Insurance amount of bank deposits. Bank deposit insurance

Before opening a deposit in a bank, you need to make sure that the organization is a member of the (CCV). The main idea of ​​the program is to make quick payments to clients from an independent source (fund) in the event of license revocation. Thus, even before the start of liquidation procedures, investors receive their funds back. International experience shows that such a system raises the level of customer confidence and reduces the costs of overcoming crisis phenomena.

Which banks have deposits insured?

In Russia, this procedure is regulated by the law of the same name and does not require the conclusion of an additional agreement. In order to manage the system, a special state organization was created in 2004 - the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). It is engaged in the formation of a register of depositors and the issuance of savings. which are insured by the state: Sberbank, VTB (24), Gazprom, Alfa, UniCredit, Promsvyaz, MDM, Raiffeisen, B&N Bank, Citibank, etc. This list also includes another 840 large and small financial institutions.

The amount of insured deposits in banks since 2015 is 1.4 million rubles. It includes funds of individuals (since 01/01/2014 - individual entrepreneurs) placed in the form of time deposits on demand, on cards (including credit cards) and in accounts. In this case, institutions must be registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. The state does not provide:

Funds in non-registered metal accounts;

Bearer deposits;

Funds transferred to trust management;

Deposits in foreign branches of the bank;

Money transfers that are carried out without opening an account.

Amount of insured deposit in banks: concept

Deposits of Russians in credit institutions are protected by the state. From the moment of the creation of the DIA and until December 31, 2014, the amount of insured deposits in banks was 700 thousand rubles. per client. This figure has doubled since this year. This means that if clients have several deposits opened in different branches of the same credit institution, then the total amount of savings including interest is taken into account. If a bank's license is revoked, only deposits in the amount of 1.4 million rubles are subject to return. Deposits that exceed this figure will not be reimbursed. The DIA pays insurance amounts.

Which are insured by the state, a certain percentage of the funds raised is transferred to the guarantor. These proceeds, as well as amounts received from the Central Bank, are used to pay off debt to investors in the event of license revocation.


Deposits raised in any currency are covered by collateral. But deposits in rubles are considered more secure. In the event of a national currency devaluation, deposits in dollars, euros and pounds begin to grow. The DIA pays deposits only in rubles, and at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the day of revocation of the credit institution’s license. There are two dangers here. First: in the event of a strong devaluation, the cost of a deposit in rubles may exceed that guaranteed by the state. Then the investor will not receive his savings at all. Second: losses can occur due to a large gap between the official and market exchange rates.

Algorithm of actions

The CER comes into force after the bank's license is revoked. After this, depositors can contact the DIA with a request to return the deposit. In this case you need to provide:

  • statement;
  • a document certifying the rights of claim for heirs, or a power of attorney.

The DIA must provide the client with an extract from the register with a list of the bank’s obligations to him. Funds are paid within 3 business days, provided that more than two weeks have passed since the license was revoked. If the amount of compensation does not suit the former investor, he can write a corresponding application to the DIA. A list of documents confirming your right to receive a larger payment must be attached to the paper.

Reform of the SSV

Over the first 9 months of 2014, 40 credit institutions, including Trust Bank, failed inspection by the Central Bank. Deposits in these organizations are insured by the state for a total amount of 212 billion rubles. The volume of DIA funds during the year decreased from 237 billion rubles to 154 billion rubles. Mosoblbank stood out the most, sanitizing it turned out to be cheaper than restoring the consequences of liquidation. The decline in volumes accumulated by an average of 1% in small and medium-sized banks began to worry regulators.

State-owned companies occupy leading positions in the ranking in terms of the volume of funds raised. Large systemically important banks are forced to pay for insurance of deposits in problem banks. There are several ways out of this situation.

First. who are insured by the state, pay a monthly 0.1% of the amount of funds raised. The issue of differentiation of this rate is being considered. But this will require changes in legislation and will cause a lot of controversy.

Second. At the moment, the state has guaranteed the amount of insured deposits in banks in the amount of 1.4 million. There is a proposal to limit not only the volume, but also the number of payments per depositor for deposits opened in all banks being rehabilitated.

Third. Refuse to insure interest on deposits. This scheme was in effect in 2006-2007. This will benefit holders of foreign currency deposits.

As the experience of most economically developed countries shows, deposit insurance in banks acts as an effective tool for solving a complex of macroeconomic and social problems. First of all, the savings guarantee system helps prevent panic among citizens. This, in turn, ensures stable operation of the banking system. At the same time, CER helps reduce public costs of eliminating the consequences of the crisis. Insurance of deposits of individuals, among other things, increases public confidence in financial and credit organizations. This creates the preconditions for a long-term increase in private deposits. Today, government deposit insurance exists in 104 countries around the world.

Deposit insurance in Russia

It is carried out in accordance with the relevant “On Deposit Insurance”, which was adopted in 2003, on December 23. Its provisions determine the operation of the CER and the procedure for ensuring guarantees. In particular, in accordance with the Federal Law, all savings of citizens placed in accounts provided by banks registered in Russia are subject to protection. Deposit insurance for individuals also applies to funds on cards (except credit cards), since they also act as regular accounts. Savings are protected in accordance with the specified Federal Law. This means that there is no need to additionally conclude a warranty agreement. The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) operates in Russia. This corporation was formed in 2004, in January. The Deposit Insurance Agency provides control and management of the system. In Russia, participation in the savings account is an integral part of the activities of organizations involved in attracting and storing citizens' savings. Currently, more than 800 banks are included in the insurance system.

Amount of compensation

Reimbursement for deposits in an organization in respect of which an insured event occurred is carried out in the amount of 100% of the amount of funds stored, but not more than 1,400,000 rubles. Savings held in accounts in foreign currency are recalculated at the exchange rate at the time the event occurred. The maximum amount of compensation - 1.4 million rubles - is accrued for deposits kept in the same bank in different accounts (or one). Savings held in different financial institutions are provided independently of each other.

Important point

After the insurance compensation is paid, the depositor's right of claim for amounts exceeding the amount of the guarantees is satisfied in the process of first-priority creditors. The rights to claim the amount of compensation paid are transferred to the DIA. If the depositor was issued a loan from a bank in respect of which an insured event occurred, the amount of compensation is reduced by the amount of counterclaims of the financial credit organization on the date of termination of its activities.

Reimbursement cases

The Law establishes the following circumstances under which compensation is paid to depositors:

  1. Cancellation (revocation) of a license.
  2. Introduction of a moratorium by the Bank of Russia on financial transactions.

Payments of compensation begin within three working days from the date of submission of documents to the DIA, but not earlier than two weeks from the occurrence of any of the above circumstances. Reimbursement of deposits is carried out either at the Agency’s office (if the total amount and number of depositors is small), or in one or more authorized departments, or by mail. For each individual situation, a specific procedure for providing compensation is established.


The following are not subject to insurance:

Financial Basics

Insurance of deposits of individuals is carried out with the support of an independent Fund. Its size as of May 7, 2014 amounted to 195.7 billion rubles. (minus the created reserve for the payment of compensation for incidents that occurred - 157.6 billion rubles). The main financial sources for the formation of the Fund are the state property contribution - 7.9 billion rubles, as well as contributions and income from investments from its funds. Contributions are the same for all financial and credit organizations and must be paid quarterly. The tariff is determined by the DIA board of directors. Currently, the rate is 0.1% of the average insured savings of individuals for the corresponding quarter.

Historical facts

Since the introduction of deposit insurance for individuals, the amount of compensation has increased 14 times. At the initial stage it was 100 thousand rubles. Since August 2006, payments increased to 190,000 rubles, from March 2007 - to 400,000, from October 2008 - to 700,000 rubles. In 2014, the State Duma adopted an amendment, according to which the maximum amount of compensation became 1.4 million rubles. During the entire existence of the CER, more than 180 insured events occurred.

More about the amendment

The doubling of the compensation amount was due to the panic of depositors. According to bankers, this step by the State Duma is very positive, but it is unlikely to contribute to the influx of deposits. The Financial Markets Committee decided to support this project. The meeting took place in an unconventional manner and was hidden from journalists. As the head of the Committee, Burykina, noted, the amendments at that time were unfinished, and in order to avoid discrepancies, the subsequent discussion should be held without representatives of the media.

Meeting agenda

The committee had two bills to consider. The first concerned doubling the insurance payment, and the second concerned the formation of an inter-factional group of deputies that would work to stabilize the situation on the Russian financial market. However, the discussion also touched on a number of other pressing issues.

Reasons for increasing compensation

The need for urgent adoption of such a measure was due to a significant outflow of citizens’ funds from ruble accounts. Thus, since the beginning of 2014 it amounted to about 216 billion rubles. Due to the financial crisis that began in December, the risk of outflows has increased significantly. Bankers point to the massive desire of Russians to transfer their funds to foreign currency accounts, as well as invest in property. According to Aksakov, president of the Rossiya association, increasing the amount of insurance will contribute to the flow of money into domestic financial companies. He cites the situation in 2008 as evidence of his position. During that period, there was an outflow of deposits amounting to 7%. After increasing the insurance amount to 700 thousand rubles. The volume of citizens' deposits increased by 10% in October.

DIA work in new conditions

With the adoption of the amendment to increase insurance compensation, as Aksakov notes, the system of contributions to the fund is unlikely to undergo any changes. If the DIA reserve decreases significantly, it may apply for a loan from the Central Bank. This possibility is provided for by the Federal Law on CERs. As Isaev (chief of the agency) noted, the decision made will affect the work of the corporation, but the need to contact the Central Bank has not yet arisen.

Additional opportunities for citizens

As mentioned above, bankers consider increasing the amount of insurance payments a very positive decision. Currently, the population's deposits amount to 500 thousand rubles. This relatively small figure is due to the fact that many split their funds and opened accounts in different financial institutions to reduce risks. When the insurance payment increases, depositors have the opportunity to accumulate large sums in one bank. At the same time, the increase in compensation acts as an additional guarantee of the Government. This, in turn, among other things, also helps to increase confidence in the domestic financial sector. At the same time, according to bankers, the adoption of the amendment will reduce the rate of cancellation and selection of licenses in order to avoid increasing the burden on the insurance fund.

What law regulates the procedure for paying insurance compensation?

The procedure for paying insurance compensation is regulated by No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” dated December 23, 2003

At which Sberbank office can I receive refunds on deposits??

You can receive compensation for deposits or accounts at any authorized Sberbank office listed in the list of banks for which Sberbank pays compensation. Sberbank makes payments to both individuals and individual entrepreneurs. The list can be viewed on this page.

Detailed information can be found:

  • by phone 900;
  • by calling the Deposit Insurance Agency: 8-800-200-08-05.

In what currency is the refund paid?

Payment of compensation for deposits is made in rubles.

At what rate are deposits in foreign currency converted?

Deposits and accounts in foreign currency are converted into rubles at the exchange rate at the time of license revocation or suspension of your bank.

Can a depositor, a foreign citizen, receive insurance compensation for deposits?

Yes maybe. Compensation is paid regardless of the depositor's citizenship.

Can an individual entrepreneur receive insurance compensation for accounts or deposits??

Yes maybe. According to 177-FZ “On Insurance of Deposits of Individuals”, the depositor receives compensation in cash or via wire transfer. If:

  • the individual entrepreneur has not lost his status, the money is transferred to his current account in the DIA participating bank;
  • the depositor has ceased to be an individual entrepreneur, the amount is transferred in cash or to any other account in a DIA participating bank;
  • the entrepreneur declared bankruptcy proceedings - to the debtor's account used in open bankruptcy proceedings, to the account opened on his behalf by the bankruptcy trustee, or to the court's deposit account.

For all deposits and accounts, an amount of no more than 1.4 million rubles is paid. Instead of an individual entrepreneur, the following may receive compensation:

  • the investor or his representative by proxy, including when the state registration of an individual entrepreneur is canceled;
  • representative of the investor-debtor in the event of bankruptcy of the investor;
  • the investor's heir, the executor of the investor's will and their authorized persons;
  • legal representative of the investor in the event of restriction of entrepreneurial legal capacity, recognition of a citizen as incompetent, or restriction of a citizen’s legal capacity.

What amount will be paid to an individual entrepreneur if he had a deposit in the amount of 800 thousand rubles and a current account for business activities with a balance of 900 thousand rubles?

The maximum amount of compensation for all deposits and accounts should be 1.4 million rubles. If the total of all invoices exceeds this amount, then compensation is paid in proportion to the size of each invoice.

In what form is compensation paid for deposits of individuals?

Compensation is paid at your choice: in cash or by transfer to an account in a specified bank that is a participant in the deposit insurance system.

What fees does Sberbank charge for paying compensation, issuing an extract from the register or a certificate?

Sberbank does not charge a commission for paying compensation and issuing certificates.

Is it possible to transfer the refund amount to an account with another credit institution?

Yes, you can. To do this, in the application for payment of compensation, you must indicate the details of the bank participating in the deposit insurance system and the details of the recipient.

Is it possible to transfer the compensation amount to the deposit or account of another individual?

At the request of a private client or his representative, as well as an heir or his representative, the amount of compensation can be transferred to the deposit or account of another individual. To do this, in the application for payment of compensation you must indicate the details of the credit institution, account number and full name of another individual.

What commission does Sberbank charge for transferring the compensation amount to the account of the recipient or another person, the account of an individual entrepreneur in another bank or commercial organization?

The translation is free of charge.

What documents must be provided by an individual entrepreneur to receive compensation?

To receive compensation, an individual entrepreneur needs these documents:

  • passport;
  • entry sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (information);
  • TIN (information);
  • client information and attachments to them (according to the model posted on the website of Sberbank PJSC:, section “Small businesses and individual entrepreneurs” → “Banking services” → “Settlement and cash services for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” “Other documents for opening and maintaining a bank account" → "Identification of a client - an individual entrepreneur for the purposes of 115-FZ").

If you have lost your individual entrepreneur status, take a document that confirms this.

How do I get a refund if I can't come to the office?

A trusted person can receive the refund instead of you. To do this, he needs to come to the bank office with his passport and a power of attorney certified by a notary. You can download a power of attorney in the bank form.

A representative of an individual entrepreneur must additionally take:

  • documents confirming the applicant's rights: originals of a court decision, will, notary certificate or their notarized copies;
  • a questionnaire if the heir of the individual entrepreneur or his representative is a private person.

The deposit was opened for a child under 14 years of age. Who can receive insurance compensation?

Insurance compensation can be received by any of the child’s parents upon presentation of:

Your identification document;

The original birth certificate of the child or a notarized copy of the certificate.

The deposit was opened for a child aged 14 to 18 years. Who can receive insurance compensation?

A child can receive insurance compensation upon presentation of:

A document proving his identity;

Notarized written consent of legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardian) for the minor to independently submit such a request.

Parents will need:


The original birth certificate of the child or a notarized copy of the certificate;

The child's original passport or a notarized copy of the child's passport.

Where can I get a claim form for compensation?

The application can be filled out at the bank office or downloaded from the Deposit Insurance Agency website.

What deposits are not insured?

Not insured:

  • money in bank accounts or deposits of lawyers, notaries and other persons, if such accounts are opened for professional activities provided for by federal law;
  • bearer bank deposits placed by private clients, including those with a savings certificate or savings book;
  • accounts transferred to trust management by private clients;
  • deposits in foreign branches of Russian banks;
  • electronic money;
  • nominal, collateral and escrow accounts, with the exception of those opened by guardians or trustees for their beneficiaries or wards, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

The Sberbank office refused to pay a refund due to the lack of information about me in the register. What to do?

You need to provide account statements, orders, payment orders confirming the existence of an account to the Sberbank office where payments occur, and sign a statement of disagreement.

You can do it yourself

Is interest on the deposit insured?

All interest on the deposit accrued on the date of license revocation is added to the principal amount of the deposit and is included in the calculation of insurance compensation, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the agreement with your bank.

Why is not the entire amount paid, but only some part?

The maximum amount of reimbursement for invoices is 1.4 million rubles. However, when calculating compensation, the amounts of the bank's counterclaims to the depositor are deducted from the total amount of the accounts.

For example, if the amount of balances on deposits (accounts) is equal to 600 thousand rubles, and the loan/credit card debt is equal to 300 thousand rubles, then the insurance compensation is calculated as the difference between these amounts: 600,000 – 300,000 = 300,000 (rubles .).

I had bills in the amount of 2 million rubles, why was only 1.4 million rubles paid? What to do?

The maximum amount of reimbursement for invoices is 1.4 million rubles. The remaining part of the funds - 600 thousand rubles - is repaid by your bank during liquidation procedures. To do this, the bank fills out the appropriate section of the payment application.

There is no need to confirm that the amount exceeds 1.4 million rubles, with the exception of heirs and their representatives, who themselves submit to the Agency originals or copies of documents confirming the validity of the claims.

You have the right to independently submit a claim from the creditor to the temporary administration of the bank with which the insured event occurred. Information about the address of the temporary administration can be obtained on the official website of the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” in the “Liquidation of Banks” section or by calling the DIA hotline (8-800-200-08-05).

What should I do if I do not agree with the refund amount?

You need to provide account statements, orders, payment orders confirming your requirements to the Sberbank office where payments occur, and sign a statement of disagreement.

You can independently write a statement of disagreement and submit it to the address of the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (109240, Moscow, Vysotskogo, 4), attaching additional documents confirming the validity of the requirements.

What amount will I receive if I have deposits in different bank branches,with whom the insured event occurred?

The general calculation rule applies to deposits in different branches: the full amount of all deposits in the bank is reimbursed, not exceeding 1.4 million rubles.

What amount of compensation will the husband and wife receive if each of them has deposits inbank,in respect of which the insured event occurred?

If an insured event occurs, each spouse will independently receive compensation for deposits in the amount of 100% of the amount of his deposits in the bank, if their amount does not exceed 1.4 million rubles.

I had a bank card attached to my husband or wife’s account. How are deposit refunds calculated?

Reimbursement for deposits will be paid only to the account owner, that is, the husband or wife.

Can the investor's heirs or representatives of the heir receive insurance compensation and in what amount?

Heirs or representatives can apply for reimbursement of deposits. To receive a refund, take your passport and certificate of inheritance with you.

What amount will be paid to the heir if the extract from the register indicates an account that does not correspond to the account number indicated in the certificate of inheritance?

If several heirs of the investor apply for the amount of insurance compensation, what share will each heir get?

The payment is made in accordance with the amount according to the register for the shares indicated in the inheritance documents, without analyzing the account numbers.

How can the investor's heir receive a deposit amount exceeding 1.4 million rubles?

The maximum amount of reimbursement for invoices is 1.4 million rubles. Part of the amount exceeding 1.4 million rubles is repaid by the bank with which the insured event occurred during liquidation procedures.

To do this, the heir or the heir’s representative must independently, without the participation of the bank, send the completed “Creditor’s Claim Form” to the Agency at the address: 109240, Moscow, Vysotskogo, 4.

Please attach to the letter originals or notarized copies of documents confirming that the amount of deposits exceeded 1.4 million rubles.

How can a depositor, including an individual entrepreneur, repay a debt on a bank loan?with whom the insured event occurred?

You can read about the repayment of a loan from a bank with which an insured event occurred on the Deposit Insurance Agency website in the “Liquidation” section or by calling the DIA: 8 800 200-08-05.

If the arbitration court did not declare the bank bankrupt, you can inquire about loan repayment from the temporary administration of the bank.

The banking crisis in the country and the difficult economic situation make people think about how reliable banks are, whether investments on deposits are protected and what is the amount of deposit insurance. Almost every month the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revokes the license of any financial and credit organization. The state is trying to protect citizens' savings in banks, so depositors should know how much the insured deposit amount is, who makes payments to reimburse investments, and what procedure for applying to the DIA is accepted.

What is the deposit insurance system

To avoid panic among citizens when the banks where they invested their funds stop servicing legal entities and individuals, the state created a special instrument that protects citizens’ savings by determining what the insured amount of the deposit should be, subject to compensation when a credit institution’s license or temporary license is revoked. termination of its work with debtors and creditors.

The deposit insurance system (DIS) based on government support has been adopted in many countries around the world. Its work is aimed at stabilizing the activities of the banking sector, preventing panic, increasing public confidence in banks and reducing the likelihood of a collapse of the national currency - if a person knows that there is a guarantee of return on invested funds, then he calmly takes these actions to obtain fireproof investments.

Mechanism of action

If the bank goes bankrupt, loses its license, or other force majeure circumstances occur due to which the credit institution cannot fulfill its obligations to depositors, then the invested funds do not “freeze”, but are quickly returned to the depositor in the amount specified by law. The maximum amount of the insured deposit for 2017 is 1,400,000 rubles - if the invested funds do not exceed this amount, they can be returned along with accrued interest on the basis of an agreement with the bank.

DIA functions

All operations for the return of insured deposit amounts are carried out by a specialized agency (DIA), acting by order of the state and guided by Federal Law No. 177 of December 22, 2003 or other regulatory documents. More than 100 billion rubles have been accumulated in the DIA accounts, which consist of contributions from the state, banks participating in the system and investment of invested amounts in certain assets, securities and other income-generating instruments.

All information is posted on the official website of the DIA, where depositors can familiarize themselves with how this structure makes payments of insured money, with the register of banks participating in the system, and the nuances of settlements. According to accepted requirements, any credit and financial institution that accepts client money for deposits is obliged to become a participant in the CER and pay certain interest on the CER, as well as insure the client’s deposit and indicate this clause in the agreement. The DIA is required to provide a register of participants in this program.

Deposit insurance amount

Experienced specialists advise opening deposits in different banks if the depositor operates with large amounts of investment, since in one financial institution you can receive no more than 1.4 million rubles from the insured deposit amount, regardless of the number of deposits and the size of finances. In this case, it does not matter whether the investments were placed in the bank itself or in its subsidiary - only the specified amount will be reimbursed - 1,400,000 rubles. There are some nuances when compensation:

  • Regardless of the currency of deposits, compensation occurs in rubles, converted at the rate at the time the bank ceases its work.
  • Not only depositors' investments are compensated, but any accounts with a debit balance - salary accounts, savings accounts, owned by private entrepreneurs.

Which banks are insured by the state?

A complete list of financial organizations whose contracts with depositors must include the insured amount of the deposit is on the official website of the DIA, where you can see the current state of affairs in a particular credit structure - whether it is a participant in the system, excluded from it, whether it has the right accept citizens' funds for deposits. As of October 24, 2017, there are 788 participating banks in the register, of which the largest can be identified - Sberbank, VTB 24, Alfa Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, Gazprom and others.

How to check if a bank deposit is insured

On the main page of the DIA website, select the section on the list of insurance participants, type the full name of the credit structure and check the information about whether it is part of the general insurance system. Many banking companies treat their investors in bad faith, hiding their investments from accounting, so there have been cases where the insured amount of the deposit was not compensated during the liquidation of the bank, despite the fact that it was listed as insured in the contract. To avoid such trouble, follow these recommendations:

  • keep your copy of the contract with the bank, all checks and receipts for depositing funds into the account;
  • require employees to track the movement of your money;
  • regularly obtain account statements with stamps and signatures from the bank indicating that the funds are on deposit.

What deposits are insured by the state?

The DIA emphasizes that not only the insured amount of the deposit is subject to compensation, but also the interest that the financial organization has undertaken to accrue. The following types of investments are compensated:

  • deposits under any conditions - term deposits, with interest capitalization, on demand;
  • money lying on salary, pension, savings, and other debit accounts;
  • amounts located in the current accounts of individual entrepreneurs for the implementation of work;
  • reserved funds in guardian accounts intended for payments to wards;
  • funds in special accounts reserved for the execution of real estate transactions.

Which deposits are not subject to compulsory insurance?

Not all funds in debit accounts are refunded. The following investments are not subject to compensation:

  • amounts in the accounts of persons engaged in notarial or legal work, intended for the implementation of their functions;
  • funds in unnamed bearer accounts, incl. on savings books, metal deposits and certificates;
  • amounts held by banking structures in trust;
  • deposits of branches of Russian banking organizations located abroad;
  • amounts on electronic wallets belonging to this credit structure;
  • all finances held in nominal debit accounts, except for trustee and guardianship accounts.

Refund Features

Many depositors have questions regarding the specifics of their contractual relationship with the banking structure, regarding whether the insured amount of the deposit is subject to compensation or not. It is necessary to monitor all changes in federal regulations and laws regarding the procedure for payments under certain contracts. You can find out about your situation by opening the tab on the DIA website regarding constantly asked questions and answers. If the information is not found, then call the agency hotline number provided.

Foreign currency deposits

Along with ruble deposits, foreign currency deposits opened in Russian banks participating in the CER are considered insured. However, there are some nuances when compensating them. All deposits in foreign currency are compensated in rubles, based on the dollar exchange rate at the time of the insured event. The latter include the following events:

  • revocation by the Central Bank of the existing license for banking activities;
  • imposing a moratorium (temporary cessation of all activities) on transactions with depositors, creditors and other persons who are clients of a given banking organization.

The financial and credit structure must fulfill obligations to its depositors, therefore all due interest on investments is accrued on the date of the occurrence of the insured situation, and is compensated according to the deposit contract, within the time frame established by it, in contrast to the body of the deposit, which is reimbursed almost immediately after force majeure circumstances . The last day for calculating additional interest payments is considered to be the moment the insured event occurs.

Savings certificates

A deposit opened by a banking structure, certified by a personal certificate (indicating a specific person on the official form of the document), is insured. The owner is entitled to compensation payments due at the face value of this security. You can receive finance in accordance with the general procedure established by the DIA. However, if the certificate was issued not to a specific citizen, but to the bearer, then it will not be possible to insure or reimburse it. Be sure to take these nuances into account when registering securities.

Funds in individual entrepreneurs' bank accounts

Until January 1, 2014, all money available in the debit accounts of private entrepreneurs was not compensated, as were funds from legal entities. However, if the insured event occurred after January 1, 2014, the entrepreneur has the right to receive his finances back if they do not exceed 1,400,000 rubles. If an entrepreneur had accounts with a banking company opened for an individual and for carrying out activities, they will be compensated in proportion to the deposits, however, the total compensation does not exceed the established maximum amount.

Insurance amount for deposits - procedure for receiving

If a bank’s license is revoked, then over the next week the DIA distributes information in the media about the agent bank where you can receive the insured deposit amount. The law allows the depositor to receive his finances directly from the DIA, but not earlier than 2 weeks after the occurrence of the insurance situation. An agent is selected with a large number of branches and divisions in order to eliminate the rush among depositors.

The depositor himself or his heir can contact the DIA or the agent bank to satisfy the requirements in the event of the death of the depositor. The procedure for receiving the guaranteed insured deposit amount is as follows:

  1. The depositor will find out which agent bank the insured amounts were transferred to.
  2. Apply to the branch of this financial structure, having an identity card with you. In some cases, you need to bring the original bank contract for the deposit. The heirs of the deceased investor additionally provide information about the right to the insured funds.
  3. An application for receiving the required insured amount is drawn up and given to a bank representative, who checks the presence of the given creditor in the general list using the register of obligations.
  4. Payments are made immediately after the depositor's request in a way convenient for him - in cash or by transfer to the specified account.

Who can the DIA refuse to pay?

Some clients are denied compensation payments. Sometimes banks, in order to attract funds from wealthy people, put forward the most attractive conditions for deposits, the initial amount of which exceeds one and a half million rubles. It is clear that the difference in excess between 1.4 million insured rubles and the amount of the deposit will burn out if the bank stops operating.

To try to avoid such an unpleasant situation, depositors, after the occurrence of an insured event, try to “split” their deposits into several parts, opening new contracts or transferring excess amounts to their relatives. The DIA sees fraud in such actions and refuses compensation. To avoid non-payment of compensation, try not to open accounts in the same bank with your family and not transfer any amounts to them.


Today, people have regained confidence in banks and prefer to keep their savings here. Firstly, a financial institution is a reliable depository for savings. Secondly, the deposit account brings income to its owner. And finally, the last reason to take your money to the bank for safekeeping is state insurance, that is, the Deposit Insurance Agency organization is guaranteed to reimburse holders of deposit accounts money in the event of liquidation of the enterprise.

But as you know, there is a limit to everything, and not all depositors probably know how much is insured by the state for deposits, according to data for the current year. After all, the funds due to the bankruptcy of banks are reimbursed not by him, but by the state, even before the liquidation of the enterprise. Next, we will consider what this system is, the amount of payments, the principle of insurance and the banks participating in the system.

About the insurance system

From the history of the Soviet Union, many of our compatriots remember that banks are not a reliable way to store funds, for the reason that in times of crisis or default you can be left without savings. In order to restore the banking system and attract depositors’ money to financial institutions, the government at the beginning of the 21st century developed a deposit insurance system.

The Deposit Insurance Agency is a government agency whose function is to ensure the safety of funds invested by individuals and guaranteed compensation for damage in the event of an insured event from its own fund.

In simple terms, the task of the deposit insurance agency is to return money in an amount equal to what is stored in the deposit account of an individual if the bank goes bankrupt, loses its license, or the Central Bank imposes a moratorium on it. But there is one caveat: the maximum payment amount is limited by law.

Features of the insurance procedure

Bank clients may be interested in how to insure their savings, because the bank does not offer to enter into additional contracts or agreements. That’s right - the bank is obliged to insure absolutely all deposits of individuals that are stored in its accounts, that is, by signing an agreement to open a deposit account, the depositor already becomes an insured person.

DIA logo

The depositor is not charged for insurance, but the bank pays 0.1% of the total amount of deposits in the DIA every three months.

The next question that is relevant for the depositor is what insured amount of the deposit is payable in the event of an insured event. In fact, the deposit is reimbursed in full, that is, 100%, and the amount that was in the deposit account at the time of the insured event is taken into account. The only limitation is that the total amount of deposits within one bank should not exceed 1 million 400 thousand rubles. A year earlier, it was only 700 thousand rubles.

So, the maximum deposit amount insured by the state in 2016 1 million 400 thousand rubles.

Absolutely all funds of individuals stored in bank accounts in monetary currency are subject to insurance. These include time deposits and demand deposits, money stored on debit cards, including salary cards. But this list does not include metal accounts, accounts of legal entities opened before January 1, 2014, and funds managed by the organization.

Who participates in the deposit insurance system

Before bringing funds to the bank, every potential client will probably ask in which banks deposits are insured by the state. In fact, in all those who have a license from the Central Bank and provide this service. Or, in simple words, banks cannot unilaterally refuse to participate in the state insurance system.

But before choosing a bank, you should still check whether the financial institution is registered in the DIA register. To do this, just find the official website on the Internet and use the convenient search system. It also describes in detail how to receive compensation in the event of an insured event and other useful information.

Please note that the maximum amount of payment upon the occurrence of an insured event is indicated as of 2016; it may change a year later.

So, those who are interested in the question of how much bank deposits are insured can be sure that the state will reimburse 100%, but not more than the maximum amount. By the way, the duration of the insurance is unlimited by law, that is, throughout the entire period while the deposit account is open.