Can I spend maternity capital. Use of maternity capital: what to spend money on? Mother's funded pension

The current state maternity capital program has been extended for four years - new law started working on January 1, 2018. In December, the Russian government decided that it was not going to index the MSC until the end of 2019, its amount remains the same - 453,026 rubles. If you have already received a certificate, but still have not decided where to invest maternal capital, hurry up. The sooner you write an application for paying for the destinations you have chosen, the less you will lose due to the inevitable rise in prices. Moreover, since the new year, more ways have appeared to dispose of maternity capital and there is even one option with cashing out.

How best to invest maternity capital

Important! Matkapital is not a bundle of money, but a state certificate that gives the right to spend it. You are applying to Pension Fund- it directs finances to the goals you have chosen.

Maternal family capital (MSK) can be invested - in whole or in parts - only in the following options:

  1. improve living conditions;
  2. give children an education;
  3. put on the payment of a monthly allowance - an option in which it is permissible to cash out MSCs; it is intended only for low-income families;
  4. buy products for the adaptation and socialization of children with disabilities;
  5. transfer to the funded part of the future pension for the mother.

1. How to invest maternity capital in improving the quality of housing

Important to remember! You can immediately use the money, if we are talking about a mortgage - to pay off the main debt or pay the first installment. In other housing improvement situations, you will have to wait until the youngest child is 3 years old.

If you are going to invest MSC in order to acquire an apartment or a house, you must submit a sales contract and an extract from the USRN to the FIU. Also, money can be invested in the construction or reconstruction of the so-called object of individual housing construction. IZHS is a detached building no higher than 3 floors, intended for one family. You will need papers giving the right to use the land, and a building permit.

For the construction / reconstruction of a dwelling, hire builders or do everything yourself. In the second option, the money will be issued in 2 stages - half immediately, and the rest in six months, when you prove that the work has been done. If the housing was built earlier, the mother capital will allow you to compensate for the costs, but you need to provide a contract confirming the work done.

Maternal capital is the state's assistance to families in which a second, third and further baby has appeared. Mothers who have given birth or adopted a child are entitled to the payment, provided that no documents for issuing a certificate were submitted before the child appeared in the family. The funds received can only be used for the purposes provided for by law.

What is maternity capital

In Russia, this financial assistance has been paid since 2006. The cash benefit is aimed at supporting childhood and motherhood. Despite economic crisis, the government decided on the need to extend the state program. In many areas, two types of maternity capital are issued:

  • regional;
  • federal.

The national certificate is valid throughout the country, and in 2018 its amount is 453 thousand 26 rubles. The regional allowance is issued by the administration of the regions to residents registered in their territory.

Help for families

Important! Regional capital is not issued in all regions of the country. Each region has its own rules for issuing a local certificate. In particular, in the Rostov region governor's program financial support is aimed at poor families in which the third baby was born.

How to use maternity capital

The state allows the received finances to be disposed of when the born baby turns 3 years old. If the child was adopted, the allowance will be used only three years after the documentary confirmation of his transfer to the family.

What can mate capital be used for? Ways to use the received funds are permitted and illegal.

How can maternity capital be used

Money can be directed:

  • for the purchase of housing;
  • for the expansion of living space;
  • paying for children's education;
  • treatment and adaptation of a sick child;
  • mother's pension.

Buying an apartment (house)

The money can be used to buy a home. Each family member will receive their share of the acquired property. The state program provides that the family has the right to buy:

  • apartment;
  • share in the dwelling.

Important! Real estate purchased for maternity capital must be habitable.

A family can buy a second home or a new building. Cannot be purchased:

  • unfinished house;
  • unheated housing;
  • share in a one-room apartment;
  • housing located in a special fund.

Important! To confirm solvency, when making an act of buying and selling real estate, buyers present a certificate for maternity capital. Money is not cashed out, it is transferred by the pension fund to the seller after confirmation of the legitimacy of the transaction.

An encumbrance is imposed on the contract of sale of a dwelling until the moment of payment for the purchase. Until the money is credited to the seller's account, the home will be in a mortgage. After the finances have been transferred in full, the person who sold the residential premises to the family must, as soon as possible, at the nearest branch public service"My Documents".

You can buy a house with your mother's money

Improvement of living conditions

The family has the right to spend money received from the state for the reconstruction of living space. A private house can be rebuilt or renovated. After the work living space should be increased:

  • the attic was rebuilt under the attic and households. rooms for children's bedrooms;
  • new rooms have been built.

Maternity capital can be spent on the reconstruction or repair of the house with a mandatory increase in living space. During the reconstruction, you can start a new one capital construction to expand the house, convert the attic into an attic and carry out other work aimed at expanding the living space.

Construction work can be done on your own or hire specialists. All money is transferred to the builders in full immediately after the conclusion of the contract. If the construction of the house will be carried out by the family itself, then only half of the funds will be credited to the account. Remaining finances government bodies will allow to use only six months later, after receiving evidence of the construction done during this period.

If the house was already built at the time of obtaining the certificate, the maternity capital can compensate for the costs incurred for its construction.

Important! The dwelling must be erected after 2007.

Loans, loans and mortgages under maternity capital

Credit operations related to the use of maternity capital should be directed to the acquisition or improvement of housing. With funds received from the state, you can repay a loan previously taken to purchase a home.

You can not use maternity money to repay loans and borrowings taken from the bank for the purchase of:

  • land;
  • car;
  • education.

Maternity capital can be directly used to pay for the education of children.

Home equity loans can be provided by:

  • microfinance organizations;
  • banks;
  • consumer cooperatives.

Important! Purchased housing must fully meet the requirements of the Pension Fund and the bank. The sale and purchase transaction can be executed after the approval of the property by both organizations.

The funds can be used to pay off an existing loan taken to purchase a home. The money will be transferred to the bank within 14 days. After that, the credit institution will recalculate the residual amount of the debt, after which monthly payment will decrease significantly.

When making mortgage loan the following difficulties may arise:

  • the selected housing must be inspected by an inspector of the FIU. If it is deemed uninhabitable, a new option will have to be sought;
  • issuance of the certificate takes 2 months. So that sellers do not have to wait for the issuance of a document, you need to start looking for suitable housing after receiving it;
  • the bank may refuse a family with a non-working mother and small children. During maternity leave total income falls heavily, if possible, it is worth waiting for the baby to go to kindergarten and mom will be able to return to her workplace.

Payment for education

The money can be spent on paying for the education of children in any Russian educational organization, which has state accreditation and licenses:

  • nursery;
  • kindergartens;
  • schools;
  • colleges;
  • Universities.

Payment is made after signing an agreement with an educational institution by transferring money to the account of the service provider. Maternity capital can be spent on the education of several children.

Transfer of funds to the pension account

The money of maternity capital, in whole or in part, on the order of the mother of the children, can be aimed at accumulating her pension. The funds are transferred to a management company or to a non-state pension fund chosen by the woman at her own discretion.

Allocation of shares of children and husband when using mat capital

Each family member has the right to his share of residential real estate acquired with maternity capital.

Share allocation agreement

Equal property of the father, mother and children is approved by law. Parents have no right to challenge the property rights of children. The redistribution of property purchased with the money of maternity capital is impossible. Parents have the right to give their share to their children.

Important! If at the time of the purchase of housing the family officially broke up, the husband loses the right to a share even in cases where the certificate was received before the divorce. When making an order with the funds of the MC by the mother of the children, it is enough to submit to the FIU. In an incomplete family, all children and mothers have the right to a share.

Fraud and scams with mother capital

The certificate cannot be cashed, the money is transferred to the sellers of the purchased housing or organizations:

  • construction;
  • educational;
  • medical.

The schemes of scammers offering cash for a mother's certificate are quite complex. As a result of such a transaction, the family loses up to 25% of the funds of the MK, which are used to pay for illegal services.

Fraud with mat capital

Law enforcement agencies have established the most common associated with MK:

  • exchange certificate for cash;
  • receipt of state assistance by persons who do not have the right to it;
  • government manipulation.

Fraudulent activities with maternity capital are prosecuted by law

The family has the right to decide which of the ways to use Money suits her best. The main thing is that the funds should be directed to the correct directions provided for by law, and for this you need to know how you can use maternity capital legally. Fraudsters for the use of forged documents and other fraud face prison terms and fines.

Maternal capital (MK) is the state material support provided to the family, outstanding after the birth and subsequent children. All issues related to MK are regulated by the Law “On Measures of State Support for Families with Children” No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

The program was introduced in 2007, when the amount of the payment was 250 thousand rubles It has been indexed annually and by 2020 has increased by 80%. Now its value is 453 026 r.

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The last time the payment was increased by 5.5% was in January 2020. After that, the government did not change it, referring to the difficult financial and economic situation in the country.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has developed a draft law, according to which the indexation of this payment is suspended until 2020.

Main conditions

Having received money, it is important to dispose of them wisely. In Russia, there are a sufficient number of options for what maternity capital can be spent on.

The state allows the use of financial assistance in the following areas:

  • return of credits and loans.

The most common ways to use MC are as follows:

  • sale;
  • transfer to a pension fund;
  • payment for education;
  • obtaining a loan or mortgage;
  • housing improvement.

In the future, the authorities plan to expand the directions on how to use MK.

In particular, for the following purposes:

  • purchase of a car;
  • purchase of medicines, treatment of children with serious illnesses using high-tech methods;
  • development of subsidiary farming - for rural residents;
  • purchase of furniture, appliances, other goods with a long service life;
  • coverage of health resort expenses;
  • purchase of technical devices for children with disabilities.

In some regions of the country, the above methods are already being applied. So, in the Ivanovo region, money under the certificate can be spent on designated tasks from the date the document is received.

Order directions

Maternity capital funds can be spent in full or in parts in the following areas:

Home Improvement
  • construction (purchase) of a dwelling or house;
  • individual housing construction(IZHS) or reconstruction without the involvement of a third-party organization;
  • reimbursement of expenses for individual housing construction or reconstruction;
  • down payment for the purchase or construction of housing when applying for a loan;
  • payment of debt and interest on housing loans;
  • entrance fee for participation in housing cooperatives.
Child's education
  • accommodation in a hostel of an educational institution;
  • payment for the services of a Russian educational institution;
  • payment for the maintenance of the offspring in and school;
  • payment for sports and development sections and courses.
Formation of funded pension
  • The application is submitted by the mother to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) at the address of residence or a non-state pension fund. In it, it reflects the goals and amount of expenses.
  • The document can be submitted before May 1, then the money can be spent starting from July 1 of the same year. If the application is made in the interval from May 2 to October 1, then the funds can be used in the first half of the next year.

Citizens are concerned about the question: is it possible to receive money on a certificate in cash? Cashing them out is prohibited by law. Any such fraud is illegal. They are regarded as a crime in terms of misappropriation of public funds.

The list of the use of MK funds is expected to be expanded in the future. In many regions of the Russian Federation, a regional MK is being introduced, additional to the federal one. Along with the existing ones, local authorities may offer other options for spending it. For example, to buy a car, land, treatment.

It is important to know that the MC funds allocated for the funded pension can be redirected to other purposes at any time before the date of granting the pension: purchase of housing, education of children

What can the owner spend maternity capital on?

In 2020, it is planned to approve new directions for the use of MC at the legislative level. The government wants the introduced spending targets to be more in demand than the existing ones.


In 2020, deputies advocated for amendments to the Law. Their essence is the opportunity to invest MC funds in a deposit. Many citizens would like to take advantage of this. Along with indexation, it would be possible to receive income and increase the initial amount. However, the proposed innovations have not yet been adopted.

The education of children and the addition to the funded pension cannot be considered worthy investments. Investing in housing is the most profitable option. Real estate is always valued, so its acquisition is the most profitable option for spending money. The funds of the certificate will be a good help in buying the desired living space.

MK can be spent in parts, unused funds will be indexed according to general rules.


Most families spend MC on housing. This is a simple procedure, but it requires compliance with a number of conditions.

You can improve your living conditions in the following ways:

  • buy an apartment immediately;
  • apply for a loan for the purchase of housing;
  • build a new house;
  • refurbish an existing home.

If the family has a home loan or takes a loan for similar purposes, the funds of the certificate can be used immediately after the birth of the baby. In other cases, you will have to wait for them to reach the age of three.

The acquired property should not be dilapidated or emergency.

The money is transferred to the seller after the paperwork is completed in Rosreestr and the expenses are approved by the Pension Fund. Sometimes its employees, in the interests of children, go to the acquired object in order to inspect and check its suitability for living.

To spend MK funds on mutual settlements with the seller of the apartment, you need to visit the FIU at the place of residence. The owner of the certificate must apply for the disposal of money.

Apply to it:

  • passport with a residence permit of the child's parents;
  • certificate for MK;
  • SNILS;
  • housing contracts registered with Rosreestr: purchases, mortgages, credit, etc.;
  • a copy of the property document, if available;
  • paper on the provision of a loan (for a mortgage);
  • an obligation to allocate shares to family members, certified by a notary.

With a positive decision, the PFR will transfer the money to the account specified in the contract within two months.

In order to avoid problems, you should consult with the FIU employees in advance about what to do to receive money under the certificate. Employees will answer the question about the purchased housing, possible causes refusal to pay, in addition, they will help to correctly draw up a contract.

You can buy a room with MK's funds. However, this should be a separate area, and not a share in the apartment. It must be issued with a separate certificate of ownership. That is, a room is allowed to be purchased in a communal apartment or in a private house.

You cannot buy housing in a building that has the status of a hostel. This area is considered specialized and cannot be alienated (Article 92 of the LC RF).


Housing conditions can be improved with MC funds.

There are some nuances here:

  • money can be used from the age of three;
  • money is transferred to the recipient directly from the FIU;
  • a share in the new housing must be registered in the ownership of the child;
  • the apartment or house must be located on Russian territory.

You can take out a mortgage with capital money. To do this, you need a contract of sale and mortgage lending, a document of ownership of housing. At this option money is transferred to the bank until the baby is three years old.

MK can be spent on building or increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, repairing it, and purchasing building materials. Half of the funds will be reimbursed by the Pension Fund after the presentation of papers confirming the costs. The rest is transferred to the person leading the construction after presenting them with documents evidencing the improvement of housing.

When registering home ownership, the shares of children are taken into account. This is specified in the relevant agreement. At the request of the mother, the money from the certificate can be transferred to the formation of her funded pension.

It is allowed to sell MK to pay for the education of offspring: kindergarten, school, institute. The educational institution is chosen by the family independently. It is allowed to pay for the education of any of the children. The only restriction is that the child must not be older than 25 years of age at the time of the start of studies.

MK can be spent on all purposes approved by law, and in addition, it can be divided, implemented in stages, not spent at all, this is all the right of a woman


Usage family capital buying a car has positive aspects:

  • the issue of movement of families with children is solved;
  • villagers, personal transport will help eliminate the problem medical care, education for children, purchase of necessary goods, etc.;
  • work in a taxi is available;
  • sales growth and support for the domestic auto industry.

Families can use capital without investing additional funds, because the cost of a car is commensurate with the amount according to the certificate. The above facts confirm the convenience of having a car in the family. Its presence improves the standard of living.

Purchasing a car with a certificate also has its downsides. The risk of cashing out the document and reselling the car increases. The purchased car can be stolen or rendered unusable. There may be technical faults. The authorities will not be able to track how the car purchased in this way is used.

Today, the approved spending options for MK do not involve the purchase of a car. For many families, especially those with many children, the availability of this type of transport would make everyday life easier.

You can't buy a car illegally. The FIU handles the money. They go to the bank account of the respective organization. It is impossible to receive the amount of the certificate on hand.

The deputies put forward a proposal to make the purchase of the car in the MK program. The car is the property of all family members. It must be domestic and not registered. The proposal was made in 2009, 2011, 2020, but not a single bill was approved.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • the interests of children are not taken into account, since transport cannot be issued for them;
  • a car can have a different value, which allows you to exchange money and, if there is a shortage, make an additional amount;
  • an illegal transaction deprives the family of payments and provides for criminal penalties for fraud.

It is not allowed to officially purchase a car with a certificate. This possibility was established only by certain regions. For example, Rostov, Ulyanovsk, Kaliningrad regions.

You can issue an MC at the FIU at the place of residence. To do this, you will need to prepare a package of documents, their list for buying a car can be obtained from the specialists of an authorized organization.

Usually required:

  • statement;
  • copies of documents on the birth or adoption of children;
  • loan agreement;
  • certificate of the balance of the debt (for a car in installments).

The papers will be reviewed within a month. The foundation will then notify the family in writing of the results. If the outcome is negative, the refusal is argued. Buying a car with a certificate is allowed only in those regions where it is allowed. You can spend half of the money on building a house, and the rest on a car.

What does the new provision say?

According to the new regulation, from the beginning of 2020, a new direction for spending the funds of the MC has been introduced. It consists in compensating the costs of adaptation in the society of children with disabilities under the age of three. The government has established a list of technical means, measures for the treatment and rehabilitation of children.

Currently, for everyday expenses, you can get 20 thousand rubles from MK. The payment is made once. The state does not establish a list of what maternity capital issued in cash can be spent on. You do not need to confirm the spending of this amount. The money is transferred by the FIU to the mother's account at her request.

The rules for submitting a document and a list of required papers are contained in the Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 251n of 04/27/2015.

Prohibitions in the rules

Refusal to issue a certificate for MK can be on the following grounds:

  • mother or older offspring do not have Russian citizenship;
  • the woman was deprived of parental rights to the last baby or children preceding the child for which the certificate is issued;
  • providing the Pension Fund with inaccurate data on the order of birth of babies;

If you refuse to issue a document for MK, you should contact the higher authority of the PFR or the court.

The received MK cannot be spent on the following needs:

  • acquisition of real estate abroad;
  • purchase of land;
  • purchase of building materials;
  • payment of loans other than mortgages;
  • repayment of rent debt;
  • treatment;

The introduction of the social program "Maternal Family Capital" is a great help from the State to families with two or more children. Already almost half of the people who received a certificate for mother capital spent it. It is very important to know about legal options for using family wealth.

Use of maternity capital to improve housing conditions

The majority of people want to spend their maternity capital on improving their living conditions. An important condition for this legal option for using a family certificate is that the selected property must be located in Russia. You can spend these funds in the following areas:

  • buying and building a house (on your own or with the help of contractors);
  • reconstruction or construction of individual housing construction (or cost compensation);
  • down payment when taking a loan, loan for the purchase or construction of housing;
  • debt repayment (including payment of interest) on loans and credits for the purchase and construction of a house or apartment;
  • equity purchase of real estate.

Important information is the fact that family capital for improving housing conditions can be used when the child for whom it is received reaches the age of 3 years. But there is an exception - it is possible to use these funds for a down payment, payment of a loan for the purchase or construction of housing, regardless of the age of the child.

Mortgage repayment

One of the legal options for using a family certificate is the ability to use maternity capital to pay off a loan or mortgage loan. According to the Legislation, such state assistance can be directed to:

  • payment down payment;
  • repayment of principal debt;
  • payment of interest.

Now it is allowed to take mortgage loans only in banks or credit cooperatives, but not in microfinance organizations. But this does not apply to previously concluded agreements. A big advantage of buying a home on a mortgage is the ability to spend family capital immediately after receiving a certificate, without waiting for the second child to be three years old.

Capital for the purchase of housing

To buy a property with maternity capital, you need to do the following:

  • choose a suitable apartment or house for purchase;
  • conclude a contract of sale with a deferred payment;
  • write an application to the FIU to transfer funds from the mother's capital to the seller;
  • if the value of the house or apartment exceeds the amount of maternity capital, the buyer must pay the difference to the seller;
  • wait for the transfer of maternity capital funds - this happens within 10 days after the consideration of the application, for which 1 month is allotted.

To improve living conditions with the help of a family certificate, you must consider the following points:

  • the acquired housing must be located on the territory of Russia;
  • after the purchase, obligations are fulfilled to allocate shares to children and their parents in a residential area;
  • transfer of funds is made only by bank transfer.

Home construction

If you are going to build or reconstruct a house with the help of maternity capital, it is important to know the following:

  • the object must be capital and suitable for permanent residence in it;
  • housing can only be built on a plot intended for private construction.

The land on which the house will be built must be registered in the ownership or permanent (perpetual) use of one of the spouses. Construction and reconstruction of housing can be carried out:

  • On your own - then the payment of funds is carried out in 2 stages. Half of the funds are transferred before construction when providing required documents. The second part of the family capital is paid after 6 months upon confirmation of the work performed.
  • With the help of a contractor - the payment of funds is carried out 30-60 days after the submission of the necessary documents (including a construction contract).
  • Compensation for the costs of already completed construction or reconstruction of individual housing construction - if the work was carried out before the second child was 3 years old. It is necessary to collect all payment documents confirming the expenses. The transfer of funds occurs in a general manner.

Shared home purchase

It is also possible to acquire a share in a residential building at the expense of family capital. This option is legal. The PFR willingly approves the purchase of a share in an apartment building, especially if after that the owner of the capital becomes the full owner of this housing. The state does not prohibit the purchase of a part of an apartment from close relatives, but the same payments between spouses are not recommended. When buying a share in a residential property, it is important to consider the following:

  • the purchased premises must be allocated, isolated from common areas;
  • a room in a hostel can be bought if it is privatized and located in a residential building (Article 92 of the Housing Code explains which premises in hostels cannot be alienated for such a purchase);
  • if after purchasing a home, the buyer becomes the full owner, then the former owner must be discharged.

How to spend maternity capital on education

The state allows spending mother capital to pay for:

  • paid educational programs - they must be provided by organizations with special state accreditation;
  • keeping a child in educational institutions;
  • accommodation in a hostel at an educational institution.

This legal option for spending capital can be used not only for the needs of the child for whom the certificate was received, but also for the eldest heir to the family. Tuition can be paid for both natural and adopted children. The main conditions for this option for using mother capital:

  • the educational institution is located on the territory of Russia and has the right to provide relevant services;
  • the age of the child for whom tuition is paid must not exceed 25 years at the date of commencement of education.

Matkapital can be spent on education both in state and municipal institutions, and in private ones. Such state institutions include gymnasiums, colleges, lyceums, art and sports schools, universities (including master's and postgraduate studies). You can also pay with a certificate for language courses, sports sections, services related to education (food, public utilities hostel) and much more. The term for transferring funds from the Pension Fund to such institutions is 2 months.

Investing the funds of the family certificate into the mother's future pension

You can spend family capital to invest in your mother's future pension. Upon a special application, his funds are included in pension savings and sent to the trust management of a non-state pension fund or management company. Such money is paid in the form of urgent or lump sum pension payment or funded pension.

Now such a legal option for using a family certificate is unpopular (it is chosen by less than 1% of mothers), because people do not believe in the safety of money after a long time, and a significant depreciation of funds is possible. If the mother does not live to see her pension, then her pension savings, formed at the expense of maternity capital, can be inherited by her children or her husband (if he is the father of the child for whom a family certificate has been issued).

Payment for kindergarten at the expense of maternity capital

There is a possibility of legal use of family capital to pay for kindergarten. This option of spending the parent certificate is implemented if the following conditions are met:

  • the kindergarten has a special license for the implementation of preschool education;
  • the institution is located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • an agreement is concluded between the kindergarten and the parents in the prescribed form;
  • payment is made only for the maintenance of the child (supervision, care, nutrition, upbringing, socialization, compliance with hygiene standards).

From January 1, 2019, it became possible to spend maternity capital up to 3 years of the second child on preschool services. Full fee for attending a kindergarten cannot be made. This means that the salaries of teachers, the cost of additional circles and sections are paid separately, not at the expense of the certificate. Money to the kindergarten is transferred only by bank transfer monthly, quarterly or annually (the time period is indicated in the application for the FIU).

Social adaptation and rehabilitation of disabled children

Family capital funds can be spent on treatment and other needs of a disabled child (both native and adopted). The order of birth of children does not matter for whom the certificate is received - too. The list of services and goods received by a disabled child at the expense of maternity capital is indicated in the IPRA (individual rehabilitation or habilitation program). To obtain a legal option for using a family certificate, you need to:

  • undergo a disability examination by ITU specialists (medical and social examination);
  • submit an application to the ITU body for the inclusion in the IPRA of evidence for the provision of a specific service or product at the expense of mother capital;
  • receive services or purchase goods, keeping payment documents;
  • apply to the district social security authorities with an application for receipt of an inspection certificate for submission to the FIU (if the goods were purchased);
  • appeal to the FIU to receive compensation for expenses.

It is important to note that matkapital does not compensate for the money spent on paid services and other rehabilitation measures prescribed in the List of Federal Law No. 181-FZ. At the expense of the family certificate, it is possible to purchase various technical means (ramp, bath, bed lifts, etc.) for the socialization of a disabled child, which are not provided under existing state programs.

Monthly payments for the maintenance of a child up to one and a half years

Changes in federal law No. 432-FZ of December 29, 2017, which entered into force on January 1, 2019, informs the holders of a family certificate about the right to monthly payments for the maintenance of a child up to one and a half years. If the mother applies for such assistance before the baby is 6 months old, the amount of money will be calculated from the moment of his birth. If you apply for monthly payments after the child reaches six months, the allowance will be assigned from the date of application. This legal option for spending family capital is possible when the following conditions are met:

What funds cannot be used for

All legal options for using maternity certificate funds are listed in Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006. The Government of the Russian Federation periodically considers various additions to the established list of expenses, but rejects them due to possible speculation and misuse of funds. The following options are prohibited:

  • repair of a house or apartment - does not contribute to an increase in the living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises;
  • buying a car - a high probability of the subsequent sale of the car (for cashing out money), its breakdown or theft;
  • repayment of consumer loans - possible misuse of funds.

Repair of an apartment or house

Repair of an apartment or house is one of the options for the possible use of state support funds that are desired by the owners of maternity certificates. The adoption of such an amendment to Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 is currently impossible, because this will not solve the problem of increasing the place of residence. Maternity capital cannot be used to repair a house, but it can be used to reconstruct housing. They differ as follows:

  • Reconstruction changes the planning scheme of a house or apartment, i.e., the size and number of rooms, partitions and walls are moved, openings are cut through, etc. Repair does not involve this.
  • Reconstruction changes the purpose of the premises (or even the entire building), this cannot be done during repair.

It is important to note that if redevelopment is planned, it (in agreement with the BTI) is classified as a reconstruction. For the latter, it will be possible to receive a legal refund from the funds of the mother's certificate. This is possible if, due to the reconstruction, the living area will increase by an amount not less than the calculated one. Works related to the replacement of windows, repair of cracks, repair of water supply, plastering, insulation, supply of communications (for example, water supply, sewerage), etc., are classified as repairs and are not reimbursed.

Buying a car

Unfortunately, a family certificate cannot be spent on buying a car, although the government considered such an option for using mother's capital. Purchasing a car would help many families solve daily tasks faster, but such changes are not accepted by the state due to the following shortcomings:

  • the possibility of subsequent sale of a car in order to cash out;
  • threats of car theft or damage in an accident;
  • quick breakdown of the car (especially domestic production).

Repayment of consumer loans

The possibility of repaying consumer loans using maternity certificates would have a positive effect on the well-being of families and improve their financial situation. But this option for using mother capital is not legal, because the intended use of such money is practically impossible to prove, but sometimes such precedents arise.

Many families take consumer credit for the purchase of housing, when banks refuse to issue funds for an apartment or house. Some even managed to prove it in court and receive compensation from state support funds. The PFR almost never allows the use of mother capital to repay non-mortgage loans, since it is likely that this money will be spent on household needs.


Maternity capital is a good opportunity to solve your material issues through state support. To properly plan family budget, you should immediately figure out what you can spend maternity capital on, and what you can’t.

The amount of maternity capital has not changed since 2015 and today is 453,026 rubles. The dynamics of indexation of this payment from the state is shown in the diagram.

The funds of maternity (family) capital have only designated purposes. This means that there is no way to cash them out and spend as you wish. The law allows the use of money in 4 ways related to the improvement financial situation child, mother and family in general:

  1. Improving the living conditions of the family (acquisition of a larger apartment, house, plot for individual housing construction or reconstruction of a house or apartment).
  2. Payment for the education and / or maintenance of the child during education (in kindergarten, college or university - the eldest child, as well as his residence in the hostel during education).
  3. Investment in the funded part of the mother's pension to raise the general level of pension guaranteed by the state.
  4. Social and/or technical adaptation of a disabled child.

Each of these cases requires obtaining the appropriate written permission from the branch of the Pension Fund. Depending on what maternity capital can be spent on, it will be necessary to provide relevant documents that prove the fact of the intended use of funds.

NOTE. The maternity certificate program in its current form will run until at least December 31, 2018.

Interestingly, a statistical analysis of the ways in which funds are used shows that in almost ¾ of cases citizens use it to buy a new apartment, house, plot for housing construction or repairs. The corresponding diagram clearly shows the preferences of Russians (figures are taken from the dynamics of the last 5 years).

Improvement of living conditions

Improving housing conditions refers to the following options for spending family capital:

  • purchase of new housing;
  • expanding the area of ​​existing housing;
  • acquisition of a plot for individual residential construction, which will lead to an increase in the area of ​​​​residence for each family member;
  • compensation of expenses for an already built house (or a house under construction) on an individual plot of land;
  • reconstruction of a house or apartment (in fact, we are talking about repairs, but such a concept is not prescribed in the law);
  • repayment of principal and interest for the use of a mortgage loan, which is taken at any time in the name of the father or mother (including in cases where the child is still under 3 years old);
  • making a down payment for registration of an apartment in a mortgage loan.

You can spend maternity capital money on all these options, and the conditions and documents will differ slightly depending on each specific case.

Buying a new home with a mortgage

Purchasing a new home means buying:

  • apartments;
  • houses with a plot;
  • houses without a plot;
  • shares in a house or apartment.

A mortgage loan is issued both for an individual spouse and for both (co-borrowers). The latter option is more popular. since in this case banks will almost always provide funds - the income of both spouses will be enough to confirm solvency.

You can apply not only to the bank that provides such a service, but to other credit organizations (for example, a consumer cooperative engaged in lending).

Before contacting them, it is important to obtain written consent from the representatives of the Pension Fund that the funds will be used specifically for registration or repayment of the mortgage. The fund must provide the original passports of the borrowers, the original of the capital certificate itself, as well as:

  • loan agreement (that the bank has already approved the mortgage);
  • in case of debt repayment - an extract from the bank on the balance of the debt (usually the document is valid for 1 calendar month);
  • all bank details;
  • a statement in which the borrower confirms his obligations that after the apartment is purchased, he will issue it as a shared property (equal shares of spouses and all children);
  • if the apartment is already registered, an appropriate original certificate of ownership is provided (for those real estate objects, the rights to which were registered after July 15, 2016, an extract from the USRN is provided).

The package of documents is accompanied by a standard application form, which is in the Pension Fund. Representatives of the body are obliged to consider it no later than a calendar month. The Pension Fund has no right to refuse permission to use money to purchase housing (apartments, houses) in a mortgage or to repay an existing loan. There are only a few cases in which the law provides for a refusal:

  1. Parents are deprived of their rights to the child.
  2. They committed a crime against a child.
  3. The apartment is registered in the ownership of an outsider.

Then the borrower (or both borrowers) are sent with the permission received from the Pension Fund to the appropriate credit organization, where original passports and a certificate for family capital are also provided.

  1. Family capital funds will be fully or partially used to cover the down payment, and a corresponding loan will be issued to the spouse (1 or 2).
  2. The funds will go to the full repayment of the current mortgage loan.
  3. The funds will be used to partially repay the current mortgage loan, in connection with which the bank will issue a new payment schedule with a lower monthly installment.

In all cases, you can spend capital immediately after receiving it, that is, without waiting until the child is 3 years old.

Family capital funds are not credited to the bank account immediately, but only 2 months after the Pension Fund gives the appropriate permission. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the near future the mortgage will be repaid in exactly the same payments as in the usual mode.

A commentary by a specialist on the use of maternity capital when paying for a mortgage can be seen here.

Buying a new home with cash

If an apartment or house with and without a plot (as well as a share in them) is purchased for cash, then the procedure is as follows:

  1. A written permission is obtained from the Pension Fund in the same manner as described above.
  2. The seller is located, a preliminary agreement (receipt) is signed with him, an advance payment is made.
  3. If the capital funds fully cover the cost of the apartment (this is possible in small towns), then they are fully transferred to the seller's deposit, the details of which should be provided to the Pension Fund.
  4. If there are not enough funds, then the cash payment is made first, and the rest of the money comes after a maximum of 2 months from the Pension Fund. At the same time, a deferred agreement is drawn up with the buyer.

You can also buy an apartment or other real estate for cash using maternity capital at any time after receiving it.

You can move into new housing and register ownership only after full repayment its value.

Building a house on your own land

This is not the most common use of capital. however, it has its own legal grounds - if a family can solve its housing problem in this way, the Pension Fund will not have the right to refuse it.

The conditions are as follows:

  1. The plot of land is completely located on the territory of Russia.
  2. The land plot can be owned by one (or two) spouses, or by the right of gratuitous use or long-term lease.
  3. The type of economic purpose of the land is individual residential construction (IZHS) or for personal subsidiary farming (LPS).
  4. Available full package documents that allow construction work on this site (you can get them from the local government at the location of the land).

In this case, in order to obtain permission to the Pension Fund, along with passports and the certificate itself, you must bring the originals of the following documents:

  • allowing construction;
  • confirming the fact of land ownership;
  • marriage certificate, if the land is formally owned by one of the spouses;
  • construction contract, if the construction will be carried out by the relevant organization;
  • a written obligation of the owner of the site that he will register the house in shared ownership (for himself, his spouse and children) when it is built.
  1. If the construction is carried out by an organization, then all the money is transferred to its account in a single payment (within 2 months).
  2. If the construction is carried out by the family independently, without the official involvement of other persons, then funds are received in the amount of half the amount within 2 months, and the remaining half will come no earlier than 6 months. At the same time, in order to receive the second part, the spouses must provide documentary evidence of construction work (i.e., the intended use of the money received).

Funds are issued for the construction of a house only in cases where the child is at least 3 years old. The use of money for the purchase of land is not expected - ie. construction should be carried out precisely on the site that is already owned by one of the spouses (or both at once).

For the purposes of individual housing construction, the legislation provides for the construction of a house no higher than 3 floors, inclusive, exclusively for the purpose of living (all-weather). It is unacceptable to build a garage, a bathhouse, workshops, service stations, industrial premises, etc.

Housing reconstruction

Reconstruction means:

  • compensation for the costs that citizens incurred to build their own house on their own housing plot;
  • repairs in an apartment or house to improve living conditions;
  • expansion of living space with the corresponding construction works.

You can spend maternity capital funds as compensation for the expenses that citizens incurred in connection with the construction of their own house on their own land, if:

  • the house is registered to one of the spouses or is located in fractional ownership both spouses and/or children in any combination;
  • the house was built after 01/01/2007, then citizens may demand compensation for the costs associated with construction (but not the acquisition of land for construction!).

For permission, the Pension Fund is provided with original passports, certificates, as well as the following documents:

  • certificate of ownership of the land and house;
  • details of the personal account in the bank where the funds are supposed to be transferred;
  • an obligation that the house will be issued to all family members (spouse and children) in equal shares, if there is none yet;
  • all documents that confirm the fact of spending funds for the construction of this house (checks, receipts, etc.).

Funds as full compensation for expenses are received within 2 months to the provided account, from which they can be legally cashed out.

If the housing is being repaired or work is underway to expand the living space, the same documents are provided, but the procedure for paying money is different:

  1. Two months later, half of all expenses are transferred.
  2. Six months later, it is necessary to draw up an Inspection Certificate, for which representatives of the local administration are invited to the house or apartment, who confirm that the funds were indeed spent properly.
  3. The act is sent to the Pension Fund, and only after that the second half of the amount is received.

When reconstructing your own residential building, its area should increase by at least 1 unit of the sanitary standard - 18 m 2. Expansion of living space is possible using a variety of options:

  • construction of another house on the site;
  • construction of the second (third) floor and / or attic with the possibility of year-round use;
  • building an extension to the house.

Paying for a child's education

The tuition fee means that maternity capital funds can be spent not only on the education of the child itself, but also on his maintenance during education. The full list of options is as follows:

  1. Education and maintenance of the second child (for whom the capital was received) in a kindergarten - in this case, the fee can be paid only after the child reaches 3 years of age.
  2. Tuition and / or accommodation in a hostel for an older child who is studying at a secondary vocational or higher vocational educational institution.

Each of these cases has its own characteristics.

Teaching and maintenance in kindergarten

The only requirement in this case is that the kindergarten must be located on the territory of the country and have a license that gives it the right to carry out such activities.

To obtain permission from the Pension Fund, you only need to provide an agreement with a kindergarten. Funds will be transferred non-cash directly to this institution. You can use the money to pay for one or more children at once. It does not matter if it is a private kindergarten or a public one. It is also permissible to keep a child in a departmental institution (for example, a kindergarten at the Russian Railways).

Services for which payment is made using family capital means the following:

  • training in accordance with educational programs adopted by the state;
  • educational work;
  • maintenance (nutrition, personal hygiene, medical and domestic services);
  • leisure organization.

If the child's leisure services are not organized legal entity, A individual entrepreneur, then it will be impossible to pay them with family capital, since such situations are not provided for by law.

Tuition and support for the older child

Capital funds can be contributed for the education of not only the eldest, but in general any child in the family (including legally adopted children). For example, you can save all the capital and contribute it to the education of the baby when he grows up. You can spend partly for the education of the elder and leave a share for the education of the younger.

A college, technical school, university (that is, institutions of higher and secondary vocational education) receive funds also non-cash. It is required to provide the originals of the passport, certificate and contract according to which the training takes place on a commercial basis (or provide documents that confirm the need to pay for the hostel for the possibility of training).

With the help of maternity capital, you can pay:

  • the cost of studying at this institution (if there is a commercial basis for training);
  • accommodation in a hostel associated with training.

A few points need to be taken into account:

  • the child must be no more than 25 years old on the day of the start of education;
  • the baby, due to the birth of which the certificate was received, must be at least 3 years old;
  • the educational institution is licensed, accredited and located in the country.

Again, the form of ownership (public or private) does not matter.

Mother's funded pension

From point of view documentation this is the easiest option for how you can spend the money that is due as maternity capital.

To do this, the mother needs to contact the Pension Fund with the original passport and certificate and write an appropriate application for the transfer of a certain amount or all of the money towards her future old-age pension (namely, its funded part). Thanks to this, you can increase your income in old age and receive a kind of compensation for the time spent on maternity leave.

Rehabilitation of disabled children

Finally, the last option, which has become possible since 2016, is to use the money to improve the adaptation of a disabled child to life in society, as well as for his medical rehabilitation.

This refers to medical means of rehabilitation (special beds, walkers, crutches, etc.). The exception is those goods that can be purchased free of charge under the state program to support children with disabilities.

It is assumed that the capital compensates for the costs of already purchased goods. relevant receipts, medical documents, the certificate itself and the passport are provided to the Pension Fund. Funds are transferred to the parent's personal bank account.

NOTE. Funds can be directed to any disabled child who lives in the family, while they can be spent immediately, without waiting for the child, for whom the certificate was awarded, to turn 3 years old.

What can not be spent on maternity capital

In all other cases that do not apply to those described above, it is impossible to spend maternity capital:

  1. Personal needs of parents, children (cashing out and misappropriation).
  2. Buying a car, including for taking a child to school, kindergarten, etc.
  3. Buying a cottage garden plot, a country house in which living throughout the year is impossible.
  4. Construction of a bathhouse, a garage, other utility rooms that are not associated with the expansion of living space, where you can live all year round.
  5. Acquisition land plot for any purpose without a house in which you can live all year round with the whole family.

The possibility of a one-time cash payment from family capital is not provided for this year (previously, the amount of 25,000 rubles was paid). This became known on June 1, 2017 from a statement by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin.

And finally, some useful video materials on the topic, which briefly describe the considered ways of using family capital funds.