The most profitable deposits in rubles in Sberbank. What is a savings deposit in Sberbank and how to open it

To save and increase money, the client can take advantage of one of Sberbank’s offers. The credit institution has a wide range of products that allows you to select conditions to suit the individual needs of the client. If the main goal of the deposit owner is to make a profit without losing access to managing funds, experts advise opening a savings account.

About the Savings deposit

Having become the owner of a savings deposit, the client will be able to withdraw money and replenish the account with virtually no restrictions. The credit institution reliably protects the investor’s capital. It guarantees the safety of your savings. Using the service has a number of advantages:

  • There are no limits on the maximum and minimum contributions;
  • The account does not need to be closed even with a zero balance;
  • The bank does not set restrictions on withdrawals and deposits of additional amounts;
  • There is a guarantee of the safety of savings;
  • If the client withdraws money within the tariff gradation, the interest rate does not decrease.

By putting money into a savings account, a person can earn income. Its size is lower than for other Sberbank deposits, however, the possibility of free capital management makes the service indispensable for people who do not know when they will need funds deposited for storage.

Due to the low interest rate, the offer cannot be used as a way to generate passive income. Experts recommend using the service to protect savings or quickly make payments.

The procedure for creating an account is simple. A person can start using the product without having the funds. In this case, the deposit is replenished later.


The savings account has no expiration date. It will function until the client closes it. You can increase the deposit amount at any time. The minimum amount for replenishing the deposit has not been established. The client independently decides how much money he wants to deposit. An account can be opened in one of three currencies:

  • Rubles;
  • Dollars;
  • Euro.

The interest rate depends on the client's choice. If the deposit was opened in rubles, the profit amount will vary from 1.5% to 2.3% per annum. Profitability of an account opened in foreign currency, below. Its size does not exceed 0.01%.

Interest on the deposit is accrued monthly. The profitability of the deposit is also influenced by the amount that the client transferred to the bank. If a person deposits into the account:

Rubles US Dollars Euro

The interest rate automatically changes when the next amount gradation is reached.

Registration procedure

To open a savings deposit with Sberbank, you need to contact one of the institution’s branches located in the client’s region of residence. You must have a passport or other identification document with you. No additional documentation is required.

Having received a request to open an account, an employee of a credit institution is obliged to invite the future depositor to draw up and sign an agreement. The document displays the terms of cooperation with the bank. The contract needs to be studied in detail. When the documents are signed, you need to deposit the desired amount into the account.

Minimum size contribution for opening a savings deposit – 0 rubles. This means that a person can create an account now and top it up later.

How to find out profitability?

Sberbank accrues income on minimum balance on account within a month. When making calculations, you need to take this factor into account. To simplify the determination of profitability, an investor can use an online calculator. The system will automatically calculate the approximate profit amount. To use the program you must:

  1. Go to the official website of Sberbank of Russia.
  2. Go to the “Accumulate and Save” section.
  3. Click on the “Savings Account” column.
  4. Scroll down the page and find the online form.
  5. Enter the data and click on the “Calculate” button.

The data obtained is not accurate. The final profitability depends on the operations that the client performs with the deposit.

Other Sberbank products

If the client wants not only to protect funds, but also to receive income, he can take advantage of alternative offers. Today Sberbank has more than 10 tariffs that allow you to earn money by transferring funds credit institution for a certain period of time.

The “Investment” deposit has the highest yield. The interest rate on the deposit can reach up to 9.2%. To use the product, the client must transfer at least 50,000 rubles to the bank.

If an investor is looking for a tariff that allows them to make a profit and not lose access to funds, they should pay attention to banking product"Manage." The offer allows you to fulfill partial withdrawal and deposit additional amounts into the account. The minimum deposit is 30,000 rubles, and the income can reach up to 5.77%. The profitability of the offer can be increased by depositing at least 1,000,000 rubles at opening. In this situation, the client will be transferred to the “Manage Special” tariff, and the maximum rate will increase to 6.43%.

Any available sum of money can be multiplied. Investments can be very different.

At the same time, it is important to invest in projects with a low degree of risk. Sberbank LLC is considered a reliable partner for investment.

Many entrepreneurs, as well as those with high incomes or simply those with a certain amount of money, become investors. They invest with the goal of preserving funds and making a profit from them in the future. Naturally, you should choose trusted partners and promising projects, taking into account the negative and positive aspects of each transaction.

Today it is popular to invest in banking products. Various financial and credit institutions offer a huge number of ways and conditions for this. One of the most popular partners is Sberbank. The reason for this is the reliability of the structure, which guarantees repayment of funds, as well as the variety and profitability of the programs offered.

Investments Sberbank: where to invest money

Sberbank of the Russian Federation is the undisputed leader, confidently and stably operating in the country's financial sector.

A component of this success is the fact that the controlling stake in the company is held by the Central Bank of Russia.

Consequently, the safety of investments in Sberbank is guaranteed by the state. At the same time, numerous customer reviews say that Sberbank takes care of its clients. The terms of cooperation are comfortable, and the contributions are profitable.

The service delivery system at Sberbank is built entirely customer-oriented, so it is intuitive even for a novice investor without economic education. If such concepts as shares and investments still cause confusion, qualified specialists can clearly explain the essence and conditions of possible cooperation. In the article, we will generally consider the most popular ways for the population to invest in Sberbank products.

Savings certificate

It is a kind of service for saving money with the obligatory receipt of profit later. The minimum deposit cannot be lower than 10 thousand rubles. The interest rate is 3.25-7% per annum.

Sample of Sberbank savings certificate

The document specifies the amount of the deposit and its term. After the specified time has passed savings certificate exchanged for a sum of money (deposit amount + interest). The contract can be extended.

Investing in Sberbank securities

Under investment in securities refers to the purchase of shares, investment shares, bonds. At the same time, these funds are managed by professionals.

The investor is only a holder of securities, although he is provided with the full investment package (regardless of the amount invested).

Typically, the investment period is about 5 years, although you can enter into an agreement for a year.

The service of investing in shares, which includes informing the client by a specialist about the situation on Russian market securities, formation investment portfolio and concluding an agreement is possible at any branch of Sberbank.

Investing money in deposits

It is a service when the client gives the bank his own funds for use during a specific period on the terms of their repayment, taking into account the payment of interest by the bank. Their value in Sberbank is 6-8%. By the way, there are quite a lot of types of deposits. They differ:

  • deadlines;
  • the interest rate;
  • opportunity early withdrawal funds;
  • terms of payment of remuneration;
  • other nuances.

The deposit amount can be periodically replenished in cash at the cash desk or through a transfer. Open a deposit at any bank branch within 20 minutes. It is also possible to make such investments online. The interest rate increases by 1%.

Money can be kept on deposit both in domestic and foreign countries. national currency. It is important to note that for ruble accounts they are higher. Having made a multi-currency deposit, you will be able to transfer funds from currency to currency without opening additional accounts.

Forex trading allows you to make money by buying and selling currencies different countries when the course changes. . You will find out how reliable and profitable it is.

Read more about cash investments in gold.

Investing in shares is a responsible step, because many companies offer to buy securities. In this topic, we will look at how to invest in stocks, what risks exist when investing and how to save your funds.

Investments in mutual funds

Shares investment funds Sberbank allows you to profitably and safely invest money (even a very modest amount) in the domestic stock market.

There is no need to perform complex asset management operations that require specialized knowledge. Competent Sberbank employees will do this for you.

The subsidiary company Sberbank Asset Management (formerly CJSC Troika Dialog Management Company) is the most successful in the Russian Federation. It emerged in 1996, therefore it is rightfully recognized as the founder of the domestic industry in the field of asset management. Vast experience allows us to professionally operate mutual funds of clients in the securities market.

Sberbank offers to invest money in mutual funds in the following industries:

  1. Agricultural sector.
  2. Global Internet.
  3. Infrastructure.
  4. Precious metals market companies.
  5. Metallurgy.
  6. Oil and gas sector.
  7. Consumer sector.
  8. Telecommunications.
  9. Financial sector.
  10. Active management fund.
  11. Share Fund "Dobrynya Nikitich".
  12. Balanced Equity Fund.
  13. State Enterprise Share Fund.
  14. First-tier equity fund.
  15. Small Cap Equity Fund.
  16. Money market fund.
  17. Precious Metals Fund.
  18. Bond fund "Eurobonds".
  19. Bond Fund "Ilya Muromets".
  20. First Tier Bond Fund.
  21. Risk bond fund.
  22. Mixed investment fund "BRIC".
  23. Mixed investment fund “Balanced II”.
  24. Electric power industry.

The minimum investment in mutual funds starts from 15 thousand rubles. At any time, you can sell your share (exchange, sell) or purchase an additional one.

Naturally, it is important to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the functioning and prospects of each market in order to make the right choice for investment own funds. Bank specialists and reviews from unit owners will help with this.

Sberbank gold deposits

Investing in gold is always profitable. If we analyze the dynamics of the cost of this precious metal, then we can come to the conclusion that it is constantly growing in price.

Therefore, it is profitable to invest in gold bars.

Under no circumstances should you do this in a makeshift way, purchasing goods second-hand or from dubious one-day financial institutions.

Sberbank, which has a license to sell precious metals, offers clients bullion with a manufacturer’s passport. The procedure for acquiring them is that the gold is initially weighed, then a certificate is issued for it and an agreement on storage of the goods is signed.

It is better to buy and sell bullion within the same bank. This will allow you to avoid purchasing counterfeits, non-standard bars (they are not accepted for storage at Sberbank) and unnecessary costs.

To invest in gold by purchasing bars at Sberbank, special unallocated metal accounts are used. The value of the funds deposited on them is tied according to the central bank exchange rate at the time of execution of the transaction to the cost of gold. However, it is not necessary to store the bullion in a bank. Interest on such investments, by the way, is small (only 1-2%).

It is worth noting that with with the help of compulsory medical insurance You can invest money not only in gold.

The following precious metals are also popular:

  • silver;
  • platinum;
  • palladium.

It is worth choosing a bank for such investment very carefully. This is due to the fact that the law on bank deposit insurance does not apply to the opening of such accounts.

It is worth noting that these products are also used by companies. The only difference is that the investment amounts legal entities significantly higher, and accordingly the terms of cooperation are somewhat different. As for the investments of Sberbank itself, it invests money in various projects and events. Most of them are charitable. The bank does not have any income from such investments, except, perhaps, for improving its reputation, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of clients. For example, Sberbank sponsors the Olympic Games. Investments in this industry amount to at least $1 billion. USA annually.

It is important not only to preserve the accumulated funds, but also to increase them. It has long been known that money should work. To ensure a stable passive income, it makes sense to invest the available amount into something. With the help of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, this can be done quickly, profitably and reliably.

Surely, you have thought about ways to preserve and increase your free financial resources. – one of the simplest and at the same time reliable ways of investing. We will look at what metals to invest in in the article.

We’ll look at everything you need to know about investing in real estate in Germany in this material.

Video on the topic

It will be extremely easy for you to decide which deposit in Sberbank is most profitable to put your money in today. Decide which of the options below are right for you.

How to invest money profitably?

On this moment many people are concerned about the question of how to preserve and increase their savings? After all, in our country there is a fairly large one, which annually “eats” part of our savings.

To reduce this process to a minimum, you need to wisely invest your available funds. If you have large sums on hand, you can try investing in, etc., and if small amount, then the most best option- this is a deposit.

Why exactly the contribution? The fact is that this is one of the safest investment options - it does not require huge amounts of money or special knowledge from you, and does not involve virtually any risk.

You can always get back the amount you invested, and if you complied with the terms of the agreement, also with interest. Plus, bank deposits are insured by the state for up to 1.4 million rubles, you can read more about this.

Most Russians unanimously choose to open a savings account, and there is only one reason - reliability. Next, we invite you to consider in more detail the conditions of its most profitable programs.


  • You have savings of more than 1000 rubles, 100 US dollars or euros. You will learn more about multi-currency deposits on this page
  • You are confident that you will not need these savings for a certain period of time - from one month to three years.
  • You do not plan to withdraw money or top up your open account. You will be satisfied with the opportunity to use only the accrued interest.
  • Your task is not just to save, but to maximize your savings.
  • Depending on the term you choose and the amount you have, the rate will be from 3.80% to 5.15% per year.

The most comfortable conditions are provided for pensioners, for whom the rate does not depend on the size of the deposit, but only on the selected period. Read more on this page


  • Even one thousand rubles or one hundred euros/US dollars will be enough. This is the minimum down payment for registration.
  • You want to accumulate by a certain date, that is, you clearly know for what period you need to open a deposit - from three months to three years.
  • During this time you plan to top up your account. You only need to take into account that additional payments must be from 1000 rubles/100 US dollars/100 euros, and that there is a limit on the maximum amount ( an initial fee, multiplied by ten). This restriction does not apply only to investors of retirement age.
  • You will be satisfied with the condition that you can only withdraw interest.
  • Your task is to save up.

Interest - from 3.60% to 4.7% per annum depends on the deposited amount and the established period. The maximum is for accounts containing more than 2 million rubles, opened for a period of 6 to 12 months. More details about this deposit can be found on this page.


  • You set yourself the task of saving, but at the same time provide for the opportunity to withdraw funds from the deposit if necessary. You can shoot up to the set minimum.
  • Your start-up capital is 30 thousand rubles or more, 1000 US dollars/euro or more. More details about the program
  • The term and restrictions for this program are the same as for the “Replenish” product. Rate from 2.9% to 4.4%.

An advantageous offer for those who want to always be able to use their in cash without losing interest, and also deposit additional amount into your account.

Important: the replenishment function is limited by the “Replenish” and “Manage” programs. You must remember the maximum amount, which should not exceed 10 times the original investment.

If the deposit amount exceeds the maximum, then interest is accrued on the difference between the actual deposit amount and the maximum at a rate of 1/2 of the deposit rate in effect on the date of excess. This restriction does not apply to pensioners.


Promotional offer that can be used until November 30 of the current year. To register, you will need to make a contribution of 50 thousand rubles, the contract period is from 7 months to 1.5 years.

The yield will be from 6.5% to 7.15% per year, respectively. Opening is possible at ATMs, via the Internet, in the office, detailed conditions are described in

Deposits with higher rates

For owners of service packages - Premier/First.

  • Special Save (up to 4.9%, 1 million, up to 3 years, no replenishment or withdrawal).
  • Special Replenish (up to 4.45%, 1 million, up to 3 years, with replenishment, but without cashing out part of the funds from the account).
  • Special Manage (up to 4.15%, 1 million, up to 36 months, with the possibility of withdrawal and making additional contributions).

Social contribution

Designed for children who are left without parents. It can be opened in the name of the child by his legal representative. The rate is 4.25%. Period - 36 months, amount - from 1 ruble, with deposits and withdrawals.

Deposit “Gift of Life”

Designed to support children with hematological, oncological and other serious diseases. Rate - 5.05%, term - 1 year. No cashing or withdrawal. Amount - from 10 thousand rubles. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers 0.3% of the amount in the deposit account to a charitable foundation.

To calculate your income for any of the proposals presented above, use the online calculator.

In the article we will look at what interest rates are available on deposits at Sberbank.

In times of economic uncertainty, many people want to preserve their money. This can be done in various ways: purchase valuables, hide money or invest it in an account at Sberbank. This financial institution is the most popular among investors due to its stability. In addition, the bank offers its clients a wide selection of deposits with different conditions, which allows them to choose the program that best suits a particular person. By making a deposit in one of the most reliable banks in the country, a person can not only save his savings, but also increase them by receiving interest.

The most profitable deposits

It is difficult to say with accuracy exactly what interest rate on a deposit in Sberbank will be the most profitable, since each of the programs is designed for people of certain categories. In addition, the depositor must carefully study the conditions: bet sizes, the ability to withdraw funds or replenish the deposit. Today there are several profitable programs with various conditions, among which each client will be able to choose the most profitable one for himself.

Many people are interested in how much interest they can get on deposits in Sberbank.

Types of deposits

Clients, taking advantage of the corresponding offer, can achieve the following goals:

  1. If necessary, withdraw your savings.
  2. Keep savings in other currencies.
  3. Replenish your deposit monthly.
  4. Withdraw interest monthly.
  5. Receive good profits due to new bank interest rates.

To register a deposit in Sberbank for individuals of any type, you will need to visit the nearest branch and provide the employee with your passport. After which the specialist will draw up an agreement on opening the selected deposit. It is always important to read the document carefully, in particular the fine print. After this, an account will be opened in the name of the investor, where he can deposit the available amount of money.

Deposit "Record"

Let's consider what is the maximum interest on a deposit in Sberbank you can get.

This program assumes the ability to store money only in rubles. To open such a deposit, the investor will need to deposit at least 50 thousand rubles. You can keep your funds in the account for this deposit from 7 months to one and a half years. The bank offers its depositors up to 7.15% per annum. If we take into account interest rates, then this type of deposit is one of the most attractive, as this program offers the maximum interest. Deposits and withdrawals are not provided. Interest is accrued at the end of the deposit term.

“Save” deposit

This contribution at Sberbank for individuals is a traditional product. You can deposit funds into this deposit in rubles and other currencies for which the exchange rate is reconciled. The terms of this program do not imply replenishment or partial withdrawal. You can open a deposit by depositing at least 1000 rubles or 100 dollars. If you invest 400 thousand rubles or more in a bank, you can count on an interest rate of 5.15%, and capitalization provides the opportunity to increase the rate to 5.56%.

Deposit “Top up”

It is a type of savings deposit, that is, a bank client will be able not only to save existing savings, but, if desired, to replenish them by depositing additional funds for deposit. You can open an account for a period of 3-36 months. You can additionally deposit a minimum of 1,000 rubles into your account if the deposit is made in cash, but for non-cash deposits there are no restrictions.

Account capitalization allows you to count on 4.8%. If the investor is not interested in such a condition, then he can receive accrued interest monthly to his account or card. If the deposit is in foreign currency, then replenishment can be made in amounts starting from $100. Interest on a foreign currency deposit in Sberbank of this type is 1.6%.

“Manage” deposit

If a depositor wishes to periodically withdraw funds from the account or deposit additional funds, then the most suitable product would be Sberbank’s “Manage” offer. However, it is worth considering that the minimum amount to deposit under this program is 30,000 rubles, and the maximum rate will be 4.44%, subject to capitalization of interest. If you wish, you can deposit at least a thousand dollars, and the interest on a deposit in Sberbank in foreign currency will be 1.5%.

"Savings account"

This program provides the opportunity to manage invested funds on a daily basis. You can open such a deposit by depositing an unlimited minimum amount of money. After this, the bank client will be able to replenish the deposit and withdraw from it any amounts available in the account. This type of deposit allows you to store not only rubles, but also euros and dollars. Another advantage of the Savings Account is its unlimited validity period. In this case, the client can expect to receive up to 0.01% when storing dollars or euros, and up to 1.8% when storing rubles.

Deposit "Give Life"

Contribution to help children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases.

  • Interest rate: 5.05% in rubles.
  • Deposit term: 1 year.
  • Not replenished.
  • No partial removal.
  • Minimum amount deposit: 10,000 rubles.

Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers to the Gift of Life charity fund an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount.

The undoubted advantage of Sberbank is the possibility of opening a deposit online (if a person is already a client of the organization). IN otherwise the need to visit the bank remains.

Due to the increasing frequency economic crises Many people prefer to keep their savings in foreign currency. It costs more and is constantly rising in price, but storing foreign money at home is not a good idea; the best solution would be to open a deposit in a bank, which will not only save money, but also increase it by receiving interest. However, it is important to remember that foreign currency deposits are characterized by certain features and some disadvantages. Therefore, before opening and deciding in which currency - Russian or foreign - to invest money, you should carefully read all the conditions of the programs offered by the bank.

We looked at what interest rates are available on deposits at Sberbank.

Bank deposits from Sberbank can be classified on various grounds - for example, the period of placement, functionality, as well as their purpose.

In terms of placement period, time deposits and demand deposits are distinguished. In the latter case, the client has the opportunity to withdraw money from his account at any time. The rate on such deposits is most often nominal - from 0.1%.

The difference between time deposits is that they are placed for a period strictly specified in the agreement. For example, for a year or 3 months. But if the depositor decides to withdraw money from the deposit ahead of schedule, then interest is not paid to him - they are set at the level of demand deposit rates.

Time deposits are heterogeneous; they include accumulative, savings and settlement subtypes.

Savings deposits provide the opportunity to replenish the deposit throughout the entire term of the agreement. They are intended for those who plan to save up for any expensive purchase. So, bank deposits“Top up” offer a rate in rubles of up to 6.6% per year from maximum amount 2 million rub. for a period of up to 3 years.

A savings deposit does not imply any operations with the account (for example, replenishment or partial withdrawal). These deposits have the highest interest rates. For “Save” deposits, the maximum rate is 7% in rubles (0.4% higher than the “Replenish” deposit).

A settlement deposit (also called universal) allows the client to control his account, his money, manage his money, and make operations to replenish and withdraw money. In Sberbank such deposits are called
Manage, the maximum rate on them is 6.1% in rubles (0.9% lower than with the “Save” deposit).

From the point of view of placement currency, a distinction is made between ruble, currency and multi-currency deposits. The latter allow you to change the ratio of currencies in the currency basket, which may make sense when market conditions change. For the Multicurrency deposit, the rate for ruble deposits is up to 5.9%, for deposits in dollars - up to 1.75%, for euros - up to 1.75%. Sberbank also has the opportunity to open deposits for lovers of exotic products - “International” for a period of three years. In this case, you can choose a deposit in Japanese yen(interest rate - up to 2.25%), Swiss francs(up to 2.5%) or pounds sterling (up to 3.25%).

Sberbank also has specialized banking (“Gift of Life”) for pensioners.

Profitability of Sberbank deposits

To compare the profitability of different deposits, you can take similar deposit parameters (amount - 1 million rubles, term - 1 year, without capitalization) and evaluate the profit received. For the “Replenish” deposit, the income will be 59 thousand rubles, “Replenish Online” - 61.5 thousand rubles. For the “Manage Online” deposit, the income will be 57.5 thousand rubles, “Manage” - 55 thousand rubles. The most profitable deposits are “Save Online” and “Save” - the yield on them will be 64.5 and 62 thousand rubles. respectively.

Deposits with monthly capitalization percent, they will allow you to get more income than when withdrawing interest. So, the difference in maximum interest rates for the “Replenish OnL@yn” deposit is 0.73% (6.85% without capitalization and 7.58% with capitalization).

Deposits that are opened through Sberbank Online are different increased interest rates. The rate on such replenishable deposits reaches 6.85% per year (versus 6.6% for classic deposits).

As for the currency of deposits, rubles are more profitable. The maximum rate on dollar deposits at Sberbank is 2.15%, on ruble deposits it is 4 times higher - 8.07%. Currency deposits will be profitable provided that the dollar loses more than 6% in a year.