Chapter V calculation of the economic cost of the project. Estimated cost Calculation of the economic cost of the project

The order is placed by a specialized organization
Mailing address Russian Federation, 142784, Moscow, Moskovsky, microdistrict 1, 19a
Actual address Russian Federation, 142784, Moscow, Urban settlement Moskovsky ter, microdistrict 1, no. 19a
Telephone 7-495-8418147
Fax 7-495-8418147
Email [email protected]
The contact person Tikhonov Alexey Borisovich

Subject of contract

Subject of contract Carrying out repair work on a dam with a water bypass device
Initial (maximum) contract price RUR 497,970.00
Quantity of goods, volume of work or services see documentation
Place of delivery of goods, performance of work or provision of services Moscow, Moskovsky settlement, Meshkovo village
Delivery time for goods, performance of work or provision of services within 20 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the contract
Customer Administration of the Moskovsky settlement

Related Documentation

  • . estimate dam Meshkovo_b 600-7, estimate dam Meshkovo_b 600-7.xls
  • . draft contract, draft contract.docx
  • . Auction documentation, AD.docx
  • . Terms of reference for dam repairs, Terms of reference for dam repairs.doc
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A dam is a hydraulic structure erected to fence artificially created reservoirs and watercourses, raise the bank of a natural watercourse, change the direction of flow and protect the area from flooding.

Five main requirements for dams:

  1. Stability and strength when exposed to forces and loads in various combinations.
  2. Fatigue strength of the structure.
  3. Wear resistance.
  4. Biostability of the materials making up the dam.
  5. Survivability, in other words, is the ability of a dam to perform its functions in extreme conditions.

Unlike industrial and civil structures, hydraulic structures during operation are exposed to various factors related to water - mechanical, physico-chemical, biological. The more thoroughly the survey work is carried out, the more accurate the designers’ calculations will be.

What types of surveys and studies need to be carried out before the start of design work:

  • topographic survey;
  • geological research (soil study);
  • hydrogeological (determining the depth and flow of aquifers, water flow regime in a given area);
  • construction and production (obtaining information about the transport accessibility of the facility, road conditions, power sources, etc.)

After conducting surveys, during which data will be obtained on the terrain, its geological structure, groundwater levels and water flow conditions, a multi-stage design process begins. It includes preliminary, working and control stages.

What tasks are set for designers?

At preparation of the dam project Region specialists consistently solve the following tasks:

  • establishing the type and size of the structure, taking into account the expected water regime of the facility;
  • selection of building materials, equipment, technological methods of construction;
  • production of dam diagrams and drawings, performing calculations;
  • determination of economic indicators;
  • establishing the degree of reliability of hydraulic structures necessary to ensure the safety of the population and the natural environment;
  • compiling a list of design and technological solutions to prevent the development of emergency situations and dangerous damage.

Dam project price

The initial cost of estimate and design documentation is determined on the basis of the regulatory pricing framework. Basic prices are multiplied by a coefficient that takes into account the current market situation. The individual characteristics of each project are clarified during a constructive conversation with the client. Our company assumes warranty obligations and bears financial responsibility for failure to meet deadlines.

The main difficulties and mistakes when designing yourself (with your own hands)

Solutions LLC "Region"

  • Lack of an agreed upon design of the Sanitary Protection Zone (SPZ)
  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare Terms of Reference for the SPZ project. If necessary, we will carry out the design of the sanitary protection zone and coordinate it.
  • Lack of metering devices and objective (calculated) data on the required productivity.
  • We will collect all the necessary data, carry out calculations and present it to the customer for consideration. If necessary, we will carry out temporary installation of metering devices.
  • Lack of title documents for land.
  • We will assist in the preparation of documentation and, if necessary, include it in the design specifications.
  • Inaccuracies in the preparation of the Technical Specifications: all necessary research was not taken into account, the above listed documents were not taken into account.
  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare the correct technical specifications.
  • The price justification was not carried out correctly, based on commercial proposals from non-specialized organizations, without taking into account compliance with the requirements of technical specifications, the need to inspect buildings and structures, etc.
  • We will prepare an estimate for design and survey work and inspection, according to reference price guides.
  • Inspection, research, design are carried out by different companies - this causes delays and the appearance of additional work.
  • We have significant experience and qualifications to organize a full range of design and survey work. The Region company has SRO approvals for both design and survey work. We are guaranteed to provide a positive expert opinion and support during construction and installation work.
To date, Region LLC has more than 150 successfully completed survey and design works. Our customers are the largest organizations in Russia.Numerous official reviews from organizations confirm our professionalism and responsibility in working with customers.


We have experience in using BIM design technologies and are ready to develop a BIM project, taking into account customer requirements and technical specifications. Technological BIM design is a special art that requires extensive experience and high qualifications, which Region LLC collected bit by bit.


To determine the basic (initial) cost of design estimates and survey work, Region LLC uses a time-tested method: drawing up estimates for design and survey work using reference price reference books. The estimated cost of design and survey work is a justified initial cost of work, which is clarified in the process of clarifying the scope of work and negotiations. An estimate for design and survey work compiled according to reference price reference books can serve as a justification for the price during the competitive procedure in accordance with Federal Law No. 44 and No. 223.

Assistance in completing applications for participation in Federal Target Programs (FTP). We make all technical and technological decisions based on variant design and comparison of all technical and economic parameters, including operational ones.
Assistance in processing applications for funds from regional budgets (feasibility study, Justification). Development of a feasibility study (feasibility study) of the project at the initial stages of implementation of the investment plan.
Consultations on lending from European banks and attracting grants.
Assistance in the development of investment programs. Consulting in the field of design, design stages, design stages, approvals, necessary initial permitting documentation, etc.
Assistance in attracting credit funds for the implementation of energy service contracts (energy efficiency) and environmental projects.
The Region LLC company is part of a number of large design and construction holdings and is ready to implement turnkey projects throughout Russia.


30% Costs of construction and installation works. Based on alternative design and modern technologies, we select the optimal solution. 3D modeling technologies help to avoid waste of materials and minimize the likelihood of errors.
25% For the cost of design and survey work, you get a high-quality project that allows you to implement your plan on time. Thanks to an integrated approach, everything is in one hand (collection of initial data, surveys and measurements, surveys) and the experience of our specialists, we can optimize costs and offer you a competitive price.
20% Time during construction and installation work. The decisions made by our engineers and architects are not only reliable and aesthetic, but also thought out in terms of convenience and speed of implementation (flexible solutions in terms of work execution).

We always include warranty obligations as part of the design contract.
and financial liability for failure to meet deadlines.

Region LLC specialists are ready to provide assistance at all stages of decision-making, both at the stage of considering the project concept and when considering options for the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures. At the design preparation stage - prepare technical specifications for design and the necessary research.
And also prepare estimates for design and surveys based on collections of basic prices (price justification for holding a competition).


  1. Customer's idea
  2. Preparation of pre-design solutions and variable design
  3. Development of technical-economic feasibility study (feasibility study)
  4. Protection of basic solutions to the customer, selection of the optimal option
  5. Preparation of detailed technical specifications for: project development, engineering surveys, survey
  6. Development of working documentation
  7. Approvals
  8. Author's supervision
  9. The customer's vision embodied


Region LLC is a member of voluntary quality certification in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001-2015. Registration No. SMK.RTS.RU.03121.17


We design on nanoCAD - a Russian universal CAD platform containing all the necessary tools for basic design and drawing production.

Our PCs are equipped with Windows 10, an operating system for personal computers developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family. After Windows 8, the system received the number 10, bypassing 9.

We work on Microsoft Office 2010 - a package of programs focused on the requirements of modern business and the needs of its employees.
The use of licensed software guarantees information security, legality of work and reduces the risks of company closure due to inspections by regulatory authorities.

Operation of the pond and dams includes activities for the supervision and maintenance of the dam and spillway structures, their repair and activities for the improvement of the pond area.

The main types of damage are water overflow over the dam crest; water filtration through a dam; destruction of a dam by a breakwater; damage to drainage structures.

Overflow of water over the ridge is observed during very large floods or due to the unpreparedness of spillway structures to handle the flood. To prevent water overflow, spillway structures must be cleared of snow, ice, and debris in the spring before the flood. In case of large floods, when the spillway structures do not have time to discharge water, in order to eliminate the overflow of water, it is necessary to build a temporary drainage canal with water drainage into the beam below the dam.

Cracks often form in new dams before the soil has completely settled due to freezing in the upper layers and continued settlement of the lower layers, leading to the formation of voids. If a transverse crack forms in the dam, you need to dig a trench 1.5-2.0 m deep 0.5 m below the depth of the crack. For a longitudinal crack, a trench is dug along the crack along its entire length. The crack is filled with the same soil from which the dam is made, in layers of 1 5-20 cm with careful compaction.

Filtration of water through a dam can occur if design or construction rules are violated. To eliminate filtration, it is necessary to increase the base of the dam by widening it on the side of the dry slope or to arrange drainage. If the water filtering through the drainage device is clean, this indicates that the dam is in good condition.

The destruction of the dam by a breakwater is eliminated by securing the wet slope with a stone blind area, concrete slabs, or throwing stones over squares made from willow stakes.

Spillways should be constantly cleared of debris, and in the spring of snow and ice. The most common types of damage to spillway structures is the formation of failures along their walls due to water filtration. Dips behind the walls of culverts should be promptly filled with soil.

In order to avoid the erosion of dams, it is necessary to organize observation and concentrate the necessary materials and mechanisms at the time of flood or flood.

The system of operational measures includes landscaping the area around the pond, restoring damaged turf, and creating tree and shrub plantings (the range of species is selected depending on soil and climatic conditions). On the banks of the reservoir along the water's edge, especially in places where the shore is destroyed by a breakwater, it is advisable to plant shrubby willows. When using a pond to extinguish fires, access roads and platforms are built at the water intake points

Periodically it is necessary to clean the pond from herbaceous aquatic vegetation. Small ponds are cleaned by hand; large ponds are cleaned using special mowers and dredgers. After 20-30 years, having completely freed the pond from water, it is cleaned of vegetation, debris and silt. Water is drained through a drain.



5.1.Construction cost estimate

The cost estimate for the construction of a pond and dam is compiled item by item based on aggregated indicators, which are given in the table.



for the construction of a pond and dam according to aggregate indicators

Name of works


Scope of work

Price, rub.

Cost, rub.

1 . Clearing areas of bushes and small forests

Uprooter-gatherer, brushcutter

2. Dam construction

installation of a castle trench and castle along the entire length of the dam

Scraper, bucket 2.25 m3

c) filling the dam

Scraper, bucket

d) soil compaction

Soil compaction machine-

3. Fastening the dam slopes:

Sod in a cage with adding vegetable soil and sowing herbs

4. Soil preparation, cost of seedlings, planting and forest care

Forestry machines

Total costs

Overhead costs - 16% 126067.98·0.16=20170rub

Planned savings - 6% 126067.98·0.06=7564.08 rub.

Unforeseen expenses - 3%. 126067.98·0.03=3782.04 rub.

TOTAL: 157584.1 rub.

5.2. Project passport

After completing the design work and economic calculations, a project passport is drawn up, which indicates the main parameters of the dam and pond at the time of creation and outlines the necessary operations for the operation of the dam and pond.

Ministry of Forestry of Russia

Forestry Department_

The cost estimate for the construction of a pond and dam is compiled item by item based on aggregated indicators, which are given in the table.



for the construction of a pond and dam according to aggregate indicators

Name of works


Scope of work

Price, rub.

Cost, rub.

1 . Clearing areas of bushes and small forests

Uprooter-gatherer, brushcutter

2. Dam construction

a) removal of plant soil under the entire base of the dam to a depth of 0.4 m

Scraper, bucket 2.25 m 3

b) installation of a castle trench and castle along the entire length of the dam

Scraper, bucket 2.25 m 3

c) filling the dam

Scraper, bucket

d) soil compaction

Soil compaction machine-

e) planning of slopes and dam crest

Trailed graders

3. Fastening the dam slopes:

Sod in a cage with adding vegetable soil and sowing herbs

4. Soil preparation, cost of seedlings, planting and forest care

Forestry machines

Total costs

Overhead costs - 16% = 4389.8 rubles.

Planned savings - 6% = 1646.1 rub.

Unforeseen expenses - 3% = 823 rub.

TOTAL: RUB 34,295.3

5.2. Project passport

After completing the design work and economic calculations, a project passport is drawn up, which indicates the main parameters of the dam and pond at the time of creation and outlines the necessary operations for the operation of the dam and pond.

Ministry of Forestry of Russia

Forestry Department______________________________

Forestry (lespromkhoz)_______________________________


dams and ponds built according to project No._ 9

    Region) Republic of Tatarstan


3. Nature of the catchment area ________________________________________________________________

4. Time of design and survey work_________________________________________________________________

5. Construction time __________________________

6. Main characteristics of the dam:

the dam foundation soil is permeable_________

dam soil medium loam __________________

anti-filtration structures;

There is no dam in the body, there is a lock under the dam, the length of the dam is _____________

dam height_______ ________________________________________

ridge width ________________________________________________

spillway structure _____________________________________________

7. Main characteristics of the pond: water surface area at the gas station ___________________


water depth at the dam _______________

length along the axis of the pond ______________________________

width of the pond at the dam (according to NPG) _________

greatest ____________

8. Characteristics of the protective forest belt: strip length 2750

The width of the line 50 , rows 3 things

tree species Pine, poplar

shrub species _______________________

9. Pond cleaning measures ______________

spillway cleaning _________________________

Regular care of plantings_____________

seasonal cleaning of recreation areas__________________

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