Memo for cardholders from the bank "Uralsib. Other reviews about Uralsib Bank How to find out the balance of the card

To put it mildly, things are not going well with the maintenance of payroll plastic cards in St. Petersburg! Not only does it take more than a month between submitting data for issuing cards for newly hired employees and, in fact, receiving these cards, try to find out some information about the stage at which these cards are: issued - not issued, and where they are physically located. It is not possible to get through to the department of plastic cards of the St. Petersburg Directorate of "Uralsib" and get any information. Once, as an experiment, we listened for 43 minutes to the answer of an autoinformer that we had called the customer support service of Uralsib Bank. Then I just got bored, and the phone was office, after all. Now, however, the situation has changed a little: only 18 minutes you are informed about where you called, and then they are dropped.

Now to the point. The employee (let's call him Valentin Alekseevich) stopped reading the salary Visa electron. He went to the nearest branch of "Uralsib" for a salary - "Narvskoye" turned out to be. Indeed, the map is not readable. True, the money was given to him according to his passport at the bank terminal without any problems. Well, he began to go to them with enviable constancy for a salary. Walked for several months. They already recognize him. And then take one compassionate teller (Temnikova, it seems her last name) and offer him: "Why are you suffering so much? Let's issue you a new card?" And he agreed. She immediately gave him a pack of documents to sign, and there was an application for issuing a new card. Of course, he signed everything - after all, the bank is a serious organization! And they reissued the card to him, and they took money for it. She, however, turned out to be non-personalized, and a new card account was opened for her. Only no one informed the organization transferring his salary.
And everything is fine with Valentin Alekseevich, but his salary is being transferred to his old card! And there is no money on the new one (which is quite natural).

Finally, Valentin Alekseevich came to his organization to sort things out. He, of course, was given the impression that he should have applied here first. But now what...
We call the bank with him and ask what to do. Answer, you need to reissue the old card. And this is again for the money, by the way. But Uralsib does not count other people's money.
We are trying to find out from the head of the "Narvskoe" department of Kukharskaya, for what reason the operators of her department took the liberty of reissuing the SALARY, I emphasize, cards to some other one. According to the aforementioned Kukharskaya, her operators are not responsible for these actions, they are not to blame, the client is to blame, he should have told them what is being serviced at Uralsib Bank as part of the salary project. And by the way, according to his, Valentin Alekseevich, first card and according to his card account, from which he withdrew money with enviable constancy for several months in a row at the Narvskoye branch, it is perfectly clear that this card is SALARY. Especially for Temnikova and Kukharskaya: there was a SALARY card and the bank should have known this by making minor gestures!
Kukharskaya, however, suggested another option: to attach his new card to the old card account and service it. But since the card is non-personalized, there may be problems with servicing it in stores, etc.

In short, the result: Valentin Alekseevich got money from reissuing 2 cards instead of one, the organization had an unpleasant analysis of the situation with the Narvskoye branch. And this is not the first such case in our practice. Therefore, advice: if the organization in which you work transfers your salary to the Uralsib bank card, when you contact the above bank, shout from the doorway: "This is a salary card as part of a salary project." Should work like a spell against unprofessionalism! Good luck!

The salary card of URALSIB Bank is issued by the employer in the name of each employee. The bank offers the opportunity to issue several types of cards as salary cards.

Types of URALSIB salary cards

Payroll cards are a smart solution for any manager. The payroll process is automated and the costs associated with the need to pay it in cash are reduced. Each employee will receive their salary on time, regardless of their location.

Please note that as part of the salary project, cards of the following payment systems and categories are issued:

Visa: Classic Light, Classic, Gold;

MasterCard: Electronic, Standard, Gold.

Employees receive international format cards from URALSIB Bank, which allow them to perform non-cash transactions, pay for goods and services, and receive cash, even abroad.

Get a Gold category debit card as part of your salary project — additional bonuses and the highest level of service are guaranteed to your employees

Conditions for servicing a salary card

The possibilities and conditions of URALSIB Bank salary cards depend on the chosen type. Cards of the simplest level and classic ones practically do not differ from each other in terms of conditions. Gold category cards have additional privileges:

  • Free SMS service;
  • Assistance in case of loss of a salary card outside the country: issuance of cash or new plastic on an emergency basis. The service is paid;
  • Obtaining an insurance policy for up to 71 thousand euros;
  • Discounts and special offers from Visa and MasterCard companies in different countries.

The types of URALSIB Bank salary cards and the cost of annual maintenance differ:

  • Light and Electron: 299 rubles;
  • Classic: 599 rubles;
  • Gold: 2999 rubles for the entire range of services.

These costs are usually borne by the employer so that the card is free for the end client. After the expiration date of the salary card, there is an automatic reissue in the name of the employee.

Getting and activating the card

After receiving the card, which is usually issued by an authorized employee of the company, you must activate the card. This can be done at any ATM by inserting a card and writing a PIN code.

If there is a possibility that a stranger at work could see the PIN code, you should immediately change it at an ATM, which will cost 30 rubles.

Since the agreement rarely reaches the cardholder, it is better to additionally visit the URALSIBA branch and consult about all the conditions of the issued salary card.

It is recommended to connect the service for delivering notifications about card transactions via SMS and Internet banking. For the SMS service, you need to pay 59 rubles per month, and access to the Internet bank is provided free of charge.


Having received a salary card, the client can remotely perform basic operations and use it abroad. If the agreement with the employer specifies the relevant condition, the URALSIB Bank salary card does not require a service fee. As an additional advantage, the salary card holder is offered preferential terms when applying for a loan.

Uralsib Bank offers organizations and enterprises a salary project. Cashless payments with employees using plastic cards will greatly facilitate the paperwork process.

Detailed terms

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The rules for banking comprehensive services for legal entities and individuals engaged in private practice, as well as individual entrepreneurs, have Appendix No. 3. It contains detailed conditions for the provision of services for transferring funds to salary cards.

After signing the agreement between the bank and the client (individual entrepreneur, organization, enterprise, etc.), the parties determine the type of issued cards. The bank evaluates the effectiveness of cooperation and provides an appropriate card.

According to Federal Law 161, employees working with a bank in the payroll system, an additional card of the Mir payment system must be issued to the main Visa or MasterCard card. This is a mandatory condition if the payment of wages is carried out at the expense of the budget or state off-budget funds.

If the main card is the Mir PS, then the additional one is issued by Visa or MasterCard. Maintenance of cards of any payment system is carried out according to the tariffs prescribed in the contract.

The organization is obliged to prepare registers of employees in electronic form and send them using the Client-Bank (SKB) system. They are needed to open accounts and issue cards.

In case of re-issuance of cards, due to the expiration of the validity period, no application is required from each employee. In this case, the bank has the right to change the type of card at its discretion. Including in the case when this category of cards is no longer issued.

If at the same time the service fees change, the bank sends information to the organization. The parties sign the application.

If no errors are found after checking the register, the bank processes the information and sends a letter to the organization through the SKB containing the verification protocol.

The Bank is constantly improving settlement systems and is looking for optimally fast mechanisms for crediting funds to accounts

After that, accounts are opened for each employee, and the bank also sends an email with card account data. The organization is obliged to correct errors in the register, no later than 1 day after receiving a letter from a financial institution.

Within the terms agreed by the parties, the bank issues or re-issues cards. This action is confirmed by a letter in the "Client-Bank" system. According to the tariffs, the organization pays a commission for connecting cards, each employee to the service system.

Not later than two days before the receipt of funds to the card accounts of employees, the organization warns the bank department about the approximate amount of credits and terms. The organization independently withholds and transfers taxes and other deductions from the salary, acting in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

To credit funds to card accounts, the accounting department transfers the amount from the organization's account, according to the register and on the basis of a payment order. Not later than one day from this moment, the organization sends a registry file through the SKB.

The Bank credits funds to employee card accounts in the following order:

  • if the registers are accepted by the bank no later than 16.00, then the transfer is made on the same day;
  • organizations with a branch network, in order to credit funds on the same day, must provide registers no later than 12.00;
  • if the registers are provided later than 16.00 (or 12.00 for branch networks), then wages are accrued the next day.

The bank may not make accruals if errors are found in the register and not corrected or if funds are not credited to the account.

The organization is obliged to pay a commission to the bank for the service provided, according to the tariffs as a percentage of the total amount of credits.

The issuance of cards and pin codes is carried out with the help of an authorized person from the organization or upon personal application of each employee to the bank branch. The bank has developed a system to speed up the payroll process.

To take advantage of this opportunity, the organization must meet the following requirements:

  • The beneficiary's accounts are not indicated in the payment order.
  • The register for crediting salaries should look like this: the first 4-8 characters are the organization code assigned by the bank; further month, day; after the dot - a constant and a file number. Example: GHBDTH0922.i05.
  • The payment order, in addition to the name of the payment, must contain the following information: organization code in round or square brackets (assigned by the bank); semicolon-separated names of registers.