What are banks afraid of when issuing mortgages? Mortgage pitfalls: how not to make mistakes when you take out a loan

The rapid transformations taking place in Sberbank were noticed, perhaps, by many of its clients. The vector set at all levels is to make it pleasant for a person to come to the bank, so that all banking operations are carried out quickly, clearly and conveniently. This applies to mortgage lending, of course, almost in the first place. Today, the housing issue is quite acute in many families.

According to statistics, only 5% of the population can buy an apartment for cash. And for the remaining 95% of people, a mortgage becomes an excellent opportunity to purchase their own home.

Many Kursk developers are implementing projects with the help of Sberbank loans. And in order to purchase housing in such facilities, bank customers need a minimum set of documents, and the interest rate will be reduced as much as possible.

Separately, it is worth noting that this autumn a unique offer for customers was launched. The initial payment under this program is 15% of the cost of the purchased housing. One of the terms of the offer is the electronic registration of the transaction directly at the developer's office, bypassing the MFC and Rosreestr. The service is convenient, because the client does not need to receive a coupon and register a transaction in other institutions.


Step 1. Find a reliable developer

Right now, you can buy an apartment under the new mortgage conditions from the developer GK S.K.B. in the area "Silver Hills" and in houses at the intersection of st. Zapolnaya and st. 50 Years of October. In addition to the usual odnushki, dvushek and treshka company builds two-story townhouses and apartments with individual access to the terrace, where you can fry shish kebabs, lie in a sun lounger or lie in an inflatable pool.

Step 2. Choose a Mortgage Processing Method

There are two ways. The first is electronic, when you can apply for a mortgage online using the DomClick service.

The second way is to apply for a mortgage at any branch of Sberbank or a specialized Mortgage Lending Center located at Dzerzhinsky, 42 (Central Market stop).

Step 3. Everything is in your hands

One of the conditions for subsidizing is the registration of a mortgage for a period of up to 7 years. Therefore, forget about loans that you will pass on to your grandchildren by inheritance.

It's too early to bite your elbows for those who bought an apartment a few years ago and are now paying off a loan to another bank. Sberbank refinances such loans.

1. Prepare in advance

2. Take a loan only in rubles

Of course, it is attractive that the rate on a loan in foreign currency may be lower. But everyone remembers how quickly the dollar rose? Therefore, take out a mortgage only in the currency in which you receive the main income. Then you will eliminate the increase in payment during currency rallies and will not lose money during the conversion.

3. Consider the reputation of the bank

Almost all banks offer mortgage loans. But, as experience shows, more favorable conditions are in well-known banks with a good reputation.

4. Choose an apartment

In order not to change the amount of the mortgage loan at the last moment, decide in advance with the developer and his proposals. If possible, follow the offers and promotions of companies for several months. Objectively assess the value for money housing.

5. Create a reserve

Anything can happen in life. Therefore, set aside an amount equal to a three-month mortgage payment in advance. Experts call it "financial safety cushion".

Publication date: 11/15/2013

Mortgage loans in Russia have a rather bad reputation. Many people are afraid of losing property, getting into debt or taking out a bad loan. The reason for these fears is the lack of information.

Misconception No. 1. "Grey" income

Gray income is earnings that are not documented. However, contrary to popular belief, a bank may issue a mortgage if there is an easy way to verify your income. Therefore, some banks ask for a certificate certified by the employer as confirmation.

Misconception No. 2. If the bank fails, then I will have to repay the loan ahead of schedule

Bank bankruptcy is usually a long process. The loan portfolio of a bankrupt bank is transferred to another credit institution (not to collectors!). This does not change the terms of your contract.

Those. you also continue to make monthly payments, only to another bank. If another bank is trying to change the conditions (worse them), then feel free to file a lawsuit. In addition, the loan agreement indicates cases of early repayment. So read the contract carefully.

Misconception No. 3. The apartment is owned by the bank until the loan is repaid.

The most common myth When applying for a mortgage, the apartment / house immediately becomes your property. However, the certificate of ownership will contain a clause indicating that the premises are encumbered with a pledge. This only means that you do not have the right to dispose of property without the permission of the bank.
The bank cannot just take away an apartment!

Misconception No. 4. Mortgage must be issued in a reliable bank.

That is why everyone goes to Sberbank. This is logical and correct. However, you can get much better terms if you go to a less popular bank.
In fact, it does not matter which bank issues a mortgage. Only the mortgage agreement matters. So please read the terms and conditions carefully.

Misconception No. 5. Taking out a mortgage is dangerous. The future is hazy...

Russia is such a stable country that many fear the future. After all, it is not known what will happen in 15-20 years. Or you may lose your job or productivity.

First, if the mortgage becomes cheaper in the future, then you can refinance the loan. Those. you can get more favorable terms.
Secondly, possible health problems can be insured in advance. If something happens, God forbid, you will be able to repay part of the loan with insurance payments.
Thirdly, do not be afraid of losing your job. It is beneficial for the bank to "hold" you. You can go to the bank and ask for a deferral of two months. Or you can set aside money in advance for the amount of two-month payments, i.e. insure against financial difficulties.

Misconception No. 6. It is necessary to choose a mortgage with a minimum down payment.

On the one hand, it's logical. After all, it is better to pay a small down payment so that there is money left for the repair and purchase of furniture, appliances, etc.
In fact, it's quite the opposite. The higher your down payment, the better the mortgage terms will be. Banks have more confidence in borrowers who make a large down payment (about 50% of the total amount). After all, if the borrower has accumulated such an amount, then the bank rightly believes that the borrower is conscientious with good earnings.

If you make a minimum down payment, then you take out a mortgage for a much longer period. In the long run, you will pay a lot. In addition, the bank may simply refuse to give you a loan, believing that you do not earn enough.

Misconception No. 7. When pledging existing property, you do not need to confirm income.

Some people think that with a pledge you do not need to confirm your income. This is argued by the fact that the amount of mortgaged property is higher than the value of the mortgage. Usually, the borrower already owns an apartment as collateral.

The bank must be sure that you will be able to pay the mortgage. And the deposit is insurance in case you can't pay. The bank wants to earn on interest, and not trade in the property of negligent borrowers.


As in any other activity, when applying for a mortgage, you need to think with your head. There is no need to be afraid, but one should not be frivolous either. Cold calculation is your tool. Don't be afraid to hire a professional lawyer or realtor. It is better to pay professionals to save your money and nerves later.

Thank you for your attention!

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Mortgages have little history. The first mortgage loans were issued in 1997. 17 years have passed. During this time, the mortgage has already managed to acquire fears and myths. According to the results of sociological surveys, only every tenth person is not afraid of a mortgage. Most of them are those who are already provided with housing. Let's leave those lucky ones aside. Let's talk now about those who do not yet have their own housing. What are the fears that prevent potential apartment buyers from going to the bank and making their dream come true? Premier Group specialists will tell you how to get rid of unnecessary doubts.

Fear 1: "Give it or not give it"

An insidious fear: if they don’t give it, then it’s bad, and if they give it, it’s also bad: you will have to overpay the cost of the apartment at times. The latter include those who are afraid of loans in general. It can be concluded that the fear of loans lies in the fact that you buy goods for one price, but in reality you pay a double price. “It’s not even scary, but wildly insulting to overpay at times. Moreover, these are absolutely tiny apartments, when for the same money you can almost buy a house in Greece, ”one of the doubting buyers admits. At the same time, many begin to compare mortgage rates in other countries, and completely shelve the dream of their own square meters. People, as a rule, see the way out in saving up and buying an apartment on their own. Note that this option works if the buyer needs to save for housing for no longer than three years.

If you can only save 10 years on your own, it makes sense to remember that, taking into account inflation and rising apartment prices, in 10 years housing will cost about as much as an apartment costs today, taking into account mortgage interest.

People are also tormented by the fear that they will not give a mortgage. Especially if they have already applied to one bank and they were refused. It is worth trying the second bank, the third. Conditions and requirements vary from bank to bank.

Fear 2: "fear of the unexpected"

This is the fear of losing a job or getting sick, getting disabled.

It should be borne in mind that if the borrower understands that in less than six months he will be able to cope with the problem of losing his job or health, then it makes sense to go to the bank, explain the situation and ask to freeze payments. The bank can do this for up to 6 months. However, you should be aware that the bank can freeze debt payments, but you still have to pay interest on the mortgage. Late payments will then have to be reimbursed at a time or according to the schedule established by the bank.

If the borrower dies or becomes disabled of groups I and II, the insurance company reimburses the borrower's debt to the bank. In all other cases, the mortgage apartment should be sold. It is not worth dragging out time, so as not to increase additional fines.

Fear 3: “Breaking the family budget or losing an apartment due to delays in payments”

Youth wants freedom: no one wants to owe anything and owe something to anyone. It is unlikely that anyone will like the idea of ​​denying themselves now, in order to become the owner of an apartment in a few decades, and realize that it has long been small.

Consumers are particularly outraged by the fact that there is no incentive to pay off the loan earlier, more often than not, savings will not work.

This is a myth left over from the days when mortgages were not allowed to be paid off ahead of schedule. Currently, it is possible to pay off a mortgage early without penalties and moratoriums. To do this, you just need to warn the bank in advance. Then the bank, in case of early payment of part of the debt, will recalculate the payment schedule and reduce the overpayment of interest.

I would also like to refer to the statistics, which show that from January 1 to July 1, 2014, mortgage debt decreased by 2.6%, and compared to July 1, 2013, it decreased even more - by 3.6%.

To overcome the fear of “undermining the family budget - losing the apartment due to delays in payments”, it makes sense to consider the following option: save 50% of the cost of the apartment and take out a mortgage for 5 years so that the monthly payment is no more than 30% of the family income. In this case, the overpayment will be no more than 25% of the cost of the apartment, the term will not be “for life”, and mortgage payments will not be “enslaving”.

Fear 4: "fear of cheating"

This includes those who are afraid of a divorce from their spouse, as well as those who are afraid that they will be deceived by the bank (hidden payments that may arise after taking a mortgage). Moreover, bank customers often point not to the additional costs of insurance, but “it is not clear where a bunch of additional payments, fines and penalties come from.” We note an interesting fact: according to numerous studies conducted by banks, mortgages can reduce the risk of divorce by dozens of times: in 5 years of paying off mortgage debt, divorce occurs in less than 1% of borrowers. And this despite the fact that, according to statistics, about 60% of families break up in the first years of marriage.

A lawyer who will competently draw up a marriage contract can help overcome the “fear of deceit”, as well as help with the conclusion of a mortgage agreement without “dark spots”: he will indicate all the conditions, the violation of which may entail the accrual of penalties, commissions and a change in the interest rate.

Fear 5: Craving for a nomadic life

Recently, some Russians have increasingly begun to appear "Western" fear - the need or desire to change their place of residence. Career development forces people to move from one city to another. Or the housing for which they took out a mortgage fell out of favor, and “the same dream apartment” appeared on sale. Or children were born, and the area needs to be increased... In the imagination of many Russians, a mortgage ties people to one place for many years. At the same time, the majority believes that the only way out of the situation is to rent an apartment “under a mortgage” and rent housing in the right area.

In reality, this is not so. An apartment burdened with a mortgage can be exchanged. This procedure is called "collateral exchange". However, it should be borne in mind that if the new apartment is located in a region where the bank does not have its own branch, then the bank will not agree to replace the collateral.

All the fears that talk about mortgages reward potential home buyers can hardly be enumerated. Of course, getting a loan requires serious thought and a sound assessment of one's own strengths. But if the mortgage does not become a pleasant event in your life, then the long-awaited housewarming will definitely become one.

The material is based on a survey conducted by Premier Group in July 2014.

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Mortgages are treated differently. Someone can not imagine without it the opportunity to buy an apartment at the moment. And someone continues to be afraid of this bondage and considers mortgages to be a universal evil

Of course, there are many reasons for fear. Alena Nikitina, head of the Organization of Personal Finance company, explains to realto.ru the reasons for the fear of mortgages and tells how to deal with it for those who want to solve their housing problem.

Of course, fear is often useful in life. It keeps a person in tension and a certain tone. But at the same time, it is fear that can prevent a person from doing some actions that could make his life easier. As economists say: do not be afraid of risk - you need to make it manageable.

So the first concern is: mortgages are too expensive. Indeed, housing prices are exorbitant and inflated. Therefore, everyone decides for himself whether to continue to rent an apartment or take a mortgage on it. Surely many have done comparative calculations and calculations. As a result, you can make an overview of bank rates and get: if you have about 30% of the cost of the future apartment as an entrance fee, then the monthly payment will be equal to about one rent. But there is a huge plus - in any cataclysm, your monthly mortgage payment will be equal, unlike rent, since the rent for a rented apartment will grow every year. Again, paying off the mortgage, you kind of give money for your housing, and not “give” them to someone else's uncle.

Second concern: mortgage is taken for too long. Indeed, many complain that as long as you pay off all the money for a mortgage odnushka, you can retire. Nobody argues that a mortgage is a very long-term loan. At the same time, expert Alena Nikitina does not advise taking it for more than 15 years - this is the optimal period. Moreover, this can be found out by carrying out the simplest calculations: if you take a loan for 20 or 25 years, then as a result, the payment decreases slightly. Therefore, taking a mortgage for a very long period simply does not make sense. Moreover, if you have the opportunity to get ahead of payments, then it is better to do it. You can always make an early repayment (even if only partially) and thus reduce the term of the mortgage loan. By the way, this is very profitable, especially in the early years, when the main share in payments is the interest paid to the bank. As the mortgage holders themselves say, it's hard in the first two or three years, when you have to get used to additional expenses. But in our country, inflation is quite high and its growth does not slow down, and the incomes of citizens periodically grow. So at this point you need to rely on yourself, your earnings and try to repay the loan early.

Third fear: too high monthly payments who take away almost half the salary. Indeed, many of us certainly have borrower friends who complain about payments and the fact that because of the mortgage they literally live on bread and water. This can happen if the monthly payment is around 40-50% of your salary. This is really a big burden on the family budget. Therefore, experts advise not to take such extreme measures, just to pay off the loan early. Alena Nikitina advises not to borrow money, it is better to make payments more comfortable for your wallet - that is, no more than 30% of your income.
At first, it's better to play it safe: you can make a higher down payment, or you can not "shine" and buy a smaller apartment or in a more remote area.

Fourth concern: as a result, the apartment will become "golden". Many are convinced that in the process of payments they will have to pay two or three of its value for an apartment. And indeed it is. But you need to remember about inflation, the rise in real estate prices, so in 10-15 years, it is quite possible that your home will cost as much or almost as much as you pay for it on a mortgage. In addition, if you try to pay off the loan ahead of schedule, then the final overpayment will be less.

Fifth fear: What if I can't pay off my loan? Of course, it’s scary to think of something ahead for 10-20 years. Anything can happen in life - both loss of work, and health, etc. Therefore, it is better to try to create a kind of “stabilization fund” for yourself - so that you have at least 6 monthly payments to the bank in case of force majeure somewhere in your stash. So you will not worry in case of loss of work, the onset of a crisis. You will have time to make a decision - to find a new job or additional income, or to solve the problem radically - for example, to sell an apartment.

Sixth fear: the bank will take the apartment. This can only happen if you grossly violated the agreement with the bank. Or if the value of real estate falls sharply. “Because your apartment is a pledge for the bank. If it starts to cost less than the amount given to you, then the bank may ask you to make an additional payment. How to protect yourself from this? First, it is better to make a more significant initial payment. It is unlikely that the apartment will fall by more than 30-40%. Secondly, if you have financial problems, there is no need to hide from the bank,” the expert explains. There were cases when the borrower did not pay the mortgage for 2-3 years, and then suddenly began to be indignant, for what reason the bank was going to take away the apartment. As a rule, banks are quite loyal to those who come to them in advance, before loan arrears, since the main job of the bank is to issue loans, and not sell real estate, even if it is collateral. Therefore, in this case, it is better not to spoil your credit history, otherwise you may fall into the category of “risky borrower” and the next loans will either be denied to you altogether, or they will be given at a higher interest rate.

Seventh fear: mortgage apartment cannot be sold. Many people really believe that it is almost impossible to sell the mortgaged property, and until you give the last ruble to the bank, you will have to pay off the mortgage until the last day. In fact, it is just as possible to sell a mortgage apartment as it is to sell an ordinary apartment, this is the most common transaction. So if you can't pay your mortgage anymore, then just sell your apartment. In this case, you will still have some money left in your hands. The second option, which many resort to, is to rent out their mortgage apartment and move to cheaper housing or relatives. In fact, this option is the most profitable, because if you ask the bank to restructure the debt, then the overpayment on the mortgage will increase significantly, as the loan term will increase.

As you know, the word "mortgage" in most people is associated with an insurmountable difficulty and a debt problem for life. Despite this, a mortgage for many is the only way to acquire their own housing.

Reasons for fear of mortgages

The main reason for the fear of a mortgage loan is the low awareness of the population about its essence. Far from always, people who talk about mortgages are really aware of what it is.

At its core, mortgage lending is the provision by the state of real estate for the population in installments, and the housing itself is a pledge that the lending institution has the right to take in case the borrower fails to pay its cost.

As a rule, the interest rate and the amount of the monthly payment for such a loan is small and allows each citizen to find decent housing as quickly as possible.

To learn how to stop being afraid of a mortgage, you must first familiarize yourself with all its aspects. To do this, it would be useful to contact the specialists who deal with these services and ask them all the questions of interest.

The second reason for the fear of a mortgage loan is the reluctance to contact banking institutions. In connection with the prevailing stereotype, there is an opinion among people that the bank can immediately take away housing due to the slightest debt, but this is far from always the case.

In fact, if you try to pay the necessary contributions on time, but at some point you have difficulties, the bank always tries to make some concessions, because it is important for a financial institution to continue to receive its interest on the loan.

Major myths about mortgages

The fear of taking out a mortgage loan is also associated with fairly well-established myths, the essence of which practically no one wants to understand.

If you want to think about how to stop being afraid of a mortgage, then try to stop trusting these myths implicitly. Below are the most common ones:

  • the lending bank has the right to raise the interest on the current mortgage agreement. In reality, this can happen, but only through the negligence of the borrower. Before taking a loan, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the type of rates in the selected bank, because they can be not only fixed, but also floating. This item is always spelled out in your contract;
  • it is impossible to pay off the mortgage before the due date. In fact, such a development of events is possible and the bank does not have the right to refuse this, you just need to warn about your decision in advance;
  • housing purchased on a mortgage is the property of the lender and it is impossible to sell it or register members of your family. The sale or donation of such a dwelling really requires permission from the bank, but in most cases the borrower receives it. In addition, he is the owner and has all the rights to resolve issues of registration at will.

As you can see, a mortgage does not imply anything terrible, but on the contrary, it provides all the possibilities in order to quickly purchase your own home.