What is cashback? The concept of cashback, its pros and cons, how to use it

Have you ever wondered why banks give cashback for purchases? Probably not to please cardholders with “free” money.

Refunds are in progress. And it doesn’t matter - why and why? Most of us think so.

The average cashback on the market is 1-1.5%. There are offers from banks to return 5-10%. In some cases, the rate can reach 20-30.

But still, it’s probably interesting to know what funds the cash back comes from. Who “pays for the banquet”?

In the era of capitalism, all financial organizations (including banks) count every penny and it would be stupid to work at a loss.

From the article you will learn, if not all, then most of the reasons when banks make tempting offers on cashback cards.

Conventionally, the position of banks on cash back can be described as a “carrot and stick method”.

Where the carrot is a high or not very large cashback. Attracting customer attention.

And the stick is various tricks and hidden conditions of banks, according to which the actual return received will be much less than the declared one.

So, let's go.

7 reasons to promise cashback

Let's start with the fact that cashback itself can be different. Miles, bonuses, and points can be returned for purchases. They are called candy wrappers. Which can only be spent in certain stores or exchanged for something (except money) in a partner retail chain at a certain rate: discount, product, services.

Or there is an accrual of real money, with which the owner can do as he pleases (spend, withdraw, transfer).

Bonuses and other goodies

The bank advertises the accrual of candy wrappers as a real cashback and indicates it as the best, most profitable program for returning funds for purchases.

Usually the bank interacts with a specific network, for purchases in which using the card, they provide increased cashback (KB, porridge) in the form of bonuses - 2-3-5%. You can spend them only there and nowhere else.

The benefit of the store is increased customer loyalty. Increase in turnover, average check and number of purchases, which means an increase in profits.

Buyers, receiving certain discounts on the card, are more likely to make purchases there.

The word “cashback” literally translates from English as “cash back.” However, the essence of this system is not entirely and not only this.

What is cashback

Cashback is a return of part of the money for previous purchases made in a store or using a bank card. The system has become widespread in the UK and the USA, from where it migrated to Russia and other countries.

Why cashback is beneficial for banks and sellers

Of course, a gratuitous refund of part of the purchase may seem suspicious. Fortunately, cashback is not just another economic deception, but a completely beneficial system for increasing customer loyalty for entrepreneurs.

In fact, cashback is a marketing ploy, a kind of advertising for the company. And since this technique allows sellers and banks to significantly increase the number of their buyers and clients, the costs of returning their money completely pay for themselves.

Although marketing development spends the lion's share of the budget, with the right approach it returns much more to the company

Types of cashback

Despite the fact that the term is used in many areas, cashback in a bank and in a store is a completely different system.

In trade

In trade (including on online platforms), this term refers to a deferred fixed discount on future purchases. Usually it is awarded in the form of points or rubles to the buyer’s card.

As a rule, the period during which cashback is credited is equal to the regulated return period. This is necessary to protect the seller from particularly cunning buyers who purchase a product, receive a discount on a new one, and then return the first one.

An example would be re:Store. Part of the money spent on any product is returned after two weeks to the “honorary customer card”. In the future, this money can be used to pay a certain percentage of the purchase amount.

To use cashback at a selected store, you need to have a loyalty card (the name may vary in different stores). Many merchants are now switching to electronic cards that are stored directly in Wallet (iOS) or Wallet (Android).

Storing cards in a smartphone is much more convenient than their plastic counterparts

In the bank

In the banking industry, the cashback system works somewhat differently. The consumer issues a bank card with a money-back function. A certain percentage of the amount spent is returned to his account (usually from 0.5 to 3%). But not everything is so simple - there are a number of restrictions:

  • Most banks provide cashback to the client only when purchasing from a specific partner organization. Moreover, the percentage of money returned may depend on the type of services or goods the consumer spent on;

    For example, at Alfa-Bank, when issuing a cashback card, the highest return percentage (10%) is from gas stations, but the bank returns 5% from accounts in cafes and restaurants.

  • Using a cashback card is appropriate if you spend a lot of money using non-cash payments. Most banks set a limit on the minimum amount of purchases per month for which a refund option is provided;
  • It is also worth considering the cost of servicing cashback cards. Usually it is higher than that of regular debit cards, so it is important to calculate how profitable it will be to use such a service.

Today, many large banks in Russia offer cashback cards to customers:

  • "Russian Standard" (map);
  • "Rosbank" (card ");
  • Alfa Bank (card);
  • Tinkoff (map);
  • "Ural Bank" ("Maximum" card);
  • "Raiffeisenbank" (credit card "")

In cashback services

Cashback services are online portals from which the buyer can go to the website of a partner store. The latter sees that the service brought a buyer and pays this portal a percentage of the sale. The cashback service, in turn, shares part of this money with the buyer.

To use the cashback service, you need to register a personal account with it. After registration, go to online store sites only from the cashback portal, otherwise the system will not count you as a participant in the refund campaign. Using the services is intuitive:

  1. Find the store you need in the list. Portals usually have a search by partners and categories.

    Under the store logo there is a “Go” button

  2. Go to the store's website.
  3. Buy and pay for the desired product.
  4. A note will appear in your personal account on the cashback portal indicating that funds are expected to be credited from the store you visited.

* subject to certain conditions (see details on the card)

Bookmark this article and you will always have a guide to bank cards at hand. This article is regularly updated, as banks are constantly updating their offers, improving tariff conditions and even offering to earn money. Stay up to date! If you notice any irrelevant information here, please write about it in the comments.

The best bank cards with cashback with benefits!
Rating of cards with cashback 2019 with % - quick transition to the necessary sections: ⇓

TOP 1. "HOME CREDIT": READ DETAILS— cards with cashback with 10 percent on the balance.

TOP 2. TINKOFF: READ DETAILS- the best cards with cashback from 14 years old, with bonuses, gifts, interest.

TOP 3. "ROCKETBANK": READ DETAILS- free, innovative cashback card - cashback card from 14 years old - gift card.

TOP 4. ALFA-BANK: READ DETAILS— cashback cards — cashback cards with a gift of 100 days without % / 10% at gas stations

TOP 5. "ROSBANK": READ DETAILS- profitable cards, cashback is the most profitable

TOP 6. OpenCard: READ DETAILSdebit, credit with free service and high cashback 6% return on everything!

Top 7... Other cashback cards 2019 and installment cards.


AND REMEMBER: By placing orders using links from our website, you will receive all the promised bonuses and gifts! By ordering other than through referral links on the site, you will not receive upcoming bonuses, benefits, discounts, free service, etc.

Review, rating, comparison 2019 - where is a cashback card more profitable - a cashback card with gifts, bonuses, interest.

TOP 1.“POZA” is a powerful card with cashback, with interest...

Best offer and purchase with the most profitable cashback FROM HOME CREDIT

Home Credit Bank currently holds a leading position on the Russian market and financial platform. For some, cashback cards - cards from HOME CREDIT - are the most profitable option for purchases.

CASHBACK BENEFIT CARD a card with cashback and interest is the best that Home Credit offers.

“BENEFITS” (formerly “Space”) from the category « free cards with cashback . With this debit card you have the opportunity to receive:

  • a higher percentage is 7% per annum on the card balance, provided that purchases are made in the amount of at least 5,000 rubles per month.
  • 15% cash back on your card for purchases in the “Pharmacy” category
  • 10% cashback on purchases in the “Gas Station” category
  • 3% on purchases in the “Cafe” categories in the additional categories “Children’s Products”, “Clothing”, “Home and Repair”, “Entertainment”, “Health and Beauty”, “Electronics”, “Pets”
  • 1% on any purchases
  • There are other space privileges of this card, which you can read about at the link below ⇓

Recently, the POLZA card in some categories began to consistently charge 10% on cash back cards. Points on this card can easily be converted into rubles in online banking. In the 1st year after the card is issued the service will be absolutely free , without fulfilling any conditions. And in subsequent years, also free of charge, but only if at least one of two conditions is met:

  • If your minimum daily balance is RUB 10,000 or more,
  • If purchases from the card amount to at least 5,000 rubles per month.

If these conditions are not met, the service fee is 99 rubles per month.
All your money on the card will be insured by the state.


Are there any doubts that this is the best cashback card today? Then study ⇒

TOP 2. Best cards with cashback from Tinkoff:

a) Tinkoff debit card with cashback and interest - Tinkoff Black

AT TINKOFF BANK very wonderful conditions are offered on the card. Besides many other benefits TinkoffBlack, that's itTinkoff debit card with cashback from 14 years old and with % on the balance.
Cashback the most profitable card will be much more in certain stores, up to 30%. Plus, for the remaining finances accrued 6% if you make purchases of at least 3,000 rubles. for the billing period (month).

On our website we have already written how , if you open TINKOFF Black and Tinkoff Platinum. Also, having TINKOFF Black, you can on you by making the right investments. This is much more profitable than a bank deposit.

Tinkoff debit card with cashback - BLACK allows you to withdraw cash:

√ inany ATMs in the world;
√ without a single percentage if you withdraw at least 3,000 rubles;
√ transfers to third-party bank accounts are absolutely free
√ + monthly transfers up to 20,000 rubles. to any cards from the same or third-party banks, including from other countries.

Another plus for ordering Now Tinkoff Black, you you get free servicefor a quarter of a year, if you register using a link from this site.

Well, if you then have 30,000 rubles or more on your card as a non-withdrawal balance, then servicing this cashback card: cards with a gift willALWAYS absolutely free .

Check out Black for free

Cashback gift card from 14 years old - Tinkoff Black cashback card is now in great demand. Why we mark Black as a gift, because she brings with her many gifts, read about it below.

Secrets that you are not advised to tell bank representatives about.
Not many people know that BLACK has a tariff: name - 6.2 - completely free, no conditions. Of course, it doesn’t charge interest either. At this tariff, the balance is up to 10,000 rubles. interest is not accrued, however, if desired, you can open a savings account at 6% per annum. The rest of the goodies are unchanged. You need to disable paid SMS notifications yourself, and then everything will always be free. You can switch to tariff 6.2 after ordering a Black cashback card (button above ⇑), via chat in the application or call.

Another advantage of Tinkoff Bank is that you no need to travel or go to the bank to get your cards, as the bank representative (courier)will deliver it to you wherever you want: home, place of work, place of rest at the most convenient time for you.

And now, let's remind you about pleasant gifts:

The courier, along with the ordered cards, will give you a very convenient, reliable case in which you can easily place up to 8 cards:

So, you can easily order a Black card for free , which the courier will bring and, upon receipt, test it. If you don’t like something (which we strongly doubt), then you can close the card without any losses or transfer to the absolutely free 6.2 tariff. about which we wrote above.

All your money in Tinkoff Bank is insured by the state.

If you do not have enough information to order a Tinkoff Black card, then o get acquainted in more detail with the most favorable conditions of Tinkoff Black using this article press the button

The Tinkoff Black card, in addition to cashback on various purchases from 1 to 20 percent, also provides the opportunity for several types of income.

Tinkoff Bank has a lot of different profitable offers , for example, profitable loancashback cards - cashback cards for those who regularly buy non-cash, for those who fly frequently, use gas station services... In general, see below.

c) Cashback card with Tinkoff Platinum

Tinkoff credit cash back card has low interest from 12.9% per annum And inexpensive card servicing - 590 rubles. in year. Just by making purchases with your card, you get cash back tinkoff cards up to 30% in points(credited automatically).

In your online bank, you can easily select the “write off points” operation and exchange for rubles - 1 point = 1 rub.

A free card with cashback from Tinkoff, like all other products of this bank, is for you delivered free of charge via courier , to the delivery location you specified - wherever your soul desires.
See detailed information on bonuses and other conditions on the official Tinkoff Bank page here⇓⇓⇓

⇓ Credit cash back card ⇓

G ) Debit card, credit card with cashback - Tinkoff Drive

If you are a driver, be sure to consider this offer:

Order Tinkoff Drive ⇒ DEBIT card with cashback for motorists⇐ via referral link 500 points to your account

Order Tinkoff Drive ⇒ Order Tinkoff Drive ⇒ CREDIT card cashback is the most profitable for drivers⇐ order via link 1000 points to your account.

If you are a driver, then ⇒ The best cashback cards - cards ⇐ from this you will find out which card with cashback at gas stations is best.

f) Other profitable products of Tinkoff Bank:

Go to product selection
    • ALL Airlines credit card (the most profitable cashback is 1000 miles upon registration);
    • ALL Airlines - debit (500 miles cashback upon registration);
    • ALL Games DEBIT cashback CARD (500 points to your account);
    • ALL Games (cashback 1000 points);
    • Tinkoff Mobile (doubling minutes and gigabytes)
    • Smart Deposit. DEPOSIT (0.5% you receive from the deposit one time)
  • Advantageous mortgage and insurance (5% the most profitable cashback in the Home/Repair category for six months; your discount is 10%)

Some people are afraid of credit cards and prefer debit cards, but did you know that credit cards with cashback are very useful and profitable when you don’t miss the main thing, use them wisely, and know about the interest-free period.

TOP 3. Grandiose To ashback card ROCKETBANK

Have you already heard about the innovative ROCKETBANK? - this is, in a way, a branch of Qiwi Bank (formerly Otkritie Bank) operating under its cover.

More than a year ago, several of our readers wrote this to us in the comments of the article: :
“It’s a pity that there is no cashback card in this list: Rocketbank cards with free service, large cashback and interest on the balance starting from 5.5%! With very kind and prompt technical support. I've been using it for over a year now and am very pleased. It is not necessary to buy any amount per month in order to receive interest on the balance, since Tinkoff Black has this.”

  • cashback card, which can be obtained at the age of 14;
  • absolutely free service for everyone;
  • 5.5% per annum on balance on the map;
  • 10% most profitable cashback when shopping at your favorite places;
  • free delivery by courier;
  • free cash withdrawals from any ATM (unlimited at the salary rate);
  • free transfers to Rocketbank cards, and up to 30,000 to cards of other banks. And also up to 1 million rubles of free transfers using the details;
  • bonus 500 rubles to your account when registering using a friend’s link;
  • everything is insured by the state!

Rocket releases a card that can be obtained at 14 years old! You just need, in addition to your passport, some more documents:

  1. photo of the main spread of the parent, who can also be at the meeting to receive the card;
  2. pages with information about children from the same place;
  3. child's birth certificate.

And according to Tinkoff Black (which was discussed a little higher), from the age of 14 you only need a teenager’s passport.

Attention! By ordering a card using the links from our website, top it up within a month with 2000 rubles, then you are guaranteed to receive all the benefits and bonuses listed above!

Indeed, this card currently provides very favorable conditions, see for yourself.

Order a Rocketbank card

Having accumulated from 3,000 Rocketrules from purchases on the card and purchasing any product in any store, you can return the money in your personal account, compensating for the expense in Rocketrules, so the goods will be sent to you for free. For example (see picture), we made a purchase for 3,481 rubles. go to Menu-Rockettrubs and compensate. A few seconds and the money is back in your account!

This is such a cool system for accumulating cashback using this amazing Rocket cashback card. You are getting 1% cashback in rocket rubles and from payments for telephone, housing and communal services, etc. And by choosing from three favorite places to shop, you will receive 10% most profitable cashback , for example, they could be Russian Railways, McDonald's, Magnit, iHerb and various online stores, etc.
Transfers to friends' cards are fast and free.

Cashback card from 14 years old to your home, free, no trips to the office:

⇓ ORDER/TERMS OF Rocketbank CARD online ⇓

TOP 4. ALFA-BANK - cashback cards for motorists, cafes, restaurants

« ALFA BANK» is a bank with a very wide variety of cards, both debit and credit. Lots of options for people who make frequent purchases, trips and flights, including profitable cashback for everything from purchases at gas stations.

a) Alfa Bank card with cashback "Cash Back CARD"— the most profitable solution for drivers

Please note the terms and conditions Cash Back CARDS - cards with cashback on fuel very profitable. With this card (credit or debit), you can get cash back as much as 10% cashback is the most profitable at gas stations - for everything you buy at a gas station - this is the highest return among cards, if you take all cards with cashback.

Therefore, if you travel by car, like to often go to cafes and restaurants, then the proposed card will be simply a win-win option for you, since Alfa Bank offers you to return 5% in cafes and restaurants literally every month! Plus free transfers to cards of any other banks.

And in general, if you are constantly on the road, and even at the expense of the company where you work, then such a card will be very profitable for you! ⇓⇓⇓ Credit card:

In addition, with this card you can receive up to 7% for the funds remaining on the card anddiscounts up to 15% worldwide, which will more than cover its maintenance. Do not forget that the card can only be linked to a current account in rubles. Credit limit up to 500,000 rubles without a single percentage for up to 60 days. The benefits are obvious!

Alfa Bank cashback debit card for drivers:

Also with all the advantages described above, but without credit limit up to RUB 500,000. with a 60 day grace period. ⇓

⇓ Alfa Bank cashback card: “Cash Back” - details ⇓

Debit "Alpha Card" is a cashback card up to 3% and up to 7%
per annum for the balance

Innovative universal card with advanced capabilities, the longer you keep money in your account, the higher the percentage per annum and cashback, free to service, if the conditions are met. Think, if it's yours, then take it! Fill out the application, a representative operator will contact you, you can clarify all the details with him, and click on the office. link will open the form for you, by filling it out online, you will be able to receive this card soon


b) Alfa Bank credit card with cashback “100 DAYS WITHOUT%” with cash withdrawal

The next heroine credit card from Alfa Bank is “100 DAYS WITHOUT%”. With it you can not only make purchases, but also withdraw cash within as long as 100 days without a single %!

“100 days WITHOUT %” (details)

In reality, not many banks provide such an interest-free period; in general, most banks have it up to 60 days. And another miracle! With this card you can withdraw without interest, commissions or penalties. Delivery of the card is free and can be made immediately to your home or to any other place convenient for you.

Simply wonderful offers, especially if you use these cards within the 100 day grace period!

There are other secrets to similar cards with a super-long grace period, you can really make money with them, read about it

TOP 5. Profitable cashback cards, cards FROM ROSBANK

The benefits of this debit card with cashback are immediate, as you get:

  • 6% on balance;
  • Up to 10% cashback;
  • 7% for pleasant purchases constantly;
  • Make a profit of 60,000 rubles per year;
  • cash withdrawal without commissions...

CREDIT CONDITIONS PossibleEverything FROM Rosbank

Another profitable one RZD ROSBANK debit card 500 welcome points, 5% on savings account, 1 point-30 rub.
For other benefits and details and the score using the points calculator, see the link on the official Rosbank page - VIEW DETAILS .

TOP 6. Grandiose - profitable cashback card Opencard - offer from Otkritie Bank

Since we were talking about OTKRITIE Bank above, we invite you to get acquainted with Opencard - free debit card , which this bank offers. It is interesting because it gives:

  • 3% is the most profitablecashback on everything;
  • free service;
  • there is no commission at any ATM for cash withdrawal;

  • by applying for a card using a link from this site, you will receive 500 rubles to your account(this money will appear in your account within 30 days after the first purchase using the card for an amount of at least 500 rubles)
  • Free transfers to any bank cards;
  • Payment of housing and communal services without commissions.
  • The courier delivers the card to your home.

In addition to the debit card, Otkritie Bank offers a very profitable credit card with free service:

  • 6% - the most profitable cashback for all purchases;
  • Free card service;

For more detailed information, click on the link button below and select either a debit or credit cashback card:

Virtual credit:

Released at lightning speed Kviku virtual credit cardrelease in 30 sec. without visiting the bank. A 6-field form and loan limit up to 200,000 rub. with no % period up to 50 days, make any purchases.


Cashback on purchases with a Kviku card reaches up to 30%.

Which credit/debit card with cashback with benefits is better to choose, decide for yourself from the information provided above 👆 and below 👇. There are cards with increased cashback in certain categories; There are also optimal cards that award cashback for all purchases, plus you can choose increased cashback.

Here you got acquainted with the best cashback cards and learned:

  • About cards 2019 with interest on the balance;
  • How to determine which is the most profitable card with cashback on groceries?
  • Which cashback cards - cashback cards with gifts bring big cashback;

Below, see other cards with benefits that may be decisive for you.


Installment cards are, of course, not cashback cards, but their difference and advantages from credit and cashback cards are that with the help of installment cards you can fly, drive, buy a lot of things not on credit, but in installments, with a super favorable limit, and the rate is 0% per annum on any goods, down payment - 0 rubles, payment commission 0 rubles.

In general, it goes like this: you buy everything you like from a store (online, travel agency, pharmacy, etc.), and start paying for the next month with absolutely no interest.

Maintenance, issue and SMS notifications of these cards are free! In any case, look at the options for installment cards in detail at the link below

One of the new directions of plastic cards (so to speak, KNOW-HOW from banks) is INSTALLMENT CARDS - more details by this categories of banking products.

The best cashback cards with Ural Bank:

Save and earn initially cashback up to 10% Can Withcredit card MAXIMUM from Ural Bank.


The bank offers very fast card issuance, an online decision in 7 minutes and from 30 minutes to issue the card itself if you are over 21 years old. Interest-free card period up to 120 days, There are other advantages and conditions which you can read about on the official website at the link ⇓

The best cashback cards with benefits: comparison/conveniences

One of the most pleasant aspects of having plastic money is perhaps the cashback. Thanks to accumulated bonuses, cashback and promotions in the store, I was able to make incredibly profitable purchases. One of them even made me very surprised and laugh out of surprise - imagine a fashionable, warm large knit scarf for 47 rubles! Or two pairs of winter boots made of genuine leather for less than 3,000 rubles.

What are cashback cards? Cashback card (from English cashback- cash back) is a bank card that, when paying with a card, the holder receives a percentage of the purchase back into their account. Each bank determines cashback cards independently.

Typically banks charge interest ranging from 0.5% to 10% of the amount spent. Often the return amount is 1%. It can be either in cash or as a bonus; sometimes banks return funds in the form of topping up a mobile phone account.

Bonus cashback

Vivid examples of bonus cashback are the bonus program and the bonus program.

There are cards for which accumulated bonuses can only be spent in stores of one retail chain, for example. Bonuses are awarded in any store, but increased bonuses will be in the Pyaterochka store and can only be used in the above store.

Since cashback is not a type of card, but only an additional function, it can be on both debit and credit cards.

Almost all banks issue refunds through cashback only if a non-cash transaction was carried out. This means that cashback is accrued only for the amount that was spent in stores and any companies when paying for goods and services.

The bank determines whether the payment made from the card is eligible for cashback. This code allows you to determine which category to classify a purchase into and what percentage of cashback to accrue to the client.

Interest will not be accrued if the funds were used to top up your phone, online wallet, or if the funds were cashed out through an ATM. Thus, the service will be beneficial to those cardholders who make most of their purchases non-cash.

It is also worth noting that each bank has its own rules for the refund program. In some banks, you can only spend the accumulated funds on replenishing your mobile phone account or buying gasoline at a gas station. Sometimes savings can only be spent in certain stores and supermarkets.

How cashback cards work

What is cashback cards and how is it implemented? The process for returning funds through the cashback service is as follows:

  1. The card holder pays for goods or services non-cash.
  2. An amount equal to the full cost of the product or service is debited from the card account.
  3. At the end of the billing period, the bank returns a percentage of the amount spent. It can be returned to the card account or to a special bonus account.

Cashback refunds occur daily or monthly; most banks pay at the end of the month. Throughout the entire billing period, the bank summarizes all debit transactions made using the card using a non-cash method, after which the return percentage is calculated from this amount.

Credit cards with cashback

Credit cards are considered quite profitable if they have cashback. The fact is that cashback card holders have the opportunity to earn money through non-cash payments, covering the cost of service.

Many banks now offer cashback credit cards. A popular credit card with cashback is. This same card is a debit card. The cashback amount for these cards is as follows:

  • 1% on all purchases;
  • 5% - cafes and restaurants;
  • 10% - for payments at gas stations;
  • up to 15% discounts from bank partners.

Tinkoff Bank offers a Platinum card, which returns 1% on every purchase and up to 30% on special offers.

From VTB Bank you can receive 3% cashback on certain categories of goods and services.

Rosselkhozbank has a credit card with cashback, which returns 1% for any non-cash purchases and 5% for gas station purchases.

Debit cards with cashback

It’s also worth paying attention to cashback cards when choosing a debit bank card. Since such a card is often used by the holder not only to pay for goods and services, but also to store money, most banks charge interest on the account balance.

Free cashback cards are very rare. Some cards shareware. In order not to pay for card maintenance, you must fulfill some condition.

Debit Card Benefits

For example, from Home Credit Bank it will be free. In the event that purchases with the card were made in the amount of 5 thousand rubles per month or if the daily balance on the card is more than 10 thousand rubles.

Tinkoff Bank has a debit card with a cashback option. As in the case of credit, here you get 1% back on every purchase and up to 30% on special offers.

Otkritie Bank offers cards with 3% cashback when paying at a gas station or when paying for goods and services from the “Travel” category. Rosbank offers a card with a 10% cashback, provided that the total amount of purchases exceeds 75 thousand rubles.

Enjoy the shopping!

How do cashback services work? How to activate cashback and save on purchases? How to use cashback and withdraw money?

Cashback is a convenient and useful thing - you buy, and part of your money is returned to your account. Firstly, savings, and secondly, it is much more pleasant to spend, knowing that you will get a certain percentage back. There are many services that allow you to buy almost any product with cashback – from perfumes to a plane ticket.

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial topics at HeatherBober magazine. I will explain, how cashback works, I’ll tell you how to use the return service correctly in order to save to the fullest, I’ll give examples of the most popular cashback companies.

You will also find out which method of withdrawing cashback is the most profitable, and how to choose the most generous return service. Choose, use, save money!

1. Cashback – buy economically

Each of us is an active buyer. But not everyone takes full advantage of their privileges and opportunities. People prefer to overpay, buy more expensively, and use inconvenient and outdated calculation algorithms. It's all because we're used to it.

It's time to get rid of inconvenient and costly habits! From today and forever we will make it a rule: don't pay more if you can pay less.

Remember: financial management is the basis of well-being and prosperity. Reasonable saving works wonders - many have seen this from their own example. Cost optimization brings tens of thousands of rubles a year. And financial literacy allows you to realize your wildest plans!

But let's get back to cashback. Literally translated from English, the term means “cash back”. The translation quite accurately reflects the essence of the phenomenon: cash for the purchase of goods or services is actually returned to you.

Not all, of course, but a certain percentage - from 0,5 before 5% . It happens higher, but rarely. The size depends on the generosity of the service and the specific terms of the transaction.

Nowadays, special cashback aggregators are at the peak of popularity - navigation platforms that redirect customers to the resources of specialized stores. These portals issue refunds, providing, in addition to cashback, price comparison services, searching for needed products, and other related services.