What deposits are compensated. Compensation payments

Since 1996, the Government of the Russian Federation has been implementing a program to restore the monetary losses of Russians who had those bank deposits in savings banks former USSR, which remained unclosed until 06/20/1991. Also, under certain conditions, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, depreciated savings are compensated, which have already been partially returned to Sberbank customers earlier, starting from 1992 to 2012. Payments can be received by the depositors of the Sberbank of the USSR, their heirs or legal representatives. Even citizens who are not heirs, but who carried out the funeral of persons - former Sberbank depositors at their own expense, can also count on some.

Payment history

The Decree of the President of 1996 says that such measures are carried out with the aim of social support of citizens within the framework of the Federal Law "On the restoration and protection of citizens' savings Russian Federation» dated May 10, 1995 No. 73-FZ. Compensations are paid at the expense of the federal budget through the cash desks of the current Sberbank of Russia, which still stores documents on the transactions of all clients of the Savings Bank of the USSR.

Payments are accrued to citizens who had savings books opened in the Sberbank of the USSR before 06/20/1991 and not yet closed or closed in the period from 1992 to 2012. Among the latter there are also those who have already received preliminary or additional compensations, but the state decided to increase these amounts, because. The face value of banknotes has changed a lot since 1991. This fact is confirmed by the denomination held at the beginning of 1998 in our country.

According to the standards established by the Government, private depositors whose savings accounts were closed between 06/20/1991 and 12/31/1991 did not fall into the category of citizens counting on compensation. Sberbank explains that this happened due to the fact that in June 1991. central bank Russia was approved a new charter of the successor of the Sberbank of the USSR.

Some economists claim that as of June 20, 1991, the number of Sberbank depositors was 40 million people, and the total amount of their savings is estimated at 315 billion rubles at nominal prices of that year. Debts to depositors former Sberbank USSR in 1995, the state declared its internal duty.

For almost 17 years now, the payment of debts has been carried out in several stages, according to the Decree of 1996. So, in 1996, preliminary compensation for depositors born before 1916 began. The following year, the debt was received by persons with a year of birth inclusive of 1920. Then the amount of debt for payment was multiplied by a value from 600 to 1000. Initially, compensation did not exceed 1,000 rubles. In the years that have passed since then, the Government of the Russian Federation has changed the rules and sequence of payments several times, temporarily limited the age and category of recipients, not to mention the amount of the compensating coefficient. Only since 2001, citizens could receive compensation for the amount to pay for funeral services in the event of the death of former Sberbank depositors.

It should be noted that in 1991 and 1994, partial compensation of deposits was also made in accordance with the Decrees of the President of those years. The history of these payments is only in some cases taken into account in the calculation today.

Now the final amount of debt for payment depends on the date of closing the deposit and the year of birth of its owner. You can determine the amount as follows: the cash balance on the deposit account increases immediately by two different coefficients and decreases by the amount that has already been paid as a preliminary compensation. One of these coefficients is equal to the number "2" for contributors born in 1946-1991 or the number "3" for contributors born before 1946. The size of another increasing multiplier depends on the following term:

CoefficientThe period of validity of deposits specified in the agreement, up to:Actual year of closing the deposit in:
0,6 19921992
0,7 19921993
0,8 1992-19931994
0,9 1992-19941995
1,0 1992-2012 or current contribution1996-2012 or still unclosed contribution

A calculator for calculating the amount of compensation to depositors can be found on the website of Sberbank of Russia. To calculate the exact value, you need to contact one of the bank branches, where they will take into account all the necessary points and restore the debit transactions that have occurred over the years.

For clarity, let's try to calculate the amount of compensation to the depositor born in 1939. As of June 20, 1991, his passbook had a balance of 1,000 rubles. The deposit was closed in 1995. Citizens born before 1945 receive 3 times the balance with a coefficient of 0.9:

1000 rub. ? 0.9? 3 = 2700 rub.

Those. full amount 2 700 rub. the depositor or his heirs will receive if no other payments have been made up to this point. If there were any, then the final amount will be reduced.

Often, heirs do not know about all the contributions of the testator or about his payments received earlier. Therefore, Sberbank employees will help verify the exact information.

How to get a?

To receive a payment, it is not necessary to contact the same savings bank where the account was once opened. Indeed, since the times of the former USSR, the addresses of institutions have changed somewhat, and the depositors themselves and their heirs have changed their place of residence. Required documents can be provided to any structural unit of Sberbank, for example, to where the funds will be transferred for the convenience of the depositor or his representative. Today the bank has 17 territorial banks in Russia, each of which has several branches. Therefore, its unique branch network consists of approximately 19 thousand branches throughout the country. In some cases, a small fee will be charged for transferring the payout amount from one branch to another.

A citizen who applied to the bank will need to fill out a special application for compensation. To do this, he needs to present, in addition to his passport, a passbook of the Sberbank of the USSR. But if this was lost, then an application is first made to restore the lost passbook. Heirs additionally provide other documents, the package of which depends on the specific situation. Such a list may include: a testamentary disposition drawn up in a bank; depositor's death certificate; a notarial certificate confirming the inheritance right (if there was no will); testamentary certificate of inheritance.

For owners of the remote service "" there is a convenient opportunity to fill out an application in electronic personal account. But all documents are provided to the bank by the client in the original, personally signed.

Who can receive?

Since compensation is made by Sberbank only to those depositors who had Russian citizenship in 1991 or now have, the bank may additionally require confirmation of the fact that the depositor was a citizen of the Russian Federation, for example, on the date of death. The current citizenship of the heirs does not matter.

As mentioned above, not only the depositor himself can apply to the bank for compensation. If the owner of the passbook is still alive, but cannot receive money on his own, then a power of attorney is issued to help another citizen, who will represent the interests of the depositor. This document is certified by a notary or other person specified by law, for example, the head physician of a medical institution or a representative of the housing and economic organization. In addition to a notarized power of attorney, a similar document certified earlier by the depositor himself in Sberbank can be presented.

Sberbank of the former USSR also have the right to apply to the bank for compensation. In this case, citizens will receive their share specified in the will. But, even if the testamentary disposition was not executed by the owner of the account, the relatives can still hope to pay the amount of the bank deposit in the amount of the inheritance share determined by the notary.

Citizens entitled to receive a partial payment may also be any other persons who paid for the funeral of the contributor. To do this, you need to contact the bank with a special application. The amount of the payment will depend on the amount of the deposit, but will not exceed 6,000 rubles. For example, a depositor died in 2010; as of June 1991, the balance on his savings account was 200 rubles. Today, compensation for funeral services will be 3,000 rubles, calculated according to the formula of 200 rubles? 15 times. You can receive such a payment immediately after the death of the depositor or after some time. It is only necessary to present documents from a notary.

Information for depositors of Sberbank of the USSR and their relatives was prepared by our expert Oksana Lukyanets.

Today, the deposits of Russians are protected by the deposit insurance system (DIS), and in times Soviet Union this practice has not yet been applied. And yet, many financial cataclysms, the collapse of the USSR led to serious financial losses for citizens. This question for many of them remains painful until now. It is good that now there is an opportunity to issue a return of Soviet deposits in Sberbank. A similar operation is available to Russians in 2017. But not everyone will be able to repair the damage caused. To understand whether it is worth going to the bank, a person should familiarize himself with the requirements and other return conditions. All this will be discussed in the article.

What is the program?

Sberbank is the largest state bank in Russia. It is not surprising that the government also reimburses deposits through this financial institution. Despite the fact that people lost their funds more than 25 years ago, a person has the opportunity to receive compensation for them even today.

The main criterion for classifying deposits as Soviet deposits is the date of its opening. So, applications of citizens are considered only if the deposit was opened no later than 20.07.1991.

In order to return people their money, the state allocated 5.5 billion rubles from the budget in 2017. For this, even a specialized expense item has been introduced. The conditions for making a return are identical to those that were previously, only the amount of funds is much less than in previous periods.

Who can make a return?

The state, allocating funds for the compensation of deposits, put forward a number of criteria for people who want to return money from Soviet savings books. Yes, the right to receive financial resources have the following categories of citizens:

  • those who have received consent to reimbursement, but have not yet issued it;
  • Russian citizens living in Russia today;
  • citizens born before 1991 (the date of birth depends on the amount of compensation - if the year of birth dates back to 1945, then the money is issued three times, the rest - twice);
  • heirs of persons who had savings accounts during the Soviet era.

Regarding the heirs, there is a clause that allows you to receive the money they spent on burial and other funeral services for Soviet investors who died between 2001 and 2017. The state compensates them with 6,000 rubles if at the time of 1991 there were 400 or more rubles in the account. If this amount was less, then the amount of compensation increases to 90,000 rubles.

  • persons having citizenship of other republics of the Union;
  • heirs who do not have Russian citizenship;
  • persons who have already received compensation from the state;
  • citizens who opened a deposit after 07/20/1991;
  • persons who closed their savings account in the period from 06/20/1991 to 12/31/1991.

Thus, only Russian citizens are entitled to receive compensation. Other persons must resolve this issue with their state.

Return procedure

There is a strict procedure for processing compensation. Sberbank of Russia is dealing with this issue. It will not be possible to make a refund in other financial institutions. So, if a person wanted to issue a refund in 2017, then he should act as follows:

  1. write a statement expressing a desire to receive compensation;
  2. come to any branch of Sberbank in the country, additionally taking with you a Russian passport and a savings book;
  3. wait for a response from a bank specialist and receive the funds due to your account or in another way, if provided.

Of course, it takes time to process an application. In addition, specialists must calculate compensation, enter information about the client into their database. Therefore, you should not expect to receive money on the day of treatment.

Not only the owner himself, but also his heirs, if the depositor is already dead, can transfer the application and the savings book. If he is alive, but cannot apply to the bank on his own, then he will have to draw up a power of attorney and certify it with a notary. In this case, the legal representative must appear at the branch of Sberbank with a power of attorney and a passport. When the contributor undergoes treatment, his power of attorney can be certified by the manager medical organization. Appeal to a notary in this case is not required.

List of required documents

It is natural that documents will be required to receive compensation. The list of papers looks like this:

  • completed application form;
  • Russian passport (another document proving the identity of the applicant may also be presented);
  • savings book (if it was lost, you will have to additionally write an application with a request to restore it);
  • power of attorney (when contacting the bank not by the depositor, but by his legal representative);
  • additional application (only needed for those who closed their savings account between 1992 and 2017).

If the depositor himself has already died, then his heir must present a slightly different package of documents to the Sberbank branch:

  • Russian passport;
  • savings book or statement about the loss of the document;
  • depositor's death certificate;
  • a document confirming the right of inheritance of the applicant;
  • a certificate confirming that the deceased depositor was a citizen of Russia at the time of death.

Calculation procedure: coefficients

The state, in order to avoid injustice, has established certain coefficients for calculating compensation. Their amount depends on the year in which the deposit was repaid. These parameters are guided by the bank's specialists when considering customer applications and calculating their reimbursement. Coefficients are assigned according to the following scheme:

  • 1.0 - if the savings account has not yet been closed or was repaid between 1996 and 2017;
  • 0.9 for deposits made between 1992 and 1994 and redeemed in 1995;
  • 0.8 - for accounts opened from 1992 to 1994 but canceled in 1994;
  • 0.7 - for deposits opened in 1992, the term for which ended in 1993;
  • 0.6 for savings accounts that were closed in 1992.

For the maximum convenience of its customers, Sberbank has developed a special online calculator on the official website, with which you can find out the amount of compensation by entering the deposit parameters. Thus, a person will understand in advance what he can count on when contacting a bank branch.

Summing up

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in obtaining compensation. Moreover, everything happens in accordance with Russian legislation. Of course, the amount of compensation will not cover the losses of the Soviet period, but it will return at least part of the funds. The state does not abandon its obligations to compensate for the damage caused to citizens during the financial crisis of the Soviet period. Confirmation is the annual allocation of funds for this item of expenditure in the country's budget.

The Ministry of Finance announced plans for the next 5.5 billion for the annual allocation from 2017 to 2019. to compensate for Soviet savings.

Legislative regulation of the issue

If the deposit was opened before June 20, 1991, then the amount and procedure for compensation can be studied in Art. 15 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 415. This regulation determines that payments will be made on the basis of Federal Law No. 73, which entered into force in 1995, which contains information on recovery processes and ways to protect the financial savings of depositors.

The procedure for compensating contributions (contributions) is also referred to in Government Decree No. 1435, extending the validity of a similar document No. 1092, issued in 2009.

The return process is planned to begin immediately after the budget financing of the current year goes to Sberbank of Russia.

Citizens should pay attention to the fact that Federal Law No. 415, namely, paragraph 5 of Art. 15 states that if in relation to the contribution (contribution) of a citizen, triple or double compensations, preliminary or additional compensations, as well as payments for ritual services (up to 6,000 rubles) were previously made, then re-applying is meaningless.

Who can apply for

Not subject to review deposits:

For the return of previously collected Money O can count:

  • depositors who are citizens of the Russian Federation and born before 1991 inclusive;
  • contributors' heirs.


In accordance with Government Decree No. 1092 dated 2009, the amount of compensation payments on the deposit depends on several factors.

Citizens whose date of birth did not reach 1945 will receive a refund threefold.

Any depositor born after 1946 and before 1991 can be calculated for double the amount of compensation regarding the remainder. Compensation is also affected by the shelf life.

If the depositor's death occurred in the time period from 2001 to 2014, then heirs receive a compensation payment for the payment of funeral services:

  • 6 thousand rubles, if the stored amount of money exceeded 400 rubles;
  • a figure increased by 15 times if the amount of the deposit has not reached 400 rubles.

Sometimes situations happen that 2 banks must reimburse the amount, but if we are talking about funeral services, then only 1 of them will pay the amount. The legislation does not provide for double payments.

Cases when citizen of the Russian Federation did not receive none of the following, do not imply subsequent surcharges:

Almost all of the above payments are subject to annual indexation in accordance with the inflation rate determined in the law on the budget for the current financial period and planning years.

The compensation amount is influenced by duration of the deposit. In addition, the definition uses the following coefficients :

  • 1 - in relation to the contribution that is currently in effect, as well as to investments, the effect of which applies to 1992 - 2019;
  • 0.9 applies to deposits valid from 1992 to 1994. and closed in 1995;
  • 0.8 if the deposit was active from 1992 to 1993 and was closed in 1994;
  • 0.7 if we are talking about existence in 1992 and closing in 1993;
  • 0.6 applies if the deposit closed in 1992.

If fundraising has stopped from June 20 to December 31, 1991, then double and triple compensation payments will not be made.

Payment procedure

Upon return sum of money hard currency is used rubles. Refinancing to another structure can also be made if the applicant expresses a corresponding desire.

The current legislation regulates the following sequencing when making payments:

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, all deposits located in 1991-92. were the accounts of Sberbank and Rosgosstrakh, should be compensated until 2020 If the citizen has already received any refunds, then the refund applies only to the balance.

For compensation of the contribution of 1991 in the current year the following citizens can apply:

  • born before the onset of 1945 and having funds in a bank account on a previously agreed date;
  • born between 1946 and 1991 with similar financial savings.

Children's savings

1991 Children's Contribution Savings Candidates, opened by parents, for example, before they reach the age of majority, also expect to receive some compensation.

In accordance with the legislation in force at that time, the funds were paid out at the age of 16 or 18, but only subject to the obligatory condition - the minimum storage period - 10 years. This requirement is subject to representation or inheritance, i.e. Applicants will be required to provide identification papers.

In 2019 for compensation payment can apply:

Making a compensation payment assumes that the depositor or his heirs will receive the corresponding statement. The institution will not independently organize search activities.

If the heirs do not have information about the presence of savings from a deceased relative, then this information can be found at a branch of Sberbank, after sending a corresponding request.

The ruling states that when recalculating the amount return rate of 1 Soviet ruble = 1 Russian ruble. Of course, the ruble has lost a significant part of its purchasing power since 1991.

To partially “smooth out” these consequences, certain modifiers, directly dependent on how old the applicant is:

  • 3 times the nominal deposit if the citizen was born in 1945 or earlier;
  • 2 times the size, if from 1946 to 1991.

For understanding, the following example can be given: a depositor was born in 1945, and he wants to receive a compensation payment in relation to a deposit closed in 1995. By the time 1991 began, an amount of 4,500 rubles had been accumulated on the savings book. That is, a 3-fold amount and a modifier of 0.9 will be applied to the remaining finances. The total refund amount is: 4500 * 3 * 0.9 = 12150.00 rubles.

If the applicant has previously applied for compensation, then the payments made will be deducted.

The heir can calculate the due financial return using a similar formula. True, to determine the value of the modifier, it is necessary to take into account the age not of the one who opened the deposit, but of the one who inherited it. Wherein the following important factors are taken into account:

  • the year when the deposit was closed;
  • hereditary share;
  • previously received compensation, for which both the contributor and the heir could apply.

If the applicant own funds made payment for funeral services, then he can also count on compensation, even despite the lack of family ties. For the calculation, the same modifiers are used, but only the value of the total amount is limited to 6000 rubles.

See the following video about the reimbursement of these deposits:

The modern economic space of the Russian Federation contains many threats to both banking structures and depositors. The activities of financiers are closely monitored by the Central Bank. Citizens who have entrusted their savings to the institution are suffering.

Therefore, the legislation of the Russian Federation contains the principle of deposit insurance. In addition, in view of the past political and economic upheavals, people are provided with compensation on Sberbank deposits until 1991.

Where are the frozen savings

Until 1991, there were not as many banks in Russia as there are now. Citizens carried their savings to savings banks. After the crisis they were frozen. That is, citizens could not remove them and use them to meet their urgent needs. However, the authorities made sure that the depositors were returned what was lost.

Attention: payments are made by Sberbank within the framework of government decree No. 1092 dated 12/25/09.

This normative act regulates the procedure for making compensatory deductions in favor of deceived depositors. Namely:

  1. determines the list of persons to whom payments are due;
  2. Specifies the coefficients for increasing amounts on frozen accounts;
  3. limits deductions in favor of one recipient.
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Who can claim a refund in 2019-2020

Accumulations not withdrawn from bank accounts before June 20, 1991 are subject to return.

Savings made after the above date are non-refundable. In addition, the requirements of depositors who have already received payments from Sberbank as part of previous events are not taken into account.

Reference: according to the information of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, financing of measures to restore frozen savings in the period from 2017 to 2019 was carried out in the amount of 5.5 billion rubles a year. Russian President V. Putin instructed to make the final settlement of old deposits until 2020.

Citizens who fall under the following conditions can apply for compensation payments:

Hint: if the contributor died in 2001-2019, then the heir can receive 6 thousand rubles. ritual. The condition for such a payment is the balance on the account of the deceased on the specified date of more than 400 rubles. If the account had less than four hundred rubles, then a fifteenfold increase in the balance is applied.

Coefficients for determining the amount

The procedure for reimbursement of previously incurred losses implies a relationship with the closing date of the deposit. It is reflected in the table:

Attention: if the deposit is closed from June 20 to December 31, 1991, then triple or double compensation is not due.

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How to get

The legislation assumes the initiative of the owners of the frozen money or their heirs. The reversal algorithm is as follows:

  1. Check whether compensation is due in a particular case (or consult).
  2. Collect documents, including a passbook.
  3. According to the savings book, determine the Sberbank branch into which the funds were deposited.
  4. Write an application and attach the necessary papers to it.
  5. Wait for the verification to complete and receive funds.
Tip: Controversial and unclear questions can be asked by calling the free federal line.

What papers are required

The list of documents depends on the identity of the applicant. So, if the owner of the funds applies to the branch of Sberbank, then he will need:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. passbook (original).

The heirs are required to attach additionally the following papers (other than those mentioned above):

  • certifying the right of inheritance;
  • evidence that the owner has died;
  • application form for heirs;
  • own passport.
Attention: persons who have lost their citizenship of the Russian Federation or voluntarily renounced it cannot claim compensation payments.

Additional conditions for heirs

In connection with the legislative norm on the restoration of Soviet deposits only to Russians, it is necessary to prove the following facts:

  1. the deceased owner had Russian citizenship at the time of death;
  2. date of birth of the heir - earlier than 1991;
  3. he also has the citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Attention: foreign nationals cannot inherit Soviet deposits.

The formula for calculating compensation

How many people will receive in their arms, you can determine in advance. For this, the following formula is used:

B \u003d O x K x 3 - P, Where:

  • B - the required amount;
  • O - the balance indicated in the passbook (last entry);
  • K - coefficient from the table;
  • 3 - triple increase (changes to 2 if only double the amount is due);
  • P is the advance payment already received.
Hint: on the official website of Sberbank there is an online calculator that allows you to automatically calculate.

About money investment insurance

At the level of legislation, measures have been developed to protect depositors from force majeure circumstances. The main activity is called insurance bank deposits(SBV) and it is regulated federal law dated December 23, 2003 No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits in banks of the Russian Federation”. This is a procedure aimed at increasing confidence in financial institutions and the state. The fundamental principles of its functioning are as follows:

  1. Compulsory participation for all banking institutions working with citizens and individual entrepreneurs(IP).
  2. Implementation of effective modern methods reducing risks for bank customers.
  3. Availability of information about the work of the financial institution. Publication of reports and important information.
  4. Implementation of measures aimed at the formation and preservation of archival data (may be needed to determine the amount of debts to customers).
Important: all money of the population and individual entrepreneurs are insured, as well as legal entities, classified as small and medium-sized businesses, received on accounts and cards.

Such activities are carried out by a specially created deposit insurance agency (DIA).

Features of the procedure

As a rule, the technical aspects of insurance do not concern citizens. In order to protect their savings, the DIA and financial institutions interact with each other. In general, the system consists of several participants (parties):

  1. Bank of Russia;
  2. other financial organizations that carry out borrowing from the population, including individual entrepreneurs;
  3. all contributors.
Clue: insurance premiums accumulated in DIA accounts. The money is used to compensate the population for investments in banks that have fallen into force majeure circumstances.

Conditions for receiving compensation

The insurance mechanism is activated subject to certain requirements. These include the following:

  1. removal of a banking institution from the performance of professional duties by:
    • license revocation;
    • imposition of a moratorium;
  2. initiative application of the current investor or his heir on the basis of the application;
  3. availability of confirmation of the fact of the existence of savings.

Thus, the Agency begins its work after banking institution no longer legally allowed to do so. Compensation is not automatically issued to citizens. They are required to state the requirements and prove their validity.

Attention: payments to heirs are made according to the laws of inheritance (in full or in parts).

How much money will be returned

The law provides for the limitation of insurance payments. Previously, it was not allowed to issue more than 700 thousand rubles. on one account. In 2016 in regulations changes have been made:

  • the maximum for one account is 1,400,000.0 rubles;
  • a person may claim compensation for all available contributions in an amount not exceeding:
    • actually existing savings;
    • the maximum amount.

Hint: a depositor who had more than 1.4 million rubles in an account in a bankrupt bank will be able to receive the balance after completing the procedure in the general manner:

  • upon application, he will be included in the list of creditors (third priority);
  • if the funds remain after the satisfaction of the borrowers of the first and second stages, they will be returned to him.

Foreign currency deposits are subject to compensation in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank on the date of suspension of the activities of the financial institution. You can receive money in two ways:

  • in cash (except for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses);
  • transfer to an account in another credit institution(must be specified in the application).

In this case, the payment is made in the currency of the Russian Federation, and for deposits in foreign currency in rubles of the Russian Federation at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of the insured event.

How to apply for compensation

The investor must act promptly and clearly. All legal requirements must be observed in order not to be refused and not to delay the case with the return of savings.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Obtaining information about the suspension of the bank's activities.
  2. Collection of necessary documents:
    • depositors will need an agreement on opening an appropriate account (all);
    • to heirs - a document confirming the succession;
    • representatives - a notarized power of attorney.
  3. Visit to the territorial representation of the DIA in order to put forward requirements:
    • copies and originals of documents must be submitted;
    • write a statement in the prescribed form.
  4. Applications are considered within the following timeframes:
    • in three days;
    • but not earlier than two weeks after the decision to revoke the license or the moratorium comes into force.
  5. Based on the results of consideration, the client receives official information about the balance of funds in the account.
Hint: if a person does not agree with the data indicated in the certificate, then the justification for a different amount should be brought to the Agency. This takes ten working days.

Terms of circulation

Compensation payment should be applied for from the date of force majeure until the end of the bankruptcy procedure.
As a rule, there is enough time for people to get their bearings. In addition, the authorized body is obliged to publish information on the start of bankruptcy proceedings:

  • in the official publication "Bank Bulletin";
  • in writing individually to each creditor (depositor).

It is allowed to submit an application later than the time allotted by law only if there are certain circumstances that did not allow it to be done on time:

  • force majeure;
  • military service by conscription;
  • treatment of a serious illness in a hospital.
Tip: the decision to accept a claim submitted later than the deadline is made by the Agency. If necessary, it can be challenged in court.

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Not everyone remembers the events that took place in 1991. It was a very difficult time for our country. The result of those catastrophic events was a freeze, and in fact the annulment of deposits that ordinary people had been saving for years, sometimes denying themselves a lot and saving. This is not the essence of this article, but that the state allocated funds from federal budget and made adjustments to it for 2018 and in the prospective period until 2020, thus providing an opportunity for depositors to finally return their lost savings.

Full compensation for the loss, of course, will not happen, but people will receive compensation for cash deposits until 1991, but you will find out what years they receive and whether indexation will be carried out by studying this material. The government came to the conclusion that it is time to restore justice, if not in full, but in part.

Major contenders for compensation

You should not immediately move on to active actions and look for yourself in the category of applicants for a compensating deposit invested in Sberbank branches before 1991, first check where the idea of ​​compensation came from. In fact, this will not be superfluous for the depositors themselves and for their heirs, people who have little idea of ​​those troubled times.

Against the backdrop of colossal changes in the political situation associated with the collapse of such a giant as the USSR and the beginning of the formation new Russia, there was a terrible financial crisis, as a result of which the unprotected segments of the population lost their money in part or in full.

To be honest, the government has repeatedly returned to the topic of the return of lost cash deposits, but it usually did not go further than conversations. Thus, after a long period of time, the main contenders for receiving deposits will not be the persons who made them, but their heirs or other persons to whom this right applies.

For the time period from 2018 to 2020, the state intends to reimburse deposits in the amount of about 16.5 trillion rubles. The allocated funds already include the indexation factor, which was carried out in March 1991. Deposits began to be returned to people starting in 1996, but this happened extremely slowly and taking into account the maximum insecurity. First of all, payments were made to old-age pensioners with disabilities and holders of Soviet-style certificates.

It is important to realize that the return of deposits has never been among the priorities of our government. He was primarily concerned about the pressing problems that had arisen in the state. It's about the cost of medical field, salaries to state employees, etc. No need to flatter yourself and claim full compensation. This will happen gradually, in parts and not in full.

Here is a list of citizens of the main contenders for compensation payments on Sberbank investments until 1991:

  • people born before January 1, 1991 and who have open deposit in your name, which was placed with the bank until June 20 of the same year;
  • persons who received their contribution to the inheritance and were born not later than December 31, 1990;
  • persons, of a private nature, who bear the costs of the funeral of depositors, they will receive compensation regardless of age.

If you find yourself on this list, it means that you are eligible for compensation.