial world of Asia and Europe. Thanks to this, shares of Chinese companies are now available to Russian investors in broker terminals.

Trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Composition of the Hang Seng Index

Hang Seng shares are classified according to a global system developed for the Hong Kong stock market by HSI Services Limited. It reflects the movements of stocks in various sectors, takes into account the characteristics of the Hong Kong stock market and maintains international compatibility in the FTSE Global System classification, which is compiled and managed by FTSE International Limited. Principles of general classification: sales revenue is the main parameter for classifying shares. Net profit is also taken into account to determine how well a company's business is performing; the company is classified into various sectors according to its most significant source of sales revenue; Reclassification of shares in the industrial sector occurs whenever a company's business has undergone significant changes, such as significant mergers or acquisitions.

Industry sectors: petroleum and resources, industrial goods, consumer goods, services, public utilities, financial sector, property and construction, information technology, conglomerates (groups of companies). Sources of information: Each company's classification is based on public information, such as annual reports and announcements made by the companies themselves. The stocks included in the HSI are selected using extensive analysis and external consultation. To qualify for selection, a company must: be among the top companies representing 90% of the total market value of all ordinary shares; be among those who account for the top 90% of the total turnover on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange; exist for more than 24 months, and may be a foreign company.

Among the eligible candidates, the final selection is based on market capitalization and turnover ranking; the representativeness of the relevant sub-sectors in the HSI, as well as financial indicators. As of February 2014, when calculating the index, data on the following companies is used (50 companies in total):

Conglomerate HSBC Holdings

HSBC Holdings plc is one of the largest financial conglomerates in the world. According to Forbes magazine's 2011 rating, it is the largest (by capitalization) company in Europe and the second in the world. Headquarters - in London. HSBC operates in Europe, Asia-Pacific, North and South America, the Middle East and Africa (85 countries in total). The bank carries out all directions banking, including asset management, settlement operations, project financing, etc. The total number of personnel is 330 thousand people.

As of June 30, 2008, the group's assets amounted to $2.547 trillion, capital - $134 billion, net profit for the first half of 2008 - $8.3 billion. In 2010, the bank was placed 19th in the list of the 50 most reliable banks in the world, published by Global Finance magazine. - the highest among British banks.

China Mobile Communications Corporation

China Mobile is Chinese telecommunications company, the world's largest cellular operator in terms of number of subscribers (493 million as of July 31, 2009) and capitalization. In terms of turnover, it is the second largest mobile operator in the world after Vodafone, which owns 3.3% of China Mobile. The company's headquarters are located in Hong Kong, on Queen's Road. China Mobile is the largest company registered in Hong Kong.

It is also the largest company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange by market capitalization, surpassing HSBC. The company provides cellular services in the fast-growing Chinese market. The company's revenue in 2008 amounted to $60.3 billion (in 2007 - $33.6 billion), net profit - $16.5 billion ($8.5 billion).

China Construction Bank

China Construction Bank is China Construction Bank is a state-owned commercial bank, the peculiarity of which is the implementation of credit operations for medium and long terms. Its head office is located in Beijing, and branches operate in all regions of China and in all major financial centers of the world. The Ministry of Finance and the newly created China Development Bank respectively took the path of commercialization of the bank. In July 2001, Banker magazine ranked China Construction Bank 29th on its list of the world's 1,000 most powerful banks. The Construction Bank has established correspondent relations with 600 banks around the world, operations are carried out in 80 countries.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the largest Chinese commercial bank. It is one of the Big Four largest state-owned banks in China (along with Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank). Created in 1984. ICBC controls a fifth of China's banking sector. As of the end of 2009, 387 thousand people worked in 16,394 bank branches.

The bank provided financial services to more than 3.61 million corporate and 216 million individual clients. The bank also conducts operations in Hong Kong under the ICBC Asia brand. At the end of 2011, the bank's indicators were: revenue $82.6 billion, profit $25.1 billion, assets $2.039 trillion, capitalization $237.4 billion. In 2011, ICBC rose two places in the Forbes list of the world's largest companies from 7 to 5 and received status of the largest company in the Asia-Pacific region.

China National Offshore Oil Corporation

China National Offshore Oil Corporation is China National Offshore Oil Corporation is the third largest national oil company China after CNPC and Sinopec. Engaged in the production, refining and marketing of oil and natural gas in offshore China. It is a state-owned company, since 70% of the shares belong to the Government of the People's Republic of China. CNOOC securities are also traded on the Hong Kong and New York stock exchanges. At the moment, the corporation is a monopolist in the field of offshore oil and natural gas production, as well as their processing.

CNOOC has plans to expand its global presence to become one of the world's premier energy companies. In particular, in March 2010, it announced the acquisition of 50% of the Argentine oil and gas producer Bridas Corporation for approximately $3.1 billion. In addition, CNOOC owns energy assets in Australia, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea.

Kommarcheskiy Bank Bank of China

Bank of China is oldest Chinese bank. Headquarters - in Beijing. Currently, Bank of China is a commercial bank, one of the five largest state-owned banks in the country and ranks second in terms of assets after the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China. The bank is also one of the twenty largest banks in the world. It has more than 13 thousand branches in China and 550 representative offices in 25 other countries. The main business is corporate and retail lending; also engaged in investment banking, insurance and services plastic cards. Bank of China has own capital almost 40 billion dollars. Based on the results of the first half of 2007, Bank of China increased the size net profit by 52%, to 29.54 billion yuan (2.9 billion euros).

Oil company PetroChina

PetroChina is Chinese state oil company. As of December 31, 2009, it is the largest company in the world by market capitalization ($370 billion). Headquarters - in Beijing. PetroChina was created as part of the Chinese state-owned CNPC in 1999. During the restructuring, the company included assets in production, refining, petrochemicals and natural gas.

China Life Insurance Company

China Life Insurance is a Chinese company that provides life insurance services. In addition, this company is one of the most valuable life insurance organizations in the world. This state-owned company was created on December 18, 2003. China Life Insurance acts as a guarantor of annuity contracts as well as life insurance. This company has reserves totaling 925.2 billion yuan, which is approximately $131 billion. This organization is very actively searching for opportunities in various ways to invest its funds, in conditions of unfavorable conditions on the Chinese stock market.

Tencent Internet Service Provider

Tencent is Chinese telecommunications company (the largest Internet provider), founded in November 1998 in Shenzhen. The company is known for supporting the most widespread instant messaging network in China, called QQ. The company also develops an E-mail client called Foxmail. On June 16, 2004, the company held an IPO on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. There is a cloud data storage (for now - only with a Chinese interface) - 10 TB per account.

Hutchison Whampoa Corporation

Hutchison Whampoa is one of the largest Fortune 500 corporations listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Based in Hong Kong and owned by the Cheung Kong Group of billionaires Li Ka-shing and Canning Fok. As of March 2011, Hutchison Whampoa employed more than 220 thousand people, had a market value of about $50 billion, and sales of almost $27 billion. The conglomerate operates in several areas: retail trade, ports, logistics, real estate, hotels, telecommunications, energy. Hutchison Whampoa's interests extend to more than 50 countries around the world.

Conglomerate Sun Hung Kai Properties

Sun Hung Kai Properties is a diversified conglomerate whose headquarters are located in Hong Kong, in the Sun Hung Kai Center skyscraper (Wan Chai District). Owned by brothers Walter, Thomas and Raymond Kwok. By the beginning of 2012, Sun Hung Kai Properties was considered the largest developer in Asia and the second largest in the world (after the American Simon Property Group). Sun Hung Kai Properties is the largest operator of office, residential and retail properties in Hong Kong. The company's other interests include construction, investment, financial services (Sun Hung Kai Investment Services), hospitality, telecommunications, information technology, transport, logistics and utilities.

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing is a large financial holding company formed in 2000 by merging The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Futures Exchange (Hong Kong Futures Exchange) and Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company (financial services). The headquarters of Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing is located in Hong Kong, in the Exchange Square skyscraper (Central District). The Hong Kong government is one of the largest shareholders of Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing and controls six of the 13 seats on the company's board of directors.

Conglomerate Cheung Kong Group

Cheung Kong Group is one of Hong Kong's leading conglomerates, owned by billionaire Li Ka-shing and his eldest son Victor Li. The group's headquarters are located in the Cheung Kong Center skyscraper (Central District). Cheung Kong Group operates in several sectors: real estate, infrastructure, construction, hospitality, retail, information technology, telecommunications, media and financial services. The group's main assets are the conglomerates Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong Holdings. Various real estate properties (residential, office and warehouse complexes) owned by Cheung Kong Group are located in Hong Kong and dozens of cities in China.

Ping An Insurance Company

Ping An Insurance is Chinese Insurance Company. The core business of the company is life insurance, including individual and group insurance, health insurance, accident insurance and bank insurance. The company also provides property insurance services, which primarily include car insurance. The company also provides other financial services, such as brokerage services, asset management, etc.

Sinopec Corp.

Sinopec Corp. - This Chinese integrated energy and chemical company. The largest company in China, whose shares are traded on the stock exchange (based on 2006 revenue). The second largest oil and gas company in the country (after PetroChina). The company ranks 9th in the Fortune Global 500 (2009, 16th in 2008). As of May 15, 2009, the largest holder of the company's shares was the China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group) - 75.84%.

Trading company Li&Fung

Li&Fung is one of the largest trading companies in the world, based in Hong Kong. Owned by brothers Victor and William Fung (Feng). Li & Fung, through 70 offices in 40 countries, is engaged in the logistics and distribution of clothing, accessories, gift, promotional and souvenir products, toys, sports, travel, beauty and health products, household items and furniture. In addition, when ordering a product, the company, at the request of the client, undertakes the development of design, supply of raw materials and components, control of production and quality. Li & Fung's main clients include Reebok, Nike, Esprit, Walt Disney, Coca-Cola, Marks & Spencer, Wal-Mart, Metro, Carrefour, Ahold, Karstadt.

Energy Corporation CLP Group

CLP Group is Hong Kong's largest energy corporation, which also has assets in China, India, Australia, Thailand, Laos, Taiwan and the Philippines. The largest shareholder of the CLP Group is the Kadoorie family, which also owns the Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels group (The Peninsula Hotels, the luxury residential complex The Repulse Bay, the Peak Tower shopping center and the Peak Tram cable car leading to Victoria Peak). In Hong Kong, CLP operates three thermal power plants - Black Point and Castle Peak in Thunmun District (together with the American corporation ExxonMobil) and Penny`s Bay in Chungwan District.

China Shenhua Energy Company

China Shenhua Energy is the largest coal producer in mainland China, the second largest coal company on the planet after Peabody Energy, the largest coal producer in the world by capitalization, the world's second public company in terms of coal reserves (6 billion tons). It is engaged in the mining and sale of coal, as well as the production and sale of electricity in mainland China.

Hang Seng Bank

Hang Seng Bank is the second largest bank in Hong Kong, second only to Bank of China (Hong Kong). More than 62% of Hang Seng Bank shares are owned by the British group HSBC Holdings through its subsidiary Hong Kong bank The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Hang Seng Bank employs about 10 thousand employees and is headquartered in Central District. By 2011, Hang Seng Bank (China) had about 40 branches in the Chinese cities of Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhongshan, Huizhou and Kunming. In addition, Hang Seng Bank has offices in Macau, Singapore and Taiwan.

Bank of China (Hong Kong)

Bank of China (Hong Kong) is the largest banking group representing Hong Kong, one of the three banks that participate in the issue of local banknotes monetary unit. Formed in 2001 from the banks of the Bank of China (PRC) group. State-owned Bank of China owns 65% of the shares. The group is represented by 300 branches in Hong Kong itself and has the second largest portfolio of customer deposits. In China, the group's divisions are known as Nanyang Commercial Bank. In 2002, Bank of China (Hong Kong) entered the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Swire Group Corporation

Swire Group is is a British multi-business corporation headquartered in London with its principal assets located in Hong Kong. The corporation's Chinese name is Taikoo (太古), which serves as the brand for a number of the group's Hong Kong and Chinese assets. Swire Group's main interests are in the areas of maritime and air transport, aviation services, logistics (especially warehouses and port refrigerators), residential and retail real estate, hospitality, beverages and agribusiness. Swire Group's assets are located in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, UAE, Bahrain, Kenya, UK, Denmark, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Russia.

Wharf holding company

The Wharf is an investment holding company primarily engaged in real estate and infrastructure investments in Hong Kong and mainland China. The company's assets include primarily hotels and office properties.

Hong Kong and China Gas

Hong Kong and China Gas is company engaged in gas supply, water supply and wastewater in Hong Kong and China (through its subsidiary Towngas China Company), as well as real estate operations.

Power Assets Holdings Limited

Power Assets Holdings Limited is an investment holding company that is engaged in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. It is also involved in operations related to renewable energy sources and gas distribution. The Company maintains an interest in thermal power plants with a total capacity of approximately 6,702 megawatts; 2 wind power plants of 50 megawatts each; gas distribution network with a length of 37,000 kilometers; and 5 electricity distribution companies outside Hong Kong.

Conglomerate Hang Lung Properties

Hang Lung Properties is founded in 1960, a conglomerate involved in real estate, car parking and dry cleaning. The group's headquarters are located in Hong Kong (Central District). As of March 2011, Hang Lung Group employed 2.5 thousand people, the market value of the corporation was more than 8.3 billion dollars, and sales were more than 1.6 billion dollars. The head and co-owner of Hang Lung Group is billionaire Ronnie Chan.

Shoe company Belle International

Belle International is one of the largest shoe companies in the world, engaged in the production, distribution and retail trade of footwear (it is the largest seller of women's shoes in China). Belle International is officially registered in the Cayman Islands, with its headquarters located in Hong Kong and its main production base in China. The main brands of Belle International are Belle, Teenmix, Tata, Staccato, Senda, Basto, JipiJapa, Millie`s, Joy & Pease, Mirabell. In addition, the company distributes and retails Nike, Adidas, Kappa, Puma, Converse, Reebok, Mizuno, Li Ning, Bata, Geox, Clarcks, Caterpillar, Mephisto, BCBG, Elle, Merrell brands in China.

Telecom operator China Unicom

China Unicom is telecom operator in China. China Unicom is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world. In terms of subscriber base volume, the company ranks 7th among cellular operators (167.4 million subscribers) and 2nd among broadband Internet access providers (41.5 million subscribers).

Bank of East Asia

Bank of East Asia is third largest bank in Hong Kong (after Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Hang Seng Bank) and largest independent local bank. It has more than 90 branches in Hong Kong, more than 60 in China and about 30 in the USA, Canada and the UK. The head and co-owner of Bank of East Asia is billionaire David Lee.

Henderson Land Development

Henderson Land Development is one of the largest real estate operators in Hong Kong; through its subsidiaries, it also engages in construction, hospitality, retail, utilities, financial and transportation services, security and cleaning. Owned by billionaire Li Shauki (in addition to Henderson Land Development, he has interests in Sun Hung Kai Properties and Bank of East Asia). As of March 2011, Henderson Land Development employed 8,000 people and had a market value of more than $13.5 billion with sales of more than $1.3 billion.

China Overseas Land and Investment

China Overseas Land and Investment is An investment holding company engaged in real estate development and investment, offering real estate agency services and treasury operations in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. It invests in, develops, sells and leases residential and commercial real estate. The company also participates in the issuance of guaranteed bills; and provision of construction services.

Bank of Communications

Bank of Communications is the fifth largest commercial bank in China, 18.6% of shares owned by HSBC Holdings Plc. In 2006, BoCom's revenue was 12.27 billion yuan ($1.58 billion), up 32.7% from 2005. As of March 2007, the bank's assets reached 1.71 trillion yuan ($220 billion). The bank held an initial public offering of its shares in 2005 on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In Shanghai, 3.19 billion class A shares were placed (6.5% of the bank's market value) worth 25.2 billion yuan ($3.3 billion).

Manufacturer and distributor Esprit

Esprit is global manufacturer and distributor of a variety of products under the Esprit brand (clothing, underwear, shoes, accessories, sporting goods, jewelry, watches, cosmetics and perfumes, toys, children's products, household items, including carpets, home textiles, lighting, furniture, wallpaper), as well as goods under the edc brand (became independent in 2007) and cosmetics under the Red Earth brand. The company's European headquarters is located in the German city of Ratingen, and the Asian headquarters is in Hong Kong.

China Coal Energy Company

China Coal Energy is the second largest coal mining company in mainland China after China Shenhua Energy, and the world's third largest coal company. It owns 12 coal deposits (9 are in operation, 3 are under construction), 13 coal processing plants, 5 coke plants, 4 enterprises for the production of equipment for the coal industry and 2 design institutes. In 2009, the company's enterprises produced 108.56 million tons of raw coal, which exceeded the 2008 figures by 8.2%. The company has concluded framework agreements with key customers for 2010-2014. on coal supplies in the amount of 750 million tons.

Railway operator MTR Corporation

MTR Corporation is operator of Hong Kong's railway system (MTR), which includes the subway, electric trains and trams. MTR Corporation is also involved in construction, real estate, bus transportation, and has contracts for the operation of railway public transport in London, Stockholm, Melbourne, Beijing, Shenzhen and Hangzhou. As of March 2011, MTR Corporation employed 21 thousand people, had a market value of more than $21.5 billion and sales of $3.8 billion.

China Merchants Holdings International

China Merchants Holdings International is Chinese state-owned diversified conglomerate based in Hong Kong (headquarters located in the Central District). The company was founded in Hong Kong in 1992 and is the largest asset of China Merchants Group. Controls port terminals in Hong Kong (Modern Terminals in Khua Chin District - a joint venture with Wharf Holdings) and Shenzhen (Chiwan Container Terminals, Shekou Container Terminals and China Merchants Port), as well as the Chiwan Wharf Holdings shipyard in Shenzhen. As of March 2011, China Merchants Holdings (International) employed 4 thousand people, the market value of the corporation was $10.4 billion, and sales were $0.5 billion.

Sino Land Property Operators

Sino Land is one of the largest real estate operators in Hong Kong, managing residential, office, retail and industrial complexes, hotels and country clubs. Owned by billionaire Robert Ng, the eldest son of company founder Ng Tengfun (the Ng family also controls the Singaporean corporation Far East Organization, which has interests in real estate and the beverage industry). Sino Group's largest development projects in Hong Kong include Olimpian City, China Hong Kong City, Hong Kong Gold Coast, Redhill Peninsula, Cairnhill, Dynasty, Island Resort, Lake Silver, Residence Oasis and Citywalk. Sino Group also manages real estate assets in the Chinese cities of Shanghai, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Zhangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Chongqing.

Conglomerate China Resources Enterprise

- China Resources Enterprise is a diversified conglomerate based in Hong Kong with major assets in China. The main assets of the holding are the supermarket chain China Resources Vanguard (Hong Kong, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Beijing) and the largest Chinese brewing company China Resources Snow Breweries (a joint venture of the group with the British SABMiller), which has factories in Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu . As of March 2011, China Resources Enterprise employed more than 150 thousand people, the market value of the corporation was more than $9 billion, and sales were $8.3 billion. In 2013, the British supermarket chain Tesco acquired 20% of the retail business of China Resources Enterprise, which operated about 3 thousand department stores and supermarkets in China.

New World Development Company

New World Development is a major real estate and transport services operator based in Hong Kong. It is part of a huge business empire owned by Hong Kong billionaire Cheng Yutong and his eldest son Henry Chang. The company was founded in 1970 and has been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 1972; Main interests include real estate, retail trade, telecommunications. As of March 2011, New World Development employed 55 thousand people, had a market value of $7.14 billion and sales of almost $3.9 billion. New World Development's largest Hong Kong real estate assets include New World Centre, Harbor Place, City One, Discovery Park, Grandiose, Merton, Riviera Gardens and K11. In addition, New World Development owns a number of subsidiaries.

Chalco Aluminum Company

Chalco is the only and largest aluminum company in the People's Republic of China. It is the second largest producer of alumina and the third largest producer of primary aluminum. The company's revenue in 2009 amounted to 70.268 billion Chinese yuan, decreasing by 4.643 billion yuan or 8.42% compared to 2008. Despite a significant increase in aluminum prices in 2009, average annual prices were lower than in 2008, which affected the company's total revenue. As of March 31, 2010, the company had 107,831 employees.

Investment Corporation CITIC Pacific

CITIC Pacific is one of the largest state-owned investment corporations in China. Founded by Rong Yiren in 1979, with the consent of Deng Xiaoping. The headquarters is located in Beijing, in the Chaoyang district. The holding was founded in 1990 and is the main asset of the CITIC group. The headquarters is located in the CITIC Tower skyscraper (Central District). The conglomerate's interests include steel production, iron ore mining, energy, infrastructure, telecommunications, retail and logistics, as well as the Eastern Harbor Crossing, Western Harbor Crossing and Cross-Harbor tunnels between Hong Kong and Kowloon, development projects in Shanghai, Yangzhou and Hainan Island. As of March 2011, CITIC Pacific employed more than 30 thousand people, had a market value of $9.8 billion and sales of $9.1 billion.

China Resources Land conglomerate

China Resources Land is a diversified conglomerate based in Hong Kong with major assets in China. The company is a major real estate developer and operator with assets in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Wuhan, Hefei, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Dalian, Ningbo, Changsha, Suzhou, Chongqing and Shenyang. She also owns the China Resources Tower skyscraper in Bangkok. As of March 2011, China Resources Land employed 6 thousand people, the market value of the corporation was $8.7 billion, and sales were more than $2 billion.

China Resources Power Company

China Resources Power is a diversified conglomerate based in Hong Kong with major assets in China. The company has power and coal assets in the Chinese provinces of Liaoning, Beijing, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and Yunnan. As of March 2011, China Resources Power Holdings employed 24 thousand people, the market value of the corporation was almost $8 billion, and sales were $4.3 billion.

Container operator COSCO Pacific

COSCO Pacific is a world leader in the dry bulk cargo sector and one of the world's 10 largest container operators, transporting approximately 180 million tons of cargo annually. COSCO was founded on April 27, 1961, as the first international shipping courier in China, and grew into a $17 billion corporation in 1993. The company owns and operates 800 merchant ships with a total deadweight of 30 million tons. The number of employees is 80 thousand people, of which 5 thousand are foreigners. COSCO is divided into enterprises specializing in freight transportation, incl. and containers and logistics operations. COSCO Group unites 46 subsidiaries.

Airline Cathay Pacific

Cathay Pacific is Hong Kong's flagship airline. Based at Hong Kong International Airport, it provides regular passenger and cargo services to 114 destinations around the world. Cathay Pacific is one of only six airlines in the world to have a five-star Skytrax rating. Cathay Pacific is a member of the Oneworld alliance. The operating company of the airline is Swire Group.

Electronics manufacturer Foxconn

Foxconn is trade name of the Taiwanese company Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. (Ltd.). Foxconn is the world's largest manufacturer of electronics (electronic components and finished products), mainly being a direct contractor under contracts with other companies, which, in turn, sell products under their own brands.

Foxconn manufactures famous products such as Canon cameras; PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 for Sony; Wii for Nintendo; Xbox 360 for Microsoft, cell phones for Motorola, Nokia, Xiaomi; Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble and PocketBook International readers; iPhone, iPad, MacBook for Apple Corporation; equipment for Cisco. Foxconn produces motherboards for Intel Corporation and carries out various orders for American companies Dell and Hewlett-Packard. In addition, the company produces motherboards, cases and nettops under its own Foxconn brand. Included in the TOP 10 largest employers in the world.

Hang Seng Index Calculation

The index is calculated as a weighted average of the capitalization of companies included in the list. The Hang Seng value is calculated using the formula:

Hang Seng Index Futures

HSI index is a convenient tool for investing in the Hong Kong stock market, which, by the way, is one of the main financial centers not only in Asia, but also in the world. Hong Kong, in turn, having the status of a special administrative territory of China, has the second largest economy in the world. In addition, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange indicator allows investors to invest in the Chinese economy, which is among the fastest growing in the world. Finally, the high liquidity of the HSI index allows it to be used for speculative trading.

What is a futures?

Traders can trade the Hang Seng Index using various financial instruments, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs), contracts for difference, options and futures. Futures contracts are among the most convenient and liquid ways to implement medium- and long-term index strategies, as well as speculative trading. Investors have the option to trade the following HSI futures: Standard Hang Seng Index futures contracts traded on HKEx under the ticker symbol HSI. The price of this futures contract is HKD 50 per HSI index point. The minimum price change is 1 index point or HKD 50 per contract. Trading of the HSI contract is carried out from 09:15 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:15 HKT (Hong Kong time); mini futures on the Hang Seng Index are traded on the SEHK under the ticker MHI. The contract price is HKD 10 per index point, the minimum price change is one point or HKD 10 per contract. The trading hours of the HSI and MHI contracts are the same.

In addition to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, futures for the Hang Seng Index are traded on the FORTS derivatives market of OJSC MICEX-RTS, the Bombay Stock Exchange and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. However, it is the contracts presented at HKEx that have the most significant trading volumes. On average, traders buy and sell more than 90,000 standard HSI derivatives per day and more than 40,000 mini HSI futures per day. The popularity of the latter is explained by the lower cost of entering a position, which makes it possible to implement a trading strategy even with a large deposit.

The maximum value of futures quotes for the Hang Seng index was demonstrated in the second half of 2007. This was due to the fact that the indicator value crossed the psychological threshold of 30,000 points in January of the same year, when the number of companies included in the HSI index basket was increased. A sharp rise in futures quotes in the form of a doubling was followed by an equally spectacular fall in 2008 below the 11,000 mark. The situation of the last five years, judging by the graph, displays a wave-like rally without such significant collapses or jumps.

Factors influencing the HSI index

One of the most important indicators China's stock market is the Hang Seng stock index. The Hang Seng Index is calculated based on the dynamics of changes in quotes, the so-called blue chips (liquid securities). Each of the chips has an impact on the movement of the index in one direction or another. For example, if most blue chips rise, the Hang Seng Index will also rise. The Chinese stock market, like any other, is very sensitive to changes in the macroeconomic environment. A fundamental investor or analyst intuitively or mechanically assumes that the price of a stock is tied through its intrinsic value to a certain set of factors that have different influences, different durations, sudden or predictable nature of manifestation. Due to the unusual nature of these factors, the price constantly fluctuates.

Typically, fundamental analysis is widely used for market analysis by investors or market participants, since it allows one to evaluate a particular security with an understanding of the macroeconomic picture as a whole, and does not require detailed technical analysis. Highlighting another important prerequisite for fundamental analysis, it should be noted that it is mainly formed as follows: macroeconomic factors determine the main market trend. The primary influence of macroeconomic factors and the main market trend are also influenced by the opinions of investors, expert observations and statistics.

It can be stated that factorial mathematical models are often used as a key factor influencing the level or dynamics of GDP, inflation, and interest rates. More often, fundamental factors include factors of an economic nature. Among them, the main ones are usually those factors that are associated with the issuing enterprise. The price of securities is tied to the financial and economic condition of the issuer, a change in which, according to analysts, leads to a change in the market. Fundamental factors influence the stock market in many ways. When actual macroeconomic statistics turn out better than expected, this can be an additional boost to the stock market.

News, as well as recommendations from well-known analytical or financial companies, contribute significantly to the stock market. For example, after the statement of the famous financial company GP Morgan that Chinese shares are an attractive instrument for financial investments, the Hang Seng stock index showed significant growth. Fundamental factors may also be the country's balance of trade and payments indicators. The current growth of the Chinese stock market is due precisely to the country's attractive macroeconomic indicators and their growth rates.

Factors influencing the stock market

Dynamics of the Hang Seng Index

For the first time the figure exceeded 10 thousand points on December 6, 1993. On December 28, 2006, the index exceeded the mark of 20 thousand points, and just a few days later, on January 24, 2007, the index reached its maximum - 20,971 points. The number of companies on the basis of whose shares the indicator is calculated has increased. Eventually, other indicators began to complement the index. For example, the Hang Seng Composite is compiled by capitalization of the 200 largest companies, and it covers approximately 97% of the shares of the entire Hong Kong securities market. However, the index remained less popular, although it is hardly inferior to HIS in relevance.

When the Hang Seng Index first began to be calculated, its basis of 100 basis points was set to the equivalent of the total value of the stocks included in the index as of July 31, 1964. The HSI Index's all-time low is 58.61 points, reached on August 31, 1967. The Hang Seng has surpassed 10 000 basis points for the first time in its history on December 10, 1993, and 13 years later it exceeded the level of 20,000 basis points (this happened on December 28, 2006). However, this was not the limit - less than 10 months later, a threshold of 30,000 basis points was taken (October 18, 2007). The historical maximum of the Hang Seng index chart was observed on October 30, 2007, it was equal to 31,958.41 points during the trading session and 31,638.22 points at closing. From October 30, 2007 to March 9, 2008, the index lost 9,426 points or about 30%. On September 5, 2008, the index fell below 20,000 points for the first time in almost a year, reaching a low of 19,708.39 during the session, and 19,933.28 at the close of trading.

tradingeconomics.com website economic indicators

ru.tradimo.com - free training in forex trading

hsi.com.hk - website dedicated to the Hang Seng Index

saxobank.com - Saxo Bank dealing center website

callidus-invest.com - portal about private investment

62.ua - information portal of the city of Donetsk

forextimes.ru - information and analytical portal

binarymag.ru - forum binary options

babyforex.ru - training in forex trading

ffin.ru - website investment company"Freedom Finance"

fortrader.ru - magazine for forex traders

hot-economy.ru - economic news portal

betafinance.ru - world economic news

investfunds.kz - website about investing in Kazakhstan

fxeuroclub.ru - website of the Forex EuroClub dealing center

daytrader.com.ua - portal for trading on the stock market

duntonse.com - information and analytical portal

allfi.biz - educational center in the field of finance

investmentrussia.ru - website about investing in Russia

asiareport.ru - Asian information portal

trust.ua - financial news of Ukraine

Sources of Internet services

forexaw.com - information and analytical portal on financial markets

wordstat.yandex.ru - a service that allows you to analyze search queries

Google.ru is a popular search engine

translate.google.ru - translator from the Google search engine

maps.google.ru - Google search engine maps

yandex.ru - the largest search engine in Russia

ru.tradingeconomics.com - website of economic indicators

Application links

getpaint.net - free software for working with images

windows.microsoft.com - website of Microsoft Corporation, which created the Windows OS

office.microsoft.com - website of the corporation that created Microsoft Office

chrome.google.ru - a frequently used browser for working with websites

The Hang Seng Index (HSI) is one of the largest stock indices in the Asian stock market; it includes data from the 40 largest companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The HSI Index is managed by Hang Seng Bank; It was first released in 1969 and currently accounts for 65% of the total market capitalization on the Hong Kong Exchange. The index is divided into four subgroups, each of which combines the commercial, financial, utilities and real estate sectors, respectively.

The Hang Seng Index is the main indicator of the Chinese stock market and the Hong Kong economy. As you know, Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China, so the connection between the two territories is very close, and many Chinese companies are traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which in turn is still mainly managed by the British holding company HSBS.

Hang Seng Index Trading Information

  • Designation in MT4: HSI
  • Trading hours: 04:15-06:59, 08:00-11:29, 12:15-20:45 (Moscow time)
  • Country: Hong Kong
  • Currency: Hong Kong dollar
  • Exchange: Hong Kong Stock Exchange

The Hang Seng Index was first released on November 24, 1969 and is still the largest indicator of the Hong Kong economy. The Hang Seng Index includes many more “fractional” stock indexes, including the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, Hang Seng China AH Index Series, Hang Seng China H-Financials Index, Hang Seng Composite Index Series, Hang Seng China A Industry Top Index, Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index Series and Hang Seng Total Return Index Series.

Hang Seng Bank Chairman Ho Hsing Han envisioned the Hang Seng Index as “Hong Kong Dow Jones" The base value of the index (100 points) was established on 07/31/1964 as the total value of all shares. The index's record low occurred on August 31, 1967: then the Hang Seng fell to 58.61 points. On October 18, 2007, the Hang Seng crossed 10,000 and an all-time high was set soon after, with the index soaring to 31,958.41 on October 30 of the same year.

Index formula

Factors influencing the HSI index value

As with other stock indices, the value of the Hang Seng is influenced by various micro and macroeconomic factors. First of all, the close connection of the index with Chinese economy. Thus, a good example is the abolition of the rigid peg of the yuan to the dollar and the subsequent devaluation of the Chinese currency.

The devaluation of the yuan, which was carried out by the People's Bank of China in 2015, ultimately led to a decrease in the Renminbi by 30%, which could not but affect the stock market.

During such periods, experts become confident in the future economic growth of the country, which is reflected accordingly in its market and in the stock index – in this case, the Hang Seng.

Politics also plays a significant role, although political events do not always directly affect the index. The best example in this regard is the Brexit announcement, which caused the Hang Seng to decline by 1,000 points.

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The author of the index is considered to be Hong Kong banker Stanley Swan. Stanley Kwan). The calculation of the Hang Seng Index began on November 24, 1969 by HSI Services Limited. This company currently collects, publishes and analyzes information on the Hang Seng Index and a number of other stock indices, such as the Hang Seng Composite Index, Hang Seng HK MidCap Index, etc.

The index's underlying value of 100 points was equivalent to the stock's closing price on July 31, 1964. The lowest index value of 58.61 points was reached on August 31, 1967, calculated backdated. The historical maximum was 20971, 46 points on January 24, 2007. The Hang Seng crossed 10,000 points for the first time in its history on December 6, 1993 and 13 years later, 20,000 points on December 28, 2006.

Place Name Industry Logo Specific gravity in index,%
1 HSBC Finance 16,91
2 China Mobile Communications, telecommunications 7,19
3 China Construction Bank Finance 6,69
4 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Finance 5,52
5 China National Offshore Oil Corporation Fuel and energy 5,17
6 Bank of China Finance 4,22
7 PetroChina Fuel and energy 3,66
8 China Life Insurance Finance 3,61
9 Tencent Technological 3,39
10 Hutchison Whampoa Multidisciplinary 3,20
11 Sun Hung Kai Properties Finance 3,17
12 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Finance 2,82
13 Cheung Kong (Holdings) Finance 2,75
14 Ping An Insurance Finance 2,24
15 Sinopec Energy 2,18
16 Li & Fung Trade 1,92
17 CLP Group Energy 1,87
18 China Shenhua Energy Energy 1,80
19 Hang Seng Bank Finance 1,55
20 Bank of China (Hong Kong) Finance 1,46
21 Swire Pacific Multidisciplinary 1,29
22 The Wharf Multidisciplinary 1,26
23 Hong Kong and China Gas Energy 1,23
24 Power Assets Holdings Limited Energy 1,15
25 Hang Lung Properties Real estate 1,13
26 Belle International 1,03
27 China Unicom Telecommunications 1,00
28 Bank of East Asia Finance 0,90
29 Henderson Land Development Real estate 0,87
30 China Overseas Land and Investment Real estate 0,86
31 Bank of Communications Finance 0,81
32 Esprit Holdings Common consumption goods 0,76
33 China Coal Energy Fuel and energy 0,75
34 MTR Corporation Railways 0,68
35 China Merchants Holdings International Chemistry and logistics 0,59
36 Sino Land Real estate 0,57
37 Multidisciplinary 0,56
38 New World Development Multidisciplinary 0,54
39 Chalco Metallurgy 0,50
40 CITIC Pacific Multidisciplinary 0,42
41 Real estate 0,42
42 Energy 0,40
43 COSCO Pacific Shipping 0,40
44 Cathay Pacific Air transportation 0,35
45 Foxconn Technological 0,19

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Excerpt describing Hang Seng

“I’m very glad,” Nikolai answered. - He's a great person. Why are you so in love?
“How can I tell you,” Natasha answered, “I was in love with Boris, with the teacher, with Denisov, but this is not the same at all.” I feel calm and firm. I know that there are no better people than him, and I feel so calm, good now. Not at all like before...
Nikolai expressed his displeasure to Natasha that the wedding had been postponed for a year; but Natasha attacked her brother with bitterness, proving to him that it could not be otherwise, that it would be bad to join the family against the will of her father, that she herself wanted it.
“You don’t understand at all,” she said. Nikolai fell silent and agreed with her.
My brother was often surprised when he looked at her. It didn't look at all like she was a loving bride separated from her groom. She was even, calm, and cheerful, absolutely as before. This surprised Nikolai and even made him look at Bolkonsky’s matchmaking with disbelief. He did not believe that her fate had already been decided, especially since he had not seen Prince Andrei with her. It seemed to him that something was wrong in this supposed marriage.
“Why the delay? Why didn’t you get engaged?” he thought. Having once talked with his mother about his sister, he, to his surprise and partly to his pleasure, found that his mother, in the same way, in the depths of her soul, sometimes looked at this marriage with distrust.
“He writes,” she said, showing her son Prince Andrei’s letter with that hidden feeling of ill will that a mother always has against her daughter’s future marital happiness, “she writes that she will not arrive before December.” What kind of business could detain him? Truly a disease! My health is very poor. Don't tell Natasha. Don’t look at how cheerful she is: this is the last time she’s living as a girl, and I know what happens to her every time we receive his letters. But God willing, everything will be fine,” she concluded every time: “he’s an excellent person.”

At first, Nikolai was serious and even boring. He was tormented by the impending need to intervene in these stupid household matters, for which his mother had called him. In order to get this burden off his shoulders as quickly as possible, on the third day of his arrival, he angrily, without answering the question of where he was going, went with frowned brows to Mitenka’s outbuilding and demanded from him an account of everything. What these accounts of everything were, Nikolai knew even less than Mitenka, who was in fear and bewilderment. The conversation and consideration of Mitenka did not last long. The headman, the elective and the zemstvo, who were waiting in the front wing, with fear and pleasure at first heard how the voice of the young count began to hum and crackle as if ever rising, they heard abusive and terrible words pouring out one after another.
- Robber! Ungrateful creature!... I will chop up the dog... not with daddy... I stole... - etc.
Then these people, with no less pleasure and fear, saw how the young count, all red, with bloodshot eyes, pulled Mitenka out by the collar, with his foot and knee, with great dexterity, at a convenient time, between his words, pushed him in the butt and shouted: “Get out! so that your spirit, you bastard, is not here!”
Mityenka rushed headlong down six steps and ran into a flowerbed. (This flowerbed was a well-known place for saving criminals in Otradnoye. Mitenka himself, arriving drunk from the city, hid in this flowerbed, and many residents of Otradnoye, hiding from Mitenka, knew the saving power of this flowerbed.)
Mitenka's wife and sisters-in-law with frightened faces leaned out into the hallway from the doors of the room where a clean samovar was boiling and the clerk's high bed stood under a quilted blanket sewn from short pieces.
The young count, panting, not paying attention to them, walked past them with decisive steps and went into the house.
The Countess, who immediately learned through the girls about what happened in the outbuilding, on the one hand, calmed down in the sense that now their condition should improve, on the other hand, she was worried about how her son would bear it. She tiptoed to his door several times, listening to him smoke pipe after pipe.
The next day the old count called his son aside and said to him with a timid smile:
– Do you know, you, my soul, got excited in vain! Mitenka told me everything.
“I knew, Nikolai thought, that I would never understand anything here, in this stupid world.”
– You were angry that he did not enter these 700 rubles. After all, he wrote them in transport, but you didn’t look at the other page.
“Dad, he’s a scoundrel and a thief, I know.” And he did what he did. And if you don’t want to, I won’t tell him anything.
- No, my soul (the count was embarrassed too. He felt that he was a bad manager of his wife’s estate and was guilty before his children, but did not know how to correct this) - No, I ask you to take care of business, I’m old, I...
- No, daddy, you will forgive me if I did something unpleasant to you; I know less than you.
“To hell with them, with these men with money and transport all over the page,” he thought. Even from the corner of six jackpots, I once understood, but from the page of transport, I don’t understand anything,” he said to himself and since then he has not intervened in business anymore. Only one day the Countess called her son to her, told him that she had Anna Mikhailovna’s bill of exchange for two thousand and asked Nikolai what he thought to do with it.