Forex economic calendar for today. Economic calendar Forex (Forex)

For different regions and the planned time for their publications. Data is provided with past, expected and current values. Important information for traders who lead .

Economic calendar for today

Economic calendar for the week will show Full description events and will provide a link to official data:

The role of the economic calendar in Forex for a trader

Any trader financial markets sooner or later he comes to the idea that he needs such a tool as a calendar of economic events. The fact is that all the most important data that can influence exchange rate fluctuations is collected here.

It is not at all necessary to use the economic calendar on Forex in order to trade based on the news. Some traders, for example, do not work according to this principle at all, preferring purely technical analysis. But they also need information that can be obtained in suchcalendar The fact is that there is data that can have a significant impact on currency fluctuations. And it is precisely this data that needs to be monitored in order to avoid ending up in a situation where market volatility increases significantly and breaks the entire technical picture.

But, if you still want to work with news and make a profit, at least from time to time, on important events, you cannot do without such a tool as economic calendar for traders. Next we will talk about what it is and how to work with it.

What is the Forex economic calendar?

In the arsenal of any Forex trader, there should be an economic calendar as a fundamental tool, since its purpose is to demonstrate news statistics, and it is simply necessary to focus on them when concluding transactions.

Macroeconomic indicators are published here, as well as important events in the world of economics and finance are announced, such as meetings of central banks, economic conferences, summits, and so on.

All events are conventionally divided according to their importance into three categories:

  • significant;
  • medium importance;
  • weakly significant.

Naturally, for trading, mainly events that belong to the first category are used. The rest are not that important, and traders often simply skip them. In principle, this is correct, because it is very difficult to monitor all events, and you need to filter them. A modern economic news calendar allows you to do this without problems.

What data is published in macroeconomic calendars

The most important macroeconomic publications are published here. First of all, this concerns the pace economic growth, inflation, business activity indices, unemployment and so on. And all this data allows you to earn money. But to do this you need to know how to do it.

  • Suppose important business activity indices are expected. If indicators come out higher than forecast, this almost always leads to a rise in the currency and valuable papers. Accordingly, if these indicators are negative, the currency usually becomes cheaper.
  • Employment indicators play a very important role for a trader. The fact is that the higher the unemployment, the worse the state of the country's economy. That is, it can be considered as one of the indicators of economic health.
  • Today, in many countries the unemployment rate is targeted. For example, in the US, the Federal Reserve targeted unemployment at a level below 5% to reduce the quantitative easing program.
  • Finally, it is important to pay attention to central bank meetings. These events are of key importance for the currency. If the terms of monetary policy are revised, the currency will either rise or fall. Moreover, one-time jumps can be significant.

How to trade on news and what to pay attention to

Any macroeconomic calendar has certain parameters. First of all, you should pay attention to the currency to which the news relates. In principle, there are publications every day on almost all the so-called majors. In the trader's economic calendar, they are indicated either by country flags or currency symbols ( for example EUR, GBP, USD).

It is important to pay attention to the time at which the publication is published. After all, in this way you will be aware of exactly when to trade or, conversely, not to trade this or that currency. In the calendar, you can set the time zone yourself.

Next, you should pay attention to three indicators - previous value, forecast and current value. Before the release of a particular index, you can only see the previous value and forecast from experts (most often from). Accordingly, even before the news is released, you can compare the forecast and the previous value and draw certain conclusions.

since often the final value does not coincide with the forecast and then significant fluctuations begin in the market. That is, it is best to try to open a deal at the time the news is published.

Trading example

  • We will show an example of how an economic calendar helps you make money.

At 10:30 economic data for Germany were planned, one of which is marked with three heads, indicating highest degree importance. First column of numbers- these are the values ​​just released, second- these are forecasts and third- past data:

As you can see, all new data came out marked in green, which indicates positive values, in addition, they exceed forecasts.

IN this moment this is a good indicator for the growth of the euro.

Without wasting time, we immediately choose currency pair EUR/USD, indicate the end time of the transaction in 5 minutes and, of course, the price growth forecast - UP:

If after 5 minutes the option closes with a quote value higher than at the time of purchase, we will make a profit.

Look at the chart to see how the price has increased since the publication of new data and the opening of our transaction:

To earn money $41,4 , we just had to come to the computer at the pre-scheduled time of publication of new data and open a trade.

Important aspects and factors

If trading is carried out on the news, then careful attention should be paid to those market events that are marked in the economic calendar with three bullish heads.

When publishing any statistics, you need to analyze the data of the current value and the expected value (forecasts). Quite often, even good odds lead to negative dynamics in terms ofassets in the event that they turned out to be much worse than the expected value. Therefore, the market does not in all cases react logically and consistently to the publication of statistics.

So, now you know what a trader’s economic calendar is and why you should use it.

As we have already noted, even if you do not trade on news, this tool will be useful for you. Therefore, we do not recommend neglecting it.

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Additional information for traders

A special analytical tool for a trader is economic calendar Investing, which reflects the main key macroeconomic factors. Depending on the degree of their importance, macroeconomic indicators can affect currency and stock prices on world exchanges. Every day, events occur in the world that can significantly affect exchange rates on the Forex market. Whether you are a medium-term trader or a short-term scalper, you should take into account the calendar of macroeconomic events that is available on our forum.

Macroeconomic calendar is always compiled in advance and reflects the previous values ​​of the economic indicator, as well as the consensus forecast of analysts, agencies or other influential institutions. A trader needs to focus on the time of publication of a report or indicator, because at the moment of announcement, volatility in the stock and foreign exchange markets reaches its maximum, the market is thin and at such periods of time, you can get into an unpleasant situation.

In some DCs, freezing occurs during the release of economic news trading platform, server software, spreads are widened by a significant number of points, all this leads to trading at the time of the release of important statistics or news, which is very risky and dangerous for the trader. If your strategy is scalping, then volatility during the release of economic data, for example on the Forex market, will play into your hands and you can take quite large market impulses. Nevertheless, Investing news calendar, is used in most cases to warn and pre-prepare a trader for possible sharp market fluctuations.

Economic data and statistical reports play a very important role in influencing fundamental factors, which in turn can guide an experienced trader to further developments in the securities market in the future. Reporting data from the economic calendar has been used by both novice traders and institutions for decades. Currently, there is no need to buy printed publications in order to familiarize yourself with the calendar of events for the coming day or week, all this is available for free on our website

Economic Forex calendar from you should trust the drafting only to professionals who understand its significance and impact on market performance. It is better to use several different calendars compiled by professionals conducting market analysis. You can choose a calendar from the list of the best Forex brokers, because serious brokers value their name as traders and will not share inaccurate data with others. They themselves monitor and analyze the most important market news and draw their conclusions only on their basis.

The Forex calendar printed on different sites looks almost the same. They have the same basic information fields, which display data in tabular form. The calendar indicates the time when the news was published, which can affect the exchange rate of any currency and swing it in one direction or another. The calendar also lists the currencies that may be affected by the news. This makes it easy for traders to find the news they need. The calendar also displays the degree of influence of the news on the currency, so you can make an accurate forecast of how it will react, by falling or rising.

The calendar contains short description news, its main meaning is conveyed. Therefore, it is possible to immediately become familiar with its basic meaning. By making a quick review of the calendar, the trader understands which news will significantly affect the currency, give impetus to changes, and move the price. In the calendar column - indicators, the past, current and predicted values ​​must be indicated. A chart is often placed at the end of the calendar; it displays the dynamics of changes in certain indicators. For a thorough analysis, this diagram is of great importance. Thanks to it, a trader can monitor and try to predict development of the foreign exchange market in the near future based on a full understanding of what is happening, and not relying on just one pair taken from the overall picture of indicators. Calendar economic indicators Forex also influences the market by the fact that even before its release, before news is published, rumors about analysts’ assumptions begin to penetrate into the information space of traders. It often happens that after the release of the calendar, the news no longer has the same impact on the market as rumors about its release. When studying the calendar, you need to take into account all these important points.

When considering calendar indicators, it is important to stop your attention to color the value shown and how it differs from the predicted value. If the released value is green, it means that the new indicator was better than analysts thought. If it is red, it indicates the opposite. Sometimes the indicator is also colored gray, this indicates that the forecast coincides with reality. A modern Forex calendar can be customized to suit your needs so that it shows only the values ​​that interest the trader. Thus, you can abstract from unnecessary information and monitor only those indicators that the trader really needs. The level of influence of news on the market varies; a calendar will help you get an accurate idea of ​​how it affected Forex.

Experienced traders have been using trading methods that are based on fundamental factors for several decades. Macroeconomic indicators that are published in statistical reports of rating agencies, as well as analytical departments of the largest investment companies imply analysts' forecast values. During the release of real economic data, for example, the unemployment rate in the United States, traders compare the expectations of analysts (we see them in the “forecast” column in the economic calendar) and real indicators and then using their own settings in trading strategies - they begin to actively increase or decrease current positions, as well as open new positions in other instruments.

It is important to remember that at the moment the statistics are released (we can see the exact time in the “time” column in the economic calendar), liquidity in the market decreases significantly, traders cancel their current limit orders, leaving only stop loss orders. Due to low liquidity, volatility in currency pairs and all other dependent ones increases significantly financial instruments. This phenomenon of increased volatility during news releases can be used to build trading strategies. Trading on news has its own characteristics and its pros and cons.

Advantages of trading on news- this is, first of all, an opportunity in a short period of time (from 1 second to several minutes), to take a profit in the amount of the usual average daily volatility, i.e. in a few seconds the EUR/USD pair can go by 50-200 points. This market reaction is typical when news is released that differ significantly from market expectations and analysts’ forecasts, which by the time the data was released were already included in exchange rates and securities.

Disadvantages of news trading- these are, first of all, problems with liquidity on direct exchange and foreign exchange markets. In the case of trading in a DC, when your transactions are not immediately displayed on the market, the trader is subject to additional risks in addition to liquidity. The main and most tragic disadvantages for a trader of trading on news in a DC are a significant widening of spreads, opening a position with significant slippage against the trader’s position, the impossibility of triggering a stop loss order or its incorrect triggering. You need to understand that the opportunity to get rich quickly carries with it the same huge risks of losses, and trading on news is the best example of this.

Trading on the news binary options , deprives you of most of the risks described above, since there is no need to set a stop loss on options, there is no slippage and there is no widening of spreads. All you need is to carefully analyze the calendar for today and open a Put or Call option with a level of capital loss and possible profitability that is known to you. In the next section you can find a list of strategies for trading during the release of important economic news.

Crude oil reserves from the Energy Information Agency (EIA)

Every Wednesday, the US energy agency publishes data on oil reserves, distillates, oil imports, fuel oil and gasoline reserves in US storage facilities. Data are published at 17:30 or 18:30 Moscow time, depending on the hour shift. This is the most important data for traders who work on fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate. At the time of data release, there is always high volatility, the oil exchange rate and dollar quotes deviate greatly, first in one direction, then in the other; after some time, the movement chooses a direction.

In 1973, the United States had a conflict with OPEC countries, which resulted in interruptions in the supply of oil to the United States, as exporting countries refused to supply petroleum products. To prevent such a situation in the future, the US Congress ordered the creation of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 1975. At the moment this is the largest reserve of petroleum products in the world. This reserve can affect both the ruble exchange rate and the economy Russian Federation generally. How can the US Strategic Reserve affect the ruble exchange rate? This is due to the fact that the majority of Russian exports are oil and gas exports. The price of gas is tied to the price of oil. The price of oil changes, the exchange rate of the ruble immediately changes; if the price rises, the ruble strengthens; if it falls, the exchange rate collapses.

The price of any product, not just oil, depends on the supply/demand ratio; stability is only possible if these indicators are balanced. So, since the US oil reserve is the largest in the world and is estimated at about 700 million barrels, a sudden withdrawal of such an amount of oil, while maintaining production by OPEC countries, to the world market will collapse the price of oil to a very low level. And if the Central Bank does not act on time, the ruble may fall. If you know the trend in oil production, you can predict to what extent the ruble exchange rate and the price of oil will change. A wise proverb says: “He who owns the information, owns the world.” This thesis is especially relevant for any business. Our website will provide you with detailed information about trends in oil and gas exchange rates. Every Wednesday you have the opportunity to see a new graph of oil production trends and price changes. This information will be especially useful for those companies that trade currency or petroleum products. Make your progress with us.

Gross Domestic Product, GDP

Gross domestic product, or GDP for short, has a strong influence on the decision-making of forex participants. At its core, it is the totality of goods or services produced throughout the country, it is expressed in their total value. GDP is taken in real or nominal prices. Published fresh GDP data always affects the Forex market. If the GDP indicator increases, the exchange rate usually increases. But if analysts foresaw what this indicator would be in advance, if it turned out to be what they expected, then it will not affect the market very much. If its indicator is unexpected, then fluctuations in the market will be sharp and very noticeable. The GDP indicator can be real or nominal. It is called nominal because the current price is used to calculate it, and to calculate real GDP, prices of a certain specified period are taken. This important indicator for the Forex market.

Consumer Price Index or Consumer Price Index, CPI

An indicator called index consumer prices, abbreviated as CPI, is always taken into account by those involved in Forex trading. It determines how the retail cost of services and goods included in the minimum consumption basket changes. The state includes in it only the most necessary goods and various services for a person. An increase in this indicator, as a rule, has an impact on Forex; the dollar exchange rate begins to decline. Many believe that CPI is the main indicator showing the current real level of inflation. It is calculated monthly; this is done by a special structure. To determine it, a sample of the cost of goods included in the consumer basket is taken in eighty-five different cities of the country. This is in many ways an important indicator of the Forex market; its importance must be taken into account when making important decisions; it should not be underestimated, since you can lose money.

Producer Price Index, producer price index

If we take the Producer Price Index, translated as the producer price index, then its importance for Forex cannot be underestimated. It is made up of two main indicators. To calculate it, we take the so-called input prices, these are components and semi-finished products, and output prices, the cost of manufactured products. It has a great influence because on Forex, in anticipation of an increase in this index, the dollar exchange rate rises. It is calculated every month; this is done by a special bureau. To determine it, they include the input price and the cost of labor. It shows how much inflation has increased or decreased, which is associated with changes in labor costs. If the food and energy industries are not taken into account to determine this index, then it is considered the most reliable and important for Forex. When calculating it, the price indicator of imported goods and services is not taken into account.

Balance of payments, or Current account balance

The so-called balance of payments, or Current account balance, is understood as the difference between payments received from abroad and the amount of payments that were sent outside the United States; in fact, this indicator shows the results of foreign economic transactions. It also includes operations carried out under import and export agreements, transfer and other payments. If the amount of payments received into the country is greater than payments, the balance is called active. In this case, its impact on the dollar exchange rate will be positive, it will be good news, and it will grow. If the balance of payments turns out to be negative, then the dollar exchange rate will accordingly go down. This macroeconomic indicator is calculated once every three months. It has an average impact on Forex. First of all, it is published in the USA.

Trade balance, or Trade balance

The so-called trade balance indicator, or Trade balance, is one of the indicators that plays a decisive role in the Forex market, which means the following: the ratio of the price of goods exported abroad in relation to the price of imported goods. If more goods were exported than imported, then this balance is considered positive; if more goods were imported, then it will be negative. A positive balance affects the market in the following way: the dollar rate rises, and if it is negative, it falls. It is believed that this macroeconomic indicator has a fairly strong impact on Forex. When there is a shortage and in the event of a fall in exports, as a rule, the value of the dollar will decrease, this is done so that exporters have fewer problems. At the same time, market participants will feel a negative impact. When will they start redistributing? investment portfolios, this will affect the course. If commodity exports fall, stocks may go down and bonds may become more expensive.

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate is the ratio of the currently existing unemployed to the population that is legally able-bodied and employed at the point in time when these data are determined. This is an important and necessary macroeconomic indicator for Forex traders. Because if this indicator shows high level, this will mean that there are many people in the country who do not produce goods and do not receive services. If the unemployment rate is low, this will have a bad effect on employers, because many workers will lose the incentive to work well due to the lack of competition in this market. Therefore, if this indicator is high, the dollar exchange rate will decrease. When unemployment is minimal, the rate national currency will rise. This macroeconomic indicator cannot be ignored; it plays an important role in determining the exchange rate.

Decision on interest rates of the Central Bank

Interest rate decision central bank a macroeconomic indicator for Forex, without which decisions are not made. It has the effect of reducing or increasing exchange rates. This means the rate on loans issued today, at this percentage central bank gives commercial banks loans. It is important not only for determining the country’s currency exchange rate, but also affects the inflation process and the economy. In cases where there is a reduction in the rate in a particular country, the activity of merchants usually increases, inflation decreases, and the currency becomes more expensive. The interest rate can regulate the exchange rate within the state and the economy in general. This value is determined in points; decisions regarding changes in interest rates in the United States have the greatest impact on Forex. This indicator is usually published in the form of a table, which shows rates in different countries.

Number of jobs, or Non-Farm Payrolls (NFP)

The number of newly created jobs is one of the main indicators influencing Forex and the decisions of its participants. It shows how many jobs were created over a certain time. It is necessary to determine the following: whether more labor will be needed in the near future, or, on the contrary, it will be necessary to reduce workers. The growth of this indicator has a good effect on the exchange rate of the local currency, it strengthens and its value increases. If this indicator is negative, it means that the country’s economy will decline and the price of the currency will increase, and the national money will depreciate. Having received data on the number of jobs, Forex traders immediately begin to act. After the publication of this indicator, massive asset movements occur in the market. With positive data on the gold and silver markets, prices usually rise.

Consumer Confidence Index

The consumer confidence index is a macroeconomic indicator that influences the decision-making of forex traders, which shows the mood of buyers and how much they trust the situation in the country's economy. Its calculation is carried out by a company specializing in this; it does this by surveying more than five thousand families every month. This takes into account the labor market, conditions affecting the implementation of business processes, and income growth. It is based on one hundred points and, when compared with the previous survey, adjustments are made to the indicator of the previous month. This indicator is considered by many to be subjective; it is more likely to be proactive than to show the real, current situation. Therefore, it does not affect Forex as much as other indicators. But still, it cannot be completely ignored, it must be taken into account and its impact on the exchange rate is important.

Number of houses sold on the secondary housing market

The number of homes sold on the secondary housing market influences the decision making of forex traders. This indicator determines the level of sales in a given market. This study is carried out on a geographical basis. It determines the inventory of real estate, its prices, how long it takes to sell all similar housing at the existing sales rate. This indicator complements the indicator for the construction of new houses. This indicator makes it clear what the situation is on the market; with an increase in demand for real estate, the economy rises, and the exchange rate, therefore, strengthens. If it is noticed that the demand for secondary housing fell, which means the economic situation on the market has worsened, this means the exchange rate will go up, and the national one will go down. Changes in housing prices may indicate inflation. Data on the secondary housing market is published every month.

Construction of new houses, or Housing starts

Construction of new houses is one of the Forex indicators. It often changes depending on how the interest rate throughout the country, because for the construction of new buildings and structures it is often necessary to take out loans. Falling loan rates have a positive effect on the construction market. These data fluctuate depending on the season of the year. It is important to consider how much new construction is underway, since it is an indicator of the health of the economy and the level of income of the population. With an increase in the number of new construction projects, with the growth of this indicator, the currency strengthens. Although this indicator is considered by many to be not very important and limited, it still has rather an average effect on Forex. Its value is published every month along with an indicator indicating how many building permits have been received.

Unemployment claims

Unemployment claims are a macroeconomic indicator that greatly influences Forex; it shows how good the labor market is. It is published quite often and is volatile. If over a period of time, for example, a month, the number of applications for benefits increases, then most likely the value of payrolls will decrease, and this will have a strengthening effect on the dollar exchange rate. This indicator has a fairly significant impact on the market; it is an indicator of the general economic condition in the country. Its data is sometimes inaccurate due to holidays, events that attract people to work from among the local population. When there is an increase in the number of applications for benefits, the dollar exchange rate usually begins to decline. This figure is published every week, usually on Thursday evening.

Trading in financial markets, and in particular binary options, is not only technical analysis with its charts, but also fundamental analysis with its calendar of macroeconomic statistics.

It is the fundamental component that influences financial markets. Therefore, those who want to be informed and one step ahead of events simply cannot imagine their work without a trader’s calendar.

The economic calendar is similar to the regular calendar that we are all accustomed to. There are dates and times, as well as certain statistics. In general, a macroeconomic calendar is also very similar to an organizer. Only this is a market organizer, and from it you can see what events are planned for today, tomorrow, and the current week.

What is a trader's calendar?

At the top, above the calendar itself, the current time is set. Each trader can adjust this setting according to their time zone. This is done for convenience, since traders may be from different parts of the world, and their times may not coincide.

The Forex calendar is divided into several main sectors. Let's look at each of them in more detail:

  • Time. The time of publication of the event is indicated here. If the trader has correctly configured his time zone, then the time will exactly coincide with the time in his country or city, which will be much easier, since he will know exactly what time the publication of this or that event is expected.
  • Currency. This sector shows which country or supranational monetary association (we are talking about the eurozone) this or that news relates to. The above screenshot shows that on Monday, February 10, the first news will be from Japan, which means they can have an impact on Japanese currency. As for the eurozone member countries, all news from them will have an impact on the euro.
  • Importance. This is a fairly significant sector of the macroeconomic calendar, as it reflects the importance of a particular publication. Fluctuations in market quotes after each news may be different. For example, if the news is of low importance, the market may not pay attention to it at all. On the other hand, the market usually reacts very sharply to news of high importance.
  • Events. All events that are expected today, tomorrow, this week are reflected here. There are quite a lot of events in the calendar, but thanks to the previous points, they are all ranked depending on their importance, the currency they can affect, as well as the release time and publication date.
  • Meanings. These three sectors can be combined into one. The values ​​of a particular index in the economic calendar are shown here. On the right is the current value for the previous period (month, quarter, year). In the middle you can see the predicted value; it is usually given by experts. Finally, on the left is the actual value. If the index has not yet been published, then there is no actual value, as it appears during the publication process.

Why do you need an economic calendar and how to use it

A macroeconomic calendar is needed so that the trader is constantly aware of current events and knows what events are expected in the future. Those who actively use fundamental analysis in their work to identify long-term and medium-term events simply cannot do without a calendar.

The Forex calendar is also needed by those traders who trade based on news (not to be confused with fundamental analysis), since they can find out at what time this or that news will be released on which they will buy options.

To understand how to use the trader’s calendar, let’s give a simple example. Let's say a trader is looking for data on current balance Japan. He opens the calendar and finds that their publication took place on Monday 10 February at 3.50 GMT +4 hours. If a trader is looking for news that has not yet been published, he can scroll through the calendar until the end of the week and find those events that interest him.

On Investing com economic calendar offers an overview important news financial world for today, tomorrow, for a week and for yesterday, and it is updated in online mode. Events from the following 15 main countries, zones and cities are displayed: Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Hong Kong, Eurozone, Italy, Canada, China, Russia, Singapore, USA, Ukraine, France, Switzerland, Japan.

And another economic calendar from Weltrade

Skills, knowledge, constant practice, resistance to stress, a sixth sense and money management - all this is not enough for successful trading if there is no access to news. During the release of important political or economic news, the market literally goes crazy, and ordinary laws do not apply to the movement of currency charts; it is impossible to predict them without taking into account information. Investing com's economic calendar is an important part of fundamental market analysis, it provides all the necessary data, and also categorizes all news by importance and power of influence on the market.

Why do you need information in trading?

“Who owns the information, owns the world” - this legendary phrase of Nathan Rothschild made him a successful businessman and effective trader. After Napoleon's defeat in 1815, Rothschild, thanks to his agents, was the first to learn about the political situation, but decided to beat the shareholders.

Going to the London Stock Exchange, he loudly complained about Napoleon's successful campaign and began selling his shares. Chaos began among shareholders, the price of Austrian and Prussian shares fell to the limit, while Rothschild agents bought them en masse. Naturally, after Napoleon's defeat became known in London, Nathan Rothschild's wealth was impressive.

More than 200 years have passed since this event, but the essence remains the same - to successfully trade on financial and stock market only those who have prompt access to information can. Key news includes:

  • Announcement of the unemployment rate;
  • Decrease or increase in interest rates;
  • Increase/decrease in GDP;
  • Consumer expenses;
  • Elections;
  • Inflation indicators, etc.

Economic calendars, of which there are many, are the best assistants for traders, providing not only the necessary data, but also their assessment.

Important! When using the Investing economic calendar, experienced traders advise considering not only the selected currency pair, but also others, since their dynamics can have a significant impact on the chart of interest.

Learn more about the Investing resource. com

Investing com is a well-known portal dedicated to finance in Russia. It was founded in 2007 and has main offices in Spain and Cyprus. The main difference from most other economic calendars is the work of professionals, world-famous experts in the field of analysis.

The investing com economic calendar provides detailed information on both important world events and minor facts that can be of great importance in individual cases. The pages contain information about futures, bonds, quotes, currencies, world markets, indices, and highlight significant world political and economic events. In addition, key information about various brokers is presented, and there is educational information on technical analysis.

All information is received in real time, it can be sorted by importance and by country. For example, you can configure the calendar so that it shows only the most significant world events or only Russian news. Typically, traders choose countries that are active during their optimal session, i.e. morning-afternoon - Europe, evening - America, night - Japan.

Important! If the news indicates that a holiday falls on a weekday, then you should pay attention to the country. A European or American holiday usually causes a lull in the market; no price hikes are expected. But if a holiday in Japan falls on a weekday, then trading will proceed as usual, without pauses.

Opposite each event its significance is indicated in the form of bull heads.

  • One head – the event has virtually no effect on volatility;
  • Two heads – increased volatility is predicted;
  • Three heads – a significant increase in volatility is predicted.

What does Investing offer? com

Charts of currency quotes and other assets, thanks to which you can clearly see price changes and trend direction. In this case, you can choose any convenient time frame. Such a chart helps a trader conduct technical analysis and understand the market situation.

The financial calendar is a list of important events that may in one way or another affect quotes. In addition to the importance of the event, the actual and predicted change in quotes is also indicated.

Technical analysis tools are also a key difference between Investing com and other calendars. It provides the ability to use indicators, determine turning points, etc.

The portal also offers trading on news on the same site in real time. But professional traders advise not to do this, since trading is carried out directly with the portal’s analysts. In this case, the trader’s skill level must be unsurpassed, but this is not a guarantee of winning. Therefore, it is better to use the information and that’s it.

Important nuances when working with a calendar

  1. It is important to set the clock correctly before starting work so that the news is synchronized with the time zone in which the trader lives. 24-hour time format is preferred.
  2. The news release is indicated in advance, so the player can prepare for possible price surges. And even if he does not trade during the news, it will still be useful for him to look at the market reaction after the announcement of an event.
  3. The calendar already indicates the currencies that are affected by a particular news. But this does not mean that a trader should not make his own observations.
  4. The degree of influence is also noted there, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about how much the price is able to move.
  5. Each news is accompanied by a description, which allows you to quickly evaluate its content.
  6. But at the same time, if you open the news, you can see all the necessary details to conduct an independent analysis.

It is important to understand that with the help of news it is easy to manipulate the market and an experienced trader, first of all, will look at what reaction the news will produce not on the currency itself, but on other players who will actively begin to buy or sell it.

Impact of news on currencies

It is important to remember that all calendar news that affects the dollar also affects other currencies, although to a lesser extent, including gold. And news that causes changes in the euro exchange rate affects exclusively those currencies that are paired with the euro.

Professionals advise beginners and not very experienced traders not to enter the market 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after the news is released, since during this period it is difficult to carry out technical analysis, the market can behave unpredictably, and only an experienced player can predict its trends. When all passions have settled, you can place your bets.

The Forex economic calendar is a trader’s faithful assistant in his trading. Such a list of events allows you to plan trading and opening positions according to previously performed analytics.


Economic calendar ForexNews

Trading in financial markets involves the purchase of any assets and their subsequent sale in order to make a profit. To make money on Forex from price differences, you need to correctly predict the movement of quotes. The trader who correctly identifies the trend receives high income. The economic calendar of news and events for trading on Forex and financial markets helps you build an accurate forecast and make the right strategic trading decisions.

Currencies, metals, stocks, indices, oil and other assets react to fundamental events. Their price varies depending on the importance of the news, both up and down.

The calendar informs the trader about events that are significant for financial markets and their impact on the value of a particular asset. This “schedule” of world news contains the most current information about the results of meetings of various regulators, commissions, reports of large banks, companies, publications of countries of a macroeconomic nature.

The calendar allows you to find out:

How a specific event was previously reflected in quotes;
on what financial asset it can influence now;
what are the forecasts for the effect of this event on the price of the asset,
what is the actual result.

Every trader can use the economic news calendar on ForexNews.PRO completely free of charge.

Actual indicators appear in the table after the information is released. Before any event is published on the economic news calendar, the trader sees only the earlier data and indicator forecasts associated with it. However, knowing the date of release of information, information about current values, historical statistics, it is possible to compare indicators and, taking into account expert forecasts, make a decision regarding asset transactions.

The economic calendar on ForexNews.PRO is an effective tool that helps traders play every news to their advantage. It also contains an expected volatility indicator, allowing users to assess the extent to which an asset's value will fluctuate in response to events. To make it easier and more convenient for a trader to navigate the market situation, this indicator is highlighted in color. The red indicator signals predicted high volatility, yellow – moderate and green – low. By studying the economic news calendar, a trader can immediately identify the most interesting events that can bring maximum income in accordance with his strategy, avoid mistakes and minimize risks.

Everyone has the opportunity to use the ForexNews.PRO economic news calendar online for free and, with its help, not only navigate current events in financial markets, but also take them into account in trading in order to increase profits.