Russian pension fund. PFR personal account

Pension Fund Russian Federation created to provide social services to citizens of the Russian Federation, founded in 1990. The functions of this organization include determining the amount, appointment and payment of pensions, social benefits to veterans and the disabled, funds maternity capital, collection and accounting of funds for compulsory pension insurance.

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation official website - Main page

In the top line of the site, the user needs to select his region from the drop-down list so that the site pages display relevant information for him. The header contains the main menu, which contains the sections "About the Pension Fund", "Press Center", "Electronic Services", "Contacts and Addresses". Below are two more sections - "Citizens" and "Insurers", which contain sub-items addressed to different social categories of the population.

News of the PFR branch in Moscow

News is displayed in the body of the main page. Below is a strip of popular services.

Popular Services

At the very bottom of the page there are useful links and icons of social networks to go to groups and accounts of the Pension Fund.

The first section of the site menu contains information about the executive directorate and department of the selected city. Here, users can also view the public annual reports of the Pension Fund for the past years.

Annual report

The "Press Center" section introduces news and publications. Page "Contacts and addresses of the Branch in Moscow and the Moscow region." contains the phone numbers of all City Pension Fund Departments, and on the Online Consulting page, several ways are offered to contact the Pension Fund for advice: by phone, by sending a message, using Internet video communication.

Contacts - Counseling Center

In the "Electronic Services" section, citizens and policyholders can use online services to speed up service and obtain information.

Electronic Services

By filling out an application for an appointment, you can save your time and choose the most convenient day for you to contact the PF authority.

Pre-registration for an appointment

For the convenience of making payments, you can pre-fill and print payment documents.

Generation of payment documents

Employers will find useful programs here and can download them for free. Personal accounts have been created for payers and insured persons.

Retirement Calculator

When the user selects one of the items in the "Citizens" or "Insurers" section in the menu, for example, the item "For future pensioners", several links to sections with information intended for this category of citizens appear in the same window. Here they can learn about the types of pensions and additional payments, pension savings, get acquainted with the glossary of terms.

Citizens - Future pensioners - How the future pension is formed and calculated

Pensioners will be able to explain many points for themselves in their own section. In addition to issues of indexation, recalculation of pensions, deductions and compensations, issues related to teaching the older generation to work on a computer and on the Internet are covered here.

January 27, 2020 , State and municipal services The list of state and municipal services, which are provided on a one-stop basis, has been expanded Resolution of January 24, 2020 No. 40, order of January 24, 2020 No. 91-r.

January 23, 2020 About the Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Order dated January 22, 2020 No. 66-r

September 30, 2019 , Pension provision The government submitted to the State Duma a bill on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022 Order dated September 30, 2019 No. 2212-r. The Fund's income for 2020 is projected at 8,923.8 billion rubles, for 2021 - 9,296.5 billion rubles, for 2022 - 9,720.8 billion rubles. Expenses for 2020 are provided in the amount of 9042.3 billion rubles, for 2021 - 9325 billion rubles, for 2022 - 9702.3 billion rubles.

December 11, 2018 , Pension provision Tatyana Golikova took part in the meeting of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia On the agenda: the results of the fund's work in 2018 and tasks for the development of the pension system in the medium term.

November 28, 2018 , Pension provision The President of Russia signed the federal law on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021, developed by the Government Federal Law of November 28, 2018 No. 432-FZ. The draft federal law was submitted to the State Duma by Government Decree No. 2072-r dated September 29, 2018. In accordance with the Federal Law, the Fund's income for 2019 is projected at 8,612.7 billion rubles, for 2020 - 8,995.5 billion rubles, for 2021 - 9,294.3 billion rubles. Expenses for 2019 are provided in the amount of 8635.9 billion rubles, for 2020 - 9017.4 billion rubles, for 2021 - 9328.1 billion rubles.

October 3, 2018 , Pension provision The President of Russia signed the Federal Law on expanding the list of Pension Fund budget revenues Federal Law of October 3, 2018 No. 351-FZ. The federal law includes the confiscated cash, received as a result of committing corruption offences, funds from the sale of confiscated property obtained as a result of committing corruption offences.

September 29, 2018 , Pension provision On the submission to the State Duma of a bill on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021 Order dated September 29, 2018 No. 2072-r. The Fund's income for 2019 is projected at 8,612.7 billion rubles, for 2020 - 8,995.5 billion rubles, for 2021 - 9,294.3 billion rubles. Expenses for 2019 are provided in the amount of 8635.9 billion rubles, for 2020 - 9017.4 billion rubles, for 2021 - 9328.1 billion rubles.

March 30, 2018 , Pension provision About official reviews Governments on bills on improving the mechanism for the transition of insured persons from one pension fund to another or to the Pension Fund of Russia The amendments introduced to the legislation provide for informing the insured persons about possible financial losses in case of early change of the insurer for compulsory pension insurance, as well as the procedure for terminating the compulsory pension insurance agreement on the initiative of the insured person before it comes into force. In addition, it is planned to create an administrative platform of the Bank of Russia, through which non-state pension funds, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia will be informed about newly concluded agreements and the termination of previously concluded agreements.

December 5, 2017 , Pension provision The President of Russia signed the federal law on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020 developed by the Government Federal Law of December 5, 2017 No. 363-FZ. The draft federal law was submitted to the State Duma by Government Decree No. 2079-r dated September 29, 2017. The Fund's income for 2018 is projected in the amount of 8333.3 billion rubles, for 2019 and 2020 - 8621.01 billion rubles and 8935.4 billion rubles, respectively. Expenses for 2018 are provided in the amount of 8439.9 billion rubles, for 2019 - 8694.8 billion rubles, for 2020 - 8980 billion rubles.

November 27, 2017 , Pension provision The President of Russia signed the federal law developed by the Government on changes in the budget of the Pension Fund for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019 Federal Law of November 27, 2017 No. 329-FZ. The draft federal law was submitted to the State Duma by Government Decree No. 2312-r dated October 20, 2017. The federal law corrects the main parameters of the budget of the Pension Fund for 2017 in connection with the clarification of indicators of the socio-economic development of Russia. In particular, an increase in the payroll fund by 507 billion rubles is forecasted and, accordingly, an increase in insurance premiums, as a result of which a decrease in the volume of budget appropriations to provide an inter-budgetary transfer for mandatory pension insurance in the amount of 30 billion rubles.

October 24, 2017 , Pension provision On the submission to the State Duma of a draft law on changes in the budget of the Pension Fund for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019 Order dated October 20, 2017 No. 2312-r. In connection with the increase in the volume of insurance premiums planned to be received by the Pension Fund in 2017 for the payment of insurance pensions, the draft law provides for a decrease in the amount of funds federal budget transferred to the Fund's budget in the form of an interbudgetary transfer for compulsory pension insurance in 2017 by 30 billion rubles (up to 959.1 billion rubles).

October 16, 2017 , Pension provision The President of Russia signed the Federal Law on the execution of the budget of the Pension Fund for 2016, developed by the Government Federal Law of October 16, 2017 No. 288-FZ. The draft federal law was submitted to the State Duma by Government Decree No. 1124-r dated May 30, 2017. In accordance with the Federal Law, budget revenues of the Pension Fund for 2016 amounted to 7,625.2 billion rubles, including 3,352.2 billion rubles from interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget, while expenses amounted to 7,829.7 billion rubles. Pension fund budget for reporting period executed with a deficit of 204.4 billion rubles. September 7, 2017 , Pension provision On the submission to the State Duma of a draft law on the execution of the budget of the Pension Fund for 2016 Order dated May 30, 2017 No. 1124-r. The actual implementation of the budget of the Pension Fund for 2016 amounted to 7,625.2 billion rubles in terms of income and 7,829.7 billion rubles in terms of expenses. The average old-age insurance pension at the beginning of 2017 amounted to 13,172 rubles. The average social pension amounted to 8645 rubles.


Today, state and non-state pension funds are full of headlines in various newspapers. The so-called "silent people" are in the state pension fund, despite the state's call to withdraw from it. There are a huge number of people who cannot make a choice in favor of one or another non-state pension fund, but they definitely do not want to be in the state. For them, the text below will be very useful.

Today, those who left their pension savings in the state pension fund are at risk of losing them. This is due to the fact that the accrual of annual interest is much lower than the rate of inflation. All funds are in Vnesheconombank, which does not compensate for the losses of its silent depositors if it suffers losses. However, despite these shortcomings, no one can guarantee that non-state pension funds will fulfill their obligations in a few decades.

The State Pension Fund performs whole line important functions. It takes everything into account insurance premiums, who come under compulsory pension insurance, assigns the amount of pensions to citizens, depending on various factors, assigns social benefits, interacts with employers of the Russian Federation, issues certificates for receipt, is engaged in a state co-financing program and much more. Thus, in order not to be scattered and to minimize the costs of the PFR, it was decided to establish NPFs. This made it possible to more reasonably distribute funds to management companies, which began to bring more profit than Vnesheconombank.

Today, a huge number of non-state pension funds operate in Russia. In order to make the right choice, there are several sites that list the ratings of the largest funds. Based on this information, you can make a choice in favor of one of them.

The main tasks of the NPF are to preserve and increase the funds received from non-state participants, as well as to make a profit for their fund. NPFs earn by investing in securities accredited management companies. As a rule, these are 2-5 organizations between which funds are distributed. This provides high percent customer profitability, and high level reliability.

In the event that the NPF suffers losses, it reimburses them to its authorized capital paying dividends to clients. Vnesheconombank distributes the loss among all depositors. In addition, the interest offered by NPFs is much higher than the inflation rate. That is, you can count on receiving a decent pension when you reach retirement age. If, suddenly, the NPF goes bankrupt, all your funds are transferred back to the state pension fund. That is, you have nothing to lose.

In addition, the receipt of a pension upon reaching retirement age may vary. So funds can be received at a time or divided into monthly payments. In the event of your death, relatives will freely be able to take the rest of the funds from the fund, which the state pension fund does not allow.

Thus, the benefits of cooperation with non-state pension funds are obvious. However, we should not forget that we all live in Russia. It is imperative to follow the legislative process in order to maneuver in time and get the maximum profit by reaching retirement age.

Retirement savings make life much easier in old age, when strength is no longer the same, health has weakened, and work is not as easy as before. The state takes care of the socially unprotected segments of the population, including pensioners.

Therefore, future capital consists of two parts: accumulative and insurance. The last component is a mandatory share, which is due to absolutely every citizen without exception. Let him not even work in his life, then the pension will be equal to that established for the region. And the funded part is formed by deducting 6% of wages worker. Employers pay contributions for their employees.

The Pension Fund of Russia is a state pension and savings organization that provides social guarantees to citizens. There are also those who are not commercial organizations. With their help, you can not only save, but also increase your money earned over a lifetime. there are a lot of them in Russia, even though about a third of all participants left the market over the past year.

The amount that has accumulated over many years can only be used upon reaching the retirement age; for some categories of workers, this age differs from the standard age in the country - 60 years for men and 55 years for women. Or you can divide the entire capital into monthly payments by adding it to . In order to determine where to all the same direct your savings, so as not to miscalculate and, possibly, even earn money, you need to understand the essence of state and non-state pension funds.

Non-state institutions

The market of non-state pension funds in our country is quite young, so it has not yet been fully formed. Sharp metamorphoses, mergers, revocation of licenses, bankruptcies - all this happens quite often so far. However, there are strong market participants, stable and reliable funds with well-known names and loud ratings. But all in order, let's start with the regulatory framework.

NPF appeared on Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1077 "On non-state pension funds" dated September 16, 1992. This document entered into force as a law, because it was adopted during the economic reforms within the emergency powers of the President. In the next 2 years, about 350 such organizations were created, and the Inspectorate of Non-State Pension Funds was established to control and license their activities. To date, it has already been abolished.

By 1997 on Russian market 252 NPFs functioned. For ten years, this area was relatively stable, but with the advent of 2008, the funds began hastily self-liquidating, mergers and other processes took place, sharply reducing the number of market participants. It was all about the world economic crisis, savings of citizens did not increase, and sometimes even decreased due to unsuccessful investment by funds.

After these events, in 2016 the Russian Government considered a draft law on compensating NPF clients for losses due to investments in low-quality and unreliable firms. Compensation falls on the shoulders of shareholders, who must report lost funds to the accounts of depositors.

Varieties and principle of operation

According to the nature of the types of funds, one can distinguish 4 main types:

Concerning operating principles NPF, everything is pretty transparent here. The attracted client concludes a pension insurance contract, then the fund, similarly to the state fund, accumulates funds in the citizen's account for some time specified in the contract. Savings are made periodically, monthly, voluntarily by the client or through the employer. Funds are invested in various projects, firms, corporations, events and other economically beneficial phenomena. And the profit (in the amount specified in the contract) is regularly transferred to the individual personal account of the depositor.

Since the competition between NPFs is quite rich, and there are many firms on the domestic market, it is difficult for many to make the right choice, not to miscalculate.

Therefore, it is worth briefly main criteria the most successful and attractive fund:

  • reliability (long existence in the market);
  • profitability (data are quarterly published on official websites);
  • publicity (regular coverage of events, the dynamics of the fund, the names of the founders, shareholders, contributors);
  • convenience of service hotline, ergonomic site, competent consultants in offices, etc.);
  • reputation (the presence of large financial and industrial organizations as founders, the dynamics of whose activities have been assessed as positive for many years).

Advantages and disadvantages

As advantages of NPF the following features can be listed:

Without cons here, unfortunately, it didn't work:

  1. It is not possible to withdraw all savings at once. NPF pays money quarterly or every month.
  2. The deposit currency is rubles, the issuance is also made only in them. To prevent the depreciation of savings lying in the fund for a long time, the organization's income should not be less than the current inflation rate.
  3. The accumulative part is subject to taxation.
  4. Inexperience and insufficient level of reliability of many NPFs.

State organization

The only state pension fund in our country is the PFR.

It operates on the basis of The federal law"On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" No. 167-FZ dated December 15, 2001. The founding date of the PFR is December 22, 1990, when the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR was adopted.

Employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation maintain personalized records in the system. This means that all data about employers addressed to a particular employee is reflected in the individual personal account of a citizen, which is regulated by Federal Law No. 27. For identification, a future pensioner is given out at the beginning of his labor activity (or even earlier, in childhood itself).

Functions performed by the FIU:

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as a full-fledged federal institution, has undeniable advantages:

  1. The funded system makes it possible to gradually increase the amount of your future pension.
  2. A high degree of reliability of the fund: it will not disappear, will not close, will not burn out, will not go bankrupt. The state will always keep the PFR afloat, regardless of the state of the economy and the presence of any crises.

However, there are also some shortcomings:

Distinctive features

The primary difference between the PFR is that it accountable solely to the state and included in budget system Russia. And the NPF, on the contrary, is a private organization, however, such a paradox can be observed when a controlling stake in a certain NPF is held by a state corporation. It is this factor that determines when investing. pension savings.

Goals, tasks and ways their implementation by NPFs and PFRs is identical, and in addition to providing for the elderly, non-state structures can also provide other categories of the population.

Founder FIU is the State Management Company, investing is due to her alone. And NPFs have the right to interact with at least one, at least with several management companies. The name of the promoter is, in most cases, the deciding factor for clients in determining the right candidate for the formation of future benefits.

The difference in the work of state and non-state organizations is discussed in the following video:

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (abbreviated name - PRF) is the largest organization in Russia engaged in the provision of socially significant public services to citizens of the Russian Federation.

This fund was established in 1990 in accordance with the resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR No. 442-1 "On the organization of the Pension Fund of the RSFSR".

The main goal of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is public administration means of the pension system and ensuring the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to pensions.

Like other organizations in the country, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has its own official website, which provides complete information about the fund.

It should be noted that in addition to the Russian version of the Pension Fund, the official website also has an English version. There is also a version for visually impaired users. You can see the relevant links at the top of the web resource.

Before you begin to familiarize yourself with the materials of the site, you should select the appropriate region. This will allow you to get acquainted with the most relevant information specifically for your region.

The PRF official website contains the main menu, which includes four tabs: "About the Pension Fund", "Press Center", "Electronic Services", "Contacts and Addresses".

So, the first tab will allow you to get acquainted with general information about the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, its socially significant functions, leadership, history. It also reflects information related to international cooperation, co-financing of the PFR social programs subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as available vacancies.

The second tab of the main menu of the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is devoted to the materials of the press center. Here you can find speeches and interviews, videos, PFR newspapers, information and explanatory materials. Here you can also subscribe to the newsletter.

Particular attention should be paid to the "Electronic Services" tab. Here you can get acquainted with the services that can be obtained electronically without the need to register on the PRF website, as well as services that require an account. The former include such services as making an appointment, ordering certificates and documents, searching for customer service, referral of an appeal, an online question, a pension calculator and the formation of a payment document.

The services that require registration on the site include services related to pensions, social benefits, maternity (family) capital, the formation of pension rights, the management of pension savings, as well as those that are addressed to citizens living abroad. All this will become possible after registration and gaining access to the citizen's personal account.

It also provides information related to the insured's account (payer's account), to familiarize yourself with it, just select the appropriate tab. This cabinet is intended for all categories of payers of insurance premiums for mandatory pension and health insurance what are the organizations individual entrepreneurs and individuals making payments and other rewards individuals, as well as individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries involved in private practice and not making payments and other remuneration to individuals, that is, being self-employed payers.

The last tab of the main menu, which the official website of the Pension Fund has, is dedicated to contact information. Here you can get acquainted with the contacts of the Executive Directorate of the PFR, the Office for Work with Appeals of Citizens, Insured Persons, Organizations and Insurers, the Department for pension provision persons residing abroad, the Office of State Pensions for Civil Servants and the press service. Here you can also visit the PFR online reception, where you can send a request electronically to the Pension Fund of Russia on any issue within its competence.

In order to find the necessary materials on the official website of an organization such as the FRF Pension Fund, you can use the search bar presented at the top of the web resource. Here you will need to enter a request, after which, if necessary, mark such items as sections of the site, PFR branches, publication time, number of results per page. All this will allow you to provide information that best suits your needs.

The main page of the official website also contains tabs combined into two thematic blocks, the first of which is addressed to citizens (pensioners, federal beneficiaries, the disabled, future pensioners, MSC recipients), the second - to policyholders (employers and self-employed people). All you need to get acquainted with the necessary information is to follow one of the links provided.

Also on the main page of the official web resource of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation there is information about mobile application, available for iOS and Android platforms and allowing you to use the key features presented in the Personal Account of the site.

Also, the main news of the Pension Fund is placed directly on the main page of the web resource. To get acquainted with other news materials, just select the "Other news" link, where you can specify the appropriate year and month of publications.

It is also worth paying attention to the lower part of the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which displays links to legislation, open data, public services PRF, anti-corruption information, as well as useful links and a site map.

There are also such tabs as "Life situations", "Calculate pension points for 2017", "Citizen's personal account", "Counseling Center", "Pension calculator", "Federal Register of Disabled Persons" and "Insurant's Office".

If you wish, you can also leave feedback about the operation of the site, for which you need to use the appropriate tab provided on the right side of the web resource.