Ranked PvP. Warface: Blitz PvP Mode in Ranked Matches Gifts for Ranked Matches


Ranked Matches allow gamers to compete, test and prove their gaming skills. In addition, for each place won in the league, a good reward is due in the form of crowns, warbucks and one of three VIP accelerators. Rating matches are held in two PvP modes, between two teams of five players each. Starting elimination of a teammate is not possible, a "surrender" feature has been added instead.

From the very beginning, participation in rating matches was available in the maps of the PvP mode Demolition. Blitz PvP maps have recently become available: Villa And Residence. Some gamers are new to playing ranked matches on these maps. Consider the cards themselves and some strategies for playing them.

PvP-mode "Blitz"

Players got acquainted with the Blitz mode almost a year ago, in November 2016. Gamers immediately liked the innovation. Battles on the "Villa" map have become an integral part of both veterans and newcomers to the MMO shooter.

Playing on this map in Ranked Matches is almost the same as in quick play. One nuance of the game on the RM is the size of the team. There will be only five fighters who want to test their strength in the team, just like in the "undermining" mode. This will complicate the task due to the size of the cards compared to the "undermining", but the rules are the same for everyone.

While in warfare there are only two maps of this mode. They have both been added to Ranked Matches. According to the main criteria, the maps are almost the same: size, points of joint actions, entry points. One of the main differences between the two is the location of the bomb. On the "Villa" map, the bomb is placed in an open space, while on the "Residence" map, the bomb is placed in a building.

One team must neutralize the charge installed on the territory of the complexes (Villa / Residence), the second must ensure its protection until the very moment of the explosion.

If you play without a pre-prepared team, then the first round in Ranked Matches can be referred to as a practice round. Feel the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy, choose the appropriate class and tactics to deal with him.

Defensive Team

The task of the defenders- prevent the enemy team from neutralizing the charge installed on the territory of the complex. I would not say that you need to take a position at the bomb and wait for opponents who will come to defuse it. But leaving the bomb unattended is also unnecessary. After all, if the whole team storms in one direction, then one of the enemy fighters, left without your eyes, can easily bypass and neutralize it. Especially if it will be an engineer class fighter - it's no secret that only this class of fighters neutralizes the installed charge faster than other classes.

The bomb will start making a characteristic sound if there are less than 30 seconds left before the end of the round. You can also hear her disarm. Watch out for entry points that can be undermined by the enemy. The sound of the explosion will indicate to you a likely assault from this position. Also, don't forget about workarounds and synergy points.

attacking team

The attacking team must defuse the bomb in the shortest possible time. In this case, it is not necessary to kill all the players of the opposite team. Be careful, even if you destroy all the opponents, but do not have time to neutralize the charge, the round will be lost.

As mentioned above, you can use the tactics of "assault" from one or more entry points, go "bypass" and so on. Don't expect an easy game in Ranked Matches. If you decide to go around, most likely the enemy will already be waiting for you.


Since the attack aircraft class has many game qualities (range, damage, rate of fire), the game is useful for them on both sides. Half the work is already done if you have a couple of good fighters of the Assault class in your team.

First priority- to take by storm the key positions of the enemy. This does not mean at all that you need to run headlong under the bullets of the enemy. First you need to take the optimal position during the defense or decide on the entrance to the territory of the complex during the attack.

Sometimes tactics are effective in defense " Rush» to plant the enemy. Be prepared for the fact that you will be met on the upper steps by enemy fighters (Villa). Before entering, it is better to throw a smoke grenade at the place of descent from the steps. If your plan is interrupted by death, then most likely you will not wait for reanimation in this round.

You can try to get rid of several opponents who blew up the entry point, bypass and eliminate the rest. Such a tactic will have greater responsiveness when performed by several gamers at the same time. Don't forget to use the underbarrel grenade launcher to finish off enemies and more. The use of smoke grenades will facilitate the penetration of the complex. Even given that the enemy knows all possible entry points to the complex, he can be taken by surprise.



« Rush» a medic in defense is no worse than an attack aircraft (Villa). The advantage is high damage at a short distance. If you want to try it, move to plant the enemy from your base, trying not to explode on grenades (on the Villa map, the left side is plentifully thrown by them). Throw a smoke grenade at the landing steps, this way you will hide yourself from the enemy. Come inside and kill bored players. It may be possible to catch them when performing a joint action.

Using several smoke grenades, you can approach the enemy players on the right side on both maps of the mode (on the Residence map, the entry point should be blown up). If there were none on your way, then your “bypass” will be as effective as possible. Do not forget about the fact that by the time you go all the way around - the fighters of your team may have already been eliminated, and the bomb has been defused.

For a measured game as a medic, gamers use the tactics of charge defense and resuscitation of dead teammates.


As well as for playing as an attack aircraft, smoke grenades are a big plus when penetrating the complex and reanimating teammates. The enemy will try to keep you at a distance - get ready for it. You can plant a player of a different class and eliminate the fighters who are trying to come to you for a boost.


Some well-coordinated teams use the Engineer class to quickly end the round - gamers who have crept up to the optimal distance throw smoke grenades at and near the set charge. One of the fighters (most likely it will be an Engineer) runs into the smoke to clear the bomb. At this time, the rest of the teammates cover him with all their might. This tactic not always may be effective.

On the "Villa" map, you can sneak onto the defenders, use a smoke grenade on the installed charge and clear it. On the "Residence" map, you will have to make your way to the bomb by storm, so it is almost impossible to covertly clear the bomb.

Properly placed mines on the map can save the lives of your comrades and protect the enemy from quickly disarming the charge. In defense, stay close to the charge, preventing the enemy from eliminating it. Place mines both on the approaches to the bomb and on the charge itself. Even if the mine works “idle” without killing the enemy, you will be warned about his presence in this sector.

When playing in the attack, place mines near the approaches to your position. This is extremely important. If the rear is left without cover, a mine explosion will indicate the location of potential opponents behind you, thereby saving your life.

Engineer defense. "Blitz" on RM


When playing on maps of the Blitz mode in a quick game, you can meet many players of the sniper class who are constantly sitting and not leaving their positions near the charge, at the respawn or on decoys. In Ranked Matches, such instances are much less common. All due to the fact that there are only ten players on the map. Even a sniper will be reluctant to sit in one place in Blitz on RM, although all means are good for victory.

There are many variations of the game with this class. Sit down and keep an eye on the top of the enemy, go down (Villa) / go up (Residence) on the right side of the map for a shootout with the arrows of the opposing team.

Surprise the enemy with your appearance in the center of the map before he blows up the entry point. This will definitely bring a few kills to your account. When entering open areas, beware of enemy shooters who may be waiting for you in the sight.

Defense and attack for a sniper. "Blitz" on RM

The system of rating matches includes 21 leagues. Initially, the player is in the most recent 21 leagues. To advance to a higher league, you need to earn several points (one for each victory) within the current league. If you score more than two victories in a row, then you start to receive additional league promotion points - two points instead of one for each successful match. Bonus points for a series of victories are issued up to the "Golden League II". When losing, the player moves back towards the lower league. With a series of defeats, a "departure" to the league with a lower level is possible. There can be an unlimited number of people in one league, i.e. players will not force each other out, no matter how many there are. You can view your league or progress on the rating scale in the Ranked PvP tab.

The search for ranked games can be carried out both alone and with friends or clan members. Members of different leagues can play together - the search in this case will be held in accordance with the highest rank within the group. A player's rank in ranked matches does not affect matchmaking in Quick Match.


In the event of a collision with a noticeably stronger opponent, you can surrender. This feature is not available immediately, but only after some time. The decision of the team is determined by a general vote, which takes place in the same way as when a player is excluded from a regular match. The vote of each fighter is important here - the decision will be made if everyone votes for one option. If the team still decides to surrender, each of its players will be credited with a loss in battle, but without a penalty for prematurely leaving the match.

The system of rating matches includes 21 leagues. The main essence of the RM has remained unchanged: you have to make your way to the first league, and in case of defeat in a series of matches, you will roll back one league. Fighting within each league, you have to make a series of victories instead of one. The higher the league, the more perseverance will have to show. At the same time, if you are defeated, you will not immediately lose progress: you will have a chance to improve by winning a series of matches. If you do not take advantage of this opportunity and continue to lose, then roll back to the previous league.


In order to increase the importance of team interaction and make battles more tactical, it was decided to introduce a restriction on the use of certain weapons and equipment. Items allowed in the Republic of Moldova are marked in the warehouse with a special sign. This will help players to conduct regular training before the Open Cup matches, quickly join the sports component of the project and achieve new heights in Warface!

Introducing another long-awaited novelty - voice communication will make communication between players much more convenient, which will undoubtedly help you succeed in the big leagues


The search for ranked games can be carried out both alone and with friends or clan members. Members of different leagues can play together - the search in this case will be held in accordance with the highest rank within the group. A player's rank in ranked matches does not affect matchmaking in Quick Match.


In the event of a collision with a noticeably stronger opponent, you can surrender. This feature is not available immediately, but only after some time. The decision of the team is determined by a general vote, which takes place in the same way as when a player is excluded from a regular match. The vote of each fighter is important here - the decision will be made if everyone votes for one option. If the team still decides to surrender, each of its players will be credited with a loss in battle, but without a penalty for prematurely leaving the match.

Many players love rating matches and take part in this championship with pleasure. In the next update, we want to make this mode better. The idea is to keep the main unshakable mechanics of the competitions, at the same time add more tactical component to them, make the mode more interesting and bring it a little closer to the format of the official Warface Open Cup tournaments.

In the future, participants in rating matches will receive new rewards: unique achievements and camouflages. I would like to make the promotion to the first league an even more significant event, and the players who have reached it could stand out with truly unique stripes and prizes! New rewards will not be introduced into the game immediately, but after a thorough testing of all new products.

Meet the updated rating matches!

What changed?

In the upcoming update, you will find a change in a number of mechanics for ranked matches. The rules of the competition have changed slightly and the interface has been supplemented. In the future, it is planned to increase the rewards for reaching leagues in RM. Let's talk about each new product in more detail.

Change of mechanics

The main essence of the RM has remained unchanged: you have to make your way to the first league, and in case of defeat in a series of matches, you will roll back one league.

Fighting within each league, you have to make a series of victories instead of one. The higher the league, the more perseverance will have to show. At the same time, if you are defeated, you will not immediately lose progress: you will have a chance to improve by winning a series of matches. If you do not take advantage of this opportunity and continue to lose, then roll back to the previous league.

PLEASE NOTE: The values ​​provided on the test server will change.

The win streak bonus will work a little differently: if you have won three wins in a row in the last matches of the previous league, then one win will be automatically credited to you in the new league. Below is an example.

Sixth league
Win streak bonus not counted: You will not receive an additional win in the fifth league. Win streak bonus counted: you will receive one additional win in the fifth league.

New Rewards

The list of rewards for reaching new leagues will be changed. There will be new achievements for success in rating matches. For taking the first league, special boxes with new camouflages are provided, as well as many rare stripes. Each season, the RM achievement for the first league will change, so they will be really unique!

An example of camouflage for taking the first league

We will announce the release date of the awards in future news.

Appearance, description, meaning and conditions for receiving awards are subject to change.

Restrictions on weapons and equipment

In order to equalize the chances of the players, and make the battles more coherent and tactical, it was decided to impose a restriction on the use of certain weapons and uniforms. When compiling the list, we were partly guided by the regulations of the Warface Open Cup tournaments. Restrictions will help players to conduct regular training and quickly join the sports component of the project. Perhaps, for many, the updated ranked matches will be the first step towards big esports.

Prohibited for use:

  • any automatic and semi-automatic sniper rifles;
  • seasonal items with characteristics different from the original;
  • festive weapons;
  • anti-personnel and seasonal mines;
  • fragmentation grenades except M26;
  • any equipment that gives protection from the first hit;
  • equipment that replenishes health and armor;
  • gloves and body armor of the "Absolute" series.

Items allowed in the RM will be marked in the warehouse with a special sign. If you equip prohibited items, you will not be able to start a battle in ranked matches.


We hope veterans of the regime will appreciate the innovations. The improved season of ranked matches will start with the release of the update on the combat servers. It will be in test mode. Based on the results of testing, we will consider the possibility of increasing rewards and introducing unique achievements and camouflages, which were discussed in the news. The launch date of the PTS, where you can see the changes, we will announce very soon!

We wish you a bright game!

For once, the developers decided to listen to the opinion of the players and introduce rating matches into Warface. Now every player who has reached rank 26 will be able to find allies and rivals equal in skills.

About ranked matches

Rating matches can be played both in solo mode and in a team of up to 5 people. All you need is to go to the “Ranked PVP” section, use the “To Battle” button, invite partners (optional), select a class and press the “Play” button. Based on your league, the system will select the most suitable opponents for you and connect you to the game.

Important: if you and your teammates are in different leagues, then the opponents are searched for by the highest league.


  • Pyramid
  • Factory
  • Destination
  • outskirts
  • Bridges
  • Object D17
  • lanes
  • trailer park
  • Castle


How the system works: 1 win - 1 point, 2+ win streak - 2 points per match, 1 loss - (-1) point, 2+ loss streak - relegation.

League Number of points Icon
Bronze League 1 1
Bronze League 2 2
Bronze League 3 2
Bronze League 4 2
Bronze League 5 2
Bronze League 6 3
Bronze League 7 3
Silver League 1 3
Silver League 2 3
Silver League 3 3
Silver League 4 3
Silver League 5 3
Silver League 6 4
Silver League 7 4
Golden league 1 4
Golden league 2 4
Golden league 3 4
Golden league 4 4
Golden League 5 5
Golden League 6 5
Golden League 7 5

Important: leaving the game during a match is also considered a loss.



Current awards are divided into operational and final operational. Operational rewards are issued for getting into a higher league, and final operational rewards for getting into a higher category (see table below).

League Operational award Final operational award
20-15 750 warbucks and 75 crowns 4500 warbucks and 450 crowns
14-10 1125 warbucks and 113 crowns 5625 warbucks and 565 crowns
9-5 1500 warbucks and 150 crowns 6750 warbucks and 675 crowns
4-2 2250 warbucks and 225 crowns 7500 warbucks and 750 crowns
1 7500 warbucks and 750 crowns

Important: if you fly out of a certain league, and then get into it again, you still won't get anything.


Seasonal rewards consist almost entirely of game achievements and are issued on the 15th of each month during the summing up of the season. In general, the reward for completing the season depends entirely on which league you find yourself in at the time of its completion.

Season End Reward:

  • in 8-10 league - achievement "Special unit"
  • in 5-7 leagues - achievement "Experienced fighters"
  • in 2-4 leagues - achievement "Elite Squad"
  • in 1 league — achievement “Legendary team” and equipment set “Jade dragon”

Finally, some valuable tips and no less valuable comments from the famous video blogger “Mortid”.