What to do if you lost a pole. What to do if you have lost your compulsory medical insurance policy

If lost. This topic is not that difficult. It is enough to know just a few nuances of the process. Basically, citizens do not have problems replacing policies. Some waiting time after contacting the relevant authorities - and the document is ready. What do you need to know about the paper you are studying? What should the population pay attention to first? Are there really any serious problems with changing policies that some people talk about?

Description of the document

Before indulging in thoughts about how to restore if lost, you need to pay attention to the definition of this document. Only after this will it be possible to understand how necessary paper is for citizens.

A policy is a document that allows the population to receive medical service. Both paid and free. There is a system in Russia and the corresponding policy serves as a kind of confirmation of participation.

Not a single person can do without it now. Even a newborn must have a compulsory medical insurance policy. Otherwise, parents may be denied admission to the clinic. Therefore, the question of how to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy is relevant.

Insurance Company

There is really nothing difficult about this. Every citizen who has ordered the document being studied can guess that the procedure for exchanging and restoring a policy is not much different.

The first problem that faces the population is the question of where to go to receive the appropriate service. And the most common answer is: “insurance company.” We need to remember who served the citizen compulsory medical insurance system. Then collect a certain list of documents and submit them along with an application for reinstatement of the policy to the appropriate organization. Nothing difficult. But that is not all!


Where to restore medical insurance? Now we can implement this idea in the MFC. Any organization that operates in the person’s city of residence will do.

The procedure is extremely simple. It is no different from a visit to insurance company. It is required to collect a certain package of documents, then submit them with an application in the established form to the multifunctional center.

What's next? Once the document is ready, you will need to pick it up. Where? Either at the MFC where the application was submitted, or at the insurance company that serves the citizen. Nothing difficult. But how to restore a medical policy if lost? What should people know about this process?

Documents for an adult

For example, the fact that the list of documents requested in one case or another will be different. For adults, children, and foreign citizens, there are different lists of required papers. And this shouldn’t be surprising.

When thinking about how to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to take into account that recently you need to indicate the type of document being restored. Eat old sample and new. More on the differences a little later. You will need to specify in your application exactly what type of document is required.

How to restore a medical insurance policy if an adult loses it? He must bring with him to one or another body the following list of papers:

  • identification document (usually a civil passport);
  • documents indicating registration (if a passport is provided, then they are not necessary);
  • SNILS.

There is no need to complete or submit a separate application. It is already filled out at the insurance company or at the MFC. Next, the citizen will be issued with it. It is valid for about a month. During this time, a new permanent policy will be issued. As soon as it is possible to pick it up, insurance company employees will contact the applicant and inform them that the paper is ready.

For children

What should you do if your child needs to reinstate the policy? What will it take? The list of documents will expand somewhat. In addition, it is worth immediately noting that restoration issues should be dealt with by one of the legal representatives of the minor. The application will be drawn up on behalf of the parents.

How to restore a medical insurance policy if a child loses it? You will need to bring to one of the previously mentioned bodies:

  • birth certificate;
  • passport of the applicant parent;
  • SNILS (parent - optional, child - mandatory);
  • minor's identification card (for children over 14 years old).

Accordingly, this is the entire list of required papers. The parent will have to receive the policy. But if we are talking about a 14-year-old citizen, then he himself has the right to submit an application in the established form, without the participation of legal representatives. You are also allowed to pick up your document yourself.


What's next? How to restore a medical insurance policy if lost to a foreign citizen? They will have to worry about providing an extended list of papers to one or another service organization. In general, the process is no different from the previously proposed layouts.

Foreign citizens who lose their medical insurance must provide:

  • application (filled out on site);
  • passport foreign citizen;
  • evidence indicating the legality of stay in the country (for example, a residence permit);
  • registration documents;
  • SNILS (if available).

If you tackle the issue being studied in advance, there will be no problems. Within a month, the compulsory medical insurance policy (new or old, it doesn’t matter) will be ready. You can get it if you have an ID card. Until that time, just like citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners are issued temporary policies.


Now you need to pay attention to the fact that in Russia there are two types of documents being studied. They have already been mentioned. This is a compulsory medical insurance policy of a new sample and an old one. The second option is probably known to everyone - a small piece of paper (usually blue) on which is written the name of the servicing insurance company, the initials of the owner and his insurance number. Assigned once and for life.

But the new type of policy is a plastic card. It contains similar information and was created for the convenience of the public. Unlike the old policy, the new one is durable. It is recommended to have both document types. After all, new ones can’t be used everywhere yet.

The question of how to restore a policy if it is lost may be relevant for any person who has issued it. This type of document is required to be presented when applying to medical institution, and you can easily lose it, both in paper form and in the form plastic card. Restoring it is not difficult, but it requires time and knowledge of a certain sequence of actions. How, what, why and why we will analyze in our article.

The Law on Compulsory Health Insurance does not prohibit re-obtaining a policy in the event of its loss. It can be freely restored without spending money on the procedure and services provided. Having discovered a loss, you should collect documents on it (the list is given below) and visit the insurer’s office.

It should be said that the process of obtaining a new policy is almost identical initial design. Thus, the procedure lasts for a period of 30 days.

How to restore if lost - procedure

It takes 2 days to submit an application, review it, and issue insurance. If the original is not issued. Then you should leave the insurer’s office with a temporary option. It is identical in legal force to the original and replaces it for 30 days until the desired version is received. Let's consider different ways recovery:

  1. Contacting the insurance company. If at the time of application the applicant does not have a permanent place of work and does not know how to complete the restoration, he should contact his local clinic. They should tell you where to go, which depends on the list of companies with which the contract is concluded, the entries in the card (the insurer must be recorded).

Important! The clinic does not have the right to refer patients to a specific insurance company, which is contrary to legal requirements.

To visit the IC office, you need to have a hospital card with you, registered at the clinic. Based on this information, the identity card, the insurance company should cancel the existing contract, and in its place issue a new one with a new number.

  1. Contact any insurer. According to the law, you can change your insurer, but not more often than once a year. This is beneficial if you are not satisfied with the service in your company and have complaints. When using this opportunity, the application is written not for restoration or issuance of a duplicate, but for obtaining a new insurance contract. For the old company, in this case, the obligations under the previously executed agreement are canceled.
  2. At the place of work. When using corporate insurance in an organization where a person who has lost his policy works, he can contact the department responsible for this issue. An authorized specialist will himself accept the documents, application and send them to request a duplicate. There is no need to go to the insurer personally. When the temporary version, and then the original, arrive at the address specified in the application, delivery will be made. In this case, you must put your signature on the document.

Registration through MFC

Multifunctional public assistance centers (MFCs) do not yet operate throughout the territory Russian Federation, but if there is one nearby, you can turn to him for help. This organization is an intermediary between the insurer and the client of the service. The operator has the right to accept the application, check its correctness, take copies of documents and transfer them to the Investigative Committee. After receiving the duplicate, he issues the policy to the applicant.

Important! Only a paper version of the compulsory medical insurance is issued through the MFC.

Electronic variant

The online service can be obtained through the State Services website. A prerequisite is registration on the site and Russian citizenship. Only after this is access to various services, including the restoration of a lost compulsory medical insurance policy. When filling out the application, information is entered from the original documents or their copies. It is important to ensure that all characters are correct, as typos will result in invalidity and denial of service if necessary.

Since you may need to upload a scanned version of your passport, you should scan it first. A notification will be sent to you about the stage of application processing. Personal Area user or to the email specified during registration. Another recovery option is to apply online on the insurer’s website. If in this case you can write a statement and send copies of documents to electronic version, then to directly receive the contract in your hands, you need to visit the IC office to put your signatures.

How long should I wait

Since the policy production period is about 30 days and the application takes about another day, you should be patient for about 3 days from the moment you write the application until you receive the contract. After the expiration of the thirty-day period, the insurer undertakes to issue the document.

According to customer reviews on this issue, the average period is 14 days.

Application writing sample

An application for a duplicate compulsory health insurance must contain the following information:

  • required policy option: paper, electronic, plastic
  • information about the policyholder: full name, place of birth, citizenship, SNILS data. category
  • information about the representative of the insured person (if the policy is for a child or the application is made by proxy)
  • signature of the applicant and the specialist who accepted the application

List of documents

In different cases the list necessary documents may be different for adults, children, citizens of other states. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the list for each group.

Important! The restoration procedure involves issuing only a new version of the contract (old ones are no longer issued).

Standard package

TO mandatory documents, which accompany the policyholder’s application during the recovery procedure of the compulsory medical insurance policy, include:

  • ID card (civil passport)
  • SNILS, if available
  • a document in which the registration will appear. This is relevant in cases where it is not possible to provide a passport

For a child

Since a person receives a compulsory medical insurance policy immediately after his birth, if it is necessary to restore the paper, the procedure must be carried out by parents or people representing them in accordance with the law. In this case, when applying, they must have their passport.

The list of required documents includes:

  • birth certificate
  • passport of the parent or his representative
  • power of attorney from parents or their official representatives, if they are not the ones applying
  • SNILS (required for the child and optional for parents)
  • ID card if age over 14 years

If in a situation with a fourteen-year-old child he can take out the policy on his own, then for the younger category of children this is not allowed; the parent must take it out.

For a foreign citizen

For nationals of other states - foreigners, the list of documents is more extensive compared to a similar situation for Russians.

When restoring the compulsory health insurance contract, foreigners are required to provide:

  • application (write when applying)
  • passport
  • document. Confirming the legal grounds for being on the territory of the Russian Federation (residence permit)
  • registration documents
  • SNILS (as well as for persons with Russian citizenship, not required)

As in the situation with citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners can receive temporary policy and use it on a general basis for a month until you receive the original or duplicate.

Will there be penalties?

If you lose a paper or plastic compulsory health insurance card, you should not be afraid of financial sanctions or restrictions on insurance coverage. This procedure is free and does not even require payment of state fees. It should be understood that if they demand money, then this is contrary to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and in this case you can complain to the authorized services.

From the above it follows that if a binding contract is discovered missing health insurance you should search for it carefully, and if attempts are unsuccessful, apply for restoration. You should not delay, because if necessary, there may not be time for this.

Video: Lost medical policy - what to do?

What to do if you lose your compulsory medical insurance policy, which confirms the insured person’s right to receive free medical care in medical organizations?

1. First of all, you need to contact your medical insurance company. Medical services are not provided in the absence of the original compulsory medical insurance policy!

2. You can fill out an application to receive a duplicate directly at the insurance company’s policy issuing point. There is no penalty for losing the policy.

Further, the procedure for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy is the same as for the initial application - the insured person is issued a temporary certificate valid for 45 working days, during which a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy is issued, the number being retained.

In case of damage or loss of a temporary certificate (TC), a duplicate is not issued; it is advisable to wait for the issuance of a permanent policy (if a visit is not expected before that moment medical organization). Otherwise, contact your insurance company.

The insured contacts insurance organization not only if the compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, but is also obliged to notify of a change in last name, first name, patronymic, identity document details, place of residence within one month from the day these changes occurred in accordance with 326-FZ of November 29, 2010. "On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation."

Everything about the procedure for obtaining a duplicate: how to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy, how long to wait, where to apply, what documents are needed, what to write in the application, how to act in case of theft

The right to use free medical services is confirmed by the presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy for every citizen of the Russian Federation.

This document represents plastic card small in size, which is not so difficult to lose.

We will tell you how to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy, where to do it, and what you need for this.

How to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy

If you have lost or lost your card compulsory medical insurance, you have the right to receive a full duplicate. The procedure is almost the same as for initial registration medical insurance is needed:

  • bring documents,
  • to write an application
  • get a duplicate.

You will receive a new policy absolutely free.

It is in your best interest to do this immediately. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive medical care, and you will have to pay for doctors’ services out of your own pocket.

Without insurance, you will only be able to rely on emergency care.

How long will you have to wait

The package of documents you provide will be reviewed immediately upon application. No more than 30 days are allowed for the production of the card.

You should get new policy no later than this period, since the temporary insurance certificate is valid only for 1 month.

Most insurers reissue your policy within 2 weeks, so you shouldn't have any problems.

Currently, the policyholder has several options from which he can choose the most convenient place to submit documents.

You can contact:

  • to the insurer's office, which issued the previous policy, if you do not have information about the company, check this information at your clinic;
  • to the office of any other insurer– according to the law, you have the right to change the insurer (but only once a year and no later than November 1) by choosing new company at your discretion, submit an application to draw up a new compulsory medical insurance agreement at her office;
  • at the MFC– in any multifunctional city center you can receive a service for replacing a medical policy: your documents will be transferred to the insurer, he will produce a medical insurance card and send it back to the MFC, after which you will receive it in the same place where you wrote the application for a replacement;
  • to the HR department at work– many companies deal with health insurance and renewal of insurance policies for their employees themselves, your task is only to draw up an application, and the organization will do the rest; you will receive a duplicate of the insurance in the same HR department.

Many users are interested in how to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy via the Internet. Indeed, the government services portal provides such an opportunity, but for now the service is at the testing stage and it is impossible to obtain health insurance online.

However, residents of the two capitals can do this through their mayor's city portal. True, the issuance of health insurance cards is not possible in all offices, so you will have to check by phone or online where you need to come to receive a duplicate.

What to do if you have lost your policy

Let's take a closer look at how to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if it is lost:

  1. Documentation. You don’t have to go through the authorities; you only need a passport and a SNILS card, which you already have. If you are replacing another person's policy, they must issue a power of attorney in your name.
  2. Submitting an application. You must give the application and documents to the manager at the insurer's office, an MFC employee or a human resources department employee at work, or submit the application through the Internet portal.
  3. Temporary certificate. After accepting the documents, you will be issued a temporary insurance certificate on the same day. With it you will be able to go to doctors and receive all possible medical services in the country.
  4. Ready policy. It will be ready in 30 days, you must receive it in person where you submitted your application.

What to do if the policy is stolen

If your compulsory medical insurance card was stolen, the recovery procedure will be different. You are required to file a report with the police.

If a case is opened regarding the theft, you will have to wait until the end of the investigation. You will be able to use medical care only with a temporary certificate, which will have to be renewed every month.

You should not contact the police when only the policy is stolen. As a rule, a criminal case is initiated based on the theft of valuables and important documents.

If you are worried that an attacker may be using your insurance, immediately contact your insurer and start the process of issuing a new card.

Then the old data about your contract will be automatically deleted from the database.

What documents are needed

When submitting an application for a duplicate, you will need the following documents to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • general passport (minors provide a birth certificate);
  • SNILS card.

In case of renewal of health insurance for a child or minor teenager, documents must be submitted by parents or other official representatives.

Presentation of your passport when submitting an application is required. If your child does not have SNILS, you can do without it.

If another person is reissuing the policy you lost, do not forget to give him a power of attorney.

If health insurance is renewed by a foreigner, he must show his passport and provide confirmation of his right to stay in our country and the availability of temporary registration.

What to write in the application

You will receive the application form at the document collection location.

It is filled out by the insured person himself and contains the following information:

  • about the policy: is a new policy issued or a duplicate in place of the lost one, if the second is the reason for re-issuance, paper format or electronic media;
  • about the insured: your full name, address, citizenship, SNILS number and other data;
  • about your representative: his full name, passport number;
  • your signature, date, signature of the employee who accepted the application.

If you submit an application online, a sample application is available on the website. You need to fill it out and attach scans of documents.


No one is insured against losses and thefts; there is no need to panic if you lose your policy. You will be able to restore your insurance without any problems.

A minimum of documents and the ability to do this at work, in the MFC or the insurer’s office will allow you to save time and nerves.

While the card is being prepared, you will be able to receive full treatment and other medical services according to a temporary certificate.

Compulsory medical insurance policy - a document confirming that you are a participant state program compulsory health insurance. This official document gives every citizen of the Russian Federation the right to receive free medical care in government health care institutions.

Having lost your policy, you are deprived of this right (however, in emergency situations you are still obliged to help). In this article we will tell you how to quickly recover a document. If you have other questions about insurance or need legal assistance, please seek advice from a qualified specialist.

Step-by-step instructions for restoring your compulsory medical insurance policy if lost

So, one day you couldn’t find the policy in your document folder. After a standard check of the passport cover, wallet and other traditional places of storage, it became finally clear that the document had been lost.

Don't rush to get upset! Fortunately, the compulsory medical insurance policy belongs to the category of documents, the restoration of which is not difficult. So that you save maximum of your time and are not distracted by finding out the details of this procedure, we present step by step instructions upon receipt of a duplicate of the lost insurance certificate.

Step #1 - collect the necessary documents

To get a duplicate of your compulsory health insurance policy, you need to go to the company whose specialists issued you the original paper. However, do not rush to go empty-handed. You should take with you documents prepared according to the list indicated by the insurance companies. By the way, the items on this list vary depending on:

  • your age;
  • status;
  • circumstances of obtaining the policy.

Table 1. What documents need to be collected before visiting the insurer

List of documents

Citizens of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age

  • birth certificate;
  • passport of an official representative (for example, one of the parents);
  • SNILS, if available.

Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 14 to 18 years

  • passport of the citizen receiving the policy;
  • SNILS;
  • passport of the official representative.

Adult citizens of the Russian Federation (with the exception of military personnel and equivalent categories of Russians)

  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • SNILS.

Foreign citizens

  • passport of a foreign citizen;
  • documents according to which a foreigner has the right to receive a policy (residence permit, temporary residence permit);
  • SNILS.

Using this table as a guide, collect the required package of documents and feel free to go to the insurance company to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy after its loss.

Please note: the provision of documents to obtain an insurance certificate or its duplicate is possible not only by the citizen in whose name they are issued, but also by his legal representative. In the second case, a notarized power of attorney for representation will need to be added to the list of documents listed above.

Step No. 2 - submit an application to the insurer

Once at the insurance company, provide its employee with the previously collected papers. Provided that all of them meet the requirements (not expired, readable, etc.), you will be given a form to write an application for a duplicate.

Please note: there are many reasons, in addition to loss, due to which you may need to restore or reissue your compulsory medical insurance policy. Therefore, on the pages of the standard application form you may find various additional items. The following table shows exactly what information you should include in the document.

Table 2. What information is required to be indicated in the application for a duplicate

Specified data

In what form should the document be issued?

The compulsory medical insurance policy can be restored in the form:

Please indicate the variety that is most convenient for you.

Reason for obtaining a duplicate

Select the item “Loss of a previous compulsory medical insurance policy.”

Information about the insured person

You must specify:

  • gender;
  • date and place of birth;
  • series and number of the identity document;
  • place of actual residence and registration;
  • citizenship;
  • SNILS;
  • other information.

Representative information

These fields are filled in when an official representative came to draw up the document instead of you.

He will have to indicate:

  • who is he related to the owner of the duplicate;
  • details of the identity document;
  • contact number.

Step No. 3 - wait to receive the policy

If the specialists of the organization that has undertaken to restore the lost compulsory medical insurance policy cannot issue a duplicate immediately, then you can receive a temporary certificate. This document is valid for 30 days from the date of issue. Please note that during the period of waiting for a duplicate, you have the right to receive medical services only if you present a replacement temporary certificate.

After 30 days from the date of filing the application, the insurer will be obliged to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy and notify you of its readiness. You will also be notified accordingly of a refusal (this is possible).

What to do if the loss of the policy occurred in another region or locality

If you have lost a document in another region of the Russian Federation, do not rush to panic: there is no need to return home to get the paper again. Since all citizens of our country receive a uniform policy, and it is valid throughout the entire state, it is possible to restore it in any region or city where there is Territorial Fund Compulsory medical insurance. Therefore, even if you are in another region, you can simply visit the insurance company with the set of documents indicated above and again become the happy owner of the right to free receipt medical services.

Re-issuance of an insurance certificate is a service that is provided to applicants free of charge. Fortunately, there is also no penalty for a lost, torn, washed or otherwise damaged document. It turns out that the entire procedure for restoring the coveted blue card will be completely free for each applicant.

What happens if you lose a temporary certificate issued before receiving a duplicate?

While a new document is being issued to you, you will receive a temporary certificate giving you the right to use services in public medical institutions for a month. Unfortunately, if the temporary certificate is lost or damaged, you cannot restore it, and you will have to meekly wait for the main form to be issued. However, in emergency situations, insurers are ready to make concessions, but you will have to prove the need to re-obtain the aircraft.

Is it possible to get a new policy from another insurer to replace a lost one?

If for any reason you do not wish to return to the same company that issued you health insurance Previously, you are not required to reissue a lost compulsory medical insurance policy. Just contact another organization that is more acceptable in your opinion.

You can obtain a document from another insurer:

  • once per calendar year;
  • every time you change your official place of residence.

The application must be submitted before the 1st day of November of the current year.

Reference: a calendar year is a year that begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. Accordingly, if in December 2019 you change the company serving you, then in January 2020 you can do it again.

If you decide to receive a new document without restoring the old one, the procedure will be the same as the one presented above. The waiting period for the issuance of a new policy will be one month from the date of application.

Losing a document is a matter of one minute, but getting it again will take time. Save your energy by using the instructions we offer, and then within a month you will be able to pick up a re-issued duplicate of the Compulsory Medical Insurance or a newly issued certificate. In any case, you will have to be patient and remember to get insurance agent VS in case you suddenly need to go to a medical facility in the next 30 days.


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