Analysis of long-term investments and sources of their financing. Analysis of technical development and production organization

Long-term investments are the costs of creating, increasing the size, as well as acquiring non-current durable assets (over one year) that are not intended for sale.

Long-term financial investments in government are not long-term investments. securities, securities and authorized capitals other organizations. According to the Regulations on accounting for long-term investments, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 30, 1993, No. 160, long-term investments are associated with: the implementation of capital construction in the form of new construction, as well as reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing organizations and non-production facilities;

Acquisition of buildings, structures, equipment, Vehicle and other individual objects (or parts thereof) of fixed assets;

Acquisition land plots and environmental management facilities; acquisition and creation of intangible assets (exclusive rights to intellectual property, means of individualization of goods (works, services)).

The main tasks of accounting long term investment are:

Timely, complete and reliable reflection of all expenses incurred during the construction of objects by their types and the objects taken into account;

Ensuring control over the progress of construction, commissioning of production facilities and fixed assets;

Correct determination and reflection of the inventory value of commissioned and acquired fixed assets, land plots, environmental management facilities and intangible assets;

Monitoring the availability and use of sources of financing for long-term investments. Accounting for long-term investments is kept on account 08 “Investments in non-current assets”. This account reflects investments by type in specially opened sub-accounts:

08-1 “Acquisition of land”;

08-2 “Acquisition of natural resources”;

08-3 “Construction of fixed assets”;

08-4 “Acquisition of fixed assets”;

08-5 "Acquisition intangible assets»;

08-6 “Transfer of young animals to the main herd”;

08-7 “Acquisition of adult animals”;

08-8 “Performing research, development and technological work”, etc.

The debit of account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” reflects the actual costs incurred for the construction (creation) and acquisition of relevant assets, as well as the costs of forming the main herd.

The formed initial cost of fixed assets, intangible and other assets accepted for operation and registered in in the prescribed manner, is written off from account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” to the debit of accounts 01 “Fixed assets”, 03 “Income-generating investments in material values", 04 "Intangible assets", etc.

Completed long-term investments are assessed based on the inventory value of completed construction projects and acquired individual types of fixed assets and other non-current assets.

The balance on account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” reflects the amount of capital investments of the organization in construction in progress, unfinished transactions for the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets, as well as the amount of unfinished costs for the formation of the main herd.

Unfinished long-term investments are reflected in the item “Construction in progress” in Section I “Non-current assets” of the balance sheet.

Organization analytical accounting for account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” depends on the type of long-term investment. For costs associated with the construction and acquisition of fixed assets, analytical accounting is maintained for each fixed asset item under construction or acquisition. At the same time, the construction of analytical accounting should provide the opportunity to obtain data on the costs of: "construction work and reconstruction; drilling work; installation of equipment; equipment requiring installation; equipment not requiring installation, as well as tools and equipment provided for in the estimates for capital construction; design and survey work; other costs of capital investments.

For costs associated with the acquisition (creation) of intangible assets, analytical accounting is carried out for each intangible asset acquired or created by the organization itself.

Analytical accounting of the costs associated with the formation of the main herd is carried out by type of animal (cattle, pigs, sheep, horses, etc.). If an organization carries out research, development and technological work, then it organizes accounting by type of work performed, as well as by contracts (orders).

In the process of long-term planning and strategy development investment development For enterprises, it is of great importance to analyze the structure of capital investments and sources of their financing.

At this stage of the capital investment analysis, several critical issues are addressed. First of all, the potential opportunity is determined long-term investment, based on the availability of appropriate funding. During economic analysis the optimal structure of sources of financing capital investments can be found depending on economic situation and strategic priorities of the enterprise. A significant place is occupied by a general assessment of the investment development of an enterprise. Based on the results of the analysis, a conclusion is made about the volume and structure of investments, as well as an assessment of capital investments by type of reproduction of fixed assets (F).

It is recommended to begin the analysis with an assessment of the dynamics of the volume and structure of capital investments in estimated prices in the main areas of reproduction of fixed assets. For this purpose, the data from form P-2 “Information on investments” and the appendix to form No. P-2 “Information on investment activities», accounting and the table is built. 2.1.

To correctly characterize the data given in table. 2.1, it is important to consider the following conditions. Firstly, it is necessary to include in the total volume of investments data on incomplete capital investments (information on the debit of accounts 07 “Equipment for installation” and 08 “Investments in non-current assets”) plus the cost of fixed assets introduced in the reporting period (data from Form No. P-2 ). Secondly, the volume of investments in PF for reporting period should be taken at estimated prices.

Table 2.1

Dynamics of the volume and structure of capital investments in fixed assets

Direction of investment

At the beginning of the reporting period (year)

At the end of the reporting period (year)


specific gravity,

volume of investment, thousand rubles.

specific gravity,

Replacing the OF

Reconstruction of the PF

Modernization of the PF

New construction

Purchase and installation of PF,

required by law

Other capital investments

Total capital investments

Assessing the results of the work carried out in Table. 2.1 of the analysis, it can be noted that the enterprise significantly decreased the total volume of capital investments by 10,829 thousand rubles. (20,354 - 31,183), or by 34.7%. The greatest decrease occurred in investments in new construction by 5,078 thousand rubles, or 68.4%, and in the volume of purchases of equipment used for safety, environmental protection and health purposes - by 3,272 thousand rubles, or 72 ,4%. The unsatisfactory situation is due to a reduction in the volume of replaced fixed assets; the decrease in investments amounted to 5,317 thousand rubles, or 47.5%. Obviously, due to the lack of financing, the company's management decided to increase the volume of investments in the reconstruction and modernization of fixed assets by 6.1 and 56.9%, respectively.

In the future, it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of the volume and structure of investments for specific groups and types of fixed assets. It is necessary to study the growth rate of unfinished investments and find out the reasons for their increase. It is necessary to evaluate the change in the share of long-term investments in the active part of fixed assets in the reporting period compared to the previous one.

An important point in investment analysis is the assessment of the dynamics of funds in terms of the composition and structure used to finance capital investments. The main sources of financing are own funds (depreciation of intangible assets and fixed assets, net profit) and borrowed funds (bank loans, targeted financing from the budget, borrowed funds from other enterprises). To characterize the dynamics of the composition and structure of sources of financing capital investments, accounting data and table are used. 2.2.

Table 2.2

Dynamics of the composition and structure of financing


Funds used in previous period(year)

Funds used in the reporting period (year)

Change (+. -)


Own funds



depreciation net profit allocated for financing


Involved funds


bank loans borrowed funds from others


Total long-term


As can be seen from table. 2.2, sources of financing long-term investments decreased by 475 thousand rubles, or by 21.1%, compared to last year. This happened mainly due to a decrease in sources of borrowed funds by 349 thousand rubles, or 56.2%, including bank loans - by 471 thousand rubles, or 75.8%. Attracting to reporting year funds from other enterprises increased the amount of borrowed funds by 122 thousand rubles.

Own funds used to finance long-term investments decreased compared to the previous year by 126 thousand rubles, or 7.7%. This was caused by a decrease in the amount of profit used to finance investments by 182 thousand rubles, or 25.6%. A positive aspect is the change in the structure of sources of long-term investment towards an increase in the share of own funds by 12.25 points while simultaneously reducing the share of borrowed funds. In the reporting year, more than 30% (84.74%) of long-term investment was made up of the enterprise’s own funds.

A logical continuation of assessing the dynamics of the composition and structure of sources of financing capital investments is to determine the influence of factors on the amount of investment:

  • ? volume of products, works, services;
  • ? level tax payments to the budget;
  • ? share of profits allocated to finance long-term investments;
  • ? structure of sources of own funds of financing;
  • ? volume of funds raised.

Assessing the influence of factors on changes in the value of funding sources investment projects can be implemented using formula (2.1) proposed by L.T. Gilyarovskaya and D.A. Endovitsky, and table. 2.3.

Table 2.3

Analysis of factors influencing the amount of investment financing sources







Absolute deviation (+, -)


3. Net profit, thousand rubles.

4. Profit allocated to the savings fund to finance long-term investments, thousand rubles.

5. Depreciation of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

  • 6. Own sources of financing long-term investments, thousand rubles.
  • (page 4 + page 5)

7. Amount of sources of financing for long-term investments, thousand rubles.

8. Profitability of products (works, services), coefficient (page 2: page 1)

9. Level net profit enterprises, coefficient (page 3: page 2)

10. Accumulation level, coefficient (page 4: page 3)

11. Structure of sources of own funds, coefficient (page 4: page 6)

12. Structure of sources of financing long-term investments, coefficient (page 6: page 7)

The given indicators make it possible, using the index method, to make an economic calculation of the influence of individual factors on the amount of sources of financing long-term investments (Table 2.4).

The results of the analysis carried out in the tables show that the decrease in the size of sources of financing long-term investments was most influenced by the decrease in the level of accumulation of the enterprise. The amount of investment financing sources under the influence of this factor decreased by 654 thousand rubles.

Calculation of the influence of factors on the amount of investment financing sources

Table 2.4

Name of factors

Amount of investment sources of the base period, thousand rubles.




Amount of investment sources taking into account changes in the indicator, thousand rubles.

Influence on the amount of investment sources of individual factors, thousand rubles.

Change in product sales volume

Change in savings level

Change in tax level

Changes in product profitability levels

Changing the structure of sources of own funds

Changing the structure of investment financing sources

General change in sources of investment financing

* 100:80,573- 1,24111. ** 100:116,899 -0,85544.

Under the influence of a decrease in the share of borrowed funds, the amount of financing sources decreased by 301 thousand rubles. Volume reduction products sold, works, services and the level of net profit led to a decrease in the amount of financing of capital investments by 141 thousand and 16 thousand rubles, respectively.

The increase in the profitability of products, works, services and a change in the structure of sources of own funds had a positive impact on the amount of financing of long-term investments. When the last indicator changed, the share of depreciation of fixed assets increased. An increase in the profitability of products (works, services) and an increase in the share of depreciation in sources of own funds led to an increase in sources of financing long-term investments by 232 thousand and 405 thousand rubles, respectively.

First of all, it is recommended to begin the analysis with an assessment of the dynamics of the volume and structure of capital investments at estimated prices in the main areas of reproduction of fixed assets of projects “A” and “B”. Data for this assessment are in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 - Dynamics of the volume and structure of capital investments in fixed assets (F) of project “A”

Direction of investment

1st half of the year

2nd half

Dynamics rate, %

Specific gravity, %

Investment volume, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Replacing the OF

Reconstruction of the PF

Modernization of the PF

New construction

Other capital investments

Total capital investments

Based on the analysis of the data in Table 2, we conclude that the enterprise has decreased overall volume capital investments of 412 thousand rubles. (9.8%). There is also a decrease in investment in new construction by 29.69%. The smallest increase is observed in the acquisition and installation of fixed assets - 28.92%. The largest increase was in investments in the modernization of fixed assets - 36.36%.

Table 3 - Dynamics of the volume and structure of capital investments in fixed assets (F) of project “B”

Direction of investment

1st half of the year

2nd half

Growth rate, %

Investment volume, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Investment volume, thousand rubles.

Specific gravity, %

Replacing the OF

Reconstruction of the PF

Modernization of the PF

New construction

Purchase and installation of PF required by law

Other capital investments

Total capital investments

The analysis of the dynamics of the volume and structure of capital investments in fixed assets of Project “B” showed that when using this project, the total volume of capital investments at the enterprise will increase by 900 thousand rubles. or by 25.35%. But there will be a slight decrease in investment in new construction, by only 200 rubles. or by 22.22%., and for other indicators there will be a positive trend - an increase.

The next step should be to analyze the dynamics of funds, in terms of composition and structure, used to finance capital investments also for two projects. The main sources of financing are own funds (depreciation of intangible assets and fixed assets, net profit) and borrowed funds (bank loans, targeted financing from the budget, borrowed funds from other enterprises). To characterize the dynamics of the composition and structure of sources of financing capital investments, Table 4 for project “A” and Table 5 for project “B” are presented.

Table 4 - Dynamics of the composition and structure of sources of financing for project “A”


Change (+,-)

Rates of growth, %

in % of total

in % of total

by structure



Borrowed funds


bank loans

Borrowed funds of enterprises

Total long-term investments

As can be seen from Table 3, sources of financing long-term investments decreased by 552 thousand rubles compared to last year. This happened mainly due to a decrease in sources of borrowed funds by 915 thousand rubles, or 63.4%, including bank loans - by 1000 rubles, or 60%. Raising funds from others in the reporting year

enterprises increased the amount of borrowed funds by 85 thousand rubles. Own funds used to finance long-term investments increased by 363 thousand rubles compared to the previous year. This was caused by an increase in the amount of profit used to finance investments by 163 thousand rubles, or 34.2%. Another positive aspect is the change in the structure of sources of long-term investment towards an increase in the share of own funds by 11.8% while simultaneously reducing the share of raised funds. At the end of the period, more than 55.5% of the volume of long-term investment was the enterprise’s own funds.

Table 5 - Dynamics of the composition and structure of sources of financing for Project “B”


Funds used at the beginning of the period (year)

Funds used at the end of the period (year)

Change (+,-)

Rates of growth, %

in % of total

in % of total

by structure

Own funds of the enterprise



Net profit used to finance investments

Borrowed funds


bank loans

Borrowed funds of enterprises

Total long-term investments

The analysis of the data in Table 5 showed that sources of financing long-term investments have increased compared to previous year by 200 thousand rubles, or 5.13%. This happened mainly due to an increase in sources of borrowed funds by 28 thousand rubles, or 5.9%, including bank loans - by 50 thousand rubles. (12.5%). The enterprise's own funds aimed at financing long-term investments increased by 172 thousand rubles compared to the previous year. (5%). This was caused by an increase in the amount of profit used to finance investments by 164 thousand rubles, or 5.5%. At the end of the year, 87.8% of the volume of long-term investment was the company’s own funds.

Table 6 - Comparative analysis structures of sources of financing investment projects

The calculations showed that the loan amount for project “A” is 3113 thousand rubles more than the same amount for project “B”. It follows that Project A uses much more debt than Project B, making the latter the most attractive. For project “A” the amount of overpayment on the loan is greater than for project “B” by 529.21 thousand rubles, which makes project “B” again the most attractive.

A continuation of assessing the dynamics of the composition and structure of sources of financing capital investments is to determine the influence of factors on the amount of investment. An assessment of the influence of factors on changes in the value of sources of financing for investment projects “A” and “B” can be carried out using the calculations presented in tables 7 and 8.

Table 7 - Analysis of factors influencing the amount of sources of financing investments for project “A”


Last year

Reporting year

Absolute deviation, (+,-)

Dynamics rate, %

Net profit, thousand rubles.

Accumulation level, coefficient (item 4/item 3)

Table 8 - Calculation of the influence of factors on the value of sources of financing long-term investments for project “B”


Last year

Reporting year

Absolute deviation, (+,-)

Dynamics rate, %

Volume of sales of products (works, services), thousand rubles.

Profit before tax, thousand rubles.

Net profit, thousand rubles.

Profit allocated to the savings fund to finance long-term investments, thousand rubles.

Depreciation of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

Own sources of financing long-term investments, thousand rubles. (item 4+item 5)

Amount of sources of financing for long-term investments, thousand rubles.

Profitability of products (works, services), % (item 2/item 1)

Level of net profit of the enterprise, % (item 3/item 2)

Accumulation level, %(item 4/item 3)

Share of profit in own sources, % (item 4/item 6)

Share of own funds in total financing, % (item 6/item 7)

The calculations of indicators carried out in Tables 7 and 8 make it possible, using the method of chain substitutions, to make economic calculation the influence of individual factors on the amount of sources of financing long-term investments - table 9 for project “A” and table 10 for project “B”.

Table 9 - Calculation of the influence of factors on the value of sources of financing long-term investments for project “A”

Name of factors

Last year

Reporting year

Absolute deviation

Change in savings level

Change in the level of net profit of the enterprise

After analyzing the data from tables 7 and 9, the following results were summed up: The decrease in the amount of sources of financing long-term investments for project “A” was most influenced by the decrease in the level of accumulation of the enterprise. The amount of investment financing sources under the influence of this factor decreased by 562.2 thousand rubles; Under the influence of an increase in the share of borrowed funds, the amount of financing sources increased by 355.7 thousand rubles. The decrease in the volume of sold products, works, services and the level of net profit led to a decrease in the amount of financing of capital investments by 133.4 thousand rubles, respectively. and 15.8 thousand rubles.

A positive impact on the amount of financing of long-term investments was exerted by an increase in the level of profitability of products, works, services and a change in the structure of sources of own funds. When the last indicator changed, the share of depreciation of fixed assets increased. An increase in the profitability of products (works, services) and an increase in the share of depreciation in sources of own funds led to an increase in sources of financing long-term investments by 227.4 thousand rubles, respectively. and 355.7 thousand rubles.

Table 10 - Calculation of the influence of factors on the value of sources of financing long-term investments for project “B”

Name of factors

Last year

Reporting year

Absolute deviation

Influence on the amount of investment sources of individual factors, thousand rubles.

Change in product sales volume

Change in savings level

Change in tax level

Changes in product profitability levels

Change in the share of profit from own sources

Change in the share of own funds in total financing

The results of the analysis carried out in Tables 8 and 10 show that the increase in the amount of sources of financing for long-term investments in Project “B” was most influenced by the increase in the level of savings of enterprises. The amount of investment financing sources under the influence of this factor increased by 630 thousand rubles.

Under the influence of an increase in the share of borrowed funds, the amount of financing sources increased by 568 thousand rubles. The increase in the volume of products sold (work, services) and the level of net profit led to an increase in the amount of financing of capital investments by 113 thousand rubles, respectively. and 289 thousand rubles.

Also, an increase in the profitability of products (works, services) and a change in the structure of sources of own funds had a positive impact on the amount of financing of long-term investments. When the last indicator changed, there was an increase in the share of depreciation of fixed assets. An increase in the profitability of products (works, services) and an increase in the share of depreciation in sources of own funds led to an increase in sources of financing long-term investments by 47 thousand rubles, respectively. and 22 thousand rubles.

Fixed assets are part of the property used as means of labor in the production of products for a period exceeding 12 months.

Operations for the receipt of fixed assets are their commissioning as a result of capital investments, gratuitous receipt of fixed assets, rent, leasing, internal movement.

Incoming fixed assets to Saturn LLC are accepted by a commission appointed by the head of the enterprise. To formalize the acceptance, the commission draws up an act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets in one copy. It indicates the name of the object, the year of construction, a brief description of the object, the initial cost, the inventory number assigned to the object, the place of use of the object and other information. After registration, this act is transferred to the accounting department of the organization.

The accounting department makes the appropriate entries in the inventory cards of fixed assets, after which the technical documentation is transferred to the technical department of Saturn LLC.

Equipment received at the warehouse for installation is documented in an equipment acceptance certificate. It indicates the name of the equipment, type, brand, number of units, cost, and detected defects. The act is drawn up in two copies and signed by all members of the commission.

For defects identified during the installation process, a report on identified equipment defects is drawn up, which indicates the identified defects and measures to eliminate them. Acceptance of completed work on repair, reconstruction and modernization of the facility is formalized by an act of acceptance and delivery of repaired, reconstructed and modernized fixed assets.

The internal movement of fixed assets from one workshop to another at the enterprise is issued with an invoice for the internal movement of fixed assets. It is written out in triplicate. One is transferred to the accounting department for recording in inventory card, the second remains with the deliverer to mark the disposal of the corresponding object in the inventory list of fixed assets, the third is transferred to the recipient.

Operations for writing off fixed assets at Saturn LLC are formalized by an act on writing off fixed assets, which is drawn up by the commission in two copies (one is transferred to the accounting department, the second remains with the employee responsible for the safety of the object). Acts on write-off of fixed assets indicate the technical condition and reason for write-off of the object, initial cost, depreciation amount, write-off costs, cost of material assets, write-off result.

Synthetic accounting of the presence and movement of fixed assets in an organization is carried out on accounts 01 “Fixed assets”, 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets”, 91 “Other income and expenses”.

The cost of fixed assets received as a contribution to the authorized capital is drawn up accounting records: D 08 - K 75; D 01 - K 08.

Fixed assets received free of charge are reflected by posting: D 08 - K 98/2. The cost of gratuitously received fixed assets, as depreciation on them is calculated, is written off from subaccount 98/2 “Gratuitous receipts” to the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses.”

When disposal of fixed assets due to sale, due to dilapidation, obsolescence, gratuitous transfer, the residual value of the object is written off from account 01 “Fixed assets” to the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”. in addition, the debit of account 91 reflects all expenses associated with the disposal of fixed assets, and the credit - all receipts associated with the disposal of fixed assets (revenue from the sale of objects).

In accordance with PBU 6/01, the cost of fixed assets is repaid through depreciation.

Depreciation of fixed assets can be carried out using one of the following methods of calculating depreciation charges:

linear method;

reducing balance method;

method of writing off the cost by the sum of the numbers of years of the term beneficial use;

a method of writing off cost in proportion to the volume of production.

At Saturn LLC, depreciation is calculated using the reducing balance method, based on the residual value of the fixed asset item at the beginning of the reporting year and the depreciation rate calculated based on the useful life of this item and the acceleration factor established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To account for depreciation at the enterprise, account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets” is used.

The accrued amount of depreciation on own fixed assets for production purposes is reflected in the debit of the accounts of production and distribution costs (23,25,26, etc.) and the credit of account 02.

When disposing of own fixed assets, the amount of depreciation on them is written off to the debit of account 02 from the credit of account 01.

Saturn LLC conducts an annual inventory of fixed assets. Under it, a commission appointed by the manager inspects the objects and enters their full name, purpose, inventory numbers and main technical indicators in the inventory. When making an inventory of buildings, structures and other real estate, the commission checks documents confirming the location of these objects in the ownership of the organization.

Revealed surpluses of fixed assets are accounted for at market value by debiting account 01 “Fixed assets” from the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

In case of shortage and damage to fixed assets, their residual value is written off from the credit of account 01 “Fixed assets” to the debit of account 94 “shortages and losses from damage to valuables”, and the depreciation amount is written off from the credit of account 01 to the debit of account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets”. When specific culprits are identified, missing or damaged fixed assets are assessed at sales prices and written off from the credit of account 94 to the debit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations.” The difference between the market price and the residual value of fixed assets is reflected in the debit of account 94 and the credit of account 98 “Deferred income”. As the debtor repays the debt, the corresponding part is written off from account 98 to the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”. If the culprits are not identified, then the missing and damaged fixed assets are written off from the organizations from the credit of account 94 to financial results(count 91).

Having studied the accounting of fixed assets in Saturn LLC, we can conclude that it complies with PBU 6/01.

Depending on the volume and nature of the repair work performed, repairs of fixed assets can be capital and current. They differ in complexity, volume and deadlines. Repairs of fixed assets can be carried out economically, i.e. by the organization itself, or by contract (by third party organizations). In both cases, a list of defects is compiled for each object being repaired. It indicates the work to be performed, the start and end dates of the repair, the parts planned for replacement, the time standards for work and the manufacture of replacement parts, estimated cost repairs item by item.

Acceptance of a repaired object from repair at the enterprise is formalized by an act of acceptance and delivery of repaired, reconstructed and modernized fixed assets. After the act is received by the accounting department, a note is made on the inventory card about the work performed. In addition, the acceptance certificate serves as the basis for write-off actual cost major repairs.

At Saturn LLC, actual expenses associated with carrying out and paying for repairs of fixed assets are charged directly to the accounts of production costs and handling from the credit account of the corresponding material, cash and settlement accounts (accounts 10 “Materials”, 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages", etc.). Capitalization of construction and other materials received during the repair of fixed assets is carried out by debiting the corresponding material accounts(10) and credit to account 23 “Auxiliary production”.

The laws of production development are the constant expansion of fixed assets, the introduction of modern machines and equipment, and the strengthening of the material and technical base. All this leads to increased production and sales of products, improved quality, reduced costs and increased profits and profitability.

The main source of analysis of fixed assets is financial statements: Form No. 1 "Balance Sheet" and Form No. 5 "Appendices to the Balance Sheet", Section 3 "Depreciable Property"

Table 1. Status of fixed assets for Saturn LLC for 2005 compared to 2004. (amount - thousand rubles)



Amount of fixed assets at the beginning of the year

  • A) Initial cost
  • B) Amount of depreciation
  • B) Residual value
  • 3992.4
  • 665.4
  • 447.6

Amount of disposed fixed assets

Amount of purchased fixed assets

Wear rate

Usability factor

Renewal factor

Attrition rate

The data in Table 1 shows that fixed assets at the end of the year amounted to 3992.4 thousand rubles at their original cost, which is 447.6 thousand rubles less than at the beginning of the year. or by 11.2%.

The residual value at the end of the year amounted to 3,327 thousand rubles; during the year it decreased by 373 thousand rubles. This influenced an increase in the wear rate and a decrease in their serviceability rate, i.e. to deterioration of the condition of fixed assets.

This is also indicated by the calculations of these coefficients. The depreciation rate of fixed assets at the beginning of the year was 15.77%; during the year it increased by 0.5% and amounted to 16.67%. Accordingly, the suitability coefficient decreased (by 0.4%).

One of the ways to reduce the wear rate, i.e. improving the condition of fixed assets is the timely repair and acquisition of new fixed assets, their modernization, as well as the write-off of morally and physically obsolete machinery and equipment.

In the reporting year, Saturn LLC wrote off fixed assets in the amount of 149 thousand rubles, and acquired them in the amount of 175 thousand rubles. Thus, the retirement rate was 3.73%, i.e. 3.73% of fixed assets were written off during the reporting period. The renewal rate was 4.15%, i.e. 4.15% of fixed assets were renewed.

Table 2. Structure of fixed assets of Saturn LLC at the beginning and end of 2005 (amount - thousand rubles)


For the beginning of the year

At the end of the year



Transfer devices



Production equipment

Other fixed assets

Including production


The data in Table 2 shows that in the total amount of fixed assets the largest share is occupied by buildings. Their share at the end of the year was 45%. There is a significant predominance of vehicles (26.5%) and machines (25.5%).

In the total amount of fixed assets, the share of production fixed assets is 88.9%; during the year it increased by 1.1%. The share of non-production fixed assets decreased by 1.1% and amounted to 11.1%.

Table 3. Assessment of the efficiency of use of fixed assets of Saturn LLC for 2005 compared to last year

As the data in Table 3 shows, the capital productivity of fixed assets increased by 0.3 rubles compared to last year and amounted to 2.1 rubles, and the capital return decreased by 5.2% and amounted to 7.6%.

As a result of increasing the efficiency of using fixed assets, Saturn LLC increased the volume of production and sales of products by 1054.05 thousand rubles. (3513.5*0.3).

The efficiency of using fixed assets is influenced by various factors. These include:

volume of products produced;

average annual amount of fixed assets;

labor productivity of production workers;

productivity of fixed assets;

efficiency of use of certain types of fixed assets.

Table 4. Calculation of the impact of changes in revenue from product sales and the average annual cost of fixed assets on capital productivity for Saturn LLC for 2005 compared to last year

The data in Table 4 shows that capital productivity during the reporting period increased by 30 kopecks. This deviation was influenced by the following factors:

growth in production and sales of products increased capital productivity by 34 kopecks;

an increase in the average annual cost of fixed assets reduced capital productivity by 4 kopecks.


For economic growth in general or expanding activities at the level of an economic entity, certain minimum the necessary conditions, some kind of program - the minimum. One of these conditions is the presence of more or less modern production capacity. Meanwhile, according to various data, the level of depreciation of fixed assets, even in the assessment of uniform depreciation rates that take little into account obsolescence, varies across different sectors of the economy and types of fixed assets from sixty to ninety percent. In these conditions, the issue of modernizing and expanding the range of these resources becomes especially relevant. And since this is so, the problems of planning, accounting and consideration of the feasibility of investing in these resources also acquires particular relevance. Accounting for investments in fixed assets, that is, long-term investments, is the subject of this work.

Course work consists of 2 parts:

1. Theoretical part

2. Practical part.

The practical part is an analysis of the balance sheet of the Meteor plant.

The purpose of the analysis is not only to assess the liquidity of the organization, its assets and the sources of their formation, but also to constantly develop measures aimed at improving these indicators. An analysis of balance sheet liquidity shows in which areas such work needs to be carried out and makes it possible to identify the most important aspects and weakest positions in the activities of an economic entity. In accordance with this, the results of the analysis provide answers to the questions of what the most important ways improvements financial condition organizations.

1 Theoretical part.

1.1 Concept, classification and assessment of long-term investments.

Long-term investments are the costs of creating, increasing the size, as well as acquiring non-current durable assets (over one year), not intended for sale, with the exception of long-term ones financial investments in government securities, securities and authorized capitals of other organizations.

Long-term investments are associated with the following actions:

Carrying out capital construction in the form of new construction, as well as reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment operating enterprises and non-production facilities;

Acquisition of buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles and other individual objects (or parts thereof) of fixed assets;

Acquisition of land plots and environmental management facilities;

Acquisition and creation of intangible assets (patents, licenses, software products, research and development, design and survey work, etc.).

Completed long-term investments are assessed based on the inventory value of completed construction projects and acquired individual types of fixed assets and other long-term assets.

IN balance sheet long-term investments are reflected under the item “Construction in progress”. Under this article, the developer shows the cost of unfinished construction carried out by economic and contract methods.

Developers are understood as organizations specializing in performing these functions, in particular organizations for capital construction in cities, directorates of organizations under construction, etc., as well as existing organizations carrying out capital construction.

Maintenance costs for developers are made from funds allocated for financing capital construction and are included in the inventory cost of objects put into operation.

When performing construction work by contract, the developer acts as a customer in relation to the contractor construction organization.

1.2 Organization of accounting for long-term investments.

The main objectives of accounting for long-term investments are:

Timely, complete and reliable reflection of all expenses incurred during the construction of objects by their types and the objects taken into account;

Ensuring control over the progress of construction, commissioning of production facilities and fixed assets;

Correct determination and reflection of the inventory value of commissioned and acquired fixed assets, land plots, environmental management facilities and intangible assets;

Monitoring the availability and use of sources of financing for long-term investments.

Accounting for long-term investments is carried out based on actual expenses:

In general, for construction and for individual objects (buildings, structures, etc.) included in it;

For individual fixed assets acquired, land plots, environmental management facilities and intangible assets.

When constructing facilities, the developer keeps track of costs on an accrual basis from the beginning of construction by reporting periods until the commissioning of the facilities or the complete production of the relevant work and costs.

Along with taking into account costs at actual cost, the developer, regardless of the method of carrying out construction work, keeps records of production capital investments at the contractual cost.

When organizing cost accounting for the construction of facilities, the developer must provide for obtaining information about the reproductive and technological structure of costs, the method of carrying out construction work, as well as the purpose of the facilities under construction and other acquisitions.

Accounting for long-term investments is kept on account 08 “Investments in non-current assets”. This account reflects investments by their types in specially opened sub-accounts:

- “Acquisition of land plots”;

- “Purchase of natural resources”;

- “Construction of fixed assets”;

- “Acquisition of individual fixed assets”;

- “Acquisition of intangible assets”;

- “Transfer of young animals to the main herd”;

- “Acquisition of adult animals”;

Carrying out research, development and technological work (R&D), etc.

Subaccount 08-1 “Acquisition of land plots” takes into account the costs of acquiring land plots into the organization’s ownership;

On subaccount 08-2 “Purchase of environmental management objects” - costs for the acquisition of environmental management objects into the ownership of the organization;

On subaccount 08-3 “Construction of fixed assets” - costs for the construction of buildings and structures, installation of equipment, the cost of equipment transferred for installation and other costs provided for by estimates, financial estimates and title lists for capital construction (regardless of whether this is carried out construction by contract or economic method);

On subaccount 08-4 “Purchase of individual fixed assets” - costs for the acquisition of equipment, machinery, tools, inventory and other fixed assets that do not require installation;

On subaccount 08-5 “Acquisition of intangible assets” - costs for the acquisition of intangible assets;

On subaccount 08-6 “Transfer of young animals to the main herd” - the costs of raising young productive and working livestock transferred to the main herd;

On subaccount 08-7 “Purchase of adult animals” - the cost of adult productive and working livestock purchased for the main herd or received free of charge, including the costs of its delivery;

On subaccount 08-8 “Performance of research, development and technological work” - the costs of performing these works.

The debit of account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” reflects the actual costs of construction and acquisition of relevant assets, as well as the costs of forming the main herd.

The generated initial cost of fixed assets, intangible and other assets accepted for operation and registered in the prescribed manner is written off from account 08 to the debit of accounts 01 “Fixed Assets”, 03 “Income Investments in Tangible Assets”, 04 “Intangible Assets”, etc. Costs for completed operations of forming the main herd are written off from account 08 to the debit of account 01 “Fixed assets”.

The balance on account 08 reflects the amount of capital investments of the organization in unfinished construction and the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets, as well as the amount of unfinished costs for the formation of the main herd. Since January 1, 2000, unfinished capital investments include real estate objects that have not undergone state registration.

Analytical accounting for account 08 is carried out for each object under construction or acquired, as well as for types of animals.

For costs associated with the construction and acquisition of fixed assets, the construction of analytical accounting should provide the opportunity to obtain data on the costs of construction works and reconstruction, drilling work, installation of equipment, equipment requiring installation, equipment not requiring installation, as well as tools and equipment provided for in estimates for capital construction, design and survey work, and other costs of capital investments.

For analytical accounting of costs by type and composition of capital investments, the following statements are used:

No. 18 - for accounting for costs of unfinished, undelivered work, costs of the reporting period and from the beginning of the year, as well as written-off amounts for objects put into operation;

No. 18-1 - to account for costs that make up the initial cost of commissioned objects by their types.

1.3 Accounting for costs of construction of facilities.