The price of plastic windows for Khrushchev GI series. Modifications of this series Khrushchev series gi layout

Apartments in Khrushchev's five-story buildings are almost always scolded, but they are in demand. Still, this is the cheapest type of urban housing. But different series of Khrushchevs differ both in terms of safety margin and consumer qualities.

The reason for the popularity of Khrushchev in the secondary housing market is not only relatively low prices. The main arrays of Khrushchev's buildings have long been turned from the outskirts into infrastructurally developed middle areas, in which there are schools, kindergartens, and often the metro is within walking distance. The main arguments of the opponents of the five-story buildings of the 1960s are the modest areas of the apartments, the walls that do not heat, and worn-out communications.

Together with experts from the St. Petersburg Chamber of Real Estate, we figured out what a potential buyer of a Khrushchev building needs to know.

Cons turning into pros

Experts say that the low building density of the Khrushchev quarters is more of a plus than a minus for their residents. “Here there are fewer difficulties with parking spaces, and also not as acute as in areas of active new construction, the shortage of places in preschool and educational institutions”, - said Ekaterina Romanenko, Chairman of the Board of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Real Estate.

There are no elevators and garbage chutes in Khrushchev. On the one hand, it is inconvenient, on the other hand, it is easier to maintain order, there is nothing to break and clog. Finally, five floors of light panels is a relatively low load on the building base. Therefore, if such a building is maintained in proper technical condition, it should serve without problems for many decades.


Dmitry Shchegelsky, President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Real Estate, CEO real estate agency "BENOIS":

There is a deficit in panel five-story buildings. But some - and sometimes offer for sale at the price of "odnushki" in more recent houses, and often this circumstance becomes decisive for the buyer. Cosmetic repairs allow you to radically refresh the Khrushchev apartment, but the question remains: how long the house itself will last. And here everything is ambiguous. Five-story buildings in different areas look almost the same, but they differ in design features: some are really almost unrepairable, others are better preserved than many newer buildings.

Where is this series, where is this house?

In St. Petersburg, several modifications of the brick 528 series are widespread, as well as five mass series of panel Khrushchevs (we will name them below). But in the southern and northern regions, different series of panels dominate. This is due to the proximity to the construction site of one or another house-building plant, each of which put on the conveyor one or another development of architects and designers.

But not all the experiments of the designers of that period have stood the test of time. Therefore, with a high degree of confidence, we can say that the southern regions of St. Petersburg are the territory of relatively good Khrushchevs. At the same time, the earliest and most problematic islands are concentrated in the northern and eastern regions.

This is how the five-story buildings of the 507th and 504th series look like (outwardly, they almost do not differ). This is one of the most successful types of panel Khrushchev

In particular, from a constructive point of view, the houses of the OD series (the main location zone is the Nevsky district), which were built from 1959 to 1963, are considered the most unsuccessful. The problem here is not even that the lightweight outer walls made of expanded clay concrete with a layer of mineral wool do not heat, but the use of the so-called frameless construction. The margin of safety is provided solely by the transverse bearing walls and welded joints. In case of corrosion and wear of the latter, the buildings become unrepairable.

A similar design (incomplete frame, lightweight outer walls with a layer of mineral wool) have early houses of the 335th series, which since 1959 were built mainly in the Kalininsky district. By 1965, the series was modified by introducing the "full frame" scheme. But before being discontinued in 1968, the developers failed to solve the problem of thin and heat-resistant outer walls.

More successful five-story buildings of the 507th and 504th series were built in all urban areas from 1960 to the early 1970s. But in the Moscow and Frunzensky districts, this is the main series of Khrushchevs. Their margin of safety is higher than that of OD (primarily due to the longitudinal arrangement of the load-bearing walls), and massive external walls made of cinder or expanded clay concrete panels keep heat relatively well (of course, compared to the above-mentioned series).

Houses of the GI and A series are considered a kind of hallmark of the southwestern territories (Kirov and Krasnoselsky districts). They were built from 1959 to 1968 and differ markedly from other Khrushchev houses both in terms of apartment layouts (we will talk about them below) and in design. The main difference is light outer walls made of hinged aerated concrete half-panels. This is a weak point: the facades of most buildings look unpresentable, require repair and additional insulation. At the same time, the houses themselves are quite strong: the basis of the supporting frame here is made up of transverse walls made of aerated concrete blocks, which, in addition, provide relatively good inter-apartment sound insulation.

Series 1-502V (in everyday life the 502nd series) is no longer quite Khrushchev, some realtors call them five-story Brezhnevka. These are really houses of the next generation, which began to be built in 1964, after the OD and 335 series were discontinued, both in the northern and southern residential areas.

So called brick Khrushchev(early houses of the 528th series from two to five floors) were built in different areas. According to the main planning parameters, they are close to the panels of the 507th series, but even short review options here requires a separate publication.

Three for the price of one

The layouts of apartments in panel Khrushchev houses of the main series are, in principle, similar. The ceiling height is 2.5 m, while in brick ones it is from 2.5 to 2.7 m. But it makes sense for potential buyers to take into account two more figures - 2.6 and 3.2 m. This is a step set by the standards of that period transverse walls. It is this moment that determines the main proportions of Khrushchev's apartments: they do not have spacious kitchens, and the living rooms are narrow and elongated.

Two-room apartments in the vast majority of panel Khrushchevs (for example, in the 335th and 507th series), usually one-sided, with adjacent rooms. A typical "treshka" has a common walk-through room, which is adjacent to a narrow, like a carriage, bedroom.

Aerated concrete Khrushchev GI series. The main arrays of such houses are located in the southwestern districts of St. Petersburg. In such houses, only multi-room apartments are offered.

True, the five-story buildings of the GI and A series are radically different in layout from all other Khrushchev buildings. There are no “odnushki” and “kopeck piece” in them - it is useless to look, there are only three-, four- and even five-room apartments. Such houses are suppliers to the secondary housing market of the cheapest "three rubles", which are comparable in price to one-room apartments. However, in terms of area, they are also not far from the latter: only 42-44 square meters. m (rooms - 6, 9 and 15 sq. m).

What else to pay attention to

The main disadvantages of Khrushchevs of all series are poor sound and heat insulation. In winter, apartments located at the ends of the sections are most susceptible to freezing. Early Khrushchev houses have a non-ventilated roof combined with an attic floor, which also does not hold heat. For residents of the upper floors, this is an even more serious source of discomfort than the lack of an elevator.

Five-story buildings of the second generation (from about the mid-1960s) have a semblance of an attic, and for their inhabitants this problem is not so acute. The roof can be repaired, and the facades insulated with a planned overhaul. At the same time, builders have not yet come up with radical methods of treatment for dilapidated structures such as "incomplete frame".


Nikolai Lavrov, Vice President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Real Estate:

If you are going to buy an apartment in Khrushchev, it is advisable to collect as much information about the house and surrounding areas from open sources. If you do not have the desire or ability to conduct independent research, find a decent realtor who values ​​\u200b\u200bhis reputation, is ready to work in your interests and, at the very least, will save you from buying substandard goods with disguised defects for the price of a quality product.

Another important point: in our time, buyers of apartments in five-story buildings should hardly count on profitable resettlement and demolition as part of renovation programs. Information about the year of construction and type of any building, as well as what types of work related to the overhaul of common property (facades, roofs, communications, etc.) are planned for each house in the coming years, can be found on the official website of the Housing Committee Administration of St. Petersburg. But it should be borne in mind that in given source only types are indicated (for example, Khrushchev panel, Khrushchev brick, etc.), but not specific series of houses.


Text by Philip Urban

photo Alexandronok

Houses of the GI series, were built at Avtovsky DSK (No. 3). Their outer walls, unlike the houses of other series, were mounted using a two-row cutting system.

Very common in the Kirovsky and Krasnoselsky districts is the "GI" series of aerated concrete panel houses.

The difference from all other types of houses is that there are 10 apartments in the front door, that is, two apartments per floor. And there are also point six, eight or nine-story buildings (most often nine), giving variety to the "Khrushchev" in Dachny, Ulyanka and in the western part of the Moscow region. There are several of these on Sedova Street. They are painted in different colors, usually white or yellow. On the floor at the points of 6 apartments.

The houses of the GI series were built from 1959 to 1968. The outer walls are made of lightweight aerated concrete panels. Until 1961 houses were made of large blocks ( G-1 and And G-3 and, block). After that, houses were assembled from large panels ( G-2 and And G-3 and , G-4 and, G-4 p And G-5 and).

The walls were not decorated with anything - just painted slabs. There are no balconies. As there are no one and two-room apartments (applicable to houses of the series G-1 and, G-2 and And G-3 and).

A typical three-room apartment: two bedrooms (6 and 9 sq.m.), a living room (15 sq.m.), a combined bathroom - 2.2 sq.m., an entrance hall with a built-in wardrobe and a kitchen (5.5 sq.m.). ), the total area is about 43 sq.m. Entrance to the kitchen from the common room - living room. The ceilings in the bathrooms are only 2.3 m. The layout of a four-room apartment is no different from a three-room apartment.

Most of the houses of the GI series are located in the Kirovsky, Moscow and Krasnoselsky districts. The disadvantage of this series is that it is too cold in the houses in winter and very hot in summer, therefore, it is necessary to insulate the outer walls. However, since the adoption of the resolution “On the Regional Program for the Reconstruction of Residential Buildings of the First Mass Series” (2000), only a few buildings of the GI series have been subjected to the necessary rehabilitation in St. Petersburg.

A typical example is houses No. 28, 32 on the street. Red Cossacks. They were sanitized without the resettlement of residents. The walls are insulated and decorated, the "carpentry" has been replaced with metal-plastic, the plumbing has been completely replaced.

It should be noted that in the building materials from which they were assembled houses of the GI series, a significant content of asbestos unsafe for health was noted. This series, like, and 1-335 one of the earliest. The quarters where these series are located are subject to renovation.

There is an appropriate program "on the renovation of Khrushchev". But many houses in this series were simply sanitized and, most likely, blocks with such houses will be the last to be demolished.

Characteristics GI series:
House type- aerated concrete panels
number of storeys - 5,6,8,9
Height of living quarters- 250 cm
Apartments- 1,2,3,4,5 rooms
Manufacturer- DSK-3 (Avtovsky)
Years of construction- 1959-1968
Distribution cities- St. Petersburg, Vyborg.

Modifications of this series:

"Series G-1i" . The series was built only in a five-parade configuration. The end windows of the houses are close to each other.

Serial configurations:

. from aerated concrete blocks (until 1961);


"Series G-2i". The series was built in five and seven-parade configurations. End windows same as G-1i close to each other, but the extreme front doors are larger than the middle ones.

There was a joke about five-story buildings at one time that Khrushchev "combined the bathroom with the toilet, but could not combine the floor with the ceiling." In 1955, with the release of the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the elimination of excesses in design and construction", in fact, industrial housing construction began. The document prescribed by September 1, 1956 to develop "new standard projects of residential buildings with two, three, four and five floors ... using the best domestic and foreign experience."

The transition of housing construction to industrial rails was intended to provide a bright future in which there is no place communal apartments. And even if a family of three generations was supposed to live in a three-room apartment, each had its own bath and a miniature kitchen. The standards of the 1957 model allowed for the construction of residential premises with a height of 2.5 m, kitchens from 4.5 sq. m, adjoining rooms and shared bathrooms. Minimum area of ​​bedrooms - from 6 sq. m per person, and from 8 sq. m for two, a common room - at least 14 sq. m. As obligatory elements in the apartments, a pantry or a built-in wardrobe was provided.

In Leningrad mass housing construction led four house-building factories (DSK) - Polyustrovskiy, Obukhovsky, Kuznetsovsky and Avtovsky, for which "branded" series of five-story buildings were developed. Year after year, adjustments and improvements were made to the primary projects.

"Dvushki" at the price of "three rubles"
Today, prices for Khrushchev's "odnushki" (31-33 sq. m) in well-preserved houses in the sleeping areas of the "middle" zone of St. Petersburg, not far from metro stations, are stable around the mark of 3 million rubles. But at such prices, they sometimes offer miniature apartments in small-sized new buildings, and in panel “ships”, and the so-called janitors in the old fund. But two- and three-room Khrushchevs have no price competitors. For example, the offer of "dvushki" in houses of the 1-335LG series with adjacent rooms of 42 sq. m, as well as the most affordable "three rubles" in five-story houses of the GI series (41 sq. m) starts at 3.5 million rubles. That is, these are the most democratic St. Petersburg apartments in terms of prices.

In our century panel Khrushchev either they began to modernize, or they were sentenced to demolition en masse. But if, for example, in the capitals of the Baltic countries, panel houses of that period were subjected to total modernization and they have changed beyond recognition, then in our city, talk about the rehabilitation of five-story buildings has come to naught by now. After all, Khrushchev quarters are often located in areas that have low density development, but at the same time - a high urban value.

Experts believe that in the foreseeable future, prices for apartments in five-story buildings may be subject to adjustments, both in one direction and in the other: it all depends on how much the townspeople “like” the first results (we will see the result this year).

The main disadvantages of five-story panel buildings are not at all small footage of apartments (modern builders sometimes offer less spacious housing), but poor sound insulation and walls that do not hold heat. But Khrushchev also has serious advantages over other types of apartments. Firstly, the houses of the first mass series - due to the lightness of construction and, accordingly, low loads on the foundation - have a good margin of safety and are quite maintainable. Secondly, the main quarters of the city Khrushchevs are no longer the outskirts.

Who is who in the five-story St. Petersburg
The most massive and most successful type of St. Petersburg five-story buildings of the first generation are houses of the 1-507LG series. After the production of the 507th series on the conveyor of the Kuznetsovsky DSK in 1959, its modifications began to be built in almost all areas until 1972. But the main quarters of such houses are located in the immediate vicinity of the manufacturer - in the Moskovsky district (along Vitebsky Prospekt) and Kupchino.

Of all the panel five-story buildings of the first generation, the 507th series is the warmest house. The facade panels are finished with white ceramic tiles with colored inserts, which, although gray with time, did not crumble. All apartments have built-in wardrobes or closets, and in two- and three-room apartments they are very spacious - up to 2.5 square meters. m. Kitchen areas - from 5.5 to 6 square meters. m. Adjacent bathrooms are only in one-room apartments (though not in all modifications).

The five-story buildings of the 1-335LG series, which are widespread in the Kalininsky district, were less fortunate. At Polyustrovskiy DSK, they began to be produced in 1959 and discontinued in the mid-1960s, when it turned out that the outer panels, which are a “layer cake” with wet mineral wool, are unsuitable for the local climate. They do not store heat and are much worse than claydite-concrete panels of the 507th series "hold" ceramic cladding. Nevertheless, in many regions of the USSR, on the basis of the "Leningrad" 335th series, until 1972, five-story, seven-, and nine-story houses were erected, including earthquake-resistant modifications. Thus, these buildings are very durable in construction, and the insulation of facades and roofs could extend their service life for decades.

The layouts of the apartments here are similar to those in the houses of the 507th series: there are balconies and spacious closets (“mother-in-law rooms”). The only key difference is that the combined bathrooms (there is also a modification with "sitting" baths) and miniature hallways made it possible to increase the kitchen area to 7 square meters. m. All apartments, except those on the first floors, have balconies.

Houses of the OD series were built on a massive scale by the Obukhov DSK in the Nevsky district. There is also a small area in Kupchino (near the Bukharestskaya metro station, between Bukharestskaya Street and Volkovsky Prospekt), as well as fragments of infill development in different parts of the Moskovsky District. According to the planning characteristics, these houses are a copy of the "exemplary" Moscow series K-7 (the famous "Lagutenko houses"). They have decent, compared to other Khrushchev houses, layouts: separate bathrooms, not the smallest kitchens (about 7 sq. M), spacious rooms of regular (that is, close to square) proportions from 11 to 18 sq. m. There are no loggias or balconies in such houses, but two- and three-room apartments, as a rule, are two-sided.

In terms of heat loss, these houses are one of the most problematic. In the outer wall panels here, as well as in the 335th series, a layer of mineral wool insulation is provided, which has become wet and collapsed over many years of operation.

The strategic differences between the five-story buildings of the GI series (Avtovsky DSK, the main arrays are in the Kirovsky and Krasnoselsky districts) from other Khrushchevs are the outer walls of aerated concrete panels and layouts, in which borrowings of the “best foreign experience” of social housing are really guessed. These houses also have neither balconies nor loggias, and there are two apartments per floor. Because of this planning feature, there was no place for one- and two-room apartments in the basic project. But three-, four- and five-room apartments are two-sided, and three-sided in the end sections. These are democratic family apartments: they have 15-16-meter "halls" through which you can go to a miniature kitchenette, separated from the living room by an opening (in early modifications, it did not have a door, and isolated kitchens in such apartments, most likely, are a consequence of later redevelopment), as well as tiny bedrooms from 6 to 8 square meters. m. Bathrooms - only adjacent.

In addition to five-story buildings, the GI series includes single-entrance eight- and nine-story "point" houses (see the plan), where "odnushki" and "dvushki" are assembled (which, we recall, are not in five-story buildings). Moreover, one-room apartments in such “points” are a prototype of modern studio apartments: they have an area of ​​​​23 or 27 square meters. m, rooms 12 or 16 sq. m and kitchen niches 4 or 5 sq. m with a passage through the living room.

As for the exterior walls of aerated concrete panels, their ability to store heat depends on the condition. In the past decade, some of these five-story buildings have been modernized and insulated. But in the vast majority of "panels" of the GI series on the monitor of the thermal imager, the interpanel seams "glow" from the inside from heat loss.

Transition plans
What planning solutions for apartments are most common in Khrushchev? Firstly, the step of the transverse walls (3.2 m) standard for a panel five-story building led to the appearance of narrow, like carriages, rooms with a window at the end (there are no rooms wider than 3.1 m in the "panels" of that period).

Secondly, studying the layouts of houses of different series, you can see that ordinary block sections, as a rule, consist of "kopeck pieces" with adjacent rooms. There are few one-room apartments in panel five-story buildings: they did not fit well into the floor plans, suggesting the presence of two or four apartments per floor. There are also fewer three-room apartments in Khrushchevs than in houses of later construction. True, there are options when, instead of two neighboring two-room apartments, three- and one-room apartments were provided.

Inter-apartment soundproofing with such a "property division" is practically absent. Nevertheless - thanks to such a flatography - in five-story buildings, entirely consisting of apartments with adjacent rooms, communal apartments are rarely found. Apartments in the end sections most often differ somewhat in layout. They can have not only scarce "odnushki", but also "dvushki" with isolated rooms.

In Khrushchev there are no insulated ground floors and attics, so the upper apartments overheat in the summer and freeze in the cold, and the inhabitants of the first floors are sometimes forced to live in conditions of high humidity and breathe fumes from leaky pipes in the basement.

But the designers of Khrushchev, unlike the developers of the "panels" of subsequent generations, did not yet guess that linoleum could be laid directly on a concrete base. Therefore, in panel five-story buildings, as a rule, parquet or plank floors laid on logs made of boards or timber, providing acceptable interfloor sound insulation. But the space under the floors in such houses is usually filled with sand with a fair amount of construction debris. When sorting through them, repairmen find many "artifacts" from the time of the shock five-year plans - vodka bottles, cans, bread crusts wrapped in newspaper and herring skeletons. Such filling of floors is sometimes the main cause of dust and unpleasant odors. A newcomer, who started the modernization of the apartment from disassembling the floor and removing the garbage, usually notes that after pouring a new concrete floor screed, the atmosphere in the home becomes much better.

High-quality repair of an apartment in Khrushchev implies the replacement of all communication pipes, plumbing, window and door blocks and allows you to get a practically new apartment, albeit in a house that has already changed half a century.

Text: Philip Urban Photo: Alexey Alexandronok

When it comes to typical houses, built of panels or bricks, it seems to an unprepared person that they are all the same. But with a detailed study of the issue, one can not only learn to distinguish between houses of series 137 and 602, but also trace the development of design ideas that have gone from the creation of prefabricated analogues of spacious "stalinok" with similar areas and ceiling heights, through the most cramped and extremely cheap "Khrushchev" up to modern standard projects, which are in no way inferior to their competitors, made according to individual projects.

Panel "stalinka" 1-506 . Houses were built on Okhta, Kantemirovskaya Street and one on Petrogradka (the only panel building in the Petrogradsky District).

Panel GI. The houses of this series were built from 1959 to 1968. The outer walls are made of lightweight aerated concrete panels. The walls were not decorated with anything - just painted slabs. There are no balconies. The cocoon has special boxes for growing flowers - so that the house does not look completely empty.

Panel GI point. Unlike the multi-entrance version, the point house of the GI series includes 1- and 2-room apartments. There is a light lantern on top to illuminate the entrance.

Panel OD. Completely identical to the K-7 series being built in Moscow and other cities Soviet Union. There is also a hostel.

Panel 1-335 . The appearance of 1-335 is characterized by wide apartment windows (double windows look square and on average 10 cm wider than other Khrushchev houses of that period), elongated windows on the stairwells, almost the entire height of the panel. End walls without balconies, consist of 4 panels, two panels with windows in the center or at the edges. The largest number of houses in this series was built in St. Petersburg, where they were produced by Polustrovsky DSK - 289 buildings, in total 1442 sections in the Krasnogvardeysky and Kalininsky districts of the city.

Panel 1-LG-502. The material of the panels is the same expanded clay concrete as in the 1-335 series. The main development area is the Nevsky and Frunzensky districts. In terms of heat loss, houses of the OD series "compete" only with 1-335. And often lose even to them. There are also cramped combined bathrooms with an area of ​​​​about 2 square meters. m, 5-meter kitchens.

Panel 1-507 series. These five-story buildings were assembled from "lightweight" expanded clay concrete with mineral wool insulation.

Panel 1-507 series, modification in 7 floors. Equipped with elevators and garbage chutes.

Panel 1-LG-504. Further development of the 507 series, produced at the same Kuznetsovsky DSK. Early houses in terms of comfort and area of ​​​​apartments did not differ much from the previous "Khrushchev", but the later 504D2, which had grown to 10 floors, had spacious rooms and a kitchen with two windows. They were built both in St. Petersburg and in the suburbs.

Panel 1-LG-504, 12 floors. These houses have a smoke-free staircase with common transitional balconies, and on the first floor there can be both apartments and shops.

Panel 1-LG-600"Ship". The construction of houses of the 600th series was carried out by Avtovsky DSK according to the Polish project revised by LenNIIproekt from 1967 to 1982 in Leningrad and its suburbs. There are 5, 9, 12 and 15-story (the latter - only point) houses of this series.

Panel 1-LG-600U. Notable for the increased area of ​​the kitchens of 3-room apartments. 15-storey houses were built, as a rule, with multiple entrances.

Panel 600.11. Further development of the legendary "ship". Initially, they had L-shaped kitchen windows (for installing Baku window air conditioners), in the late 90s they began to install traditional-shaped windows.

Panel 1-LG-602. this is one of the most famous and massive series of houses in Leningrad. Such houses were built from 1966 to 1982. The first house in this series is located at 39 Prazhskaya Ulitsa. The houses were built by Nevsky, Obukhovsky (DSK-2) and Polyustrovskiy (DSK-1) house-building factories.

Panel 1-LG-606 early. The construction of panel houses of the 606th series was carried out according to the project of LenNIIproekt by Nevsky DSK-6. Apartments in the houses of the series have parquet floors in the rooms and separate bathrooms. Room area - 8-18 sq. meters.

Panel 1-LG-606M. Built from 1971 to 1989.

Panel 1-LG-606M 14-storey with side 9-storey sections.

Panel BS. They were built exclusively in the area of ​​​​the Primorskaya metro station in 1967-1970. The first block-section houses of 9-12-16 floors with a more progressive layout and a unified staircase and elevator assembly - the same LLU was used for buildings of different heights. In the 9 and 12 storey block sections, they differ only in the presence of a passenger-and-freight elevator in the 12-storey version. Many of the techniques worked out here were further developed in the first version of the 137 series.

Panel 137 series. The first house was built in Kupchino in 1973 from components produced by DSK-2. After the house spread to all the outskirts of Leningrad. It is still being built in a modified form (for example, the Novaya Okhta district).

Panel 137 with aerated concrete outer panels.

Panel 137 series, built in the 90s and 2000s.

panel 121 . It was built mainly in the Leningrad region. in St. Petersburg in the Soviet years, only a few houses were built in the Krasnogvardeisky and Vyborgsky districts, all of them were point 12-story houses.

Panel 121 modern. A series of panel houses has been built for a long time, a modification developed by the Gatchinsky DSK on the basis of series 121, buildings are found in new residential areas of St. Petersburg. The apartments have good layouts, large areas. The materials meet the most modern requirements, including heat and sound insulation. The area of ​​kitchens in 121 series is from 12 to 14 sq.m.

Panel 90LO-M. The development of the regional series 90LO, not represented in St. Petersburg, is carried out by the Kirishi DSC.

Panel. Optima is a trademark of Gatchina SSK.

Panel 1-464A. All-Union and very common series in the Leningrad region. It was not built in St. Petersburg.

panel KPD-4570. A series of military 5-storey houses built throughout the USSR.

Panel P-101. Floors - 5-9-10 floors, apartments - 1,2,3-room. Years of construction - 1980s-1990s. The projects were developed by the 53rd Central Design Institute of the Ministry of Defense and were built throughout the USSR.

Panel Contact-SP. KZHBI 211 is produced in the city of Sertolovo, Leningrad Region.

Brick 1-527.

Brick 1-528-KP.

Brick 1-528 KP-40.

Brick 1-528KP-41.

Brick 131.

Brick 1-528KP-80.

Brick 1-528KP-82. 16-storey dot houses. They were built not only in Leningrad, but also in Volgograd (4 houses were built).

Brick Shch-5416.

Brick sh.5733.

Brick sh.5733/14.

Typical brick dormitory 1-447-С-54. All-Union Series.

Typical brick dormitory 164-80-4. All-Union Series

Typical brick dormitory Sch9378/23k.

Photo - Discostu, 01/21/2013 (taken from the window of house 32)


Avtovskaya st., 34

1959 - TP series GI (G-1i), Lenproekt

architects V. A. Kamensky, N. Z. Matusevich, A. V. Zhuk, engineer. A. P. Alekseeva, G. I. Svirin (Ruiantsev)

ABOUT residential buildings GI series in general and its types G-1, G-2 and G-3 in particular.

Aerated concrete residential buildings the G series were developed by the Lenproekt Institute in 1959-1960, produced by DSK-3 (Avtovsky), which was specially built for the manufacture of such houses, from 1959 to 1968. The series included 7 standard projects: "five-story buildings" G-1i, G-2i, G-3i, six-story G-3mi with a non-residential ground floor, and "points" G-4p, G-4i, G-5i.

They were built in Leningrad, as well as in Vyborg. They are located mainly in the Kirovsky, Moskovsky and Krasnoselsky, they are also found in the Frunzensky, Nevsky and Petrodvortsovy districts of St. Petersburg.

Until 1961, all residential buildings of the GI series (like this house, for example) were made of large blocks (G-1i). Then Avtovsky DSK, in addition to introducing other innovations in the production of this series, together with Lenproekt developed project documentation enlarged assembly of houses of G-2i and G-3mi types, and the installation of houses using large half-panels (for external walls) has begun.

Overall dimensions in axes - 72.8 x 8.3 m. In the 50-apartment configuration (of which this house is a representative) 17 apartments are three-room, 31 are four-room, and, according to some information, 2 apartments in the side sections are five-room. Single and two-room apartments in G-1, G-2 and G-3 are absent, they are only in the "point" types. The end windows at G-1 and G-2 are close to each other, in subsequent modifications (G-3i) they “parted” and are located equidistant from each other. Also, the modifications have differences in the windows on the facade in the extreme sections from the side of the front doors - G-1 has one narrow kitchen window and one full-size window, while G-2 has two full-size windows, and G-3 has one kitchen window, and the second one is missing. There are no window sills, just as there are no balconies and loggias.

The house consists of five sections (however, there are also seven-section houses for types G-2i, G-3i in a configuration for 70 apartments) with two two-sided (and if the apartment is at the end, then it is three-sided) apartments for each landing, which provides through ventilation apartments. The end sections are the same size as the rest, only the G-3i has enlarged end sections. The apartments included in the house are designed for family occupancy. The house provides apartments for families consisting of 3, 4, 5 and 6 people. Each apartment includes: "day stay room" - a common room with an area of ​​15 sq. m, bedrooms (6 sq.m for one person and 9 sq.m for two people), kitchen, bathroom and hallway. The entrance to the kitchen is from the common room. A two-sided three-room apartment, in Soviet times it was called: "fifteen - nine - six" - these numbers indicated the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rooms. And everyone who in those years was engaged in exchanges perfectly understood what type of houses and what kind of apartments they were talking about. The four-room apartment differed from the three-room one only by the presence of one more room - 7 sq. m, in the five-room apartment there are increased to 20.9 and 6.27 sq.m. respectively living room and kitchen, two bedrooms of 8 and another bedroom of 5 sq.m.

The area of ​​​​the rooms and the layout of the apartments are “laid down” in the SNiPs of 1957. According to these standards, each apartment must have a pantry (or a built-in closet), a bedroom (6 sq. M for one person, 8 sq. M for two), a common room (not less than 14 sq. m), which could be a walk-through and lead, among other things, to the kitchen. The living area of ​​a one-room apartment was to be 16 square meters. m, two-room - 22 sq. m, three-room - 30 sq. m, four-room - 40 sq. m.

Sanitary facilities are combined, with an area of ​​2.2 sq.m, however, in apartments for families of five and six people (i.e., five-room apartments), bathrooms are separate. Sanitary facilities are designed in the form of prefabricated spatial sanitary cabins. Bath combined bathroom - short, "sitting", was supplied with a mixer with a special elongated swivel spout. It should also be noted that in the bathrooms there are sinks only in five-room apartments.

The kitchens were equipped with a gas stove, a sink, a kitchen table and hanging cabinets. Above gas stoves exhaust hoods were designed with the removal of combustion products into a special channel.

All apartments have built-in wardrobes in the form of prefabricated blocks.

The height of the living rooms is 250 cm, the bathrooms are 230 cm, the height of the floors from the floor is 270 cm. The width of the flight of stairs is 105 cm.

Structural scheme - transverse load-bearing walls made of aerated concrete blocks, on which the floor elements abut. The overall spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the joint work of the transverse and longitudinal walls and floors, connected at the nodes by steel ties welded to the embedded parts with monolithic seams.

The foundations consist of precast concrete pads laid on sand preparation and concrete block walls. Reinforced seams were designed above the cushion of the foundation walls. Concrete piping was provided along the upper edge of the foundation walls. Level ground water was taken no higher than 2.65 m.

The base is made of reinforced concrete ribbed panels, insulated from the inside with aerated concrete. Plinth panels were installed on the top trim of the foundations. The fastening of the panels in the lower part was carried out by welding the embedded parts laid in the upper piping of the foundations and in the panels, and in the upper part - to the aerated concrete blocks of the outer walls.

External walls - double-row cutting from aerated concrete blocks. The bottom row is 160 cm high. The blocks were laid on mortar grade "25", with filling the vertical grooves with warm mortar grade "30", all seams were caulked from the outside. The blocks are connected to each other and to the blocks of the internal walls by welding the embedded parts and filling the grooves. The surfaces of the blocks from the outside were treated with a hydrophobic composition and painted.

The internal walls are made of aerated concrete blocks one floor high. The blocks within the floor are connected to each other and to the blocks and to the blocks of the outer walls by welding embedded parts. At the bottom and at the top, the blocks are attached to the floor panel. Wall thickness 24 cm.

The walls of the stairwells are made of reinforced concrete blocks with ventilation smoke channels. The blocks have cantilever ledges for supporting floor panels and landings. The thickness of the walls is 24 cm. The end wall of the staircases is designed as a reinforced concrete panel with channels for electrical wiring.

Interfloor ceilings for spans L = 5.6 m are made of prestressed panels with round voids. Panel thickness 14 cm, width 198 cm, length 558 and 543 cm. For spans L = 240 m, flat panels 8 cm thick with ribs on supports 14 cm thick were designed. parts, and after that the seams between the panels were monolithic with concrete grade "150". The anchoring of the floor panels was carried out by welding the embedded parts located in them to the embedded parts of the internal wall blocks. The ceiling above the technical underground is made of prestressed reinforced concrete panels with round voids and flat panels with ribs on supports; this ceiling is not insulated.

Interior partitions - large-panel, gypsum-slag, 7 cm thick, as well as factory-made cabinets. Inter-apartment partitions - walls made of gypsum concrete blocks with an air gap, 24 cm thick, load-bearing floors.

Stairs - prefabricated marches of folded type with an average location of the stringer. The lower (input) march is shortened without a string. Sites are prefabricated, reinforced concrete with ribs along the contour. Access to the roof is provided in two staircases along metal ladders installed in the floor hatches, with wooden booths on the roof. For descent into the underground - a hatch in a slab laid obliquely at the level of the entrance march and a metal stepladder.

The roof is combined, single-pitched, rolled carpet - four-layer. The drain is organized: gutters made of galvanized steel run along the cornice and downpipes are hung. A four-layer rolled roofing carpet is laid on prefabricated reinforced concrete ribbed slabs. Roof slabs are laid with a slope of 3% on brick pillars placed on the floors above the fifth floor near the transverse load-bearing walls and are interconnected by welding of embedded parts, the seams between the slabs are monolithic. Vapor barrier - from glassine on bitumen (in G-3i is generally absent). The insulation is designed from aerated concrete fines 16 cm thick, with a volumetric weight of 400 kg/m3, laid along the ceiling above the fifth floor, but it is also possible to insulate with slag 22 cm thick with a volumetric weight of 900 kg/m3.

There is a ventilated air between the ceiling and roofing slabs, air is supplied through the holes in the eaves slabs, and the exhaust is through the holes in the parapet blocks.

Cornices - prefabricated reinforced concrete with holes for the passage of drainpipes. The fastening of the eaves to the floor panels and roof slabs was carried out by means of steel ties with their welding to the embedded parts and embedding.

Canopies - above the entrances to the stairwells are designed in the form of a reinforced cement slab. The canopy tile is fixed to the walls of the stairwells with metal bands and embedded parts.

The floors - according to the project in all rooms are linoleum on mastic, insulation from impact noise - from fiberboard.

A technical underground is provided for laying engineering communications. The height of the premises of the heating center and the water meter is 2 m.

The engineering equipment of the house provides for central water heating and hot water supply from the heating network, water supply, sewerage, gas supply and electric lighting. The ventilation of the apartments is natural, with an organized direction of the air flow. Air enters through under-window heated supply devices, removal through ventilation ducts of kitchens and bathrooms.

During the operation of buildings of the GI series, a number of shortcomings were identified. The outer walls in these houses turned out to be too thin for our climate zone. In addition, the consequences of construction rushes made themselves felt: five-story buildings were erected in a matter of months, but then, in the joints between the panels, the residents found the most unexpected insulating materials - up to heaps of children's tights. In winter it is cold in such houses, in summer it is hot. Therefore, residents are "saved" by installing double-glazed windows. However, according to the reviews of their owners, such modernization does not help much. A radical recipe for insulation could be plasterboard panels with a layer of mineral wool or polystyrene. However, in this case, already not too spacious areas will be “eaten up”. Therefore, all hope is for expensive "insulating" wallpapers and careful sealing of joints. It should also be noted that in the building materials from which the houses of the GI series were assembled, a significant content of asbestos, unsafe for health, was noted. And this is not to mention the small areas of apartments in general and the rooms in them in particular, low ceilings, lack of an elevator, and the like.

In 2000, the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated February 10, 2000 No. 4 “On the Regional Program for the Reconstruction of Residential Buildings of the First Mass Series in St. Petersburg” was adopted. According to the program, in houses with sufficient strength of load-bearing and enclosing structures, repairs, modernization and sanitation should be carried out. Houses, the modernization of which is impractical due to the technical condition of the structural elements, must be settled and demolished. However, over the past years, only a few buildings of the GI series have been subjected to the necessary sanitation. For example - these, there are also such houses on the streets of the Chervonnoye Cossacks, Krasnoputilovskaya and Kubinskaya, they are found in Dachny, Pine Polyana. They were sanitized without the resettlement of residents. The walls are insulated and decorated, the "carpentry" has been replaced with metal-plastic, the plumbing has been completely replaced.

This series, like OD, and 1-335, is one of the earliest. Some quarters where these series are located are subject to renovation. To date, several private companies are going to implement and are even implementing (for example, three houses of the GI series on Leninsky Prospekt were demolished a few years ago, now this house and another new building are in their place) plans for the demolition of these buildings and subsequent construction in their place new houses.

Note: b 0 Most of the specifications above are taken from the book " Panel buildings of St. Petersburg. Specifications, design solutions, methods repair" V which noted that these characteristics are indicated for type G-2. However, they are generally valid for both G-1 and G-3.

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