Does the traffic police check the insurance? Electronic OSAGO policy - what and when to present to a traffic police officer

Disputes do not subside about what is included in the list of documents that the driver must have with him and present to the traffic police officer. Medical certificate, insurance policy - can the valiant road guards require the presentation of such documents?

The traffic cops themselves bring confusion, operating with regulatory legal acts, in which this requirement is fixed as legal. Yes, and among drivers ambiguous opinion on this issue.

When do you need to present an insurance policy?

a driver's license (a temporary license issued in exchange for a driver's license and a document proving the identity of the driver) for the right to drive a vehicle;

a document confirming the right to own or use or dispose of this vehicle - in the case of driving a vehicle in the absence of its owner;

in cases established by law, an insurance policy for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners and/or an insurance policy for compulsory insurance of civil liability of a carrier to passengers;

In fact, if a traffic police officer stopped you, then he has the right to demand all of the above documents from you.

What documents must be provided to the traffic police officer?

Driver vehicle, while driving, must have with him documents that give him the right to drive a car or other mode of transport. The task of traffic police officers is to ensure traffic safety on the roads, and therefore you may be stopped to check compliance with the Rules of the Road and driver's documents.

You can enter as many persons as the owner of the vehicle wishes in the OSAGO insurance policy.

When do you need to show insurance to a traffic cop?

According to Art. 21.2 Memory compulsory insurance…. traffic police officers have the right to require you to present a civil defense insurance policy only in the event that a protocol on an administrative violation is drawn up against you, or when registering materials for an accident.

Recall, according to the SDA, each driver must be insured and have an OSAGO agreement (compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners) with him.

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Do I have to show insurance to inspectors?

Good afternoon. In accordance with clause 2.1.1 of the Rules of the Road, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090, the driver of a power-driven vehicle is obliged to carry and, at the request of the police officers, hand them over for verification: a driver's license or a temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category; registration documents for this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - for the trailer; in established cases, permission to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis, a waybill, a license card and documents for the cargo being transported, and when transporting oversized, heavy and dangerous goods - the documents provided for by the rules for the transportation of these goods; an insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner of the vehicle in cases where the obligation to insure one's civil liability is established by federal law.

Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have documents required by the Rules of the Road.

According to paragraph 63 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation execution of the state function of control and supervision of compliance by road users with the requirements in the field of ensuring road safety, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 02.03.2009 No. 185 (ed.

Is a vehicle inspection necessary in the event of an accident?

Technical inspection allows you to determine the "ability" of the car to participate in traffic. Therefore, if the question arises, is a technical inspection necessary in an accident. it cannot be answered unambiguously. On the one hand, when concluding an OSAGO agreement, you will in any case be required to have a diagnostic card or a technical inspection coupon, and on the other hand, how can you yourself drive a potentially faulty car and not worry about your safety and the safety of other road users?

Technical inspection of the vehicle - checking the technical condition of the vehicle for compliance with its basic safety requirements for vehicles.

Passing a technical inspection is not required for vehicles that have not passed 3 years from the date of manufacture (including the year of manufacture), which include cars, trucks with a permitted weight of up to 3.5 tons, trailers and semi-trailers, motor vehicles.

For a long time, traffic police inspectors have not checked technical inspection coupons (diagnostic cards) for drivers. But what about the OSAGO insurance policy? Do I need to present it to the traffic police officer? Are there any situations when the traffic police inspector does not check the OSAGO policy? What if an employee asks for a policy to be handed over to him for verification? What to do for those who have insured civil liability with the help of an electronic policy?

The legislative framework

According to article 4 paragraph 1 federal law No. 40 "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners" all car owners are required to conclude an OSAGO insurance contract. Otherwise, the car is not allowed to drive on public roads. At the same time, paragraph 2.1.1 of Article 2 of the Rules of the Road established that when driving a vehicle, the driver is obliged to carry and hand over to the traffic police inspectors upon request, including the OSAGO insurance policy. However, the traffic police officer must have sufficient grounds to be able to check the driver's documents. Paragraph 106 of the Administrative Regulations of the traffic police determined that such grounds include:

  • Recorded violation of traffic rules;
  • Availability of orientations on the vehicle;
  • Carrying out actions and special operations aimed at preventing accidents on the roads and reducing the severity of the consequences of road accidents;
  • Violation by the driver of the requirements for ensuring an adequate level of safety on the road (excessive tinting of windows, "checkers", etc.).

In addition, paragraph 84.13 of the Administrative Regulations separately stipulates that the traffic police inspector has every right to stop the vehicle in order to check the driver's documents for the right to drive the vehicle and the documents for the car itself. In practice, this means that, if desired, the traffic police inspector can always find a reason to check the driver's documents and he will not have the right to refuse him.

Liability for lack of insurance

Responsibility for the absence of an OSAGO policy is determined by Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Paragraph 2 of this article states that if a police officer fails to provide an OSAGO policy, the driver faces a fine of 500 rubles or a warning. At the same time, paragraph 2 of article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation determined that if the driver drives a vehicle for which an OSAGO insurance contract has not been concluded, the amount of the fine is 800 rubles without the possibility of replacing the fine with a warning. Also, paragraph 1 of the same article determined that if the vehicle is driven in violation of the requirements established by the auto insurance contract (the car is driven by a driver not included in the insurance, or the car is driven during a period of time not provided for by insurance), the driver will be fined in the amount of 500 rubles.

Features of an electronic document

From January 1, 2017, car owners have the opportunity to buy an electronic OSAGO policy. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the insurance company, fill out the appropriate form, pay for the policy and send an application. But in this case, the insurer is not obliged to transfer the paper version of the policy to the client. In fact, when driving a vehicle, the driver is left without an OSAGO policy, for which liability is provided under paragraph 2 of Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (a fine of 500 rubles or a warning). However, paragraph 124 of the Administrative Regulations of the traffic police determined that the driver can transfer the printed version of the electronic OSAGO policy to the traffic police inspector. That is, the driver needs to download the electronic policy he purchased (the insurance company sends it to the specified mail) and print it on a regular printer.

Also, as of 2018, traffic police inspectors are testing a service for checking whether a driver has OSAGO policies without providing a paper version. That is, the employee enters data about the car in the search bar and the system displays information about the presence (absence) of the OSAGO policy and its conditions (permitted period for using the vehicle, the number of persons included in the insurance, etc.). This innovation is primarily dictated by the widespread use of electronic OSAGO policies and the fact that car owners do not always print out a paper version of insurance.

Basic validation rules

The employee who stopped the vehicle must approach, introduce himself and state the reason for the stop. If such a reason does not coincide with the above, the inspector does not have the right to check whether the driver has an OSAGO policy. For example, if the car was stopped in order to attract the driver as a witness, in order to provide assistance to other road users, and so on.

If the reason for the stop coincides with the above, the inspector may require documents from the driver. He, in turn, is obliged to immediately transfer them. Paragraph 53 of the Administrative Regulations determined that documents are accepted from the driver without covers and holding devices. This means that the inspector has the right to take the documents and go with them to the patrol car (stationary patrol post) to check all the necessary information in the database.

Good afternoon. In accordance with clause 2.1.1 of the Rules of the Road, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090, the driver of a power-driven vehicle is obliged to carry and, at the request of the police officers, hand them over for verification: a driver's license or a temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category; registration documents for this vehicle, and if there is a trailer - for the trailer; in established cases, permission to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis, a waybill, a license card and documents for the cargo being transported, and when transporting oversized, heavy and dangerous goods - the documents provided for by the rules for the transportation of these goods; insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner of the vehicle in cases where the obligation to insure its civil liability is established by federal law.

Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have documents required by the Rules of the Road.

According to paragraph 63 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the execution of the state function of control and supervision over compliance by road users with the requirements in the field of ensuring road safety, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 02.03.2009 No. 185 (ed.

Is the driver required to present insurance to the traffic police inspector?

dated 08/13/2012), one of the grounds for stopping the vehicle by an employee is to check documentsthe right to use and drive a vehicle, documents for the vehicle and the cargo being transported, as well as documents proving the identity of the driver and passengers (only at stationary traffic police posts).

Based on the meaning of paragraph 7 of article 15 of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners" (OSAGO) dated April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ, an insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance is a document certifying the implementation of compulsory insurance. However, the policy can also be a document confirming the right to use the vehicle, since it indicates the persons admitted to driving it.

According to the traffic rules, the driver is required to have an OSAGO policy with him. Fines of the traffic police for driving without insurance Essence: According to the traffic rules, the driver is obliged to carry and hand over the OSAGO policy to the police for verification. The amount of fines for driving without an insurance policy depends on the availability, validity of the policy, entered full name. Links to sources and clauses of the SDA 2015, Code of Administrative Offenses: Rules of the road of the Russian Federation, section 2, clause 2.1.1. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses Art.

Do I have to show insurance to inspectors?

2.1.1. SDA Policy OSAGO is established by law The driver is obliged to transfer the insurance policy of compulsory insurance of civil liability - OSAGO of the owner of the vehicle in cases where the obligation to insure his civil liability is established by federal law.

403 - access denied

Code, and in cases provided for by law, a license card, waybill or shipping documents. Code of Administrative Offenses 12.37 part 1 Traffic police fine of 500 rubles, removal of numbers if the validity of the OSAGO policy has not expired or the driver is not mentioned in it. driving a vehicle in violation of the conditions of driving this vehicle provided for by this insurance policy, only those specified in this insurance policy drivers: a fine of 500 rubles, prohibition of the operation of the vehicle with the removal of state registration plates.

Is the driver required to present insurance to the traffic police inspector

Acquisition of a new car According to the current legislation, when buying a car, its owner is obliged to take out insurance no later than 10 days from the date of signing the contract of sale. From that moment on, he becomes the owner of the vehicle. The fact of purchasing a car entitles its owner to use the car for its intended purpose, but obliges to insure civil liability within 10 days.

If during this period the car stops the traffic police post, the driver is required to present a contract of sale instead of a policy. After 10 days from the date of purchase, traffic cops have the legal right to fine an uninsured car owner. To avoid punishment, some manage to correct the date of purchase of a car (draw up a contract with an open date).

But this is a temporary measure - you still have to buy a policy, and it is better to do it in a timely manner.

Do I have to show insurance to the traffic police officer?

But on the other hand, since the car owner must always have a package of documentation with him, including insurance, there are no excuses not to show it. DPS has the right to stop cars to check documentation. There are penalties for driving without insurance.


Each driver should know in what cases an insurance policy is provided to a traffic police officer. Checking e-insurance Previously, with such a requirement, the driver presented a stamped policy form. The employee will check the validity period, and check the information with the VU.

Electronic OSAGO policy - what and when to present to a traffic police officer

At the service of the insurance company, a form is filled out with information about the insured and the car, then a reconciliation is carried out, and the person receives a notification with a code to activate the account. Then an agreement is selected where it is really possible to see how to use the CMTPL electronic policy. After the payment, the person is entered into single base AIS RSA, and the insurance document is sent by mail, which was included in the application.
The form is printed. If there is a desire, then the printout can be certified with a seal in the office of the company. The whole process takes up to an hour. In what cases is provision required? First you need to understand whether the driver is obliged to present an insurance policy to a traffic police officer. In accordance with the law, an employee has the right to request a motor vehicle citizen only when drawing up a protocol for a fine or an accident.

What to present to the inspector if the CTP policy is issued electronically (online)?

  1. With planned raids.
  2. When making a protocol.
  3. In case of an accident.

In the first case, this is not fixed by law, but, realizing the peculiarities of the traffic police, it is still desirable to meet halfway. In addition, driving without a policy is subject to a fine.
For this reason, there are no special reasons not to present this paper. That is, you do not always have the right to double-check papers, so the question of whether a traffic police officer has the right to check OSAGO insurance will always be relevant.

Is it necessary to provide insurance?

In the event of an accident, the police will require you to present only the OSAGO policy, driver's license and vehicle registration certificate. And, in response, they will give you an Accident Certificate and an Accident Resolution, which will indicate the person responsible for the accident and the damage to the cars involved. A certificate describing the damage to you and a Resolution will be required from the insurance company if you have a CASCO insurance policy in order to repair your car.
OSAGO partially covers your financial liability to some extent if you caused damage through your fault to someone else's car. Finding you guilty of an accident means that you will have to pay for the repair of someone else's car. If this is an inexpensive repair, then it will be fully covered by your OSAGO insurance. And, your CASCO insures against the cost of repairing damage to your own car and in case of theft.
It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • 1 What should be presented to the traffic police inspector
  • 2 Responsibility for traffic violations
  • 2.1 Purchasing a new car
  • 3 Electronic version
  • What should be presented to the traffic police inspector All issues related to civil liability insurance are covered in the Law "On OSAGO". It contains the obligation to present a compulsory insurance policy in three cases:

    • in case of an accident;
    • violation of traffic rules;
    • at the time of deregistration of the vehicle.

    However, this is contrary to the duties of drivers described in the SDA.

    Do I need to present insurance to the traffic police inspector

    Electronic version Since 2017, every car owner has the opportunity to draw up a compulsory car insurance policy without leaving home. You can do this on the website of any insurance company. Obligation of insurers to sell electronic options provided by law, but in practice it is not always possible to obtain this advanced service.

    However, now is not about that. If the car owner still exercised his legal right and bought electronic OSAGO, then how should he act when the traffic police stop? After all, the employee has all legal grounds (see above) to demand from the driver a document for hard copy. The key to solving this dilemma lies in Article 32 of the Federal Law "On OSAGO". This paragraph states that when electronic version insurance and if the car is stopped by a traffic police officer, the driver must present a printed version of the policy.

    Is the driver obliged to present the insurance policy to the traffic police officer when checking documents

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