An inventory of fixed assets can be carried out once. Inventory of fixed assets at the enterprise

In accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial liabilities, an annual inventory of fixed assets is carried out. An inventory can also be carried out in accordance with the requirement of a written order of the head. If the inventory reveals shortages of fixed assets, their surpluses, then collation statements are formed (form No. INV-18). They reflect the results of the inventory in terms of the discrepancy between the data of the inventory lists and accounting.

Reflection in the accounting of the results of the inventory of fixed assets

The procedure for conducting the results of an inventory of fixed assets in accounting:

  • surplus fixed assets are recorded at market value and placed in other income;
  • shortages of fixed assets are carried out depending on the presence or absence of the perpetrators.

The results of the inventory are carried out in the reporting and accounting of the month in which the inventory was completed, and if it was annual inventory, then in the annual financial statement.

How to capitalize the fixed asset identified during the inventory

The surplus identified during the inventory is credited to account 01, account of fixed assets, in correspondence with account 91, account of other income and expenses (clause 36 of the Guidelines for accounting of fixed assets, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2003 N 91n (as amended on 12/24/2010)).

Accounting is carried out at the current market value.

The arrival of surpluses is carried out through account 08, as well as in the case of the arrival of fixed assets. The fixed asset identified during the inventory is credited with the following postings:

Debit 08 Credit 91.1

Debit 01 Credit 08

If the inventory reveals a shortage of fixed assets

The sequence of accounting for the shortage of fixed assets during the inventory:

  • write off the initial cost
  • depreciation is written off
  • write off the residual value
  • the valuation made is written off.

Postings for writing off shortages during the inventory of fixed assets

Debit Credit Operation type description A document base
01 sub-account "Disposal" 01 Write off the initial cost of fixed assets No. OS-4 "Act on the write-off of an object of fixed assets (except for motor vehicles)";
No. OS-4a;
No. OS-4b;
Accounting reference-calculation
02 01 sub-account "Disposal" Accrued depreciation is written off Accounting reference-calculation
94 01 Residual value written off
83 94 The production revaluation is written off
73-2 94 The shortage is written off to the guilty persons at the residual value No. INV-1 "Inventory list of fixed assets";
No. INV-26 "Statement of accounting for the results identified by the inventory"
73-2 98-4 The difference between the residual value of the missing fixed assets and their market value to be written off from the perpetrators is reflected. Accounting reference-calculation
50, 70 73-2 Debts for shortages are repaid by the guilty person No. KO-1 "Incoming cash order";
No. T-49 "Payroll"
98-4 91-1 The difference between the residual value of the missing fixed assets and their market value is reflected as income of the current period (in the process of repaying debts by guilty persons) Accounting reference-calculation

Write-off of shortage in the absence of identified perpetrators

If the perpetrators are not identified, then the shortage of fixed assets is recorded as other expenses:

Debit 91 Credit 94

The posting is reflected on the date of receipt of documents from government agencies authorities on the absence of perpetrators (clause 5, clause 2, article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Tax accounting of the results of the inventory of fixed assets

The cost of surplus fixed assets found in the inventory process is included in non-operating income. This is enshrined in paragraph 20 of Article 250 tax code RF. These fixed assets are accounted for at the average market value as of the date of the inventory and are subject to further depreciation (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. .

The cost of the shortage of fixed assets identified during the inventory refers to non-operating expenses, and the shortage already returned by the guilty person is reckoned to non-operating income.

Recovery of VAT when writing off the shortage of fixed assets

When writing off the shortage, the VAT is reimbursed to the budget, which was previously accepted for tax deduction(). Restoration of VAT and its payment are taking place, because. only funds acquired for the production needs of the organization fall under the purposes of the VAT deduction.

For written-off damaged fixed assets, the recovery of the amount of input VAT is carried out in proportion to the residual value.

The procedure and terms for conducting an inventory of fixed assets

The inventory of fixed assets is carried out in the manner prescribed by the order on accounting policy enterprises, as well as in cases where its implementation is mandatory in accordance with paragraphs. 26 and 27 of the Accounting Regulations No. 34n dated July 29, 1998, that is:

  • when selling fixed assets;
  • renting them out;
  • acquisition of a state or municipal unitary enterprise;
  • change of financially responsible persons;
  • revealing the facts of theft;
  • the onset of natural disasters or fires;
  • company reorganization;
  • before compiling the annual financial statements(at least once every 3 years, library collections- 1 time in 5 years).

The inventory can be carried out suddenly, at the initiative of the head of the organization to prevent theft. According to the degree of coverage, it can be continuous or selective, according to the method of conducting - natural (involving direct observation of the presence of accounting objects) or documentary (conducted according to the accounting registers of the company).

Documentation of the inventory of fixed assets is carried out using forms unified or developed by the organization itself and enshrined in its order on accounting policy.

Each document is drawn up in two copies, one of which is transferred to the accounting department, the other - to the financially responsible person.

The procedure for issuing an order for an inventory of fixed assets

The inventory begins with the issuance by the head of the order to conduct an inventory of fixed assets. To do this, you can use the form INV-22, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88.

The order specifies:

  • location of the inventory;
  • its start and end dates;
  • chairman and members of the commission;
  • degree of coverage of inventory objects;
  • the reason for the inventory;
  • deadlines for submitting documents to the accounting department.

The commission may include a chief or other responsible accountant, a person responsible for the safety of fixed assets, shop workers, administration employees, etc.

The order is registered in the register of inventory orders INV-23, approved by Resolution 88, and is handed over to the chairman of the commission against signature.

Before checking the actual availability and status of fixed assets, you need to view the availability of:

  • OS inventory cards (form OS-6), other accounting registers for OS objects and the correctness of the data entered in them;
  • technical passports;
  • documents for obtaining or leasing fixed assets for rent.

If necessary, accounting documents can be supplemented or corrected.

Preparation of an inventory statement

When conducting an inventory of fixed assets, not only their presence is checked, but also other important characteristics, such as:

  • appointment,
  • performance,
  • stock numbers,
  • outward state,
  • no visible defects.

During the inspection of buildings, structures and other real estate, the following are checked:

  • main building material
  • number of storeys,
  • total and usable area,
  • year of construction, etc.

For natural objects, the following are checked: length, depth, length.

By plantings - presence and age.

The same type of OS, received at the same time, are indicated in the statement, taking into account quantitative indicators.

All identified data are entered by the members of the commission into the inventory list INV-1, approved by Decree 88, or independently developed form.

Why do you need a reconciliation statement?

After completing the round, the commission compares the data of the INV-1 statement with the indicators reflected in the accounting registers.

All identified discrepancies between them are entered in the collation sheet of the results of the inventory of fixed assets INV-18, approved by Resolution 88, or a similar form developed by the organization.

All unrecorded objects are put by the commission on accounting, and the necessary corrective entries are made for incorrectly reflected fixed assets.

Registration of newly identified objects is carried out at current market prices. The degree of wear of an object is determined taking into account its actual state. These changes are formalized by internal acts of the enterprise.

Don't know your rights?

When facts of modernization or liquidation of fixed assets that were not reflected in accounting are revealed, adjustment entries are made in it, reflecting an increase or decrease in their book value.

For objects that have changed their technical characteristics as a result of the improvements, new data are entered into the inventory.

For fixed assets that are out of order and not subject to restoration, as well as for objects that are leased or in custody, additional inventories are drawn up.

Those OS objects for which no discrepancies were found are not reflected in the collation inventories.

How to issue an act on the results of the inventory

After the inspection of all objects, the compilation of inventories and the reflection of the identified discrepancies between the accounting and inspection data, an act is drawn up on the results of the inventory of fixed assets.

The enterprise can develop the form of the act on its own or use the form approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n, form according to OKUD 0504835.

NOTE! Despite the fact that this form was developed for institutions and public authorities, there is no ban on its use by other entities.

The inventory list of fixed assets in the INV-1 form can be downloaded from link .

When filling out this form, indicate:

  • composition of the commission;
  • financially responsible person;
  • days of the beginning and completion of the inventory;
  • numbers and dates of statements, acts and collation inventories.

It makes notes on the results of the work done, gives full characteristics of the discrepancies found in quantitative and cost terms, indicating the reasons for their occurrence.

Attached to the act: statements, collation inventories, explanatory notes of financially responsible persons.

In the event that the commission did not reveal any discrepancies between the accounting and actual data, an entry is made in the act about their absence.

Registration of the minutes of the final meeting of the commission

At the end of the OS inventory, the commission meets in order to sum up its results and submit a report on the work done to the head of the organization.

The holding of the final meeting of the commission is not mandatory, but the minutes of its meeting are accepted by the court as evidence of damage to the organization.

The order and terms of the commission meeting are prescribed in the accounting policy of the company.

You can download the Asset Inventory Form from the link below.

During the meeting of the commission, all cases of shortages, surpluses or regrading identified by the commission are recorded. Explanations of materially responsible persons are heard.

Following the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up, which records:

  • the results of the work done;
  • the reasons for the detected inaccuracies;
  • conclusions reached by the commission;
  • proposals to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

The protocol is signed by the chairman and all members of the commission. It is transferred to the head of the organization to make a final decision on each identified non-compliance.

A sample fixed assets inventory protocol can be downloaded from our website at the link below.

Decisions made by the head of the enterprise are formalized by order and reflected in the statement of results identified by the inventory INV-26, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2000 No. 26 or its equivalent developed by the company independently.

Conducting an inventory of fixed assets is one of the ways to identify the current state of the company's property and confirm the quality of accounting. It allows you to identify errors in accounting for fixed assets, helps to bring it into line with the actual data.

Organization ( general system taxation) discovered an unrecorded object of fixed assets during the inventory. Experts of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT told how to reflect in the accounting and correctly put into operation such an object.

Accounting for fixed assets discovered during the inventory

Paragraph 1 of Art. eleven federal law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ "" (hereinafter - Law No. 402-FZ), it is determined that assets and liabilities are subject to inventory. According to the cases, terms and procedure for conducting an inventory, as well as a list of objects subject to inventory, are determined economic entity, except in cases of mandatory inventory. Mandatory inventory is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, federal and industry standards - see (hereinafter - Regulation No. 34n).

During the inventory, the actual presence of the corresponding objects is revealed, which is compared with the data of accounting registers ().

The procedure for conducting an inventory by organizations is established by the Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations, approved (hereinafter - Guidelines).

Based on the results of the inventory, during which surpluses and (or) shortages of property were identified, collation statements are compiled, which reflect the discrepancies between the indicators according to accounting data and inventory data ().

fixed assets, material values, cash and other property that are in excess are subject to capitalization and crediting, respectively, to financial results at the organization ().

So, the procedure for accounting for fixed assets is regulated (hereinafter - RAS 6/01). By virtue of this, an asset is accounted for as a property, plant and equipment when four conditions are met simultaneously:

  • the object is intended for use in the production of products, in the performance of work or the provision of services, for the management needs of the organization or for provision by the organization for a fee for temporary possession and use or for temporary use;
  • the object is intended to be used for a long time, i.e. a period of more than 12 months or a normal operating cycle if it exceeds 12 months;
  • the organization does not assume the subsequent resale of this object;
  • the object is capable of bringing economic benefits (income) to the organization in the future.

Fixed assets are accepted for accounting at historical cost ().

The procedure for determining the initial cost of fixed assets identified as a result of the inventory is not defined in PBU 6/01. This procedure is established by other regulatory legal acts.

The current market value is the amount Money, which can be obtained as a result of the sale of the specified asset at the date of acceptance for accounting. When determining the current market value, data on prices for similar fixed assets received in writing from manufacturing organizations can be used; information about the price level available from state statistics bodies, trade inspections, as well as in the media and specialized literature; expert opinions (for example, appraisers) on the value of individual fixed assets ().

The useful life of an object discovered during the inventory is determined by the organization independently when it is accepted for accounting (). When determining the useful life in accounting, the organization has the right, but is not obliged to be guided by the Classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups, approved.

That is, depreciation with reflection in the debit of cost accounting accounts (20, 26, 44) in correspondence with account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" begins on the first day of the month following the month in which the found objects were accepted for accounting, and is performed before full repayment the cost of these objects or their write-off from accounting.

Fixed assets identified during the inventory in tax accounting

The cost of surplus property identified as a result of the inventory, for the purposes of taxation of profits, is recognized as non-operating income ().

At the same time, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not contain special rules regulating the procedure for reflecting in tax accounting income from the value of property identified as a result of an inventory. Analyzing the provisions and , we can conclude that in tax accounting, income from the property identified during the inventory is reflected on the date the property was accepted for accounting.

At the same time, information on prices must be confirmed by the taxpayer - the recipient of property (works, services) documented or by conducting an independent assessment. Specialists of the Ministry of Finance of Russia also note that the assessment of the value of property identified during the inventory should be carried out taking into account the specified item and reflected in tax accounting in a manner similar to the procedure established for accounting purposes, as of the date of the inventory (, o,).

Depreciable property for the purpose of taxation of profits is recognized, among other things, property that is owned by the taxpayer (unless otherwise provided), is used by him to generate income and the value of which is repaid by depreciation. Depreciable property is property with a useful life of more than 12 months and an initial cost of more than 100,000 rubles ().

The procedure for starting depreciation for depreciable property is established, where it is indicated that depreciation is charged for depreciable property, including fixed assets, the rights to which are subject to state registration in accordance with the law Russian Federation, begins on the 1st day of the month following the month in which this object was put into operation, regardless of the date of its state registration.

Lazukova Ekaterina, expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT, professional accountant

In order to confirm the actual presence of fixed assets (OS) in the organization and the reliability of information about them contained in the accounting registers, an inventory of fixed assets is carried out. We will tell you about the timing of the inventory of fixed assets and the issues of documenting the inventory in our consultation.

How often to inventory OS

In the general case, the organization determines the procedure for conducting an inventory independently (clause 26 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of July 29, 1998 No. 34n). However, there are cases when an OS inventory is required. These, in particular, include (clause 27 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of July 29, 1998 No. 34n):

  • change of financially responsible persons;
  • identification of facts of theft, abuse or damage to property;
  • natural disaster, fire or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions;
  • reorganization or liquidation of the organization.

As for the inventory of fixed assets before the preparation of annual financial statements, such an inventory may not be carried out every year, but only once every 3 years. This means that, for example, before compiling the annual financial statements for 2017, an inventory of fixed assets can be omitted if it was carried out no earlier than before compiling the report for 2015.

Who Conducts OS Inventory

To carry out inventories in the organization, a permanent inventory commission must be created (clause 2.2 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 13.06.1995 No. 49).

If the volume of inventoried values ​​(including fixed assets) in the organization is large, then for the simultaneous inventory, working inventory commissions can be created.

The composition of the inventory commissions is approved by the head of the organization. And in the absence of at least one member of the commission during the inventory, its results will be invalidated (clause 2.3 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 13.06.1995 No. 49).

General rules conducting an inventory, as well as the features of conducting an inventory of fixed assets, are established by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 13.06.1995 No. 49.

How is the OS inventory done?

The legislation does not establish mandatory forms of primary accounting documents that should be used to formalize the inventory and its results (Information of the Ministry of Finance No. PZ-10/2012). At the same time, for these purposes, primary forms are usually used, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of August 18, 1998 No. 88. The organization can use them or develop independent forms, ensuring that they contain .

Whatever forms of documents for inventory the organization uses, they must be fixed in.

Here are the main forms compiled during the inventory of OS primary documents, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of August 18, 1998 No. 88.

So, the inventory begins with the issuance of an order (form No. INV-22 "Order (decree, order) on the inventory"). Such an order is essentially a task for the commission, it specifies the content, volume, procedure, timing of the inventory and the personal composition of the inventory commission. The order signed by the head of the organization is handed over to the chairman of the inventory commission.

The data of direct inventory of fixed assets are reflected in the Inventory list of fixed assets (form No. INV-1). This inventory is drawn up in 2 copies, signed by the responsible persons of the commission, as well as by the person responsible for the safety of the fixed assets. One copy of the inventory remains with such a responsible person, and the second is transferred to the accounting department for compiling, if necessary, a collation statement.

A comparative statement of the results of the inventory of fixed assets (form No. INV-18) is drawn up for those objects for which deviations from the accounting data are revealed. The statement is also compiled in 2 copies (for MOT and accounting).

Detailed information on the features of filling out the above unified forms for accounting for fixed assets inventory can be found in the Instructions given in the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of August 18, 1998 No. 88.

About what accounting records are made based on the results of the inventory, incl. OS objects, we considered in a separate .

Inventory of fixed assets - documenting and conducting is not such an easy task as it seems. In this article, we will talk about the order in which the inventory of the OS is carried out, what documents its results are drawn up, and what needs to be done when discrepancies are identified between the credentials and the actual presence of the OS.

The procedure and terms for conducting an inventory of fixed assets

An inventory of fixed assets is carried out in the manner prescribed by the order on the accounting policy of the enterprise, as well as in cases where its conduct is mandatory in accordance with paragraphs. 26 and 27 of the Accounting Regulations No. 34n dated July 29, 1998, that is:
  • when selling fixed assets;
  • renting them out;
  • acquisition of a state or municipal unitary enterprise;
  • change of financially responsible persons;
  • revealing the facts of theft;
  • the onset of natural disasters or fires;
  • company reorganization;
  • before the preparation of annual financial statements (at least once every 3 years, library funds - once every 5 years).
The inventory can be carried out suddenly, at the initiative of the head of the organization to prevent theft. According to the degree of coverage, it can be continuous or selective, according to the method of conducting - natural (involving direct observation of the presence of accounting objects) or documentary (conducted according to the accounting registers of the company).

Documentation of the inventory of fixed assets is carried out using forms unified or developed by the organization itself and enshrined in its order on accounting policy.

Each document is drawn up in two copies, one of which is transferred to the accounting department, the other - to the financially responsible person.

The procedure for issuing an order for an inventory of fixed assets

The inventory begins with the issuance by the head of the order to conduct an inventory of fixed assets. To do this, you can use the form INV-22, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88. The order indicates:
  • location of the inventory;
  • its start and end dates;
  • chairman and members of the commission;
  • degree of coverage of inventory objects;
  • the reason for the inventory;
  • deadlines for submitting documents to the accounting department.
The commission may include a chief or other responsible accountant, a person responsible for the safety of fixed assets, shop workers, administration employees, etc.

The order is registered in the register of inventory orders INV-23, approved by Resolution 88, and is handed over to the chairman of the commission against signature.

Before checking the actual availability and status of fixed assets, you need to view the availability of:
  • OS inventory cards (form OS-6), other accounting registers for OS objects and the correctness of the data entered in them;
  • technical passports;
  • documents for obtaining or leasing fixed assets for rent.
If necessary, accounting documents can be supplemented or corrected.

Preparation of an inventory statement

When conducting an inventory of fixed assets, not only their presence is checked, but also other important characteristics, such as:
  • appointment,
  • performance,
  • stock numbers,
  • outward state,
  • no visible defects.
During the inspection of buildings, structures and other real estate, the following are checked:
  • main building material
  • number of storeys,
  • total and usable area,
  • year of construction, etc.
For natural objects, the following are checked: length, depth, length.

By plantings - presence and age.

The same type of OS, received at the same time, are indicated in the statement, taking into account quantitative indicators.

All identified data are entered by the members of the commission into the inventory list INV-1, approved by Decree 88, or independently developed form.

Why do you need a reconciliation statement?

After completing the round, the commission compares the data of the INV-1 statement with the indicators reflected in the accounting registers.

All identified discrepancies between them are entered in the collation sheet of the results of the inventory of fixed assets INV-18, approved by Resolution 88, or a similar form developed by the organization.

All unrecorded objects are put by the commission on accounting, and the necessary corrective entries are made for incorrectly reflected fixed assets.

Registration of newly identified objects is carried out at current market prices. The degree of wear of an object is determined taking into account its actual state. These changes are formalized by internal acts of the enterprise.

When facts of modernization or liquidation of fixed assets that were not reflected in accounting are revealed, adjustment entries are made in it, reflecting an increase or decrease in their book value.

For objects that have changed their technical characteristics as a result of the improvements, new data are entered into the inventory.

For fixed assets that are out of order and not subject to restoration, as well as for objects that are leased or in custody, additional inventories are drawn up.

Those OS objects for which no discrepancies were found are not reflected in the collation inventories.

How to issue an act on the results of the inventory

After the inspection of all objects, the compilation of inventories and the reflection of the identified discrepancies between the accounting and inspection data, an act is drawn up on the results of the inventory of fixed assets.

The enterprise can develop the form of the act on its own or use the form approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n, form according to OKUD 0504835.

Note! Despite the fact that this form was developed for institutions and public authorities, there is no ban on its use by other entities.

When filling out this form, indicate:
  • composition of the commission;

When filling out this form, indicate:

  • composition of the commission;
  • financially responsible person;
  • days of the beginning and completion of the inventory;
  • numbers and dates of statements, acts and collation inventories.
It makes notes on the results of the work done, gives full characteristics of the discrepancies found in quantitative and cost terms, indicating the reasons for their occurrence.

Attached to the act: statements, collation inventories, explanatory notes of financially responsible persons.

In the event that the commission did not reveal any discrepancies between the accounting and actual data, an entry is made in the act about their absence.

Registration of the minutes of the final meeting of the commission

At the end of the OS inventory, the commission meets in order to sum up its results and submit a report on the work done to the head of the organization.

The holding of the final meeting of the commission is not mandatory, but the minutes of its meeting are accepted by the court as evidence of damage to the organization.

The order and terms of the commission meeting are prescribed in the order on the accounting policy of the company.

During the meeting of the commission, all cases of shortages, surpluses or regrading identified by the commission are recorded. Explanations of materially responsible persons are heard.

Following the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up, which records:

  • the results of the work done;
  • the reasons for the detected inaccuracies;
  • conclusions reached by the commission;
  • proposals to eliminate the identified shortcomings.
The protocol is signed by the chairman and all members of the commission. It is transferred to the head of the organization to make a final decision on each identified non-compliance.

Decisions made by the head of the enterprise are formalized by order and reflected in the statement of results identified by the inventory INV-26, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2000 No. 26 or its equivalent developed by the company independently.